A Pencil Sketch of the Past and Present
Our Business, Business Houses and Business Men
Originally published in the Decatur Republican, on 20 Jan 1870
During the years of 1854-5 not a day passed but brought strangers to our town from far and near, many of whom afterwards became permanent citizens. It stimulated trade and had a healthy influence everywhere. The town was out-growing its swaddling clothes. It was becoming known throughout the east. It was one of the first railroad crossings in the State, and this fact alone had a great influence in bringing those seeking homes in the west. Individuals continued to arrive, and the original limits of the town became too contracted; additions were made and many of the gigantic trees which grew up to the town on the east side were leveled to the ground to give place to the homes of new-comers.
Many of our present citizens well remember the great thrill of excitement and enthusiasm the town presented as the railroads approached, and there are none in our midst to-day who are not willing to admit that the county and city owe most of its present prosperity to the Illinois Central and Toledo, Wabash & Western railroads. They afforded markets for the surplus grain of the country and our business men intercourse with the outside world, which let considerable daylight into the old way of doing business. Competing markets were given our merchants and prices dropped accordingly. Without these railroads there is no reason to believe that Decatur would have reached half her present size.
After both these roads reached the town and emigration commenced in earnest, the future proud pre-eminence of the place was not at all problematical. Besides this it was the county seat of one of the richest counties in the State, and from that time to the present it has continued to grow and improve at an unparalled rate until it is now claimed that
cannot be less than eleven thousand persons, comprising people from almost every nation, and embracing in its business and manufactories every branch of industry.
Another matter wwe could not well fail to notice, is the relative character of the buildings erected before and after the railroads had brought us into competition with the older river towns. The ideas of the people had grown considerably, and with that growth came pride, which resulted in a great improvement in the style of dwellings and business buildings. The spirit of rivalry between towns and villages too was high, and as a result of this rivalry, broughtinto existence by our railroads, we point with pride to our noble business blocks, our manufacturing establishments and elegant residences.
From 1836 to 1856 Decatur luxuriated in the name of "town." It was not especially noticeable for anything more than has been related; it was a quietly thriving place with excellent prospects for the future, but it was possessed with an ambition that would not be satiated with half-way improvements. It never was a place, however of which great expectations had been formed not to be realized.
The ambition of our citizens had become roused to such a pitch that the name of the town was too insignificant, and measures were consequently taken to have it
and so it came about that in 1856 a charted was obtained from the Legislature, and Decatur became the owner of the title of "city." Mr. John P. Post was elected the first Mayor of our city. It was divided into four wards and six Alderman were elected. Mr. Frank Priest represented the first ward, E.O. Smith the second, J.R. Gorin and S.P. Ohr the third, and J.J. Ballentine and H. Taylor the fourth, with C.C. Post as Clerk and Attorney. A somewhat different order of things was now inaugurated; more attentnion was paid to the laying and repairing of sidewalks and the general improvement of the appearance of the city. Every person then living in the city rejoiced that this epoch had been reached. The town was now to take rank with the first cities of the State, and every one felt that a successful future was assured. Many of our older citizens who had looked forward for years for this proud day had long since "shuffled off this mortal coil," and were now at rest from the turmoil of our bustling world, and amid the general rejoicing was the sorrlowful regrest that they had not been spared to see the town's triumph.
is not altogether due to the locating of the county seat here, as many would suppose. Of course, we are free to admit that had the Commissioners not located the county seat here there would not have been a town just at this point. The county seat of course was the producing cause, but we do not think it was the continuing one, after a certain size had been attained. The fact a certain size had been attained. The fact that Court was held here attracted more or less, but it required more than this to transform the hamlet into a city like Decatur. It wanted capital judiciously invested, and it wanted men active and energetic men who could wield a strong right arm for the town's welfare, men who thought more of their town than stuffing a few paltry dollard into their greasy wallets; to build up a city whose reputation is as broad as the land. You ask who the men are who have thus worked for Decatur? We reply, look at our magnificent business blocks and our manufactories and all the other improvements of the town, and you have your answer. The men who have worked so assiduously that good results might come of it are so numerous that all our citizens can see who they are by a little observation. We do not design giving their names in this connection.
