FABER, Arnoldin
Mrs. Paul G. Faber's Sudden Summons - Native of Germany
Mrs. Arnoldin Faber, widow of Paul G. Faber, dropped dead this morning about 7
o'clock in the front yard at her home, No. 504 East Mason street, the first house east of Daniel
Moore's residence. The old lady had been standing at the gate a few moments, when she dropped to
the ground. A moment later, Mr. Eno, on his way to the lumber yard, saw the deceased apparently
sitting on the ground. Later, Mr. Moore came out of the house and saw her lying flat upon the
ground dead. Mrs. Moore put a pillow under head, and then Coroner Bendure was summoned. This
afternoon the inquest was held at the house with Dr. H.D. Heil as foreman, and a verdict of death
by heart disease was returned.
Daniel Moore testified that he had known Mrs. Faber for almost 30 years, and saw her
for the last time alive last evening. Had known that deceased had been complaining of heart
illness for ten years. Believe she died of heart disease. Had heard physicians say she had
heart disease. I found Mrs. Faber dead inside the gate at 7 o'clock this morning. She was lying
on her back with her arms stretched out. Think deceased was about 76 years old. She was a native
of Germany. Deceased lived in the house alone. A few weeks ago her sister visited her.
The husband of the deceased died in 1876. He was a native of Germany and had served
in the New York state militia and also in the late war. Up to a short time before his death Mr.
Faber was the proprietor of a restaurant on the south side of Central Park. A few weeks ago Mrs.
Faber secured a pension of $8 a month and received a draft about $35. The old lady when she got
her pension, and knowing now that she had heart trouble, told the neighbors that now that she had
got her money she didn't believe she would live long to enjoy it. She had spent less than $10 of
the cash. She had $26.70 laid away with her gold watch and chain, and in the little box was also
the receipt of expenses for the burial of her husband.
The deceased had no children, only a stepson who is in Germany. She had a brother
in Philadelphia, a sister at St. Louis and a sister at Kansas City.
The house at 504 East Mason street where the deceased had lived along for nearly
20 years, is old and out of repair. She had a life interest in it.
Efforts will be made by the neighbors to communicate with Mrs. Kish at St. Louis,
a sister. If she cannot be reached, friends will take charge of the funeral arrangements and
prepare for the funeral.
Decatur Daily Republican, 19 August 1893
Buried By The Church
Funeral of Mrs. P.G. Faber - G.A.R. and Odd Fellows Badges Shut Out
The funeral of the late Mrs. Paul G. Faber, old lady penioner who dropped dead at
504 East Mason street Saturday morning, was held Sunday afternoon from the German Lutheran church,
conducted by the young pastor, Rev. Wagner. Only the members of the church were present. The
interment was in Greenwood. Messrs. Ebert, Danzeisen, Blickle, Koessick and Pfister, members of
the church served as pallbearers.
Owing to a little unpleasantness at the house, growing out of orders given by Rev.
Wagner, the service was delayed half an hour and many members of the Grand Army Post and the Women's
Relief Corps, who had aided and cared for the deceased in her lifetime, did not go to the church
or the cemetery. Daniel Moore, a member of the Post and an Odd Fellow, who wears the badges of
both orders, has been a neighbor of Mrs. Faber for nearly thirty years. He and his family had helped
the old lady, who lived alone. Her husband was an old soldier and Mr. Moore helped to bury him.
When Mrs. Faber died she had but $26.70 in cash. Provisions had to be made for the burial and
expenses. Mr. Moore paid for telegrams to Mrs. Kish, St. Louis, sister of the deceased, but got
no answer. It was known that Mrs. Faber had attended the German Lutheran church, West Wood street
and it was arranged with members of that society that the church, the G.A.R and the Women's Relief
Corps would stand the expense; but there was no consultation with the pastor. He did not appear
at the house until a short time before the hour set for the funeral, and when he did come trouble
began. He saw the G.A.R. and W.R.C. people there. Some of them had on badges. They were
distasteful to the clergyman, who had several interviews with the wearers of the badges, expressing
himself freely.
Rev. Wagner in pointed language notified Mr. Moore that if the G.A.R. people went
to the church they would have to take off the buttons and badges, and seeing that Mr. Moore had a
triple link Odd Fellows badge on is vest, he said thathe would have to take that off too. Mr.
Moore said that he had fought three years in the army for the right to wear the bronze button,
and he would not take it off now, neither would he take off the Odd Fellows badge. Rev. Wagner
said he could not permit the badges to be worn as it was against the principles of the church.
He also told Mr. Moore that the ladies of the W.R.C. would have to take off their badges if they
went to the church,and later he personally told Mrs. Melville Hatch, member of the W.R.C. relief
committee, who for a year had been looking after Mrs. Faber's wants, that she would have to take
off her badge if she went to the church. Mrs. Hatch promptly replied that she would do nothing
of the kind. It had been arranged that three members of the G.A.R. would serve as pallbearers,
but owing to the unexpected and mortifying character of Rev. Wagner's orders, they were not
appointed by Mr. Moore, who had been selected by the W.R.C. to name them. Rev. Wagner was told
that neither society would hold any service at the church or at the grave, and that all would
go to the church simply as citizens, carrying no banners or flags, but Rev. Wagner was immovable.
He said the badges would have to come off, or they could not enter the church.
That was enough for those who have been true friends to Mrs. Faber for over ten
years of her life, and feeling hurt beyond expression at the peremtory orders given by the
clergyman, all with one accord resolved not to have anything more to do with the services. They
did not go to the church. One G.A.R. man was at the house with his family in a surrey. He got
somebody else to drive the horse, and he came up to town in a round-about way, so that no one
would imagine that he was a part of the cortege.
The singular ruling of Rev. Wagner is town talk today and many and pointed are the
unfavorable comments made on his action.
The German Lutheran church will now have to stand all the expenses of the burial
which will amount to something like $60.
Decatur Daily Republican, 21 August 1893
Mrs. A.C. Falconer died at her home in Lafayette, Indiana on Sunday, January 19,
1890. The deceased was a daughter of of C.W. Graves of Decatur, and the wife of Bruce Falconer,
a Pacific Express messenger on the Wabash. She leaves a husband and five small children, the
oldest being 12 years and the youngest a babe of three months.
The remains of the deceased arrived here Thursday afternoon at 2:30 and were
removed at once to the residence of her parents, No. 734 East Wood street, where funeral services
were conducted by Rev. T.W. Pinkerton.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 25 January 1890
Mrs. Alice Falconer, widow of Enoch G. Falconer, died of lung fever at Parsons,
Kansas at 5 o'clock this (Monday) morning, aged 72 years. The deceased was the mother of Frank A.
and Miss Annie Falconer, of Decatur, and Mrs. J.F. McDonald, of Parsons, at whose home she died
after an illness of about a week. Mrs. Falconer went to Kansas less than three weeks ago, and
was in her usual good health when she departed. Mrs. Falconer was a member of the First M.E.
Church and had resided in Decatur since 1857. She was a noble christian woman who had a wide
circle of personal friends.
The remains will arrive in Decatur tomorrow in charge og the three children, Frank
and Annie having been summoned to Parsons by telegraph on Saturday. The time of the funeral will
be announced later.
Decatur Daily Review, 7 November 1887
The funeral of the late Mrs. E.G. Falconer will take place from the First M.E.
church on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The body arrived from Kansas last night.
Decatur Daily Review, 9 November 1887
The lecture room of the First M.E. church was filled with friends of the late
Mrs. Alice Falconer, whose death occurred at Parsons, Kansas. The impressive services were
conducted by the pastor, Rev. James Miller, and a special choir furnished appropriate music. The
clergyman paid a beautiful tribute to the christian character of Mother Falconer. The body was
taken to Greenwood for interment, Messrs. J.R. Gorin, G.M. Wood, E.S. Roe, R.W. Shull, Michael
Elson and W.R. Scruggs serving as pall bearers.
Decatur Daily Review, 11 November 1887
The late Mrs. Anna Falconer, of Wheatland, was born in Maryland August 16, 1803.
She was united in marriage to John Falconer June 5, 1832, moved to Illinois in 1839, joined the
M.E. church in 1843; died August 8, 1875, aged 71 years, 11 months and 8 days. She was a
dutiful wife, a good neighbor, a kind and indulgent mother and died in the full hope and trust
of her Savior.
The funeral services took place at the Wheatland M.E. church, on Monday, August 9th,
Rev. W.S. Crissey officiating. The remains were interred in Mt. Gilead cemetery.
Decatur Daily Republican, 11 April 1875
FALCONER, Bradford
Bradford Falconer, a young man about 21 years of age, son of Mr. Jeremiah Falconer,
was accidently drowned in the Sangamon river last Sunday. His remains were brought to Greenwood
cemetery for interment on Tuesday afternoon.
Decatur Republican, 8 July 1869
FALCONER, Enoch G., Rev.
Rev. E.G. Falconer died at 3 o'clock last Friday morning, at his residence on
South Main street, after an illness of congestion of the brain and paralysis of three or
four days. He was at church on Sunday evening last. The deceased was born in New Market,
Frederick county, Md., Jan. 30, 1810. He removed with his parents to Macon county, in
September, 1839. He was converted at the age of 19, and licensed to preach in 1840, by
the Quarterly Conference of Decatur Circuit, Rev. Messrs. Knox and Chase, Pastors - His
first circuit was Washington, in Tazewell county. He was married to Miss Alice Webb, of
Petersburgh, August 29, 1843, who survives him. From a family of seven children three
are living. For several years Mr. Falconer has been a great sufferer at times.
The funeral services will be held at the First M.E. Church, on Sunday, at
half past 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. N.P. Heath, of Jacksonville. The deceased was
a member of Macon Lodge, No. 8, A.F. & A.M. At the conclusion of the sermon, the
Masonic fraternity will take charge of the remains.
Decatur Republican, 29 Aug 1872
Died at his residence in this county on Sunday, the 5th inst., George W.
Falconer, aged 79 years. The deceased was a native of Frederic county, Maryland - where
he resided until the year 1839, when he removed with wife, all of his children and grand
children to this county, his upright deportment and christian walk soon endeared him to
a large number of acquaitances. For the last 57 years he had been a devoted and consistent
member of the Methodist E. Church, much of the time holding official lay stations to which
he always devoted a considerable share of his time - it is known to all who knew him that
he was a devoted christian, as such never put his light under a bushel nor did he cast
pearl before swine, the writer having known him on the most intimate terms of friendship
for over thirty years, feels happy to thus speak of him, not only as a true christian, but
as a devoted husband and affectionate and indulgent parent, as a kind and obliging neighbor,
as a true and disinterested friend, as a bright and shining ornament of the church, and one
who always lived as he wished to die, and who died in full hope and confidence of everlasting
immortality. May my last days be as his. Signed, H.P. Gazette please copy.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 10 Jan 1856
FALCONER, Jeremiah
On Sunday morning, the 19th inst., at his late residence, five miles southeast of
the city of Decatur, Illinois, Mr. Jeremiah Falconer, aged 71 years, 2 months and 24 days. He
was a native of Frederick county, Maryland, emigrated to this State in the fall of 1839, and in
the summer of 1840 settled upon his farm, upon which he died, in hope of a blissful immortality.
Daily Republican, 20 May 1872
FALCONER, William W.
William W. Falconer died of stomach trouble Monday night at his home in Wheatland
township, aged 62 years. The funeral will occur from Shady Grove church Wednesday morning at
10:30 a.m. with Rev W.L. Bankson officiating.
Mr. Falconer was one of the old settlers of Macon county, having lived here for 50
years. A widow and six children survive him. He served as justice of the peace several terms and
owned a fine farm of 80 acres in Wheatland township.
Decatur Daily Dispatch, 9 October 1889
W.W. Falconer died at his home on October 7. The funeral occurred at Shady Grove
church. The interment takes place at M. Zion cemetery.
Decatur Daily Dispatch, 11 October 1889
On Thursday afternoon of last week, we accidentally fell in company with Mr.
Fannon, on his way to the depot. He said he had had some difficulty with his employers, and
that he had a friend in Springfield, whom he was going to see about a situation (unreadable).
He remarked that he did not know but what he was going on a wild goose chase, which has
proved even more disastrous than that. From all that we can learn, it appears that Mr.
Fannon purchased a ticket on Friday in Springfield for Decatur, but lost it, and therefore
the conductor put him off at Howlett station.
As the afternoon westward bound freight train was within 1 1/2 miles of
Howlett, the engineer discerned a man sitting on athe track, who made no effort to get out
of the way of the approaching train, which was stopped. The engineer approached the man,
and found that he was unconscious, having a severe wound on his head. He was placed in
the caboose and taken to Springfield, where he died whithin a few minutes. Afer an
examination by the coroner, the jury returned the following verdict:
SPRINGFIELD, Ill., March 29, 1872
"We the jury summoned and sworn by Edward B. Bierce, to hold an inquest on
the body of an unknown man, believe from the evidence before us that the deceased came
to his death from wounds received on the head. Cause unknown to us."
Mr. Fannon came to Decatur about the first of September, from St. Louis,
since which time he has been in the employ of Messrs. Linn & Scruggs, in their
tailoring department. The deceased was about 45 years of age. He leaves a wife and
two children, the youngest being but three weeks old. The deceased was a member of
the Roman Catholic Church in this city, from which place his funeral took place
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Fannon had formerly lived at Winchester.
Thus we have to record another horror, that causes feelings of sorrow in
every human heart. The family have the sympathy of this community in their sad
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 1 Apr 1872
FAR, Esther
Esther, wife of Norman Far, died yesterday evening at half past six o'clock,
at the family residence on South Church street. The cause of her death was a cancer. The
deceased was thirty-eight years old. Funeral services will be held at nine o'clock this
morning, and at twenty minutes of eleven a.m. the remains will be expressed to Bethany
for interment.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 29 May 1886
FEITNER, Frederica Helene
The funeral of Frederica Helene, the infant daughter of Valentine and Minnie Feitner,
took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence on South Franklin street, a large number of
friends being present to sympathize with the bereaved parents over the loss of their beloved and only
child, whoch had come to them 20 months ago to brighten the family circle and give rise to bright
hopes and many plans for the little one. Rev. Kraemer, of the German Lutheran church, conducted
the sad service, speaking in German. The church choir was present. Many beautiful floral offerings
were placed upon the white casket containing the remains. The body was laid to rest in Greenwood
cemetery. The family desire to express their grateful thanks to all neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sympathy.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 14 Mar 1889
FERGUSON, Jeremiah
Funeral services for Jeremiah Ferguson will be conducted at 8 o'clock Sunday afternoon
in the Berea church, south of Niantic. Burial will be in Berea cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 11 Aug 1928
FERGUSON, Katharine Jane (Imboden)
Mrs. W.L. Ferguson of 336 East Eldorado street died at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at St.
