Originally published in the Decatur Daily Herald, on 1 January 1902
JANUARY - 1901
1 - Mercury 6 below, the coldest of the winter.
2 - Aug. Gronkowski dies from the effects of a self-inflicted pistol wound. Marriage of Hon. S.H. Reid and Miss Florence Ellen Goodwin.
3 - Death of Mrs. T.J. Muleady. Jury secured for second trial of the Smallwood will case. Three inches of ice on river.
4 - Industiral school commission meets and names trustees. Death of Mrs. Robert Machan at Argenta.
5 - I.R. Mills sells Sophia for $2300.
6 - Death of Jacob Page, well known colored character.
7 - Death of Ermanette, daughter of W.C. Osborne, who was scalded by falling into a pan of water. Death of Alice Blanch Melton at Warrensburg; of Mrs. Elizabeth Draper in Decatur.
8 - Illinois Implement dealers meet here.
9 - Burial of Mrs. William Anderson who died at Slater, Mo., on Jan. 8.
10 - Death of James F. Montgomery aged 90 years. Wm. Farris commits suicide by shooting himself in the presence of his mother. Annual business meeting shows congregational church out of debt.
11 - Death of Mrs. Minnie Gneiss aged 29.
13 - Death of Mrs. Charlotte Pettyjohn aged 74.
14 - October term of court adjourns and January term convenes. Death of Mrs. Nancy Ricketts at Riverside, Cal.; death of Mrs. Elizabeth Berry, aged 83.
15 - Marriage of Miss Abbie Durfee to Geo. C. Kinsman. Central Illinois Press Association meets in Decatur.
16 - Death of Joseph M. Pasley, aged 79 at Boody; of Catherine J. Taylor, aged 83; of David Grabill, aged 40; of Isam Isabell, aged 63; of Carl Depew aged 22; of Dr. Benjamin Brown, at Washington, D.C.
17 - Death of Samuel Diller, aged 74 years. Stella Division 153 Auxiliary to O.R.C. organized. Death of J.D. Reynold, aged 38; of Martin Brewer aged 63; of Rodney N. Stafford aged 66; of Ulysses Houston at Charleston, aged 77.
19 - Death of Ira Warnick, aged 78, the oldest settler of Macon county.
21 - Mrs. Eva Daninger horsewhips her son-in-law, Tude Mullens.
22 - Death of W.H. Ennis. Masonic shool of instruction meets in Decatur. Angle hotel closed on chattel mortgage against Host Bell. Central hotel goes out of business.
23 - Death of Kilburn Harwood, aged 63 years.
24 - Burial of W.H. Ennis.
25 - Strawberries make appearance in Decatur market. Death of John R. Williams, aged 73 years. Handel society gives "The Holy City" with great success.
26 - Three inches of snow, heaviest of the season.
29 - Opening of the Farmers' Institute.
30 - Jason Miles of Madison, Wis., surrenders to Chief Applegate confessing to forgeries committed there.
31 - Death of R.D. Wilson.
1 - Decatur baseball enthusiasts meet and organize.
2 - An all day snow, four inches falling.
3 - Heavy rain making slushy walking and spoiling attendance at church.
4 - Geo. W. Myer and Miss Clara Kimber married at St. Joe, Mich.
5 - Opening session of the Retail Merchants' association of Illinois. Mercury 2 above zero. River freezes over.
6 - Temperature falls to zero. Local grocers banquet retail merchants at St. Nicholas.
7 - Alderman Frank Meridith an d Miss Olive Davis married.
8 - Frank Wanderly, a farm hand, fell from a wagon load of corn, while intoxicated, was run over and killed. Andrew Carnegie gives Decatur $60,000 for a library.
9 - Grand jury indicts H.L. Oldham, R.W. Chilson and Arthur W. Dawson on charge of endangering the life of a child.
10 - Death of George Hunsley, who was stricken with paralysis a few days before, aged 74 years.
11 - Death of Mrs. S.P. Hoy, aged 60 years. Ice harvest commences, ice 6 inches thick. Verdict of $10,000 against the city in the Hamailton case. M.M. Martin stricken with paralysis at his home in Litchfield.
12 - Mueller, Platt & Wheeland wholesale grocery house destroyed by early morning fire, loss $116,000; insurance $80,000. Tait and Shellabarger suffer small loss. Carl, 11 year old son of S.R. Waldorf drops dead at his father's factory. Lincoln's birthday observed in Decatur. M.M. Martin dies at Litchfield. J.H. Pickerell dies at Springfield.
13 - L.D.& W. local freight jumps the track at Camargo and three cars go into the river, no one hurt.
14 - Death of George P. Hardy at Shelbyville where he had gone to visit a sister.
15 - James Stevenson of Milnor, North Dakota, begins habeas corpus proceedings to recover his little son from John Miller.
16 - John Bohn arrested for wife desertion and the fact develps that he was only seventeen years of age when he swore to his license on the 8th.
17 - Rev. Marion Stevenson resigns as pastor of the Edward Street Christian church.
19 - Death of S.M. Tucker. Cold snap send the mercury down to a point near zero.