are equal to those of any town in this part of the State. The beautiful Sangamon flows past the city to the south-west, and furnishes water the year round for any manufacturing purpose for which it may be needed, and makes this one of the best stock raising regions in the west. Of timber we have a bountiful supply of all the different kinds, which furnish our factories with material for the making of implements and machinery, and also our citizens with fuel. We have high rolling prairies and we have level prairies; we have timber lands and we have water courses; indeed, a greater variety of country could not be desired.
Property is always held at a good price; indeed, Decatur has passed that period long ago when investments in real estate are not safe. Residence and business lots command ready sale and good prices at all times. It has been many years since property was held at a loss; in fact, this period is not remembered by any of our citizens.
is as beautiful as the most fastidious could desire. It is also more central than other leading cities which a year or two ago claimed that they were entitled to the location of the State Capitol on account of their central position. If the Seat of Government had been located at the city nearest the center of the State, Decatur would have been the present Capital of Illinois, as it is within a few miles of the geographical center of the State.
The Illinois Central railroad is crossed at this point by the Toledo, Wabash & Western road, two of the most important railroads of the country, one running from the Ohio river through the entire length of the State, the other crossing the State at its widest part, thus giving us an outlet east, west, north and south. Decatur has a great advantage over most inland cities in the matter of scenery and picturesque beauty of location, and as it is on high ground, the drainage is excellent. To the north is a broad stretch of noble prairie, smooth and unbroken. To the east, west and south, are beautiful groves, hills, valleys and plains. In summer, when the trees are clothed with verdure, and when the birds warble forth their songs, making the groves ring with their sweet music, it is hard to imagine a more desirable dwelling place.
are second to none and are a source of justifiable local pride. Up to four years ago they were not of the first grade, and it could not have been otherwise, as no regular buildings were supplied that were what school buildings should be. Odd buildings and basements were used, most of them being rooms not more than half lighted and very indifferently ventilated, altogether unfit for school rooms. Within the last five years a revolution has taken place, which make our schools among the best in the land. Other subjects and enterprises have been laid aside, or become subservient to this laudable purpose, which has resulted greatly to the benefit of the rising generation. Great efforts have been made to advance the educational interests of the town, the result of which may be seen by the following report of the public schools:
A high school building has been erected on the corner of Broadway and North streets. We will not have the space to give a description of this building and all the different departments and rooms, but let it suffice to say that is a three story brick building with a basement. It has five school rooms with all the necessary recitation and reception rooms, closets, etc. It will comfortably seat three hundred and twenty-five pupils. It is ventilated and warmed by Ruttan's System, and is in every way one of the best arranged and most convenient school buildings we have ever visited. It is furnished throughout with the very best style of furniture, from the school furnishing house of A.H. Andrews, Chicago. Externally, the building presents a fine architectural appearance, and is a standing monument to its projector and those who have had its supervision in hand. We pass in again, and after calling for a moment at the office of Prof. Gastman, we pass up the broad stairways and through the large and capacious halls, and wondery why so much room was taken up with halls and stairways; the reasons are obvious; in case of fire of any excitement that would naturally create a panic among the pupils, the schools could be dismissed in a very few minutes, the large halls and gently inclining stairs facilitating egress without danger of accidents, which might occur had not this precaution been taken. In the basement we were shown by Prof. Gastman, Ruttan's System of Heating and Ventilation, and would give our attention to it for a passing moment but have already passed the limit allotted to this portion of our sketch.
Prof. Gastman gives his attention to the high school in this building, with Miss M.M. Sargent and Miss Mery E. Baker, as assistants. An intermediate school is taught here by Miss A.J. Affleck; also two primanry schools, the first by Miss M.E. Hughes; and the second by Miss Sarah E. Allen.
