EADES, Isaac
Granted Pension Few Days Ago
Isaac Eades died suddenly Sunday morning at his home, two miles northeast
of Oakley. He was seventy-eight years old last October. His death is supposed to have
been caused by heart failure. He appeared in his usual health when he got up Sunday morning.
He was sitting in his chair lacing his shoes when the attack came and he did not regain
Mr Eades was born October 13, 1846 in Virginia. The family moved to Tennessee
when he was seven years old. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served with the Third
Tennessee Mounted Infantry. He lacked less than a week of having served the required time to
entitle him to a pension under the old pension laws. However, a special bill was recently
passed by congress giving him a pension of $50 a month.
Mr. Eades is survived by his wife, who is an invalid, formerly Miss Elizabeth
Hunt. He also leaves an invalid son, _url, and the following other children; Charles Eades
of Kingsport, Tenn., Mrs. Luema Travitt and Mrs. Sallie Hunt of Fordtson, Tenn., Mrs Maggie
Mathes of Sherwood, O., Mrs. Etta Mathew of Mark Center, O. Elbert, Joseph and A. J. Eades
of Oakley, Harry and Herbert of Decatur and Thomas Eades of Cisco. There are many
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 5 Jan 1925, pg. 7
EARLY, Elton G.
Died at the residence of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Early, little Elton G.
Early, aged 8 years. The parents thought the disease was measles, but the physician in
attendance pronounced it spotted fever, and treated it accordingly. The funeral took place from
the First M.E. Church yesterday, at 3 o'clock p.m.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 1 Apr 1872
EATON, George W. 
George W. Eaton died at his home 848 North Church street, at 10:45
Friday morning at the age of eighty-two years, three months and twenty-one days.
He had been in failing health for some time and had been confined to his bed for
the last three weeks. He suffered a stroke of paralysis Monday morning and never
regained consciousness, the end coming peacefully.
Mr. Eaton was born in Washington county Mo., June 4, 1831. He was
married to Nancy Kellingsworth March 15, 1855. Six children were born to them,
three of them are living. On Nov 27, 1877, he was married to Mary Hurt and to this
union six children were born.
He was a veteran of the civil war, enlisting in company A, 81st
Illinois Infantry, Aug. 1, 1862, and serving until the close of the war. He was
a member of the G.A.R., and also of the Baptist church. He was a pioneer of Illinois,
coming to this state with his parents at the age of ten years.
He is survived by his wife and the following children: Frank Eaton,
Duquoin; Alfred Eaton, Grant City Mo.; John Eaton, East St. Louis; Flora, George,
Herschel, and Homer Eaton of Decatur. Mrs. Harry Weiss of Danville, also one
stepdaughter, Mrs. Charles Peel of Decatur. No arrangements have yet been made
for the funeral.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 26 Sep 1913
A description of the funeral was published in The Daily Review on
29 Sep 1913.
ECKELS, Annie C.
She Passes Away Peacefully Into the Unknown Beyond
Sunday night at 11:30 o'clock in this city at her home, No. 546 West William street,
Anna C. Hurst Eckels, wife of Mr. J.P. Eckels, quietly, peacefully, tranquilly passed from death
unto life. Her death was not unexpected, as the deceased had been failing in health for several
months past. In February, 1889, the deceased was taken sick of typhoid fever, and although she
became better for a while she never fully shook off the illness and she gradually grew worse
until she contracted the disease which caused her demise. Twice did she and her relatives take
trips to Pennsylvania in the hope that the change might benefit her, and it was at the time of
the last visit that the deceased realized her condition and requested that she be brought home
where she might die surrounded by her familiy and her attentive and loving husband and relatives.
Anna Cordelia Hurst Eckels was 39 years of age at the time of her death. She was
born in Dillsburg, Pa. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Hurst, soon afterward, moved to Decatur
to reside. At the age of 15 she united with the Presbyterian church under the pastorate of Rev.
Dr. Marquis. The family a few years ago moved back to Pennsylvania, and settled at Mechanicsburg,
where June 2, 1875, she was united in marriage to John P. Eckels. Mr. and Mrs. Eckels came to
Decatur the same year, where they have since resided. To the couple six children were born:
Edwin H., Robbie, Paul, Ralph, Bessie and George M.
The deceased was a leading member of the First Presbyterian church, and always
took a leading part in the work of the congregation. To her many warm friends she will be
remembered as the highest type of American Christian womanhood. Her womanly disposition and
warm, generous nature have left an impression among her friends which time cannot remove. Her
husband and family have the sympathy of a host of friends and acquaintances in this their great
bereavement. Mrs. E.W. Hurst, mother of the deceased, was present at the death of her
daughter. C.M. Hurst, of this city, is a brother of the deceased. Her father will probably
arrive from Pennsylvania this evening.
The funeral service will be held at the residence Wednesday afternoon, Dr. W.H.
Penhallegon, of the First Presbyterian church, conducting the service.
Decatur Daily Republican, 7 Dec 1891
Impressive Services at the Family Residence
The last sad rites over the remains of the late Mrs. J.P. Eckels were solemnized
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family residence on West William street, Rev. W.H.
Penhallegon, of the First Presbyterian church, officiating. The residence was completely filled
with relatives and friends of the departed and the floral offerings were many and very beautiful,
among them being a pillow with the word "mamma" in purple across the front. A beautiful pillow
of flowers was sent by Morehouse, Wells & Co., also a lyre by the employes of the Lytle &
Eckels Company. The Presbyterian choir, composed of Misses Ebert and Keeler and Messrs. C.W.
Montgomery and O.N. Brown, furnishes appropriate music for the occasion. They sang "Abide With
Me" at the request of Mrs. C.W. Hurst, mother of the deceased. Rev. Penhallegon without
announcing the text read the following passage from the scriptures: "For I am in a strait
betwixt two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better." The pastor
"So spake one of the world's most distinguished men nearly nineteen centuries ago.
Death naturally was not better, nor life worse to him than to us. He was not a disappointed
man. He had seen all sides of life, and passed through varied experiences. He knew what
distinction was. He had been honored. He had sat upon the apex of earthly fame. He was no
stranger to happiness. He drank at her fountain. These things he gathered and put in the
scales. Over against them he put the limitations, the disappointments, the sorrows, and pains
of life, and looking at both he said, 'I am in a strait betwixt two,' etc. That experience was
not peculiar to him. He stands not along the subject of mingled feelings and contending
emotions. Humanity has ever had to battle with these contending desires. There is much in life
that cuases us to hold it with a tenacious grasp. The world in which we live is full of beauty.
The blessings which it gives are rich and rare. Its friendships are precious, the domestic ties
sacred, the home blessed and life so sweet that we naturally cling to it. But there is another
view. Life has its vicissitudes, cloudy days follow the shunshine, darkness follows the light,
friendship's ties are shattered, health gives way, disease brings pain, life loses its charm
and becomes a burden. Then it is that one is led to say, "I am in a strait betwixt two." Rev.
Penhallegon then referred to Mrs. Eckels. She had many things to hold her to life. She was a
comparatively a young woman, with a large and interesting family. She loved her husband and
her children devotedly and was as devotedly loved by them. She would have gladly lived for
them, but disease gained a mastery. Her suffering was gread and physical existence became a
burden. She took, like Paul, said I am in a strait, having a desire to depart and be with
Christ, which is far better."
