When the County Commissioners met and established township organization, the name Pleasant View was suggested and adopted for this township, for the reason that from the top of the High Mound near the east line of the township, there is a very beautiful view of farms and fertile fields of the surrounding country, which is indeed pleasing to the eye. This township is situated in the extreme south-west corner of the county, and comprises parts of the congressional townships, 14N. R. 1 E., and 15 N. R., 1E., and contains thirty square miles or 19,200 acres of choice prairie land. There is but little or no timber in the township. It is drained by Mosquito Creek and its tributaries in the northern and central parts, and Dry Branch and Willow Branch in the south-eastern portion. The Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway enters it on section 28 of T. 15 N. R. 1 E., and runs in a south-westerly direction, passing out on section 6, of T. 14 N. R. 1 E.
The greater part of the territory embraced with Pleasant View, remained uninhabited in its wild native state for a number of years after the county was organized; only here and there could be seen the lone cabin of some hardy pioneer who had come to clear the way for the great army of emigrants. The first settlements in this township began in the northern part, and were made by that adventurous class of Kentuckians to whom is due the honor of having done more toward the early settlement and development of Illinois than the natives of any other state in the Union. Some of the men emigrated here prior to 1830. The individual to whom belongs the credit of having first settled in Pleasant View township was Valentine Claywell, a native of Kentucky, who located in the northern part of the township in 1828. John Reed was also a very early settler in the same locality. John G. Fletcher, at present living near W.W. Auburn in Christian county, settled in this township in the early part of its history. The earliest marriage which occurred in this township was that of William Lewis to Miss Caroline Sprouse, by the Rev. William Ferguson. William Stevens was the first child born. Elder A.D. Northcutt, a prominent gentleman, now residing in the adjoining county, has the honor of having delivered the first sermon, in this as well as in other townships of Macon county. It was not until the year 1867, that a regularly located preacher was secured for this township. This gentleman was the Rev. Mr. Hoye, who was located in the town of Blue Mound, and during the following year, the first church in Pleasant View was erected at that place. As most of the early settlements were made near the northern line of the township, the children attended the schools of Blue Mound township, and for this reason, it was not until the 1862 that a school=house was erected in Pleasant View. During this year a frame school- house was built on section seven of T. 14 N. R. 1 E., and the same year William Sterett taught the same school. In 1865, William Brookshire opened a blacksmith shop on section eight, which was the earliest in the township. There was no mill of any kind here until Mr. James Irwin, a farmer living a short distance south-east of Blue Mound, erected a wind-mill for the purpose of grinding corn. The first land entered in this township was by David Simons, March 15th, 1836, forty acres in section thirteen; Samuel Widick entered one hundred and sixty acres also in the same section. Both tracts were in T. 14 N. R. 1 E. The following are the supervisors, who have represented Pleasant View, as taken from the record books:--D.D. Rowles, elected in 1869, and re-elected in 1870, 1871; John Hatfield, elected in 1872; E. House, elected in 1873, and by re-election each year has held the office ever since. Prominent among some of the older settlers of the county, now living in the township are: James D. Smith, a native of this state, born in the county in 1845; is now residing in section thirteen. E.F. Delbridge, residing on section seventeen, is a native of Prussia, and came to this country in 1858; Wm. M. Moss, his neighbor, and from the same country, also resides on section seventeen. Wm F. Brookshire, a native of Kentucky, came here in 1857, having lived twenty-three years in this township. O.T. Drow, living on section three, is an Ohioan, and settled in the county in 1857. During the decade of 1860 there was a large influx of population, and there has continued a steady growth ever since.
Blue Mound--Like most of the towns along the line of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific railway, Blue Mound was laid out, soon after the completion of the road, in the year 1870. The road was then known as the Decatur and East St. Louis R.R.
The first house in the town was a dwelling-house, built by William Cummings in 1861, beflre the location of the town. It afterward became the property of James Seiberling. In 1870, a store was moved here from about one mile north of the town, by O. Ulrich and Bros., which was the first one established. During the same year the post-office was established, and William Clemens was appointed the first post-master. A school-house was erected in 1871, and Isaac Black was the first person to occupy it as a teacher. The first hotel was opened by A.H. Eicholtz in 1870. Albert Nicholls, was the first to establish a blacksmith shop.
The first church in the town was moved from about two miles south of here in 1871. The Rev. Mr. Corley was the first preacher.
