Weddings P - S
The marriage of Miss Annie Ferrell to Mr. Henry P. Page, was solemnized last
evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Outten, on West Prairie street. The wedding was
a very quiet affair, only the immediate friends and relatives of the couple being present.
Rev. T.I. Coultas performed the ceremony at half past eight o'clock, and the customary
congratulations and refreshments followed. The bride was attired in a becoming costume of
cream colored nun's veiling, and the groom wore the conventional black. Miss Ferrell is a
sister of Mrs. Outten, and has many friends here. The groom is the well-known teacher at the
High school. Mr. and Mrs. Page left on the midnight train for Ann Harbor, Michigan, where his
parents reside, and where they will visit during the next few weeks.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 23 Jun 1886
To-Day Marian W. Parlier and Miss Annie B. Taylor, both of Decatur, were
granted a marriage license.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 28 Jul 1892
Milliard F. Peck, of Monticello, and Miss Leafy Tidd, of Argenta, were married
at the county clerkâs office yesterday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Squire
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 12 Mar 1886
A Wedding In The Country
Miss Laura E. Bundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Bundy, was married Thursday evening,
September 13th, 1888, to Robert F. Perdue, at the home of her parents, four miles southeast of Decatur.
The ceremony was performed at 7 o'clock, by Rev. J.N. Hogg. The bride wore a dress of white material,
handsomely trimmed with white ribbon. Natural flowers were her ornaments. Among the wedding guests
were C.H. Newell, W.M. Cox, E.S. Wray, W.M. Bundy, W.H. Bundy and their wives, Misses Mary Annie and
Lizzie Burns, of Decatur; Emma Posey, of Macon; Belle and Florence Reed and Minnie Evans of Boody;
Alice Perdue, Nora Logan, Alice Cunningham; Nellie Bundy, Bertha Perdue, and Messrs. Willie White,
of Decatur, Arthur Evans, of Boody, Dick, John and Perry Peel, of Blue Mound; Jas. Good, Taylor Carter,
Robert Hill, Ed. and Chester Cox, John Cunningham, John Wray. An excellent supper was served, to
which all did ample justice. The later hours were spent in the enjoyment of music, games, and social
chat. The bride received many nice presents. Mr. and Mrs. Perdue will commence housekeeping at
Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, 22 Sep 1889
Quiet Wedding Celebrated at Home of I. A. Harkrader
Rolland E. PERSINGER and Miss Leona C. HARKRADER were married at the home
of the bride, 252 North Franklin street at ten o'clock Wednesday morning.
Dr. W. H. PENHALLEGON officated. It was a very quiet and simple wedding.
The only guest were I. A. HARKRADER, father of the bride and Dr. R. L.
MORRIS. A two-course wedding breakfast was served immediately after the ceremony by
Mrs. Betty THOMAS.
The couple left on the noon train for Chicago. They will be gone about a
Mr. PERSINGER is the treasurer of the Shellabarger Elevator company. He is
well know in Decatur business circles. His bride is the daughter of Isaac
HARKRADER. She is a graduate of the Decatur high schools and has been
attending school at Western College and at Oxford at times.
Married March 08, 1905
Submitted by Sandra Wagner
The fact that Miss Annie Long, of Maroa, was married at Springfield on Thursday
evening, will be a matter of considerable surprise to her Decatur friends, as it was to her
relatives when they were apprised of the matter yesterday. The wedding was a surprise all
around, no one having anticipated it but the contracting parties themselves. The groom is
Ed. G. Peterson of Springfield, brother of Miss Lottie Peterson, with whom Miss Long had
been visiting. The young couple have gone to Chicago on a bridal tour. The bride is quite
well known in Decatur.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Jun 1886
Daniel Piper and Mrs. Edith M. Mixell, both of Warrensburg, were married by
Judge O.W. Smith, at the court house Wednesday afternoon.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 10 Apr 1907
Dewey Poling and Miss Vina Gharrett, both of Oreana, were married in Decatur Saturday
morning, the ceremony being performed by Judge J.H. McCoy at the court house.
Decatur Review, 12 Sep 1925
A Happy Union on North Franklin Street Last Evening - A Brilliant Affair - Costumes and Gifts
"Oh! fortunate! Oh! happy day!
When a new household takes its place
Among the myriad homes of earth!"
Fortunate indeed, and delightfully happy, was this fifteenth day of October, and
may its rich and brilliant sunshine be a faithful augury of the bright and beautiful future of
the young lives, united at its close, in that union which it is most fervently hoped may ever
grow dearer and stronger till life's close.
The marriage of Mr. George W. Powers and Miss Dessie E. Bowers was most
beautifully consummated beneath the home root tree of the father of the bride, Mr. Wm. Bowers,
in this city, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 15th at nine o'clock. The house presented a beautiful
appearance, being decorated for the important event of the evening by the bridesmaids and
friends of the bride. The parlor, in which the ceremony took place, was gracefully trimmed
with drooping garlands of ivy and smilax, mingled with pale-tinted bloom. The corner bower,
from the center of which was suspended a horseshoe of tea rose-buds, the German benison
for "gutes gluek" formed the background for the beautiful bridal party, which when in
position presented a most lovely appearance.
The softened strains of the "Wedding March," at the magic hour of 9 o'clock
silenced the conversation of the assembled guests, and presaged the entrance of those
immediately connected with the ceremony. The bridal procession then took place as
First, Miss Belle Ewing, attended by Mr. John Clugston, separating and occupying
the sides of the bower; then Miss Hattie Jones and Mr. Frank Powers, also separating. Next
came Miss Fannie Shellabarger escorted by Mr. Edgar Ewing, between whom stood the last arrival,
Mr. Powers, and for the last time, Miss Bowers.