The pallbearers were A.H. Mills, Henry A. Wood, George N. Taylor, Will J. Huff,
E.P. Morehouse of Evansville, Ind., and Fred W. Fee of Chicago. The body was consigned to the
grave at Greenwood with the usual ceremony.
Decatur Daily Republican, 10 Dec 1891
ECKELS, John Proctor
Death A Shock But Not Wholly Unexpected
In The Hardware Business In Decatur For Years
The funeral of J.P. Eckels, who died suddenly Sunday morning, will be held at
3:30 Tuesday afternoon at the family residence, 546 West William street. The services will
be conducted by Rev. J.N. McDonald of Maroa. The interment will be in Greenwood. Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Eckels and George M. Eckels of Crowley, La., will arrive in the city this evening
to be present at the funeral.
The death of J.P. Eckels early Sunday morning was naturally a great shock to his
relatives and many friends, but it was not wholly unexpected by members of his family. They
had been told by the family physician a year or two ago that the death of Mr. Eckels might
come at any time, and would probably be with very little warning, possibly no warning at all.
He himself knew that death might visit him at any time.
His physical condition had been frail for a number of years. About a year ago
he had a serious illness, and he failed steadily, and once remarked to a friend that he did
not expect to live long, but that he was not afraid to go. He had had trouble with his heart
and lungs and his kidneys were affected.
Mr. Eckels seemed as well as unsual when he returned home Saturday night. He
had spent the day and evening at his hardware store. He retired about 10:30. He and his
wife were alone in the house. Shortly after midnight Mrs. Eckels was awakened by her
husband, who said he was ill. The family physician was called, but death came before he
reached the house.
John Proctor Eckels was born at Mechanicsburg Pa., Aug. 6, 1848. He attended
the schools of his home town and for awhile attended a business college in Pittsburgh. After
leaving school he took a position in the hardware store of his uncle, George Proctor. He
remained in that position for five years. He came to Decatur in 1872 and took a position in
the Morehouse & Wells hardware store, remaining with that firm for fifteen years. Then
he went to St. Louis to take a position with the F.A. Shapleigh & Cantwell Hardware
company, but after a few months he returned to Decatur and formed at partnership with Captain
R.P. Lytle. Later J.A. Roney became a member of the firm.
Captain Lytle withdrew from the firm in 1892. The store was then located at
125 North Water street. In 1896 Mr. Eckels moved his store to the Gebhart block. Ten years
ago he moved his business to 222 North Main street and has been in business there ever since.
Captain Lytle died two weeks ago, death coming to him suddenly at almost the
same hour of the night. Both were among the most active members of the First Presbyterian
church and they were among the best known men in the city, and both prominent in the business
life and religious life of Decatur. Mr. Eckels was one of the original group that was active
in the organization of the Decatur Retail Merchants association.
He possessed a deep religious nature and was active in all affairs of his
church. He was one of the early active member of the Y.M.C.A., and one of its strongest
supporters. He attended services held in the First Presbyterian church with the greatest
regularity. He probably never missed a service when he was in this city if his health would
permit him to attend.
Mr. Eckels was twice married. His first wife was Miss Annie C. Hurst, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Hurst of Decatur. They were married June 2, 1875. Her death occurred
Dec. 6, 1891. His second wife was Miss Anna McDonald of Lewisburg, Pa. They were married
Jan. 7, 1897.
Besides his wife Mr. Eckels is survived by five children, Paul Eckels and
George M. Eckels of Crowley, La., Edwin H. Eckels of Bloomfield, N.J., Ralph Eckels of
Decatur and Mrs. Louis Miller of Bloomfield, N.J. He also leaves four grandchildren and one
brother, George M. Eckels, of Mechanicsburg, Pa.
All members of the Brotherhood Bible class of the First Presbyterian church are
requested to meet at the residence of J.P. Eckels in time to attend in a body the funeral of
Mr. Eckles(sic) Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Eckles was a charter member of the class and it is the
desire of the family that the class attend in a body.
The Decatur Review, 19 May 1913, Monday evening
John Eckert, aged 57 years, died of consumption in Harristown township, near
Wykles Station , on Monday. The deceased was a native of Germany and a brother of Mathias
Eckert. He leaves a widow and five children. He was a veteran of the late war, serving as
a private in Co. A, 21st Illinois Regiment, General Grants old regiment. He was a member
of Dunham Post 141, this city. The funeral will take place tomorrow forenoon. The members
of Dunham Post will meet at their hall tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. to attend the burial of their
comrade. They will march out West Main street and meet the cortege, serving as an escort
to Greenwood.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur Illinois, 2 Apr 1889
EDGECOMB, Clara Laura
Miss Laura Edgecomb of route 6 died Monday (2 Apr 1928) at the Decatur and Macon
County hospital, where she had been a patient for the last six weeks. She would have been
nineteen years old in June. Her death was caused by tuberculosis.
Miss Edgecomb was born north of Decatur June 11, 1909. She was a member of Elwin
Methodist church and had many friends in the community. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Edgecomb, and the following brothers and sisters: Arthur, Harold, Merle, Paul, Dora
May and Jennie Edgecomb, all of near Decatur. The body was taken to Dawson Wikoff, funeral
directors, and prepared for burial.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Elwin Methodist
church. The burial will be in the Mt. Gilead church.
Decatur Newspaper
EDWARDS, Mrs Elsie B.C.
Mrs. Elsie Beth Connor Edwards aged eighty-four years, passed away at 11:40
Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James J. O'Donnell, 846 North Jasper
street. She had been in failing health for a number of years, and had been ill and confined
to her bed since New Year's. The immediate cause of her death was pneumonia. She had been
in a serious condition since last Friday.
Mrs. Edwards had been a resident of Decatur ever since 1870, and had seen
Decatur grow from a small sized town to its present size. She cooked meals for men who laid
the first sidewalks in Decatur. She had been a member of the First Christian church for
forty-seven years, and had a wide acquaintance.
Her first husband was Edmund R. Collins, who passed away in 1877. To their
union, one son, C.C. Collins now of Chicago, was born. In 1878 she was married to Joseph
Edward, who preceded her in death in 1912. To the second union were born two children,
John A. Edwards and Mrs. O'Donnell, both of Decatur. Besides her children, she leaves
nine granchildren, and ten great grandchildren, also one brother, Elisha Connor of
Laharpe, Kan.
The body was taken to Moran's and prepared for burial. Funeral arrangements
await the arrival of relatives.
Decatur Review, Wednessday, 10 Mar 1926
EDWARDS, Mrs Nancy
Died at the home of her son, Samuel Edwards, 6 miles
southwest of Decatur, on April 14, 1885, of lung fever. She was 78 years old.
The deceased was ill but a few days. She was a sister to Uncle Green Hill,
father of Robert Hill. Her children are Jerome and Samuel Edwards, of this
county and Horace Edwards and Mrs. Richard Whitney of Missouri. She had
lived in the county since 1830.
Contributed by Helen in Texas
A little four year old son of Mr. Michael Eichinger (wife Lucy), living in Long Creek
Township, met a shocking death on Tuesday. His mother had been engaged in washing, and had
taken a large boiler of _water from the stove, in order to prepare dinner for some strangers
who had come to the house on business with Mr. Eichinger. The wash boiler was left standing
on the the floor, and the little boy, who had climbed upon a chair to get something from the
table, accidentally stepped off into the boiling water. Assistance was speedily at hand, but
it was found impossible to restore the arrested circulation, and the little sufferer died
yesterday at 12 o'clock. The remains will be brought to this city for interment to-day.
