RACE, Corinne
Mrs. Corrinne Race Dies At Her Home
Her Husband, J.W. Race, Was Buried Just Two Years Ago
Mrs. Corinne L. Race, widow of the late J.W. Race, died at her home, 367 West Main
street, at noon Saturday. Death was caused by heart and kidney disease. Mrs. Race had been seriously
ill since December. Her death had been expected at any time. She had been more or less an invalid
for many years.
Mrs. Race was born in 1842 near Lafayette, Ind. She was married to James W. Race in
1861 and shortly after that moved to Decatur, where they lived continuously.
Two children survive Mrs. Race, Mrs. G.D. Thomas and L.L. Race, both of Decatur, besides
two sisters, who were with her in her last illness, Mrs. Warren Tebbs of Lawrenceburg, Ind., and Mrs.
T.D. Porter of Chicago.
J.W. Race was buried exactly two years ago today. His wife's funeral will be held
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Race was a woman of wide acquaintance. She had many warm friends.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Apr 1908
The funeral of Mrs. J.W. Race will be held at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon from the family
residence, 367 West Main street. The services will be conducted by Rev. George P. Hostetler, rector of
St. John's Episcopal church. The interment will be private and will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Apr 1908
RACE, John R.
Ill Less Than Week After a Sudden Hemorrhage
Judge John R. Race died about 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at his home, 418 North Water
street, after an illness of about a week. Judge Race was taken ill about a week ago with hemorrhage
of the stomach. Since that time he has grown worse. His death was expected at any time Tuesday.
Judge Race has been one of the big figures of the city for years. He has lived in
Decatur since 1854 and was for years in the clothing business, by which he acquired a considerable
He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Margaret Ann Wolgamot. She died Aug.
5, 1906. He was married again Aug 20, 1908, to Mrs. Virginia Wolgamot. He was about 82 years
of age.
Known everywhere as "Judge," he was never on any bench. He was once called upon to
act as referee in a dispute between two men and he was thereafter called judge till the day of his
death. He was a huge man, picturesque, blunt in his language, thoroughly honest, and a good
He owned much property in Decatur. His house at North and Water streets was for many
years the finest in Decatur and is still a prominent place. He owned much business property in
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 29 Nov 1910
The funeral of J.R. Race will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the family
residence, corner of Water and North streets. The services will be conducted by Rev. George P. Hoster,
rector of St. John's Episcopal church. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 1 Dec 1910
The funeral of J.R. Race will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the family residence,
corner of Water and North streets. The services will be conducted by Rev. George P. Hoster, rector of
St. John's Episcopal church. The interment will be at Greenwood.
Mrs. Edith Race Vance, with her husband, J.G. Vance, arrive at noon Saturday from Los
Angeles, Cal., to be present at the funeral. Miss Effie Race, a niece, arrived from Jacksonville
Saturday. Another niece, Mrs. H.B. Larby, will arrive from Springfield with her husband this morning.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Dec 1910
Services Conducted by Rev. G.P. Hoster, Rector of St. John's
The funeral of John R. Race was held at 2 o'clock Suday afternoon at the family residence,
corner of Water and North streets. The services, which were impressive, though unostentatious, were
conducted by Rev. George P. Hoster, rector of St. John's Episcopal church, of which Mr. Race had long
been a member. There was a large attendance, the residence being filled with old friends of Mr. Race
and his family. Many of the older residents of the city and county were present.
The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Mrs. Corydon C. Nicholson, Mrs. W. Roy
Essick, Carl G. Helby and A.E. Lindamood. Their selections were "Lead, Kindly Light," "Abide With Me,"
and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." C.C. Le Forgee and G.D. Thomas were the ushers. The flowers were in
charge of Mrs. J.M. Allen, Mrs. C.C. Le Forgee, Mrs. J.J. Hogan and Mrs. G.J. Parke.
The honorary pallbearers were B.O. McReynolds, F.L. Hays, L.L. Haworth, Jacob Hanes, W.C.
