As had been previously announced, the funeral services of Mr. Adam Imboden, took
place at the First M.E. Church on yesterday afternoon, Rev. W.N. McElroy, officating.
The spacious church was crowded even to the putting of chairs in the aisles and
in the rear of the pews, thus indicating the high esteem in which the deceased was held by his
Mr. Imboden had lived in Decatur for about fifteen years, during which time he had
been actively identified with the business and society of the town. In business circles he was
highly esteemed for his unswerving integrity, and during the last few years of his life he was
noted for his activity and zeal in religious matters, and also for his consistent Christian walk,
and the large gathering at his funeral yesterday, was a fitting tribute of respect and affection
for a truly good man.
At 2 o'clock, the services were opened by the reading of an appropriate hymn by Rev.
Ira Emerson, which was sung by the congregation, under the leadership of Mr. G.F. Hargis, Geo. F.
Wessels presiding at the organ. The singing was followed by an earnest and appropriate prayer by
Rev. Dr. Stevenson. Select portions of Scripture were then ready by Rev. H. Buck; the Scripture
reading being followed by the singing of another hymn, which was read by Rev. Mr. W_oms, of the
Decatur Circuit.
Rev. W.N. McElroy, then announced his text from Job, 19th chapter and 23-27th verse,
inclusive. The sermon eloquently set forth the assurance felt by the Christian that his Redeemer
lived, and that he will himself be raised from the corruption of the grave, to teh bloom and vigor
of eternal youth. Toward the close of the sermon, the speaker paid a beautiful and touching
tribute to the virtues of the deceased, and concluded by addressing words of comfort and encouragement
to the widow and children, and other relatives, as also to the church and friends generally.
At the conclusion of the sermon, the hymn entitled, "Sweeping through the Gates," was
sung by the congregation, it being a particularly favorite hymn with Mr. Imboden, when living.
The body was then returned to the care of the Masonic fraternity, in whose charge
it had been brought to the church, and by the brethren of that order was taken to Greenwood
cemetery, where it was buried with Masonic honors. The deeply afflicted family of deceased will
have the most sincere sympathy of the entire community in their severe berevement.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 14 Jan 1874
IMBODEN, Annie Laura (Roberts)
Mrs. Annie Laura Imboden, daughter of R.J. Roberts, died last night at 10:30,
of consumption. Her disease was the result of the effects of the grip. She was 28 years,
7 months, and 26 days, and has lived here all her life, having been born in Decatur. Her
husband and one child, a daughter 6 years of age, survive her.
Decatur Morning Review, 29 Oct 1890
The funeral of Mrs. F.W. Imboden who died Tuesday night, will be held from
the First M.E. church at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. Friends and family who wish to view
the remains, are requested to call at the home of R.J. Roberts on North Water street between
3 p.m. Thursday at 9 a.m. Friday.
Decatur Morning Review, 30 Oct 1890
The funeral services of Mrs. Frank Imboden were held yesterday morning at 10
o'clock in the First M.E. church. They were conducted by Rev. W.H. Musgrove, of Jacksonville,
who was formerly pastor of Stapp's Chapel here, assisted by Rev. James Miller. The church
was filled with the friends of Mrs. Imboden, and many beautiful floral emblems were presented.
Rev. Musgrove read the 21st chapter of Revelations and then spoke of the life of Mrs. Imboden.
She was born in Decatur March 2, 1862, and united with the church in 1873. Sept. 25, 1883,
she was married to Frank W. Imboden, who with their daughter six years old, survives her.
She had been ill for some time and knew that she could not live long. Mr. Musgrove then
preached a sermon, taking his text from Psalms 116:16. Music was furnished by a choir
consisting of S.R. Gher, Bert Gher and Misses Lizzie Knieper and Mae McKenzie with Miss
Florence Adams as organist. The music was all appropriate to the occasion.
The interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Albert Davidson, Ellis Armstrong,
Randolph Simpson, Charles W. Montgomery, Walter Hutchins and Cal Waggoner were the
pall bearers.