21 - Grand officers of KlP. visit Decatur and hold school of instruction.
22 - Bertha Lavesay and Irene Staley win the prizes in the Washington day essay competition of the D.A.R.
23 - Manufactories and jobbers meet to form an association. Eight inch ice reported on the rivers and dealsers get ready to cut.
24 - Death of B. _. Sterrett, aged 56 years. Death of A. Rothfuss, aged 28.
25 - Jury in the case of Bartholomew vs. Norman returns verdict of $75_ for plaintiff.
27 - Marriage of ex-Mayor Taylor and Mrs. Elizabeth May at St. Nicholas hotel. Ice harvest ended again. Mrs. John Morgan of near Blue Mound thrown from a cart and killed.
MARCH - 1901
1 - Dr. A.R. Taylor of Emporia, Kan. visits Decatur to consult about the new university. Death of Mrs. M.C. Davenport, aged 28 years.
2 - Death of Mrs. Eliza Wood, aged 30 years. Merchants' and Jobbers' complete organization.
3 - Death of F.M. Ralston aged 17, Mrs. George Nelanger aged 68 and Hiram Stine aged 71. Marriage of Robert I. Hanks and Miss Anna Moffett.
6 - Marriage of Robert U. Maffit and Miss Neta Thatcher; Fred Gutherless and Miss Maude Newell; Charles W. Osborn and Miss Adah Pearl Hunter; Roy Kinsman and Miss Winifred Winter at Indianpolis; Mrs. Anna Hatfield gets verdict of $1000 against city in electric case.
7 - Marriage of F.M. Cox and Mrs. Sarah M. Given.
11 - Library board decides to buy the Powers lot on North Main street.
12 - B.S. Tyler withdraws from race for nomination for mayor. Word received of the death of Clarence Virgils in South Africa. Death of A.F. Wilson aged 91 year; of R.F. Reavis aged 70, Gilbert Vernon aged 75 and Mrs. Mary B. Landis aged 69. Luther Martin a victim of small pox.
14 - Republican tonship primaries held.
15 - Death of Louis Heiner.
16 - The democrats meet and name a township ticket.
17 - Death of Mrs. Hattie McDonald, wife of Johnny McDonnald. Fire at poor farm does small damage. City council passes Traction company ordinance.
20 - Marriage of George W. Betzer and Miss Daisy Kinney.
21 - Death of Mrs. John R. Miller.
22 - Death of George C. Harnsbarger.
23 - Skeleton of a man unearthed in sand bank in Long Creek township.
24 - Rev. C.G. Leman who came from Florida to act as rector of Saint John's church announces his withdrawl.
25 - Roy Wilson and Miss Fannie Davenport married at midnight in St. Louis.
26 - C.P. Prebetery meets here. Rev. A.G. Bergen being named as moderator. Traction company decides to accept ordinance passed on the 18th. Death of H.A. Briggs.
29 - Central Illinois teachers meet in Decatur. Republican city primaries - Shilling getting 46, Foster 26 and Carter 20 delegates.
30 - Republican city convention nominates W.W. Foster for mayor.
31 - Death of Milton Clark aged 70 years.
APRIL - 1901
1 - Democrats hold city convention and nominate Wilson Bering for mayor.
2 - Republicans elect township ticket by majorities of 92 to 966.
3 - District meeting of Fraternal Army of America. Death of Mrs. Chas. B. Ogle at Keokuk. W. Rose Adams turns up missing. Mike Haher brutally assaulted by Frank Long, Sam Middleton and Sonne Gillespie. Death of Capt. James Edmunson of Ottawa, Kan.
4 - Death of Geo. Priest at Culver, Kan.; Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholls, aged 84.
5 - No. 2 chemical recked in a collision with a street car at Eldorado and Morgan street.
7 - Easter Sunday; Double wedding of N.J. Cummings of Detroit, Julius Gengerker of Decatur and the Misses Matie and Grace LeForce. Burial of Mrs. C.B. Ogle. Deaths of Mrs. Verlinda Turpin at Prairie Hall aged 83 years, John B. Hopkins of Boody aged 90, and H.H. Ladd of Decatur, aged 84. Funeral of Geo. Priest, who died at Culver, Kan.
8 - Mrs. Ann Motley, colored, discovered with a well developed case of small pox on South Webster street.
9 - Twentieth Century division B. of L.E. formed.
10 - John D. Dillinger and Miss Cora Pearl Jacobs married; Albert Hays of Maroa and Miss Myrtle Robbins. Death of J.E. Berno.
11 - Gorman Snyder arrested at Mowequa for passing forged checks in Decatur in December.
12 - Charles Leipski run down by a box car at Jasper street dies of his injuries. Shot gun quarantine established on South Webster street at small pox house.
14 - Death of Mrs. Flora Heurs aged 84 years.
15 - Prof. Robert Walters presented with a medal by citizens as a token of esteem.
16 - Shilling and the republican ticket elected mayor. Decatur informally opens baseball season by defeating Buffalo 6 to 5.