The beautiful and impressive ceremony of the M.E. Church was happy performed by
Rev. G.W. Miller, of Stapp's Chapel. The responses were clear and distinct, and at the
conclusion of the final prayer, the officiating clergyman, in behalf of, and with the best
wishes of the little family in the parsonage, presented the newly-wedded husband and wife
with a large and elegant family Bible. It was a most beautiful and fitting ending of the
service, and was received by the bride herself. Congratulations, heartfelt and sincere,
from all of the many friends and relatives of both parties present immediately took place,
the young wife and husband being presented to those present by Mr. Edgar F. Ewing, in the
capacity of first groomsmen.
The costume of the bride was exquisitely elegant and tasteful - cream-white
satin richly self-trimmed and frilled with elegant balls, enwreathed and adorned with clusters
of orange blossoms and white forget-me-nots, and o'er all, the ample folds of the long, soft,
shining train and over the fair face of the youthful bride fell the sheltering filmy folds of
the bridal veil.
The wedding ring being of such beautiful and appropriate design, a wreath of
orange flowers and foliage in pale green gold, imbedded in a massive band of red gold, most
perfectly completed the bridal toilet.
The bridesmaids were beautifully attired in white India mull and muslin, over
white satin, the distinguishing colors being indicated by exquisite baskets of flowers, as
well as those worn on the dresses.
Miss Shellabarger wore pale blue, Miss Jones cream and crimson, and Miss Ewing
pink, poppies. These caught back scarf veils of tulle and appeared in various places about
the toilettes. The gentlemen were faultlessly attired in the conventional costume suitable
for such occasions, and presented an elegant and distinguished appearance.
The guests were also attired with elegance suitable to the occasion.
Mrs. Bowers, an elegant black silk with laces.
Mrs. S. Powers, an elegant black silk, en train, with trimmings of black over
white lace.
Miss Nettie Bowers, white tulle and satin, adorned with white flowers.
Miss Carrie Powers, an exquisite toilette, of white snow-flake gauze with trimmings of
white embroidery, and elaborate fringe over black velvet; ornaments of natural flowers.
Mrs. L. Wilkinson, an elegant costume of black velvet, silk and satin brocade, with point
lace trimmings, ornaments pearl and black enamel.
Mrs. Geo. Haworth, elegant costume of black velvet, ornaments of pearl and cameo.
Mrs. James Haworth, elegant costume of damassee silk and velvet.
Mrs. J.B. Shellabarger, rich black silk and velvet costume.
Mrs. Orville B. Gorin, rich costume of crimson velvet and silk.
Mrs. J.K. Warren, rich silk and velvet costume, point lace and coral ornaments.
Mrs. E.D. Bartholomew, rich silk and velvet costume, ornaments crimson crushed poppies.
Miss Nellie Shellabarger, exquisite dress of pale blue silk, with cheneille embroidery in
natural colors.
Miss Flora Race, exquisite dress of pale blue embossed material, ornaments of pink lily
of the valley.
Miss Nellie John, pale blue India cashmere, with plaitings of pale blue silk.
Mrs. Miller, black silk with natural flowers.
Mrs. J.C. Lake, rich black velvet with point lace.
Mrs. A.W. Palmer, black silk, with blacd(?)thread drapery.
Mrs. J.R. Race, gold colored damassee silk and velvet.
Miss Nellie Durfee, matelasse toilet with trimmings of canary colored satin.
And many others all equally elegant and tasteful, but of whom time and space forbid mention.
Solitaire diamond set, brooch and ear rings, from the bridegroom.
$200 in greenbacks, from S. Powers, Esq., father of the groom.
$100 in gold, from Wm. Bowers, Esq., father of the bride.
Silver table service - very handsome - consisting of a swinging coffee urn, coffee, tea and
hot water pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, slop bowl and spoon holder, with fruit dish of
silver and cut glass, cake basket, butter dish and syrup can, from Mrs. L. Wilkinson.
Elegant silver water service, with swinging pitcher and shell-shape bowl and goblets, with
compliments of Theron A. Powers, Frank Powers and Edgar F. Ewing.
Confectionary stand - massive and elegant design - from Mr. and Mrs. F.N. Ewing.
Elegant French clock, black marble and bronze, from Mr. and Mrs. O. Powers, Jacksonville.
Very handsome ebony and gilt easel, from Mr. and Mrs. George Haworth.
Painted porcelain and ebony table, from Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Shellabarger.
Set of damask table linen, from Mrs. S. Powers.
Antique Guipure lace spread and pillow shams from the bridesmaids.
Silver jewel casket with revolving cover, from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell, Jacksonville.
Pair of exquisitely decorated vases, from Mr. and Mrs. James Haworth.
Japanese album, from Miss Nellie Shellabarger.
Oil painting landscape, elegantly framed, from Miss Flora Race.
Elegant toilet stand, from John W. Clagston and C.W. Challis.
Silver spoon holder with call-bell, from Miss Gracie Toof, of Memphis, Tenn.
Silver and glass card receiver, from W.S. Grubbs.
Exquisite silver toilet stand, from Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Shellabarger.
Silver pickle castor, from Miss Jennie Stare.
Silver jewel casket, satin lined, from Oliver H. McBride.
Silver toilet stand and jewel case combined, from Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Ewing.
Silver basket and receiver, from E.D. Carter, jr.
Solid silver salad spoon, from Jerome Anderson.
Solid silver berry spoon, from Otto E. Curtis.
Silver jewel stand, from Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Boyd.
Exquisite silk embroidery, from Miss Nellie Durfee.
Silver and gilt alarm clock, from Messrs. George and Albert Day, Springfield.
Urn shape vases, black with decorations of storks in white, small bouquet holders to match,
Miss Carrie Powers.
Pair of jardiniers, from Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Bartholomew.