Decatur Morning Review, 1 Nov 1890
IMBODEN, Cyrus Mark 
Cyrus M. Imboden is seriously ill in the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. M. Tenney, ____
North Monroe Street.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 23 Sep 1923, pg. 9
Went to Civil War when 17 Years Old
Retired in 1906 – Active in G.A.R. Post
Note: Unable to read any of the rest of this obit. There is a photo of Mr. Imboden.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 24 Sep 1923, pg. 3
IMBODEN, Della May (Eaton)
Prominent Worker in First M.E. Church
Mrs. Charles A. Imboden, who was Miss Della May Eaton, died at 9:45 a.m. Tuesday
in the Decatur and Macon County hospital, after a long illness from cancer. She was the daughter
of Albion F. Eaton and Jennit J. Eaton, and was born May 25, 1881, in Peoria, Ill.
The greater part of her life had been spent in Decatur as she came here in 1898
and graduated from the Decatur high school and then from the Illinois State Normal. She taught
in the Decatur schools for ten years, and always has been very prominent in the First Methodist
church, a worker in the Sunday school where she was superintendent of the junior department,
and in the missionary societies.
She married Charles A. Imboden, July 20, 1910, and was the daughter-in-law of Cyrus
Imboden. She is survived by her husband and one sister, Miss Bertha Eaton.
Mrs. Imboden's illness really dates since February or March when Mr. Imboden became
ill - an illness which lasted several months and during the latter part of the summer he was
very seriously ill and not expected to live. When he became better, Mrs. Imboden collapsed
and was taken to the Decatur and Macon County hospital Aug. 22, where her condition grew
gradually worse until her death resulted.
The funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Oct. 15,
at the residence, 1465 West Macon street. Friends are requested not to send flowers.
Decatur Review, 13 Oct 1925
One Of Oldest Citizens
Was Ill for Ten Days With Cholera Morbus
_ of the Life of an Unusual Man
John Imboden, father of Cyrus and John G. Imboden, died at 1:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon at the family home, 356 South Main street, aged 81 years and 9 months.
Mr. Imboden was ill for about ten days. He suffered an attack of cholera morbus
and his age was so advanced that he was unable to withstand the disease. On Christmas day he
was able to be up with the members of his family most of the day, but his condition grew rapidly
worse during the week.
John Imboden was born in Lebanon county, Pa., on March 19, 1818. Until he was 25
years old he followed various mercantile pursuits. At that age he married and moved to
Annville, in his native county, where he engaged in the butchering business. At Annville
he remained until 1855 when with his family he removed to Illinois. His settling in Decatur
was occasioned by the solicitation of B.H. Cassell and Henry Stroh, who had come to Decatur
from Lancaster Co., Pa. ( _ previous) and engaged in (con_ ) that is now the St. Nicholas
hotel (smudge) ten days after his arrival in the city. Mr. Imboden purchased a vacant lot
at the corner of South Main and West Wood streets where he established a meat market. Such
success attended his business venture that he soon built a separate establishment at which
to conduct his slaughtering. This slaughtering house was built on a twenty acre tract of
ground southwest of the city, and at the present time is known as the beautiful ( _tion)
of the Imboden Springs. In 1860 or at a period only five years after he came to Decatur
Mr. Imboden's slaughtering and packing estallishment was one of the largest in the central
portion of the state. In the files of one of the Decatur newspapers it is shown that
during the year he advertised for 1000 hogs, the advertisements stating that he wished
to use them for slaughtering. From that time on his business continued to grow and in
time a larger slaughtering house was built at the foot of South Main street. Mr.
Imboden continued his active business life until 1880 when he retired and his business
was succeeded to by his two sons, John and Cyrus M. Imboden.
On Dec. 21,1843, Mr. Imboden was married to Miss Sarah Mark of his native
county. For a period of half a hundred years this happy union continued unbroken. On Dec.
21, 1893, the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage was happily celebrated (large smudge)
South Main (large smudge) came to Illinois (large smudge) South Main
(large smudge) of his meat market (large smudge) occupied by the Chinese
laundry. In 1861 his larger residence at 356 South Main street was built and here Mr.
and Mrs. Imboden lived the remained of their years. Mrs. Imboden died on March 1,
To the union were born nine sons, three of whom died in infancy. The
surviving sons are Cyrus M., and John G., of Decatur; Adam H. and Hiram of Wichita, Kan.;
David C. of Chicago, and Franklin W. of Mason, Ills. He is also survived by one sister,
Mrs. Elizabeth Carmany of Lebanon, Pa., and one half brother, D.?. Heilman of Decatur.
