1930 Macon County Census
Austin Township, District 1
This census was enumerated by Chester A. Baker between 17 April - 30 April 1930
Col. 1 = Dwelling
Col. 2 = Family;
Col. 3 = Surname;
Col. 4 = Given name;
Col. 5 = relation;
Col. 6 = sex
Col. 7 = race
Col. 8 = age on last birthday;
Col. 9 = marital status;
Col. 10 = individual's birthplace
Col. 11 = father's birthplace
Col. 12 = mother's birthplace
Col. 13 = occupation
MIXELL, David E. - Head - M - W - 68 - Mar.at 20 - IL/PA/PA - Farm Labor/General Farm
Minnie E. - Wife - F - W - 55 - Mar.at 20 - IL/Ger./IL
PEVERLEY, Raymond C. - Boarder - M - W - 55 - S - KS/NH/NH - Farmer/General Farm
KEISTER, Clifford L. - Head - M - W - 40 - Mar.at 25 - IL/IL/IL - Farmer/General Farm
Kate - Wife - F - W - 39 - Mar.at 24 - IA/IA/IA
Charles B. - Son - M - W - 10 - S - IL/IL/IA
Mary E. - Dau - F - W - 11 - S - IL/IL/IA
RAU, Glenn O. - Head - M - W - 34 - Mar.at 21 - IL/IL/IL - Farmer/General Farm
Sylvia L. - Wife - F - W - 34 - Mar.at 21 - IL/OH/IL
Earl E. - Son - M - W - 11 - S - IL/IL/IL
Home Census Index
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