Agate tete-a-tete on Japanese, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Durfee.
Handsome toilet service, from Mr. and Mrs. D.S. Shellabarger.
Hand-painted desert sets, finest designs, from Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Waltz.
Half dozen hand-painted desert plates, from Miss Fannie Shellabarger.
Majolica dessert service, from Mr. and Mrs. John K. Warren.
Hand-painted dessert plates, flower designs, Misses Jay, of Springfield, Ill.
Wedgwood pitcher with figures in white, from Miss Lena Henkle, Chicago.
Hand-painted dessert plates, Mr. Albert and Miss Mollie Barnes.
Japanese stand, Mrs. A.S. Powers.
Decorated window jardiniers, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Race.
Towels, Linn & Scruggs.
Embroidered bed linen, Miss Shellabarger.
Damask tabel linen, Mr. Ed. Sloan.
Handsome Marseilles bed spreads, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Hughes.
Elegant copy of Goldsmith's Works, Mr. Grunendike.
Rich and handsome reception chair, Miss Nettie Bowers.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Lake.
Book of Sacred Quotations, Mrs. Stafford.
Complete and elegant black walnut and ebony work box, made and presented by Mr. Joseph
Hughes of St. Louis.
Large and elegantly arranged basket of cut-flowers, Messrs. Harry Crea and Parke Hammer.
Briday bouquet, from little Marian Ewing.
Mr. Powers and his bride left for Jacksonville on the early train this morning,
where they will reside.
Decatur Daily Republican, 16 Oct 1879
Miss Griswold Has Already Left Berlin For English Capital
The wedding of Samuel Powers of Decatur and Miss Evelyn Griswold of Berlin will take
place Dec. 15, in London, according to information received by Mr. and Mrs. George W. Powers, parents
of the young man.
In a special calbe to the Chicago Tribune is given the information of the wedding:
Berlin, Dec. 8 - Miss Evelyn Griswold, daughter of the American basso of the Berlin
Royal opera, Putnam Griswold, has gone to London for her marriage next week to Samuel Powers of
Decatur, Ill., member of the German staff of the International Harvester company. The marriage
celebrated nonconformist preacher and member of parliament, the Rev. Silvester Horne, who is an
oldtime friend of the bride's father. After a honeymoon in England Mr. and Mrs. Powers will
return to Berlin, where a number of dinners and receptions are planned in their honor.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Dec 1910
A Brilliant Social Event in Decatur Last Night - United For Life
The marriage of Mr. Charles G. Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Powers, and Miss
Effie Rogers, was joyously celebrated last evening in the presence of about one-hundred guests at
the home of the bride's parents, Hon. and Mrs. Jason Rogers, No. 261 West Decatur street. The
happy union of hearts and hands was one of the chief social events of the year, and because of the
prominence of the two families and the wide acquaintance of the oung couple, it was an occasion
of much interest. It was one of the coolest evenings of the month of roses. The sun had shone
brightly during the day, and the cool breeze of the night added to the comfort of the large
company of friends who filled the residence and promenaded upon the brightly illuminated lawn.
The Opera orchestra filled the rooms with the beautiful strains of the Lohengrin
bridal chorus as the bridal party descended from the upper chambers and entered the rear parlor,
where the ring service was spoken by Rev. W.H. Prestley, of the Presbyterian church, making
Charles and Effie husband and wife. The orchestra played the Mendelssohn wedding march at the
termination of the impressive ceremony, when relatives and friends pressed forward to offer
personal congratulations to the happy pair.
The handsome bride was attired in an elaborate costume of Faille Francais en
train, beautifully embroidered with seed pearls, with trimmings of pearl at the waist. The
conventional veil was worn. The ornaments were diamond ear-rings and pin, the gift of the
groom, and a bouquet of Marguerites.
The attendants were Miss Jennie Rogers, sister of the bride, who wore a rich
cream colored Moire silk, with trimmings of Valenciennes lace, V shaped corsage,
Howard Powers, brother of the groom; Miss Annabelle Powers, sister of the groom, who was
attired in a surah silk of cream color, corsage of V. shape; Mr. C.P. Gillett, of Jacksonville,
who appeared in a cream colored surah silk with generous trimmings of Chantilly lace, each
bridesmaid carrying a bouquet of Marguerites; Edward Powers.
During the evening the choicest viands and refreshments were served in
abundance in the dining hall.
The decorations in the parlors were of an elaborate and most tasteful character,
in keeping with the brilliant event. There was a bank of holly hocks and smilax at the mantel
in the front parlor, with lilies on either side, and the chandeliers were trimmed with
smilax. Trimmings of smilax adorned the double door-arch leading to the rear parlor, and over
the supper table was pendant a large marriage bell of flowers. Numerous Japanese lanterns
brightened the spacious lawn.
Mr. and Mrs. Powers departed last night on an extended bridal tour. They will
visit Chicago, Niagra Falls, the watering places and other points in the east, returning
a month hence to reside at the home of the groom's parents. The groom is a young business
man of noble impulses and irreproachable character, who is to be congratulated on winning
for a bride one of Decatur's fairest and most accomplished young ladies.
The guests in attendance at the marriage were Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Spencer and
Frank Capen, of Bloomington; Misses Alma and Jennie Gillette, Charles Rutledge, Mr. Jebb and
Dr. Griffith, of Jacksonville; Hon. James S. Ewing, Miss Ida Worrell and the Misses Ewing,
of Bloomington; Mrs. L.A. Toland, of Latham; Miss Nellie Dora, Charleston; Messrs. O. Powers,
G.S. Durfee, George Powers, J.K. Warren, B.O. McReynolds, E.P. Vail, John Ullrich, Dr. J.