Decatur Review, 3 Aug 1871
ELDER, Martha
Martha Elder, wife of Robert Elder, died Wednesday night at 10 o'clock at their residence
near Niantic, of lagrippe, aged 48 years. A husband and four children are left. The children
are William and Albert Elder, Mrs. Thomas Bramwell and Miss Maude Elder. The funeral was held
at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the residence. The burial was at Stafford cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, 2 Dec 1892
ELDER, William F. 
The funeral of William F. Elder, who died at 9.15 Friday morning at
the family residence in Boody, will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the
Boody United Brethren church. Mr. Elder's death was caused by asthma, with which
he had been afflicted for a long time. He was born in Blue Mound township sixty-two
years ago and had lived there all his life. He was a veteran of the Civil war. He
enlisted when only 16 years old, and served three and a half years.
He was married Feb. 17, 1870 to Miss Anna C. Streevey at Champaign.
He is survived by his wife and seven children, Frank L. and Elmer E. Elder of Decatur,
Theodore C. Elder of Boody, Mrs. H. K. Hopkins. Mrs. Emery Dodson and Miss Nora C.
Elder of Decatur, and Mrs. Ira Moffett of Boody Mr. Elder was widely known and held
in high esteem by all.
The funeral services will be under the auspices of Dunham post 141, G.A.R.
The interment will be at Salem cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 17 Oct 1908, pg. 8
ELKINS, Edna Mae (Reed)
Born: 10 May 1897 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 4 May 1954
Buried: Sunset View Cem, Berkley, CA
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 26 Sept. 1917 in Macon Co, IL to Orville Elkins
Children: Joe
ELKINS, Wayne Layman
Wayne Layman Elkins, the three-days-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elkins, died at
8:30 Sunday night at the family residence, 809 North Main street.
Decatur Review, 9 Aug 1909, pg. 10
ELLIOTT, Mary E. A. (Turner)
Born: Feb 07, 1861 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 26 Dec 1948 in Effingham Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James H. & Mary (Stuart) Turner
Married: Nov 08, 1885 to Louis Elliott
Dr. W.B. Harsha returned home yesterday afternoon from Oakley, where he was called
on Tuesday evening by an unfortunate and distressing accident. A little three-year-old son of
Dr. Ellis, while playing around the house on that evening drank some concentrated lye and
for the succeeding that the boy lived he suffered hours terrible pain. The lye, of which
there were several tablespoonfuls, was in a teacup on a shelf. Dr. Harsha worked with the
child from the time that he arrived until nearly three o'clock yesterday afternoon when the
little one died from the effects of the powerful stuff swallowed.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Jun 1886
Born: in Germany
Died: Friday, Aug 27, 1897 in Boody
Buried: Salem Cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Married: not mentioned
Survivors:sons, William of Newell, IA, Adam of Boody, Henry of Blue Mound; daughters, Mrs. Fred
Sulle of Ivesdale, Mrs. Chris Furstenburg of Niantic, Mrs. Chris? Hinstead? of Morgansville,
Mrs. John S. Ritter of Boody, Mrs. Milton Robbins of Boody, Mrs. John Miller of Boody.
Mrs. Anna Ellis of 1589 East Main street died Monday at St. Mary's Hospital.
She was eighty-six years old in February. Her death was caused by pneumonia and followed
an illness of two weeks.
Mrs. Ellis was born in Germany Feb. 29, 1839. She had been a resident of
Decatur for the last forty-three years and was well known in the east part of the city.
She was a member of St. Johannes Lutheran church.
She leaves the following children: Edward Ellis, Mrs. Minnie Anderson
and Mrs. Mary Folker of St. Louis and Louis Ellis of Decatur. She also leaves two sister
and two brothers, Mrs. Mary Guss of Sidney, and Mrs. J. David, Fred Behrend and August
Behrend of Minnesota. The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment
and prepared for burial. Friends may call there.
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at St. Johannes
Lutheran church. The burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Review, 6 Apr 1926
ELLIS, Jacob 
Sudden Death – Tuesday afternoon, a young man named Jacob Ellis, while
engaged in loading his wagon with corncobs, at Haworth & Thompson’s warehouse, in the
northeast part of the city, fell back and instantly expired. He was subject to heart
disease, which thus culminated in his death. Mr. Ellis came from Ohio to Decatur, and
had not resided quite a year in the city. He was an honest, temperate and industrious
citizen, esteemed and respected by all who knew him. What adds additional interest to
the melancholy affair is that about two hours previous to his death, he left home in
perfect health and the anguish of his wife and child when the corpse of their protector
was conveyed to them, may, perhaps, be imagined but not described.
Decatur Republican, Decatur IL, 14 Jan 1869
ELSON, Mary Bell (Sawyer)
DIED - August 30th, 1876, at her home in Decatur, Mrs. Mary Bell Elson. Few were
the words, but they clasp the lids that contain another life's columes.
Ten o'clock, August 31st - one day since she died - one day in Eternity - One day
more precious to her than the almost sixty one years in time. One day with her God, one day
with her Savior and one day with the little "Mary Bell" that died twenty odd years ago.
Mrs. Elson was born the 10th day of September 1815, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania.
She was one of eleven children, born to Hon. John Sawyer and Mary Sawyer, of Lebanon county, a
family of six daughters and five sons.
In 1838 she came with her brother, Benjamin Sawyer, to Macon county, Illinois, where
her brother John had resided for several years, since which time she has lived in or near Decatur.
On the 1st of March 1849 she was married to Michael Elson, a resident of Decatur since 1839.
To them were born two children, Mary Bell, who died in 1852, and Carrie, who is now
Mrs. Clokey. Mrs. Elson leaves sorrowing her husband and daughter Carrie. Of her brothers and
sisters there remain John, William and Benjamin Sawyer; and Mrs. Ellen Barnes, wife of Dr. William
A. Barnes, all of Decatur, Ills., Miss Eliza Sawyer, of Lewisburg, Pa., Mrs. Martha Lark, of
Millersburg, Pa., Thomas J. Sawyer, of Halifax, Pa., and Mrs. J. Young, of Clutton Hill, near
An early pioneer the deceased shared with her brothers and neighbors the hardships
of the "days gone by," when Macon county was in its infancy. She has been identified with its
history, and has witnessed our beautiful city, Decatur, pass from a modest country village to its
present status as a leading inland city.
With the physical system depleted from disease and racked with pain, time, with her
would have had few attractions, had not the spiritual lifted her into that "Higher Life" that
knows naught of murmuring, and whose every moment was an "Amen!" "Thy will be done!" Faith,
beautiful faigh; fair God of Divinity, we bless Thee that Thou didst part the clouds and let the
light shine upon the afflicted one. Her words failed as she would tell of the brightness and the
glory that filled her soul. Her words failed as she would tell of the brightness and the glory
that filled her soul. Her life and words linger as a benison, both to her family and friends.