Another devoted to his life also mourns his loss. Miss Jennie Lukens who has been in
his household for thirty-five years past is revered as a sister and daughter by the
familiy. She has been his housekeeper since the death of Mrs. Imboden.
To the members of his family Mr. Imboden often said that he would rather
wear out than rust out and his life was suitably? guided by that rule. He was never so
miserable as when without occupation and even after his retirement with business he
continued to manage the property interests he had acquired at an _ period in life.
Although a man of peculiar manner those closest to him always warmly admired his
gentle and amiable qualities of heart. He was a man of positive convictions and
was not swayed by the opinions of others when his own convictions told him he was
in the right. (smudge) he was a rugged man. He (smudge) himself such
that he had never (smudge) in his life. A couple of years ago he had a leg
broken and the next year he suffered a broken arm. So far as his relatives know
these were the only times he was confined to bed. Mr. Imboden read a great deal and
while not participating in the living issues, either political or secular, he always
kept well informed and could always talk well on the topics of the times. Early in
his manhood Mr. Imboden became identified with the M.E. church. When he removed to
Illinois he joined the First M.E. church of Decatur and has been a member of that
congregation ever since. For a number of years he was the president of the board of
trustees, serving until his retirement was caused by his advaned age. When the
present First M.E. church was built Mr. Imboden was the chairman of the building
committee and no one contributed more liberally of time or money than he to get the
new building under way. During the erection of the building it is said that he even
neglected his buiness to superintend the building of the church. During the period
of his extreme old age Mr. Imboden was puncutal and scrupulous in his attendance at
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the First M.E.
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Frost Craft, the pastor, assisted by Rev.
D.F. Howe of Springfield. The burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
The four sons of Mr. Imboden living out of the city will all be present
at the funeral. David C. Imboden of Chicago and Hiram and Adam Imboden of Wichita, Kan.,
are in the city now and Frank Imboden of Mason, Ills., will be here tonight or in the
The Daily Review (Decatur), 1 Jan 1900
Services Held at Methodist Church Were Largely Attended
The remains of the late John Imboden were laid to rest at Greenwood on
Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were held at the First M.E. church at 3 o'clock,
conducted by Rev. Frost Craft, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. David Howe, of
Springfield. The church was well filled with a representative gathering of the older
citizens of Decatur, many of whom have known the deceased all their lives.
Mr. Craft read the scripture lesson and offered prayer. Then followed a
selection by the choir composed of S.R. Gher, Mrs. E.K. Bunn, Mrs. Bert Gher, and Fred
Stout, who sang "Refuge." Mrs. Bunn also sang a solo, "Home of the Soul," before the
sermon, which was delivered by Rev. Mr. Howe, who in his usual forceful style, drew
forth a lesson from the scriptural text, "So teach us to number our days that we may
apply our hearts unto wisdom." The burden of his sermon was that when a man is dead
it should be be asked, "How rich is he?" or "What has he done in an educational,
scientific or business way?" but "What of his character?" God wants us to so number
our days that we may apply wisdom and learn that it is character and character only
that counts in the end. The speaker referred to the fact that the deceased was one
of the very few remaining founders and early members of the First M.E. church and spoke
feelingly of the long life of service that had been surrendered unto the church and
its interests, and said that his strong characteristics which had marked his early life
and efforts had continued to manifest themselves to the end and that those characteristics w
ere of the most noble and generous type.
The obituary was read by Mr. Craft and at the close the choir sang, "Safe
in the Arms of Jesus." The pallbearers at the house and church were J.M. Clokey, B.K.
Hamsher, W.H. Starr, O.T. Kelam, J.F. Roach and W.S. Grubbs. At the cemetery, the six
sons of the deceased, Cyrus M., John G., of Decatur, Adam H., and Hiram of Wichita,
Kansas, David O., of Chicago and Franklin W. of Mason, Ill., took charge of the remains
and lowered the casket into the grave.
