ABBOTT, Florence
Born: 20 August 1866 in Roanoke Co., VA.
Died: Monday, May 11, 1953 at St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur, IL.
Married: James O. Abbott in St. Louis in 1938
Children: Mrs. Myrtle Blahut, Mrs. Lettie Souders, Mrs. Rosie Rambo, Mrs. Laneva Kelly,
all of Decatur. Mrs. Lillie Warehime of Monticello, and Mrs. Eva Ledbetter of Miles City,
Montana. Two sons and two daughters preceded her in death.
ABBOTT, Isaiah 
Was One of the Well Known Old Timers:
Isaiah Abbott, one of the old settlers of this city died this morning at 5 o'clock at
his home, 710 South Main Street. He had been suffering for some time past with an abscess in his
side and his heart was affected and death resulted Ike Abbott as he was commonly called was one
of the best-known characters around this city. He was 62 years old and had lived here for many
years and was well known by the older citizens. Mr. Abbott was a great hunter and fisherman. He
spent most of his time hunting. He was a crack shot with a gun. The deceased served in the
rebellion in Co. H, 134 Illinois Volunteers. Mr. Abbott lived by himself in a single two-room
house on South Main Street. His place is near the Maffit Ice House and he watch the place and
he also work at the cemetery. Although he lived alone Abbott lived decently. He kept his house
neat and clean and himself was quite a pleasant and respectable old man. He was tall and slim
and wore a long white beard and was a typical hunter. He has several brothers residing in this
city. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made and will be announced later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 9 Jul 1900, pg. 1
ABBOTT, William R.
William R. Abbott Dies After Years of Illness
Married in Old Methodist Church in 1869
William R. Abbott died at 3:30 Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.J.
Carder, 332 West William street. His death was caused by hardening of the blood
Mr. Abbott had been suffering with nervous trouble, caused by overwork while
engaged in business. His health began failing in 1902. He disposed of his business and
traveled considerably in the hope of regaining his health, and for awhile he seemed to
improve. For the last two years he had been under the constant care of a physician, and
for the past three months he had been confined to his bed. His age was sixty-four years,
three months and twelve days. |
William R. Abbott was born in London, Ontario, April 26, 1845. He remained
there until he was nineteen years old and then came with an older brother to Decatur. He
opened a jewelry store here and continued in that business until Aug. 25, 1902, when he sold
his stock and fixtures to H. Post ∓ Son, and retired, after being in business in Decatur
for thirty-eight years. For thirty-one years he had a stor on East Main street, on a part of
the present site of the Morehouse & Wells store. Then he moved to Water street and was
there for seven years, when he sold out. He never engaged in active business after that.
Mr. Abbott and Miss Hattie Greer, daughter of the late Judge Greer, were married
in the Methodist church Oct. 5, 1869. That was the old church on Water street that occupied
the site of the present Wait building. The ceremony was performed by Elder Hiram Buck in the
lower part of the church. The main auditorium of the church had not been finished then. They
were the first couple to be married in that church.
From 1881 to 1904 Mr. and Mrs. Abbott lived at the corner of Church street and
Prairie avenue. When the old Presbyterian church, which occupied the adjoining lot, was
offered for sale Mr. Abbott bid it in. Then in 1904 he sold the home property and the church
site to the Y.M.C.A., whose building now occupies the site.
Mr. Abbott was kind and generous and of a pleasant disposition, and always a
gentleman. He was a member of Macon lodge No. 8, A.F. and A.M.
He is survived by his wife, four brothers and two sisters: Samuel Abbott,
Hodson Abbott, Henry R. Abbott and Mrs. Tulley, all of London, Ontario, Alexander Abbott
of Charleston, Ill., and Mrs. J.G. Bireley of Oshkosh, Wis. Alexander Abbott was here at
the time of his brother's death.
The Abbott funeral will be held at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon from the residence,
conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon of the First Presbyterian church. Friends may call
from 1 to 3 o'clock. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 9 Aug 1909
ABEL, Thomas J. 
Civil War Veteran Was 89 Last February was Brevet Major
Came to Decatur in 1867 - Entered Business
Captain T. J. Abel, for over half a century a resident of Decatur and for many years
actively engaged in business here, died suddenly at 6 o'clock Monday evening at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. C. A. Waif, 608 West Forest Avenue. He would have been eighty-nine years old in
February. His death was due to heart trouble.
Captain Abel had been in his usual health. He had not complained any. For a man of
his years he was active end when the, weather was fair he would be seen on the streets every
day, unattended. He was personally acquainted with all the old residents of the city and he loved
to meet them on the street and talk with them. His mind was bright and active all the time, and he
took a great deal of interest in what was going on in the world about him. During the last few
years his hearing had become greatly impaired until within the last year he could scarcely
hear at all. However about a year ago he discovered that he could hear over the radio and ever
since then he has been a radio enthusiast.
Captain Abel was a veteran of the Civil war. He enlisted In the Third Iowa Cavalry
in September 1861 and was mustered out as brevet-major in 1866. After serving awhile as a
cavalryman he was made an orderly at the headquarters of General E. A. Carr, and a few months
later was transferred to the headquarters of General S. R. Curtis, who was then the division known
as the army of the southwest, which operated principally in Arkansas. Later Mr. Abel was
transferred to the department headquarters In St. Louis as clerk. Later he was promoted to
captain and transferred to field duty and placed in command of a company of negroes in the
Third Arkansas Infantry, and detailed to guard the depot of army stores at Helena, Ark. Later
he was made provost marshal for eastern Arkansas. Even after the close of hostilities he
was retained in that position, receiving his final discharge in November 1866.
CAME In 1867
Captain Abel came to Decatur in the spring of 1867, and this has been his home
ever since. For many years he was a member of the firm of Abel & Locke, dealers in carpets,
wallpaper and draperies. Their store was located on East Main Street. Later Captain Abel was in
the same line of business by himself on North Main street, being one of the first tenants of
the Arcade building, which several years later was destroyed by fire. For a number of years he
has led a retired life.
He leaves the following children: Mrs. C. A. Walt, Mrs. Celeste Turner and Miss
Clara Abel, at Decatur. Louis H. Abel of Seattle, Washington, Dr. Jean C. Abel of Stockton, Cal.;
and Mrs Florence Coughlln of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walt have been visiting in
Chicago and did not arrive home until Tuesday afternoon. The body was removed to the Monson
undertaking1 establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 27 Oct 1925, pg. 9
ABERNATHY, Fairazina (Morris)
Mrs. Fairazine Abernathy Dies at Daughter's Home in Chicago
Mrs. Fairazina Abernathy, one of the early settlers of Macon county, died Saturday at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harriet McCaskill, in Chicago. The news came in a message to I.F.
Pharo. The body will be brought to Decatur at 4:55 and will be taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Pharo, 1203 West Main street.
The message contained no particulars of the death, though it is known that Mrs.
Abernathy has been in feeble health for a long time. She was past 84 years old.
Mrs. Abernathy came to Macon county with her parents when she was a little girl
and made her home here until about twelve years ago, when she went with her daughter, Mrs.
McCaskill, to Chicago to live. Her first husband was one of Macon county's pioneers. He died
and she was later married to Mr. Abernathy, whose death occurred many years ago.
She is survived by two sons, Philo Robinson of Decatur, and Cyrus Robinson of
Springfield; and one daughter, Mrs. McCaskill, of Chicago.
Her first husband, Hartwell Robinson, at one time owned the land west of the James
Millikin residence to Fairview park, and from West Main street north to Eldorado street, including
what was later known as Oakland park and which is now the campus of the James Millikin university.
Much of this land was purchased from the heirs by the late James Millikin, and he later donated
Oakland park as the site for the James Millikin university.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Jul 1909
ABNEY, Andrew 
Andrew Abney, veteran of the Civil war, died at 4 oclock Thursday afternoon at
his home, 1169 East Cantrell Street, aged sixty-four years. He was born in 1864 in Hamilton
County, Indiana, but lived here for many years. He married Fannie Shook in Decatur April 12,
1874, she survives,, but there are no children. He also leaves three brothers, William Abney,
Edward Abney and Eli Abney, all living in Oklahoma. He was a member of Dunham Post, 141, G.A.R.
The Decatur Review, 23 Jun 1911, pg. 12
Note: There is a problem with the birth date given on this obit.
ABNEY, Fannie
Born: 18 March 1848 in Pennsylvania
Died: Friday May 24, 1935 in Decatur, IL.
Married: Andrew J. Abney April 6, 1874, He died June 22, 1911
Sisters: Mrs. John Brewer and Mrs. Robert Tyrell, both of Decatur
But the Mother Found That It was Cold in Death
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Abrams died very suddenly yesterday.
The child was about 4 months old. It had been placed while asleep upon the bed. A neighbor
calling a short time after, the mother went with her to see the baby. Then they found that
it was dead. The mother at first thought the child was sleeping. Ever since its birth the
baby had been sickly.
The funeral will be held this morning from the residence, 603 East North
street. Rev. J.T. Finley will conduct the services. The burial will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 22 Sep 1892
The street car men who have been employed with Thomas Abrams presented him with
a purse of $15 when they heard of the death of his child yesterday.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 22 Sep 1892
The infant child of Edward T. Abrams was buried at Greenwood cemetery yesterday
morning at 10:30. The services were conducted by Rev. J.T. Finley.
In this city, on Sunday evening, March 13, 1881, of brain fever, Louis Abrams,
in the 23rd year of his age. The deceased was a son of Mr. Jas. Abrams, who resides near the
Mound. He was an active member of Young America Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, and previous
to last Wednesday was in apparent good health.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 17 Mar 1881
Honors To a Fireman
In our issue of Monday last was chronicled the death of Louis Abrams, aged 21
years, son of James Abrams, who died on Sunday evening of brain fever, after an illness of
but four days. The deceased had been an active member of Young America Hook & Ladder
Co. No. 1, and participated in the races at tournaments which that volunteer organization
attended last fall. He was a large and powerful young man, and was respected by all who
knew him. The funeral of the deceased took place on yesterday afternoon from the family
residence, corner of West Cerro Gordo and College streets, and was attended by the Decatur
Fire Department, the members of which appeared in dress uniforms, and by relatives and
sympathizing friends of the family. The services at the residence were conducted by Rev.
Mr. Baron, pastor of Janes' Chapel, who paid a deserved tribute to the departed, and spoke
words of consolation to the bereaved parents. - After the sermon the imposing funeral
cortege was formed, with the Decatur Band, in dress uniform, at the head and the remainder
of the fireman were conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery, where they were laid to rest in the
grave. The premature death of Louis Abrams is deeply lamented by the firemen, among
whom he was a great favorite.
Decatur Daily Republican, 16 Mar 1881
ABRAMS, Louise (Johnson)
Louisa Johnson, wife of James H. Abrams, died at 5 p.m., Saturday, June 18,
at the family residence, 835 West Green street, after a lingering illness. She had been
bedfast since New Year's day, being afflicted with a cancer. Her age was 65 years and 5
months. She was born in Lexington, Ky., but came to Illinois when a child. She had been
a resident of Macon county for sixty-one years and was widely known and generally loved
and respected. She is survived by four daughters and one son, Mrs. William Wills, Mrs.
A.C. Dilley, Mrs. Louis C. Troush, Miss Alice Abrams and Theodore Abrams. She also leaves
one brother, Willis Johnson, Sr. and a sister, Mrs. E. Jones, who resides in Leroy, Ills.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon from the residence.
The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 19 Jun 1898
Monday afternoon the funeral of the late Mrs. James Abrams took place from
the family residence. The attendance was large. The services were conducted by Rv. J.
Bernard, assisted by Revs. Finley and Hayes. A choir composed of Mrs. S.L. Hill, Miss
Mary Rodgers, E.K. Hall and Mrs. Dayton furnished appropriate funeral music. The remains
were interred at Greenwood. The pall bearers were J. Abbott, J. Willis, T.C. Entler,
M.H. Canfield, C.C. Robinson and J. Frazee.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 21 Jun 1898
Death of Mrs. Mary Abrams at Her Home on Mason Street
Mrs. Mary Abrams, aged 60 years, mother of William Blake, lies cold in death
at her home in the brick house at 315 East Mason street. Last night between 11 and 12
o'clock, during the temporary absence of her son, a lamp in the room occupied by the old
lady exploded, and while she attempted to save the house from destruction, by throwing the
lamp out the back door, her clothing took fire, and before aid could come she was fatally
burned. Her screams brought Blake and Charley Kempter to the house and also Officer W.W.
Connard, who found Mrs. Abrams standing in the middle of the room, all the clothing burnt
off her body. Her screams were agonizing and heart-rending. Dr. _ Rudenbrod was summoned,
but he could do but little to alleviate the sufferings of the woman, who died shortly
after two o'clock this morning. It will never be known just how the accident occurred, but
it was evident to those who first arrived at the scene that Mrs. Abrams had done all she
could to prevent the burning of the house. In this she was unsuccessful, but it cost her
her life. The body presented a shocking appearance, burnt from head to foot, the worst
on the face, neck, arms and hands. It was not deemed necessary to hold an inquest. The
funeral will take place from Janes Chapel to-morrow at 10 o'clock a.m., Rev. J.T. Finley
Decatur Daily Republican, 31 May 1892
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Abrams, who was burned to death, was held yesterday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from Janes Chapel. The service was conducted by Rev. J.T. Finley.
