1930 Macon County, IL Census
Friends Creek Township
Argenta Village, Dist. 43
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed!
This census was enumerated by W.E. Nelson between 2 April - 5 April 1930
Col. 1 = Dwelling
Col. 2 = Family;
Col. 3 = Surname;
Col. 4 = Given name;
Col. 5 = relation;
Col. 6 = sex
Col. 7 = race
Col. 8 = age on last birthday;
Col. 9 = marital status;
Col. 10 = individual's birthplace
Col. 11 = father's birthplace
Col. 12 = mother's birthplace
Col. 13 = occupation
3/3 - Broadway Street
WESTERMAN, Anna - Head - F - W - 80 - WD - Ger./Ger./Ger. - none - imm. 1884
OSBORN, Belle - Servant - F - W - 72 - S - IL/IL/IL - Servant/Private home
32/32 -
F(G)RAY, Frank T. - Head - M - W - 64 - Mar./at26 - Eng./Eng./Eng. - Mason/Independent - Imm. 1881
Irvie E. - Wife - F - W - 63 - S - IL/OH/OH
STREVER, Race M. - Father-In-Law - M - W - 89 - W - Wd. - OH/NY/NY - None
49/49 -
COOPER, Midford C. - Head - M - W - 46 - Mar./at30 - IN/IN/IN - Manager/Grain Elevator
Anna - Wife - F - W - 44 - Mar./at28 - IL/IL/IL - Artist/Art Institute
GISINGER, Vern S. - Roomer - M - W - 35 - W - Mar./at 28 - IL/IL/IL - Manager/Restaurant
Velma - Wife - F - W - 28 - Mar./at21 - IL/OH/IL - Waitress/Restaurant
Home Census Index
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