Brown, E.D. Bartholomew, S.W. Johns, C.A. Ewing, Rev. Prestley and their wives; Misses Belle
Ewing, Lon and Hattie Jones, Polly Vail, Nellie Durfee, Lillie Brown, Grace Maconghtry, Mabel
and Daisy Durfee, Luetta Ullrich, Laura Johns, Fannie Ehrman, Blanche Gassaway, Hattie
Howell, Belle Burrows, Alma Kohler, Bessie Guyton, Irene Thatcher, Mary Roby, Jennie
Sullivan, Lida Moore, Kate Snyder, Jennie Wells, Eva Caldwell; Mrs. E. Bering; Messrs. Theron,
Frank, Ed, Chan, and Howard Powers, Giles Warren, Frank Curtis, Walter Strange, Chas. and
Fred. Henderson, Henry Prather, Frank Roby, Will Haworth, Harry Westbay, Harry Hord, Lou
Griswold, Lon Eyman, Ed. Judson, Will Heilman, Will Shellabarger, Sherman McClelland, Guy
Parke, Bert Hardy, Will Ennis, Everett Brown, Frank Shull, Tom McReynolds and Aten Lytle.
The bride received a very large collection of costly gifts from friends.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 23 Jun 1887
Wedding of a Decatur Young Man and a Pana Young Lady
Charles H. Pringle of this city and Miss Sue Yohe of Pana were married at
the residence of the bride's parents in Pana Saturday evening at 6:30. Mr. Pringle is
a son of Norman Pringle, mail clerk on the Wabash. He is enaged in the rubber stamp
business here and is highly respected. The bride has visited Decatur frequently and
has many friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle will reside with the former's father in
this city.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 31 Dec 1893
Walter E. Putnam of Rosemond and Miss Goldie Gabbert of Taylorville were married about
midnight by Rev. J.W. VanCleve of Grace Methodist church at his residence in Decatur. The young
peope did not want their friends to know of the wedding before Monday, so they went to the home of
County Clerk Peniwell late Saturday night and got the license.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Oct 1907
Marriage of Miss Lelah Race, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Race to
Mr. G. Davis Thomas of Minneapolis
The Ceremony - The Wedding Guests and the Toilets - The Decorations -
The Wedding Supper, etc. - A Brilliant Society Event
An event which the society people of Decatur have looked forward to with anticipation
of pleasure occurred last night. It was the marriage of Miss Lelah Race, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J.W. Race, to Mr. G. Davis Thomas, a banker of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The wedding was
celebrated at the residence of the bride's father, No. 414 West Main street.
Among the two hundred or more guests present were most of the people prominent in
Decatur social circles. The marriage rites were performed at 8 o'clock. The bridal party descended
the stairway and entered the west parlor to the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin played by
Prof. Bull and the opera house orchestra stationed in the main hall. The bridesmaids, Miss Buck, of
Chicago, Miss Duhring of Kansas City, Miss Chambers of Decatur, Miss Servis of St. Louis, Miss
Whitcomb of Minneapolis and Miss Brockenbrough of Lafayette, entered the parlor in couples preceding
the bride and groom, who were followed by the bride's parents. Advancing to the richly decorated bay
window the attendants separated and the bridal couple stepped beneath the large chandelier. The nuptial
knot was then tied by Rev. W.H. Prestley, pastor of the Presbyterian church. When the divine blessing
upon the young couple had been invoked, the strains of the bridal chorus gave place to those of the
Mendelssohn wedding march, which was played while the congratulations were being spoken.
Among the brilliant company which filled the spacious apartments of the residence were
Governor and Mrs. Oglesby, of Springfield; Mrs. Ludington, Mrs. Randolph, Miss Maud Buck, Chicago;
Miss Duncan, Miss Gibson, Miss Bradley, of Lexington, Ky.; Mrs. John S. Williams, of Washington,
D.C.; Misses Lotta and Amy Gillette, Elkhart; Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Litchfield; Mrs. Cole and Miss Cole,
of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Stephen Hart, of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. J.W. Ackerson, of San Francisco. The
relatives of the bride present were Mrs. Lehman, her grandmother, Attica, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Tebbs, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. David Porter, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Morford, Monticello;
Judge and Mrs. Wood, Indianapolis; J.A. Race and the Misses Dora and Ella Race, Pana.
Regrets were received from Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchinson, Altoona, Pa.; Miss Oglesby,
Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Wessels, Chicago; G.Z. Wood, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, Dana,
Ind.; J.W. Basforth, Quincy; Mrs. E.W. Cook, St. Paul, Minn.; Henry C. Smith and Miss Bessie E.
Smith, Medea, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Blair and H.D. Maxwell, Easton, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Corns, Lockport,
N.Y.; Cal C. King, Altoona, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Dheafer, Pottsville, Pa.; Miss Annie E. Morse,
Chicago; Henry F. Wyman, Minneapolis; Mrs. Craig, Attica, Ind.; Miss Deniston, Jersey City, N.J.;
Mrs. James A. Ferguson, Miss Shenehon, C.C. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. William Kellar, John S. Bradstreet,
G.W. Swineburn, jr., Miss Emma Oswald, Miss Bertie Oswald, Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Jessie Gillette,
Elkhart; Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Malone and family, Dana, Ind.; Miss Mollie Barnes, Boston, Mass.; Mr. and
Mrs. W.P. Butler, Aberdeen, D.T.; Miss Grace Macoughtry, Chicago; Mrs. L.L. Smith, Philadelphia; Mr.
and Mrs. A.W. Moss, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Powell, Sandusky, O.; Howard Case, Wichita, Kas.;
Will Quinlan, Cambridge, Mass.; Will Haworth, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Miss Johns, Boston; Mr. and Mrs.
Graham and the Misses Graham, Philadelphia; Mr. Deake, Easton, Pa.; Miss Hattie Leland, New York;
Joseph Hutchinson, Hollidaysburgh, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. George Morris, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W.W.