Mary's hospital. She would ahve been seventy-two years old in September. Her death was due to heart
trouble and complications. She had been in failing health since the death of her husband six years ago.
She was taken to the hospital April 10.
Mrs. Ferguson's maiden name was Katharine Jane Imboden. She was born in Annville, Pa., Sept.
21, 1855. She was a daughter of Adam and Layah Carmene Imboden. The family moved to Decatur when she was
a girl and this has been her home ever since. She and William L. Ferguson were married Oct. 28, 1874. She
was a member of the First Methodist church and was active in the work of the church for many years.
She leaves two children, Mrs. I.C. Nicholson and Fred Ferguson, both of Decatur. There are
two granddaughters, Helen Ferguson Russell, wife of William Russell and Katharine, wife of Norbert Broden,
both of Hollywood, Cal. Both couples are in moving pictures. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. F.O. Riggs
of Decatur.
Decatur Review, 28 Apr 1927
FERGUSON, William L.
Helped Give Decatur First Electric Line
Went to Store Just Before Sudden Illness
William L. Ferguson, veteran hardware dealer and pioneer electric street railway manager, died
suddenly at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning at the family residence, 336 East Eldorado street. He was
sixty-nine years old last July. His death was caused by neuralgia of the heart.
Mr. Ferguson had apparently been in good health. He went to his hardware store, 658 East
Eldorado street, at the usual time Wednesday morning. The clerks were invoicing the stock and he went back
and talked with them two or three times. Finally he said he was not feeling very well and he laid down on a
lounge in the store.
His son, Fred Ferguson, suggested that he had better go home and lie down as he might take cold
there. Mr. Ferguson said he believed he would do that and he went home. He laid down on a couch, saying he
had a severe pain in his chest. Mrs. Ferguson placed a hot water bottle on his chest and he said he felt
much better. A few minutes later she went to him and he was dying. She had called a physician, but Mr.
Ferguson was dead when the doctor arrived.
William L. Ferguson was born in Xenia, O., July 20, 1853. The family moved to Fairfield, Iowa,
when he was only three years old. He made his home there until 1873, when he came to Decatur. He and Miss
Katherine Imboden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Imboden, were married here Oct. 28, 1874, and this has been
their home ever since.
Mr. Ferguson and Ben Dillehunt were conducting a hardware store in the 100 block on North Water
street when, with Arthur E. Kinney and D.S. Shellabarger, he bought out the Frank Priest street car line,
which ran from Lincoln square to the depot. The cars were drawn by mules. The new owners adopted electricty
as a motive power and extended the lines, giving Decatur the first electric street railway in Illinois.
Arthur E. Kinney managed the line until his death. Then Mr. Ferguson sold his interest in the
hardware store to his partner, Mr. Dillehunt, and took the active management of the street railway, which he
continued until 1898, fourteen years.
In October, 1898, Mr. Ferguson re-entered the hardware business at 658 East Eldorado street, where
he remained up to the time of his death. He was one of the best known men in Macon county and had a great
many friends. He was a member of the First Methodist church and of the Decatur club.
Mr. Ferguson is survived by his wife and two children, Mrs. I.C. Nicholson and Fred Ferguson,
both of Decatur. He also leaves two granchildren, Misses Helen and Catherine Ferguson, both of Hollywood,
Cal., and a half-brother, Brooks Ferguson, in Denver.
The funeral will be held at the family residence Friday afternoon, but the hour has not been
decided on.
Decatur Review, 17 Jan 1923
FERRY, Sarah J.
Mrs. Sarah J. Ferry, wife of Joseph Ferry, died (25 March) at 6:50 at the family residence in
Warrensburg. She was 76 years old last September. She had been a sufferer from heart disease
for the last four years and had been confined to her bed for twelve days.
Mrs. Ferry's maiden name was Haywood. She was born in Yorkshire, England, September
25, 1844. The family came to America in 1861, when she was 17 years old and settled in Macon
county near Warrensburg. There the remainder of her life was spent. She and Joseph Ferry were
married September 7, 1864.
She is survived by her husband and the following children; Mrs. E.C. Hollar, Mrs.
Emma Davis, A.F. Ferry, J.E. Ferry and Frank Ferry, all living near Warrensburg. She also leaves
three brothers, James and William Waywood of Independence, Ia. and Alfred Haywood of Harrisburg,
S.D. There are fifteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs. Ferry was one of the
old members of the Warrensburg Methodist church. She was known through out the community and had
many friends.
Decatur Daily Review, 26 March 1921
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah J. Ferry will be held at 11 o'clock Sunday morning at the
Methodist church in Warrensburg. The services will be conducted by Rev. T.N. Ewing. The
interment will be in the Ridge cemetery, west of Maroa.
Decatur Daily Review, 27 March 1921
FERRY, Joseph Paul
Joseph Paul Ferry, 95, pioneer farmer of Warrensburg vicinity and a subscriber to The Review
since 1872, died suddenly at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon at his home following a stroke of
appoplexy suffered shortly after 3 o'clock.
Mr. Ferry had appeared in his usual health Saturday and had fed the chickens at 3 o'clock
Saturday afternoon. When he came into the house after feeding the chickens, he talked with his
daughter, Mrs. Emma Davis, who made her home with him, and his grandaughter, Miss Ruth Holler.
Outside of the fact he appeared short of breath, nothing strange was noticed in his appearance.
He sat down by the stove and suddenly, a few minutes later, fell to the floor in a stroke.
The deceased was born in Champenay, France, June 30, 1835. He sailed from LeHavre, France
on December 3, 1854, but the boat was badly damaged in a collision and was forced to return to
port. In a few days, he sailed again on an English ship, "Judith" and landed in New Orleans
January 25, 1855, with only $5 in his pocket.
For a year, Mr. Ferry worked in restaurants in New Orleans and then came north to Ottawa,
Ill., and LaSalle, Ill. where he worked on farms until he had save $1,000. About 1963 he
walked from Ottawa to Lincoln, then on to Mt. Pulaski, Buffalo, and Decatur hunting a location.
When he reached Warrensburg vicinity, he bought 40 acres, paying $10 an acre cash for the land.
The first year he erected a shanty but in 1864 purchased a carload of lumber and built a
home. The shanty was then turned into a barn. He also married Sarah Jane Hayworth in 1864.
She died March 25, 1921. Three of the eight children born to the union preceded him in death.
Mr. Ferry retired from active farming in 1894 and moved to Warrensburg, where he purchased a
residence. He owned at that time 560 acres but following his wife's death in 1921, he sold 160
acres and divided the remaining land, in 80 acre divisions among the five surviving children.
The surviving children are: James of Peoria, Albert of Latham, Mrs. E.C. Holler, Mrs. Emma
Davis, and Frank, all of Warrensburg.
Though Mr Ferry's sight had been failing for the last two years, making it impossible for
him to read, his mind had remained clear and keen. He was very active for one of his age up to
the time of his death.
The body was taken to Leon A. Monson Funeral Home in Decatur. Funeral services will be held
at the Monson chapel at 10 o'clock Monday morning with Rev. D.H. Gibbs, pastor of the
Warrensburg Methodist Church, officiating. Burial wil be in Ridge Cemetery near Peoria.
The Decatur Review, Nov 30, 1930, p. 20
FICKES, Frances Irene Helen
Frances Irene Helen Fickes, 13, died in St. Mary's hospital at 7:15 o'clock Thursday
evening. She had been in the hospital for a number of months, suffering from rheumatism of the
She was born in Niantic May 21, 1915. She attended school there and was a member of
the Methodist Sunday school in Niantic. She leaves her father, George C. Fickes, of Niantic. Her
mother died on June 20 of this year. Miss Fickes also leaves three sisters, Evelyn, Erma, and
Margaret, and one brother Harry.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and was taken
to the home at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon in the residence. Burial will be in Illini cemetery, near Warrensburg.
Decatur Herald, 11 Aug 1928
FICKES, Helen (Gibson)
Number From Decatur at Services Over Warrensburg Woman
The funeral of Mrs. Helen Gibson Fickes was held at 11 o'clock Friday morning at
the Methodist church in Warrensburg. There was a large attendance, the church being filled
with friends. The services were conducted by Rev. O.B. Hess. The music was furnished by Mrs.
Victor Dewein, Mrs. Clarence Albert, Mrs. Minnie Herrod, Miss Ruth Binkley, Edward Underwood
and Charles Black. Mrs. O.B. Hess was accompanist. The flowers were in charge of Miss Julia
Faith, Miss Hazel Tuggle, Miss Bessie Baumgartner and Miss Lucy Schroeder. The pallbearers
were Charles H. Faith, George Faith, Fred Schroeder, Will Schroeder, Frank Binkley and Parker
Majors. The interment was in the Illini cemetery.
Present from Decatur were Mrs. Myrtle A. Thompson, Mrs. H.F. Baker, Mrs. F.
Baldridge, Mrs. Mary Clarence Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Garver. The two sisters of Mrs.
Fickes, Mrs. Mary Kyle of Kansas and Mrs. Garea of Peoria were also present at the services.
The Daily Reivew (Decatur), 3 Jul 1915
FIELDS, David 
David Fields, the well known colored veteran, a member of Dunham Post,
No. 141, G.A.R. died yesterday afternoon at Avondale, near Chicago, aged 51 years.
The deceased was born in Ohio, and enlisted as a private in Company B, 29th U. S.
Colored Infantry, and served during the reminder of the war. He was the father of
four children, Mrs. Nora Fields, Mrs. Alice Price and Charles Fields, one daughter,
Mrs. Thomas Fields, being dead.
It is not known what will be done with the remains, but they will
probably be brought to this city for burial.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 12 Aug 1891
Died, on Saturday, April 10th, 1886, near Pleasant Hill, Pike county, Illinois,
Mary Finch-Ricketts, aged about ninety years. The deceased was the mother of Judge Ricketts,
of this city, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Illinois.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Apr 1886
Died: 1838 in Decatur, Macon Co.
FINLEY, Samuel
Died: 15 Sep 1835 in Decatur, Macon Co.
FINSON, Charles Henry 
Niantic – June 20 -----
Charles Henry Finson aged sixty-seven years died at his home in Niantic
Thursday evening, June 16 about 7:30 o'clock. He was born in Morgan County. Ill., Feb.
11, 1847. At the age of 17 he enlisted in Co. I, of the Eleventh Missouri Infantry and
served 22 months or until the close of the war. He was united in marriage Oct. 21, 1869
to Susan J. Mansfield. He has been a resident of Niantic since February 1912, coming here
from his farm two one-half miles east of Niantic.
He is survived by one brother Frank Finson of Scott County, two sisters. Mrs.
Henry Hutches and Mrs. Octavia Hutches of Morgan County, his widow, Mrs. Susan Finson, three
sons, William and James of Monticello, Edward of Niantic one daughter, Mrs. Lena Knapp of
Niantic and two grandchildren. Merle Finson and Harold Knapp of Niantic.
The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home. Rev.
George R. Southgate officiating, Ruth Cussins, Bernice Stahl, Bessie Hall. Charles Pritchett.
Thurman Gasaway and James Hall sang. Pallbearers were, D. Buckles, Albert Waddell, Lawrence
Delaney, Charles Bruce. N. A, Boone and Frank Beall. Burial was in the Harristown Cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 20 June 1914, Pg. 3
FISH, James G. 
James G. Fish died at half-past 4 oclock yesterday morning at the family
residence N. 509 East Eldorado street, aged 49 years. His death was caused by a cancer
of the face. The disease developed about 18 months ago. An operation was performed in
the hope that the cancerous growth might be extirpated, but the operation was unsuccessful.
The ablest physicians and surgeons in the East were then consulted, but nothing could be done.
The deceased was born at Monroeville, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. Jan. 25,
1863 he enlisted in Co. M First Ohio heavy artillery, and went to the front with his regiment.
He won distinction on the field, and when he was mustered out of service August 25, 1865, he
was second lieutenant of his company. He was member of Dunham Post, No. 141, G.A.R. He leaves
surviving him a wife and one son, Harry Fish, aged 16 years.
Saturday Herald, Decatur IL, 4 Feb 1888
A description of the funeral was published in the Decatur Republican, Decatur
IL, 2 Feb 1888.
FISHER, Charles
In this city, of diptheria, at his home on West North street, at 5 a.m., on
Friday, Sept. 26, 1882, CHARLES FISHER, aged 4 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fisher.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 Oct 1882
FISHER, Frederick
The funeral of the late Frederick Fisher was held at the residence of the deceased
near Oakley at 11 o'clock this forenoon and was largely attended, as Mr. Fisher was one of the
oldest residents of that vicinity. The burial was at North Fork.
Bulletin Sentinal (Decatur), 19 Oct 1895
In the north part of the city, on Thursday, April 22d, Mrs. Lucy Fitzgerald, wife
of Henry Fitzgerald, in the 25th year of her age. The deceased leaves a large circle of friends
and acquaintances to mourn her untimely death. The funeral took place this morning at 10 o'clock,
Rev. W.W. DeWolf officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, 23 Apr 1875
FITZPATRICK, Catherine (Fitzgerald)
Mrs. Fitzpatrick Expires Friday
Burial Will Be In Chicago
Mrs. J. Carroll Fitzpatrick died at her home, 1347 East Prairie Street at 9:45
a.m. Friday. Death was due to kidney trouble from which he had suffered for several years.
Her condition had been rapidly declining recently. She was born in Chicago September 20,
1876 and would have been 56 years next September. She was the daughter of James and Mary
Fitzgerald. Her home had been in Chicago all of her life until her marriage on June 21,
1916, and since that time she had always resided in Decatur.
Other than her husband there are no relatives surviving her. The last surviving
relative was her mother who passed away in the daughter's home here in September 1924. The
body was removed to the Moran funeral home where it will remain until time for the funeral
services. The time for the services has not yet been announced but the burial will be in
Calvary cemetery in Chicago.
Decatur Review, 27 May 1932, pg. 22
Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, former Decatur resident and widow of James
Fitzpatrick, died Friday afternoon in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tony Secher, in
Freeport, it was learned by relatives in Decatur, Saturday. She was about 73 years
of age and had been in poor health for almost a year.
