ADAMS, David M.
Among the prominent farmers of Friend's Creek township stands the name of the subject of this sketch.
He is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Center county, November 8th, 1822. The family are of
English ancestry, and are closely related to the Adams family of Massachusetts, two members of which were
Presidents of the United States. Alexander, the grandfather of the present sketch, was born in Massachusetts, and
was a cousin of John Quincy Adams. He emigrated to Pennsylvania a short time before the revolutionary war,
and was a soldier in that memorable struggle for independence. He was captured at Chadd's Ford, in one
of the battles in Pennsylvania. John his son, and father of D.M. Adams, was born in Center county,
Pennsylvanis: he remained there until his death, which occurred about the year 1868. During his life he
was largely engaged in the iron business, but met with reverses by endorsing and trusting too much to the
honesty of would-be friends. John Adams married Nancy Miller; she was also a native of Pennsylvania,
and died in 1843. There were ten children by this marriage--five sons and five daughters. Seven of the
children have survived the parents. The subject of this sketch is the second son, and fifth in the family.
His advantages for an education in his youth were limited, as it was before the era of free schools in
Pennsylvania. He, however, received the rudiments of an education, to which he has added a valuable
store of information by extensive reading and close observation. During his school-days he was the
companion and fellow-pupil of Andrew G. Curtin, afterwards the Governor of Pennsylvania, and yet a
distinguished citizen of that state. Mr. Adams remained at home until his twenty seventh year, when he
started out in life for himself. He first went to Kentucky, but soon after removed to Clinton county, Ohio,
where he remained ten years. While there, he engaged in farming and trading in stock, which has been
the principal business of his life since that time. In the month of November, 1862, he came west to Illinois,
and settled in section 28, 18-3, Macon county, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land
and improved it; remaining there until 1875, when he sold out and purchased land in section 26, 18-3, to
which he removed, and where at present he still resides. In February, 1860, while yet a resident of Ohio,
he was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Hankins, a native of the same state. By this union there have
been six children, five of whom are living. Their names are: Ada B., William E., Mary E., Helen L., Charlotte M.
Frederick, the youngest, died in the third year of his age. Both he and his estimable wife are members of
the Christian Church. Politically, he was originally an old-line whig, and cast his first vote for Henry Clay in 1844.
He continued a whig until the formation of the republican party, when he joined its ranks. In late years,
however, he has been to a certain extent independent, and a believer in the principles and theories of the
greenback party. In local and state elections he votes for the best men, regardless of politics; but in all
national elections he has always voted the old-line whig or republican ticket. Upon the subject of temperance
he is an advocate of its principles, and is a temperate man, but he is not a radical prohibitionist.
His business through life has been that of a farmer and stock-raiser, except the younger part of his life,
when he was an assistant of his father in the same business; but since his residence in the west he has
been identified with the agricultural interests of the county.
He started life unaided, except that he had strong hands and an abundance of energy, and, with the
assistance of his excellent wife, he has succeeded in gaining a comfortable competency.
History of Macon County, Illinois, p. 198
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ALBERT, Martin
Was born near Springfield, Clark county, Ohio, March 28th, 1839. His father, Henry
Albert, was born at Hagerstown, Maryland, and his mother, Louisa Lehman, at Reading, Pa.
He was the oldest of nine children, and when he was fifteen the family moved to
Hardin county, Ohio.
June 3d, 1861, Mr. Albert enlisted in Co. "G" of the 4th Ohio regiment. He first served
in West Virginia, under McClellan, and was in the battles of Rich Mountain, Philippi, and
Romney. The 4th Ohio belonged to the 2d army corps, and was with the army of the
Potomac till the close of the war.
Mr. Albert took part in the various movements of the army, and was engaged in all
the principal battles in Northern Virginia. May 3d, 1863, at the battle of Chancellorsville,
he was shot through the hop and lower part of the body. He was in the hospital at Pt.
Lookout for six months, and was then transferred to Camp Dennison, Ohio, where he
was mustered out at the expiration of his three years term of service, June 8th, 1864,
with his wound not yet healed.