Perry, Mrs. C.C. Perry and the Misses Perry, New York.
The bride wore and exquisite toilet from a celebrated establishment of Paris, France.
The white corded silk dress was made with full train, high neck and long sleeves. The point lace with
which it was trimmed was a special design manufactured at Brussels. White slippers, a full-length
bridal veil and diamond ornaments completed the costume.
The bridesmaids were each attired in a robe of white crepe de Chien. They wore
white slippers, white gloves and each carried a fan of white ostrich feathers. Miss Buck and Miss
Duhring each carried a hand bouquet of pink roses tied with pink satin ribbon and covered with pink
tulle; Miss Chambers and Miss Servis each a bouquet of red roses tied with red ribbon and covered with
pink tulle; Miss Whitcomb and miss Brockenbrough buff roses tied with buff ribbon and covered with
buff tulle.
Mrs. Race, mother of the bride, wore a rich robe of garnet velvet, trimmed with Shrimp
pink uncut vevet. It was made with a full train and the front covered with black thread lace hung with
cut garnet pendants. The corsage was cut square and filled in with lace. Her ornaments were diamonds.
Other notable toilets were:
Mrs. J.W. Ackerson wore a dress of violet velvet made with full train. The front panels
were of white silk ornamented with fleur de lis; white slippers and gloves and diamond ornaments.
Mrs. Lehman trianed dress of black satin with jets and lace.
Mrs. T.D. Porter, costume of black satin, trimmed with jets and ornamented by natural flowers.
Mrs. Warren Tebbs, black lace; diamond ornaments.
Mrs. R.J. Oglesby, a magnificent dress of white satin, with brocaded silver front, and ermine
trimmings; ornaments, amethysts.
Mrs. Cole, black lace dress; diamond ornaments.
Mrs. John S. Williams, black satin and lace.
There was a lavish display of cut flowers and growing tropical plants. The mantle in the
west parlor, where the ceremony was performed, was banked with red roses intermingled with smilax and
ferns, and over the top was a canopy like projection of smilax and brilliant hued blossoms. The chadeliers
throughout the house were garlanded with smilax and, suspended from them were baskets of cut flowers.
The wedding supper was served at 9 o'clock by Kinsley, the celebrated Chicago caterer. The
dining hall was tastefully decorated. In the middle of the hall was a table upon which was a large stand of
fruit surrounded with cut flowers. Aroundt his table were smaller ones at which the guests were served. The
menu embraced oyster patties, game croquettes, chicken salad, French sponge roll, sandwiches, coffee,
ice cream, cakes and fruits. The bride's cake, which was richly decorated, was made by Brewer.
After supper the bride and groom led in a waltz, and a round of dances was then enjoyed. The
orchestra discoursed sweet music throughout the evening, and every moment was made one of pleasure to the
guests. The festivities ended at 2 o'clock this morning.
The bridal presents were many and valuable. Among them were jewels, hammered brasses, bronzes,
bisques, silver service and paintings.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will depart to-day noon for New York City, and will go from thence to
Philadelphia. They will remain East a fortnight and will then go to Minneapolis and commence housekeeping
in an elegant residence already prepared for them. They will be "at home" to friends after Nov. 1.
Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 16 Oct 1886
Miss Lillie Rau and John Rogers were married at the home of the bride's father,
Christian Rau in Austin township Wednesday March 4. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev.
J.H. Crowder of Bethany. Only immediate relatives and friends were present. After congratulations
a beautiful dinner was served. The young couple are widely known in this county and Logan, and
are from among the best families in Austin. Their families wish them a long, happy voyage in
Daily Republican (Decatur), 7 March 1896
MARRIED - Also by the same (Rev. D.P. Bunn on the 11th inst.), at the Cassell House, Mr.
Peter Razar and Miss Martha A. Dawson.
At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. John Laughlin and Miss Mary A. Dawon, all
of Logan county, Illinois.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 18 Sep 1856
Married - On the 22d ult., by Rev. A.L. Brooks, Mr. Francis Rea, of Oakley, and Miss Mattie Ehrhart, of
Decatur Republican, 8 Oct 1868
James Reavis of Cerro Gordo and Miss Mary Lichtenberger of Oreana, were married at
the Palace hotel in this city, on Thursday. The ceremony was performed by Squire Stevens. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. James Lichtenberger.
Decatur Review, 10 April 1886
In this city, at the residence of the bride's father, Robert Wilson, No. 531 West Wood
street, at 7 o'clock p.m., October 12, by Rev. W.H. Wilder, D.M. Riber, of Blue Mound, and Miss Anna
Wilson. There was a large attendance, a fine wedding supper, and many useful presents for the bride.
The Saturday Herald (Decatur), 16 Oct 1886
At the residence of the bride's parents, on Monday, May 22nd, 11 o'clock
a.m., George Rice, of Decatur, and miss Nellie Lanham, of Collinsville. The happy twain
came direct to Decatur where they will reside in the future. For the next month they
will remain at the residence of J.F. Curry, on East North street, where they will be
happy to greet their many friends. We acknowledge receipt of some rich cake. Thanks.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 27 May 1882
Wedding That Connects Maroa to Warrensburg
Maroa, Ills, January 29 - David O. Smart and Miss Edith Ritchie were married at noon
Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents near Warrensburg. The ceremony was performed by John
Ritchie, the father of the bride, in the presence of about fifty guests. Miss Bertha Ritchie,
sister of the bride, and W.C. Albert were the attendants. The wedding march was played by Miss
Ollie Ritchie, sister of the bride.
After congratulations were extended they repaired to the dining room, where an
elaborate dinner was served.
The bride looked her sweetest in a white mull. She is a daughter of John Ritchie,
a wealthy farmer near Warrensburg, and wife. The groom is head clerk in C.M. Crum's grocery store.