"Asleep in Jesus" her spirit is at rest.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 31 Aug 1876, pg. 2
ELSON, Michael
Passed Away at One O'Clock Saturday
Old Age Was Principal Cause of Death
M. Elson, father of Mrs. J.M. Clokey, died at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Elson
had been in poor health for several months and it has been known for the past few days that his
death would be but a matter of a short time. He was over 80 and old age was as much a cause of
death as anything. His life and the time and place of the funeral will be given later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 12 May 1900
Was One of Decatur's Early Settlers
Made Wagons for Macon County '49ers
The death of Michael Elson, which occurred Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. J.M. Clokey, on West Main street, was not unexpected as Mr. Elson had been in a
critical condition for several days past. His illness dated back to last February. From this
however he recovered sufficiently to be able to walk about but was again taken down and gradually
grew weaker. Heart trouble brought on by old age was the cause of death.
M. Elson was one of the earlier settlers of Decatur. He was born March 22, 1815, in
Muskingum county, O. He came to Decatur in 1839 and made the trip overland stopping first at Galena,
and then settling at Springfield. After coming to Decatur, Mr. Elson engaged in the wagon business
and he was the man who made the wagons and fitted out most all of the men who were among the
California gold settlers of '49.
Mr. Elson first married Mary Ekle and after her death married in the spring of 1850
Mary Bell Sawyer, who died in 1876. All of his brothers and sisters are dead and his only child is
Mrs. Clokey, wife of Colonel J.M. Clokey. He leaves two grandchildren, Ira and Dot Clokey, and
several nephews in different parts of the country, one of whom is Henry Elson of Philadelphia,
author of several historical works used in the university extension work.
ELWOOD, Daniel H.
The remains of the late Daniel H. Elwood arrived in the city at 11:30 yesterday
by the Wabash and were removed to the residence of B.K. Hamsher, 738 West William street,
where the funeral services were held at 10 o'clock this forenoon, in presence of a large
concourse of people. Rev. James miller, pastor of the First M.E. church, officiated, and
after prayer and scriptural selections delivered a bried funeral address.
Daniel H. Elwwod was born March 12, 1821, in Herkimer, New York, and died
in Springfield, Missouri, March 7, 1890, lacking but a few days of completing his 69th
year. He came to Decatur in 1854, and continued to reside here until 1879. He helped
construct the Illinois Central railroad, and continued for several years after its
completion, his connection with its operating department. He afterwards engaged in
the lumber business, in which industry he remained until his departure from the state.
The past nine years of his life he was a resident of Springfield, mo. He leaves a
wife and two surviving children, W.H. Elwood and Mrs. B.K. Hamsher. His last illness
was of but 20 hours duration, and during this brief illness everything possible was
done for him to prolong his life, but without avail. He remained conscious up to
within a few minutes of his death, and passed away without suffering. He was a man
of great activity, of indomitable energy and the most unbounded hopefulness. He was
much attached to his family, and lived for them entirely. He was the best example
of activity and industry, coupled with the most unswerving integrity.
In addition to this sketch, the minister spoke of the fact that the
deceased, just before his death, when asked if he realized his condition said that
he did, and that he was prepared to meet death. The remarks of Mr. Miller were
exceedingly well timed and could not but be comforting to the family.
The choir, consisting of Milton Johnson, Bert Gher, Mrs. J.M. Maris and
Miss Lissa Jones, sang "Come, Ye Disconsolate," "Rock of Ages" and "Asleep in Jesus,"
before and after the remarks of the minister.
The floral offerings were exceedingly appropriate, including a magnificent
pillow, "At Rest," at the head of the corpse, while on the mantel was a floral arch
inscribed "Father," from which was suspended a dove. Another with "Our Father," a sheaf
of wheat, a cluster of calla lilies, and many others were noticed. The parlors were
crowded with neighbors and friends, and among them were many who had known the deceased
in life, and testified their respect for his memory by coming out to attend his funeral,
in spite of the forbidding weather. A large concourse of people when with the cortege
to Greenwood cemetery, and the mortal remains of Daniel H. Elwood were laid in the narrow
house that is the final home of all.
The pall bearers were J.R. Gorin, D.C. Shockley, Frank L. Hays, J.C. Lake,
D.S. Shellabarger and Casper Elwood. Mrs. D.H. Elwood; Mrs. E. Burroughs and son, Edward,
of Edwardsville, Ill.; Rev. John Everly and son, of Bloomington, attended the obsequies.
Decatur Republican, 13 Mar 1890
On the 5th inst., Henry Elwood of this city was engaged in coupling
some cars at the Depot, while they were in motion, his feet caught in the grog of the
switch and the train passed over both of his legs above the knees, and the coupling pin
struck him in the body; either of which injuries would have killed him; he died that
night. M.E. leaves a host of friends to mourn his loss.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 12 Mar 1857
Peter Emerick of Warrensburg died at his home in that place Sunday. The
cause of death of apoplexy. The man was seventy-three years old and appeared to be in
the best of health.
Peter Emerick was a tenant on the Rogers farm in Austin township for
almost thirty years. The third generation of the Emericks is now on that same farm.
Peter Emerick retired from farming three years ago, since which time he has made his
home in Warrensburg. He is survived by a widow and by two sons, George and William.
The funeral will be held at 11 oclock Tuesday morning at Warrensburg
and the burial will be in Illini cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 22 Dec 1913
According to a statement published in The Decatur Daily Despatch published
on 11 Aug 1889, Emerick was born in Cleveland Ohio.
EMERSON, Charles
Death of Hon. Charles Emerson
A Short Sketch of His Life and Public Services
Another eminent citizen has passed away; another great and good man has gone
to his reward; Hon. Charles Emerson, late presiding judge of the XVIIth judicial circuit,
and member of the Constitutional Convention, died at his residence in this city last Saturday
evening. The deceased had been ill for the last six months, and his demise was not unexpected.
Judge Emerson was born at North Haverill, Grafton county, New Hampshire, April
15th, 1811, and had therefore just completed his fifty-ninth year at the time of his death.
After passing through Peacham Academy, in his native State, he attended Dartmouth College, but
did not remain to take his degree. In May, 1833, he left New Hampshire for Illinois - then
almost a terra incognita - and stopping at Jacksonville pursued his studies for a few
months at Illinois College. He then entered the law office of Judge Keyes, at Springfield,
and after reading six months was admitted to the bar. Coming from thence to Decatur, in the
spring of 1834, he began the practice of his profession, and continued to reside here from
that time until the day of his death, with the exception of some four years, during which time
he lived at Paris, Edgar county. On the 25th day of May, 1841, he was united in marriage to
Miss Nancy Harrell, who proved to be to him a loving wife and a true helpmate. She died December
16, 1866.
The talents and integrity of the young lawyer soon became apparent to his neighbors,
and he had not long been a resident of Macon county before he came to be regarded as one of the
leading men of the community. He held, at various times, the offices of Justice of the Peace,
County Assessor, Probate Judge and School Commissioner, in all of which he gave full satisfaction.
In November, 1850, he was elected to represent his district in the popular branch of the State
Legislature, in which body he was looked upon as a careful, prudent and wise legislator. When
the seventeenth judicial circuit was formed, in 1853, he was elected judge, for the term of
two years, and was re-elected in 1855 for six years, and in 1861 for another term. His
character and reputation as a judicial officer need no higher commendation than is contained
in the fact that the circuit which thrice elected him was strongly democratic, while the
political convictions of Judge Emerson were well known to be on the other side. In 1867
he was a candidate for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois, but was defeated
by Judge Walker.