17 - Supreme Lodge of Fraternal Army decide to keep headquarters at Taylorville. Death of D.E. Gaddis.
18 - Supervisors organize by electing H.R. Woodstock chairman. Death of Miss Olive Irwin.
19 - Death of Geo. Dempsey aged 76 years; A.H. Cox aged 74. Charles Goodman sentenced to 18 months in county jail receives first pardon signed by Yates.
22 - Circuit court adjourns after a sixty day session. Mrs. W.G. Swigert dies suddenly.
23 - Death of Mrs. Isaac Hardraker at Wanwantaso, Wis., aged 51; Mrs. J.R. Warfield at Cerro Gordo, aged 68; Mrs. Cyrena Kinser at Bloomington, aged 8_. Double wedding of Rev. J.H. Norris of Teranrum, Pa., and Miss Carrie Henry and Will B. Hawkins and Miss Clara Vaughn.
24 - Death of Walter Hutchin's father at Clinton. Special grand encampment of I.O.O.F.
27 - Death of Mrs. Francis C. Macpherson, aged 81. Day of small fires. McGlasson's restaurant on Front street, Mrs. Berg's millinery store on North Water and Thos. McClain's home.
28 - Death of Mrs. Lydia Pharis of Bearsdale, aged 89 years; Mrs. Elizabeth Howsman, aged 48 years.
MAY - 1901
1 - Rev. Burnham comes to take pastorate of Edward Street Christian church. Trustees meeting at Lincoln decide on name of The James Millikin University. Case of small pox reported on East Condit street. Marriage of August Shultz and Miss Selma Kastner; of William Dunn and Miss Margaret White.
2 - Decatur opens Three I league season by defeating Davenport 15 to 14, Swahn pitching for Decatur and the feature of the game being a triple play by Decatur.
3 - Floren Troub makes an unsuccessful attempt to shoot himself.
4 - Bruce holds Davenport down to four hits and wins the second game. Mrs. Adam Stoker struck by the Continental at Monroe street and almost instantly killed.
5 - Dedication of the College Street chapel.
6 - Mayor Shilling and members of the council enter upon their duties, session being held in the circuit court room.
7 - Marriage of Benjamin Bornhelm nad Miss Mattie Bachrach.
8 - Cedar Rapids wins second game by a score of 8 to 7 in 11 innings.
9 - Wustion of Mueller, Platt & Wheeland's insurance finally settled.
10 - Floren Troub who tried to kill himself declared insane. H.W. Knight comes to Decatur to talk up interurban railroads.
11 - Midnight marriage of F.W. Otto and Miss Pansy Eichinger.
13 - Council confirms Mayor Shilling's list of appointments.
15 - Marriage of Milton Gergen and Miss Jennie Walmsley; Death of Harry Hathaway at St. Mary's hospital. Death of Mathias Schnirring. Death of Mrs. Sophronia Miller at Harristown aged 68 years.
16 - Death of Charles F. Armstrong, formerly of Decatur at St. Louis. William McGookin of Jacksonville discovered wandering about Decatur with smallpox.
17 - Frnak J. Blaine dies as result of a stroke of apoplexy. Death of Joseph Majors.
20 - John L. Lane found dead in bed. Death of Mrs. Lizzie Pate at St. Mary's hospital.
22 - Marriage of William L. Foster and Miss Edna Josephine Shoultz. Marriage of Charles Richardson and Miss Lola Hall at Springfield. mr. and Mrs. John Williams celebrate their golden wedding.
24 - Jacob W. Smith dies suddenly at Mr. Zion while reading a paper. Temperature drops from 81 to 49 degrees in six hours. Death of George Glenn at Macon. Death of Mrs. Margaret McCarty aged 72. Cornerstone of the Anna B. Millikin home laid.
25 - Decatur and Bloomington tied for first place.
27 - City council meets and fixes salaries. Dr. A.R. Taylor meets the trustees of the James Millikin university and is formally tendered presidency.
28 - Barber Asphalt company gets contract for Cerro Gordo street. Death of Miss Mattie Eslsman, aged 30.
29 - Dr. A.R. Taylor accepts presidency of the Millikin University.
30 - Memorial Day observed, address being made by Judge Shonkwiler. Gentlemen's driving club hold matinee. Marriage of Chester Cox and Miss Anna D. Foster.
31 - Hon. C.G. Dawes visits Decatur.
JUNE - 1901
1 - Case of small pox appears on Howard street. Illinois Central permits the removal of the fence which barricaded the east entrance to the Wabash station. Decatur explodes King Brady's boom as a baseball pitcher and defeats Terre Haute 17 to 15, Decatur making 17 hits off Brady.
2 - Private Watchman Ed Leech and John G. Stober engage in a desperate fight and Leech is confined to his bed for a week afterward.
3 - A proud day for Decatur "fans;" Decatur leads the Three I league with a per cent of .703, having defeated Bloomington after taking three straight games from Terre Haute. Clarence A. Vance and Henrietta M. Pratt married at her father's home. Death of Miss Elizabeth Ailsey Matheney, aged 70 years. Two more cases of small pox. City council passes the Traction company to operate on a twenty minute schedule.