In 1866 he came to Macon county and engaged in farming. In 1880 he moved
on his present farm in section twelve, Illini township. He has a fine farm of two hundred
and forty acres, with an abundance of running water and excellent natural advantages.
The buildings have an admirable location.
July 7th, 1864, he married Ella Norman, who was born near Wheeling, Va.
He has had nine children, of whom eight are living. He occupies an independent position
in politics, but generally votes the democratic ticket.
He served one term as justice of the peace in Illini township, was re-elected, and
was serving a second term, when he removed to Maroa township, where he resided four
years, and then returned to Illini.
History of Macon Co, Illinois, 1880 - p. 216
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David Skillman ALLEN
Only those lives are worthy of record that have been potential factors in the public
progress in promoting the general welfare or advancing the educational or moral interests of the
community. Mr. Allen was ever faithful to all the duties of life and by the successful conduct of
his business affairs not only promoted his individual success but also advanced the general prosperity.
In his life span of almost sixty years he accomplished much and left behind an honorable record well
worthy of perpetuation.
Mr. Allen was born in Scott county, Kentucky, on the 8th of February, 1822, and was a
son of Joseph and Katherine (Skillman) Allen. The Allen family originated in Scotland and from that
country ancestors of our subject removed to Ireland, where the old Allen homestead is now in possession
of Patrick Allen. In early life our subject's father removed from Loudoun county, Virginia, to Kentucky,
and in Bourbon county, of that latter state, he married Katherine Skillman. They located in Scott
county, Kentucky, where they reared their family, and where the father died in March, 1846. His wife,
long surviving him, passed away a few years ago.
During his boyhood David S. Allen pursued his studies in a log school house in his native
county, the school being conducted on the subscription plan as this was before the day of free schools,
and after putting aside his text books he worked on his father's farm until twenty-five years of age,
when he established a home of his own. On the i6th of September, 1845, he was united in marriage to
Miss Amanda D. Risk, who was also born in Scott county, Kentucky, December 29, 1829, a daughter of John
and Ann (Daugherty) Risk. Her mother was a native of the same county and there she gave her hand in
marriage to John Risk, the name being originally spelled Risque. They continued to make their home
there throughout the remainder of their lives. In religious faith they were Presbyterians and in politics
Mr. Risk was a Whig. Of their ten children, Mrs. Allen is the ninth in order of birth and the only one
now living.
After his marriage Mr. Allen located on a farm four miles from Georgetown, Kentucky, and
from there removed to Macon county, Illinois, in January, 1855, settling one mile north of Harristown,
where he purchased a section of land at sixteen dollars per acre but the property is now valued at one
hundred and twenty-five dollars per acre. When the family located on this farm Decatur was the nearest
town and there were no railroads through the county, much of this region being still wild and unimproved.
With the development and upbuilding of his adopted county Mr. Allen bore an important part and throughout
life carried on agricultural pursuits with good success. He died upon his farm on the 21st of August,
1880, honored and respected by all who knew him, and he was laid to rest in the Harristown cemetery.
His political support was always given the Republican party but he never cared for the honors or
emoluments of public office. He took an active part in church work, being a member of the Methodist
Episcopal denomination and served as steward from the age of twenty-five up to the time of his death.
He was also a strong advocate of temperance and his life was ever in harmony with his professions.
Since her husband's death Mrs. Allen has made her home with her children but is now
living with her brother-in-law, William J. Quinlan at 222 West William street, Decatur. She is a lady
of culture and refinement, who has traveled extensively both in this country and in Europe and she
possesses literary talent of a high order. She has contributed several interesting articles on the
pioneer settlers of Illinois to different periodicals and also wrote an article which was read at the
last meeting of the Old Settlers of Macon county, who each year hold a reunion at Fairview Park in
Decatur. She is a lady of many excellent traits of character which have endeared her to all with
whom she has been brought in contact.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Allen were born six children, five sons and one daughter, as follows:
Rhodes C. married Miss Emma Levett and resided near Harristown for some time, but finally removed to
Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he died. Of his three children only one is now living, Roy S., a resident
of Los Angeles, California, Louisa C. married Dr. John M. Gregory, who was for thirteen years president
of the State University at Champaign and also president of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Gregory introduced domestic science into the former institution and was made professor of the same.