In his sermon Rev. Finley spoke of Mrs. Abrams' life, her character and the suddenness of
her death. The sermon was an impressive one. The casket was opened at the church. Upon
the casket were many flowers. The burial was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Jun 1892
ABT, Alois
Alois Abt One of Decatur's Oldest Citizens
Alois Abt, aged eighty-seven years, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Decatur,
died at 5:45 Saturday afternoon at his home, 660 East Clay street. His death was due to the infirmities
of age. His physician was at the house only a few minutes before, and Mr. Abt got up and dressed and
sat in his chair. He leaned back and closed his eyes and in a little while he was asleep not to awaken
again in this life.
Mr. Abt was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, June 19, 1828. He came to America when he was
eighteen years old. he remained in New York but a short time after landing and then came direct to
Monticello and from there to Decatur, where he has made his home ever since. For twenty-five years
he was night watchman at the Decatur Furniture factory. Before that he was employed by Dr. Johns.
During the past few years he has led a retired life.
When he was twenty-seven years old Mr. Abt and Miss Ellen Hurley were married. Her death
occurred twenty-four years ago, Aug. 1. To them were born the following children, all of whom are
living: Miss Mollie Abt, Mrs. Clara Walser and Mrs. John Wombacher, all of Decatur, and Mrs. Kate
Quintens of Chicago. There are twelve grandchildren and three great grand children.
Mr. Abt was a charter member of St. Patrick's Catholic church. When he came to Decatur
there was no German Catholic church. Later, after St. James' church was organized, he transferred his
membership to that church and was always a faithfula nd consistent member. He was known to most of
the old residents of Decatur and Macon county as well as to many in Bement and Monticello. He always
had a kind word for everybody and he was held in high regard by all. He was a member of the German
Aid society of St. James' church. He had perhaps served as a pallbearer at more funerals than any
other man in Decatur. He never missed a church service as long as he was able to walk, no weather
being severe enough to keep him away.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning at St. James' church. The
services will be conducted by Rev. Father Ostendorff. The interment will be in Calvary.
Decatur Review, Sunday, 7 Nov 1915
ABT, Mary Ellen
DIED - At 9:15 p.m., at 660 East Clay street, on Friday Aug. 2, Mary Ellen, wife of
Alois Abt, of paralysis, aged 50 years, 8 months and 10 days.
Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, 10 Aug 1889
The funeral of Fred Ackerman will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the United
Brethren church. The services will be conducted by Rev. E.H. Shuey. The interment will be at
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 22 Aug 1909
The funeral of Fred L. Ackerman was held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the United
Brethren church. There was a large attendance of railroad men and other friends of the unfortunate
young man. There was a profusion of __ and floral tributes.
The services were conducted by Rev. E.H. Shuey. The music was furnished by a quartet
composed of Miss Ulta Shuey, Miss Letha Collins, Robert Gibson and L.G. Ruthrauff. Their selections
were "Shadows", "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and "Abide With Me." The pallbearers were C. Timmons,
Walter Johnson, William Dillehunt, Ben Ballinger, Charles Downey and Frank __. The interment was at
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Aug 1909
ADAMS, Alexander T.
Alexander T. Adams died of consumption Monday evening, Oct. 24, at his
home, No. 628 East Condit street at 6:15 o'clock, aged 32 years and 11 months. He leaves
a widow and four small children. Mr. Adams was an employe of the Wabash shops and was
well liked by all his fellow workmen and by all who knew him. He was a member in good
standing of Washington Camp No. 57 P.O.S. of A.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 29 Oct 1892
ADAMS, Charles
Death Follows Stroke of Paralysis - A Well Known Character
Charles Adams died Tuesday night at his home on North Clayton street after an illness
of several weeks, following a stroke of paralysis. The deceased was an aged man and for a number of
years had not been actively engaged in business affairs. He was in his youth a sailing master on
coasting vessels off the New England states. He was also a locomotive engineer and was among the
first man in that work to come to Decatur. He was well-informed, read a great deal and was fond of
an argument. At the Morgan street home house, along East Eldorado street, and at the railway
stations where he was fond of passing his time, he was especially well known and well liked. For
more than a year he has frequently remarked to his friends that his time must be drawing near, for
that he had reached an age where he could not expect to live much longer.
He is survived by his wife and five children. Two of his sons, Frank and Albert
Adams, are engineers on the Great Northern railway and were called home by their father's illness.
Thomas Adams, another son, is superintendent of motive power on the Cotton Belt road. Two daughters
also survive, one living in Springfield and one in New England.
Decatur Herald, 13 Sep 1901
ADAMS, Comfort
Mrs. Comfort Adams, wife of Benjamin N. Adams, died Thursday of pneumonia at the family
home, No. 259 West Wood street, aged 76 years. She was the mother of Mrs. Jesse E. Bendure, of
Decatur, and Mrs. W.L. Bankdson, of Blue Mound. She was born in Indiana, and had lived in Decatur
twenty-five years. She leaves two sisters; one is Mrs. J.A. Henry, of Mt. Zion. Funeral will
be held on Sunday.
Decatur Daily Republican, 16 Dec 1893
Mrs. Comfort Adams, died at 11:15 o'clock at her home 249 West Wood street, after a long
illness. Had she lived until Jan 14, 1894, she would have been 76 years of age. She was born in
Ripley county, Ind., and came to Illinois over fifty years ago. For the part twenty-five years she
has resided on West Wood street, in this city. She leaves a husband, B.N. Adams, and two children,
Mrs. J.E. Bendure of Decatur and Mrs. W.L. Bankson of Blue Mound. She has a sister Mrs. J.A. Henry
in Mt. Zion and also one in Carterville, Mo.
The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.
The Daily Review, 15 Dec 1893
ADAMS, David M.
David N(M). Adams, an old resident of the county, died at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday,
Nov. 18, at his home, 1105 North Union street, age 80 years. He had been ill for several
Mr. Adams is survived by two daughters, Helen Adams, a teacher, Mrs. Charles
Lindsay of Oklahoma, Mrs. Ada Miller living at Argenta, and a son residing at the same
Services will be held at the house at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and
Dr. W.H. Penhallegon will officiate. The body will be taken to Argenta and the funeral
will be held from the Cumberland Presbyterian church of that place at 9 a.m. Thursday.
Those who wish to attend can leave Decatur at 7:25 a.m. and return on 10:10 a.m. train.
Friends will be recieved at the house from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday.
Decatur Herald, 21 Nov 1902
ADAMS, Elizabeth
Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, Widow of Engineer
Word was received in Decatur Friday that Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, an old resident of this
city, was dying in the hospital at Springfield and that she was not expected to live through the day.
Mrs. Adams is the widow of Charley Adams, one of the first engineers on the Wabash railroad. Her
sons Tom, Frank and Alfred Adams are all engineers.
One daughter, Mrs. Grance Bertet, is stenographer at the state house in Springfield.
Another daughter, Mrs. Huff, lives in Boston, and there is another married daughter. Alfred is in
South Dakota, Tom is in Pine Bluff, Ark., and Decatur friends do not know the address of Frank
Adams. Mrs. Adams is among the best known of the older residents of Decatur. She is eighty-seven
years old and has resided here for a great many years.
She has two houses in the 800 block on North Clayton street. Since the death of her
husband, she has spent much time with her daughter in Springfield, but always claimed Decatur as
her home, and has kept her house furnished here all the time. She was here about two months ago.
She is a member of the W.R.C. and Tribe of Ben Hur, and was always an active worker
in the First Methodist church.
The Daily Review, 6 Sep 1912
Mrs. Adams Relative of an English Lord
Husband Was Former Well Known Local Engineer
The body of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, who died Friday afternoon in Springfield arrived in
Decatur over the Wabash at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. The body was met by members of the Woman's
Relief Corps and taken to Greenwood where short services were conducted by Rev. J.C. Willits, pastor
of the First Methodist church. The music was furnished by Miss Pauline Millikin and Mrs. Leon A.
Monson. The pallbearers were Daniel Moore, H.J. Yarnell, J.C. Walsh, Benjamin Harry, J.G. Thompson
and D.J. Quaid.
Mrs. Adams was born in 1825 at Lynn, Mass., and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Swan of Lynn, Mass. She grew to womanhood in Lynn. She was married to Charles Adams when she was
seventeen years old at Lynn, Mass., and resided in that city until 1860, when she came to Illinois,
settling at Centralia. After the civil war was over she and her husband moved to Decatur, where she
resided for the rest of her life with the exception of the last two years which were spent with her
daughter, Mrs. Grace E. Bertet, of 831 West Jefferson Street, Springfield.
Her husband, Charles Adams ran trains over the Illinois Central railroad in this state
before the tracks were torn up at the start of the civil war. Her husband was a direct descendant of
the presidential line of the Adams family of Lynn, Mass., and her great-grandfather, Sir Cuthbert
Martin, was at one time lord mayor of the city of London, England.
She is survived by three sons, Thomas E. Adams, superintendent of the motive and
machinery department of the Cotton Belt route, residing in Pine Bluff, Ark., Frank Adams also of the
Cotton Belt Railroad company, and Alfred Adams who is connected with the Great Norhtern Railroad
company, four daughters, Mrs. William J. Cherry, of San Antonio, Tex., Mrs. Edgar W. Brown of
Bridgeport, Conn., Mrs. Laura Huff of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Grace E. Bertet of Springfield,
one brother, Eben Swan, of Lynn, Mass., one sister Mrs. Sarah Curry of Lynn, Mass., and six
The Daily Review, 7 Sep 1912
ADAMS, Emma Priscilla (Grant)
Mrs. Emma Priscilla Adams, 86, a resident of Decatur for over 50 years, died at 9:35 am
today in St. Mary's hospital. She had been in failing health during the past three years and
the cause of death was attributed to heart trouble
Mrs. Adams had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. J.L. Fitzpatrick, 1040 West King
She was born in Mt. Vernon, April 10, 1857, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Grant.
In October of 1880 she was married to D.N. Adams, in Opdyke. Mr. Adams died in 1937.
Mrs. Adams was a member of the First Baptist Church here.
Besides Mrs. Fitzpatrick, she leaves six other children, Mrs. Lela Smith, Mrs. Edna Wetz,
Ralph and Willard, all of Decatur; Mrs. Dora Caudle, of Springfield, and M.F. Adams, San
Bernardino, California. She also leaves 16 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.
The body was taken to the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home. Burial will be in Fairlawn Cemetery.
Other arrangements are incomplete.
Decatur Review, 9 Aug 1943
ADAMS, Comfort (Nichols)
The funeral of Mrs. B.N. Adams was held Sunday at 2 p.m. at the family residence.
The services wer conducted by Rev. Rogers, of the U.B. church, who took his text, Psalms cxvi.,
15, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Rev. Rogers spoke of the
death of saints as compared to the death of sinners. In the first instance it was precious to the
victims because it released them from the sorrows and sufferings of this life. To those in the
second class it was all darkness and woe without a single ray of hope to cheer their path. The
subject of this discourse was born in Clark Co., Ohio, January 4, 1818, and moved with her family
to Ripley county, Indiana. At the age of 18 year she professed religion and united with the
Baptist church. Her maiden name was Comfort Nichols and she was married to Benjamin Adams on June
14, 1840. They moved to Illinois in 1850, settling near Mt. Zion. Mrs. Adams placed her letters
with the Baptist church at Salem and was still identified with that church at the time of her
death. She had bee in feeble health for twenty years, but during this time she bore her affliction
with true christian fortitude and frequently spoke of her faith in a future life. Her last audible
words were "Blessed Jesus." A husband and two daughters mourn her loss. The daughters are Mrs.
Jesse Bendure of Decatur, and Mrs. W.L. Bankson of Blue Mound. The funeral services were
largely attended and there were many beautiful floral offerings. The pall bearers were Messrs.
W.H. Grindol, J.F. Roach, Robt. Leforgee, H.F. May, J.R. Miller, and Wm. Cox.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur, IL), 23 Dec 1893
ADAMS, Daniel Nolan
Funeral services for Daniel Nolan Adams, 78, who died late Tuesday in his home at
1032 West King Street, will be conducted at 2 pm Friday in the Dawson & Wikoff chapel
by Rev. F.F. Cooper. Burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Death was due to old age and complications. He was born in McLeansboro, Jan 19, 1859
and came to Decatur 45 years ago. He was married in Opdyke to Emma Grant, Oct 27, 1880.
Mr. Adams was a stationary engineer and was employed by the Premier-Malt Co., retiring
in 1928. He was a member of the First Baptist Church
Besides his wife he leaves the following children: Mrs. Lelah Smith, Willard F. Adams,
John Ralph Adams, Mrs. J. T. Fitzpatrick and Mrs. R.L. Wetz, all of Decatur: Mrs. Dora
Caudle of Springfield, and Morton F. Adams of San Bernadino, Cal. Three children are dead.
He was the last of his family. There are 16 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
ADAMS, David N.
David N. Adams, an old resident of the county, died at 1:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18,
at his home 1105 North Union street, aged 80 years. He had been ill for several months.
Mr. Adams is survived by two daughters, Helen Adams, a teacher, Mrs. Charles
Lindsay, of Oklahoma, Mrs. Ada Miller at Argenta and a son residing at the same place.
Services will be held at the house at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and Dr. W.H.
Penhallegon will officiate. The body will be taken to Argenta and the funeral will be held from
the Cumberland Presbyterian church of that place at 9 a.m. Thursday. Those who wish to attend
can leave at 7:25 a.m. and return on 10:10 a.m. train.
Friends will be received at the house from 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesday.
Decatur Herald, 21 Nov 1902
ADAMS, Henry D. 
Henry D. Adams died at his residence on West William Street yesterday morning at
half past six, after a lingering illness of several months. He was sixty-three years old, and
has long been a resident of this city, where he is well known and highly esteemed. The deceased
is a Mexican War veteran, having rendered his country valuable service in that struggle. He was
a member of Company H. second Indiana infantry. Four children two sons and two daughters and
a wife survive him. He has always been a earnest and faithful member of the Christian Church.