Decatur Herald, 5 Jan 1900
Internationally Known as Cattle Feeder
Started with Butcher Shop; Killed Own Cattle
John G. Imboden, internationally known cattle feeder, died at 2:25
o'clock Thursday morning at the family home, Wayside Place, three fourths of a mile
south of Lake Decatur on the Franklin street road. He was more than sixty-nine years
old. He death was caused by heart trouble and Bright's disease.
Mr. Imboden became ill last April, but his condition improved slightly
and he was able occasionally to be up and around the house, but he never fully regained
his strength. He suffered a relapse several weeks ago and since then his condition had
been considered critical.
Mr. Imboden was the last of a family of nine boys. Three died in infancy.
Six grew to manhood. One brother, C.M. Imboden, died two years ago, while Hiram and Adam
died in the last year and were buried in Wichita, Kan.
Mr. Imboden was a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Imboden, natives of Lebanon
county, Pa., who moved to Decatur, Nov. 22, 1855. John G. Imboden was in Decatur a few months
afterward, in a house on South Main street next door to the corner building in which his
father opened his first meat market in Decatur.
Cyrus M. and John G. Imboden associated themselves with their father as soon
as they were out of school and the business was at that time the largest in the city. John
Imboden slaughtered his own cattle, buying them in the open market and feeding them until
they were in best condition for beef. John G. Imboden attended to the buying of the
stock. The knack or ability to judge cattle seemed to be natural with him.
In 1880 John Imboden retired and was succeeded by Cyrus and John G.
Imboden. They continued the business for many years in the old stand. All the time
John G. Imboden was becoming more and more interested in the feeding of fine cattle
and after retiring from the meat market in 1900 he devoted all his time to buying,
feeding and selling cattle on his farm south of Lake Decatur. He soon became known
all over this country and even abroad his fame as a stockman spread.
Of late years his son, Edward P. Imboden, has been associated with him
and the name, J.G. Imboden & Son, has represented prize winning exhibits for years
wherever live stock shows have been held. For several years straight their cattle won
first prizes at the international live stock show in Chicago. At the show in 1924 their
cattle won three first and one second prize and also brought the top price for heavy
cattle, $13.50 per 100 pounds.
For several years Imboden & Sons have held big sales of Hereford calves
and cattle. These sales have been held in the fall. In 1922 the sale was held in
November and they sold 1955 pure bred Hereford calves for a total of $74,096.25. A
year later they sold 2500 head at a good price.
John G. Imboden had often served as judge of fine cattle at fairs and
expositions. He traveled extensively and lectured before associations of stock
breeders. His addresses were always full of practical information adn he was considered
an authority on all matters pertaining to the breeding and feeding of cattle.
Mr. Imboden did much Farmers' institute work and became personally
acquainted with many farmers. His reputation and acquaintance spread more as a member
of the staff of the Breeders Gazette. He did considerable traveling for the Gazette
and also answered questions sent in to the magazine.
At one time he was state president of the Illinois Live Stock association.
Mr. Imboden and later with his son, exhibited cattle in the international show every year
of its life, twenty-five years and won many prizes. He judged stock in Madison Square
Garden, New York, and in the big palace on the Chicago lake front during the world's fair
During the war Mr. Imboden was in charge of the seed corn in Macon county.
He was never a breeder of cattle as many supposed but was a feeder and an expert in his
For six years he was superintendant of the First Methodist Sunday school. Funeral
services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the First Methodist church. Burial
will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Mr. Imboden was one of Decatur's mostly highly respected citizens and was loved by all
who knew him. He was a member of the First Methodist church from boyhood. For many years he was a
member of the board of trustees and for several years served as president of the board.
He leaves his wife Zelma and three children, Edward P. Imboden and Mrs. George M.
Smith, both of Decatur, and Mrs. B.F. Courtright of Decatur. He also leaves the following
grandchildren, Vernet B. Anderson, Robert I. Anderson, John G. Imboden, second, Edward P.
Imboden, Jr.
The body was taken to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking parlors for preparation
for burial and will be taken to the home south of Decatur Friday morning.