The Doctor served as civil service commissioner under President Arthur and was one of the first to
advocate free mail delivery and also the first to introduce work reading in the public schools. He
died in Washington, D.C. October 19, 1898, and was buried in the Champaign University grounds. His
widow and daughter Allene are still residents of the capital city. Henry C, Mrs. Allen's second son,
is engaged in farming in Scott county, Kentucky. He married Miss Fannie Moore, of Georgetown, Kentucky,
and has two children: Harvey M. and Evelyn. Charles Wesley, the third son, died July 6, 1880. He
studied law at the State University and was graduated in 1877, being admitted to the bar two years later.
Joseph Bascom, the next of the family, married Miss Sena Talbott and lives near Ottawa, Kansas, where
he is engaged in farming. They have two sons, Louis and Arthur. E. Wright Allen, the youngest child,
was born October 20, i861, on the old homestead in Harristown township, where he now resides. He began
his education in the public schools of this county and later attended the State University at Champaign
for three years. Throughout his active business life he has followed farming and has met with good
success, being the owner of considerable farming land near Harristown. He is interested in the breeding
of polled Angus cattle and is quite extensively engaged in that business, which he finds quite profitable.
On the 1st of September, 1887, he was united in marriage to Miss Minnie H. Moffett, who was born on the
old Moffett homestead near Boody, December 28, 1868. Her father, William T. Moffett, was a native of
Beardstown, Illinois, and was a very prominent man of his community, serving as state senator for a time.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Allen were born four children, but Skillman died November 29, 1896, at the age of
seven years. Those still living are Leonora, Marie A. and Moffett B. E.W. Allen gives his political
support to the men and measures of the Republican party and takes a deep interest in public affairs. He
is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and Summit Lodge No. 431, A.F. & A.M., and stands high
in both business and social circles. Success has attended his well directed efforts and he has become
one of the most prosperous agriculturists of his community. Besides his valuable property in Harristown
township he owns a half section of land in Texas.
Past and Present of Decatur and Macon County, IL, (1903), pg. 822-824
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Samuel C. ALLEN
Samuel C. Allen, a retired farmer residing at No. 1606 East William Street, Decatur, was born
on the 3d of October, 1810, in Loudoun County, Va., ten miles south of Leesburg. The family is of Irish
origin. The great-grandfather of our subject, Robert Allen, lived in County, Antrim, and died at the
advanced age of ninety-four years. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Janet Hair, died in the city of
Larne, Ireland, at the age of seventy-five years. Mr. Allen was a farmer and was a ruling Elder in the
Presbyterian Church. The old homestead is still in the possession of his descendants. The family
numbered twenty-four children, eighteen of whom grew to manhood and womanhood. One of the sons became
the grandfather of our subject. He was born on the Emerald Isle, and, coming to America at the age of
sixteen, lived with a Quaker family in New Jersey. He, too, followed farming. His death occurred in
1799, at the age of eighty-eight years. He had four sons killed in the Revolutionary War, and one was
killed and two died in the service.
James Allen, the father of our subject, was a native of Virginia, and became a farmer of
that State. He married Elizabeth Lee, daughter of David Lee, who was of Scotch descent, and lived in
New Jersey until 1775, when he removed to Virginia. He married a French lady and became well-to-do.
His daughter Elizabeth was born in New Jersey. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Allen located in
Loudoun County, Va., and became the parents of fourteen children, namely; William, David L., Samuel
(deceased), James, Samuel C., Robert, Lemuel, Margaret, Sarah, Mary, Teresa, Jane, Elizabeth, and one
who died in infancy. Only four are now living; Samuel C., Elizabeth, widow of Dr. Thomas H. Reed, who
came to Decatur in 1831; Robert and Lemuel. The father of this family died on the old homestead in
Loudoun County, Va., in 1845.