Mr. and Mrs. Smart came to Maroa Wednesday evening and took supper at Mrs. George Smith's, mother
of the groom. They then went to their home on Bloomington Avenue, which had been previously
furnished by Mr. Smart. They received many handsome and useful gifts.
Daily Review, 29 Jan 1903
Miss Vonna Ritchie to Marry Prominent Young Man
Invitations are out announcing the approaching marriage of Miss Vonna Vada Ritchie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ritchie of Warrensburg, to Mr. Deloss Stoddard Brown, Jr. of
Peoria, to take place Thursday, October 17, at 11 o'clock a.m. at the Methodist Episcopal church
in Warrensburg. A reception at the home of the bride's parents will follow immediately after
the ceremony.
The couple will be at home after November 15, at 806 Glen avenue, Peoria, Ill.
Decatur Herald, 3 October 1905
Read more about this wedding!
Hiram Rittig and Miss Ida Dean were married in the parlor of the Brunswick Hotel
yesterday by Judge W.E. Nelson. The happy couple are from Moweaqua.
Daily Review (Decatur), 4 January 1894
Rives - Troutman Wedding Saturday
The marriage of Miss Helen Jane Rives,daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Zeno J. Rives and
Jack Barnes Troutman took place Saturday in Charleston, Ill., Rev. Mr. Hays of the Charleston
Presbyterian church performing the ceremony in the pastor's house. Accompanying the couple were
Miss Mildred Marquis and Edward Wade.
The bride was attired in pink crepe with accesories of white. Her bouquet was of
sweetheart roses and baby's breath.
Following the ceremony the wedding party motored to Decatur. Mr. & Mrs. Troutman
will make their home at 2215 North Oakland avenue. The bridegroom is a farmer. Both young people
are graduates of the Decatur High School, class of 1924.
Decatur Daily Review, 1 July 1928
Amos Robinson who recently married Mrs. Isabella Berman, is remodeling his house
and having electric lights installed, making his house strictly modern.
Decatur Review, 26 March 1923
NOTE: Amos Robinson's first wife was Louise Shroder, whom he married on 15 August
1880 Macon Co., IL. Louise Shroder Robinson died on 6 March 1917 Macon Co., IL. Isabella
Dillinger Berman's first husband was Joseph Hunter Berman whom she married on
3 January 1878 Macon Co., IL. Joseph Hunter died 24 August 1921 Macon Co., IL.
Married on Thursday evening, November 19, at the residence of Levi Abernathy, by
Reb. J.I. Davidson, Mr. C.J. Holt and Miss Olive Robinson, both of this city.
Decatur Republican, 26 November 1868
An Aged Couple Marry
J.W. Robinson and Mrs. Elizabeth McMullen were married Saturday evening by
Rev. Mr. Batterton of the Methodist Protestant church in the Fourth ward. The groom is 60
years old and his bride 61, but Cupid takes no account of time in his desire to promote
happiness. After the ceremony was said and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson had retired to the quite
seclusion of their home they were treated to a charivari by a large crowd of friends, not
one of whom was younger than 50. Mr. Robinson was for many years pastor of the Methodist
Protestant church in the Fourth ward. - Lincoln Courier
Decatur Herald, 16 Apr 1903
By Justice Albert, in his office, on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 1882, James H.
Rosell and Miss Amanda Hagerman, both colored residents of Decatur.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 9 Sep 1882
On the evening of Dec. 26, 1882, at the M.E. parsonage in Rochester, Sangamon
county, Ill., the popular Athens miller, Mr. A.S. Ruthrauff, of Menard Co., Ill, formerly
of Macon Co., Il., and Miss Estella Vickars, of Sangamon Co., Il., by the Rev. D.P. Lyons.
After the ceremony about 75 persons took supper at Mr. W.B. Hicks' (brother-in-law
of Mr. Ruthrauffs). The happy couple were made the recipients of many valuable gifts.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 4 Jan 1883
Gertrude H. Ryan and Frank Berman Wed
Date of Marriage: 11 o'clock a.m. on 18 June 1930 St. Louis, IL
Bride's Parents: Mike and Nellie Ryan of Decatur, both deceased. Mike Ryan owned Ryan Clothing
store on North Water street, Decatur, Macon Co., IL for a number of years.
Groom's Parents: Annos Robinson of Warrensburg
Groom's Occupation: Linotype operator at The Review
Residence: Couple will make their home at 1461 North Water Street, Decatur, Macon Co., IL.
Extracted from: Decatur Daily Review, 18 June 1930
MARRIED - On Wednesday the 12th inst., by Rev. Johnithan Stamper, at the
residence of the Bride's father in this city Mr. Wm. Scanlan and Miss Martha M. Carter
all of this city.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 27 Nov 1856
William T. Schenck and Mrs. Hannah Schaefer were married yesterday afternoon
by Squire Eyman, at his office on South Water street.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 9 Apr 1886
Married, in St. Louis, on the 27th inst., Mr. Peter Sells and Miss Lillie Piper,
both of this city.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 31 Dec 1874
Thomas E. Shelly and Miss Lela M. Burnes, both of Stonington, were married at 9:30
o'clock Thursday morning, the ceremony being performed by Judge J.H. McCoy at the court house in
Decatur. The groom is a farmer.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 26 Jul 1917
Friends of Miss Anna Sheneman in Decatur will be surprised to know that she is
married, although the wedding occurred on the 11th of June. The young lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S.F. Sheneman, live at Warrensburg, but the lady has lived for some time in Decatur. She
spent last winter in Oklahoma City.
