Family of Macon Co., IL
Photos kindly submitted by Beverly Himes Barger
This photo is of Civil War soldier and veteran James Charles Stogsdill.
This photo is of Charles Herbert Marsh (in the dark suit) and an unnamed friend. If you can identify the man on the left, please let us know.
This photo was taken about 1928 at Maroa, Macon Co., IL. They are from left to right: Pete and Alice Marsh, and Ella Mae Marsh (submitter's mother). The water tower in the background was very near the house of Jesse Marsh. Elle Mae Marsh was the oldest child of Charles Herbert Marsh and Janie Mae Stogsdill.
This photo was taken about 1950 at Maroa, Macon Co., IL of Charles Herbert Marsh and wife Janie Mae Stogsdill Marsh. "Grandfather inherited his grandfather John Marsh's old homestead farm and two story red brick farmhouse built in the 1860's east of Maroa."
This photo was taken about 1942 on the old John Marsh farm east of Maroa. The children in the picture are Shirley and Carol Marsh, younger sisters of Ella Mae Marsh, and Beverly Jane Himes (Barger), daughter of Ella Mae Marsh.
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