The funeral will take place from that church this afternoon at three oclock, Rev. T. W. Pinkerton
Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 14 Jul 1885, pg. 3
ADAMS, Joel 
Joel Adams, Well Known, Expires Friday
Maroa, October 10 Joel Adams, for many years a resident of this city and
community, died Friday morning at the home of his son, following an illness of several weeks.
Mr Adams had been in failing health for more than a year, but was able to go to Florida a year
ago, where he remained with his daughter until about the first of June. Mr. Adams was born
Oct. 15, 1844 in Hendrix County, Indiana, where the earlier years of his life were spent. He
enlisted as a soldier from the state in the Civil War when eighteen years of age and served
until the close in 1865. He was married to Miss Susan Jane Neff, Dec. 27, 1867. To this union
were born four children. Alice, Edger, Eva and Dick. Mrs. Adams died September 27, 1911. His
daughter, Alice, first wife of W. O. Shaw, died June 25, 1914. Edgar and Dick Adams of Maroa
and Mrs Eva Shaw of St. Petersburg, Florida, survive. Mrs. Shaw and daughter are arrived from
Florida a few hours after Mr. Adams passed away. There are fifteen grandchildren and seven
great grandchildren. He leaves three brothers, William H, of Moleno, Mo., Charles of The Dailes,
Ore., and Thomas of Maroa. There are also two half brothers, S. G., Spokane, Wash., and Frank
of Columbus, Ohio.
Mr. Adams came too Illinois with his parents when about ten years of age. He
has lived in and near Maroa for the last forty years except the last eight winters he has made
his home with his daughter. Mrs. W. O. Shaw, in St. Petersburg. Florida. The trip was made every
spring and fall in an automobile, except three trips by train. He was a member of the Methodist
church. He was member of Lingle Post G. A. R. until it was disbanded a few years ago. Mr. Adams
was a man who loved his home and made himself congenial to all classes of people and leaves many
friends in his hometown and community and also in St Petersburg, Florida, where he became well
acquainted and enjoyed the declining years of his life. Funeral services will be held Sunday
afternoon at 3 oclock at the home of his son Dick. Burial will be in Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 10 Oct 1925, pg. 3
ADAMS, John Quincy 
The funeral of John Quincy Adams, civil war veteran and member of the G.A.R. was
held at 1:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the First Congregational church. Internment was in
Greenwood. For three and a half years, Mr. Adams served as flag bearer in the civil war. He
was shot through the knees at the battle of Antietam. |
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 21 Apr 1914, pg. 7
The funeral of John Quincy Adams was held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon at the
First Congregational church. The services were conducted by Rev. S. H. Roblee and were under
the auspices of Dunham post, 141, G.A.R. There was a large attendance. The music was
furnished by Miss Cliloe Patterson and. Miss Leta Seeforth. The pallbearers were James
Thompson, Samuel Welfey, Robert Pate, James Odor, L. A. Moore and Henry Barnhart. The
ritualistic exercises of the G. A. R. were conducted at the church. The interment was
in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 22 Apr 1914, pg. 12
ADAMS, Newton E. 
Newton E Adams, one, of the old and well-known residents of Decatur, died at
12:30 Saturday morning at St. Marys hospital. He would have been seventy-nine years old in
October. Mr. Adams was operated on just a week ago and for a little while it seemed that he
might get well. His age was against him and his improvement was only temporary.
Mr Adams was born in Wellington, Ohio in October 1836 and he came to Decatur
in 1879 and for several years was freight agent for the old Illinois Midland Railroad, later
known as the Vandalia. For several years he has led a retired life making his home with his
daughter. Mrs. C.E. Dawson, 125 West Prairie Avenue. His wife died about six years ago. He
was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and was also a member of Dunham Post G.A.R. He
is survived by three children; Mrs. Max Strader of Chicago; Mrs C. E. Dawson and Dr Walter R.
Adams of Decatur.
The funeral will he held at 4 oclock Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Dawson. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 7 August 1915, pg. 4
The funeral of Newton E. Adams will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dawson. 524 West Prairie Avenue. The Interment will be in
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 8 August 1915, pg. 23
ADAMS, William
William Adams aged 79 years died of cancer of the throat at the home of his son-in-law
Thomas V. Jones, 1133 North Clayton street at 2:30 Monday afternoon.
Mr. Adams was born in Kentucky, but when quite young he came with his parents to Indiana.
In 1855 he married Miss Mary Oakes of Shelby county, Md. Mrs. Adams died five years ago.
Mrs. Adams lived in Decatur for thirty-one years and for a long time he was employed as a
cabinet maker for the furniture factory. For twenty-seven years he has been a member of Coeur de Leon
lodge, No. 17, K. of P. He is survived by three children. They are Mrs. L.E. Duer of Westport, Mo.,
Mrs. Thomas V. Jones of Decatur and ?. S. Adams of Storm Lake, Ia.
The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from the residence. The K. of P. will be
in charge and burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 20 Mar 1900
ADAMS, Mrs. William
In Chair at Matoa Friday Forenoon
She was Sewing a Carpet When Called
Maroa, Ills., May 22 - (Special to the Review) - Mrs. William Adams was found dead about
11 o'clock this forenoon. She was sitting in her chair where she had been sewing carpet. Mrs. Adams
was about 80 years old and was one of the most highly respected old citizens of Maroa. She died at the
family farm in the southwest part of town where they have resided many years. She leaves a husband,
William Adams, who is up in 80 years, two married sons, Lee Adams of Minneapolis and Frank Adams, who
recently moved to Decatur.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 22 May 1903
Maros, Ills., May 25 - The funeral of Mrs. William Adams, who died suddenly while at her work
Friday morning, was held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the residence in the northeast part of the
city. Rev. D.T. Miles conducted the services. Interment was at the Maroa cemetery. The pall bearers
were three sons, Frank Adams, L.G. Adams, Mr. McKinley and three stepsons, Tom Adams, William Adams and
Joel Adams, of the deceased.
Mrs. Adams was born in Ohio in 1926. She had been married twice. To the first union five
children were born, of which two daughters and one son survive her. Her second marriage was to William
Adams. To this union five children were born, of whom three sons are living. Mrs. Adams joined the
Methodist church when quite young. She leaves an aged husband, 86 years old, who will go to Missouri to
make his home with his son, William Adams.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 25 May 1903
ADAMS, William LeRoy 
W. LeRoy Adams Dies at Home
Was Active in Democratic Politics Here
William LeRoy Adams, only son of Patrolman and Mrs. W.R. Adams, died at 2:10
oclock Tuesday morning at the family residence, 265 East Leafland avenue. He would have been
35 years old in July. His death was caused by a complication of diseases and followed a long
illness of lung trouble.
Mr. Adams was born near Oreana July 5, 1893. With the exception of six years
spent in the south all his life had been passed in Decatur and Macon County. He attended the
public schools in Decatur. During the familys sojourn in the south he studied law for two
years, but the legal profession did not appeal strongly to him and he did not resume his studies
after the family returned to Decatur. He passed the entrance examination and attended Valparaiso
University for two semesters, in 1913 and 1914.
Mr. Adams was for six years a department clerk at the Mueller factory. He was
a Democrat in politics and for eight years was a member of the county central committee, serving
as secretary in 1920. He was a member of Ionic lodge No. 312, A.F. and A.M. and had a great
many friends. He is survived by his parents and three sisters, Mrs. Ora Lowry, Mrs. Dora Furr
and Mrs. Guy Rice, all of Decatur. The body was removed to Brintlinger & Sons undertaking
establishment and prepared for burial.
The Decatur Review, Tuesday, 22 Jun 1916, pg. 12
ADDIS, Walter K. 
Walter K. Addis Expires Friday
Had Been in Failing Health for 10 Years
"Walter K. Addis, for nearly fifty-eight years a resident of Decatur, died at
7:30 o'clock Friday morning at his home 1020, South Webster Street. He was sixty-nine years old
last September. He had been in failing health for the last ten years. His death was caused by
diabetes. Walter Keer Addis was born near El Paso, Illinois, Sept. 4. 1859, He was the son of
William H and Adeline Addis, for many years well known residents of Decatur W. H. Addis was
one of the early newspaper publishers in Decatur and for many years was connected with The
Daily Republican. Walter Addis learned the printers trade in the old Republican office and
was employed there for a number of years. He later served as a deputy sheriff under Sheriff
Peniwell and later under Sheriff Underwood. For the last few years he has lived a retired
life. His wife formerly Lelah Oakes, died several rears ago. His mother passed last August.
His father passed many years ago. He is survived by two sons Roy Addis of Seattle, Washington
and Harry Addis of Fort Worth, Texas. The body was taken to the Moran & Sons funeral
directors and prepared for burial."
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 24 May 1929, pg. 23
AHOLTZ, Daniel 
Among the victims of the Springfield rolling mill fire, on Saturday night last,
was Daniel Aholtz, a cousin of Fred Aholtz, of this city. Mr. Aholtz left the city last fall,
and has been at work carpentering ever since, and is well known In Decatur. While at work
during the fire a board struck him, inflicting quite an injury, but it was not thought to
be serious at the time. On going to his work next day, he fell dead. He has two brothers
living at Lafayette, Indiana. He was about forty years of age. During the war he proved
himself a valiant and brave soldier, serving in the federal army three years and three
months, in Co. F. 83rd ILL., regiment. He was born in York County, Pennsylvania, and came
to this state in 1855. His wife died while he was in the army. He has a daughter in Homer,
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 11 March 1879, pg. 1
FUNERAL.The remains of Daniel Aholtz, who died from injuries received at the
Springfield fire, have been brought to this city for interment The funeral will take place
this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from Frank Aholtz' residence on West Main street.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 12 March 1879, pg. 1
Held This Morning Over the Body of Fred Aholtz - Decided He Died from
Natural Causes
This morning Coroner Bendure held an inquest over the body of Fred
Aholtz, who died suddenly yesterday. The inquest took place at the residence of the
deceased, No. 544 North College street. The jury was composed of Dr. H.D. Heil, foreman,
Dr. E.B. Walston, Dr. Will Chenoweth, W.C. Deacons, J.C. Millspaugh and Dr. James L.
Bevans. The verdict was that the man died from natural causes. The witnesses examined
were Mrs. Aholtz, William Connell, Lon Brockway and Ernest Rike, who were present when
the death occurred.
The death of Mr. Aholtz was very sudden. He was in a chair when without
warning he fell and almost before his wife could reach him he was dead. He breathed only
a few times after he fell from his chair. Mr. Aholtz has not been in good health.
Several days ago he suffered a slight stroke of apoplexy but recovered and it was not
supposed that his condition was dangerous. The deceased was born at Lancaster, Pa.,
May 8, 1827. He came to Illinois in 1842 and has been here ever since, living most
of the time in this city. He leaves two children, Mrs. Bud Florey and Dock Aholtz.
At one time Mr. Aholtz owned a good deal of property but he lost almost everything he
had by litigation. One case after another in court gradually consumed all his wealth.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Nov 1896
The funeral of the late Fred Aholtz will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the family residence, No. 444 North College street. The burial will be at
Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 14 Nov 1896
The funeral of the late Fred Aholtz was held Saturday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from his late residence, 544 North College street. The services were conducted
by Rev. Bernard and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery. The pall bearers were John
Strausbaugh, John Millspaugh, J.W. Coble, W.P. Hunter, F.M. Garver and William Wentz.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 16 Nov 1896
Mrs. Leah Aholtz, widow of the late Fred Aholtz, died at 9 o'clock Saturday
morning at her home 544 North College street, aged 64 years. Paralysis was the cause of
death. Mrs. Anoltz has been ill for the past year and was confined to her bed for about
a week. She is survived by two children, Doc Aholtz and Mrs. Budd Florey, both of
Decatur, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Mitchell of Decatur. Her husband died four years ago.
Mrs. Anoltz was born at York, Pa., and came to Decatur about forty years
ago and has lived here ever since. On account of her long residence in the city she
was quite well known. She was formerly a member of the Church of God, but in recent
years has not been able to attend services.
The funeral will be held from the residence probably at 3 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, but the exact time will be announced tomorrow morning.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 23 Mar 1901
The funeral of Mrs. Leah Aholtz was held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon
from the family residence, 503 North College street. The services were conducted
at Greenwood cemetery. The pall bearers were Messrs. Strausbaugh, W.P. Hunter, F.M.
Garver, George Lyons, John B. Howyer and T. Blair.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 25 Mar 1901
David Albert died Friday evening at the Decatur and Macon County hospital. He was
about eighty years old. Death was caused by complications incident to old age. Mr. Albert
became and inmate of the infirmary about a year ago. If he had any relatives he never referred
to them. He had been failing rapidly for some time and Wednesday was taken to the hospital.
The body was removed to the Brintlinger & Sons undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial and will be held there until Sunday or Monday in the hope of locating
Before Mr. Albert went to the county infirmary about a year ago he had been living
with his niece, Mrs. Charles Bobb, 281 East Leafland avenue. He was also an uncle of Mrs. Maude
Ware and Elmer Chandler of Decatur. He was born near Harrisburg, Pa. over eighty years ago. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at the Brintlinger & Sons chapel. Interment will be in
Decatur Review, 16 May 1919
ALBERT, Minnie Anna
Minnie Anna Albert little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Albert, living one
mile south of Long Creek, died at 8:30 o'clock Monday morning at the family residence. Her
age was one year and seven months. She was born March 27, 1918. Her death was caused by
pneumonia, after an illness of seven weeks. The funeral will be held at the residence at
10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The interment will be in the Long Creek cemetery.