Decatur Review, 15 Oct 1925
IMBODEN, Sarah (Mark)
Called Away at the Age of 76 Years - A Peaceful Exit
A Noble Christian Lady Ready and Waiting for the Final Summons - Funeral Next Monday
As fall the leaves from autumn trees -
As fading seasons pass us by -
So, one by one, the loved depart,
And smiling leave us when they die!
'Twas thus thy spirit passed away,
To don its robes of stainless white;
Pass'd in triumph from the clay,
From shadows into heavenly light!
"There is no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some fairer shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine forever more."
Mrs. Sarah Imboden, beloved wife of John Imboden, sank into the sleep of death at the
family home, 343 South Main street, at 6:30 this (Thursday) morning, in the 76th year
of her age.
Mrs. Imboden, or Mother Imboden, as she was lovingly called by her family
and friends in and out of the church, had been in poor health for a number of months,
due to a dropsical affliction. Despite her advanced age she bore her cross with christian
fortitude, and when at the last it was realized that the end was near, she was ready to go.
Indeed, during the past few years she had remarked when she heard of young people dying,
"Why amd I spared - my dars of usefulness are past; why should the aged and infirm remain
and the youth be taken away." The death of the noble christian lady was calm and peaceful,
like an infant falling asleep. Those who stood at the bedside scarcely realized the presence
of the Death Angel.
The life of the deceased has been one of constant devotion to her family and
the church of her choice, and all who knew her admired her for her kindness of heart, her
constant sympathetic nature, and her beautiful christian life. Her maiden name was Sarah
Mark, and she was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, August 7, 1818. She was converted
at the early age of fifteen, 61 years ago, and was admitted to catechetical instruction and
confirmation in the German Reformed denomination. She became the wife of John Imboden, Dec.
21, 1843, at Lebanon, Pa., and to the couple were born nine sons, three of whom died in
infancy, the last one 35 years ago. The death of the wife and mother to-day breaks the
family circle. The living sons are C.M. Imboden, of Decatur; Adam H. Imboden and Hiram
Imboden, of Wichita, Kansas; David O. Imboden, of Galveston, Texas; John G. Imboden, of
Woodlawn, Ill. All of the sons and many of the grand-children were in Decatur on the
21st day of last December to attend the golden wedding anniversary of their parents, which
occasion the deceased had looked forward to with many bright anticipations and when the
time came ahd she was spared to be present, she breathed a prayer of thankfulness, and
said it was the happiest day of her life, as her children and their children gathered
about in the house and at the festal board to celebrate the rare event. After their
marriage Mr. and Mrs. Imboden made their home for twelve years at Annville, Pa., and
came to Decatur in November, 1855, at which time the deceased united with the First
Methodist Episcopal church. No other member has been more faithful in her attendance
upon the services, nor more active or generous in the participation of all work for
good in the community. Every proper reform and every noble enterprise put forth by
the people has had her earnest prayers and encouragement. She numbered her personal
friends by the score, and the children loved to be with her and talk about her.
John Imboden, her devoted life companion, and the children of whom she
was justly proud, are left to mourn her demise. They have realized for several months
that her days were numbered, and they were in a measure prepared for the end.
Nevertheless the blow is a severe one, and as they think of her form cold in death,
there comes to them at times remembrances of her loving nature and motherly goodness
which bring tears to the eyes and gloom to her heart.
She has gone to her reward and is waiting on the other shore in the realm
of eternal peace for the coming of those she loved so well.
The funeral will not be held until next Monday afternoon, as it will not
be possible for all of the relatives to arrive before Sunday. A sister of the deceased,
Mrs. Elizabeth Goodman, and a brother, Cyrus Mark, reside at Lebanon, Pa., and her sons
live in distant cities. The services will be held at the First M.E. church.
Decatur Daily Republican, 1 Mar 1894
Services Held at the First M.E. Church Largely Attended
Sermon by Rev. James Miller, a Former Pastor - The Family Memoir
The audience room of the First M.E. church was completely filled yesterday
afternoon on the occasion of the funeral services held over the remains of the late
Mrs. Sarah Imboden, wife of John Imboden, who had been a consistent christian for
sixty-one years. In the congregation were many of the older members of the church
and also the member of the W.C.T.U., who attended in a body and occupied pews
reserved for them. The heavy casket was placed in front of the pulpit and upon
it rested a sheaf of wheat, it being the request of the deceased that there be
no display of flowers. The impressive services were in charge of the pastor, Rev.