Outten and D.C. Shockley. The active pallbearers were, Frank McCullough, H.B. Luby, Will Race, Louis
Race, W.B. Baker, J.M. Allen, Frank Elwood and W.A. Phares. The interment was at Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 5 Dec 1910
RAINEY, William
William RAINEY, 77 years of age, died Sunday morning at 6:30 oclock in
the residence of his niece, Mrs. J. W. CLINE, northwest of Decatur, being sick four weeks.
He was born in Ireland and came to America in 1859. He came direct to Ohio, where he
lived until 40 years ago when he came to Maroa. He moved to the home of his niece two
years ago, where he has since lived. He leaves one brother and two sisters: Samuel CLINE,
of Maroa; Mrs. Jane MAYALL, of Wichita, Kan., and Mrs. Sarah GEORGE, of Pittsburg, Pa.
Burial was in Maroa Tuesday afternoon at 1 oclock.
Clinton Register, DeWitt Co., IL, Friday, 9 Jan 1914
RAMBO, James
James Rambo died at his home in Cerro Gordo on Monday morning, of apoplexy, at
the age of sixty-two years. He left a wife and seven grown children.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 31 Mar 1886
RANKIN, Louis W. 
Louis Rankin for many years a resident of Decatur, died Monday at the Soldiers' home
in Danville. He was seventy-nine years old. He had been in ill health for several years, and since
his health failed most of his time was spent in the home at Danville, where he had the companionship
of men who had also served in the Civil war, Mr. Rankin served four years and six mounts in the Union
army and was discharged with the rank of lieutenant.
Mr. Rankin was a painter by trade, but when painting was slack he found other work to
do. He assisted in laying the rails of Decatur's first street car line, when mules were used. He and
the late James F. Steele were warm friends, pals in fact, but to hear their arguments at times a
stranger would think them mortal enemies.
Mr. Rankin was well known among the old residents of the city and had many friends
here. His wife died in 1893. He is survived by five children; Mrs. Paul Snyder of Cordell Okla.,
Mrs. J.C. Kewn of Roosevelt, Okla., Burress Rankin and Columbus Rankin of Pierson and A.S. Rankin
of Decatur.
Ambrose Moran went to Danville and brought the body to Decatur Tuesday. Funeral
arrangements await word from children in Oklahoma.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 27 Sep 1921, pg. 14
RAU, Christian
Date of Death: 1 October 1910 Warrensburg, Macon Co., IL
To settle the estate of Christian Rau deceased, his executors will sell at public
sale at the north door of the Court House in Decatur, on - Saturday, November 25 at 2 o'clock P.M.
160 acres of land in Austin Township, 85 acres in Austin Township, 81.92 acres adjoining the
Village of Warrensburg, 6 acres and 4 1/2 acres in the Village of Warrensburg, in all 337.41
acres of as fine land as lay out of doors.
Terms of Sale - 10% cash, 30% March 1st 1923, and 60% due in one year at 6% secured
by mortgage.
Executors of Christian Rau, deceased. Whitfield, Deck & Coleman, Solicitors
Alexander McIntosh, Auctioneer
Decatur Review, 21 November 1922
RAU, Christina
Came To America From Germany In 1851
Mrs. Christina Rau died at 9 o'clock Thursday night at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. L.E. Rogers, near Maroa. Her age was eighty-eight years, one month and six days. Mrs. Rau
was in fairly good health until a week ago. Her death was due to the infirmities of age.
Mrs. Rau's maiden anme was Christina F. Gritz. She was born in Wurtemburg, Germany
August 30, 1833. She came to America in 1851. She and Christian Rau were married in 1855 at
Oakland, Ill. From there they moved to Logan Co., where they resided several years. Then they
moved to Austin Township, making their home there for thirty-six years. In 1900 they moved to
Warrensburg, residing there until the death of Mr. Rau in 1910. Since then Mrs. Rau has spent
her time among her children, making her home with her daughter, Mrs. John D. Rogers, in Austin
Active Church Worker
Mrs. Rau was a faithful member of the German Episcopal church and was active in the
work of her church as long as her health permitted. She was devoted to her children and friends.