Her husband was for years connected with the Illinois Central in the
bridge and building department and started his service with the road here in Decatur.
He left Decatur about 1900 when transferred to Clinton, where the couple resided quite
a number of years, before he was again moved to Freeport. His death occurred almost
two years ago.
Mrs Fitzpatrick leaves two daughters, Mrs. Charles Kintzel of Madison,
Wis., and Mrs. Secher; one son, James, who has been engaged in music work in Europe
for several years. Funeral services will be held in Freeport at 9:30 a.m. Monday.
Decatur Review, 26 Nov 1937, pg. 33
FITZPATRICK, Evelyn (Crawford)
Mrs Evelyn Fitzpatrick Dies in Hospital at 72
Mrs Evelyn Fitzpatrick, 72 of 761 West Division street, died at 4 p. m. yesterday
in St. Mary's Hospital where she had been a patient 10 days. She has been in failing health
several years.
Mrs Fitzpatrick was born December 1, 1875 in Ironton, MO., a daughter of William
and Elizabeth Crawford, and lived in Salem, MO. before moving to Decatur, where she was married
in 1905 to John R. Fitzpatrick. Her husband has been employed in the Lyon Lumber Co. machine
department 52 years.
Mrs Fitzpatrick, a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church, leaves only her husband.
A brother James died last year. The body is in Moran & Sons funeral home where friends may call
after 7 p.m. today and where the rosary will be said at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow. Requiem high mass
will be at St. Thomas Catholic Church at 10 a.m. Saturday. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. tonight.
Decatur Review, 23 Jun 1948
FITZPATRICK, Grace A. (Adams)
Mrs. J. Louis (Grace A. Adams) Fitzpatrick, 90 of 350 E. Waggoner, died at 5:36
P.M. Sunday (August 28, 1983) in Lincoln Manor North Nursing Home, Decatur. Memorial services
will be 10 A. M. Thursday in St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church. The body will be donated
to medical science. Memorials: St Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church.
Mrs Fitzpatrick was born in Opdyke, Illinois, the daughter of Daniel N. and Emma
Adams. She was a typist for the Wabash Railroad and a member of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic
Church. She married J. Louis Fitzpatrick in 1926. He died in 1971.
Surviving are her son, Martin W. of Normal; daughter Mrs. Emma Lou Almond of
Laramie, Wy.; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Three sisters, three brothers, one
grandchild and one great-grandchild preceded her in death.
James Fitzpatrick Dies in Freeport
Funeral Wednesday for Former Decatur Resident
James Fitzpatrick, 70, a resident of Decatur for many years, died in Freeport,
Monday afternoon following a brief illness. He underwent a minor operation recently but
appeared to be on the road to recovery when other troubles developed. Funeral services are
to be held in the Catholic Church at Freeport, Wednesday morning and a number of Decatur
relatives plan to attend.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Decatur in 1864 in the old Fitzpatrick home, 802
West Eldorado. In the earlier years of his life he was employed at Lyon Lumber company but
later he entered the employee of the Illinois Central and for many years was a foreman in
bridge and building work. From Decatur the family moved to Clinton about 30 years ago and
after a residence there for some years, he was transferred to Freeport. For the last few
years he had not been connected with the railroad company.
He leaves his widow and three children, Ottie, Lucille and James. He also
leaves three sisters, Mrs John Skelley, 1104 West King street, and Mrs. Sarah May, both
of Decatur, and Mrs Mary Gallagher of Chicago, a brother, Richard Fitzpatrick of Decatur.
Decatur Review, 20 Feb 1934, pg. 13
FITZPATRICK, James Carroll
J.C. Fitzpatrick Dies Here at 72
James Carroll Fitzpatrick, 72 of 802 West Eldorado Street died at 5:45 P. m. Saturday in St.
Mary's Hospital. He had been in failing health for six months and seriously ill for one week.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was a resident of Decatur most of his life. He was born here
September 12, 1871, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fitzpatrick, a pioneer Decatur family. He
was educated in Decatur schools and had worked at the Wabash shops, Decatur Furniture Co. and
Muller Fountain and Fixture Co.. He was a member of St. Patrick's church and the Knights of
He was married to Katherine Fitzgerald in Chicago and lived there for 12 years
where she was employed by the Elevated Railway Co. Mrs. Fitzpatrick died in 1932. He returned
to Decatur in 1932 and was employed by the Peerless Wallpaper Co. until his retirement 12 years
ago. He has made his home in resent years with his two sisters, Miss Katherine and Sarah
Fitzpatrick, 802 West Eldorado Street.
He leaves two sisters and two brothers, J Louis Fitzpatrick, and J.R. Fitzpatrick
of Decatur, and several nieces and nephews. Requiem high mass will be held at 10:30 a. m.
Tuesday with burial in Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at Moran's funeral home after 10 a.m.
Decatur Review, Sunday, 14 May 1944
J. Louis Fitzpatrick, 83 of 1040 West King St., a former Decatur Review reporter,
died at 1:45 P.M. Friday in Macon County Nursing Home.
Mass of the Resurrection will be 10:30 A.M. Monday in St. Patrick Catholic Church.
Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call at the J. J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home from
1 to 7 P.M. Sunday. A prayer service will be at 3:30 P.M. Sunday.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was born Sept. 8, 1888 in Decatur, a son of Martin W. and Johanna
Carroll Fitzpatrick. He graduated from Decatur High School in 1906. After working briefly for
Barbey & Cooper Grocery, he began working for the Decatur Review in 1907. He covered market,
real estate and weather news -- and was stricken while at work in 1935 on that summer's 25th
100-degree day. He was best know, however, for his reporting on railroads, which he covered
until his retirement in 1953. He married Grace Adams, Sept. 6, 1926 in Decatur. Survivors
include a son Martin W. of Decatur; a daughter, Emma Lou Almond of Highland, and seven grandchildren.
Decatur Newspaper - 29 Oct 1971, pg. ?
Jeremiah Fitzpatrick, 59, formerly of Decatur, died 9:30 p.m. Wednesday in Alton, Mass
of the Resurrection will be 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Patrick Catholic Church. Visitation will be 7
to 8 p.m. Friday in J. J. Moran & sons Funeral Home, with prayer service. Burial will be in Calvary
Cemetery. Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Decatur, son of Dr. Martin and Julia Fitzpatrick.
Surviving is a brother, (Rev. Fr.) Joseph of Jacksonville.
Decatur Review, 24 March 1977, pg. 29
Mrs. Johanna Fitzpatrick, 85, widow of Martin W. Fitzpatrick, died at 10;30 pm. Monday in
her home, 802 W. Eldorado street. Her death followed a three year illness of complications
attendant to her advanced age. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was born in Connecticut, and was a daughter of
James and Mary Carroll. Her father was a railroad construction engineer and was active in the
building of number of early railway lines in the East. Most of her time was passed in Decatur.
She came here about 66 years ago, and with the exception of three or four years passed in
Kansas, had continued to make her home, most of the time living in the West Eldorado street
residence. She had been a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church, since coming to Decatur.
She leaves seven children; Mrs. Frank Stork of Stonington, J. Carroll, Dr. M. W., John R.,
Katherine, Sarah and Louis Fitzpatrick, all of Decatur. The body was taken to the J. J. Moran
and Sons Funeral home, it will be returned to the family residence this afternoon. Funeral
arrangements are incomplete.
Obit from family scrape book no dates. A visit to Calvary Cem. Born 1850 - Died 1934 No
day or month on gravestone: Married Martin W. Fitzpatrick in Decatur Macon County Nov.7,1870
Submitted by: Michael C. Delahunty, 26 July 2001
John Fitzpatrick, 73 Found Dead in Home
John R. Fitzpatrick, 73, an employee of the Lyon Lumber Co. for 54 years, was
found dead in his home at 761 West Division Street late yesterday morning. His neighbors
noticed he was not in church and became suspicious of a light left burning all night, Coroner
Harold Brintlinger said. They investigated and found the body in the bathroom. The coroner
said he apparently died while stropping his razor. He was not under a doctor's care and had
worked until last week, a relative said. An inquest will be held.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Great Bend, Kan, June 7, 1878, to the late Martin
and Johanna Fitzpatrick. Except for a few years as a child in Kansas he lived here. He was
married to Evelyn Crawford, Feb. 22, 1905, in Decatur. She died in June 1948. He was a cutter
and ripper at the lumber company. He attended St. Thomas Catholic Church. A brother J.L. and
a sister Sarah E., of Decatur, survive.
The body is in the J.J. Moran & Sons funeral home, where friends may call.
Requiem high mass will be at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in St. Thomas church, with burial in Calvary
cemetery. Members of St. Thomas parish will recite the rosary at the funeral home at 8 P.M.
Note: James A. and Louise Delahunty bought the home of John R. Fitzpatrick
after his death, in 1951. Jim and Louise lived in that home until 1985 at which time they moved
to the south end of Decatur. John built the home on Division Street and hand picked every foot
of lumber that went into it. The home had 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and a dinning
room. There was a sun porch that opened up off the living room. All the woodwork in the home
was beautiful un-stained Redwood. There were French doors between the living and dinning room
and between the living room and sun porch.
Decatur Review, 21 Sep 1951
Lifelong Resident, Retired Molder Dies at 82
Funeral services for John J. Fitzpatrick, 82 of 1029 E. North St., will be at 9
a.m. Monday in St. Patrick's Church. Friends may call at the J.J. Moran Funeral Home after 2 p.m.
Sunday. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul society will say the Rosary at 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
He died unexpectedly in his home about 4 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Fitzpatrick, a retired
molder for Chamber Bering Quinlan Co., was a lifelong resident of Decatur. He was a member of St.
Patrick's Catholic Church.
He was born Dec. 10, 1882, a son of Richard V. and Mary Conway Fitzpatrick. He was
married to Margaret Pryde in Taylorville on May 29, 1905. she died March 28, 1961. Mr. Fitzpatrick
leaves two sons, Thomas and Daniel, both of Decatur; two daughters, Mrs Glenn (Mildred) Robb,
Decatur, and Mrs Bruce (Pat) Hastings, Plano; 20 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren. Two
sons, one daughter, a brother and a sister preceded him in death.
Decatur Review, 4 Mar 1965, pg. unknown
FITZPATRICK, Father Joseph 
Father Joseph W. Fitzpatrick 73 of Springfield died 8:24 p.m. Friday
(April 21, 1989) in St. John's Hospital, Springfield. Services will be 11 AM Tuesday
in Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Springfield. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery,
Decatur. Kirlin-Egan & Butler Funeral Home, Springfield, is in charge of arrangements.
Father Fitzpatrick was born in Decatur, son of Martin W. and Julia Fitzpatrick.
He was ordained in Teutopolis in 1941, served as assistant pastor for churches in Quincy,
Granite City and Gillespie. He was U.S. Army Chaplin for Our Savior's Hospital, Jacksonville,
and St. John's Hospital, Springfield. He was administrator for churches in Lilly Ville,
Pawnee, Jerseyville and Brighton. He was also administrator for St. Isadora Church, Bethany,
and St Barbara's Church, Witt. He was appointed to retired priest status in 1980.
Unknown Newspaper
FITZPATRICK, Julia (Murphy)
Funeral To Be Held Monday For Mrs. Fitzpatrick
Solemn requiem high mass will be conducted for Mrs. Julia Fitzpatrick, 1851 West
Main street at 10 a.m. Monday in St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick died late Wednesday in St. Mary's Hospital.
Friends may call at Moran & Sons funeral home after 5 p. m. Sunday. After that time
the body will be at St. Patrick's.
At 8 p.m. today members of the Catholic Daughters of America will meet at the funeral
home to recite the Rosary for Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
Decatur Review, pg. 7
FITZPATRICK, Katherine Elizabeth
Retired School Teacher Dies
Katherine E. Fitzpatrick 67, retired Decatur school teacher who had taught here 43
years, died at 1:45 p m. yesterday in St. Mary's hospital. She had been ill with a heart condition
since June.
Miss Fitzpatrick was born June 28, 1881, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Martin W. Fitzpatrick.
She entered the school system here in 1899 and taught without a break until 1943 when she retired.
The last 38 years of Miss Fitzpatrick's 43 years in the Decatur schools were spent in Pugh School.
She also taught one year at Oakland and the remainder of the time at Durfee and the old Marietta school,
now know as Lincoln school. Miss Fitzpatrick's sister, Miss Sarah, taught a total of 38 years here
and retired when her sister left the Decatur system.
Two years ago Miss Katherine Fitzpatrick moved to Stonington but at the time of her
illness she returned to live with her brother J. Louis Fitzpatrick at 1040 West King Street.
She was a member of Holy Trinity Catholic church in Stonington and prior to that, a
member of St. Patrick's church, here.
She leaves two brothers, J. Louis and John R. and her sister, Sarah all of Decatur.
Two brothers, Dr. M. W. Fitzpatrick and Carroll Fitzpatrick, and a sister Mrs Agnes Stork, all
residents of Decatur, preceded her in death. Requiem high mass will be at 9 a. m. Wednesday in St.
Patrick's Catholic church and the burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at Moran &
Sons funeral home after 7 p.m. today. St. Agnes court of the Catholic Daughters of America will
meet at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in the funeral home to recite the rosary.
Decatur Paper, Date of Death, 15 August 1948
FITZPATRICK, Margaret H. Pryde
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret (Maggie) H. Fitzpatrick, 75, of 1134 E. William
St. will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home. Burial will be in Calvary
Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home today. Mrs Fitzpatrick died yesterday in St.
Mary's Hospital. She had been ill two years.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick was born July 11, 1885, in Decatur, daughter of John and Jane Taylor
Pryde. She lived in Decatur all of her life, attended the First English Lutheran Church and was a
member of the Degree of Honor Lodge She married John J. Fitzpatrick on May 29, 1905, in Taylorville.
Besides her husband she leaves three daughters, Mrs Orville (Margaret) Cook, Greensburg,
Ind., Mrs Glenn (Mildred) Robb, Decatur, and Mrs Bruce (Nellie) Hastings, Plano, three sons, Richard
W., Portland, Ore., Thomas M. and Daniel both of Decatur. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs Christine
Parlier and Mrs Nellie Behrens, both of Decatur, and two brothers, Thomas and James Pryde, both of
Decatur. There are 21 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Two brothers, and one son preceded
her in death.