The first ward school house is brick, substantially built, and seats 240 pupils; David Bigelow is Principal, and teaches the intermediate department, with Miss E.A. Trull as assistant; first primary, Miss Anna M. Granger; second, Miss H.N. Amsden.
The second ward school house, an old brick building, has been refitted at a cost of over $3,000. Mr. O.F. McKim, who has lately been elected County Superintendant, is Principal, and teaches the first grammar department; second grammar department, Miss mary A. Fuller; Miss Wilder assists in the two grammar departments; intermediate, Miss E.E. Crocker; first primary, Miss Jennie E. Durfee; second primary, Miss Maggie Kerr. This building seats 325 pupils.
The third ward building is a splendid brick edifice and accomodates 380 pupils; Mrs. L.P. Rooker is Principal, and teaches first grammar department; second grammar, Miss Maggie Leeper; first intermediate, Miss E.A. Haskell; second intermediate, Miss Mary Powers; first primary, Miss Lizzie Leeper; second, Miss Alice Betzer.
The fourth ward building is brick and has had a wing added which about doubles its accomodations; it now seats 260 pupils; Miss Anna Magee is Principal; intermediate, Mrs. S.C. Phillips; primary, Miss kate Stickel.
The colored population also have a school in the south part of town; Mr. J.B.R. Sherrick is its teacher, and has about 25 pupils. This school is regulated by the Public School Board, as are all the other schools of the city.
Miss M.W. Carson teaches penmanship throughout the schools, giving each department two or three lessons per week. We are glad to see so much interest taken in this beautiful as well as useful art: it is sadly neglected in most of the public schools of the west.
Prof. E.A. Gastman, the Superintendant of our schools, is too well known to need any commendation at our hands. He has been connected with out schools for ten years during eight of which he has been at their head, and has ever been regarded as a thorough and practical educator and an earnest worker in the profession he has chosen. The schools of Decatur owe to him their success and increasing prosperity - a debt that can never be repaid. In the social walks of life he is respected by his many friends, who know him to be a genial gentleman whose ambition is to raise the standard of our educational matters to a leading position in the State. We are under obligations to him for this report of the schools and the many courtesies extended to us, and here tender our thanks for the same.
This finishes our report of the schools. Those living in the country will consult their best interests by sending their children to the Decatur schools, instead of sending them to seminaries and colleges to learn just what they would learn here at one-half the expense.
next claim our attention. They are also a matter of town pride, and are an honor to the place.
We first notice Stapp's Chapel, or the second Methodist church. This is a symmetrical structure of great architectural beauty and grandeur, situated on the corner of Franklin and Eldorado streets. It was erected in 1868 at a cost of nearly $50,000. Rev. L.B. Carpenter is pastor.
The First M.E. church also presents an imposing appearance. This church is located on the corner of William and Water streets, and is designed to be, when completed, the most costly church in the city; when finished the entire expenditure will reach nearly $75,000. Rev. J.H. Noble is pastor.
The Episcopalians woshipo in a small but neat frame building on North Water street. Rev. Philip McKim is rector.
The Baptist church is located on the corner of William and Water streets, on the opposite corner from the First M.E. church; this was the first church building erected in Decatur, and, as would be supposed, presents rather an ancient appearance; this church has a splendid organ, and a small but excellent choir. Rev. S.F. Holt is pastor.
The Christian church is a substantial brick on North Main street; it is rather too small at present to accommodate the congregation that assembles there. Rev. I.C. Mitchell is pastor.
The United Brethren have a very comfortable brick house of worship, but it needs to be enlarged, also, to accommodate their increasing memberhsip; this church is on the corner of North Main and Cerro Gordo streets. Rev. __ Elwell is pastor.
The Catholics have a fine and imposing church edifice on the corner of North and Jackson streets. Father Voght is pastor.
The Church of God is located on the corner of Water and Cerro Gordo streets; this is neat frame building, rather small. Rev. J.B. Soule is pastor.