Present Business Houses--Of the town may be seen in the following list: The mill and elevator now owned and operated by J. Barrick, was built by Henry Kain and Edwar Eicholtz, in the year 1870. In August, 1875, Mr. Barrick purchased an interest in the business, and in October, 1877, he became full proprietor. The elevator is constructed for handling all kinds of grain, and has a capacity of 10,000 bushels. Can handle three or four thousand bushels of grain per day. The mill has but one run of burrs.
The elevator owned and operated by Hatfield, Ellis and Daly, is constructed for handling all kinds of grain, and has a capacity of 12,000 to 14,000 bushels.
The tile factory of E.E. Lemen, was built in 1878 by Scott and Lemen; has a capacity of 175,000 feet of drain tileing per annum. C.E. Bosworth's tile factory was built in 1877, by Williard and Bosworth, and has a capacity of 150,000 feet of drain tileing per annum. There are two hotels in the place; Blue Mound Hotel, kept by H. Scott, and the Ward House, by R.D. Ward. The leading physicians are Robert Toby and G.F. Waldron. Dr. W.J. Sane, Dentist.
Dry Goods and Groceries--Dunbar and Nicholls, S. McKnight and Co.
Groceries--William Stringer, D. Seiberling and Bro., Geo. Elliott.
Drugs--Spooner and Sprague, D.E. Henshie.
Clothier--Joseph Miller.
Boots and Shoes--Raup and Chew.
Jewelry--Adam Becker.
Barbers--Marris and Bro.
Millinery--Mrs. R.J. Guthrie, Mrs. Schoolcraft, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mrs Dickinson, and C.A. Shirley.
Hardware and Furniture--Niles and Bradley.
Hardware and Lumber--W.B. Cross.
Agricultural Implements.--O. Ulrich.
Confectionery--Landon's Bro.'s.
Confectionery and News Dealer--D.O. Hatfield.
Lumber--C.S. Lewis
Carpenters--J.J. Wilson, J. Freeman, I. Reemsyder.
Plasterer--J.W. Hoffman.
Painters--Duconig and Clements, J.S. Reeves, J.C. Noe.
Tinware and Stoves--A. Shieve, D.N. McCluskey.
Blacksmith and Wagon Makers--J.K. Clure, Edwards and Purdy.
Meat Market--C.M. Spooner
Hay Press--Milhorn Bro's
Livery Stables--J.D. Armstrong, R.D. Ward.
The list of business houses above speaks well for a town that has only been in existence ten years. For its business men, Blue Mound has had gentlemen of energy and enterprise, who have used their efforts to build up the town, to the flourishing and prosperous condition it can now boast of. The place has very creditable church buildings, and a good school-house. The town was laid out, principally through the influence of Doctor Goltra, who at that time owned the land upon which the town now stands. Her history is not yet made; the first ten years of her existence was laying the foundation, from which history may hereafter be gathered.
Partial List of Patrons
BARRICK, Joshua Bl. Mnd. Dealer in Grain & Agr. Imp. MD 1871 GAVER, Barbara A. Dec'd Late wife of J. Barrick
Died 30 May 1863MD ? LEISTER, Jane R. Bl. Mound Present wife of J. Barrick MD 1871 BROOKSHIER, Wm. F. Sec 8 Farmer & Stock Raiser KY 1857 HURST, Mary E. Dec'd Late wife of W.F. Brookshire