Decatur Review, 4 Mar 1961, pg. Unknown
Known to All Old Residents Of the City
Martin W. Fitzpatrick died at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning at the family residence, 802 West
Eldorado street. He was over sixty-nine years old. His death was caused by uremia. He had
been in failing health for some time and had been bedfast for the past two weeks.
Mr. Fitzpatrick had lived in Decatur for many years and was known to all of the old
residents of the city. He was a stone cutter by trade. He was born in Woodford county, KY.,
Feb. 1 1845. When he was twelve years old the family moved to Decatur, driving overland from
Kentucky. The first sight they had of the town was when they reached the crest of John's hill.
That was in 1857, and Decatur was not a very big town then. Mr. Fitzpatrick, Sr. built a
house in what is now the 800 block West Eldorado street, and diagonally across the street in
what is now the 700 block he built a blacksmith shop. That part of the city was in the county
district then.
When Martin W. Fitzpatrick was only sixteen years old he ran away from home and joined Company
A of the Twenty-First Illinois Volunteer infantry, General Grant's regiment. Once when the
enemy's fire was particularly galling the company was about to stampede, Mr. Fitzpatrick rallied
them by his own personnel courage and bravery, and they held their ground. After that battle
the colonel of the regiment sent for him and promoted him to corporal. The colonel told him
that he would like to promote him to a much higher office, but on account of his youth he could
not do that. After the war, Mr. Fitzpatrick returned to Decatur and for a while he served as a
clerk in the Decatur post-office. He later resumed his trade as a stone cutter, and many of the
monuments in the cemeteries of Decatur and neighboring towns were carved by him.
Nov. 8, 1870, Mr. Fitzpatrick and Miss Johanna Carroll were married. In 1874 Mr.
Fitzpatrick took up a soldiers claim in Kansas and then moved to that state, but returned to
Decatur in 1880. For the first few years after their return, the lived in the 700 block West
Eldorado street. Then they built a new house on the site of the old home in the 800 block, which
had burned down. Ten years ago Mr. Fitzpatrick moved that house to the west side of the lot
and built a new home, No. 802 West Eldorado street, where the family has since resided, it
being on the lot as the first home of the family in Decatur.
On his return from Kanaka Mr. Fitzpatrick resumed his
trade and worked steadily at it until four years ago when
advancing forced him to give up active work. He was a member
of St. Patrick's church. He is survived by his wife and the
following children: Mrs. Frank Stork of Stonington, Carroll
Fitzpatrick, Dr. M. W. Fitzpatrick, John Fitzpatrick, Miss Kitty
Fitzpatrick, Miss Sadie Fitzpatrick and Louis Fitzpatrick , all of Decatur. All
were at his bedside when he passed away. He also leaves the
following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Caleb Smith of
McLeansboro, Mrs. J. J. Gallagher of Chicago, James
Fitzpatrick of Freeport, Mrs. S. V. May, Mrs. John Skelly
and R. V. Fitzpatrick, all of Decatur. He leaves six grandchildren.
The funeral will probably be held Thursday morning at St. Patrick's church.
The internment will be in Calvary.
Source: Newspaper clipping from family scrapbook. The month and day and year
are not mentioned in the clipping. Only a hand written year of 1914, is above the clipping.
A visit to Mr. Fitzpatrick's grave in Calvary, turns up
Born 1845 - Died 1914.
Submitted by:Michael C. Delahunty, July 14, 2001
Dr. Fitzpatrick Dies in Hospital
Funeral Tuesday
Heart Attach Thursday Fatal To Prominent Decatur Physician
Dr. M. W. Fitzpatrick, prominent Decatur physician for nearly 35 years, died
in St. Mary's Hospital at 11:20 o'clock last night. He was 66 years old. Funeral services
will be held in St. Patrick's Catholic Church a 9:30 a.m. Tuesday. Burial will be in the
Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at the Moran & Sons' funeral home after 7:30 p. m. today.
Dr. Fitzpatrick's death was said to be due to heart trouble. He became ill in
his office about 4:30 p.m. Thursday while examining a patient and was taken to the hospital.
It was reported that he walked from the car into the hospital, but was put to bed immediately.
His condition became worse yesterday and he was unconscious several hours before his death.
Only at one time did he show signs of recovery.
In addition to a large family practice, Dr. Fitzpatrick served as company
physician for the A. E. Staley Mfg. Co., the Illinois - Iowa Power Co. the Illinois Central
Railroad and the Macon County Coal Company, as well as other Decatur firms. With the Staley
Company he also served as medical consultant for the Fellowship club and handled compensation
insurance cases.
He was appointed first resident physician at the Wabash Employees Hospital, one
month after it was opened in 1903. He was named consulting physician at the hospital in
February 1913, and during the World war he served as head surgeon. In December 1906, he was
elected by the board of supervisors to serve as county physician, resigning after several years
to take the position in 1913 with the Wabash.
Dr. Fitzpatrick was born in Decatur and attended public schools and Brown's
Business College here. For a short time he served as a clerk with the Missouri Pacific Railroad
in St. Louis. He began the study of medicine a Rush college, Chicago in 1899.
He was married to Miss Julia Murphy of Decatur in Springfield on Jan 6 1907. Mrs
Fitzpatrick is a niece of Rev. Fr. Jeremiah Murphy, dean of St. Patrick's Catholic church. Dr.
and Mrs. Fitzpatrick built their present home at 1851 West Main Street in 1930. Before that
they lived at 438 East Eldorado Street, where they built a large apartment building in 1920.
For several years Dr. Fitzpatrick took an active part in Boy Scout work in
Decatur and served as the examiner for the first aid, personal health and public health
merit badges. He also was camp physician a few years ago.
Dr. Fitzpatrick was a member of the American Medical Association and was a fellow
of the American College of Surgeons. He was a member of the fourth degree Decatur chapter Knights
of Columbus. He also was a member of the Decatur Club and the Decatur Country Club. Besides
his wife he leaves two sons, Joseph Fitzpatrick, who is studying for the priesthood at the
American College in Rome, and Jeremiah Fitzpatrick of Decatur. He also leaves three brothers,
J Louis, J. Carroll and John R. Fitzpatrick, all of Decatur; and three sisters, Katherine and
Sarah Fitzpatrick, teachers in the Decatur public schools, and Mrs Agnes Stork of Stonington.
Unknown Newspaper
FITZPATRICK, Martin William 
Martin William Fitzpatrick, 71, of Decatur died Thursday (FEB 10, 2000) in St.
John's Hospital, Springfield. Funeral Mass will be 10:00 a.m. Monday in Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church. Visitation will be one hour before services at the church and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sunday in Walker Funeral Service and Chapel. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. In lieu of
flowers, memorials may be sent to St. Vincent Depaul Society of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Decatur on July 1, 1928, to the union of Joseph Lewis
Fitzpatrick and Grace Adams. Mr. Fitzpatrick graduated from St. Teresa High School. He obtained
a B.A. degree from Millikin University, a Master's Degree from Illinois State University and
was well on his way to receiving his Doctorate Degree from the University of Illinois.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was veteran of the Armed Forces and a member of the American
Legion Post 559, Champaign, where he served as financial officer for many years and vice post
commander. He was a former member of Lakeview Lodge 1132, where he served as a trustee and
financial secretary, and former member of Frontiers International, where he served as president
and secretary for many tears. He was former assistant director of District Seven Frontiers
International and a former member of the Knights of Columbus. For several years he served as
banquet chairman of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Steering Committee, for many years of
outstanding banquet service.
He also received an award from Mayor Howley and the Decatur City Council for
outstanding public service to the citizens of Decatur. Mr. Fitzpatrick was dedicated civil
rights activist and a member of the NAACP for many years, serving as secretary.
He loved all people regardless of race, creed or color. Most outstanding of him
was his love for the Lord and his family. He was a devout Catholic, attending Our Lady of
Lourdes, leaving a legacy of love. He married Lulu Reese Fitzpatrick on Aug 23, 1974.
He leaves to cherish fond memories, his loving wife; daughters Reba Morrison of Springfield,
Debra shaw of Clinton; Linda Stanley of Mission Veijo, Calif.; Deborah Reese of Atlanta,Ga.;
Nancy Sanford of Chicago; Gabrielle of Decatur; sons, Robert Jordan and Nickalas, both od
Decatur; sister Emma Fitzpartick of New Mexico; nine grandchildren; two special cousins,
Pricilla Weltz and Connie Ground; host of other relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by one daughter and one grandson. A special thanks
to Sister JoAnna, Mrs. Karen Martin, Mrs.Sue Smith, Father Vann and the Rev. Dr. C. D. Stuart.
Decatur Review, Date of Death 10 Feb 2000
FITZPATRICK, Mary M. (Conroy)
Mrs. R.V. Fitzpatrick Rites Will be Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. R. V. Fitzpatrick, 73, who died at 1:40 p.m. yesterday
in her home, 1135 East William street, of complications, will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in St
Patrick's church. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.
Born in Decatur June 1, 1864, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and Johanna Conroy,
she married R.V. Fitzpatrick in St. Patrick's church here Oct. 20, 1880. She was one of the
oldest and most active members of the parish. Mrs. Fitzpatrick leaves her husband: two sons,
John and William of Decatur; one brother, Will Conroy of Indianapolis; 10 grandchildren and
seven great grandchildren. Two children Richard and Mrs. Robert Kendall preceded her in death.
Decatur Review, 11 Dec 1937, pg. 10
Rites Saturday for Richard Fitzpatrick
Requiem high mass will be celebrated for Richard A."Dick" Fitzpatrick at 9 a.m.
Saturday in St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Mr. Fitzpatrick
who was 86 and a retired moulding foreman, died at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in St Mary's Hospital.
He had been in failing health for several years. For the last ten years he has made his home
with the R. M. Robertson family, route seven.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Kentucky Feb 14, 1860, and has been a resident of
Decatur for the last 80 years. He was employed as a moulding foreman at the Union Iron Co. for
a number of years and retired about 12 years ago. He was a member of St. Patrick's church. He
leaves one son, Jack Fitzpatrick, of Decatur, and 10 grandchildren.
Friends may call at the Moran & Sons funeral home after 7 p.m. today.
Decatur Review, 27 Sep 1946, pg. 19
Requiem High Mass for Sarah E. Fitzpatrick will be at 11 a. m. Thursday in St.
Patrick's Catholic Church, with burial in Calvary Cemetery. The Rosary will be at 8 p. m. today
in the J. J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home.
Miss Fitzpatrick, 84 of 1040 W. King Street died a 6 p. m. Tuesday in St. Mary's
Hospital. Miss Fitzpatrick taught social science in the Decatur School District for 38 years
before retiring in 1943. Her sister, Katherine, who died in 1948, was a teacher for 43 years.
Miss Fitzpatrick, known to her friends as Miss Sadie, taught in the old Central
Junior High School, E. A. Gastman School, the old Marietta School, and Warren and Oakland schools
before going to Johns Hill Junior High School when that opened in 1929. she continued to teach
there until her retirement.
Miss Fitzpatrick was born in Macon County Aug. 21, 1883, a daughter of Martin
William and Johanna Carroll Fitzpatrick. She was a member of St. Patrick Catholic Church and
the Retired Teachers Association. Surviving are a brother, Joseph Lewis Fitzpatrick, Decatur;
seven nephews and five nieces. Three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death.
Decatur Review, 31 July 1968
Born: Apr 07, 1760 in PA
Died: 18 Jul 1850 in Macon Co. IL
Buried: Florey Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Nicholas Adolph & Catherina Flora
Married: #1 to Elizabeth Breidinger
#2 to Mary Ott
Children: George, Betsy, John, Adam, Sarah, Henry, Catharine, Cynthia, Eleanor, David,
Mary Polly, Matilda, Emily Amy, Jonathan, Mary Ann, Israel, Rhoda, Andrew, Syrena, Isaac,
Born: 8 May 1781 in VA
Died: Jan 26, 1861 in Macon Co. IL
Buried: Florey Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Married: to John Flora
Children: Sarah, Henry, Catharine, Cynthia, Eleanor, David, Mary Polly, Matilda, Emily Amy,
Jonathan, Mary Ann, Israel, Rhoda, Andrew, Syrena, Isaac, Virginia
FLOREY, Alfred
Alfred Florey, the first white child born in Macon County, died at 5 o'clock Friday morning
at his home in Macon County. The first settler came in 1825.
Mr. Florey's death was caused by gangrene, the result of a wound in his foot made by a tack in his shoe.
His foot was hurt last summer and his system was not strong enough to throw off the effects of the poison.
He had been in feeble health for some time, due to the infirmities of age.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at Macon.
Mr. Florey was born three miles west of Decatur, March 29, 1827. He is survived by a widow and six
children. He lived in a house on East William street road until 1865, when he moved to the vicinity of
Boody. He lived there twenty-five years and moved to a farm one mile north of Macon and had resided there ever since.
He possessed considerable property in Macon, besides a good farm. He was the father of Mrs. John W. Peters
of this city. He was also a brother of William Florey, who lived east of this city for many years and who
was so cruelly tortured with hot irons by thieves several years ago in an effort to get him to tell where
his money was concealed.
Mr. Florey's children are Fred and Louis Florey and Miss Fannie Florey of Macon; Mrs. John Peters,
who lives on Spring Avenue, Decatur; Mrs. Gifford of Sullivan and Mrs. Herbert of Storm Lake, Iowa.
Mrs. Peters has been with her father for the past four weeks.
Mr. Florey was a son of David Florey (error in copy: he was the son of Henry & Maria Gray Florey)
of Virginia, who arrived in Macon County with his family in 1825.
The first permanent settler was Leonard Stevens, who came and built a log home in 1821 or 1822,
three miles northwest of Decatur on Stevens Creek. From that time up to 1825 there were few settlers
in this county, and they were still scarce when Alfred Florey was born. Mr. Florey was the first white child
born in the county. He was born in 1828.
Mr. Florey lived to witness all the changes that have occurred to transform a wilderness for the most
part peopled by Indians and wild beasts into a thickly populated community, enjoying all the advantages
and conveniences of up to date civilization. He used to meet with the other old settlers at their annual
gatherings, and could remember about as far back as any of them.
Decatur Review, Mar 21, 1902
FLOREY, Alonso
Alonso Florey was born in Claremont county, O., in 1836, sixty-two years ago.
He died at the family residence southeast of town April 23. He was at the dinner table
when the end came. He has been in poor health for some time, but was apparently better.