Resuming the practice of his profession, he found a large and remunerative
business awaiting him, to which he gave his undivided attention. In the fall of 1869, at
the earnest soliciation of his friends throughout the 40th Representative District, he
consented to be a candidate for member of the Constitutional Convention, and was elected
without opposition. At the assembling of the Convention, in December, Judge Emerson was
in his seat, intent upon discharging his duties he had been chosen to perform, though
scarcely able to be out of his room. He struggled manfully against the attacks of the
insidious disease which was preying upon him - consumption - but was soon sompelled to
leave his place in the Convention and come home, where he lingered until last Saturday
night, when he fell asleep in death, peacefully and calmly.
His remains were interred in the burying ground at North Fork Church, five
miles east of Decatur, on Tuesday, a large number of his old friends and neighbors being
present to attest their love and admiration of the distinguished dead. The funeral discourse
was preached by Rev. A.L. Brooks, and a short and feeling address was delivered at the
grave by Ex-Gov. Oglesby, who spoke briefly and eloquently of the manly virtues and high
integrity, the official purity and spotless name of Charles Emerson. The funeral services
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which the deceased was a member, were then
performed, and the large assemblage dispersed. A meeting of the legal fraternity was held
on Monday, the proceedings of which will be found in another column.
The deceased leaves a family of seven children - three sons and four daughters,
the eldest of the former, Albert Emerson, Esp., being at present Assistant Assessor of
Internal Revenue. Two brothers of Judge Emerson reside in Indiana; Warren Emerson, who is
engaged in railroad business at Marion, and Hon. Frank Emerson of Brownstown, who is now Judge
of the Circuit Court of the Vincennes Circuit.
Decatur Republican, 21 Apr 1870
EMERY, Ellen
Ellen S. Emery, daughter of Joseph W. and Frances R. Emery, was born in Upton, Mass.,
August 30, 1842; she came to Illinois with her father in September, 1836, and located in Austin
township, where she lived until her death, which occurred at 1 o'clock a.m., November 25, 1896, aged
54 years, 2 months and 26 days. The interment was at the family burying ground on the farm where she
had lived so long. She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers and one sister; Clarence F., with whom
she has made her home since her father's death in 1882, Charles who resides in Oakland, Cal., Betsey,
wife of H.S. Balcom, a resident of Grand Island, Nebraska; besides many friends in the community.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 2 Dec 1896
EMERY, Frances A. (Sanborn)
Mrs. Frances Emery, widow of the late Joseph Emery, died in Austin township last Monday,
aged 52 years. The deceased was afflicted with paralysis. She was first stricken two years ago.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 27 Aug 1886
EMERY, Joseph W.
DIED, at the family residence, in Austin township, on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1882, at 10:30
o'clock, Joseph W. Emery, in the 70th year of his age. The deceased had been ill for a period of
nearly three months, part of his body having been paralyzed in August last. He was an uncle of Hon.
Charles F. Emery, of Maroa. He had lived in this county for many years - over a quarter of a century.
Deceased was a noble hearted man, who companionship was courted because of his generous nature and
intelligence. The last time he was in the Republican sanctum, which was about 4 months ago,
he was in apparent good health, and conversed cheerfully about public affairs, concerning which he
was well posted. He was genial, intelligent, public spirited and useful citizen - whose death will
be generally deplored.
Joseph Emery was one of the old residents of Austin township. He was a native of
Canterbury, Merrimac county, New Hampshire, and was born on the 15th day of January, 1813. We
learn from Brink, McDonough & Co., history of Macon county, in which is published a long sketch
of the deceased, that the Emery family, which was one of English origin, settled at an early period
at West Newberry, Mass. The old homestead - the home of the early members of the family - has been
in possession of the Emerys for several generations. Josiah Emery, the grandfather of the deceased,
moved from Massachusetts to Sanbornton, now Tilton, New Hampshire. Nathan Emery, was the father of
the deceased. He married Betsey McCrillis, of Scotch-Irish descent, a native of Canterbury. Both
the Emery and McCrillis families have been remarkable for their vigor and long life. They show
a noticeable freedom from disease, and the tendency toward longevity has been marked for several
generations. Among the ancestors many instances of death at an advanced age have occurred; very
few passed away before reaching 70 years. J.W. Emery was the ninth of a family of 16 children,
of whom 14 grew to maturity and 13 married. His father owned a farm, and was a carpenter by
trade. He was a man of considerable intelligence, was well versed in surveying and civil
engineering, and was very fond of reading - a habit which he transmitted to most of his children,
all of whom attained a good English education. Josiah Emery, a brother of the deceased,
graduated from Union College, N.Y., and is now engaged in the practice of law at Williamsport,
Pa. Another brother was Enoch W. Emery, for many years editor of the Peoria Transcript.
He died last summer, after receiving several strokes of paralysis. A third brother settled in
Indiana. A fourth brother, the father of Charles F. Emery, died at Maroa a few years ago.
The other brothers remained in New England. The deceased did not leave New Hampshire until
he was 17 years of age; in 1835 he went to Rhode Island, thence to Massachusetts. In
February, 1840, he was united in marriage to Frances B. Leland, at Upton, Mass., the bride
being a member of an old New England family. Mr. Emery engaged in farming pursuits near
Upton after his marriage until 1850, when he returned to Canterbury, where he engaged withi
his brother Nathan in running a saw mill for a period of six years. Mr. Emery's first wife
died in September, 1853. In February, 1854, he was united in marriage to Frances A. Sanborn,
after whose family Sanbornton, New Hampshire was named.
The saw mill business not proving remunerative, Mr. Emery determined to come
west, and he reached Macon county in 1856, and purchased 160 acres of railroad land in
Section 8, in Austin township. He and his family spent the winter at Clinton, and in 1857
he took possession of his farm, which is now one of the finest in that section of that county,
made so by the industry and good management of the deceased, who was one of the earliest
settlers of the township. In all 11 children were born to him, four of whom are now living;
Ellen, Betsey, Charles and Clarence.
Mr. Emery had always taken an active interest in politics. He was originally
a whig, and supported that party in opposition to the democracy. He was one of the first
to ally himself with the republican organization, of which he was steadfast supporter. He
was treasurer of Austin township four years, and had filled the office of assessor four
terms. He was a man of positive convictions, though he always respected the honest
convictions of those with whom he came in contact.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Nov 1882
EMERY, Maude (James)
Maroa, Oct. 1 - Mrs. Maude Emery, formerly Maude James, died Friday at
her home here. She was born Aug. 29, 1884, in Texas township, three miles north of
Maroa. She was married to Harvery Emery, a civil engineer of Ridgesville Corners,
Ohio, April 3, 1913. Besides her husband, she leaves her eight months old child and
her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. El James.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 1 Oct 1915
ENNIS, Louie
Well Known Former Decatur Woman Expire
Made Residence on College Hill Many Years
Mrs. Louie H. Ennis for many years a Decatur resident and widoe of one of Decatur's foremost
citizens, died at her home in Los Angeles, Cal., Monday evevning, May 7. A message received by Frank L.
Evans of Decatur Tuesday morning from Will S. Ennis, said: "Mother passed away suddenly but peacefully last
evening as a result of heart failure."
Mrs. Louie Harrison Ennis was born in Jan. 13, 1840, and she married William H. Ennis in
Decatur in 1859, Mr. Ennis being at that time a railroad contractor helping to build the Illinois Central
Mr. and Mrs. Ennis lived in Decatur from that time until the death of Mr. Ennis in 1901, who
had acquired a great acreage of land and left an estate of over 5,000 acres of Illinois land in addition
to large holdings of city property.