Died 20 March 1869MD 1855 LOGAN, Mary J. Sec 8 Pres. wife of W.F. Brookshire IN 1869 BLAIR, James A. Sec 18 Farmer & Stock Raiser IN 1866 WORKMAN, Dinah E. Sec 18 Wife of J.A. Blair IL 1875 BECKETT, John B. Sec 3 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1874 MYERS, May Sec 3 Wife of John B. Beckett IN . BECKETT, James Sec 3 Son of J.B. & M. Beckett Macon Co, IL 1880 CARR, N.A. Sec 36 Farmer & Stock Raiser IL 1865 RITTINGHOUS, Melissa J. Sec 36 Wife of N.A. Carr IL 1865 CROW, O.T. Sec 3 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1857 SCOTT, Alice J. Sec 3 Wife of O.T. Crow IL 1872 CARTER, Richard H. Bl Mound Cus. Boot & Shoe Maker MA 1870 SWIM, Loveina Bl Mound Wife of Richar H. Carter OH 1870 CRAP, ? Bl Mound Grain, Lumber, Hardware, Cement & Coal Cross, MD 1873 GORDEN, ? Bl Mound Grain, Lumber, Hardware, Cement & Coal Gordon, KY 1877 DAMERY, George Sec 28 armer & Stock Raiser Ireland 1862 KERWIN, Joanna Sec 28 Wife of George Damery Ireland 1862 DAY, William W. Sec 16 Farmer & Stock Raiser TN 1866 CORN, Margaret A. Sec 16 Wife of Wm. W. Day IL 1866 DELBRIDGE, E.F. Sec 17 Farmer & Stock Raiser Prussia 1858 POUK, Fredreka Sec 17 Wife of E.F. Delbridge Prussia 1858 FERRE, Abel S. Sec 33 Farmer & Stock Raiser Canada 1866 CHAPMAN, Sarah J. Sec 33 Wife of Abel S. Ferre TN 1866 GRIFFITH, James G. Sec 35 Farmer & Stock Raiser VT 1866 WHITNEY, Susanah Sec 35 Wife of James G. Griffith VT 1866 GOLTRA, John H. Sec 35 Farmer & Stock Raiser NJ 1863 MILLER, Clara A. Sec 35 Wife of John H. Goltra IN 1850 HURST, Isaac Sec 11 Farmer & Stock Raiser IN 1866 Mary A. Miller Died 12 Feb 1847 First wife of Isaac Hurst PA . THORNBERRY, Sarah A. Sec 11 Present wife of Isaac Hurst IN 1866 HARTWIG, John H. Sec 28 Farmer & Stock Raiser Prussia 1861 NAST, Margarett Died Oct 1875 Late wife of J.H. Hartwig Hanover 1861 HOUSE, Eleazar Sec 31 Farmer, Sock Raiser & Twp Sup. OH 1865 FRASER, Nancy Died 10 Nov 1855 First wife of Eleaz. House OH . MARTIN, Flora A. Died 27 Mar 1860 Secon wife of Eleaz. House OH . HEBBERD, S.S. Sec 14 Farmer & Minister NY 1867 SMITH, M. Ella Sec 14 Wife of Re. Hebberd Macon Co IL 1850 KOELMEL, Alex. Sec 33 Farmer & Stock Raiser Germany 1862 NOLD, Mary Sec 33 Wife of Alex. Koelmel NY 1872 KNOWLES, H.J. Sec 14 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1869 KNOWLES, John Died 24 Sep 1870 Father of H.J. Knowles Eng. 1869 McSTAE, Mary Sec 14 Widow of John Knowles Ire. 1869 KOELMEL, Tobias Bl Mound . Baden 1867 MICHAUX, Auguste Sec 16 Farmer & Grape Grower France 1864 KELLER, Sophie Sec 16 Wife of Auguste Michaux Swit. 1869 MILLER, J.B. Bl Mound Nursery & Hedge Planter IL 1866 BOTKIN, Elizabeth Bl Mound Wife of J.B. Miller OH 1853 MILLER, Mary L. Bl Mound Sister of J.B. Miller OH 1853 MOSS, Wm. M. Sec 17 Farmer & Stock Raiser Prussia 1855 DELBRIDGE, Henrietta Sec 17 Wife of W. A. Moss Prussia 1858 NICHOLLS, A.J. Sec 34 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1868 GABRA, Eliza Sec 34 Wife of A.J. Nicholls Ire. 1868 NICHOLS, Mary Sec 33 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1867 NICHOLS, W.L. Died 23 Apr 1875 Late Husb. of M. Nichols OH 1867 SCHUURE, Christ. Sec 9 Farmer & Stock Raiser Ger. 1861 MOSS, Menay Sec 9 Wife of Christ. Schuure Prussia 1861 SMITH, James D. Sec 13 Farmer & Stock Raiser Macon Co 1845 BENEDICT, Worthie C. Sec 13 Wife of James D. Smith Macon Co 1847 SMITH, Ed O. Sec 13 Farmer & Stock Raiser Macon Co 1858 SEILBERLING, J.D. Bl Mound Dry Goods, Groceries PA 1871 FOSTER, Jennie M. Bl Mound Wife of J.D. Seilberling OH 1871 WARD, Robert D. Bl Mound Prop. of Ward House OH 1876 ABERNATHAY, Nancy Bl Mound Wife of Robert D. Ward OH 1876 WEYGANDT, Jonathan Sec 30 Farmer & Stock Raiser PA 1864 BACHMAN, Miriam Sec 30 Wife of Jon. Weygandt PA 1864 WEYGANDT, J.F. Sec 30 Farmer & Stock Raiser OH 1864 GARMAN, Elizabeth Sec 30 Wife of J.F. Weygandt OH 1864
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