D.F. Howe, who read the 23d Psalm and a selection from Thessalonians, and offered
a touching prayer. The singing was by the special choir, Mrs. F.E. Bunn, S.R. Gher,
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gher, the selections being, "How can I Keep from Singing,"
"Jesus Lover of My Soul," and the "Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide." This personal
sketch was read by Rev. Howe.
Sarah, daughter of George and Elizabeth Mark and wife of John
Imboden, was born in Lebanon, Pa., Aug. 7, 1818 and died in Decatur Ill., March
1, 1894, aged 75 years, 6 months and 24 days. She was happily converted, during
a revival, at the age of 15 years, and was admitted by catechetical instruction and
confirmation into the German Reformed Denomination. She was married to John Imboden
in Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 21, 1843. In November 1855 the family moved to Decatur, Illinois,
which place has since been their home. Soon after coming to Decatur they united with
the Methodist Episcopal church.
The fruits of this marriage were nine sons, three of whom died in infancy.
For 35 years the family circle has been complete, but now it is broken, one link gone,
one face missing, one chair vacant. Those of the family who survive the mother are, her
husband, who has been permitted in the kind Providence of God to walk beside his
companion in life for over 50 years; her six sons, Cyrus M. of Decatur; Adam H. and
Hiram of Wichita, Kansas; David O. of Galveston, Texas, John G. of Decatur, and Rev.
Franklin W., of Woodland, Ill., who have been blessed with the careful training, wise
counsel and faithful prayer of a Godly mother; and Miss Jane Lukens who has ministered
faithfully, tenderly and true as a daughter, sister and companion in the house for
thirty years. On the 21st of last December Mrs. Imboden, with her husband, was
greatly blessed in having her children and grandchildren around her on the occasion
of their 50th marriage anniversary. It was an event that brought much joy to her heart
and she said it was the happiest day of her life. For 60 years Mrs. Imboden lived a
consistent christian life, always identified with and active in church work. She was
a woman who desired rather to minister than to be ministered unto, and her life was
given to relieving the sufferings of a common people. She was known by her sympathetic
heart, her noble deeds of love, her self-sacrificing life. Her christian experience
was at all times strong and clear and she realized that her last days were her best.
She was anxious to depart and be with Christ, and expressed herself many
times as only waiting for the call to come up higher. On Thursday morning, March 1st,
at half-past six the summons came, and
As calmly fades the light of day,
As softly comes the dawn of morn,
So, peacefully she passed away -
Laid down the cross, took up the crown.
"We watched her breathing through the night,
Her breathing, soft and low,
As in her breast the wave of life
Kept heaving to and fro."
"Our very hopes belied our fears,
Our fears our hopes belied
We though her dying when she slept,
And sleeping when she died."
"Her children arise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praiseth her."
Rev. James Miller, pastor of Grace Methodist church at Bloomington, for
five years pastor of the First church, this city, delivered the funeral oration which
consumed 40 minutes' time. Below is given the principal points of the sermon.
Text 1 Cor. 15:14 - "Death is swallowed up in victory."
"My FRIENDS: - Death is the great crisis of our earthly existence. Sooner
or later we must meet it. We may close our eyes to it; we may turn away from it; we may
strive to forget it, but we are steadily and surely approaching it. We may meet it in
victory or defeat, but we cannot escape it. But this final victory is conditioned on
certain preceding victories which must first be achieved in the battle of life.
"I. The conquest of sin. The sting of death is sin.
"Every life is beset with sin within its environment, its instincts and
its aspirations. It lies in the direct path of human progress and must be overcome.
The deceased fought this battle and won this victory early in life. At the age of
fifteen she gave herself to Christ and the church.