He had been married twice and his last wife survives him. He was the father of ten children,
and one son and eight daughters are still living. He has two daughters in Nebraska, two
near Cerro Gordo, one near La Place, one near Findlay and the others and his son live here.
Mr. Florey has three sisters and two brothers living. The funeral services were conducted
at the Christian church, of which he was a member, by Elder Herman, Tuesday afternoon, and
the remains were laid to rest in the old cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 1 May 1898
FLOREY, Andrew Jackson
Born: 20 Apr 1840 in Macon Co. IL
Died: 12 Jan 1921Jackson Co., OR
Buried: IOOF Cem, Jackson Co, OR
Parents: Israel & Elizabeth (Bell) Florey
Married: #1 Arthusa Mandell Nicholson
#2 Etta Amarantha Nye
Children: John Andrew, Florence, Chauncey, Marguerite, Elsie Joyce, Theodore, Judge Taft
Was Well Know in Lodge Circles
Budd Florey, one of the best known residents of Decatur and prominent in lodge circles, died
at 12:40 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Wabash hospital. He was sixty years old on Monday.
About six weeks ago Mr. Florey was sticken with apoplexy while at work on the private car of
the general manager of the Wabash. He was hurried to the hospital and for awhile his condition
He regained consciousness and seemed in a fair way to recovery. Later hardening of the
arteries caused him to grow steadily weaker, but it was not until Monday evening that his
condition became alarming. He had been conscious up to that time and Monday had talked
pleasantly with friends and reminded them that it was his birthday anniversary. Late in the
night he suffered a relapse and died in a short time.
Budd Florey was known to most everybody in Decatur. He had lived here for thirty-three
years. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen, The Royal Neighbors of
America and the Court of Honor, and was prominent in all of these orders, and held office in
all of them. He had been a member of Decatur camp No. 144, M. W. A., for twenty-three years,
and of the other lodges for about the same length of time.
Mr. Florey was a tinner by trade and for many years was a member of the firm of Greer &
Florey, who had a tin shop on North Main street, next to the Arcade hotel. Their place of
busines was destroyed in the fire that wiped out the Decatur and Arcade hotels, and the
partnership was then dissolved. Mr. Florey had been employed by the Wabash years before, so
after the fire he returned to the Wabash shops and remained there until taken ill. Mr. Florey
was one of the most companionable of men and everybody liked him.
Mr. Florey's home was at 500 East Marietta street. He is survived by his wife and one son,
Harry Florey, of Decatur. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Florey, of Utica,
Kan., who is eighty-six years old, and one sister, Mrs. Addie Bovard, also of Utica, Kan.
The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment and prepared for
The funeral will probably be held Thursday afternoon at the family residence. The interment
will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, Tuesday, July 25, 1916, page 7
Degree Team of Decatur Camp No. 144 - M. W. A. Atttends in Body.
The funeral of Budd Florey was held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the family residence,
500 East Marietta street. The services were conducted by Rev. T. Harley Marsh, pastor of the
First Baptist church. There was a large attendance. The degree team of Decatur camp No. 144,
Modern Woodmen, attended in a body, as did also the Royal Neighbors of America and the sheet
metal workers of the Wabash shops, where Mr. Florey was employed.
The music was furnished by Miss Chloe Patterson and Miss Geraldine Kemper. The flowrs were
in charge of Mrs. Frank Smart, Mrs. Lela Hoy, Mrs. Bert Jackson, Mrs. Mary Arnold, Mrs. Albert
Lindamood and Mrs. Effie Crane.
The pallbearers were W. G. Crane, Joseph W. Weigand, Harry Hunt, G. W. Lehman, Green Davis
and Frank Smart. The degree team from Decatur camp, Modern Woodmen of America, acted as an
escort to the cemetery. The interment was in Fairlawn cemetery. Telegrams of condolence were
received from Chicago, Indinapolis and Monticello.
Decatur Review, July 28, 1916, Friday, Page 7
Submitted by: Sandra Wagner
Budd Florey
Born: 24 Jul 1856 in IL
Died: 25 Jul 1916 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Moses Florey
Married: Clara (Aholtz) Florey
Children: Harry & Addie
FLOREY, Charles
Born: Oct 14, 1900
Died: 5 Oct 1975 in Silver Lake, IN.
Married: Geneva Mary Madeford
FLOREY, Clara (Thomas)
Born: 16 Sep 1860 in Hamilton, NY
Died: 10 Apr 1938 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Macon Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Samuel Thomas
Married: Frederick Florey
Died: 29 Apr 1924 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FLOREY, Claude E.
Born: Mar 10, 1896 in IL
Died: Mar 1978 in Midland Co., MI.
Parents: Marion F. Mary E. (Ishler) Florey
Married: Dec 07, 1921 to Estella Mae Sharratt
Born: Nov 20, 1803 in Wythe Co, VA
Died: 8 Aug 1886 in Macon Co.
Buried: Union Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Mary (Ott) Flora
Married: Jan 27, 1831 to Isabella Webb
#2: Dec 07, 1843 to Rachel Rittenhouse
Children: Jerome, John, Melissa, Marion Franklin
At his home in Friend's Creek Township, on Sunday, August 8, 1886, David Florey, aged 84
years. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers of Macon county having came here in 1825
four years before the county was organized. He was a native of Virginia. His brothers were
Israel and Jonathan Florey, and he was an uncle of Mrs. Charles A. Tuttle.
The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Florey residence.
The Decatur Morning Herald, Tuesday, August 10, 1886 page 3
>David Florey, familarly known as Uncle David, died on Sunday afternoon in Friends Creek
Township. He was one of the oldest settlers of Macon county, having come here in 1825, for
years previous to county organization. The deceased was a uncle of Mrs. Charles Tuttle of
this city. He was the owner of a fine farm and leaves a family to mourn his decease. He was
eighty-four years old. The funeral will take place this afternoon at three o'clock from the
Florey residence.
The Daily Review, Tuesday, August 10, 1886, page 2
>The funeral of the late David Florey took place Monday afternoon from the late residence of
the deceased in Auston township. The services where conducted by Elder John W. Tyler of
The Herald, Wednesday, August 11, 1886, page 3
FLOREY, Elsie Bell (Rucker)
Born: 30 Jul 1871 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 25 Aug 1940 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James & Matilda (Horton) Rucker
Married: George Florey
Children: Roxie, Ica Merl, Sylvia
FLOREY, Esther (Steele)
Born: 6 Feb 1811
Died: 8 Feb 1844 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Jonathan Florey
Children: Caroline, Holbert
FLOREY, Frances L.
Miss Frances L. Florey of Decatur, who was taken to the State Hospital for the Insane at
Jacksonville, Monday, died there at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, never having recovered from the
effects of drugs she had taken last Thursday. Roy M. Dawson went to Jacksonville Thursday
morning and will bring her body to Decatur at 9 o'clock tonight.
Miss Florey was a registered nurse and had followed that line of employment in Decatur for
a number of years and was well known. A week or two ago she suffered a nervous breakdown. She
had been afflicted with a tumor her physician stated, and this preyed upon her mind until she
became despondent, and just a week ago she swallowed a large quantity of morphine. A physician
who was a member of the commission that declared her insane last Monday stated that her trouble
was more physical than mental. It was hoped that treatment in the hospital would restore her.
The inquest was held in Jacksonville Thursday.
Miss Florey had been a nurse in Decatur for the past fifteen years. She was a hard worker,
thorough, kindly, sypathetic and unselfish. She made hundreds of friends who have nothing but
the highest praise for the work she did. Nothing was too hard to attempt nor no sacrifice too
great for her to make. She was loved like a sister by some of the women she nursed. That she
was not in her right mind when she took the poison is positive.
Miss Florey lived with her sister, Mrs. Laura N. Peters, at 1450 West Decatur street. She
was born in the Boody neighborhood. She is survived by two sisters and a brother, Mrs. Laura
A. Peters of Decatur, Mrs. Minnie A. Herbert of Cedar Rapids, Ia., and L.H. Florey of Storm
Lake, Ia.
The body will be brought to the Dawson chapel to await arrangements for the funeral.
Decatur Review, Thurs., Mar 29, 1917
FLOREY, Frederick
Born: Oct 13, 1824 in Wythe Co, VA
Died: 30 Mar 1902 in OR
Buried: Hill Cem., Washington Co, OR
Parents: Henry & Maria (Gray) Florey
Married: Aug 23, 1854 to Elizabeth Doughty
Children: Henrietta, Alfred, Henry, William, Jennett, Clara, Emeline, Fred, Eleanor, Charles,
FLOREY, Frederick
The body of Frederick E. Florey, who died at his home near Center, Mo., Sunday evening, will
arrive in Decatur at 3 o'clock Wednesday morning and at 9:18 will be taken to Macon. The
funeral has been held at his home near Center, Mo., but brief services will also be held at the
grave in Macon cemetery on arrival of the body there.
Mr. Florey's death was caused by paralysis. He had been in failing health for over a year.
He was fifty-four years old. He was born in Macon county and all his life was spent here up
to ___ years, when he moved to Missouri. He was well known and had many friends. He was a
member of the Masonic Lodge and also the Od Fellows. He is survived by his wife and brother,
Lewis Florey, of Storm Lake, Ia., and three sisters, Mrs. Herbert of Storm Lake, Mrs. Laura E.
Peters and Miss Frances L. Florey of 1315 West Macon street, Decatur.
Decatur Review, Tues., Nov. 24, 1914, p. 6
FLOREY, George Eli
Born: 14 Mar 1869 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 27 May 1952 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Eva Florey
Married: Aug 23, 1891 to Elsie Bell Rucker
Children: Roxie, Ica Merl, Sylvia
FLOREY, Harry M.
Born: Jan 29, 1892 in IL
Died: 19 Mar 1961 in Midland Co., MI.
Parents: Marion F. & Mary E. (Ishler) Florey
Married: Sep 27, 1919 to Phyllis Bullock
Children: Bessie, Harry Claude, Eva, Charles
FLOREY, Henry T.
DIED - In Santa Clara, Cal., of consumption, on Friday Jan 31, at 1 o'clock pm in the thirty first year
of his age, Henry T. Florey.
Henry T. Florey was the fifth son of the late Israel - or more correctly - Israel De Fleury, of the De Fleurys
of France. His father, at one time was a wealthy land owner in this county, but through disastrous speculations
his children were thrown upon their own resources, and at the age of twelve Henry entered the Gazette
office, as an apprentice to the printing business. After staying in the office for about 2 yrs at the age
of fourteen he enlisted as a recruit in the 21st Regiment Ill. Infantry, at that time under the command of
Grant. Enduring all the privations and dangers of a soldier's life without a murmer, he was with the
regiment at the battle of Chickamauga, where, upon retreat of the regiment, he was urged to fly. "I'll
die first", said this boy hero - and reloading and firing, he stood until surrounded and made prisoner.
The admiration for his bravery was such that he was not harmed by his captors; he was sent with
other prisoners to Richmond and from there, from prison to prison until he reached Andersonville,
where for fifteen months he endured the horrible privations with which we are all too familiar.
Towards the close of the war, through an exchange of prisoners, he was released with a
constitution ruined forever. Upon his return home, being then but eighteen years old, he entered the
land agency business in Vicksburg, Miss. in company with his brother, Robert, who died of consumption
twelve years ago. After his brother's death, Henry removed to Beulah, Miss., the town's name being
changed to Gloreyville in his honor.
There while applying himself to the study of law he was proprietor of the Floreyville Star, a weekly
newspaper and for several years was clerk of the circuit and county courts, in the bitter political contest
of 1876, being the only Republican elected to office on the entire ticket.
His health failing after trying the southern climate, about two years ago he settled up his affairs in
Miss. and went to Calif. From the first his health failed rapidly, and although he attempted to engage in
business in San Francisco, he was obliged to resign all hope of health. Going to Santa Clara, where
two of his sisters reside, he was watched over with all the tender solicitude of sisters who idolized him,
and all that wealth and affection could be to turn aside death was done. But Andersonville had done its work.
His last words to his sisters who were with him were: "Are you afraid?" Upon her reply, "No", he
turned, and looking from the window for the last time on earth, upon the pleasant world, he closed his
eyes and without a struggle passed away. A truer gentleman, a kinder son or brother never closed his
eyes upon earthly scenes. With a brilliant, well stored mind, with a kindly courtesy, and a gently reserve
which made him thoughtfully regardful of others - while being intimate with few - he was loved and
respected by all with whom he came in contact. "Brave and gentle always" writes his sister "he
thought of others even in his last moment".
Thus passed away in early manhood one whose ambition even as a boy, aimed high, whose
logical mind, trained by extensive reading and travel, together with his manners, full of dignity, fitted
him for the highest positions in life. And the gentle breezes of Santa Clara valley sigh above the
grave where lies buried the hopes of many loving hearts.
Decatur Daily Republican, Nov., Feb. 17, 1876
John H. Florey was born in Macon County, IL, Dec. 31, 1856, and died at Lovington, IL, Dec.
24, 1919. He was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Florey. He married Miss Flora Butt
on July 10, 1881. To this union were born four children, two having preceded their father in
death. Mrs. Florey passed on Feb. 28, 1901.
Mr. Florey was married a second time to Cora Danielson on Sept. 20, 1906. He leaves to
mourn his departure his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Made Kimbrell of Cairo, Ill. and Mrs.
Gertrude Emerick of Centerville, New Mexico. Also the following brothers and sisters: William
of Bethany, Sherman of Wiggins, Colo., James of Shelbyville, Charles and Albert of Findlay,
George of Beecher City, Mrs. Anna Stradley of Wiggins, Colo., and Mrs. Louisa Mitchell of
Aurora, Nebraska. Also four grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at the residence Thursday afternoon at 1:30 conducted by Reb.
D.D. Dick, pastor of the Christian Church. Pallbearers were Henry Murphy, S.A. Booker, A.W.
Hostetler, H. Hipsher, W.E. Duvall and J.P. Cox. Keller Cemetery.
Bethany Echo - Fri., Jan., 3, 1919
Expires Just Nine Hours After Death of Son in Decatur
Mrs. Mary A. Florey, mother of Budd Florey, whose death occurred shortly before 1 o'clock
Tuesday morning died at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Addie
Bovard, in Utica, Kan., just nine hours after the death of her son. Mrs. Florey had been an
invalid for the past two years, having broken her hip in a fall. She was eighty-six years
old. The family formerly resided near Viola, Ill., but moved to Utica, Kan., twenty years
ago, where Mr. Florey was engaged in farming. His death occurred two years ago. Mrs. Florey
is survived by one child, Mrs. Bovard.