The Oklahoma City News has the following about the wedding:
"Dr. J.O. Glenn, a young physician who came here several months ago from Missouri
and located in the city for the practice of his profession, surprised his many friends this
week by taking unto himself a life partner, at Guthrie, Tuesday evening. The bride, Miss Anna
Sheneman, a refined and pleasnat young woman, arrived a few days ago from her home in Decatur,
Ills. The couple left Tuesday morning for the territorial capital, where the ceremony was
performed by Rev. W.C. Miles, at the First Presbyterian church parsonage at 6 o'clock. Dr.
Messenbaugh, of this city, and Fred Myers of Guthrie, witnessed the ceremony. The newly
wedded couple returned to this city Thursday morning and are pleasantly located in a suite of
rooms over the Kirkpatrick drug store on Grand avenue."
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Sep 1901
Married, in this city, on the 12 inst. at the Revere House, by Rev. J.R.
Locke, Mr. Stephen Sherman, of Illiopolis, and Miss Cordelia Currier, of Ohio. Also, at same
place and time, by the same, Mr. Temopilus M. Sherman, of Illiopolis, and Miss Emeline
Currier, of Ohio.
Decatur Republican, 19 Sep 1867
MARRIED - On the 28th ult., by Rev. R. Shobe, Mr. Henry Schifldt and
Miss Anne Carroll, all of this city.
Illinois State Chronicle, 4 Sep 1856
Mr. Shlaudeman's Marriage
Tuesday morning at half-past 9 o'clock Mrs. Catherine Snyder was married to Mr.
Henry Shlaudeman. The ceremony was performed by Judge W.E. Nelson at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Fred Norman, No. 269 West William street. The wedding was a very quiet one. Only
the families and immediate relatives were present. The couple were heartily congratulated, and
the company then partook of refreshements. Mr. and Mrs. Shlaudeman left at 11:15 via the
I.D.&W. for Louisville, where they will visit for a few weeks. They will then go South for the
winter and will return home in the spring. They will reside on West William street on the
property recently purchased by Mr. Shlaudeman. The groom is president of the Decatur
Brewing company and of the Decatur Ice company. He is well known as a progressive
and successful business man. The bride has many warm friends and is a lady of many admirable
qualities. They couple have the hearty wishes of a large circle of friends for their future
Herald Despatch (Decatur), 15 Nov 1890
John F. Shutter and Miss Edith M. Garver, were married at 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon at the U.B. parlors, Rev. C.M. Thorn, the pastor officiating.
The couple were attended by the groom's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. R.C.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 12 Mar 1902
Wedding of George H. Simpson and Miss Grace C. Blume
This forenoon at 10 o'clock the marriage of Miss Grace Carter Blume, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. P. Blume, and Mr. George Haworth Simpson, elder son of Ald. and Mrs. Geo. S. Simpson, was
solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, No. 502 Prairie Avenue, in the presence of the relatives
and more intimate friends of the two families. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Dr. Vosburgh, pastor
of the Baptist church. The ceremony was witnessed in the rear parlor, the handsome couple standing in
the bay window, which was tastefully trimmed with blooming plants and cut flowers. Above was pendant
a floral bow and arrow in nest design. The beautiful bride was lovely in a rich traveling suit of
brown Henrietta cloth, trimmings of velvet; diamonds. The groom was in conventional black. There
was no attendants except the parents of the happy pair, who with the guests offered warm congratualtions
to George and Grace at the close of the ceremony.
A delicious wedding breakfast was served, to which all did justice, and soon after 11
o'clock Mr. Simpson and bride left the re3sidence to enter the carriage which conveyed them to the
depot to take the Wabash express for Chicago, where they will visit a week. They will return on
Wednesday and that evening they will be given a welcome home reception at the residence of the
groom's parents on West Main street.
The bride received a large collection of beautiful and useful souvenirs of her wedding
day, while the groom and bride as well were remembered with bank checks for sums ranging from $100 to
The invited witnesses of the marriage were Mr. and Mrs. George S. Simpson, Grandma
Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Haworth, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Haworth, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haworth, Mr. and
Mrs. J.W. Haworth, Mr. and Mrs. K.H. Roby, Robert Leforgee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Culver, R.C.
Cothran and family, Fred Cothran, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs.
Phililp Bury, Mr. and Mrs. James Freeman, Dr. Vosburgh and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Mason, Mr. and
Mrs. W.R. Buckmaster, Mrs. W.E. Haworth, of Tacoma, Wash., Fred Simpson, Edward S. McDonald, P.H.
Brueck, Webb H. Rapp, Harry Starr, Joe Bixby, Misses Maggie L. Sorgen, Mary Roby, Effie Cothran,
Ida Haworth, Grace Boyer, Lizzie Bury, Julia Sutherland.
Cards and telegrams of congratulation came from J.G. Bixby, Benton, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs.
George Haworth, Chicago; J.T. Finley, Decatur; Julia Sutherland, England, and Mrs. Ida S. Latsbaugh,
Sedan, Kansas.
The Republican joins in the cordial congratulations expressed and felt for
the young couple, who have under such favorable auspices taken the most important step in life.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 Dec 1889
Jesse P. Simpson of Palmer and Miss Cora Lowe of Decatur were united in marriage
at the U.B. Parsonage last evening at 7:30 by Rev. J.A.F. King. They were attended by two sisters
of the bride. Miss Lowe wore a handsome cashmere dress trimmed in velvet. The couple will reside
in Palmer where the groom has a lucrative position.
Daily Review (Decatur), 4 January 1894
Joseph D. Sinart and Miss Anna Spencer, of Moweaqua, were married yesterday
by Squire Eyman.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 4 Apr 1886
Charles G. Smith and Miss Lizzie E. Hanna, both of Hammond were married Wednesday
by Judge Smith at the court house.