Decatur Review, 27 Oct 1919
ALBERT, William A. 
Funeral Of William A. Albert
The funeral of the late Wm. Albert will take place from the residence, 35
South Main Street at 3 PM today. The obsequies will be conducted by the Decatur Rifles
and Macon County Veterans of both of the organizations deceased had been a member. The
pastor of the Church of God will be the officiating clergyman. Friends of the family
Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 19 May 1882, pg. 1
Lieut. William A. Albert will be buried to day with military honors.
Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 19 May 1882, pg. 4
On Saturday evening, S.T. Albin, living two miles west of Emery, suddenly fell
from the chair that he occupied in his residence, and before members of his family could reach
him, he had passed from earth forever. He was a prominent and well-known farmer in that
locality and the entire community was shocked by the news of his sudden and unexpected
demise. Mr. Albin was fifty-six years old. His funeral took place on Monday, and the
remains were interred at the Boiling Springs cemetery.
The Morning Review (Decatur), 27 Jan 1886
ALDRIDGE, Harrison A. 
Veteran Expires of Heart Trouble and Asthma
Served As Supervisor and Highway Commissioner
Harrison A. ALDRIDGE for forty years, a resident of Decatur, died at 6:30,
Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Drysdale, 543 North Main Street, He
had been suffering from asthma and heart trouble for several years, and has been failing
rapidly of late. For the past few years he had been staying in the Soldiers' home in Quincy.
About a month ago he returned to the city and has been visiting with his
daughter, who has been making her home with Mr. and Mrs Drysdale for some time. He had
been under the care of a physician ever since his return. Saturday afternoon he visited
a barbershop for a shave. He was then very weak, and he became worse shortly after arriving
Mr Aldridge was seventy-two years old. He was a veteran of the Civil war
and a member of Dunham post, 141. G. A. R. He was born at Naples, Illinois, May 1, 1841.
He came to Decatur forty years ago and this had been his home ever since. His wife, died
about twelve years ago. He was prominent in local politics for many years; He served
two terms as a member of the board of highway commissioners and three terms as assistant
supervisor. Two children, Miss Dollie Aldridge or Decatur and Alva Aldridge of Des
Moines, Io, survive him.
The body was removed to the Dawson undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial. The time of the funeral has not yet been decided on but it will probably be
held Monday or Tuesday.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 1 June 1913, pg. 27
DIED ~ At Tuscola, yesterday, Anna, youngest daughter of D.R. Alexander. The remains
will arrive in this city at 11:45 a.m. to-morrow, for interment at Greenwood cemetery. Friends of
the family are invited to attend.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Dec 1873
Long a Prominent Decatur Citizen
For Many YEars Street Superintendant
John W. Alexander died shortly after 10 o'clock Sunday morning at his home,
1035 North Church street. Apoplexy caused his death.
Mr. Alexander had been in a serious condition since Friday evening. At supper
that evening he became suddenly ill. He was taken to his room and a doctor called, but he
became unconscious, and never recovered enough to say anything.
Mr. Alexander was one of Decatur's old settlers. He lived in Decatur almost
continuously for thirty-six years. Ten years of that time he was in the employ of the city
as street superintendent.
BORN IN 1830
John W. Alexander was born near Greenville, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1830. When he was
still very young he moved with the rest of his family to Franklin, Ind. There he lived almost
thirty years.
While living in Franklin he met Miss Mary McDowell of Pittsburg, Pa., who was
in Franklin with her parents on a visit. Both her parents died in Franklin within six weeks
of each other. She stayed in Frnaklin with her broher, and finally became engaged to Mr.
Alexander. When they were to be married she went to Pittsburg to her sister's home.
At that time Mr. Alexander worked on railroads. After the war he went to Kansas
City and worked there till 1867, when he came to Deactur with his wife.
Since 1867 he had worked for several railroads, chiefly the Chesapeake & Ohio
and the Midland. In 1888 he went to Spokane, Wash., and became superintendent of a street
railway there. Two years later he returned to Decautr and took charge of the street railway
here. Late he became street superintendent and held that position tne years off and on. He
was street superintendent under D.H. Conklin, Captain M.F. Kanan and William Chambers.
After leaving the service of the city he started in the coal business. He left
that two years ago. He had been ill for fifteen months or longer. A year ago last July he
was stricken with paralysis, and had been an invalid ever since that time.
He leaves besides his wife, a brother, D.R. Alexander; a sister, Mrs. Leah Vaughn;
and a niece, Miss Enda Alexander, whom he reased as his own child.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the First
Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Alexander was a member. The Knights Templar will have
charge of the funeral. Mr. Alexander was a Knight Templar twenty-five years or longer.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 7 Dec 1903
Samuel Alexander, aged ninety years, died at 10:30 Monday night at his home,
821 West Leaf land Avenue. His death was caused by pneumonia. He was born in Lancaster County,
Pa., May 12, 1831. He had been a resident of Illinois since 1853. He is survived by his wife
and one son, W. L. Alexander of Decatur. The funeral will be held at 11:30 Thursday morning
at the residence. The internment will be in Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Review, 7 Jun 1911, pg. 10
ALLEN, Alice (Johnson)
Born: Nov 09, 1862
Died: Sep 27, 1932 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Matthew & Nancy (James) Johnson
Married: Charles Nelson Greenfield
ALLEN, Callie L. (Querry)
Born: 7 Nov 1862 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 15 Feb 1948 in Tonkawa, Kay Co., OK
Parents: Nathaniel & Roseanna (Secrist) Querry
Married: Dec 11, 1856
ALLEN, Clarence
Born: 2 Jan 1894 in Macon Co.
Died: 10 Sep 1966 in Santa Ana, CA
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Joseph & Alice Allen
Married: Dec 1914 in Toledo, Lucas, OH
Children: Sons: Boyd W., of Decatur, Harold E., of Belmar, N.J.
Daughters: Mrs. Ray (Dorothy) Mueller, of Tulsa, Okla, and Mrs. Darwin (Maxine)
Spittler, of Decatur, Belva Gardner of Chicago
ALLEN, David L.
The Oldest Resident of Decatur Pays the Great Debt of Nature
The alarming condition of Capt. David L. Allen, at his home south of the
city, near the old county bridge, was noted in the Republican last evening. He
died at 7 o'clock last night, in his 79th year of his age, attended by his aged wife,
his daughters and a friend. The Captian was afflicted with a senile diarrhoea, and so
severe and frequent were the attacks that for weeks he had been confined to his bed.
The deceased was the oldest resident of Decatur township, having located
in this city as early as 1828, before the county was organized. He was also one of the
oldest residents of the county. He was born in Loudon county, Virginia, in 1806, and
removed thence to Kentucky and Tennessee, coming to Decatur from the latter state with
a drove of sheep in 1828. Two years later, in 1830, he was united in marriage to Julia
E. Read, sister of the late Dr. T.H. Read. She survives her husband, though at present
she is in a feeble condition. In his lifetime Capt. Allen owned considerable land in
this and Piatt counties, and is said to have been worth at least $70,000. At an early
day he entered and secured the deed for 80 acres of land in the center of Decatur,
extending from the Wabash railway along Water street south to a point below Wood
street, and east to a point near the Union depot. Unfortunate investments and other
causes placed him in straightened circumstances in his declining years.
He and Dr. Read built the old Maffit mill and dam, both of which
have disappeared long since, and at one time Mr. Allen was the owner of the
old lime kiln near the Willow Ford.
In his prosperous years Capt. Allen who was an official and active
generously to the church, presenting it the old building lot where the Reeser
store now stands, at the corner of William and Water streets. He also presented
the Decatur school fund a lot on which the J.W. Haworth block was lately erected,
and he gave his share of the park to the city. These and other contributions
should keep green the memory of the departed in the minds of our people. In
all his long life he was a consistent member of the Baptist church, and he
loved his church as he did his home. In his dealings with men and in his
conversation he was quiet and firm. Socially he was entertaining and
companionable. It was always interesting to chat with the Captain and
hear him tell of the early days of Decatur, how the town developed, and
how the people got along when the houses were miles apart and visitors few
and far between. Though nearly 80 years of age, of late years he visited
the city almost daily in his road cart and was as eager to learn the news of
city, county, state or National importance as an active business man or politician
of 30. He was a constant reader of the Republican, and never failed to
get his paper regularly.
During the past 15 years he has resided on his picturesque home place
south of the Sangamon river, where he employed his time in raising fine strawberries
and other fruits, besides managing a famous dairy.
He leaves a widow and two unmarried daughters. His relatives are Samuel
C. Allen and Mrs. Dr. Read, of Decatur, and Robert and Lemuel Allen, of Pekin, Ill. The
funeral will take place from the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.
Decatur Daily Republican, 14 Nov 1884
Funeral of Capt. Allen
The mortal remains of the late Capt. David L. Allen, who died on the evening
of the 13th, in the 79th year of his age, were laid at rest in the grave at Greenwood
cemetery on Sunday. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church at 10:30 a.m., and
were conducted by the pasotr, Rev. Vosburgh, the church choir furnishing appropriate music.
The audience room was completely filled by a large representation of the older people of the
city and county who came to pay their last respects to the departed, who was known intimately
by many and loved by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. The clergyman took for his text the
words of St. Paul to the Corinthians: "To Die is Gain," as applied to the converted man, and
in the course of his feeling remarks he pointed out what gains, physical, social and otherwise,
are to be attained by the final dissolution. In closing, Rev. Vosburgh referred in a general
way to the blameless and exemplary life of Capt. Allen, and paid an eloquent tribute to his
life and character as a christian man and citizen. All present were given an opportunity to
look upon the face of the dead, when the body was removed to the cemetery, followed by a
large number of friends. The pall-bearers were Judge Greer, A.T. Hill, J.R. Gorin, R.
Liddle, Thomas Hays, J.N. Bills, D.P. Elwood and W.H. Wiswell.
Decatur Daily Republican, 17 Nov 1884
ALLEN, David Skillman
Death of D. Skillman Allen, an Old and Highly Respected Citizen of Macon County
DIED, At his late residence, one mile north of Harristown, in this county, at 11 p.m.
on Saturday, August 21, 1880, D. Skillman Allen, aged 58 years, 5 months and 30 days.
During last spring Mr. Allen was injured by a serious fall from a building on his
farm, which crippled him about the hops for a number of months. He suffered no well defined
disease, but died from physical prostration, his internal organism failing to perform its
The deceased was born in Georgetown, Scott county, Kentucky, February, 8, 1822, and
came to Macon county in 1855, purchasing a section of land in Harristown township, from the late
Walter Turner, and on this well-known farm, which is one of the best in the county, Mr. Allen
has lived for a quarter of a century, leading the life of an industrious farmer, making a
specialty of raising fine grade stock for the stock market. He leaves a wife, two brothers,
Alfred W. Allen, who lives in Harristown township, and W. Wright Allen, who resides in
Georgetown, Ky., a sister, Mrs. Wm. J. Quinlan, of this city and four children, Rhodes Allen,
Henry C. Allen, Bascom Allen, Wright Allen and Mrs. Lou C. Gregory, and hosts of friends to
mourn his demise. The aged mother of the deceased, Mrs. Cathering Shropshire, and his brother
were at Harristown about two weeks ago, and left for their home in Kentucky a few days since.
By the death of Mr. Allen the county has lsot one of its very best citizens. For
over 20 years he was a consistent, active and useful member of the Methodist church at
Harristown, and was always prominent in every good work, to which he contributed liberally. Being
of a modest and retiring disposition he never sought or accepted prominence in public life,
preferring to remain on his farm and follow his chosen occupation in his own quiet and successful
way. For many years he was a valued member of the Macon county agricultural board and at the
time of his death was one of the nine directors of the board.
The funeral will take place from the Methodist church at Harristown this (Monday)
afternoon. Rev. Hiram Buck will conduct the services.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 23 Aug 1880
ALLEN, Harry
The funeral of Harry Allen will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Dawson's chapel. The
interment will be in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 26 Oct 1913
ALLEN, Jane L. (Read)
Death of Mrs. Samuel C. Allen
After a painful illness, extending through about three months, the primary
cause of which was a congestive chill, followed by thphoid pneumonia and a spinal affection,
Mrs. Jane L., wife of Mr. Samuel C. Allen, died at the family residence on East William
street, at 9 o'clock last night. The funeral will take place from the family residence
this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend.
The deceased was born in Loudon county Virginia, about 1830. She resided
for a number of years in Ohio, and came to Decatur on a visit about 21 years ago as the
widow of Mr. Read. She became acquainted with Mr. Allen, whom she subsequently married.
She was a most estimable christian lady, and was a member of the Methodist Church in her
youth. A kinder hearted woman, a more devoted mother and a better wife never lived, and
her demise is deeply lamented by a large number of relatives and hosts of neighbors and
friends. She leaves a husband and five sons - Edward, William, Orvie and Frankie Allen,
and Charles Read.
Decatur Daily Republican, 26 Jun 1880
The funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel C. Allen took place from the familiy
residence on Saturday afternoon, and was quite largely attended by hosts of sympathizing
friends. Rev. Batson conducted the impressive services.
Decatur Daily Republican, 28 Jun 1880
NOTE: Mrs. Allen's maiden name may have been GORE.
ALLEN, Mabel (Goodpasture)
Born: 18 Jan 1893 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Died: 19 Jan 1947 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: George W. & Dora (Andrews) Goodpasture
Married: Dec 1914 in Toledo, Lucas, OH
ALLEN, Nellie
Nellie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Allen, died yesterday afternoon
at half past two o'clock, at the family residence on North Main street, of lung fever. The
little one was one year and thirteen days old. The funeral will take place this afternoon at
two o'clock from the residence. Rev. Geo. Stevens, of Stapp's Chapel, will conduct the
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 May 1886
ALLEN, Josiah P.