II. This victory is the conquest of self. "Selfishness is latent in the
human soul, it enters into all we do and blights all we touch, it permeates our best
thought, depraves our noblest impulses, steals into our religion, pollutes our prayers,
mars our charities and discounts our holiest affections. It confronts us as the deadliest
foe of the soul at every step and its conquest is demanded as a passport to eternal
"She whose spirit has gone from us fought this battle and won this victory
and nobly consecrated her life in generous deeds and ministries of kindness and charity to
the service of others without regard to creed, color or condition in life.
III. The conquest of circumstances. "We are said to be the creatures of
circumstances and in many respects this is true. Circumstances mold us and largely
condition our lives and yet there is in us an element of individuality that is distined?
to supremacy over external condition. We are made to fight and conquer the untoward
conditions of life and assert the supremacy of reason and will over outward circumstances.
Mrs. Imboden did this with christian fidelity and devotion, and with heroic determination
rose to the attitude of a noble woman-hood, which merited the admiration of all who knew
IV. The conquest of suffering. "It is part of the divine ordainment
that human character should be perfected through suffering. Even the world's Redeemer,
the captain of our salvation, was made perfect through suffering; and Paul by experience
learned that the thorn of the flesh, the messenger of Satan, was the greatest benediction
of his christian life; and so this saint of God, whose remains we this day bear away to
the silent city, learned how to appropriate suffering to the highest and best uses, and
thus rising above the suffering of her last few months on earth she made it minister to
the unfolding of the latent beauties of a well rounded, full-orbed christian character.
V. The conquest of death. "She has attained to an immortality of
imperishable influence. She invested the lives of these six sons and also the life of
her who was to her as a daughter in her own household, with a strength of moral purpose
and religious instruct and intuition which will reach out on as many distinct lines of
action through all time and to all eternity. But she not only attained to what may be
termed a corporate immortality but to a distinct personal immortality, an immortality of
consciousness, of will, of affection, a personal idiosyncracy of thought and feeling that
can never perish, but will continue to unfold itself in endless fullness forever.
"She laid up treasure in heaven in every noble deed, in every ministry of
kindness, in the tender sympathy of her soul, which went out in unceasing love for all
her family, her granchildren, the sick, the poor, the dying, of all conditions of life.
All these deeds of love will greet her and remind her of friends and loved ones long
since left but not lost, who, one by one will join her in that land of light and love.
The climax of her earthly bliss was reached on the golden wedding day when with husband,
children and grandchildren she celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of her marriage.
"The climax of her heavenly bliss will be reached when they shall all meet
the next time on the golden short to sing redemption songs in the presence of God and the
At the conclusion of the service at the church the remains were borne to
the hearse by the pall bearers, Messrs. Milton Johnson, J.M. Clokey, B.K. Hamsher, W.H.
Starr, J.F. Roach, and O.B. Gorin. A long cortege followed the remains to Greenwood,
where the casket was borne by the six sons of the deceased. A brief burial service was
observed and relatives and friends departed for their homes.
Decatur Daily Republican, 6 Mar 1894
Had Been Sick for Two Years With Nervousness
(Review Special Service)
Warrensburg, Ill. Nov 30th –
A.C. Ingham died at 1:30 this afternoon at the insane hospital at Bartonville
where he had been taken two weeks ago. His wife was with him at his death and accompanied
the body to Warrensburg tonight, arriving here shortly after 8 o’clock. Mr. Ingham had been
in ill health about two years and a half, suffering from nervous prostration. Recently his
mind failed and he was taken to Bartonville.
Besides his wife Mr. Ingham leaves three children, George Ingham, who lives
on his father’s farm, Miss Anna Ingham, living at home and Mrs. John Brown. He was a brother
of Judge G. K. Ingham of Clinton and of Mrs. Cunningham of Waynesville. He was 62 years old.