4 - Marriage of Albert Stevens of St. Louis and Mrs. Adele Prescott. Annual inspection of the Decatur fire department.
5 - First genuine thunder storm of the season, high wind stirs up great clouds of dust.
6 - John Andrew and Miss Jessie Knight of Monticello wed in Decatur. Frank S. Pitner married. The body of A.E. Cutler of Decatur is found in the Mississippi river at St. Louis.
8 - Hattie Harris, aged 13, badly burned by the explosion of gasoline. Mueller Mgf. Co's employes picnic at Paris in the rain.
9 - Mrs. J.L. Ide of Decatur dies suddenly in Cincinnati while en route home from Old Point Comport, Va.
10 - Deaths of Frederick W. Weisner, aged 72 years and John Morris aged 62. Decatur board of education organizes, re-electing D.S. Shellabarger president and reengages all the teachers of the ward schools. Dennis Sullivan, formerly of Decatur, dies at his home in Chicago.
11 - The James Millikin university of Decatur is granted license to incorporate. Annual commencement exercises of Decatur High school, class of 92 graduates. Eighth annual meeting of the Illinois Grain Dealers association convenes in Decatur. Highest temperature to date 92 degrees. Four men overcome at the new Anna B. Millkin Home.
13 - Rev. D.C. Peabody accepts call to the rectorship of St. John's church. R.H. Woodcock resigns as chairman of the board of supervisors, Frank Querrey of Argenta unanimously chosen to succeed him. Supervisors make new record, holding a five day session.
14 - The Decatur high school athletic team again wins the Central Illinois championship at meet held in Decatur. I.R. Mills is chosen president of the local board of the Millikin university.
15 - Sherry Ehrman accepts the principalship of the Decatur high school.
16 - Body of Peter Fritz, suicide, found in the Sangamon river.
17 - Death of Mrs. Barbara Bowman aged 62 years. Park comissioners name Frank Torrance custodian of Fairlawn.
18 - Marriage of Frederick M. Stout and Martha Hubbell. Shareholders in the Manufacturers & Consumers Coal Company meet and elect directors.
19 - Twelfth commencement of St. Theresa's academy. Class of eight graduates.
20 - John J.E. Bayley of Quebec, Canada, and Miss Emma Eaton married at her home on North College street.
21 - Temperature 94 degrees. Two severe thunder storms; At Cisco Elmer Shinneman aged 19, killed by lightning.
22 - Mrs. Eliza A. Davis of Long Creek dies aged 81 years. Mrs. Sarah Randall dies of apoplexy, aged74. A.J. Fisher aged 75 dies of paralysis. Heavy thunderstorm accompanied by high wind.
24 - James A. Finn reappointed Master in Chancery. Death of Bertha Kincaid aged 23 years.
25 - George Millhon, a Blue Mound farmer, dies suddenly in Taylorville. John Gordy aged 72 years, dies at his home on South Water street. Mrs. Virginia W. Koontz aged 68, dies at her home on Morgan street. Spencer, Lehman & Co., dispose of their business and retire.
26 - Barney Toman, an insane tramp, terrorizes neighborhood of Blue Mound, and is finally arrested. S.C. Tooley killed by a Wabash train south of Decatur.
27 - Long, Middleton and Gillespie convicted for assault on Michael Haber, and given one year in jail.
28 - Miss Edith Scanlan aged 12 years is killed near Forsyth by being thrown from a buggy during a runaway. The team having been frightened by a flash of lightning.
JULY - 1901
1 - The work on the repaving of Cerro Gordo street commenced. Dr. A.R. Taylor and the local board the The James Millikin University hold their first meeting.
2 - Rockford with Eaton in the box shuts out Decatur with only two hits.
4 - Country Club play golf and entertain friends. No general celebration of the fourth but usual number of small accidents. Robert Herdman living near Assumption killed by lightning. Decatur beats Terre Haute 2 to 1. Explosion of fire works and destruction of the Decatur Gun Company's store.
6 - At a critical time in a game with Terre Haute Burt lost the ball and the visitors won the game.
8 - Death of W.H. Shorb in Soldier's home at Washington.
9 - Col. Rising comes to establish new rural mail routes. Bloomington lands on Bruce for 20 hits and wins game by score of 49 to 10. Charles Harrington of Decatur killed by the cars at Champaign.
10 - Mercury reaches high point of the season 101.
11 - Marriage of Ernest A. Miner of Springfield, and Miss Bertha Spencer of Decatur - The Decatur Commission company goes under with liabilities estimated at from $30,000 to $50,000. Dealers offer fifty cents for corn. Mercury reaches 102 1/2. Death of Mrs. Margaret Sanders at Mr. Zion.
12 - Missouri farmers ship stock to Macon county to feed on account of the drought.
13 - Farm house of Frank Ralston, south of town destroyed by fire.
15 - Orville McCoy dies of lock jaw resulting from Fourth of July accident - Dorner gets a drubbing at hands of Evansville, nineteen hits being made with a score of 15 to 5.
