1930 Macon Co Census
Decatur Dist - 42
This census is a work in progress, the diligent work of various Macon County researchers. If you have any households you would like to include, please email me: Click - and I will add it. We hope to eventually have a complete census, and with your help we can succeed! Just click on the township you wish to view (not all links have data...yet!).
This census was enumerated by William J. Burgess between 2 April - 15 May 1930.
Col. 1 = Dwelling
Col. 2 = Family;
Col. 3 = Surname;
Col. 4 = Given name;
Col. 5 = relation;
Col. 6 = sex
Col. 7 = race
Col. 8 = age on last birthday;
Col. 9 = marital status;
Col. 10 = individual's birthplace
Col. 11 = father's birthplace
Col. 12 = mother's birthplace
Col. 13 = occupation
193/195 - Grand Avenue Rd.
WILLIAMS, Charles A. - Head - M - W - 71 - Mar.at 23 - PA/PA/PA - Watchman/City Dump
Mary L. - Wife - F - W - 69 - Mar.at21 - IL/IL/Canada
ROSS, Burdella M. - Dau - F - W - 39 - Wd. - IL/PA/IL
Kathryn M. - G-Dau - F - W - 7 - S - IL/IL/IL
WIKLE, Harry Jr. - G-Son - M - W - 13 - S. - IL/KS/IL
Oscar - G-Son - M - W - 27 - S - IL/KS/IL - Meat Cutter/Meat Market
333/336 - Pritchett Addition
WAITZ, Elsie - Head - F - W - 37 - Wd. - IL/KY/IL - None
Ellen - Dau - F - W - 12 - S. - IL/IL/IL
Horace - Son - M - W - 8 - S - IL/IL/IL
Margery A. - Dau - F - W - 3 2/12 - S - IL/IL/IL
PRITCHETT, Armind - Mother - F - W - 69 - Wd. - IL/OH/OH
Ella - Sister - F - W - 45 - S. - IL/IL/IL - Bookkeeper/Cemetery Assoc.
362/365 - North Oakland Road
RIVES, Zeno J. - Head - M - W - 56 - Mar.at 30 - IN/NC/NC - None
Effie A. - Wife - F - W - 55 - Mar.at 29 - OH/OH/OH
KARNS, Sarah E. - Mother-in-law - F - W - 84 - Wd. - OH/OH/OH
363/366 - North Oakland Road
RIVES, James A. - Head - M - W - 20 - Mar.at 17 - IL/IN/OH - Glazier/Window Glass
Frances E. - Wife - F - W - 20 - Mar.at 17 - IL/IL/IL
Richard E. - Son - M - W - 1 8/12 - S - IL/IL/IL
DILLINGER, Ray A. - Head - M - W - 39 - Mar.at 19 - IL/IA/OH - Dairyman/Dairy Farm
Ada - Wife - F - W - 39 - mar.at 19 - IL/IL/IL
Mary E. - Dau - F - W - 5 - S - IL/IL/IL
Ray A. Jr. - Son - M - W - 2 10/12 - S - IL/IL/IL
Wiona F. - Dau - F - W - 6/12 - S - IL/IL/IL
LANE, Lynn F. - Brother-in-law - M - W - 47 - Wd. - IL/IL/IL - Truck Driver/Lumber Co.
HEBEL, Hazel - Servant - F - W - 23 - S - KS/IL/IL - Servant/Private Family
HOOKER, Lee - Boarder - M - W - 24 - D. - IL/IL/IL - Farm Labor/Dairy Farm
Home Census Index
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