On West Eldorado street, is located the German Methodist Epipscopal church; this is a plain church buildling, and appears to have been constructed for comfort rather than for beauty of architecture. Rev. Lewis Herman is pastor.
The Presbyterian church is located on West Prairie street, and was when erected, the finest church edifice in Decatur; this church has a fine organ as well as an efficient choir, which, taken in connection with a good sermon, is a great desideratum to church goers now-a-days. Rev. James E. Moffett is pastor.
The Second Presbyterians have no church edifice, but worship in Powers' Hall. Rev. A.L. Brooks is pastor.
The Universalist church is located on East Prairie street; is a good and substantial building. This society has no regular pastor.
Our colored friends have two churches, both located on the extreme end of South Main street, and constitute two denominations - the Baptist and Methodist. Here our colored brethren are wont to assemble at their respective places and worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience, and judging from the good order and decorum we observed there the colored portion of our population are fully competent to look after their own spiritual welfare.
Our colored citizens are highly intelligent and enterprising, and enjoy a degree of prosperity not often found with the down trodden race in other cities.
As would be supposed, from our religious and educational advantages, the society is not proscriptive. Our religious and educational system that is felt throughout the place and is agreeable alike to citizen and stranger. This has had a great influence in attracting people of cultivated tastes.
are broad and generally handsome, being for the most part lined with beautiful shade trees, and also for more necessary articles, good sidewalks and pavements, which in wet weather are invaluable. The business part of town is on the Old Square, East Main, Merchant and Water streets and the New Square. All our business streets are underlain with gas mains and pipes, which gives our streets an appearance on dark nights not known to places less favorably situated. One matter of importance has been neglected - and one which we find is much needed just at the present time - our principal streets should be macadamized. The expense attending it would be more than repaid by the improved mode of "getting about town" in muddy times.
Along many of our streets are beautiful cottages and stately residences, that go to make one of the principle features of the beauty of Decatur.
and Macon county, as regards valuation of assessed real estate, is shown below, condensed from a tabular statement which appeared in Warren & Durfee's Real Estate Advertiser, for December 1869. The growth of the town has been much more rapid than the county generally, (and these figures refer more particularly to Decatur than the county,) a fact which is due principally to the immense capital invested here in manufacturing as well as to the steady appreciation of all kinds of city property and the extensive improvement of the same. The total assessment of the real estate and personal property of the county:
For.................... 1850 was $ 723,275
" .................... 1853 " 1,596,205
" .................... 1855 " 2,100,724
" .................... 1857 " 3,020,821
" .................... 1859 " 3,467,668
" .................... 1860 " 3,614,122
" .................... 1865 " 5,053,101
" .................... 1868 " 5,315,693
" .................... 1869 " 6,388,509
As the assessed valuation is taken at three-tenths of the real value, the above figures would show in round numbers $18,000,000 as the real valuation og Macon county for 1869. Reckoning from the prices that each piece of property would bring at private sale, the real valuation would reach nearly double that amount.
are, as a class, far better than those of any city of similar size in Illinois. Substantially and tastefully built, in solid brick blocks, they give to our streets an appearance at once imposing and attractive. We cannot particularize, in the way of mentioning individual buildings, but will merely allude to the structures which adorn our various business streets:
Merchant street on the east side is one magnificent three story brick block from one end to the other; on the west side from the Old Square to Water street. Water street for several squares is also well lined with imposing brick structures, as well as the south side of the New Square. On South Main street are situated two blocks, containing four store rooms, which set off that street to good advantage. We also have three hotel buildings that are an honor to the place; the "Priest" and "St. Nicholas" on the old square, and the "Revere" on the new square.
Decatur has long been looked upon as the railroad center of Illinois. Situated as we are, at the crossing of the two most important roads in the west, and in almost the exact geographical center of the State, our city possesses peculiar advantages as a focal railroad point. The past two years, which have been noted throughout the whole country as a period of intense railroad excitement, have severely tested the feasibility of many projected railroad enterprises, and Decatur comes out of the struggle with flying colors. The Decatur and East St. Louis R.R., is nearly completed, and less than six months will suffice to finish the work. This will give us a direct communication with the great city of St. Louis, and will bring water transportation much nearer our doors. The Decatur and State Line R.R. to Chicago, which is in reality but a projection of the St. Louis road, will certainly be built and when completed will be by many miles the shortest route between the two great cities of the west. The advantages that will follow the building of this great thoroughfare are too apparent to need any explanation.