16 - Decatur home seekers start for Oklahoma. West end property owners decide to petition new coal company to change location of the shaft. Death of Conrad Blenz aged 73 years.
17 - Death of Mrs. Belle Hunt, aged 48 years. Death of Mrs. Catherine Hatfield aged 74 years. Dorner pitches winning ball against Evansville 10 tp 1 and makes a home run.
18 - Death of Mrs. Nancy L. McDonald, aged 73 years. Effort to sell First Methodist church at auction fails; the highest bid being $34,500 while the upset price was $36,000.
19 - James R. Hill, aged 46, died suddenly. Decatur beats Bloomington 4 to 1.
20 - Decatur loses to Bloomington 8 to 7 with Method in the box.
21 - Mercury makes a new record by reaching 106. Marriage of Luther Vaughn and Miss Hattie Slaughter.
22 - New heat record, 109 being reached. George Cake and several others overcome by heat. Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Heiner aged 84 years.
23 - Two cases of small pox discovered on South Boyd street. Temperature 102.
24 - Marriage of Dr. C.M. Bumstead and Miss Meta Andres at Monticello. Thomas Sheehan, Wabash flagman, crazed by the heat. Temperature 102. Death of Rev. Foxworthy at Moweaqua.
26 - Drouth(sic) causes scarcity of fresh vegetables, grocers being compelled to ship in from the cities. Shortstop McGrew released.
27 - Heat spell broken, mercury falling to 97 degrees.
28 - Farmers near Wyckles capture Fred Bloominger an alleged chicken thief. Death of Mrs. Kate Surface, aged 32 years. Death of Mrs. Rachel Medaris.
29 - Marriage of Dr. H. Mowry and Ruth Lehman.
30 - John McCauley, notorious cattle thief arrested at Springfield held to the grand jury.
July 31 - Coroner orders a postmortem on remains of Minnie Bird, the funeral being stopped by the police.
AUGUST - 1901
1 - Death of Ex-Congressman John Davis at Topeka, Kan., formerly of Macon county. John Robinson accidentally shoots his friend, Elmer Bristow, who died 36 hours later. Easterly team wins first prize at Paris. Marriage of Harry B. Payne and Miss Loretta B. McKinney.
2 - Coroner's jury recommends holding Dr. Slusher in the Minnie Bird case, $2000 bond, which was promptly furnished. Decatur still gets vegetable supply from Chicago. Short ice supply causes advance in price. Death of Edward McKinley at Forshyth aged 27 years.
3 - Platform at 328 East Main breaks, dropping several men and women and seriously injuring Rose Green.
5 - Trouble about gambling room in Masonic temple begins. Council passes resolution calling on mayor and police to enforce ordinances.
6 - Block of business houses burn at Assumption. Death of James T. Bourland. Manager Kiernan gets his release. Charles T. Johnson's dry goods store destroyed by fire.
7 - Two new cases of small pox discovered in the city. Decatur wins in a hit and run game from Rock Island 19 to 12. Patsy Rollins gets his release.
9 - John Wolford falls from third story of Palace hotel and is killed.
11 - Death of S.R. Doty, aged 68 years.
12 - Local mills offer 60 cents for corn. Death of Mrs. James L. Peake.
14 - Marriage of Miss Clara Keyl to Max Scheiter; Miss Emma Trump to Chas. M. Crocker. Death of Dr. Alexander McBride, aged 71 years.
15 - Death of Miss Nannie Wright, aged 27 years. Garvers hold reunion at Fairlawn park.
17 - Mrs. J.W. Simeral killed in jumping from a buggy drawn by a frightened horse. A good rain, the first of any improtance since June 27.
19 - Burial of Francis Depray at Macon, aged 78 years. Maocn county teachers' institute opens. Death of Mrs. Sarah Gibson near Walker.
20 - Death of John Kelly, aged 50 years. Woodmen hold big picnic at Maroa.
21 - Charles F. Rice, peanut vender, kills self by taking carbolic acid. Strober has a hearing and tells his troubles. Death of Arthur Mosser Robinson.
22 - Gorman Snyder arrested on charge of desertion.
25 - Mrs. Sarah Anderson celebrates her 90th birthday. Mrs. Mary Ann Maden of Mt. Zion, dies, aged 64 years.
27 - Death of Christian Schwab.
28 - Marriage of Adam Kreber and Mrs. Florence Marsland. Marriage of Richard E. Travis and Miss Anna V. Berger.
29 - Commander N.B. Thistlewood visits Dunham post. County Sunday school convention meets at Mt. Zion. Reunion of the 116th at Fairlawn.
30 - County Sunday school convention passes resolution against street carnival.
31 - Beaumannoir Commandery K.T. returns from their pilgrimage to Louisville.
2 - Labor Day fittingly observed. Exercises at Fairlawn Park. - Eddy M. Montgomery, aged 16 years, thrown from a horse and fatally injured. - Public schools open with 3428 pupils. Parochial schools open and show enrollment of 900. Thomas McDonough, formerly of Decatur dies at his home in St. Louis.