About ten years ago Mrs. Ennis moved to Los Angeles, Cal., and has been a resident of that
city from that time until her death.
During her Decatur residence the family lived in the house on College Hill which has recently
been remodeled by A.E. Staley. The children are Will E. Ennis, of Chicago, Robert Berry Ennis of Chicago,
and George H. Ennis of Los Angeles, among whom Mrs. Ennis divided the estate in 1916.
Decatur Review, 8 May 1917
ENSLEY, George 
George Ensley died at his home in Macon Thursday night of la grippe after
an illness of three weeks. The doctor thought he would recover, and he was able to be
up a little when he took a relapse which resulted as above stated. Mr. Ensley was a
member of the G.A.R. Post and a member of the M.E. church. He leaves four sons to mourn
his loss. One of them, Will, lives in Denver, Col, having gone there to live about six
weeks ago. His wife died two years ago. Mr. Ensley was a carpenter by trade, and was
about 70 years old at the time of his death. He had many friends, and was an earnest
Christian. His remains were interred in Macon cemetery this afternoon by the Jordson
Post, of which he was a past commander.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 19 Mar 1892, pg. 4
ENTLER, Mary Elizabeth
Mary Elizabeth, wife of T.C. Entler, died last evening at 9:20 o'clock, at the family
residence, No. 757 North Monroe street, of puerperal fever. The deceased was forty years of age
and leaves a husband and five children, aged seventeen, fifteen, twelve, nince and six. Her
youngest, an infant child six days old, died yesterday morning at nine o'clock and will be buried
with its mother. The funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon at two o'clock.
Rev. M.S. Newcomer, of the Church of God, will conduct the services.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 Feb 1886
EPLER, Hiram G. 
Died: 8 Sep 1867 in Macon Co. IL
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Married: Nov 09, 1858 in Macon Co, IL to Rosanna Z. Querry
Children: Charles & James H.
ERNEST, Bertha
Miss Bertha Ernest died at 5:45 o'clock Monday morning at the home of her sister,
Mrs. J.C. Hinds, 547 North Water street. A complication of diseases was the cause of her death.
She had been ailing but a few days and the death was unexpected. She was 19 years old.
The funeral will be held at 3:30 Tuesday from the Christian Temple and Rev. F.B.
Mones will officiate. The interment will be at Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 27 Apr 1903
ERVIN, Anna Mary
Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Mary Ervin, who died at 8 o'clock Thursday
evening of paralysis, was conducted at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in her home. Burial
was in Pleasant View cemetery.
Mrs. Ervin was sixty-three years old, and was born in Switzerland. Her
husband, James Ervin, died thirteen years ago. Mrs. Ervin leaves four children, August
of Decatur; Mrs. O'Brien of Mt. Auburn and Mrs. Payton and Frederick Ervin, both of Blue
Decatur Review, 11 Oct 1919
EVANS, Amanda C. (Stuart)
Born: Sep 12, 1869 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 4 Dec 1947 in Dodge Co., MN
Buried: St. Peters Cem. at New Richland
Parents: John T. & Minerva A. (Young) Stuart
Married: Jan 13, 1901 in Oreana, Macon, IL to James S. Evans
EVANS, Josephine Love
Mrs. Josephine Love Evans, wife of William T. Evans, died at Washington, D.C., on
Friday, and was buried yesterday at that place. The deceased was well known in Decatur at one
time, having resided here.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 May 1886
EVANS, Richard L. 
The sad news of the death of Mr. Richard L. Evans, the librarian of
the Decatur Public Library, which occurred this (Thursday) morning at five oclock,
became generally known about the city a few hours later, and cast a deep gloom over
all. His illness was so brief and his death so sudden that the announcement occasioned
general surprise. Mr. Evans had not been in good Health for several years, but he was
able to attend to his duties with but alight inconvenience. During the past three weeks
he had been afflicted with cerebral exhaustion, but only until three days ago was he
compelled to remain in his room at the residence of Mr. A. Maxwell in the old Metlin
property on corner of North Main and William streets, where he and his wife had rooms
and boarded with the family. He was quite sick on Monday, but was much better on Tuesday
and Wednesday. The worst feature of his case was his inability to sleep, but the attending
physician, Dr. Mitchell, who also boards with Mr. Maxwell, was with his patient almost
continuously and watched him closely. Mr. Evans was considered convalescent last evening,
but his wife remained at his bedside until 12 oclock, when she retired to obtain needed
rest, and Dr. Mitchell took her place. The Doctor informed our reporter this forenoon
that Mr. Evans slept until three oclock when he awoke, and was able to move about the
room. He fell asleep again and did not awake until nearly five oclock when he again arose
from the bed and conversed with the physician. He returned to the bed and sat down beside
the doctor, and while clearing his throat Mr. Evans asked the doctor to hand him a glass of
water, and while the physician turned to comply with the request, Mr. Evans was taken with
a violent convulsion and expired in less than a minute. The death was so unexpected that
everybody in the swelling was startled beyond expression.
This forenoon the remains of the deceased were removed to the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Glore, parents of Mrs. Evans.
Richard L. Evans was born in New Albany, Ind., on May 30, 1838, and was
there fore in the 44th year of his age. He entered Indiana Asbury University, located
at Greencastle, Ind., and graduated from that institution when he was 21 years of age.
Immediately after his graduation Mr. Evans entered the United States Naval service, and
spent about seven years of his life on shipboard off the coast of South America. He
served in various positions in the Navy, and was for sometime the ships quartermaster.
He visited innumerable ports, among them Callao Peru, and was quite familiar with the
habits and peculiar customs of the strange people whom he had met on different voyages.
In conversation with the writer he often alluded to his experiences while at sea, and those
talks were always full of interest. At the close of the war, the deceased came to Decatur,
and on May 23, 1867, he was united in marriage to Alice E. Glore, daughter of Mr. Millburn
Glore. For several years Mr. Evans was a salesman in the dry goods store of Mr. A. Ruth,
who was in business on Merchant street at that time, and subsequently was connected with
the book and stationery store of Scott Glore at Louisville, KY. Mr. Evans returned to
Decatur in 1874, and on August 6, 1875, when the Decatur Public Library board of directors
was selected, he was chosen Librarian, and at once entered upon the duties of his position
for which he was specially qualified. He took charge of the books of the old library
association, rearranged them carefully, and put the new library in proper shape. For over
six years he had charge of the library and reading rooms, and through his management the
institution is now one of the best arranged libraries in Illinois. He worked hard all
last summer in making the transfer of books from the old quarters to the present large room,
and in putting them on the alcove shelves in new order; and just as he had them all in proper
shape, ready for the use of the public whose convenience he always studied, he has been
called from amongst us to the other world. Mrs. Roane, the only sister of the deceased,
and his step-mother and step-sister, all reside in Philadelphia, to which city it will be
remembered Mr. Evans was called last fall to attend the funeral of his only brother, who
died rather unexpectedly.
In the death of Mr. Evans we have lost a highly esteemed, useful and
influential citizen. He was a whole-souled, intelligent, Christian gentleman, a man
who was respected by all who knew him, and there is scarcely anybody in this community
but enjoyed his acquaintance. He was an officer in the Christian church, a regular
attendant at all the services of that congregation, a teacher in the Sunday school, a
member of the YMCA board of directors, and was active in all good works and deeds. He
will be greatly missed by our people, who, with us, deeply sympathize with the bereaved
widow in her great affliction.