Decatur Review, July 26, 1916, Wednesday, Page 12
FLOREY, Maria (Gray)
Born: Feb 06, 1800 in VA
Died: 17 Jul 1878 in Macon Co.
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Macon Co., IL
Married: 27 Mar 1821 to Henry Florey
Children: Robert Wm, Frederick, Alfred, Margaret, Henrietta
FLOREY, Mary M. (Betterton)
Born: 1860 in Greenville
Died: 13 Jun 1935 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Sam & Malinda (Stout) Betterton
Married: Jasper Florey
FLOREY, Mary (Walker)
Born: 20 Aug 1817
Died: 22 Aug 1847 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Jonathan Florey
FLOREY, Rachel (Rittenhouse)
Born: 1826
Died: 9 Jan 1892 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Married: David Florey
Children: John, Melissa, Marion F.
FLOREY, Sarah (Williams)
Mrs. Sarah E. Florey, widow of Alfred Florey, died at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Laura Peters, 1315 West Macon street, after a short ilness of uremia. Her
age was seventy-six years, five months and twenty days. She was well known. She was born near
Cambler, Ohio, March 23, 1838, but had lived in Decatur many years.
She came to Macon county fifty-eight years ago. She is survived by five children, Fred E.
Florey of Center, Mo., Louis B. Florey and Mrs. Minnie Herbert of Storm Lake, Is., and Mrs.
Laura Peter and Miss Frances Florey of Decatur. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Louise
Watson of Topeka, Kas., and Mrs. Julia Poland of Bourbon, Ind.
The services will be held at 1:30 on Thursday afternoon at the residence, 1315 West Macon
street. The interment will be in the Macon cemetery. Friends are requested to not send
Decatur Review, Wed, Aug. 12, 1914, p. 10
FLOREY, William
William Florey died at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28, at his home east of the city. For weeks it has been
known that he had but a short time to live. He suffered from gangrene, caused by brutal treatment
received at the hands of masked robbers. During the past few months his life was one of misery and
death doubtless came as a welcome release.
Mr. Florey was 74 years old and he was a native of Virginia. He came with his parents to this state
when but 14 years of age. He was never married, and during his many years of residence in this county
has lived on the farm where his last days were spent. He leaves two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. C.A. Tuttle
of this city, Mrs. M. Culver of Portland, Ore., and A. Florey of Maroa and Fred Florey of Portland.
The arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed.
On Saturday, Dec. 22, 1894, William Florey was the victim of an outrage that was fiendish in its cruelty.
The affair shocked the entire community beyond expression and is even now referred to with a shudder.
For over fifty years Mr. Florey had lived had lived alone in the little cabin on his farm of eighty acres
near the house of Frank Spangler and just east of the Dr. H.C. Johns residence. He was a young man when
he first took up his abode there, and Decatur was little more than wilderness.
Why he chose to lead such a lonely, retired life no one knew, though it was frequently hinted that in early
youth he had been crossed in love. However that may be, the old man seemed very contented to live
alone with his gun and his cat as his only companions.
On that dark, stormy December night the old man sat watching the hole in the kitchen floor where the cat
had disappeared. Presently she came back, her soft fur dripping wet. The old man went to the door to look
out at the driving storm. The moment the door opened Florey was grabbed by a masked man and forced back
into the house. Then ensued a terrific struggle, Florey tore the mask from the man's face, but was knocked
down with a billy for his pains. He struggled to his feet, but was twice beaten to the floor. Then calling to his
two companions, who were evidently afraid of being recognized, the first man drew a gunny sack over the old
man's head and the three proceeded to tie his hands and feet.
The old man was reputed to have a vast sum of money concealed about the house, and the men
at once began searching for it. Seventy-five dollars was all they could find. They demanded that he tell them
where his treasure was concealed, and on his refusal they began preparing to torture him. They heated the
kitchen stove red hot. They stripped the old man and held him over the stove. Still he refused to tell where his
money was. Then they sat him down on the glowing stove. There was a cry of agony and the sickening odor
of burning flesh, and the man finally told them to look in the corn crib. Leaving him bound and writhing on the
floor they searched the corn crib and found $475. This did not satisfy them and they returned. Sure that he
had still more money they renewed their torture. Mr. Florey was again roasted on the red hot stove and at
last told them his money was in the chicken house. There they found $1,060 in gold. This was still not enough
and the torture was resumed, but the old man protested he had no more. At 4 o'clock Sunday morning they
left him bound, burned and bleeding on the kitchen floor. Hours later he freed himself, dressed his own wounds,
but would not allow a physician to call and he did not make his troubles known till several days later.
The perpetrators of the outrage were never discovered and probably never will be. The old
man's death yesterday was the result of injuries inflicted by the fiends who tortured him.
Decatur Review, Thurs, Oct 29, 1896, p. 6
FLOREY, William Franklin
Born: 11 Apr 1837 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 30 Apr 1909 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co, CA.
Buried: Mission Cem., Santa Clara Co, CA
Parents: Israel & Elizabeth (Bell) Florey
Married: Sep 13, 1857 to Amanda Rouse
Children: William, Abraham, Talitha, Mary, Richard, Oscar, George, Edward, Isaac, Daisy
FLUKE, Julia
Mrs. Julia Fluke, formerly of Decatur, died Thursday in St. Francis' hospital in Peoria.
She was seventy-one years old. Her death was caused by a complication of diseases. She is survived by
one daughter, Mrs. P.M. Howard of North Edward street. The body was brought to the Moran & Sons
chapel, where the funeral was held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, the burial being in the Illini
Decatur Review, 12 Sep 1925
FLYNN, Thomas 
Thomas Flynn aged 71 years died Sunday afternoon at his home on North Morgan street.
He was an old soldier and fought in the civil war as a member of Co. B, 10th Illinois
calvary. Mr. Flynn lost his eyesight in the war and has been blind ever since. He was
a member of St. Patricks church and Dunham Post, No. 141, G.A.R., and was a man who
was highly respected. He has lived in this city for about forty years. He leaves a
wife and two children, Mrs. P. W. Donahue and Mrs. M. McMahon. The time of the funeral
has not yet been decided upon.
Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 5 Oct 1896
FOLEY, Margaret (Henneberry)
"Margaret Henneberry Foley was born Aug. 4, 1823 in Galbaly Limerick County,
Ireland. She departed this life on Nov. 24, 1905. She was married to John Foley Jan. 20, 1845.
They came to the United States in 1848, locating in Will County, Illinois, afterwards moving to
Moultrie County in 1875, then in 1890 to Dalton City living with their daughter, Mrs. Lizzie
Wehmhoff until their death.
To this union were born 12 children, 10 of whom survive their parents. Will,
James, David, and John Foley, Nellie Volmer and Lizzie Wehmhoff from this vicinity, Mrs. James
Donnelly of Edgewood, Mary Mallon of Chicago, Margaret O'Brian of Willmington and Frank Foley
of Crowley, Louisiana.
Her husband preceded her to the grave in 1898. The funeral services were held
Sunday afternoon at the Sacred Heart Church. The services being in charge of Father Finnegan.
They left on the 2 o'clock train for Decatur. The interment took place in the Cavalry Catholic
Cemetery in Decatur. The floral offerings were great.
The funeral was one of the largest that ever left town there being 115 tickets
sold to Decatur."
Bethany Echo, Friday, 1 December 1905, Bethany Illinois
Submitted by: Kay Robinson
Margaret Foley is the submitter's great-great-grandmother and the daughter of David
and Jane Henneberry.
Mrs. Foley died at Lake City Tuesday evening. (Mt. Zion News)
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 Mar 1886
FORD, Elvina (Hilburn)
Died, at a quarter past ten o’clock, on Thursday, April 8, 1886, at the family
residence, three miles southwest of Harristown, Mrs. Ford, wife of J.C.A. Ford. She leaves
a husband and two children. She was a daughter of Mrs. Wiggins, of Decatur, and was in the
fifty-fifth year of her age. The funeral will take place at Long Point on Saturday at eleven
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 9 Apr 1886
FORIN, John L.
John L. Forin, a veteran of Co. A 41st Illinois Infantry, died Friday night near
Riverton, Ill., and was buried on Sunday. His age was 58 years. The deceased was a native of
Macon county, and lived in Decatur many years. When the war broke out he enlisted in Captain
M.F. Kanan's company August 5, 1861, and was mustered out August 20, 1864. Jack was a son of
the former owner of the 160 acres of land now in possession of Dr. H.C. Johns and familiy,
southeast of the city. It was sold years ago by old man Forin to William Martin. Captain Kanan
was at Riverton to arrange for the funeral of his old comrade.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 Dec 1889
FOOSE, William W.
William W. Foose, who was for many years a resident of Decatur, died at
11:15 Sunday morning at his home in Long Creek. His death was due to old age and a
general breaking down of the system.
He is survived by a wife, but no children. He was a veteran of the Civil
war, having enlisted in company B of the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania volunteer infantry
Sept. 16, 1861, serving throughout the war as corporal in his company. He was born in
Perry county, Pa. April 7, 1836. He came to Decatur in 1866. He opened a blacksmith
shop where No. 1 hose house is now, and in 1872 had for a business partner Thomas
Nickolas. Mr. Foose and Miss Ellen Rites were married March 3, 1873. They moved
to Long Creek in 1877 and have resided there ever since. Mr. Foose was in business
in Long Creek up to about two years ago, when ill health forced him to retire.
The funeral was held at 10 oclock Tuesday morning at Long Creek. The
body was brought to Decatur for interment and here the cortege was met by the members
of Dunham Post 141 G.A.R. who acted as an escort to Greenwood, where the body was buried
with military honors.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 14 Feb 1905
FORD, Alice E.
Mrs. Alice E. Ford, wife of Officer Arendo Ford, died at 9 o'clock Friday morning,
Sept. 17, at the family residence, 1005 North Morgan street. She was 42 years of age and had
been sick for the past six weeks with stomach trouble.
Mrs. Ford was held in high esteem by a wide circle of friends, who will be
deeply grieved to learn of her death. She is survived by her husband and seven children: Frank
Ford, Sophia A. Murphy, Myrtle Bauer, Lizzie Frazee and Addie, Allie and Daniel Ford.
The funeral service will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Church of
God. The service will be conducted by Rev. J.T. Finley, interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 18 Sep 1897, pg. 5
The funeral of Mrs. Alice Ford, the wife of Officer Arendo Ford, was held Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Church of God. The service was conducted by Rev. Finley and
the burial was at Greenwood Cemetery.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 23 Sep 1897, pg. 1
FORIN, John L.
John L. Forin, a veteran of Co. A 41st Illinois Infantry, died Friday night near
Riverton, Ill., and was buried on Sunday. His age was 58 years. The deceased was a native of
Macon county, and lived in Decatur many years. When the war broke out he enlisted in Captain
M.F. Kanan's company August 5, 1861, and was mustered out August 20, 1864. Jack was a son of
the former owner of the 160 acres of land now in possession of Dr. H.C. Johns and familiy,
southeast of the city. It was sold years ago by old man Forin to William Martin. Captain Kanan
was at Riverton to arrange for the funeral of his old comrade.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 Dec 1889
Mrs. Nanna Fornwalt of Timewell, formerly of Decatur, died at the hospital in Quincy Friday
morning, following an operation for gall stones. She was forty-five years old last January. She had
been in failing health for a long time.
Mrs. Fornwalt was born in Clay county Jan. 6, 1880. She and Allen Fornwalt were married in
1899. They lived in Decatur for number of years and also near Maroa for awhile, later moving to Timewell.
She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Hazel Dodd of Vermont, and Miss Ruby Fornwalt of
Timewell. The body was brought to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Dawson & Wikoff chapel.
The burial will be in the Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Review, 12 Sep 1925
The Forstmeyer Family Doubly Afflicted - Tragic Death of Poor Fred at Jacksonville
Preparations for the Double Funeral on Sunday Afternoon from the Court House.
The announcement of the death of ex-Sheriff Forstmeyer on yesterday afternoon in
these columns last eveing was coupled with the statement of his son Fred's escape from the Insane
Asylum grounds at Jacksonville on Wednesday afternoon. Frederick Forstmeyer was the deceased's
eldest son, and had long been subject to epileptic fits. He was thought to be dangerous 16 months
ago when he was adjudged insane before Judge Greer in the county court, and he was taken to the
asylum that he might have the benefit of skilled medical treatment, his father paying all
necessary expenses. Soon after five o'clock last evening a second telegram was received from
Jacksonville which announced that Fred had been
Thursday morning by a train on a railroad, but no particulars were given. This
dreadful news coming so soon after the death of the husband and father was extremely sad to the
doubly afflicted family and as the news spread rapidly it was the subject of conversation in all
quarters of the city, sincere words of sympathy being expressed by everybody. Mr. H.H. Brown,
who attended Mr. Forstmeyer during his illness, at Jacksonville, telling him to forward the
remains of the son to Decatur at once.
was expected to arrive here on the 10:4 train last night or on the "cannon ball"
at 7 o'clock this morning, but it did not come until noon to-day, when it was removed in the
coffin to Radcliffe & Bullard's establishment, where it was examined and found to be in
good condition. The examination disclosed the fact that Fred had been struck on the right side
of his head, there being a long fracture of the skull near the forehead extending down near the
temple. There was no appearance that Fred had received any other injury. None of his limbs are
broken or bruised.
The Jacksonville Journal of to-day gives the following particulars of Fred's
The northward bound train on the C.&A. ran over and killed a man who was
sitting on the track, south of Murrayville, last Wednesday night. Coroner Daniel Kiley went
down yesterday and held an inquest. W.A. Deadman, the engineer, W.R. Price, the fireman, and
J.W. Atwood, the conductor of the train, were heard as witnesses, as well as Messrs. G.F.
Sanders, W.F. Reaugh, L. Chapman and Chas. McCabe, an engineer, who assisted in taking the
deceased's body to Murrayville depot. The jury, compsed of Geo. M. Quackenbush, the foreman,
R.T. Sims, Wesley Wyatt, John Crouse, Joseph R. Wheeler and H.H. Palmer, clerk, returned the
following verdict:
'We, the undersigned jurors, sworn to inquire into the death of Forstmeyer on oath,
do find that he came to his death by being struck by engine No. 48, train No. 39, on the C. &
A. railway going north, on the night of August 17, 1881, about 9:15 p.m., and that there was
carelessness on the part of the engineer.'