Josiah P. Allen, a young man seventeen years of age, who resided two miles east of
Warrensburg, died on Saturday and was buried on Monday.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 25 Apr 1886
Josiah P. Allen, son of Joseph Allen, recently died at his parent's home in Illini
township. The young man was only nineteen years of age, and was popular with both the young and
old people in the community in which he lived. His death was deeply deplored.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 15 Jun 1886
ALLEN, Julia (Reed)
At A Ripe Old Age
Saturday evening at 6 o'clock, Mrs. Julia Reed Allen, relict of Capt. D.L. Allen,
passed over to the silent majority, at the home place, near the county bridge. The venerable
lady had been in poor health for several years. She was past 82 years of age. She came to
Decatur from Tennessee in 1830, when this place was a small village, just a year after the
county was organized. In her 57 years' reside3nce here she has witnessed many changes. She
was a sister of Dr. Thomas H. Reed, deceased, and was one of a family of 23 children. At an
early period of her life she became a member of the Baptist church, and was a devoted
chrisitan woman. She leaves two daughters, Laura Allen and Mrs. J.R. Dills. Two sisters
reside in Tennessee. The funeral will take place from the Baptist church Tuesday at 10:30
Decatur Daily Republican, 2 May 1887
Death of an Old Settler
Mrs. Julia Reed Allen, wife of the late Captain David L. Allen, died at her
home south of the city at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, April 30. Mrs. Allen had been an
invalid for a number of years and her death was not unexpected. She was a native of Tennessee
and she came here about the year 1830. She was a sister to the late Dr. T.H. Reed, who lived
on Franklin street adjoining the residence of D.S. Shellabarger. She came here when all was
timber and prairie, lived to see the wildness brought under cultivation, saw a beautiful,
thrifty, enterprising city grow up from the small hamlet. She is almost the last of the very
early settlers. Many of our older people knew and esteemed her. The arrangements for the
funeral are not yet made.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 2 May 1887
The funeral of the late Mrs. D.L. Allen took place this forenoon from the Baptist
church, a large number of elderly people being in attendance to pay their last respects to the
departed. A touching funeral sermon was delivered by Dr. Vosburgh, and the choir furnished
appropriate music. The remains were placed in the grave in Greenwood. Messrs. Jas. Millikin,
H.C. John, Edwin Park, E.A. Gastman, Michael Elson and J.R. Gorin served as pall-bearers.
Decatur Daily Republican, 3 May 1887
ALLEN, Robert
Robert Allen died early Saturday morning June 30m 1894, at the residence of the Baptist
minister, Rev. A.M. Johnson, in Audrain county, Missouri.
Robert Allen was born in Virginia, the 7th of September, 1814. The son of James and
Elizabeth Allen of Loudoun county. He came to Decatur late in the fall of 1835 and lived in Decatur
and vicinity many years. He was deacon in the Baptist church in Decatur several years before he
moved to Missouri, where he settled a few miles from Mexico the county seat of Audrain county. A
few years after his wife Rhoda Maddock died, since then he has made his home in the famiy of Rev. A.M.
Johnson - mostly; he was kind and affectionate in waiting on the sick and benevolent to the needy and
helpless, strictly honest in all his dealings and an humble and sincere christian. He will be buried
to day in Mexico by the side of the grave of his wife. S.C.A. Decatur, Ill., July 1, 1894
Decatur Daily Republican, 2 Jul 1894
ALLEN, Samuel C.
He Came To Decatur In The Year 1832
Was Always Respected as One of Our Best Citizens
Samuel C. Allen, who came to Decatur in 1832, died at 7:20 Tuesday morning at
the home of his son E.G. Allen, 1608 East William street. He had been confined to his bed
for only about ten days. He suffered with heart trouble and from the first of his illness
it was seen that his condition was without much hope, owing to his great age. His end was
peaceful and easy, those around him not realizing when the end came.
Mr. Allen was born in Lowden county, Va., on Oct. 3, 1810, at a small village
thirty miles west of Washington City. He came to Decatur in March, 1832, reaching here on
the 18th day of the month. He immediately entered a claim for 100 acres of land in the
vicinity of what is now East William street and what was then considered quite a distance
from the city limits. Shortly after settling his claim and building his home he started a
grist and saw mill, the mills being known later as the Maffit's mills. Later he embarked
in the dry goods and notions business, conducting a general store. He married Mrs. Jane E.
Reid, at her home in Adams county, O., in 1858, bringing his wife at once to Decatur to
Following his marriage he gave up the general store and devoted his time to
cultivating his farm. He held at different times the office of city clerk, county treasurer,
recorder, assessor and postmaster. He was appointed to the latter office in 1841.
Mr. Allen was a life long member of the Baptist church and was one of the
organizers of the Baptist church of this city. The meetings were first conducted in a store
room belonging to him and located on South Park street.
Mr. Allen bore an honored place in the record of the names of the founders of
Decatur and the pioneers of Macon county. In many ways he was a remarkable character. He
was possessed of a seemingly inexhaustible vitality and was proud of the fact that he was
able to walk a distance of three miles without great fatigue, at the time he was stricken
with his last illness. He was a man of firm convictions and high character, filling a place
in the community that few can equal. When he came to Decatur there were but seven families
in the town and he has watched the growth of the city from its infancy, contributing largely
to its advancement and success.
Three children and six grandchildren are living. The children are E.G. Allen
of this city, W.L. Allen of Martin, Tenn., and Fr. O.R. Allen of Stanwood, Wash., until
recently a resident of this city. The grandchldren are Jay and Rex, children of Mr. and Mrs.
E.G. Allen, Guy, Roy and Emma, children of Mr. and Mrs. W._. Allen, and Everett, the son of Dr.
and Mrs. O.R. Allen. Mrs. Allen died in 1880.
The funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. They
will be held at the First Baptist church and will be conducted by Rev. S.H. Bowyer. Burial
will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Jan 1899
NOTE: Mr. Allen's middle name may have been COX.
Miss Amanda Allison, wife of Dr. B.A. Allison, died at nine o'clock last night. Most
of our readers are aware that she has long been suffering from cancer, and that her death has been
expected for some time. The funeral will take place from the First M. Church at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
Friends of the family are invited to be present.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 30 Aug 1875
ALLISON, Charles M. 
C. M. Allison Passes Away
Active in Business Until the Last:
HAD EVENTFUL LIFE: Contributed Much to Charitable Causes
Charles M Allison, one of Decatur's best- known citizens, died at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon at the Decatur and Macon County hospital, He would have been seventy-nine
years old in November. His death was due to complications incident to old age. He had been
in bad health for a, long time. Much of the time during the last few months was spent at
the hospital. He would often leave the hospital for a few days, when he felt better and
would go home, but never for very long.
Mr. Allison was known to several generations of Decatur citizens, all of who
held him in high regard. He was closely identified with the business life of Decatur to
the very last. Later generation knew him best as president of the Home Manufacturing Company,
a business he founded in May of 1895. But before that he was connected with the National
Bank of Decatur for seventeen years. He got into the banking business about the same time
that J. A. Meriweather and Smith Walker entered the same business. All went to work at the
National Bank of Decatur. Mr Allison used to say, when people would remark that they never
knew S. E. Walker to be in any but the Millikin National bank, that Jack Meriweather and I
taught Smith Walker the banking business.
Charles Allison led an interesting life. It was interesting to those who knew
him best, and he was fortunately able to do the things that interested him. He lived in an
interesting period and always filled a man's place. His early boyhood was spent in Spencer,
Indiana, where he was born Nov. 7, 1847 He came with his parents. Dr. and Mrs Ben A. Allison,
to Decatur in 1864. When he was only sixteen years old he enlisted in the Union army, serving
for six months. Then he drove a delivery wagon for a grocery store, went to school and later
took a position in the National Bank of Decatur.
Mr. Allison left the bank and for a short time h and the late S. S. Jack were
in the real estate business, On May 1, 1895, Mr. Allison started the Home Manufacturing company.
He began in his own home, having his workshop in the attic. That is how he happened to select
the name for his company. He manufactured women's housedresses, aprons, etc. He used his attic
for his cutting room and from there he would send the stuff out to all the women in the
neighborhood that he could get to sew up the garments on their machines. The business grew
steadily and he moved to the third floor of the old Arcade building. There he installed machinery
and employed many persons. From there the business moved to the Kincaid building on East
Eldorado Street. Still later he built the modern factory at East Eldorado street, which has
been the home of the company ever since. Mr. Allison was the head of this business until last
December, when he sold his interests to his son-ln-law and partner, J, H. McEvoy.
Mr. Allison was one of Decatur's most enthusiastic baseball fans. Hes one of
Decatur's earliest baseball players. That was before the time of Joe McGinity, Pacer Smith,
Staley and other famous early Decatur ball players but Mr. Allison knew them all. He kept in
touch with the big- leagues, too, and kept tab on the rise and fall of ballplayers all
over the country. He always claimed that he himself was the hardest hitter of any baseball
player of his own day.
Mr. Allison was also Decatur's first dramatic critic. For twenty-five years
he was local correspondent for the New York Clipper, the first weekly theater magazine
published. Later he corresponded for the Dramatic Mirror and the Bill Board. In the days
of the old Smith's opera house and later the Powers Grand opera house, C, M. Allison could
always be found around the stage entrance. He knew all the stars in the profession and was
on terms of personal friendship with most of them.
Mr. Allison was interested in the movies from the first. He always said that
there were no bad movies, if one was in the proper frame of mind to appreciate them. Some
were better than others, from many points, In fact all points of view, but the pictures
themselves are all good. They have always been good from the first. They are an unceasing
source of wonder. No one will ever know how much money Charles Allison gave to charity. He
was a liberal contributor to all worthy causes He did not have to be appealed to in most
cases. Most of his charities he kept to himself and few people know about them except himself
and the recipient. Frequently when the latter did not know from whence the gift came. He
was always for "the under dog " Mr. Allison was a member of Ionic Lodge No. 312, A. F. and
A. M, and Dunham post, 141, G. A. R. He was not a member of any church, but he contributed
to the building fund of every church that was erected during his residence in Decatur. He
did not always give large sums, but he never gave less than $25.
$5,600 PENSION:
Mr Allison never received a pension until Allen F. Moore became congressman
from this district. When the check came it lacked several cents of $5000. Mr. Allison
immediately invested it in??? stock. The last congress increased the amount of pension to
be received by the old veteran and Mr. Allison last check was for $65 instead of $55. The
last check came Saturday.
Mr Allison and Miss Luella Henkle were married in 1881. The Hinkles lived on
East North Street, so after their marriage Mr. and Mrs Allison, to be near them, occupied
the house now used as the Catholic bookstore. All their children were born in the house. Mr
Allisons parents lived on West North Street, near the Gastman School, and there his father
died Feb. 5, 1906. Mr. Allisons wife died Sunday, June 14, 1914. The family moved from East
North Street to West Prairie Avenue about thirty years ago. There Mr. Allison built one of
the best houses on the street, at the corner of Pine Street. It is still an excellent house,
that has been his home ever since.
As each of Mr. Allisons daughter were married he made each an offer of $100
for every girl baby born and $200 for every boy baby. His nine grandchildren cost him a total
of $1,200, and he often declared then well worth the money. Mr. Allison is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Louis F. Nelson and Mrs. J. H. McEvoy of Decatur and Mrs. R. C. Pathis of
Prophetstown. He also leaves one sister, Mrs. Cyrus Imboden of Decatur.
Mr. Allison was a brother of Mrs. Lizzie Hines, the actress and writer, who
died several years ago. She and her husband constituted the vaudeville team of Hines & Remington.
She wrote under the name of Earl Remington. Her last appearance here professionally was in her
own play Hearts of New York The body of Mr. Allison was moved to the Moran & Sons undertaking
establishment and prepared for burial, and will remain there until Tuesday morning. The funeral
will be held at 3:30 oclock Tuesday afternoon at the residence 726 West Prairie Avenue.
Decatur Daily Review Decatur, IL, Monday, 6 Sep 1926, pg. 12.
ALLISON, Jesse Thomas
Jesse Thomas Allison, for nine years a grocer in Decatur, died at 1:20 o'clock Tuesday
morning in the Decatur and Macon county hospital following a five day illness caused by a stroke of
paralysis. He was born Feb. 2, 1865 in Jasper county. He came to Decatur about nine years ago from
Noble, where he opened up a grocery store on Grand avenue. For the last six years he has been
engaged in the grocery business at 1250 North Clinton street.
He leaves his wife, Ina, and ten children: Toliver A., and Everett, both of Zenia; Nora
Williams, Champaigh; Alexander and Anna Rader, Flora; Marie Balljanger, Chris Allison, and Roy Allison,
Chicago; Irene Hallett, Decatur; and Eugene Allison, in the U.S. Army at Fort Meads, South Dakota.
There are also four step children: Edward Lough, Chicago; Henry Lough, Noble; Clara Broughton,
Dixon; and Bessie Kempf, Washington, Ind.; and 17 grandchildren.
The body was taken to the Moran Funeral home to be prepared for burial. Funeral
announcements will be made later.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur, IL, 12 Jul 1927
Mrs. Olive F. Allison Had Lived in Hollywood, Cal., Many Years
Mrs. Olive F. Allison, widow of R.T. Allison, formerly of Decatur, died in her
home in Hollywood, Cal., Thursday, July 14. Death was caused from a complication of diseased.
