George W. Thompson
State of Illinois
County of MaconOn this 12th day of April A.D., one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight: personally appeared before me clerk of the County Courts clerk, the same being a Court of Record of the County and state aforesaid, George W. Thompson a resident of Macon County of Macon State of Ills who being by me duly sworn according to the law, on his solemn oath, deposes as follows, to wit:
I am the identical George W. Thompson who was enrolled on the 5th day of August 1861 in Company A of the 41st Regiment of Ills Inf Volunteers, commanded by Captain John H. Nail and I was honorably discharged at Lagrange, Tenn on the 7th day of November 1862 and my age is 52 years.
While in the service aforesaid, and in the line of my duty at Paducah State of Kentucky on or about Oct or Nov 1861 I incurred Catarrh, Deafness, and Bronchial affliction caused by hardships incident to the service. I also incurred (unreadable). That I was treated in hospitals as follows: None. That I have not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above. That since leaving the service I have resided in the Counties of Macon, Peoria, & Fulton in the State of Illinois and my occupation has been that of a Cooper & Laborer. That prior to my entry into the service above-named I was a man of good, sound physical health, being when enrolled a Cooper. That I am now partially disabled from obtaining my subsistence by manual labor by reason of my disabilities above described, received in the service of the United States; and I therefore make this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.
I HEREBY APPOINT AND EMPOWER WITH FULL POWER OF SUBSTITUTION, J. B. CRALLE, of Washington, D. C., my true and lawful attorney to prosecute my claim. That my Postoffice address is Mt Zion County of Macon State of Ills
Claimant's signature: George W. Thompson
ATTEST: A. L. Risby (difficult to read)
Wm B. Quarf (difficult to read)
This declaration must be made before a Clerk of a Court of Records. If made before a Notary or Justoce the paper will be worthless.
West Div
No. 651244
Geo. W. Thompson
A, 41st Ill Vol Inf
Stamped Adjutant General's Office
Received Aug 14 1888
Voluntary Pension B---(this was difficult to read)Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions,
Aug 9", 188(8)SIR:
I have the honor to request that you will furnish from the records of the War Department in full Report as to the service, disability, and hospital treatment of George W. Thompson, who, it is claimed, enlisted Aug 5, 1861, and served as a private in Co. A, 41 Reg't Ill Vol Inf; also in Co--- and was discharged at LaGrange, Tenn Nov 17, 1862.
While serving in Co. A 41 Reg't Ill Vol Inf he was disabled by catarrh, deafness, bronchial affection & piles at Paducah, KY Oct or Nov 1861. and was treated in hospitals of which the names, locations, and dates of treatment are as follows:
none.Very Respectfully,
John C. Black
Commissioner 418/16
The Adjutant General, U. S. Army
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, Sept 29, 1888Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. George W. Thompson, a private of Company A, 41st Regiment Illinois Volunteers, was enrolled on the 5 day of August, 1861, at Decatur Ill for 3 yrss and is reported: on rolls from enrollment to Oct 31, '62 present Certificate of disability for discharge shows him discharged Nov 17, 1862 at LaGrange, Tenn.
Records of this office furnish no further evidence of disability.
Adjutant General
by M. Ewing (difficult to read)
All of the above submitted by: Sandy Morris Phelps
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