The Indiana and Illinois Central Railroad, to Indianapolis, which was one of the noted railroad enterprises of fifteen years ago, and upon which operations were suspended after the line had been partly graded, is not to perpetually slumber. A contract has been made for its completion, and we confidently expect to see work resumed with the opening of spring. The building of this line will not only give us a competing route eastward, but will also open up to us a country in coal, building stone and timber, and will be of vast importance to our manufacturing interests.
Work is progressing favorably on the northern end of the Pekin, Lincoln and Decatur R.R., and the projectors of the movement assure us that the road will be completed in less than two years. This line will give us an outlet to the Pacific railroad, via the Rock Island route, and will be a most important link in our railroad system.
The President of the Decatur, Monticello & Champaign R.R., informs us that track-laying will be commenced on the eastern end of the line with the advent of spring, and that the road will certainly be completed to Decatur within a year. As a local feeder to some of our longer lines, this road will be of great benefit to Decatur, and will supply the splendid country in the north-eastern portion of our contry with what it most needs - railroad facilities.
Three ofther railroads are also projected, having Decatur as a starting point; the Decatur and paris road, the Decatur, Sullivan and Matton railroad, and the Peoria, Atlanta and Decatur R.R. The success of none of these is certain enough to build many hopes upon,but the completion of any or all of them would certainly do us a vast amount of good.
It will be seen from the statements given that the boast of our people in reference to railroad facilities is not altogether a vain one, and that the prospects of Decatur becoming the Indianapolis of Illinois are flattering indeed.
not only take prominence, but are a great source of pride to our citizens, and include in their range every department of industry. A reference to them, as displayed in this sketch, speaks more for Decatur as a manufacturing town than we could otherwise say in column of labored rhetoric. First on the category we will notice for a few moments the
Second in importantance to none of our manufacturing establishments are the Decatur Agricultural Works, situated on the T., W. & W.R.R., a short distance east of the depot. These works were built in 1863, by Messrs. Barber & Hawley, who carried on the business of manufacturing various kinds of agricultural implements until the spring of 1867, when financial embarrassments caused them to suspend operation. The works remained idle until November, 1868, when they were purchased by a joint stock company composed of a number of our leading business men and capitalists. Mr. H.B. Durfee was chosen superintendant of the works, and since the organization of the company he has devoted his whole energies to the single object of making the enterprise a success. Of course, many obstacles were in the way, but the most sanguine of the stockholders could scarcely have hoped for a more flattering prospect than that now before them.
Among the implements manufactured at these works are Davidson's Illinois Press Dril, Pfeil's Gang Plow, Cox' Western Corn Planter, Montomery's Grain Fan, and other machines, but the superintendant's chief dependence is in the manufacture of breaking plows, of which great numbers are made. Although not yet fairly before the public, these plows have made for themselves a splendid reputation, and promise to be a source of great profit to the manufacturers. These works employ, when running at their full capacity, two hundred hands.