Soon after Mr. Evans arrival in Decatur, on his retirement from the
naval service, he contributed a series of very interesting articles from his pen
entitled Odd Leaves from a Sailors Log Book, which were published in the Weekly
Republican, commencing on August 15, 1867, and closing on the 26th of September of
that year. These contributions filled over 22 long columns, and pictured in graphic
style the writers experience and observations while at sea. He made his first voyage
on the sloop-of-war Narragansett a ship of 800 tons burthen, manned by 139 officers
and men.
It has been partly decided to defer the funeral of the deceased until
Sunday next, in order that relatives from Philadelphia may have time to reach Decatur
and be present at the burial.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur IL, 24 Nov 1881
A description of the funeral was published in the Decatur Daily Republican,
Decatur IL, 21 Nov 1881.
EWING, Edgar F.
We are called uon to-day to chronicle the death of Edgar F. Ewing, son of Mrs. F.N.
Ewing, which occurred at 6:30 o'clock this morning at the family residence in the third ward. As
is well known the deceased was a victim of consumption, and though he visited various health
resorts in the far West and South, the changes did him but little good, and he finally returned
home, since which time he has been able until a few days ago to drive about the city. He was up
and about on Sunday. He retained his consciousness until the last moment, speaking with those
who stood about watching his young life pass away. He died peacefully.
The deceased was a native of Chicago and was in the 29th year of his age. He was
the youngest son of Mrs. F.N. Ewing and a brother of Hon. Charles A. Ewing and Miss Belle
Ewing. It was only a few years ago that Edgar was a model of good health and strength. On his
return from the east a number of years ago where he attended college, he engaged in the jewelry
business with Otto E. Curtis. Soon afterward he sold out on account of failing health. Edgar
was one of the most companionable of young men in the community: kind and friendly to all;
sympathetic and generous at all times. The funeral will take place from the family residence
at 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, August 28th.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 26 Aug 1884
EWING, Mrs. Orville
We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Ewing, wife of Mr. Orville Ewing. The funeral
will take place to-day.
Decatur Review, 16 Jun 1870
EYMAN, Abraham
One of the Oldest Residents of the County Passes Away
Abraham Eyman, a native of Illinois, who has been a resident of Macon county since
1856, is no more. He died on Sunday morning at 5 o'clock at the home place near Harristown, in
the 88th year of his age, after a month's illness. He was prostrated by la grippe, which caused
him great bodily suffering. Death was a relief. The deceased was one of the best known and
highly esteemed residents of the western part of the county - an excellent farmer, a stauch
Republican, a consistent member of the Christian church, a tender parent - a good man, who will
be missed in the church, and in the affairs of life.
Abraham Eyman was born in St. Clair county, this state, near Belleville, January
6, 1803. His father was a Pennsylvanian of German descent, and came to the territory embracing
Illinois in 1795. The deceased came to Macon county in 1856. Purchasing the home farm in
Harristown township, he put up a two-story residence and outbuildings, put out a fine grove
of maples and planted fruit trees. He was the ownder of a farm of 480 acres. On August 3,
1826, at Belleville, Mr. Eyman was married to Clarissa McGuire. The widow survives. The
deceased was the father of ten children. The surviving children are James M. Eyman, of
Harristown; Mrs. Ella Averitt, of Harristown; Mrs. Nancy C. Anderson, of Genoa, Neb.;
Hardin H. Eyman, of Fullerton, Neb., and Jerome Eyman, of Harristown. The deceased children
are Captain Lewis J. Eyman, of Co. E. 116th Ill. Regiment, killed at the battle of Arkansas
Post, Jan. 11, 1863; Edward Eyman, of the same company and regiment, who died at Milliken's
Bend April 25, 1863; Isaac O. Eyman, who died in 1889; John Eyman who died in 1882; and
Martha Eyman, who died in 1863. There were 21 granchildren; Alonzo Eyman, Edward O.
Eyman, Mrs. Mary Towne, Mrs. Ella McGregor, Misses Cora, Lena and Edith Eyman; Henry P.
Averitt, Miss Martha Averitt; Arthur Anderson, Mrs. Emma Davidson; Ida, Clara, Lewis,
Charles and Henry Eyman; F. Eyman, A. Eyman, Myrtle Eyman, Sophie, Lela and Lula Eyman.
There are four great-grandchildren; Frank and Lewis Eyman, and Ralph and Ethel Towne.
The funeral of the late Abraham Eyman, which took place from the Christian
church at Harristown on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, was very largely attended. The
church was crowded. Rev. Ogle had charge of the impressive service, assisted by Rev.
Pinkerton, of Decatur, and Rev. Gilliland, of Bloomington. Elijah Stookey, M.T. Stookey
and Mr. Stout, of Belleville, R.S. Bohon and Dr. D.N. Moore, of Decatur, were among the
friends present. The interment was in Harristown cemetery under the direction of J.B.
Bullard. The pallbearers were Daniel Stookey, Johna nd George Tandy, Joseph Housman,
Jacob Hostetler and Thomas Scroggins.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, 24 Apr 1890
EYMAN, Charles
Charles Eyman Almost Instantly Killed by a Flying Splinter
He pulled it Out Himself and THen Said Goodbye - Lived Less Than Ten Minutes
It Was Purely Accidental - Will Not Get $2000 Insurance - His Relations
Charles Eyman, an employe at the Lyon & Armstrong planing mill, was killed
yesterday about 10 o'clock by a piece of wood molding being driven entirely through his body.
Eyman was working at a molding machine and at the time of his death was running half inch
base molding sixteen feet long.
The molding first runs under a roller and then under knives turning with a
velockity of 4,500 revolutions a minute. In some way one of the pieces of molding broke
and the end went up against the rapidly moving knives. In a flash the molding was driven
bakc with terrible force and speed. The wood went entirely through poor Eyman's body.
He gave a sharp cry of pain, and grasping the end of the stick, began pulling
it out of his body. The stick entered through the pants pocket on the left side and came out
near the hip pocket on the right side, about two inches of the woof sticking out. The stick
was about four feet long and seven eighths of an inch around. The end that struck him was
sharp as a sword.
A.M. Boutwell was working near him and first noticed the accident when Eyman
called him by name. He rushed to him as quickly as pissible, but before he reached him
the wounded man had succeeded in pulling the stick from his body and had thrown it on the
floor. Boutwell asked him if he could stand up till he went for Mr. Lyons, but Eyman was
in the throes of death, saying, "Good-by, Boutwell," began reeling. They were the last words
he spoke.
Boutwell, with the aid of John Marty, started to help him walk into the office
where he was laid on the table. To all the questions asked him before he died he could only
answer with a groan. He was dead in less than ten minutes after he received the fatal
Coroner Bendure was notified and had the body removed to the home of Mrs. C.D.
Mackey, where young Eyman boarded. The inquest was held yesterday afternoon. The witnesses
were A.M. Boutwell of 523 East Edmond street and John Marty.
Mr. Boutwell testified. "I heard Charlie call me and looking around with both
hands pulling the stick out of his body. He wasn't pulling steady, but was jerking it. Before
I got to him he had the stick out and had thrown it on the floor. He was still standing up
and I asked him if he could stand there till I sent for Mt. Lyons. He groaned and looking me
in the face said, "goodbye." John Marty and others helped him into the office while I
telephoned a doctor. He was dead nearly as soon as they laid him on the table.