The body will arrive in Decatur Wednesaday and the funeral will be held in Dawson & Wikoff's
chapel Thursday. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
She is survived by two daughters, Ora and Zelia, both of Hollywood and one son,
Orville J. of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, also two susters, Dora E. Biddle, Pacific Grove, Cal.,
and Mrs. W.L. Patterson, 164 Johnson avenue, Decatur, two brothers, Albert Frazee, Kansas City
and Osca Frazee, Moweaqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Allison built the home and resided at 606 West Macon street for a
great many years, and were well known among older Decatur residents.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur, IL, 17 Jul 1927
ALLISON, Mrs. Simeon
Died: Monday, June 4, 1917
Buried: Pleasant Valley Cemetery in Kenney, IL.
Married: Simeon Allison
Survivors: Husband
Mother: Mrs. Mary Ogden of Kenney
Brothers: Elmer Ropp, Nelson Ropp, Richard Ropp, and Dewey Ropp
Sister: Miss Emma Ogden
Levi Alsbury, and old soldier was struck and instantly killed at the Priest
street crossing yesterday noon, by a passenger train on the Terre Haute and Peoria road
bound north. The train was coming along at the rate of seven miles an hour, being somewhat
behind time. Alsbury had been up town to make a purchase of some nails and was going east.
John Sheeney, a young man who was returning to his work, was walking west, and was about a
half a block distant. He was an eyewitness to the entire transaction, and minutely described
the killing before the coroners jury last evening. The whistle of the engine was sounded
and the bell rang, but Alsbury apparently did not notice it. When he was square in the middle
of the track he first discovered the train then only a few feet away. He made a desperate
effort to get off the track, but before he succeeded the pilot struck him in the side and
knocked him fifteen or twenty feet to the side of the track. Sheeney hurried to him, but
he was already dead. Coroner Perl was at once notified and removed the remains to his
undertaking establishment. When the accident happened the train was at once stopped and
backed up. George Winn, the engineer, testified last evening that he first saw Alsbury
coming up toward the track, and was about sixty feet distant. He sounded the long whistle
for a station and then tooted for the crossing. The fireman in the meanwhile was ringing
the bell. When Winn saw the man on the track and realized that he was unconscious of the
approaching train he reversed his engine and applied the air brake. When Alsbury was
struck nearly every bone was broken in his body, but he was not run over by the train.
The coroners jury returned a verdict to the effect that Alsbury came to his death by
being struck by a passenger train on the T., H. & P., but exonerated the officers and
employees of the road.
The victim of the accident was forty-eight years old and resided at 900 West
Macon Street. He was a member of the company II 63rd Ill. regiment and a short time ago
received back pay to amount of nearly $2,000. He was badly crippled and walked with great
difficulty, but as far as known was not hard of hearing. He must have been in a study about
the time he reached the track, as a person can look for four hundred yards and see an
approaching train. All the witnesses before the jury testified to the whistle and bell
being sounded. A wife and two children survive the deceased. He was a member of the Grand
Army post and will doubtless be buried with military honors. His remains were removed to
his late home last evening.
The funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon at four oclock
and will be attended by members of Dunham Post and the Light Guard band.
Decatur Daily Review, 17 May 1887, pg. 4
ALSBURY, William 
At Oakley, Friday, March 1, William Alsbury, aged about 42 years, leaves wife
and several children.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 2 March 1878, pg. 3.
Mrs. Iva Alvis, 50, of 1623 North Morgan street, died at 12:45 o'clock Sunday
morning after an illness of two years. She had been critically ill in St. Mary's hospital
for three weeks.
Mrs. Alvis had lived in Decatur for eight years, coming here from Hindsboro,
where she had lived for 38 years. She was born in Indiana in 1878.
She leaves her husband and five children, Harry, Leona and Louise of Decatur;
Clifford of Bernandino, Cal., and Brent of Evansville, Ind.
The body was removed to Moran & Sons' undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
in Moran & Sons chapel. Burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, 1 Oct 1928
Born: 18 Jan 1907 in Galesburg, IL
Died: 5 Feb 1935 in Galesburg, IL
Parents: Wilson
Married: 30 Apr 1929 to Maurice Anderson
Children: Donald, Richard
G.W. Anderson, formerly of Chicago, died at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at the
Knights of Pythias Old Folk' home. He was seventy-two yhears old. His death was caused by
Mr. Anderson, who was a member of Calumet lodge No. 94 of Chicago, came to the
Pythian home at Decatur, June 1, 1921. He has no relatives in this vicinity and little
further is known about him. The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking
establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 2 May 1922
The funeral of George W. Anderson will be held Thursday morning at 10 o'clock in the
Monson and Wilcox chapel. Burial will be in Greenwood.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 May 1922
Argenta, Feb. 8 - John Anderson died Monday morning, Feb. 7, at 7:30 at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Will Rhodes south of Oreana. Mr. Anderson has been in ill health for the
past 2 months. His home is four and one-half miles south-east of Argenta. He leaves a wife,
three daughters, Mrs. William White of Argenta, Mrs. William Rhodes of Oreana and Miss Florence
Anderson and two sons, Jack, of Argenta and Silas of Oreana.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 8 Feb 1910
Miss Levinia Anderson died at 1:07 a.m. Wednesday, June 29, at the family residence,
309 North Edward street. She had been an invalid from childhood. She was born in St. Clair county,
near Belleville, but came with her parents to Decatur in 1868 and had made her home here ever since.
She was a daughter of the late Samuel Anderson.
She became a member of the Baptist church in Belleville when a young girl and all her
life took an active interest in religious matters. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Sarah
Anderson, and four sisters, Misses Josephine and Nannie M. Anderson of Decatur, Mrs. R.K. Elliott of
Harristown and Mrs. James Leach of Cahokia, Mo. She also leave one brother, W.M. Anderson, of
Kansas City, Mo.
The funeral will be held at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence. The
services will be conducted by Rev. S.H. Boywer, pastor of the First Baptist church. The interment
will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 Jun 1898
Decatur Woman Dies Here At Home of Son
Mrs. Lucinda *(ROGERS) Anderson, of Decatur (Macon Co.,IL), died at 1 o'clock Sunday
(09 Dec) morning at the home of her son, Earl ANDERSON, West of Mt. Vernon *(Jefferson Co.,IL). Mrs.
Anderson had been in poor health for eight years.
The body will be taken to Decatur for burial, and will be shipped from here tomorrow. Mrs.
Anderson was born 25 Oct. 1860 and her age was 63y 1m 4d. She and her husband, M*(artin) L*(eslie)
ANDERSON, came from Decatur about two months ago to visit their son and family.
Register News, Mt. Vernon, IL, 10 Dec 1923
NOTE: Information in parentheses added by submitter. Additional info: *(married 08 Oct.
1881. Children; Albert, Leslie, Earl, Nellie *(m1-EMART, m2- SNOKE)
NOTE: Son Walter Earl Anderson died and is buried in Jefferson Co., IL. Please see that
site for his obit.
ANDERSON, Martin Leslie
Martin L*(eslie) ANDERSON, formerly of Decatur, died Wednesday *(17 Dec 1924) at the
home of hes son in Mt. Vernon, ILL. He was seventy years old last September. Mr. ANDERSON was born
in Portsmouth, OH. *(Scioto Co., OH.) on 08 Sep 1854. He and Lucinda *(ROGERS) were married on 08
Oct. 1881. Her death occured 11 Dec 1923 *(note from 1923 calendar (www.timeanddate.com) that Sunday
was the 9th. and obit was noted in paper on 10th.) He was a member of the Church of Brethren were he
was well known in Decatur and Cerro Gordo *(Macon Co., IL.). He is survived by the following children;
Albert and Leslie ANDERSON of Illiopolis *(Sangamon Co., IL), Earl ANDERSON of Mt. Vernon *(Jefferson CO., IL)
and Mrs. Nellie m1 EMERT, *(m2 SNOKE) of Decatur *(Macon Co. IL.).
The body was brought to Decatur Friday *(19th by www.timeanddate.com) noon and funeral
services were conducted at the Dawson and Wikoff Chapel at 2 o'clock by Rev W. T. HOCKMAN of Cerro Gordo.
The burial was in Graceland Cemetery *(Decatur Macon Co., IL).
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 19 Dec 1924, pg. 17
NOTE: Son Walter Earl Anderson died and is buried in Jefferson Co., IL. Please see that
site for his obit.
Born: 15 Aug 1898 in Sweden
Died: 24 Apr 1966
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co
Parents: Nelson and Marie Anderson
Married: 30 Apr 1929 to Eldora Wilson
Children: Donald, Richard
A Respected Citizen Passes Away at the Ripe Old Age of 86 Years
At fifteen minutes past two o'clock on this Monday morning Samuel Anderson passed into
the Unseen Holy. Quietly under his own roof in the midst of a loving household and at the ripe old
age of 86 years, 3 months and 9 days he passed away. His death was not unexpected as he had been in
feeble health for some time.
Mr. Anderson was born at Wilkesbarre, Pa., in 1802. He moved with his father's family
to this state in 1816 when he was but 14 years of age. At that early day railroads were unknown and
they came by boat down the Ohio river and up the Mississippi to St. Louis, which at that time was a
mere hamlet, containing but one brick house. The familyat once moved to a farm near Belleville, Ill.,
in St. Clair county, where he resided from that time until he moved to Decatur, a period of 50 years.
While in St. Clair county he was elected a member of the legislature in 1844. The other representatives
from his district at the time were Hon. J.L.D. Morrison and Amos Thompson. He moved to Decatur just
20 years ago, and has resided here continuously since. He united with the Baptist church 21 year ago.
His religious life was quiet but deep. He loved the church here, and no one of its members took more
delight in its progress or did more to advance its interests than himself. He was one of those quiet
men who do not make much noice in the world but who succeed nevertheless in bringing things to pass.
He was a man respected and loved by all who knew him. The surviving members of the familiy are Mrs.
Elizabeth Leach, of Missouri, Samuel H. Anderson, Genoa, Nebraska, Wm. M. Anderson, Kansas City, Mo.,
Mrs. Carrie A. Elliott, Kansas City, Josephine, Lavonia, Jerome and Nannie Anderson, of Decatur.
The funeral will be held from the family residence on North Edward street tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30. The services will be conducted by his pastor, Rev. Dr. Bosburgh, of the Baptist
Decatur Republican, 18 Oct 1888
ANDERSON, William 
William Anderson a veteran of the Civil war died at 5 oclock Tuesday
evening at the family residence, 916 West View Street. He was seventy-nine years old.
He had been in failing health for a long time and had been confined to his bed for
the last two weeks.
Mr. Anderson was born Sept. 17, 1842 near Princeton, Mo. He came to
Decatur twenty-five years ago and lived hear ever since. He is survived by his wife
and three children; Mrs. Effie Keown, Decatur, Ed Anderson, Decatur and Charles
Anderson, Chicago. There are two brothers and a sister in Kansas. There are fifteen
grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He was a member of Company C, Twenty-Third
Missouri Infantry, during the war. He was a member of the Central Church of Christ. The
body was removed to Brintlinger & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared for
The funeral will be held at 2 oclock Thursday afternoon at the residence
919 West View Street. The internment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 16 Nov 1921, pg. 16
Born: Aug 06, 1871 in Weldon, DeWitt Co., IL
Died: 17 Apr 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Married: Sep 19, 1888 in Macon Co, IL to George W. Goodpasture
DIED - In Oakley township on Tuesday, May 23rd, 1882, at 3 p.m., of
dropsy, Eliza, wife of Joseph Andrews, aged 50 years.
Decatur Daily Republican, 24 May 1882
ANDREWS, Forrest William
Born: 22 Oct 1867
Died: 17 Apr 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Greenwood Cem.
Parents: James B. & Mary Evelyn Minor Andrews
Married: Ida Lavina Morgan
Children: Evelynn Julian, Paul Benjamin, & Forrest William, Jr.
Fred E. Andrews, formerly of Decatur, died Monday in Los Angeles, Cal., according to
word received by Decatur friends. He was fifty-one years old. He came to Decatur from Canton
about eighteen years ago. He lived here for twelve years and for the last six years made his home
in California. He leaves his wife and one daughter.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 2 May 1922
ANDREWS, Ida Lavina
Born: 17 Aug 1870
Died: 27 Jan 1954 in Decatur, IL
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Decatur, IL
Parents: Samuel & Eliza PATE MORGAN
Married: Forrest William ANDREWS, SR.
Children: Evelynn Julian, Paul Benjamin, & Forrest William, Jr.
ANTRIM, Isaac H.
Born: 3 March 1847 in LaPorte, Indiana
Died: Sunday, March 12, 1933 in Decatur
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery in Decatur, IL
Married: Ida Mae Small who died in Decatur in 1927
Survivors: 3 daughters, Mrs. Earl Lyons, Mrs. C.R. Gregory, and Mrs. A.M. Hill all of
Decatur...and 3 sons L.E. Antrim of Decatur, R.P. Antrim of New York City, and H.D. Antrim of Danville
He Was at Daughters Home in Stewardson
Jacob Andrews, who has lived in Macon as long, if not longer than any other
man, died Wednesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harper in Stewardson, Ill,
where he had gone to attend the funeral of his son-in-law last Sunday. Mr. Andrew resided
on a farm a quarter of a mile east of the Ray's bridge. He was eighty-eight years of age
and came to this county in 1841 when he was nine years old.
He Is survived by eight children as follows: Mrs. Samuel Booker and H. E.
Andrews of Decatur, Mrs. Ramsey of Oakfield, Mrs. Harper of Stewardson, James, Orville,
Everett and Fay all of Sangamon and Grover of Bement. The funeral will be held from Fairview
Church Friday afternoon at 1:30 and interment will be at Wheeler's cemetery.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 21 December 1910, pg. 16.