3 - Mrs. A.L. Vowell dies at her home on East Cerro Gordo street. Robert C. Gregory, "Battleship," a well known baseball player killed at Pontiac.
4 - F.S. Sutherland, the "Human Fly" begins the work of dismantling the steeples of the First M.E. church. Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Hamilton and Professor Holden Goodnight of Madison, Wis., married at her home near Harristown. Board of Review fixes personal property assessment of Decatur Gas & Electric Co. at $69,450.
5 - Old Settlers held their annual reunion at Fairlawn Park. Mrs. Elizabeth Stough dies aged 84.
7 - Malleable iron molders strike at the Sattley foundry. John Price, aged 15 accidentally killed by discharge of shot gun while riding in a buggy. Stewart Dry Goods Co. move into their handsome new quarters on North Water street. Nettie Newcomb, aged 7 years is fatally burned while playing about a bonfire. Earl Howard, Wabash brakeman, seriously injured by being struck by a Wabash caboose.
9 - City council reconsiders former action and awards water pipe contract to Clow & Son. Death of Thomas Pettyjohn, aged 75, occurs at his home on East Wood street.
10 - Charles Adams died at his home on Clayton street.
11 - Supervisors fix tax rate at 75 cents on $100, and select a now famous grand jury. Calvin Lehn and Miss Lillie Sibthorpe married at the bride's home near Warrensburg.
12 - Death of Mrs. Clarence Vance at Buffalo, N.Y.
13 - Kirby May is again arrested in his favorite role of a lovelorn damsel by the federal officers.
14 - Magnificent new pipe organ installed at the First Baptist church. Mrs. Carrie Newsham died, aged 71.
16 - Fred Nye of Martinsburg, Iowa, a prisoner in the county jail and Millie Draper married in the jail office.
17 - Edward Chapman of Casner, Anna Butler of La Place married in Decatur. Daniel W. Tait and Marjory E. Wallace are married. Fred McDonald, deserted from the U.S. army, arrested in Decatur. James M. Booker of Decatur died at Jacksonvilee. A.W. Hardy dies at his home in Decatur, aged 30.
18 - First freeze of the season, ice forms. Annual U.B. conference convenes in Decatur.
20 - Decatur hold memorial services in honor of the assassinated president. Moweaqua beat Mt. Pulaski in a match game of baseball. Frank M. Gaddis, president of the Decatur Lumber Co., retires after 35 years of active busisness life in this city. J.A.F. King elected presiding elder by the U.B. conderence. B.C. Applegate resigns as chief of police. Death of Miss Carrie Record, aged 27 years. John W. Ellis and Miss Mary L. Martin wedded. S.W. Moore is fatally injured by the caving of a gravel bank. Daughters of Rebecca celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the order.
21 - Death of Miss Lemira Park Gillett at her home in Elkhart. Barber Asphalt Co. competes its paving contracts in Decatur.
22 - Thomas Chambers, aged 75, dies at his home in Oakley.
23 - Movers fight officer with a warrant for their arrest. U.B. conference assigns Rev. M.B. Spayd to Chicago.
2? - _ , Charles Manuel of Illiopolis dies at Colorado Springs. Marriage of Lelah Mercer and William Blenz.
26 - Marraige of Henning Nottleman and Della M. Culp at her home near Warrensburg. C.N. Wilcoxon resigns as superintendant of the Traction Co.
30 - Council declines to confirm W.W. Mason for Chief of Police. Marriage of Walter Shade and Miss Olive Brinkmeyer at St. John's church.
OCTOBER - 1901
2 - Death of Mrs. J.W. Burman, aged 76 years. City settles for Cerro Gordo street paving, paying cash for public portion.
3 - C.E. Miller "opens" a railroad torpedo with a hammer but escapes serious injury. R.C. Opie given a license as a Baptist minister.
4 - Death of Mrs. Louise Buchert aged 64 years. Death of Joshua Shaw, aged 38 years. Macon Lodge No. 8 A.F. and A.M. celebrates sixtieth anniversary.
5 - Decatur High School foot ball team defeats Clinton 11 to 0. Shaft of the M. & C. Coal Co. encounters quicksands. Sneak thieves touch J.C. Beatty's safe. Death of Elizabeth Longnecker aged 60.
6 - Alex. Bell aged 90 years, dies at his home in Mt. Zion. Death of G.W. Frankhouse aged 71 years.
7 - Nathan Walter who disappeared from Macon county twelve years ago, officially declared insane. He is in an asylum in South Africa. M.E. conference adjourns. City council again refuses to confirm W.W. Watson. Death of Reuben Nims aged 71 years. The Elks Carnival opens. Death of Mrs. Mary Hawes aged 92 years at her home near Warrensburg.
8 - Death of Mrs. Leah Imboden, aged 74 years. Carnival attractions soaked in a steady rain. "Human Fly" finishes his work on the M.E. church.
9 - Carnival disupte commences. Gambling fakirs are fired, City Clerk Peniwell breaks a leg.
10 - Bright weather and the largest carnival attendance ever known. Golf tournament opens in Decatur. Three carnival attractions closed by police.