John Marty was the other witness.
was as follows: "We, the jury, find that death was caused by accident, the
immediate cause being the penetration of the bowels by a stick kicked back by a molding machine.
The jury finds from the evidence that the accident was not due to the negligence of his
Mr. Eyman was 27 years old and was the son of Mrs. Salina Eyman, who lives one
and one half miles south of Warrensburg. He leaves two sisters and three broghers, Mrs.
Ed Voss of Petoskey, Mich., Miss Maggie Eyman, and James, John and Harry Eyman of Warrensburg.
He was distantly related to the Eymans of Decatur. The dead man came here about a year ago
and has been working at the Lyon & Armstrong planing mill ever since. He was an exemplary
young man and was a favorite with his fellow workmen. He was liked by all who knew him.
About three weeks ago, Eyman had applied for admission into camp 144, Modern
Woodmen of America. His application was accepted and he had been examined for life insurance
by Dr. O.L. Collins. The examination was satisfactory and a week ago last Friday his policy
came for $2000. On account of not feeling well, Eyman did not go to the lodge room Friday
night and Dr. Collins noticing hia absence said, "now suppose Eyman should die before he got
his policy?" The question was answered yesterday in a horrible manner. As he had not yet
paid the premium for the policy he will not be entitled to the money.
The body was taken to Warrensburg yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Will be held from the Illini Congregational church today, leaving the residence,
two smiles south of Warrensburg, at 10 o'clock. Rev. J.H. Runalls will preach the funeral
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Nov 1892
EYMAN, Harry H.
Born: 8 Feb 1883 Warrensburg, Macon Co., IL
Died: 10 Sept 1955 Urbana, Champaign Co., IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem., Argenta, Macon Co., IL
Parents: Horatio and Salina Jane (Milor) Eyman
Married: 12 Sep 1905 Argenta, Macon Co., IL to Lola Cooper
Occupation: Salesman for Home Isulation Co.
Memberships: First Methodist Church, Urbana; Urbana Lodge 157; AF & AM of the Danville Consistory,
of Home Chapter 104, OES, of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, Mizpah Chapter 11 and of the Central Illinois Patrons Club
Survivors: Daughters: Mrs. Dorothy Strickland, Kirkwood, Mo., and Mrs. Louise, Gainesville, Fla;
four grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. F.B. Baker, Boise, ID
Submitted by Jane Lincicome
EYMAN, Isaac O.
Another Old Citizen Called Away Last Night
The announcement of the death of Justice I.O. Eyman, which occurred last night at
the family residence on South Union street, will occasion no surprise as it has been generally
known that his condition has been critical for a number of weeks. He died at 1 o'clock of
consumption in the 52nd year of his age.
Isaac O. Eyman was born near Belleview, St. Clair county, Ill, in 1837. At the
age of 19 he located with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Eyman, near Harristown, and March 20, 1861,
at Springfield, Ill., he married Martha T. Nesbitt. The widow and six children survive. They
are Mrs. J.A. Davidson, Misses Clara and Ida Eyman, and Lewis, Harry and Charles Eyman.
In his lifetime Mr. Eyman engaged in business as a farmer and stock dealer, removing
to Decatur with his family in 1881. In 1885 he was elected a justice of the peace, which office
he held at the time of his death. He served one term as assistant supervisor. In all his
dealings Mr. Eyman was a safe and careful man. Socially he was genial and even in his sickness
he looked on the bright side of life. He was a member of the Christian church and was a Mason.
In 1887 he went to California for the benefit of his failing health and came home
greatly strengthened, but the relief was only temporary.
The funeral will take place from the family residence at 1:30 p.m. from the family
residence at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 17. The members of Ionic Lodge of Masons will have charge
of the service, Elder Pinkerton, officiating as a chaplain. The remains will be taken to the
depot immediately after the service to be conveyed to Harristown on a special Wabash train
provided for the family and friends. Interment at Harristown with Masonic ceremonies.
Decatur Daily Republican, 15 Feb 1889
The funeral of the late Justice I.O. Eyman took place from the family residence
on South Union street Sunday afternoon, attended by a large concourse of Masons, neighbors and
friends. The Ionic Lodge of Masons had charge of the services, both at the residence and at the
burial at Harristown, the master, W.J. Hostetler, directing the ceremonies in a very impressive
manner, without the use of a ritual. At the house there were many floral offerings. The choir
comprised Miss Anna Berry, Mrs. O.F. Spaulding, J.D. Templeton and Ralph Templeton, who sang
"It is Not Death to Die" and "There is a Calm." Elder Pinkerton read a scriptual selection,
offered a prayer and read a brief biographical sketch, after which the body was removed to the
special train at the Wabash depot and taken to Harristown for interment. The train was one of
two coaches and a baggage car and was filled with 80 Ionic and Macon Lodge Masons, the relatives
and friends. At Harristown the remains were met by the members of Summit Lodge, No. 431, Masons,
and friends of the family in that vicinity. The cortege formed and moved to the cemetery where
the interment took place, the choir singing Pieyel's hymn, "Rest Weary Spirit" and chanting the
Lord's Prayer. The pall bearers were J.N. Baker, W.R. Abbott, D.H. Heilman, H.F. May, George
R. Bacon and I.N. Coo.
The relatives from a distance in attendance at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. A.
Eyman, parents of the deceased, James Eyman and Miss Martha Averitt, Harristown; Hon. M.T.
Stookey, of Belleville, Ill., cousin; Alonzo Eyman, of Colfax, Ill., and Owen Eyman, of Mc Pherson,
Neb., cousins; Mrs. and Mrs. James Richardson and Mrs. Springer and Miss Nesbitt of Springfield.
Decatur Daily Republican, 18 Feb 1889
At the old homestead near Harristown, Ill., on Jan 23, 1883, of consumption thought
to have been brought on by chronic diarrhoea contracted while in the armny, JOHN EYMAN, aged
41 years.
The deceased was a brother of I.O. Eyman, of this city. He was born in St. Clair
county, Ill., on May 15th, 1841. He became a member of the Christian church in 1882, in whose
fellowship he faithfully lived and meekly died. He leaves in sorrow an only child, his aged
parents, four brothers, two sisters, and a large circle of friends. The deceased served during
three years of the late war as a member of Co. E., 116th Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 25 Jan 1883
EYMAN, Lola (Cooper)
Born: 8 Jul 1881 Piatt Co., IL
Died: 20 January 1961 Urbana, IL
Buried: Friends Creek Cem., Argenta, Macon Co., IL
Parents: William T.J. and Alice (Sellers) Cooper
Married: 12 Sep 1905 to Harry H. Eyman (died 10 Sep 1955)
Survivors: Daughters: Mrs. H F Strickland, Kirkwood, Mo., and Mrs. W E Baringer, Gainesville, Fla;
four sisters, Mrs. H C Graves, Decatur; Mrs. T W Wachob, Bloomington; Mrs. Sanford Walker,
Zanesville Ind. (Ohio), and Miss Florence Cooper, Berwyn; four grandchildren, and two
Submitted by Jane Lincicome
EYMAN, Narcissa
The funeral of Mrs. James M. Eyman will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the Christian church at Harristown. The burial will be at the Harristown cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 23 Jan 1903
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548
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