Mr. Ingham was a retired farmer and owned a form of 160 acres in Illini Township,
just south of Austin Township. He lived on this farm about thirty years and moved to Warrensburg
a few years ago. He was born and grew up near Waynesville.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 1 Dec 1907, pg. 1
INGRAM, Hezekiah 
Former Decatur Man Dies After Operation in Quincy
Hezekiah Ingram, formerly of Decatur, died Monday at St. Marys hospital
in Quincy after an operation. He was 71 years old and was a veteran of the Civil war and
a member of Durham post No. 141, G. A. R. He was twice married, his second wife dying
sixteen years ago. After her death he went to Quincy to live. He is survived by one
daughter, Mrs William Bain, of Bentlow, ILL. ; by his first wife, and the following
children by his second wife; Herbert S. Ingram, Bradford, PA.; Alonzo P. Ingram, Topeka,
Kan.; Mrs A. L. Griffith, Macon, ILL.; and Mrs E. B. Thompson of Casey, ILL. He also
leaves two stepchildren, Mrs. Willard of Raymond, Ill.; and Mrs Marshall Hopson of St.
Louis. The funeral will be held at 10 oclock Wednesday morning at Bullard & Monsons
chapel, 421 North Main Street. The services will be conducted by Rev. Homer Montgomery.
The interment will be at Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 26 May 1908 Page 10
IRISH, Michael C. 
Was Superintendent Wabash Dining Cars
Lived in Decatur for Last 25 Years
Michael C. Irish of 816 West William Street, for many years superintendent of the
dining car service of the entire Wabash system, with headquarters in Decatur, died at 3
o'clock Saturday afternoon in St. Mary's hospital. He was almost seventy-six, years old.
His death was caused, by a complication of diseases, with which he had suffered for several
years. Until recently he was able to be up and around the house, but during the past few
years he seldom left his home.
Mr. Irish was born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 23, 1843. He was only eighteen
years old when the Civil war broke out, but he enlisted in company D of the Second regiment,
Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and served for three years.
Mr. Irish and Miss Mary Butler, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John M. Butler of
St. Louis, were married Jan. 28, 1876. Mr. Irish was in the employ of the Wabash for many
years. He was superintendent of the dining car service and held that position for many years,
and it was while serving in that capacity that his health first began to fall. He had the
dining car service on the entire system to look after and he was considered one of the most
efficient men in the country in that line of business. He finally resigned as superintendent
and went to the Buffalo division and took charge of the work there. This kept him away from
home practically all the time, so in January, 1906, he came back to Decatur and took charge
of the Wabash lunch room, which was then the most important on the Wabash system. His health
continued to fall, however, and in 1906 he resigned from the service entirely. Since then
he has led a retired life.
Mr. Irish brought his family to Decatur twenty-five years ago Nov. 1, and this
city has been their home ever since. As a citizen he held the respect and esteem of all who
knew him. He was broad minded and public spirited, courteous and companionable. He made friends
of all with whom he came in contact. He was prominent in Democratic politics, fair and honorable
and his friends were not limited to any political party.
He was loyal to Decatur and boosted any movement that was for the good of the
community. Few men had a wider acquaintance among the traveling public and no one was better
liked. He was a member of Dunham post, 141, G. A. R. He is survived by his widow and five
children, Mrs. Edward Prendergast of St. Louis. Mrs. George Shull of Tacoma, Wash., and John
M. Irish, Charles B Irish and Maurice C. Irish, all of Decatur. The body was removed to the
Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock
Monday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. The internment will be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 5 Oct 1919, pg. 7
IRWIN, John S.
John S. Irwin died early Thursday morning, November 3, at his residence
on South Franklin street, aged 57 years. Mr. Irwin leaves a wife and four children to
mourn his loss. Several weeks ago he tried to get off a street car while it was in
motion and received a fall which severely injured his hip. Before he had fully recovered
from the effects of the accident he was seized with an attack of pneumonia which resulted
in his death. The remains will be taken to Tuscola for burial.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 5 Nov 1892
IVENS, Lillie A. (Clover)
Born: 28 Mar 1869 in Piatt Co, IL
Died: 29 Oct 1955 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Greenwood Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Israel & Mary J (Barton) Clover
Married: Sep 13, 1888 to Aaron V. Ivens
Children: A. Ralph, Ray & Irene
IVEY, Josephine
The funeral of Josephine Ivey, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Ivey, was
held at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence, 1390 Fairview Place. The services were
conducted by Rev. Harry L. Meyer, pastor of the First Congregational church. Many friends attended
the services. The music was furnished by Miss Bernice Taylor. The interment was in Fairlawn
Decatur Review, 1 Jul 1922
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548