Upon the home farm, Samuel Allen attained to man's estate, and after arriving at mature
years managed the place for some time. He had been early inured to hard labor, and was familiar with
agriculture in all its details. On the 3d of October, 1831, he left the Old Dominion and traveled
through Ohio and Tennessee on horseback. The following year he came to Macon County, Ill., where his
brother David had secured the first deed ever made in Macon County. He purchased two hundred and forty
acres of land, much of which he still owns, although some of it has been platted and forms town lots in
this city. For a few years after his arrival he operated the grist and sawmill belonging to his brother
David, which was the second mill erected in the county, and the only one then in operation. In 1841 he
was appointed Postmaster of Decatur, after filling which office he devoted his time to farming and
clerking until 1850, when he embarked in merchandising, which he followed for five years. Before that
time he had served as Assessor, and later filled the office of County Treasurer for four years.
In December, 1858, Mr. Allen went to Adams County, Ohio, and married Mrs. Jane E. Reid,
widow of Minor Reid. She was born in Virginia, and was a daughter of Enos and Mary (Davis)Gore, who
were both natives of the same State, but became residents of Ohio. With his young bride our subject
returned to this county, and they began their domestic life upon the farm. Five children were born
unto them, four now living: Edwin G., of Decatur, who married Miss Minnie Sine, by whom he has two sons,
Jay and Rex; William L., who resides on a part of the old homestead, now within the city limits, married
Miss Mary Sanders, of Sangamon County, Ill., and has two children, Guy and Roy; Orville R., who
married Miss Mamie Stockbridge and lives near the old homestead; and Frank D. Milton, the third son,
died at the age of three years.
After leaving the office of County Treasurer, Mr. Allen engaged in farming until the death of
his wife, which occurred in June, 1880, at the age of fifty-three years. She was a member of the Methodist
Church. He has since retired from active work and is now living with his son Edwin. For half a century
he has been a member of the Baptist Church, with which he united in its earliest days. In politics, he is
a stalwart Republican. When our subject came to Macon County, Decatur contained not more than a dozen
families. Wolves made the night hideous with their howls, and wild deer were plentiful, but the deep snow
of 1830 and the very severe weather of that winter killed many. Only three persons who were children when
Mr. Allen arrived here are now living, Silas Packard and his two sisters. The first white settlers in the
county were two brothers by the name of Lorton from St. Joseph, Mich. They were Indian traders and did a
thriving business until 1826, when the redmen ceased visitng this part of the country except in very small
numbers. The first real pioneer was the hunter and trapper, William Downing, who came from Vandalia in the
fall of 1820, and built a log cabin near the site of Capt. D.L. Allen's home. It was the first building
erected for a residence within the limits of the county. In 1824, he sold out to John Ward. The first
permanent settler was Leonard Stevens, Sr., who built a log house in 1821, three miles north of Decatur. A
decade later our subject arrived and with the history of Macon County he has since been prominently
identified, aiding greatly in its upbuilding and advancement which can never be repaid, but we can cherish
and perpetuate their memory by written record, and therefore we gladly give to Samuel Allen a place in this
Portrait and Biographical Record of Macon Co, Illinois, 1893 - p. 220-221
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The subject of this sketch was born in Pike county, Missouri, July 22, 1848.
Joseph C. Allison, his father, was a native of Tennessee. He married Maria Jackson,
of Kentucky. Both parents died in Missouri. Dr. Allison attended the schools of his
native county, and secured the rudimentary principles of an education, which he improved
by three years' study in the Academy at Abingdon, Illinois, where he took a general and
classical course. He determined to adopt the profession of medicine as the business of
his life. With this idea in view, he read the standard text-books upon medicine, in the
office and under the direction of Dr. W.C. Duncan of Pike county, Mo. He remained with
Dr. Duncan four years, then entered the St. Louis Medical College and remained two
years, and graduated from that institution with the degree of M.D., March, 1871. He
commenced the practice in his native county, and two years later came to Mt.Zion, Macon
county, where he has continued the practice with good success to the present. Dr.
