1870 Macon County, Illinois
Census Townships
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed!
Whitmore Township
Col. 1 = Dwelling
Col. 2 = Family
Col. 3 = Surname/Given
Col. 4 = Age
Col. 5 = Sex
Col. 6 = Occupation
Col. 7 = Value Real Estate/Personal Property
Col. 8 = Place of Birth
PAGE 1 - Forsyth P.O.
LEWIS, Thomas - 30 - M - Farmer - $--/$600 - England - Parents foreign born
Jennie - 30 - F - Keeping House - Ireland - Parents foreign born - Can't read or write
Sarah A. - 9 - F - IL - Parents foreign born - Attended School
Benjamin - 17 - M - IL - Parents foreign born
David - 5 - M - IL - Parents foreign born
Wm. - 1 - M - IL - Parents foreign born
LEE, John - 38 - M - Farmer - $4000/$1000 - Ireland - Parents foreign born - Can't read or write
Ann - 33 - F - Keeping House - Ireland - Parents foreign born
Margaret - 10 - F - NJ
Mary - 8 - F - IL
Catharine - 6 - F - IL
Morris - 4 - M - IL
John - 3 - M - IL
Michael - 3/12 (Feb) - M - IL
NORRIS, John - 15 - M - Working on Farm - IL
KING, Curby - 35 - M - Farmer - $--/$600 - OH
Margaret - 30 - F - Keeping House - OH
Charles - 4 - M - IL
Edward - 2 - M - IL
STEWART, O.C. - 37 - M - Farmer - $3200/100 - IL
Elizabeth - 37 - F - Keeping House - OH
Mattie E. - 15 - F - IL
Lina E. - 11 - F - IL
Jessie - 6 - M - IL
Bell - 4 - F - IL
Allie - 2 - F - IL
SCHOCK, J.F. - 36 - M - Farmer - $1200/$100 - PA
Catherine - 35 - F - Keeping House - PA
George - 12 - M - IL
Mary E. - 4 - F - IL
Lillie J. - 8/12 - F - IL
GARVER, Andrew - 50 - M - Farmer - $--/$600 - PA
Eliza - 26 - F - Keeping House - PA
Jacob - 6 - M - IL
HURSH, John - 22 - M - PA
GARVER, David - 61 - M - Farmer - $48,000/$2000 - PA
Anna M. - 58 - F - Keeping House - PA
Anna - 18 - F - IL - Attended School
George - 16 - M - IL - Attended School
Home Census Index
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