The funeral of Jacob Andrews will be held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon at
the Fairview Church and the interment will be at Wheeler cemetery.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 22 December 1910, pg. 16.
John Andrews, age 83 years, died at his home in Oakley, Thursday, Feb. 12,
at 11 a m of paralysis, after an illness of six weeks. The deceased had been a resident
of Oakley for twenty years and leaves a wife and several children to morn his departure.
The funeral will be held at 11 oclock Thursday from the Oakley church.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 14 Feb 1895, pg.2
The funeral of John Andrews was held at 11 o'clock yesterday afternoon
from the church at Oakley, Rev. Mr. Athey conducting the services, which were largely
attended. Appropriate music was furnished by the church choir. The pallbearers were E.
Ashby. Isaac Antrim, John Strader, D. B. Haden, William Wheeler and A. Hiser.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 15 Feb 1895, pg. 2
ANTRIM, Jessie
Born: 30 March 1859 in LaSalle, IL
Died: 28 August 1930
Buried: Peck Cemetery in Cerro Gordo, IL.
Married: Frances who died in Cerro Gordo in 1916
Survivors: 5 children...Mrs. Etta Griffett and Elmer Antrim of Decatur, Arthur W. Antrim
of Summer, Wisconsin, Mrs. Anna Stine of Cisco, and William Antrim of Kenosha, Wisconsin;
2 brothers, Sylvester Antrim of Fairfield, Il and Isaiah Antrim of Decatur
Born: 28 December 1872 in Sank County, Wisconsin ,Sank is probably Sauk County
Died: 13 April 1927 in Decatur
Married: 24 Apr 1890 in Macon Co, IL to Edward Augustus
Survivors: Husband, Six children...Mrs. Earl B. Lyons, Mrs. C.R. Gregory, Lindsay
Antrim, Herbert Antrim, Mable Antrim all of Decatur, and Roy P. Antrim of New York City;
sisters..Mrs. Flora Stephenson of Detroit, Mich...Two grandchildren...Charles and Virginia Lyons
APP, Catherine
The body of Mrs. Catherine App was taken to Blue Mound Thursday morning and the
burial was held at that place at 10 a.m.
Daily Review, Thursday, Decatur, IL, 4 Dec 1902
ARCHER, Henry 
Old Resident of Decatur: Served in Civil War One Year
Henry L. Archer, an old resident of Decatur, died at 12:20 Tuesday morning at his
home on East Cantrell Street His death was caused by chronic kidney trouble. Mr. Archer was
born In Brownsboro, Ky., but had lived in Decatur for many years. He came here before the
war. He was the son of the late Thomas and Amelia Archer. Feb. 7, 1866, he enlisted as a
private In Co. I, 115th Illinois Volunteer infantry, and was later promoted to sergeant. He
served till the close of the war and. was honorably discharged at Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 16, 1866.
For many years Mr. Archer conducted a dray line in Decatur. Selling out in 1896.
During the last three or four years he had acted as night watch man at the William Gushard
dry goods store. He married Aurella Chilcote in Decatur Jan. 30, 1890, and she, with one
daughter, Bonnie Hazel Lucile Archer survives him. He also leaves two brothers and one sister,
I.T. Archer of Decatur Samuel Archer of Paris, Ill. and Mrs. Evelyn Reynolds of Chicago. The
funeral will be held at 2:30 Thursday afternoon from the residence. The funeral will be conducted
by Rev O. P. Wright. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 10 March 1908, 12
ARMSTRONG, Alexander
Born: 1829 in KY
Died: 1904
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Married: Dec 16, 1858 in Macon Co, IL to Rachel P. Nicholson
ARMSTRONG, Ann Bell (Goff)
Born: 1870
Died: 1956
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Born: 1890
Died: 1961
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: William H. & Anna Bell (Goff) Armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Rachel P. (Nicholson)
Born: 1841 in Garrard Co, KY
Died: 1881
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: John & Julia Ann (Underwood) Nicholson
Married: Dec 16, 1858 in Macon Co, IL to Alexander Armstrong
Born: 1898
Died: 1931
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: William H. & Anna Bell (Goff) Armstrong
Burial of Thos. J. Armstrong
Thomas J. Armstrong, of Decatur aged 56 years, who died of cholera morbus
near Sadorus, Ill., Saturday evening, Aug. 26th, was a veteran of Co. E, 41st Illinois
Infantry, and was a member of Dunham Post 141, G. A. R., this city. The funeral was held
at the Presbyterian Church at Tolono Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and was very largely attended.
Rev. W. L. Bankson conducted the services and the burial was in charge of the Tolono G.A.R.
Post. Lieut. James A. Wilson, of Co. E, 41st Regiment, was at the funeral. Andrew Armstrong,
a brother of the deceased, resides at Little Rook, Ark. W. A. Armstrong, of the MACON
Leader, is a nephew. The surviving children are Mrs John Darmer of Sadorus; B. F. and 0.A.
Armstrong, of Decatur; James Armstrong, of St. Louis; Nellie A, Armstrong, of Blue Mound,
and Arthur Armstrong, aged 12 years, residing in Kansas City.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 29 August 1893, pg. 3
Born: 1860 in IL
Died: 1937
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Alexander & Rachel (Nicholson) Armstrong
Married: Feb 20, 1889 in Macon Co, IL to Anna Bell Goff
ARNOLD, George D. 
George D. Arnold, veteran of the Civil War, died Thursday morning at the
home of his daughter, Mrs Lucille Gentry, 636 West Harrison Avenue. He was eight-two years
old last October. He had been in failing health for a long time. Mr. Arnold was in Richmond
Ind., Oct 4, 1845. He served through the Civil war as a member of Company E, One Hundred
and Fifty-Sixth Indiana Infantry. Before coming to Decatur he was a resident of Blue Mound,
having been in the jewelry business there for a long time. He was twice married, but both
wives preceded him in death. He is survived by three children; Harry Arnold by his marriage,
who lives in Valley Park, Mo., Willard Arnold of St. Louis and Mrs. Lucile Gentry of Decatur
by the second marriage. There are three grandchildren. He also leaves a sister Mrs. E. A.
Broman of Terre Haute, Ind.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 31 March 1928
ARNOLD, Hiram 
Hiram Arnold, an old and respected citizen of Blue Mound, died Saturday morning
Jan 24, at Jacksonville, aged 63 years. Mr Arnold had been in the asylum for about three
months, but it was not thought that he was in a dangerous condition, and his death was a
shock to the community. The remains reached here at 7:35 Sunday morning and the funeral
took place Monday at 1 p. m. from the C. P. Church, of which he was a member. Mr Bankson
and Mr Gould were the officiating clergymen. The internment was at the Hall cemetery. Mr
Arnold served in the union army during the civil war and was a Republican in politics.
He is survived by his wife, four daughters and one son.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 29 January 1903, pg. 3
ARTHUR, Joseph 
Joseph Arthur Dies at Age 83
Had Lived in Macon County 60 Years
Joseph Arthur well known retired farmer died about 8 oclock Saturday
morning at the family residence 840 West William Street He would been eighty-three
years old in September. His death was due to complications incident to old age. Mr.
Arthur had been ill for a long time. Early Saturday morning Mrs Arthur left the room
for a few minutes and when she returned he was dead. Mr Arthur was born in Springfield,
Ohio, Sept 29 1843 but had been a resident of Macon county for the last sixty years,
coming here soon after the close of the Civil war He retired from active work many
years ago and moved to Decatur which has been the family home ever since. He is
survived by his wife and the following children; Mrs William Hedges of Chicago;
John Arthur of B??????, Howard Arthur and Misses Cecilia and Hildred Arthur all
of Decatur. He also leaves two brothers, John and Samuel Arthur of Springfield, Ohio.
The body was removed to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 29 May 1926, pg. 9
ASH, Mary
Six Year Old Mary Ash Dies At Harristown
Mary Ash, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ash, died at 7:30 Thursday
morning at the family residence near Harristown. Her death was caused by blood poisoning,
resulting from an ulcerated tooth. She was one of twin daughters born to Mr. and Mrs. Ash
on May 20, 1906. Besides her parents she is survived by three sisters, Martha, Mabel and
Marie Ash. The funeral will be held at 10:30 Friday morning at the Christian church in
Harristown. The interment will be in Harristown cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Jan 1913
ASKINS, Joseph J. 
Thirty Years Worked at Decatur Lumber Plant
Joseph J. Askins, over eighty-four years old, died at 6 o'clock Saturday
evening at the family residence, 1222 North Main Street. He bad been in poor health for some
time, but his condition was not considered serious until last Wednesday. Mr. Askins was
born in Green county Ind, Feb. 23, 1830. He came to Decatur many years ago and for thirty
years was employed at the plant of the Decatur Lumber Company. He retired six years ago
when his health began to fall. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having been a member of
the One Hundred and Fourteenth Illinois infantry. He was a member of Dunham post, 141,
G.A.R., and also of, the First Christian church. He was well known among the older
residents of the city and had many friends. He is survived by his wife, and three children.
B. H. Askins of Decatur and E. T. Askins, and Mrs. E. L. Crum, both of Indianapolis. All
were with him when he died. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at
the residence. The services will be conducted by Rev. E. M. Smith. The Interment will
be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 13 Sep 1914, pg. 23
ASTON, Hetty (Bartlett)
Mrs. Aston, the aged mother of Mrs. James Millikin, died yesterday afternoon at a
quarter past two o'clock, at her daughter's residence, on West Main street. Mrs. Aston has been
an invalid for several years. On last Thursday she began failing, but with no apparent illness
or cause other than her advanced age. She lingered until yesterday afternoon, when her spirit
passed from earth peacefully and painlessly, her death being met without a struggle, and while
the aged lady was surrounded by her relatives and friends who sought to make her last moments
on earth as comfortable as possible. The deceased is the widow of the late Rev. Aston, a
Cumberland Presbyterian minister, whose death occurred some years ago at Mt. Zion, and who will
be remembered by many of the older people. The deceased leaves no children except Mrs. Millikin.
She was an earnest member of the Presbyterian church.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 May 1886
Rev. S.M. Aston died on Monday the 17th at his residence three miles South
east of Decatur, of Lung Fever. He came to this county from Pennsylvania about two years ago
and had charge of Mt. Zion congregation, and a man of learning and decided ability, aged 58
years, I have been personally acquainted with the deceased for 15 years, and knew his death
will be much regretted throughout the Churches of the Presbyterian order.
Illinois State Chronicle, 27 Nov 1856
ATHONS, Joseph 
Brought Back For Burial
The body of Joseph Athons arrived in Decatur last night by express. It
will be buried in Greenwood without any funeral service. Mr. Athons died about two
years ago near Vilas, Col., and was buried there then. He left Decatur about three
years ago, where he had resided over 30 years.
The Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 17 May 1891, pg. 4
Died: 23 Sep 1868 in Macon Co., IL
Buried: Long Grove Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Marcus DeLafayette & Zilpha J. (Loury) Atteberry
ATTEBERRY, David Luther
Born: 14 Jul 1851 in Macon, Macon Co, IL
Died: 22 Jun 1935 in Watseka, Iroquois Co, IL
Buried: IOOF cem, Moweaque, Shelby Co, IL
Parents: Thomas and Syrena (Florey) Atteberry
Married: 25 Sep 1879 to Lenora L. Patterson
Children: Anna Bell, Mary D.,Raymond G., Ernest B.
ATTEBERRY, Earl Monroe
Born: Aug 12, 1887 in Macon, Macon Co.
Died: 10 Jan 1939 in Danville, Vermillion Co, IL
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Danville, Vermillion Co, IL
Parents: Thomas J. & Julia (Joss) Atteberry
Married: Nov 30, 1908 in Macon Co. to Mary C. Mortensen
Died: 6 Aug 1898 in Pittwood, Iroquois Co, IL
Parents: David L. & Lenora L. (Patterson) Atteberry
Died: 28 Mar 1924 in Milam Twp., Macon Co.
ATTEBERRY, Franklin V.
Born: May 1881 in Macon, Macon Co.
Died: 3 Mar 1951 in Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL
Buried: Calvary Cem., Sangamon Co, IL
Parents: Thomas J. & Julia (Joss) Atteberry
Born: 9 Feb 1892 in Bethany, IL
Died: 16 Oct 1929 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Dunn, Moultrie Co, IL
Parents: David & Nannie(?) (Hines) Atteberry
Married: Birdie Atteberry
Died: 4 Oct 1865 in Macon Co.
Buried: Long Grove Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Marcus DeLafayette & Zilpha J. (Loury) Atteberry
ATTEBERRY, Lenora (Patterson)
Born: 3 Mar 1856 in Green Co, IL
Died: 11 Feb 1929 in Watseka, Iroquois Co, IL
Buried: I.O.O.F. Cem., Moweaqua, IL
Parents: Gilbert Raymond & Mary (Corrington) Patterson
Married: 22 Sep 1879 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Died: 6 Aug 1865 in Macon Co.
Buried: Long Grove Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Marcus DeLafayette & Zilpha J. (Loury) Atteberry
Died: 27 Aug 1880 in Macon Co.
Buried: Long Grove Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Marcus DeLafayette & Zilpha J. (Loury) Atteberry
ATTEBERRY, Robert Anderson
Born: 19 Nov 1866
Died: 30 Nov 1941 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Greenwood Cem, Assumption, Christian Co, IL
Parents: David & Lythajane (Wilson) Atteberry
Born: 3 Jun 1843 near Macon, Macon Co, IL
Died: 26 Jan 1936 in Macon Co.