She is survived by eleven children, John Rau of Maroa, Charles F. Rau of of Long Beach, Calif.,
William Rau of Latham, Henry Rau of Blue Mound, Chris Rau of Warrensburg, George A. Rau of
Decatur, Mrs. Louisa Bauman(?) of Warrensburg, Mrs. Sophia Hawkyard of Kenney, Mrs. Anna Rogers
of Maroa, Mrs. Lillie Rogers of Warrensburg and Mrs. Mollie Radabuagh of Alden, Ia. She also
leaves one sister, Mrs. Barbara Auer of Latham. There are thirty-seven grandchildren, and
twenty-five great-grandchildren.
Funeral Saturday
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Methodist church
in Warrensburg. The interment will be in the Illini cemetery.
The Rau family reunion in August 1920 will long be remembered by the people of Austin
township. It was held at the home of Mrs. John Rogers and was an impromtu affair. Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Rau of Long Beach, Calif., and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Radabaugh of Alden, Ia. had come
unannounced to visit the relatives in Macon County. Word was sent to all the other children and
they gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Rogers. All the children and many of the grandchildren
and great-grandchildren were present, making a company of seventy-five.
Decatur Daily Review, 7 October 1921
Oliver T. Rawlings died at 6:30 o'clock Saturday evening at the home of his
sister, Mrs. M.B. Weaver, 270 North Jasper street. He was 69 years old last April. His death
was caused by a complication of diseases. He had been in failing health for over a year and
for two monts this condition had been considered critical.
Mr. Rawlings was born in Tipton Co., Ind., April 10, 1859. He had been making
his home in Decatur with his sister for the last year. He is survived by one son, L.A.
Rawlings, of Ithaca, Mich. He also leaves a brother, H.J. Rawlings of Decatur and the
following sisters: Mrs. Mary Hancock of of Attica, Kans., Mrs. Cordelia Haines of Garrett, Mrs.
M.B. Weaver of Decatur and Mrs. Martha Robbins of Pesotum.
The body will remain at the Moran & Sons chapel, where friends may call until
Tuesday afternoon. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the graveside
in the Lewis cemetery, near Garrett.
Decatur Daily Review, Monday, 9 July 1926
RAY, Joseph 
Joseph Ray Was Friend To All
Lover of Nature, Gave Trees to Schools
The death of Joseph Ray of Whitmore Township which was chronicled Saturday, brought
a pang of grief to everyone who knew the man, to hundred of boys and girls in Decatur who knew of
a certain sort of benefaction of which they were the recipients. Yearly he gave to the schools of
Decatur hundreds of trees. He was a lover of trees. He lived and breathed the spirit of Joyce Kilmer’s
poem, The Tree, long before the poem was penned:
"Poems are writ by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree."
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 30 Mar 1925, pg. 9
RAY, Margaret Catherine (Segrass)
Born: 1824 in NC
Died: aft 1891 in Macon Co, IL
RAY, Thomas L.
Born: 1821 in Lynchburg, VA
Died: aft 1891 in Macon Co, IL
REA, John
John Rea died near Oakley on Tuesday at the age of 90 years.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 20 Apr 1887
The administrator of the estate of the late John Rea is Samuel Nickey, whose bond is
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 26 Apr 1887
REA, Samuel
Who Died Full of Years and of Honor
Samuel Rea passed peacefully and quietly to the better land this morning,
shortly after 3 o'clock, in the seventy ninth year of his age, having retained full
possession of his mental faculties almost to the very last moments of his life.
The deceased was born in Kanawha county, Virginia, January 17, 1801. In
1814 he emigrated with his father, Edward Rea, and the remainder of the family, to the
state of Ohio, settling in the neighborhood of Gallipolis. Here he remained until the
spring of 1820, when, his father having died, he started out to seek a home for his mother
and the family (Samuel being by common consent regarded as the head) on the fertile soil
of Illinois, about which, even at that early day, flattering stories had been circulated.