Murrayville is a small town about ten miles south of Jacksonville, in Morgan
county, on the Chicago & Alton Railroad. It is supposed that Fred left the asylum grounds
on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of coming home. He was doubtless on his way to Decatur
when he met his death. Possibly he may have lain down on the rail and was asleep when he was
struck by the locomotive and knocked off the track.
The fineral of the father and son will take place from the court house on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. O.P. Bunn, and will be attended
by the Odd Fellows, firemen, city and county officers, member of the Turn-Verein and citizens
Martin Forstmeyer had an insurance of $2000 on his life in the Mutual Benefit of
Newark, New Jersey.
Decatur Daily Republican, 19 Aug 1881
From Supt. Carriel About Fred's Escape and Death - His Words of Sympathy
This morning Mr. H.H. Brown received the following letter from Dr. H.F. Carriel,
medical superintendant of the Illinois State Insane Asylum at Jacksonville. It gives further
particulars of Fred's escape from the asylum grounds, and contains tender words of sympathy for
the afflicted family:
H.H. BROWN: Dear Sir - We sent the remains of Fred. Forstmeyes this morning.
I hardly knew how expensive a coffin to get. When Mr. Forstmeyer was here last he handed me
$25 and told me to furnish his son with anything he wanted or needed; his idea was he wanted me
to furnish something not furnished by the state. I have this money now and thought I would pay
for the coffin with it, $25 being the price. Fred got out from one of our airing courts about
4 o'clock and apparently immediately took the railroad south or going south. It seems he was
killed about 9:15 in the evening and not in the morning as I telegraphed. His death and that of
his father coming so near each other seems remarkable. Forstmeyer always had a tender spot in
his heart for this poor afflicted boy. I greatly regret that he should come to his end in this
manner while in our care, but don't know how I could have prevented the occurrence. Fred had
no motive in living and I consider it a mercy he is at rest. I have long known Mr. Forstmeyer
and esteemed him for many good qualities, and feel in his death the Institution has lost a
warm supporter and I a friend.
Yours Very Truly, H.F. Carriel, Superintendant
Decatur Daily Republican, 20 Aug 1881
Death of Ex-Sheriff Martin Forstmeyer this Afternoon at One O'Clock
A Full Sketch of his Busy Life
The announcemnet of the death of Ex-Shefiff Forstmeyer, which took place this
afternoon at 45 minutes past 12 o'clock, will occasion no surprise to our readers, as he has
been near death's door for several days. He was first taken seriously ill on Saturday
morning, August 6th, with cirrhosis of the liver, and since that day he has been confined
to his bed, being faithfully attended by his family, members of the Odd Fellows' order and
friends. He was unconscious at the time of his death, and passed away without a struggle.
MARTIN FORSTMEYER was born in Wasertruedingen, near Nuremburg, Bavaria, in
March 1830, and resided with his parents in that town until he had reached the age of about
20 years, when he went to Muenchen, the capital of Bavaria, where he served for a short time
as a steward in a hotel, serving also in the same position at a hotel at Frankfort-on-the-Main.
He sailed for America in 1853, and on his arrival here he found employment on a railroad in
New York. He came to Decatur in the fall of '53, and was among the few now living who assited
in building the Great Western Railroad, now known as the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific. The
deceased was twice married. His first wife, who was a sister of the deceased's widow, was
chosen in 1855. She died a few years afterward, when in 1865 Mr. Forstmeyer married again.
About the year 1860 he deceased engaged in the ice and wood business, and in 1864, when he was
first elected alderman of the third ward, under Mr. J.J. Peddecord, who was then Mayor, he
began to take a lively interest in city affairs. He served his constituents faithfully as
alderman and held the offic for eight successive years, retiring at the close of the fiscal
year 1871. In 1873 Mr. Forstmeyer was elected Mayor Decatur, serving until 1874. He also
figured largely in county affairs, being first elected assistant supervisor in 1868, and
serving in that postion until the close of the year 1870, when in April, 1871, he was chosen
supervisor of this township, serving one year. In 1875 he was again elected assistant
supervisor and held the position until 1876, when he was formally nomintated by the
Republicans and elected sheriff of the ocunty, and was re-elected in 1878, serving until
1880, when the present encumbent, Sheriff Foster, succeeded him. He was a charter member of
Young America Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, which was formed about 1964, and was also an old
and honored member of Decatur Lodge No. 65, I.O.O.F., and also of Decatur Encampment, No. 37,
I.O.O.F. After his retirement from the office of sheriff Mr. Forstmeyer opened a nothion,
fruit and new stand, on the corner of South Main street and the old square, which he conducted
with the assistance of his children.
The deceased leaves a widow and six children - Jane, Mary and Laura, and
Frederick, William and Joseph. An uncle and brother reside in Nuremburg, Bavaria.
Martin Forstmeyer was in many respects a remarkable man. Without advantages
in the way of education, and coming after arriving at man's estate to a strange county, of
whose customs and language he knew absolutely nothing, he had industry and force of character
enough to make for himself a place among the leading spirits of his neighborhood. He was a
public spirited man, in the best sense of that term. He really loved to labor for what he
conceived to be the interests of the community, and this he did without any hope of pecuniary
reward. We risk nothing in saying that no man ever lived who did a greater amount of hard
work for the public, without pay, than Martin Forstmeyer. He was one of the prime movers in
the agitation which resulted in our present water works, and he spent much time in visitng
various cities with a view of investigating the subject of water supply. In like manner he
entered with much spirit into every enterprise of a public character that promised to be of
benefit to the community, and it was never nexessary to urge him to be acrtive. As a friend
and neighbor Mr. Forstmeyer was generous to a fault. Behind a rough exterior he carred as
kind a heart as ever throbbed. He was emphatically the firend of the poor and those in
distress, and on more than one occasion has the writer seen his eyes glisten with sympathetic
tears at the recital of some case of poverty or sickness that had come to his notice. He
could never resist a well told story of want or distress, and many a poor family has been made
happy by his kind benefactions.
As a public officer he was vigilant in the discharge of his duties, and hwile he
may have erred - as man is prone to do - it cannot be truthfully said of him that he was
negligent or inattentive to the demands of his position. He was a firm believer in the
greatness and grandeur of the American nation, and was even more proud of his citizenship
than if he had been born beneath the flag he loved so well. Humble as was his beginning in
our midst, he came to fill a large sized space in our local history, and goes to his grave
amid the sincere grief of the people hwom he has served so long, and who will be willing
with one accord to say that he was a useful citizen.
It is the present intention to defer the funeral until Sunday next, provided
the body can be preserved for that length of time.
Decatur Daily Republican, 18 Aug 1881
The members of Decatur Lodge No. 65 I.O.O.F., will meet at their hall, west side
of the square, on Saturday evening, August 20, 1881, at 8 o'clock, shart, to make arrangements
for attending the funeral of our late Brother Martin Forstmeyer, P.G. Celestial Lodge No. 186
and visiting brothers invited. A.R. ARBUCKLE, N.G., B.S. WOODRUFF, R.S.
You are requested to meet at Headquarters on Sunday, August 21, at one o'clock,
p.m., in full uniform, to attend the funeral of Fireman Martin Forstmeyer, of Young America
Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. J.S. HEWES, Chief Eng.
All members are hereby requested to meet at the Turn Hall on Sunday, August 21st,
at 1:30 p.m., sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, Martin Forstmyer. By order,
Decatur Daily Republican, 19 Aug 1881
William Fosnaugh, son of E.L. Fosnaugh of White Heath, and well known in Decatur,
has just died at the Great Lakes Naval Training station of influenza following an attack of
pneumonia. Word to this effect has just been received by relatives in this city. The dead
sailor was a cousin of Cecil Fosnaugh of Decatur, who was recently killed in action in France.
He enlisted in the Navy last June and was sent to the Great Lakes Naval Training station. He
had been there ever since. About thirteen weeks ago he became sick with influenza. He was
apparently recovering when pneumonia developed.
Decatur Review, 16 November 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Foster, who died in Arizona, was held at 2:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon from the residence of Dr. J.F. Reid, 968 West Decatur street. Rev.
W.F. Gillmore conducted the services. There was a large attendance. The pall beareres
were A. Heminger, A.J. Dunstan, H.C. Dempsey, A. Kramer and Messers. Baldridge and Peck.
The interment was at Greenwood. Mrs. Foster was a sister of Mrs. W.H. Grindol.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 29 Mar 1898
FOSTER, Charles Leland
Died: 18 Dec 1934 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FOSTER, David B.
David B. Foster, Esq., died at his residence in this city last Friday evening, of typhoid
fever. Mr. Foster was born near Mt. Zion in this county, and was in the thirty-fifth year of his age at
the time of his death. He was a most estimable gentleman, and was highly respected by all who knew him.
Decatur Review, 20 Oct 1870
FOSTER, Fannie Elizabeth
Died: 27 Oct 1935 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 19 Mar 1923 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FOSTER, Lois Evelyn
Died: 19 Jan 1923 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FOSTER, Mabel W.
Died: 28 Nov 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FOWLER, Richard
Funeral services for Richard Fowler in the chapel of J.J. Moran & Sons Wednesday
afternoon were conducted by Rev. I. Summers. Burial was in Wheeler cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur, IL, 5 Apr 1928
James Francisco died at 3 o’clock Saturday morning at the residence of
his con, Claude Francisco, 852 East Herkimer. Consumption was the cause of death.
Mr. Francisco was over 65 years old. He was born in 1839 in Shelby county.
He lived in Illinois all his life. He leaves three children, Mrs. C.C. Turner, and Claude
and George Francisco.
The funeral will be held at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon from Claude
Francisco’s residence. The burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 30 Jul 1904, pg. 8
FRAZEE, Benjamin
Born: 1806 in Clermont Co, OH
Died: aft 1850 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
FRAZEE, Elizabeth
Mrs. Elizabeth Frazee, wife of Frank Frazee, died at 8:30 pm
Thursday night at the family residence, 979 West King street. Her age was 29
years and 2 months. Her death was caused by tuberculosis, with which she had been
afflicted for a year and a half.
She was born in Lanesville, but has lived in Decatur for the last
20 years. Besides her husband, she leaves five children: Willie, Alice, Pearl,
Vern and John Frazee. She is also survived by her father, A. Ford of Houston,
Texas, four sisters, Mrs. J.J. Murphy, Mrs. J. Bauer and Mrs. Charles Ray, all of
Decatur and Mrs. Ada Sullivan of Houston, Texas and two brothers, Dan and Frank
Ford of Quannah, Texas.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the residence.
The services will be conducted by Rev. O.P. Wright. The interment will be at Boiling
Springs cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 28 Jan 1910, pg. 12
Born: 1810 in Clermont Co, OH
Died: aft 1850 in Macon Co, OH
FRORIEP, John & Mary
Husband and Wife Placed in the Grave at Greenwood
The funeral of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Froriep, the aged couple who died
of typhoid fever half an hour apart at St. Marys Hospital, took place today from the
residence on North Clayton street, conducted by Rev. A.W. Walter, of the English Lutheran
church. Many friends were present. The cortege moved down Water street with two hearses
side by side, and at Greenwood the bodies were placed in a double grave, the husband on the
south side, the wife on the north side. The couple were married in Germany quite young.
They had journeyed through life together until each was over 74 years of age, both were
taken sick of the fever at about the same time, one followed the other over the dark river
half an hour later, and both went into a double grave together.
The pall-bearers for John Froriep were Messrs. Grist, Strader, Halmbacher,
Jones, Parmalee and Schaniel, and there were six pall-bearers for Mary Froriep, as follows:
Horace Davenport, J. Swartz, F. Moser, C. Bostyki, W. Stine and Frank Meyer. Over a year
ago a son of the couple was accidentally drowned in the Sangamon river.
Decatur Daily Republican, 10 Aug 1894
FROST, Homer
On the 5th, inst., Mr. M.J. French of this city, while on a visit to
Indiana on business, lost his life in the following singular manner. While travelling
on the Cin. & St. Louis R.R. he attempted to stop near Dunham Station, in Jackson
Co. The train ran past the point some 200 yards and slacked up; Mr. F. jumped off of
the train, falling forward on his face and hands; he got up, however, and walked along
the track a short distance and wnt into a lance, where he commenced staggering and fell;
the members of his family near hastened to his relief, and carried him into the house;
he lived about 15 minutes, conversing rationally and occasionally vommiting blood.
Mr. French was a good citizen, and highly esteemed by those of our citizens
who knew him. He was formerly a resident of Indiana.
Indianapolis papers, please notice.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 12 Mar 1857
FROST, Homer
Homer A. Frost died of diptheria yesterday morning, Oct 4 at 8 a.m. at the
residence of his parents, No. 1300 East Orchard street, aged 5 years and 9 days.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 12 Oct 1889
FRUIT, George F.
George F. Fruit, 46, Expires Suddenly
George F. Fruit, aged forty-six years, died at 8 o'clock Monday morning at the
family residence, 1199 West Macon street, after a brief illness. His death was caused by
inflammation of the bowels. Mr. Fruit received a hard fall while at a hotel in Logansport,
Ind. last Wednesday and may have received internal injuries which at the time were not
noticeable to him. Member of the family are of the opinion that his fatal illness might have
resulted from this accident.
Mr. Fruit was a traveling salesman and was in the emply of the Toledo Chewing
Gum Company of Toledo, O. He has always made Macon county his home. He was born in Milam
township on Oct. 19, 1869. He was a graduate of the Decatur high school, class of 1888(?).
He was a member of the First Baptist church, and also of Decatur Court No. ?9, Court of Honor,
and Triumph court No. 17, Tribe of Ben Hur.
He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Helen and Eleanor Fruit, and one
son George Arthur Fruit, all at home. He is also survived by both his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H.C. Fruit, of Decatur; two sisters, Mrs. Emma May Patterson and Miss Luella Fruit, also of
The funeral will be held at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon at the residence. The
services will be conducted by Rev. Elisha Safford, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian
church. The interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 8 Nov 1915
FRUIT, Sarah Luella
Miss Luelaa Fruit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Fruit, 1227 Decatur street,
died at 11:59 o'clock Thursday night at Decatur and Macon County hospital. She was operated
on about a week ago for the removal of a tumor, but the immediate cause od her death was
uraemic poisoning.