Buried: Long Grove Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Thomas & Syrena (Florey) Atteberry
Married: 27 Dec 1862 in Macon Co, IL to Stephen C. Atteberry
Died: 18 Mar 1868 in Macon Co. (was a child)
Buried: Long Grove Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Marcus DeLafayette & Zilpha J. (Loury) Atteberry
ATTEBERRY, Syrena J. (Florey)
Born: 20 Mar 1818 in Wythe Co, VA
Died: Jun 1880
Buried: Long Grove Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John and Mary (Ott) Flora
Married: Oct 09, 1840 in Macon Co, to Thomas Atteberry
Born: 9 Jul 1816 in KY
Died: 1 Feb 1884 in Macon Co.
Buried: Long Grove Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Oct 09, 1840 in Macon Co, to Syrena Florey
Born: Dec 1855 in IL
Died: 15 Jan 1930 in Danville, Vermillion Co, IL
Buried: Macon Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Thomas & Syrena (Florey) Atteberry
Married: 22 Jan 1879 in Macon Co. to Julia Joss Whitaker
Born: Sep 16, 1885 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 5 Aug 1955 in Vandalia, Fayette Co, IL
Buried: Forbs Cemetery, Fayette Co, IL
Parents: Thomas J. & Julia (Joss) Atteberry
Married: Nov 28, 1909 in Indianapolis, IN
ATTEBERRY, Winnie Ethel
Died: 2 Nov 1933 in Decatur, Macon Co.
AUER, Henry A. 
Henry A. Auer, 702 West Center Street, who is employed at the Post
Office was operated on Thursday morning at St. Mary's hospital for appendicitis.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 3 Dec 1926, pg. 33
Henry A. Auer of 702 West Center street, thirty-five years of age, a city
mail carrier, passed away at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in St. Mary's hospital,
following an illness of two months.
Henry A. Auer was born in Decatur Feb. 26, 1891 and had spent his entire
life in this city, where he was married in 1919 to Loretta Clinton. During the World
War he served fourteen months in the navy. He was a member of the Central Church of
Christ, Stephen Decatur Lodge No. 979, A. F. & A. M., and of Bloomington Consistory. He
leaves, besides the widow, two children, George F. Auer and Cora Katherine Auer, both of
Decatur, and Mi parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M Auer, 804 West Green street. The body
was removed to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 30 Dec 1926, pg. 10
Prominent Church Worker Had Been Ill Since June 1923
Reginald C. Augustine, 1336 North Water street, well known Decatur
optician and member of the firm of Augustine and Oplinger, 250 North Water street,
died at 10:30 o'clock Monday morning at the Barnes hospital in St. Louis.
Mr. Augustine would have been fifty-one years old next Thursday. He had
been in bad health for over a year, suffering from abscess of the left lung. He was
taken ill in June, 1823. He went to Europe and was taken ill on his return via Canada.
From Oct. 12 until shortly before Christmas he was in a hospital in Montreal. He
returned home about Christmas, but again became ill last spring and for six weeks
he was in a hospital in Chicago. He went to the Barnes hospital in St. Louis July
2 and was never able to leave. He was operated on a number of times, but secured
no permanent relief.
Mrs. Augustine had visited her husband at the hospital frequently
during the time he has been there, and she had been with him constantly during
the last two weeks. His son-in-law, R.H. Oplinger, received the message announcing
the death from Mrs. Augustine about 11:15 Monday morning, and he left at 2:30
o'clock that afternoon for St. Louis to arrnage for bringing the body back to
Decatur. No arrangements for the funeral can be made until after the arrival
of the body.
R.C. Augustine was born in Tazewell county Nov. 13, 1873. He came
to Decatur about thirty years ago. He was always prominent in church affairs and
took a great interest in the First Methodist church and Sunday school, of which he
was a member. He was also prominent as a Mason, being a member of Stephen Decatur
lodge No. 979, A.F. and A.M., Macon chapter No. 21, R.A.M. and Beaumanoir commandery
No. 9, Knights Templar. He was commander of Beaumanoir commandery in 1907. He was a
member of various other local organizations. He was widely known. He traveled
extensively and had been on a number of lecture tours.
Mr. Augustine is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs.
R.H. Oplinger of Decatur, Miss Mary Augustine, now teaching in Jacksonville, Miss
Dorothy Augustine, a student at Oberlin college, and Miss Margaret Augustine and R.C.
Augustine, of Long Beach, Cal., who returned home a few weeks ago after visiting in
Decatur since last January. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Maude Plumb of Salt
Lake city and Miss Inez Augustine of Los Angeles, Cal. His only brother died last
January, 26.
Decatur Review, 10 Nov 1924
Frank Wallace Shocked at News of Mr. Augustine's Death
J. Frank Wallace was with R.C. Augustine at the hospital in St. Louis on
Sunday. He spent an hour with him and found him rational and cheerful as ever. They
talked of many things and Mr. Augustine remarked that he had been sick long enough and
was going to get well speedily. They talked of Decatur and Mr. Augustine said he was
anxious to get back here.
Mr. Wallace drove to St. Louis last Friday, motoring home Monday morning
to be greeted by the news bulletined in The Review that R.C. Augustine had died. He was
intensely shocked as he had thought he had left him on the mend.
Decatur Review, 10 Nov 1924
Known By His Many Acts of Kindness
To Be in Charge of Masonic Lodge
Wilson L. Augustine died early Saturday monring at his home at 331 East
Center street, Decatur, after a lingering illness, being confined to his bed during
the last four weeks.
He was the elder son of Eli F. and Mary E. Augustine, and was born near
Washington, Tazewell County, Illinois, on Nov. 26. 1869, his age being fifty-four years
and two months at the time of his death. He spent his youth on the farm and during
early manhood, he traveled extensively.
On Dec. 28, 1898, he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Martin at
Corsicana, Texas. A year or two later they moved to Decatur, which has since been their
home. Besides his wife, Mrs. Augustine, he leaves his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Augustine,
Manhattan Beach, California, two sisters, Miss Inez M. Augustine also of Manhattan Beach,
and Mrs. Hylon Theron Plumb, Salt Lake City, and a brother, Reginald C. Augustine of this
"Uncle Wils" as he was affectionately known by his many friends, had endeared
himself to the hearts of hundreds of Decatur people by his many acts of kindness. He
"Lived in a house by the side of the road, and was a friend to men." No night was too
dark, nor day too stormy for him to help a needy friend or neighbor.
The body was removed to the Monson undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial. Funeral services will be held at the residence, Monday afternoon, Jan 28,
at 2:30 and will be in charge of Macon Lodge, Number 8, A.F. & M. Masons, of which
body he was a member. He was also a member of Macon Chapter and of Beaumanoir Commandery,
Knights Templar, which latter body will act as escort.
Decatur Review, 26 1924
AUGUSTUS, Atta Estella (Kile)
Born: 27 Feb 1869 in Whitmore Twp., Macon Co.
Died: 12 Jan 1947 in Alton, Madison Co., IL
Parents: Edward & Mary (Stuart) Kile
Married: 24 Apr 1890 in Macon Co, IL to Edward Augustus
DIED - On Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 13, at his home on West William street,
in this city, Mrs. Ezra A. Aungst, aged 24 years.
Mr. A. has been in feeble health for some time, and had just returned
from a trip to Florida for his health. On Sunday night he was seized with an attack
of hemmorrhage from the bowels, since which time he has been gradually sinking.
Deceased leaves a young wife, a daughter of Mr. E. McNabb, of this city, to whom he
was married on the 24th of January, 1876. He also leaves three brothers and three
Though yet young he had already become one of the prominent business men
of the city,and had before him a promising future. As a citizen he was highly respected,
and his early death will be deeply deplored. The grief-stricken young widow and the
other relatives will have the sympathy of their many friends in their great sorrow.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 21 Feb 1878
The funeral services of the late Ezra A. Aungst took place this morning at the
1st M.E. Church, and were largely attended. They were conducted by Rev. Dr. Leaton and Rev.
N.S. Haynes, the latter offering prayer and reading appropriate Scripture lessons.
Following the preliminary services was an instructive and impressive discourse
by Dr. Leaton, founded upon the 27th verse of the 9th chapter of Hebrews, - "It is appointed
unto man once to die and after this the judgment."
At the conclusion of the sermon the following obituary of the deceased was read
by Elder Haynes. Ezra A. Aungst was born June 22, 1854, at Linglestown, Dauphin county, Pa.
He removed with his father's family to this city in April, 1866. His mental training was
acquired in the schools of our city - having pursued the prescribed course to within a few
months of graduation from our High School. From that time he assisted his father in business
until his decease, which occurred in March of last year. After that sad event he continued
the business with the same attention, care and industry that characterized its former
On January 24th, 1877, he was married to Miss Mary McNabb. Among the saddest
reflections of this occasion is that of this early separation. He loved his wife tenderly
and truly, and lived with her very happily. Little thought we, as he stood at the sacred
altar of holy marriage, in comparative strength, that so soon would we be called upon to
stand beside his bier. But "Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal." His life was
so quiet, modest, retiring and unobtrusive, that but few could say they knew him. Young
men said to men of him several years ago, "he was a good boy" - no mean compliment for
this class in our city. He was free from all those sins that enslaved and degraded so
many, because he kept himself aloof from the associations that lead into them.
He became a member of the congregation meeting for public worship in this
house, in the spring of 1867, in which he held membership through the remainder of
his life. If his natural life was unostentatious, much more so was his religious.
The sweet and holy influences of a parental religious example were never by him
forgotten nor unfelt. When told upon Wednesday morning that he could live but a
short time, he only expressed his entire willingness to depart, if such were the
will of God, and requesting Dr. Leaton and myself to conduct these services. His
age was 23 years, 7 months and 21 days. And thus passes from earth a life
interwoven with ours in love, friendship and fellowship. In our tears and sorrows
to-day we wish that he could have stayed yet longer, but when these mists of
earth shall have cleared away, then will we see that this anguish and struggle
only turned our hearts to Christ and heaven.After the services at the church the remains were borne to
Greenwood Cemetery, followed by a large number of citizens, where the burial
service of the M.E. Church was read and the body laid in its last resting
Decatur Weekly Republican, 21 Feb 1878
AUSTIN, George
DIED, near Oreana, Dec 16, Geo. Austin, aged 35 years. He leaves four orphan children.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
AUSTIN, Mildred Luella
Mildred Luella Austin, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Austin, died at 2:45 o'clock
Friday afternoon in the family home, northwest of Forsyth. Arrangements were made for private funeral
services at the residence Saturday afternoon, the interment to be in the Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Review, 28 Jun 1919
AUSTIN, Sarah E.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah E. Austin was held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the
United Brethren church in Mt. Zion. There was a large attendance, the church being filled with friends.
The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Pasley. THe music was furnished by Miss Nora
Elder, Miss Carrie Baumgardner, Kyner Huddleson and Marshall Brown. Edwin Jokisch was the
The flowers were in charge of Miss Minnie Boo, Miss Clara Evans, Miss Goldie Burk, Miss
Mae Warnick, Miss Dorothy Cole, Miss Bertha McCord and Miss Helen Ryder. The pall bearers were Robert
Huddleson, Frank Ward, Robert Coleman, Fred Pistorius, Dick Wise and Lonnie Thornhill. The interment
was in the Peru cemetery.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 26 Jul 1917
AUSTIN, William 
One of the Oldest Settlers Called Away
Another old settler, William Austin, passed away in death this morning
at 7 o'clock at his home two miles north of Boody, in Blue Mound township, where he had
lived continuously for a period of 65 years. Squire Austin was 86 years of age. He was a
native of Virginia and came to Macon County in 1827. He was a member of the Macon County
Old Settlers, association, and generally attended the reunions suited in old style clothes
and wearing a stovepipe hat, which was in style before the war. Mr. Austin was a farmer and
a good citizen. He leaves two sons and other children. The funeral will occur Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, Rev. C. G. Woods, of Decatur, officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 5 Mar 1892, pg. 5
AUXER, Mattie (Greenwalt)
Mrs. Mattie Auxer died this morning at 5 o'clock at her home in Macon
township, aged 20 years. She died of typhoid fever, leaving a husband and one child.
The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenwalt. The remains were interred
in the Macon cemetery this afternoon after appropriate services at the house.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 2 Nov 1894
AXTON, Dr. Joseph H.
Saturday last Dr. J.H. Axton died at his home in Bloomington. The Leader says: "He
had been ill for several months with a complication of diseases, which of late had taken the form of
nervous prostration, and had gradually worn him out. Dr. Axton was a native of Kentucky, having been
born in that state in 1828, and was therefore in his 59th year at the time of his death. He graduated
in the medical department of the University of Louisville in 1849, and had been in active practice
for nearly 40 years. Twenty-five years ago he came to Illinois and has since resided in this state.
He was for many years located at Maroa, Macon county, and moved from that place to this city about a
year ago. At that time he purchased the Watkins property on Market street, where he has since resided.
Dr. Axton was twice married, and was the father of three children, two sons and a daughter. His first
wife died a number of years ago, and his second wife survives him. He was highly esteemed by all who
knew him, although his illness has prevented him from securing a wide acquaintance here. In politics
he was formerly a Democrat, but in recent years had affiliated with the Prohibitionists." The
deceased, was one of the democratic candidates for Representative in this district when Rogers,
Ludington, and Durfee, were elected. Some months before the Doctor removed from Maroa to Bloomington
he met with a painful accident at the Peddecord, Burrows & Co. bank corner, his cane catching
in a crack of the wooden approach and throwing him violently against the stone curbing. Previous
to that occurrence he was assaulted by Dr. Phillips, at Maroa, and was badly hurt. The Doctor had
many friends in this community.
Decatur Daily Republican, 14 Feb 1887