Fifty years ago there were no railroads, and, in the western states, few means of public
conveyance of any kind. The state of Indiana was almost an unbroken wilderness, and
Illinois little more than a waste of prairie grass. But Samuel Rea was made of the
sturdy stuff which did not falter at obstacles, and, in company with his older brother,
William, he started to Illinois on foot. The brothers explored the country about Decatur,
Bloomington and Springfield, going as far west as the Illinois river, but finally decided
to settle in the new county of Macon, which had just been created by act of the legislature,
approved January 19, 1829. The land they selected was in section 35, township 17, range 3
east - being the farm now owned and occupied by Thomas W. Berry, in Oakley township. After
a trip to Vandalia, for the purpose of entering the land at the land office, the brothers
started on their return trip to Ohio, and immediately prepared to bring the family to
Illinois. On the 27th of September of the same year the family arrived in Macon county,
where some of them were destined to play an important part in the next half century.
The deceased continued to reside on the farm for about twenty years and in 1849
he removed to Decatur where he spent the remainder of his days. His aged mother lived with
him the balance of her days (she died early in 1856), and his house was the headquarters of
the family from the time he came to Illinois until the members died or were scattered by
removal. Only one brother remains - John, the oldest of the family, now in his eighty third
year - who, having never married, lived with Samuel ever since they came to the country. A
sister, Mrs. Alsbury - resides in Oakley township. Our readers will remember the announcement
of the death of another brother - James - which took place in California only a few weeks ago.
Samuel Rea was married to Catherine Dennis, March 11, 1856. She has been a true
helpmate and her many friends will extend to her their heartfelt sympathy in her bereavement.
Mr. Rea was always something of a politician, though never a partisan, and has been
at various times honored by his fellow citizens with important public trusts. As early as 1846
he was chosen a member of the board of county commissioners, and was elected in 1847 and 1848.
In 1851 he was elected sheriff, and in 1857 county clerk, being re-elected to the last named office
in 1861, serving two full terms of four years each. In his capacity as a public officer Mr. Tea
exhibited the same careful, painstaking, honest traits which characterized him in all the relations
of his life. Indeed, it is hard to conceive of a character so well rounded out, or a life so
blameless, as his. He was in truth that noblest of all God's works - an honest man. In his
daily walk and conversation he was ever the same truthful, honorable, high minded man whose
every impulse was generous and every action kind. It is doubtful if he had an enemy in the
world - so unselfish and gentle was his nature.
In politics he was a Democrat, because he honestly believed in the principles
of that party, and in religion he was a liberal, possessing the largest charity and respect
for the opinions of others.
Mr. Rea belonged to a family remarkable for vitality, strength and longevity.
Twelve children were born to his parents. Of these, William, who was a twin brother to John,
died in California in 1853, and George died while on his way to that state a short time
previous. James, as above mentioned, died in California last month, only a few days less
than eighty years of age.
It is regretted that we have no data for a fuller sketch of the life of the
sturdy pioneer who has just left us. In searching for points in his history today we were
astonished to discover that there is no one living in Decatur who was here when Samuel Rea
came in 1829. There are still several persons in the county who have resided her for fifty
years, but none in Decatur. The pioneers are nearly all gone.
The funeral of Mr. Rea will take place on Sunday at 2 p.m., the services will
be conducted by Rev. D.P. Bunn at the tabernacle.
Decatur Daily Republican, 20 Mar 1879
A complete Set of HARPER'S MAGAZINE, now comprising 57 volumes, in neat
cloth binding, will be seng by express freight at expense of purchaser, for $2.25 per
volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3.00. Cloth cases, for binding, 38 cents,
by mail, postpaid. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order of Draft, to
avoid chance of loss, Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York, Estate of Samuel Rea,
Decatur Daily Republican, 15 Oct 1879
REA, William
The funeral of Wm. Rea, who died suddenly at the depot Thursday, will take place
from his residence to-day. Services will be conducted by Rev. D.P. Bunn, commencing at 12 o'clock,
after which the body will be interred in the family burying ground two miles northeast of Oakley.