11 - Quincy wins the team play in the golf tournament. Death of W.T. Moffett of Blue Mound.
12 - Three naughty showmen of the carnival escape with nominal fines.
13 - Carnival closes. Merchants all say the week's business was one of the best of the year.
14 - Tabernacle congregation reconsiders decision to consolidate with Edward Street church. The famous October grand jury is impaneled. Death of Anna Harkrider, aged 50 years.
15 - Mrs. Will Cour severely burned at her home on East North street by lamp overturning.
16 - George W. Powers and family leave for a two years' visit in Germany. W.H. Case, long wanted in Decatur to answer for swindling brought here under arrest. The walls of the old Union station razed by Gebhart. State Federation of Women's clubs convenes in Decatur.
17 - Death of Adam Norman aged 90 years. Charles Irwin returns home after a year in Alaska.
18 - Death of John Giblin, the well known contractor, aged 66 years. Death of Philip Bauer, aged 87 years at his home southwest of Decatur.
19 - Thomas Taylor of Blue Mound dies while visiting in Decatur with his sister, Mrs. James Durfee. John W. Aitkin, aged 30 years, dies at his home on North Water street. Clinton defeats Brown's Business colege(sic) in game of foot ball.
21 - John Bird, a well known colored politician, dies after a long illness, aged 65 years. Mrs. George W. Cooper aged 51, dies at her home near Harristown.
22 - Decatur men take first steps toward organization of a baseball association. Grocery store owned by colored men is opened for business.
23 - Dr. Dennis W. Porter aged 57, dies at his home on West Wood street. A case of small pox developes on West Wood street. Baseball men decide to incorporate their association. Marriage of J.B. Robinson and Stella Cowgill. T.J. Dean of Xenia and Ellie Erwin wed at Argenta.
24 - Fire on East Eldorado street consumes three residences. John H. Johnston commits suicide by shooting himself on his baby's grave at Greenwood. Boiler on freight engine 710 on Wabash exploded killing two men. Accident happened between Knights and Boody. Annual meeting Macon county C.E. held at Baptist church.
25 - Inquest held on death of men killed in Wabash wreck. Verdict, "Cause Unknown."
26 - Tom Farley signed as manager and was given authority to organize baseball team. Burial of Tom Evers.
28 - D.N. Rose wanted by postal authorities, jumped from second story window and escapes. William Kinneman the boy horse thief confesses, and is sentenced to reform school. Mason defeated by vote of nine to five for chief of police. Mrs. V.H. Parke died at Milwaukee.
29 - D.N. Rose captured at Niantic and returned to Decatur.
30 - Hopkins-Gillette and Righter-Wood weddings celebrated. John Barger, a colored man accidentally shot by W.H. Ratcliff while out hunting.
31 - Marriage of Miss Agnes Perl to Joseph Hurley at St. Patrick's Catholic church. Ordination of Rev. R.C. Opie at the Baptist church. Burial of Mrs. V.H. Park.
1 - James Harkrader arrested at Republic, Wash., for grand larceny. Death of Mrs. W.C. Outten aged 61 years.
2 - Lawrence Reis, a farmer at Blue Mound commits suicide. Death of Edward Conard, aged 71 years.
3 - Death of Mrs. Nancy Crawford at Blue Mound. Services for the old folks held at Cumberland Presbyterian.
5 - Marriage of J.E. Tobill and Miss Mabel Davis of Long Creek. Case of small pox reported on Railroad avenue. Death of Mrs. O.Z. Grene at Manchester, N.H. Death of Thomas Hayes, aged 31 years.
6 - Death of Hon. W.H. Kretzinger at Latham. William McDougal living southwest of the city attempts suicide by drinking horse liniment. Sheriff's officers make raid on gambling houses at instance of reform league.
8 - Committee investigating charges against Rev. Burnham made by Rev. Coggins find same to be unfounded. Thos. Sheehan found to be insane.
9 - Fire commissioners decide to locate the new hose house at the corner of North Main and Pugh street. Death of Jacob Stansultz, aged 78.
10 - Burial of Mrs. Greene. Beginning of Forty Hours Devotion at St. Patrick's church.
11 - Mrs. Jennie Dunbar wins first prize in the Herald's popular guessing contest.
12 - Marriage of A.J. Wood and Miss M.L. Hovey; marriage of Charles M. White and Miss Barbara Smith. Washington Thomas, aged colored man, struck by J.D. & W. passenger east of the city and killed instantly. W.H. Pensinger died suddenly.
13 - Coroner's jury decides that W.H. Pensinger's death was due to asphyxiation by gas. Evangelist C.N. Hunt opens revial at Congregational church. Death of Dr. A.J. Stoner at Jacksonville aged 77 years.
14 - Marriage of Edward Blenz and Miss Stella Durbin. Death of Mrs. Mary J. Lonergan on the anniversary of her marriage. Death of Mrs. Levi Hiser. Marriage of Miss Bess O. Cake to Dr. J.E. Bankhead of Clarksville, Mo.
