1900 Macon County, Illinois
Census Townships
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed!
Decatur Ward 1, District 47
This census was enumerated by John F.W. Skelley between 2 June - 16 June 1900.
Col. 1 = House #
Col. 2 = # of house in visitation
Col. 3 = # of family in visitation
Col. 4 = Surname/Given NameRelationship
Col. 5 = Relation
Col. 6 = Sex
Col. 7 = Birth Month/Year
Col. 8 = Age
Col. 9 = Marital Status
Col. 10 = # of children born/children living
Col. 11 = Nativity of person/father/mother
Col. 12 = Occupation
612/1/1 - North Main
KRAMER, Abram - Head - M - Jan 1833 - 67 - Mar./44yr. - _ - OH/PA/OH - Carriage Builder
Martha J. - Wife - F - Mar 1846 - 53 - Mar./44yr. - 0/0 - IL/VA/VA
-24/2/2 - North Main
BRITTON, Hatte - Head - F - Jul 1859 - 45 - Wd. - 2-2 - IL/IN/IN - Housekeeping
Nelle - Dau - F - Nov 1878 - 22 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL - Sewing Girl
Charley E. - Son - M - Sept 1879 - 20 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL
HORTON, Charley - Roomer - M - Feb 1866 - 34 - S - _ - IL/TN/TN - Restaurant Keeper
DILL, Frank B. - Roomer - M - Mar 1867 - 33 - S - _ - IL/PA/PA - Bartender
GLECKNER, Gus - Roomer - M - Mar 1872 - 28 - S - _ - NY/Ger./Ger. - Day Laborer
622/3/3 - North Main
KRAMER, Frank - Head - M - Jan 1861 - 39 - Mar./18yr. - _ - IL/OH/IL - Carriage Blacksmith
Sarah - Wife - F - Jan 1860 - 39 - S - _ - NY/NY/NY
Edna M. - Dau - F - Apr 1883 - 17 - S - _ - IL/IL/NY
116/4/4 - East Cerro Gordo
KING, George - Head - M - May 1852 - 48 - Mar./10yr. - _ - MO/MI/KY - Bridge Builder
Elizabeth - Wife - F - Oct 1862 - 37 - Mar./10yr. - 1/1 - MO/Ger./Ger.
Erwin - Son - M - Jan 1893 - 6 - S - _ - KS/MO/MO - at school
140/5/5 - East Cerro Gordo
GARROW, Gim - Head - M - Jan 1879 - 20 - S - _ - IL/IN/IN - Buggy Washer
140/5/6 - East Cerro Gordo
HOWLAND, John - Head - M - Sept 1855 - 45 - S - IL/OH/OH - Hosler
154/6/7 - East Cerro Gordo
MONTGOMERY, F.M. - Head - M - Mar 1827 - 73 - S - KY/VA/MD - Sawyer
328/7/8 - East Cerro Gordo
TUNK, Frank - Head - M - Feb 1832 - 48 - S - IL/PA/Eng. - Night Watch
60/8/9 - East Eldorado
HENSON, Ellen - Head - F - Dec 1867 - 45 - Wd. - 1-1 - IL/IL/IL - Dressmaker
Blanche J. - Dau - F - Jun 1890 - 9 - S - _ - IL/IL/IL - At School
EWALT, Charles - Roomer - M - Aug 1853 - 44 - Wd. - _ - OH/OH/OH- Insurance Agent
MURPHY, Miles - Roomer - M - Jan 1852 - 28 - Mar./6yr. - _ - IN/KY/KY - Insurance Agent
WILLIAMS, Will - Roomer - M - July 1876 - 23 - S - _ - KY/Unk./Unk. - R.R. Fireman
HUNTER, Elmer - Roomer - M - Oct 1862 - 37 - S - _ - OH/OH/Unk. - R.R. Brakeman
60/9/10 - East Eldorado
KENNEDY, C.R. - Head - M - Jun 1856 - 43 - Mar./22yr. - _ - OH/OH/OH - Physician
Laura W. - Wife - F - Feb 1859 - 43 - Mar./22yr. - 0/0 - OH/NJ/OH
Taye J. - Adopted - F - Apr 1890 - 10 - S. - _ - IL/Unk./Unk. - At School
652/10/11 - East Eldorado
SHOW, Lew A. - Head - F - Mar 1852 - 48 - Wd. - 4/4 - OH/NJ/NJ - Dressmaker
Leon - Dau - F - Sep 1888 - 11 - S. - _ - IN/OH/IN - Dressmaker
544/121/132 - East Prairie
HARPSTRITE, A. - Head - M - Mar 1830 - 70 - Mar./42yr. - _ - Europe/Europe/Europe - Capitalist - Imm. 1833
Magreth - Wife - F - Jan 1834 - 66 - Mar./42yr. - 12/9 - Ger./Ger./Ger. - Imm. 1849
Tread - Son - M - Apr 1860 - 40 - S - _ - IL/Europe/Ger. - None A.J. - Son - M - Jul 1873 - 27 - S - _ - IL/Europe/Ger. - Farmer W.M. - Son - M - Nov 1874 - 25 - S - _ - IL/Europe/Ger. - None Maggey - Dau - F - Feb 1868 - 32 - S - _ - IL/Europe/Ger. - None Juley S. - Dau - F - Sep(?) 1875 - 25 - S - _ - IL/Europe/Ger. - None437/127/139 - East Wood
ABRISH, Josephine - Head - F - Apr 1857 - 43 - Wd. - 7/4 - IN/IN/IN - Hotell Keeper
WARNICA, Egerton - Roomer - M - Jul 1861 - 38 - S. - _ - Canada/Canada/Canada - None - Imm. 1893
ARNETT, Charley - Roomer - M - Feb 1857 - 43 - Mar/15yr. - _ - IL/TN/IL - Day Laborer Jennet - Wife - F - Apr 1856 - 44 - S - 2/0 - IL/Eng./KY HUGHES, John J. - Roomer - M - Aug 1853 - 46 - S - _ - Ire./Ire./Ire. - Coal Miner - Imm. 1856 CONN, Ollie - Roomer - M - Sep 1870 - 29 - Mar./2yr. - _ - IL/IL/IL - Cook May - Wife - F - May 1875 - 25 - Mar./2yr. - 1/1 - IN/OH/IN SHUTTER, James T. - Roomer - M - Mar 1873 - 27 - Mar./1yr. - _ - IL/Ger./Ire. - Teamster
Bess E. - Wife - F - Jul 1881 - 18 - Mar./1yr. - 0/0 - IL/IL/IL418/206/250 - North Water
RACE, John R. - Head - M - Dec 1829 - 70 - Mar./43yr. - _ - VA/VA/VA - Landlord
Margaret A. - Wife - F - Apr 1838 - 62 - Mar./43yr. - 6/3 - MD/MD/MD
Ella - Dau - F - Feb 1869 - 31 - S - _ - IL/VA/MD
Edith M. - Dau - F - Sep 1875 - 24 - S - _ - IL/VA/MD WALLACE, James D. - Hosler - M - Sep 1847 - 52 - S - _ - DE/DE/DE - Hosler411/335/302 - North Water
THATCHER, Charley - Head - M - Jan 1841 - 59 - Mar./1yr. - _ - PA/PA/PA - Capitalist
Mary - Wife - F - Apr 1851 - 49 - Mar./1yr. - 0/0 - NY/VT/CT
Allice N. - Dau - F - Dec 1879 - 20 - S - _ - IL/PA/PA
CAMPION, Mary - Servant - F - Feb 1876 - 24 - S - _ - IL/Ire./Ire. - Servant
Home Census Index
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