Miss Fruit was forty-two years old last September. She was born in Bethany
on Sept 9, 1873. The family moved to Decatur when she was eight years old. She attended
the Decatur ward schools and the high school, but because of the strain on her eyes she
had to give up school work. She was interested in church work and for the past seventeen
years had been active in the work of the Westminster Presbyterian church. For some time
before her illness cam on, she was engaged in canvassing for a Chicago firm. Miss Fruit
was a member of Triumph court No. 17, Tribe of Ben Hur, and had many friends in the city.
Besides her parents, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. J.A. Patterson. Her brother, George
F. Fruit, died about six months ago. The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox
undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 19 May 1916
The funeral of Miss Sarah Luella Fruit will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday
afternoon at Westminster Presbyterian church. The services will be conducted by Reb. Elisha
Stafford. The interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
The Daily Review, 20 May 1916
FRY, Emeline (Querry)
Died: 21 Mar 1883 in Christian Co., IL.
Married: Feb 20, 1862 to Jesse Fry
Children: Mary Ellen, Jenna, Theodore, Annetta, Winfield, Maud
FRY, Jesse
Born: 20 Mar 1830 in Green Co, IL
Died: 18 Aug 1916 in Ford Co., KS
Married: Emeline Querry
Children: Mary Ellen, Jenna, Theodore, Annetta, Winfield, Maud
FRY, Josie F. (Sammons)
Born: Jul 27, 1889 in Cisco, Piatt Co, IL
Died: 6 Aug 1962 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Graceland Cem., Macon Co., IL
Parents: Thomas & Melissa (Florey) Sammons
Married: 1924 to Charles H. Fry
FRY, Michael 
At his residence, near Sangamon, Saturday Aug. 7, of apoplexy, Michael
Fry, aged 69 years. The funeral will be preached from Brush College school house at
3 p.m. Sunday. The interment will be at Brush College cemetery.
Mr. Fry leaves a wife and five children. Mr. Fry came to Illinois from
Pennsylvania and had resided at Sangamon for about thirty years.
The Evening Bulletin, Decatur IL, 17 Aug 1895
FULK, Amanda J.
Born: 15 Sep 1847 in Worthington, Owen Co, IN
Died: 1930 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Andrew & Elisabeth Fulk
FULK, Andrew Buel
Born: 19 Sep 1865 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Josiah Ticen & Anna Margaret (Fulk) Fulk
Married: Mamie Cook
FULK, Carrie Mae (Ervin)
Born: 11 Dec 1876 in Jasper Co, IL
Died: 12 Dec 1946
Buried: Cross Cem, near Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: William & Milanda Ervin
Married: 16 Feb 1897 in Macon Co, IL to James Washington Fulk
Children: Rheba, Cecil, James, Mildred
FULK, Cecil T.
Born: 8 Nov 1899 in Oakley Twp, Piatt County, IL
Died: 1973
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James Washington & Carrie Mae (Fulk) Ervin
Married: 22 Dec 1920 in Macon County to Bernice Lichtenberger
Children: Thomas, Dorothy, Robert, Betty, Marilyn & Joyce
FULK, Charles Edgar
Born: 4 Nov 1879 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Jan 1957
Buried: Monticello Cem, Monticello, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: John Nelson & Mary Caroline (Drake) Fulk
Married: 31 Oct 1900 in Monticello, Piatt Co, IL to Virginia Estella Eatherton
Children: Dorothy, Hazel, Louise, Ruby, Irene
FULK, Clyde Earnest
Born: 16 Jun 1900 in Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Died: 28 Jan 1957 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Macon County Memorial Park, Harristown, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jesse Walter & Mary Jane (Seitz) Fulk
Married: 3 Dec 1928 in Macon Co, IL to Grace Davis
Children: Jesse, Clyde
FULK, Cora Alice (Underwood)
Born: 14 Mar 1882
Died: 18 Jul 1928
Buried: Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Lucy (Ayres) Underwood
Married: William Arthur Fulk
Children: Ruby Ellen, Kenneth
FULK, James Raymond "Ray"
Born: 22 Apr 1912 in Oakley Twp, Piatt County, IL
Died: 12 Dec 1975 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Cross Cem, near Oakley, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James Washington & Carrie Mae (Fulk) Ervin
Married: 14 Feb 1940 to Dorothy Lorraine Patient
Children: Carolyn, Linda, James, Janet, Michael, Debbie, Kenneth
FULK, James Washington
Born: 9 Apr 1874
Died: 13 Aug 1961
Buried: Cross Cem, near Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: John Nelson & Mary Caroline (Drake) Fulk
Married: 16 Feb 1897 in Macon Co, IL to Carrie Mae Ervin
Children: Rheba, Cecil, James, Mildred
FULK, Jesse Walter
Born: 10 Sep 1875 in Oakley Tw, Piatt Co, IL
Died: 21 Nov 1957
Buried: Cerro Gordo Cem, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: John Nelson & Mary Caroline (Drake) Fulk
Married: 6 Sep 1894 in Monticello, Piatt Co, IL to Mary Jane Seitz
Children: Russell, Clyde, Helen, Roy
FULK, Joseph T.
An old and highley respected resident of Macon County died
Tuesday at his home in Long Creek. He was seventy-eight years old. His
death was due to a complication of diseases, after a long illness.
Mr. Fulk was born in Owen County, Indiana, June 7, 1840. He came to Macon
County fifty-six years ago and had made his home here ever since. He was
well known and had many friends.
Mr. Fulk is survived by his wife and four children, C.B. Fulk, L. G. Fulk
and E. A. Fulk all of Mt Zion township and W. A. Fulk of Paonia, Colo. He
also leaves one sister, Miss Amanda J. Fulk of Mt. Zion.
Announcement of the funeral awaits the arrival of W. A. Fulk of Colorado.
Decatur Review, Wednesday, June 19, 1918, p 10
The funeral of J. T. Fulk was held at 10 o'clock Thursday morning at the
Antioch Christian church. The services were conducted by Rev. R. R.
Finnlayson. There was a large attendance.
The music was furnished by Mrs. Ed Banton, Mr. & Mrs. R. B. Davis and Edwin
The flowers were in charge of Mrs. Nowlin, Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Henkel and
Mrs. Wellingford.
The pallbears were T. W. Gustin, Samuel Righter, B. F. Wellingford, C. E.
Forner, Spencer Gillespie and Douglas Nowlin. The interment was in the
North Fork cemetery.
Decatur Review, Thurday, June 20, 1918, p 12
FULK, Mary (Drake)
Had Made her Home in That Vicinity for Thirty-five Years
Mrs. Mary C. Fulk died at 1 o'clock Sunday morning at the residence of her
son, James Fulk, three miles north of Oakley. She was sixty-nine years
old. Her death was caused by uraemic poisoning, after an illness of five
weeks. She had been in poor health for a year or more.
Mrs. Fulk was well known in Oakley and vicinity, having lived there for
about thirty-five years, and she had many friends. She is survived by the
following children: James Fulk and Rollo Fulk, living on rural route No. 2
out of Cerro Gordo; Jesse W. Fulk of Oakley, Charles Fulk of Monticello,
Mrs. Ben Walker of Cerro Gordo and Mrs. Grace Devers, who lives in Ohio.
She also leaves twenty-eight grandchildren.
Arrangements were made to have the funeral at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon
at the Brick church, northeast of Oakley, conducted by Rev. W. T. Heckman.
Decatur Review, Monday, September 16, 1918, page 4
Submitted by: Sandra Wagner
Born: 9 Feb 1852 in Greene County, IN
Died: 12 Sep 1918
Buried: Frantz Cem, Oakley, Piatt County, Illinois
Married: Sep 1873 to John Nelson Fulk
Children: James, Jesse, Maggie, Charles, Grace, Rolla, Augusta
FULK, Mary Jane (Seitz)
Born: 26 Dec 1876 in Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Died: 1 Oct 1953 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Cerro Gordo Cem, Cerro Gordo, Piatt Co, IL
Married: 6 Sep 1894 in Monticello, Piatt Co, IL to Jesse Walter Fulk
Children: Russell, Clyde, Helen, Roy
FULK, William Arthur
Born: 13 Jun 1882 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Jul 1959 in ID
Buried: Fielding Memorial Cem, Idaho Falls, ID
Parents: Josiah Ticen & Anna Margaret (Fulk) Fulk
Married: Cora Alice Underwood
Children: Ruby Ellen, Kenneth
FULLER, Charles H. 
Charles H. Fuller died at 1 oclock this morning at his home, No. 1163
North College street, aged 72 years. Mr. Fuller had been in poor health for many years
but lately he was much improved. Last Thursday he was suddenly taken violently ill
and rapidly grew worse until the time of his death.
The deceased was one of the old citizens of Decatur and was widely known
in this part of the state. He was born Oct. 18, 1824, at Manchester, Vt., and came to
Ohio with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fuller, when he was 8 years old. His mother died
in this city about five years ago at an old age. Mr. Fuller was married to Mary Staddon,
the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Richard Stadden, in July of 1847, at Newark, Ohio. With
his wife he moved to Ottawa, Ill, in 1852. He was engaged in running a mill at that
place and later served in the auditors office at Springfield. He came to Decatur in
1856. While connected with the Railroad bank he bought a large tract of timber land in
Fayette county and established a large saw mill, and at the same time improved a large
farm in Washington county.
While taking an active part in the war of the rebellion Mr. Fuller was
brought home very ill. His service in the war impaired his health to such an extent that
he never fully recovered. After living in this city for a number of years, during which
time he acted as pension attorney, in company with his family he went to Springfield in
1893 to make his home. He was there employed in the office of the superintendent of
insurance, B.K. Durfee, at times when his health would permit. He returned to this city
a short time ago and has been making his home on North College street.
Mr. Fuller leaves a widow and four children, Mrs. C.A. Foster of this city,
Richard S. fuller of Pueblo, Cal., Mrs. Fannie E. Young of Albuquerque, N.M., and Mrs.
John D. Grimsley of Springfield who is now in Decatur. His oldest son, Charles C. Fuller,
died at Jacksonville, Fla., a number of years ago.
The deceased was a member of Beaumanoir commandery, Knights Templar, and
was also a member of the G.A.R. He was a charter member of Celestial Lodge No 186,
I.O.O.F. and was at the time of his death a member of Decatur lodge No 65. He has held
all the offices in the Odd Fellows lodges of which he was a member and was prominent
in the society to which he belonged.
The funeral arrangements are in charge of the Knight Templars but the
time and place have not been decided upon and will be announced later.
At a very early period in the commercial history of Decatur Mr. Fuller was
a moving spirit in the community. In 1855 the deceased and the late P. D. Kline opened
the Kline & Fuller bank on East Main street in the building now occupied partly by the C.H.
Brown dehorner shop and a barber shop. It is the old Union house brick building near the
corner of Franklin street. Mr. Lewis and others became the successors of Kline & Fuller,
locating what was afterwards known as the Railroad bank on Merchant street where Danzeisen
& Sons meat market is now located. Subsequently Mr. Kline, who was a shoemaker, was a
cobbler in the employ of George F. Wessels. Mr. Fuller later became a member of the private
banking firm of Fuller & Hatch, whose place of business was then on East Main Street, west
of Water street. The bank did business for about a year, Mr. Fuller retiring to go into
service in the Union army. He was the first adjutant of the Twenty-first Illinois Infantry,
General Grants old regiment. He resigned in September, 1861 and became adjutant of the
116th regiment. After the war Mr. Fuller continued to make Decatur his home. In 1865 he
was elected alderman from the First ward when Franklin Priest served his first term as
mayor. Mr. Fuller served two years. In 1867 Mr. Fuller became city clerk and served in
that capacity until 1872 when he was succeeded by George P. Hardy. Deceased was one of
the early members of the Grand Army Post and at the time of his death was member of Dunham
Post No. 141, being the ninth member of the post to pass away during the present year.
Mr. Fuller became a pension attorney, land and insurance agent, and was engaged in mining
operations. In 1884 under Clevelands first administration the deceased was appointed a
pension examiner and held the position nearly six years.
Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 26 Dec 1896
Another obit was published in the Evening Bulletin, Decatur IL, 26
Dec 1896. A description of his funeral was published in the Daily Republican,
Decatur IL on 28 Dec 1896.
FULLER, Fred F. 
Fred F. Fuller died of softening of the brain at 3 oclock this morning at
his home near Blue Mound. He was an old soldier, being a veteran of the 116 Regt. The
funeral will be held Sunday at 9 oclock from the residence. The services will be conducted
by Rev. M. Bankston and the burial will be at Greenwood cemetery with military honors.
Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 18 Sep 1897
FULLER, Porter
Porter Fuller died at the home of Perry Roderick, one and one-half miles south
of Wyckles, at 7:15 o'clock Monday night. The cause of death was paralysis, from which the
deceased had been suffering for some time. Mr. Fuller was 80 years of age and was well
known in Macon county.
The funeral will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence of
Mr. Roderick, and the burial will be at Wyckles cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 6 Apr 1906
Death Of J.J. Funk
J.J. Funk, formerly of Warrensburg, died of heart failure Saturday in the insane
asylum at Kankakee, Ill, aged 60 years. Six or eight years ago, Mr. Funk, who was a farmer and
stock dealer, was injured by a P.D.& E. train and since then his mind has been unbalanced.
He was the father of Edward F. Funk and Mrs. William Ritchie and leaves a widow, Mrs. Kate Funk.
The remains will be brought to the city today for interment.
The funeral service was held this afternoon at the J.B. Bullard undertaking rooms,
Rev. Tobey of Warrensburg, officiating, assisted by Rev. James Miller of Decatur. The pall bearers
were A.W. Conklin, J.R. Gorin, W.R. Abbott, James Freeman, John R. Miller and Mr. Conover.
Decatur Daily Republican, 16 April 1891
FUNK, Martin C.
The funeral of M.C. Funk was held at the United Brethren church in Oakley Thursday
afternoon. Many old friends attended the services, which were conducted by Rev. D.J. Blickenstaff,
assisted by Rev. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson.
The music was furnished by edwin Davis, William Keller, M.N. Mickle and Claude
McClure. Miss May Pobst was the accompanist. There were many beautiful floral tributes in
charge of Miss Pearl Stuart, Mrs. Melvin Stuart, Mrs. Russell Stuart, Mrs. John Stuart and Mrs.
Russell Hiser, grand-daughters of Mr. Funk.
The pallbearers were Orville Hiser, Kuther Hiser, John Stuart, Russell Stuart and
Melvin Stuart and Homer Stuart, grandsons. The interment was in the Wheeler cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 Feb 1922
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548
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