and their extensive works. In 1862 Wm. Lintner and W.A. Barnes commenced the manufacture of wood pumps and hay presses, on the corner of William and Morgan streets, in the old building formenrly occupied by Wm. Martin as a packing house. They started business carefully, feeling each step in advance, and knowing, before venturing, that the ice would not break and let their young enterprise fall through and become an unseccessful venture. The original building was a brick 32 by 100 feet - fully large enough to accommodate the comparatively small enterprise. They only worked ten hands, which were all that were needed to manufacture a sufficient stock for the small demand. As business incresed, and a greater demand for the wood pumps called for greater capacity and more capital, they erected in 1865, an addition to the old building, 40 by 46 feet in size, and three stories high, introducing additional machinery and more labor. Another year passed by, which was marked with increasing demand for their wares, and a third story was added to the old building. Previous to this time had been added the manufacture of agricultural implements, and the establishment was then called the "Sucker State Agricultural Works." in 1869 Wm. Lintner & Co., the present proprietors, erected the grand and stately brick building that is now the admiration of our citizens. This magnificent structure is 36 feet wide by 108 feet in length, and is five stories high, including the basement. The buildings, as they now stand, would make one room of thirty-four thousand seven hundred and forty square feet, or a room thirty feet wide by one thousand one hundred and fifty-eight feet in length, which place this establishment at the head of the manufactories of Decatur. Previous to the erection of this mammoth addition the agricultural implement business had been closed out, and the manufacture of furniture introduced in its stead. The firm had been changed in the spring of 1866, Peddecord & Burrows, our enterprising bankers, taking an interest in the concern. Extensive machinery for the manufacture of furniture was added, which makes it one of the most extensive furniture factories in the west. In 1868 the sale of pumps alone was enormous, amounting to the fabulous number of fifteen thousand, and the necessary machinery was added which will enable the works to increase the number to any amount their trade may call for. To speak in praise of this pump would be unnecessary, as it has already gained a reputation not enjoyed by any other we know of. Their furniture is of the very best styles and is manufactured of the choicest materials, well seasoned before being used.
During the absence of Mr. Lintner, the concern is under the direct superintendence of Captain Lytle, who, by the way, is one of Decatur's best and most respected business men. We found him a very pleasant gentleman whose genial countenance is a sure index of the generous heart within. - We predict for him and the institution he represents a long and prosperous future.
This establishment is on East William street, opposite the pump and furniture factory, previously described. It is carried on by Burroughs & Co. It was built in March, 1865, and commenced operations in June following. They make steam engines, both stationary and portable, complete besides all sorts of mill gearing, boilers, and machinery generally. The engines manufactured at these works have a deservedly high reputation. Wherever they have been used they are the theme of general praise by engineers. The care exercised in their manufacture - none but the best workmen being employed - and embracing as they do all the modern improvements, they rank far above the engines of older and larger establishments.
A visit to these works will convince any one of the value of systematic division of labor. Each workman has a particular duty to perform, and he cannot trench upon the time or privileges of his fellows. - Every man knows his exact place, and keeps it. The military-like precision with which everything is done in this establishment is evidence of the rare business capacity of the proprietors and their excellent forman, Mr. Whitmore.
Burroughs & Co. will turn you out a steam engine complete, boiler and all, in fifteen days. Think of that! A being endowed with life and motion created in fifteen days from receipt of the order and any capacity from 4-horse to 120-horse power. In constructing their engines, Burroughs & Co. use Ives' Improved Balanced Slide Valve, which they claim "is a great economizer of fuel, while it increases the power of the engine." They will also turn out a grist-mill, or a saw-mill, or almost anything that requires a lot of iron work. They furnish also iron columns for storefronts, railings, iron pipe and fittings, etc. Thirty-five hands are employed in this establishment.
This building is on Broadway, at the crossing of the Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad. It was originally erected about ten years ago, was destroyed by fire in July 1868. Was rapidly rebuilt of brick, 40 by 112 feet, three stories high. It employs thirty-five hands. The machinery embraces eleven looms, two sets of carding machines, two picking machines, and three spinning jennies, containing 240 spindles. Messrs. Boyd, Haskell & Co., the proprietors, manufacture nearly 400 yards of cloth, 200 pounds of stocking yarn, and 150 pounds of "country rolls," as they are called, per day.
This mill was built in 1867 by W. & B. Sawyer, on East Main street, near the Illinois Central Railroad. They employ seven men, and turn out 200 gallons of oil and four tons of oil cake per day. The mill has experienced some difficulty in procuring seed enough to work continually. Otherwise they could find a ready market for all the oil they can make. Our farmers have not yet found out the excellent qualities of oil cake as food for cattle. Mixed with other feed there is nothing richer or more fattening. It is very cheap and will go very far, for it is too rich to be fed but in small quantities.