Decatur Herald, 27 Jul 1906
Married, on Tuesday, the 29th inst., by Rev. J.C. Bonham, Rev. Thomas Smith, pastor
of the Antioch Baptist church, and Miss Julia Galbreth, of this city.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 31 Dec 1874
Miss Emma Miller, daughter of Major Miller of the Tuscola Review, was married in that
town last evening to Wm. H. Smith, of Villa Grove, Cal. The bride is well known in Decatur.
The Daily Review, 18 Feb 1886
Given A Welcome Home
Miss Edna Seger and Frank Sollars, who took a trip to Covington, Ind., Wednesday, and
surprised their friends by getting married, arrived in Decatur last night, to receive a welcome by the
parents of the youthful bride. Mr. Sollars is a painter, and is a son of Mrs. Lydia Sollars. The
bride is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed T. Seger, of 721 North College street. Some time
ago it was the desire of Mr. Sollars to marry Edna and take her to St. Paul, Minn., but then Mr.
Seger objected on the ground that Edna is not yet 17. The elopement and marriage followed, and now
the pair are happy. The bride has been a student at the High School.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 27 Dec 1894
MARRIED ~ February 27th, by Rev. J.R. Locke, Mr. J.W. Saulmon and Miss Nancy A.
Lewis, of Mt. Zion.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 28 Feb 1873
Wedding Celebrated at Noon at Bride's Home
The details attending the ceremony which united Miss Annie Elizabeth
Rainey and James Kinney Stafford in marriage at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Rainey, at 548 West Wood street on Wednesday at 12 o'clock, were
very simple. Only a few near relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony. Rev.
John Tilley, Jr., formerly of Decatur, now of Rantoul, pronounced the nuptial
The guests were received by the bride and groom in the parlors.
During the ceremony the couples stood before a high screen of palms and ferns,
just off the front parlor. As the vows were being said the opera house orchestra
played "The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden."
The bride was gowned in white muslin. She wore a _ of Duchesse
lace and carried a shower bouquet of asparagus ferns.
For the wedding breakfast, which was served by Mrs. F.J.
Sedgwick immediately after the ceremony, the dining room was decorated in green
and white and this color scheme was carried out in the _ , cake, bonbons, etc.
The dining table was arranged with ferns. The green and white idea was also
carried out in the parlor. The library was in red and the music room in pink.
Mr. and Mrs. Stafford left on Wednesday afternoon for St. Louis
and from there they will take the boat for a trip down the Mississippi river to
New Orleans. They will be at home Thursdays in December at their residence on
West Macon street.
The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Rainey and
is well known socially. Mr. Stafford is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses
Stafford and has for many years been connected with the grain office of B.Z.
Those in attendance from out of the city were Miss Julia Fisher of
Springfield, Miss Georgie Case of Ferguson, Mrs. John Donnelly, the bride's sister
from Cripple Creek, Colo., and the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Stafford
of O'Fallon, Ill.
Decatur Herald, 19 Oct 1900
Arthur Y. Steele, 959 West Macon street, and Blanche Stacey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
P.J. Stacey, 611 South Wise street, were quiety married in the parsonage of the First Methodist
church at Springfield Friday afternoon.
Mr. Steele attended the James Millikin academy for three years, and since the close
of school, has been employed in a munition factory in Springfield. For the present the couple will
live in Springfield. The wedding ceremony was followed by a wedding supper at the Leland hotel.
Decatur Review, 22 Jul 1917
In the St. Nicholas hotel parlors, by Judge S.F. Greer, Thursday morning at
9 o'clock, May 25th, 1882, Edgar C. Steidler and Miss Mary Ashcraft, both of Moweaqua.
Saturday Herald, 27 May 1882
Marriage of Carl Stevens and Miss Nellie Tyler
Quite a pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Tyler at
1059 West St. Louis avenue on Sunday March 15 at 2 p.m. when their daughter, Nellie was united in
marriage to Carl Stevens.
The couple entered the front parlor as the strains of the wedding march were played by
Mrs. E.E. McDougall. They were met by Rev. Ira Blythe of the Salem Baptist church, who joined them
in the holy bonds of wedlock. "Loves Confession" was played softly throughout the ceremony.
The bride was beautifully gowned in white India linen trimmed in valencienes lace and
Miss Nellie is a highly respected young lady and an accomplished musician. Mr. Stevens
is a son of Thomas residing on North Monroe street and is universally liked by all who know him.
Immediately after the ceremony the wedding party led the way to the dining room where
a sumptuous repast awaited them. There were about thirty present and quite a number of useful and
handsome presents were received.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL, 17 Mar 1903
Miss Pearl Grady Bride of Earl Stoutenborough
Miss Pearl Grady and Earl Stoutenborough were married Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
by Rev. E.W. Allen, pastor of the Central Church of Christ. The ceremony took place at 370 West
North street, where the Allens are living temporarily.
The couple were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Grady, parents of the bride,
Misses Hazel and Mary Grady, her sisters, and the groom's sister, Mrs. Raymond Shaw and
husband of Maroa. The bride wore a dark blue traveling suit. They left immediately after
the ceremony for Chicago, from where they will take a lake trip.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Grady, 928 West Main street.
She attended the James Millikin university for two years and is a member of the Phi Pi
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stoutenborough of Maroa and is
a bookkeeper in the Crocker bank there. The couple will live in Maroa.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 22 Aug 1912
Married, on Sunday last, at the residence of James Nesbitt, Esq., by Rev. E.G. Falconer,
Mr. John Stump and Miss Susan J. Hatchet, all of this county. Success to the newly married - the
Hatchet is changed to a Stump, we hope a good one.
Illinois State Chronicle, 26 Jun 1856
By Justice Curtis, at his office, on Thursday, September 7, 1882, George
Summers and Miss Hattie Meyer, both of Salem, Ill.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 9 Sep 1882
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