15 - W.W. Burt, a former commission merchant and traveling man arrested at Peoria on an indictment charging embezzlement.
16 - Oakland Park selected as the site for the ames Millikin university.
17 - The Herald announces "The Most popular Lady Employe Contest." Death of John O'Holleran aged 61 years.
18 - Senator Dolliver lectures at the opera house. Assumption visited by a disastrous fire.
19 - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cox celebrate their 50th anniversary. Library board meets and finds all bids too high. Sheriff Lehman's deputies make another raid on the gambling rooms.
20 - Marriage of James S. Baldwin and Miss Mary Virginia Dishman, at New Albany, Ind.
21 - Death of Michael Phalen, aged 80 years. Death of Mrs. Tabitha Hostetler aged 85 years.
22 - First snow of the season.
24 - Death of Mrs. Alice McBride, aged 25 years. Knights of Columbus of Central Illinois gather here to witness the initiation of a large class.
26 - H.C. Hiblock gives banquet to policy holders of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York.
27 - Methodist ministers and stewards of Decatur district met in Decatur. Booth Tucker speaks in Decatur. Joseph Nachbour and Miss Emogene L. Kennedy married in Chicago. Miss Blanche Alexander married to Jesse Wetzel of Paris at Argenta. N.M. Lipscomb and Miss Mabel Carson married at Indianapolis.
28 - Death of Rev. Dr. W.C. Miller at Crowley, La. Moweaqua defeats Decatur at football 5 to 0. Union Thanksgiving service at the Baptist church.
30 - Death of F.J. Kuny.
1 - Memorial service held at Congregational church for Dr. Miller. Elks held annual memorial services at St. John's Episcopal church.
3 - Frank W. Meyer, died suddenly. Death of John G. Wittig aged 65 years. Grand jury returns an indictment against Mayor Shilling. Marriage of Harry H. Lathrop and Miss Josephine Hoy. Marriage of Miss Luella Underwood to Arthur Rucker.
5 - Committee of citizens call on Chief Sullivan to discuss the situation with him. Jury in circuit court finds John Topp guilty of larceny but also declare him insane.
6 - Death of Adam Musser aged 68 years.. Death of H.L. Traughber, aged 68 years; death of A.E. Mottram aged 78 years. Moweaqua and Arthur play football at the race track, the former winning by a score of 23 to 0.
8 - Ministers speak for better enforcement of the law; at Presbyterian church members of the congregation joining in.
10 - Death of John P. Winebrenner. Marriage of Elmer Gillett and Miss Kate Brown.
11 - Death of D.P. Keller at Moweaqua formerly of Macon county. Case of the people vs. Dr. B.F. Slusher called for trial in the circuit court.
12 - John Pliley shot by his son-in-law, Willis Ray, at his home near Emery and instantly killed, the coroner's jury exonerating Ray. Death of B.F. Ross at Maroa. Marriage of Linder A. Hill of Crowley, La., and Miss Florence McDaniel at home of bride in Wheatland township.
13 - Death of Mrs. Mary Cullen, aged 70 years.
14 - The jury in the case of Dr. B.F. Slusher returns verdict of not guilty.
15 - Herald publishes a paper consisting of 44 pages.
16 - Marriage of Miss Luello Arnold and Ozro Neal; of Leroy Grey and Miss Rhoda Hallingshed; of Walter S. Bear of St. Louis and Miss Jessie M. Lowe.
17 - Marriage of K.H. Roby, Jr., and Miss Clara Green; of William Eaders and Marguerite Hiekish; of James F. Cheatham and Miss Laura McNeil.
18 - Marriage of William S. Mitchell and Miss Nellie Petzer near Oreana; of James Eyman and Miss Cora Culp near Warrensburg; Death of Patrick McDermott of Lake City aged 75; death of Mrs. Lizzie Marshall aged 60 years; case of City vs. A.B. Barteau et al., as inmates of gaming house called before Justice Provost.
19 - Annual banquet of the Grocers' Association. Funeral of Julia May Park. Death of Nancy Devore aged 66 years. Jury in Barteau case says not guilty. Marriage of Orlin M. Abrams and Miss Elnora Smith at Moweaqua.
21 - Ice harvest commences, ice being 8 inches thick.
23 - Three new cases of small pox reported. Death of J.L. Adams aged 81 years. Moderating temperature causes suspension of ice harvest. E.B. Mallers gives upt he St. Nicholas on account of financial difficulties.
24 - Miss Shinn wins in The Herald's Most Popular Lady Employe Contest.
25 - Marriage of W.J. Haynes and Miss Ethel Kirkman; of Henry Mueller and Miss Belle McClanahan. General observance of Christmas day in Decatur.
26 - Shellabarger's east end mill burns at a loss of $35,000. Marriage of Miss Zoe Cobb and L.A. Sommer of Chicago.
27 - Marriage of Spencer Ewing and Miss Lena Ullrich.
30 - Annual banquet of Mueller manufacturing company employes. Death of Mrs. Mary Dowling aged 53. Death of Mrs. Margaret Henkle aged 80 years. Miss Hattie Prescott commits suicide by taking poison.
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