This building is situated on East Eldorado street, near the depot. It was built in 1864, and was originally used as a flaxmill for dressing flax. It had not then the dimensions it now presents. In 1865 it was changed into its present business, and was from time to time enlarged. The establishment is provided with all the machinery necessary, such as planing, moulding, tenoning, and mortising machines, buz and gig saws, etc. Twenty hands are employed in the mill.
This establishment is on Franklin street, at the crossing of the T.W. & W.R.R. and was built in 1860. It employs eight hands besides the proprietors, Stare & Bro., who are themselves practical workmen. This mill is also well fitted up with machinery, and the proprietors do a good business.
Decatur is well supplied with mills, among which are some of the best in Central Illinois. Lukens' mill, more commonly known as "Priest's Mill," was built in 1851, and has several times changed hands. It has recently been refitted by Messrs. Lukens & Acuff, and makes a most excellent article of flour and meal.
Priest, Crissey & Co. mill, on East Main street, was built in 1855, burned down and re-built in 1859 and is now one of the best known establishments in this section of the country.
Shellabarger's Mill, on the T.W.& W.R.R., was built in 1858, and has since been materially enlarged and improved. It is a fine brick building, has all the latest improvements, and enjoys an excellent reputation.
McDonald's Custom Mill, at the North Water street crossing of the W., W. & W.R.R., is a new establishment, having been built last season.
In addition to the above, we have a number of carriage and wagon shops, a basket factory, and numerous other manufacturing establishments which we can not mention in detail, for want of space.
comprise 4 hotels, 3 livery stables, 4 hardware stores, 2 agricultural implement stores, 2 furniture stores, 4 saddle and harness shops, 4 jewelry stores, 11 dry goods stores, 21 grocery stores, 4 bakeries, 3 banks, 5 drug stores, 5 photographers, 4 dentists, 15 physicians, 24 lawyers, 8 merchant tailoring and clothing stores, 5 meat shops, 7 millinery stores, 2 book stores, 5 boot and shoe stores, 4 tobacco stores, 3 news depots, 3 music dealers, 10 barber shops, 1 stove and tinware store, 4 restaurants, 2 undertakers, 2 confectionary manufactories, 2 carpet dealers, 18 carpenters and contractors, 1 artist, 4 flouring mills, 4 printing offices, 2 carriage manufactories, 4 wagon shops, 1 plow factory, a large number of blacksmith shops, 1 gun shop, 4 cooper shops, 21 saloons, 1 foundry, boiler works, 1 pump and furniture factory, agricultural works, 2 planing mills, 1 oil mill, 2 basket factories, 10 shoe makers, 4 grain dealers, 4 cabinet makers, 6 brick makers, 2 breweries, 2 real estate dealers, and 1 woolen mills. These are as correct as it was possible to make them. There may be errors, but we think there are none.
Now it becomes our pleasant duty to notcie out leading business men, and while we may not have done some of them justice, we know we have given none of them undeserved praise. Many others who are worthy should have been mentioned, but we did not have them time to see them, nor the space to notice all. Where all are meritorious we do not know whom to give first, but as this a matter of little consequence to our readers, we will commence with
who is a heavy dry goods dealer at No. 13 Water street, and has a choice selection of everything in his department of trade. He is now selling his stock off at cost to retire from business. His prices are ridiculously low, and if the articles displayed are ever needed, they will surely not want customers. The business community will lose a valuable member in Mr. Bruce's retirement from its circle, and we only hope his place may be filled by another as worthy.
has the finest phtographic rooms in our city, and the pictures that emanate from his gallery are truly gems or art that never fail to give complete satisfaction. Mr. Pitner has been in his present occupation for many years and understand his business thoroughly. He does all work known to the art, including those beautifully painted pictures in oil and water colors, as well as the India inked portraits.
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