Allison belongs to the progressive school of physicians. He is a member of the County
Medical Society, and at present is president of that body. On the 2d of May 1876, he
was united in marriage to Miss Ellen E., daughter of Prof. William Mariner, formerly of
Lincoln University, Lincoln, Illinois. One child, named Ida, is the fruit of this happy union.
Dr. Allison is a respected member of the order of A.F. & A.M., and I.O.O.F.
History of Macon Co, Illinois, 1880 - p. 232
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Among the successful foreign born citizens of the city of Decatur stands the name of Thomas Andrews.
He is a native of South Wales, and was born August 28th, 1840. He is the youngest son of a family of
three children (two sons and one daughter), who by the chances of fortune are as widely separated as is
almost possible. The brother is a resident of Africa, and the sister of Australia. Mr. Andrew's parents died
while he was yet young; he was kindly cared for by his maternal uncle and aunt. He grew to manhood
on a farm; his education was limited, and received in the public schools of his native country. With his
uncle's family he remained until his twenty-second year, when he resolved to emigrate to America and
seek his fortunes in the new world, and left Liverpool on the 3d of May, 1862, landing in New York on
the 18th of the same month. After visiting friends in Rochester, N.Y., and remaining with them a week,
he then set out for Wisconsin with a friend who had made the journey with him from Wales. In Wisconsin
he went to work on a farm, and remained a year and a half, when feeling the need of a more thorough
business education, he entered Bryant, Stratton & Spencer's Commercial College at Milwaukee, and
remained there three months. On account of his funds getting short he was compelled to seek employment
for the purpose of replenishing his exhausted finances. He received a letter of recommendation to the
proprietor of the Central House in Decatur, Ill., and came on here; after waiting five or six weeks he
received the position as clerk. Remaining in that capacity for six months, he then went to the old Revere
House as manager and clerk of the billiard hall and saloon; he remained in the "Revere", in different
capacities, for four and a half years, when he leased the saloon and billiard hall, and operated both as
proprietor until the house was burned down. A few days later he leased and fitted up the room in the
St. Nicholas Hotel, moved his stock there, and has continued the business with success up to the present
time. Mr. Andrews came to this country a poor man, without money or influential friends. He started down
at the foot, and by slow, patient toil has made a comfortable competency.
History of Macon County, Illinois, 1880, p. 162A
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Editor and proprietor of the Decatur Tomahawk, is a native of Guernsey
county, Ohio, and was born on the tenth of March, 1851. His father, Robert Arbuckle,
was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and when a young man went to Ohio, where he
married Charlotte Freeman, a native of Guernsey county. The first fourteen years of
Mr. Arbuckle's life were spent in Ohio. His father was a farmer. In 1864 the family
moved to McLean county in this state, and settled on a farm near Le Roy. On the first
of July, 1869, he entered the law office of General Ira J. Bloomfield at Bloomington, with
the purpose of fitting himself for the legal profession. He was admitted to the practice
of the law in June, 1871, and opened an office at Le Roy, where he remained one year.
He became a resident of Maroa in the fall of 1874, and for about two years was occupied
in legal practice. Having a taste for the journalistic profession he became connected
with the Maroa News, which he published six months. In the spring of 1876
he was elected justice of the peace, which office he filled till his removal to Decatur in
September, 1878. For about a year he engaged in the practice of law at Decatur, in
partnership with S.C. Clark. On the eleventh of May, 1880, he issued the first number
of the Decatur Tomahawk, which has since rapidly increased in circulation.
It is conducted on an independent and liberal platform, both as to politics and religion,
and is the only journal occupying this peculiar field published in Central Illinois. He was
married in September, 1873, to Miss Anna Moore, of McLean county. In his personal
political views he has always been a member of the republican party.
History of Macon Co, Illinois, 1880 - p. 149
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