In these grounds lie the remains of his wife, the parents of Samuel Rea, of this city, and other
Decatur Review, 7 December 1878
Aaron Reasoner's Funeral
Rev. James Miller returned yesterday from Macon, Ill. where he was called to preach
the funeral service of Aaron Reasoner, who died at that place.
Aaron Reasoner, who was the father of Rev. J.R. Reasoner of Tolono, had a remarkable
career. He was born in Mason county, Kentucky Sept. 17, 1800, making him 89 years old at the time
of his death. He was the great-grandson of Nicholas Reasoner, who was compelled to flee for his
life from France at the revocation of the deict of Nantes by Louis XIV, A.D. 1685. The Huguenotic
blood which flowed in his veins from both sides of his ancestry made him an enemy to all forms of
intolerance and oppression. In his political and ecclesiastical relations he was always conservative,
pratical and successful. He was never carried with the popular tide, no matter how forcible, into
impractible theories or measures, but was a man of clear, strong and deep convictions. The one
who has had the best opportunity for knowing him has never known him to compromise with his convictions.
He had been a member of the M.E. church for more than 60 years. Although raised under the
influences of Augustinian theology, his theology was of the purest Arminian type. The integrity,
candor and purity, of his life so grounded his faith that he often expressed himself as looking
upon death as a pleasant transfer to a higher sphere of action, and he looked forward to it as
one who anticipates a pleasant journey. He has been welcomed to the better land by members of
his family who have gone before, and by the pioneers of Methodism with whom he worked and planned.
Augustus Eddy, James B. Finley, John Collins, William B. Christie, Powers, Swormsted, Connell and
many others. He leaves a son and two daughters.
Decatur Daily Dispatch, 28 September 1889
REAVIS, James W. 
Had Brilliant Record As A Soldier
A Telegraph Operator
Served At Oakley, Mt. Pulaski and Sullivan
James W. Reavis, well known citizen and prominent Civil war veteran, died at 3:50
a.m. Wednesday, Jan 7, at his home, 1143 North Main street, aged 63 years and 6 months. The death
of Mr. Reavis was not unexpected as he had been ill for a long time. He was afflicted with stomach
trouble which was afterward complicated with disease of the liver. For two years Mr. Reavis has
been in failing health and for nearly a year has been unable to work and gradually grew worse.
Mr. Reavis was born in Tennessee, July 16, 1839. He was married 35 years ago to
Mary Forest, who survives him, together with a son, Elmer Reavis, of Decatur and daughter Nellie,
wife of G.L. Spencer of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer were in Decatur when Mr. Reavis died. Mr.
Reavis is also survived by a brother living in Arkansas and a cousin James A. Reavis of Decatur.
Was Stationmaster
After the war, Mr. Reavis took a position as stationmaster and telegraph operator
at Oakley and was elected justice of the peace and also served as postmaster of that place. From
Oakley Mr. Reavis went to Mt. Pulaski where he was telegraph operator and from there he went to
Sullivan and worked as operator.
In 1880 Mr. Reavis came to Decatur and has since lived in this city. He worked for
several different firms as bookkeeper. About eight years ago he was appointed a clerk in the
office of County Clerk Dodd. Mr. Reavis was an excellent penman and a competent bookkeeper and
accountant. During the last year of his life he was unable to work on account of his rapidly
failing health.
Throughout the city Mr. Reavis was widely known and had many friends who liked him.
He was prominent in Dunham post, No. 141, G.A.R., and was one of the charter members of that
organization. He was also a member of Macon lodge No. 8, A.F. and A.M.
The funeral will be held and the burial will be at Greenwood cemetery. The G.A.R.
will attend in a body and will have charge of the services at the grave. Commander Davis has
ordered a meeting of Dunham post, No. 141 G.A.R. for 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the post
hall to attend the funeral of James W. Reavis.
Daily Review (Decatur), 7 January 1903
The funeral of the late James W. Reavis was held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
from the family residence, 1143 North Main street. Rev. W.J. Davidson conducted the services and
the members of the Dunham post, No. 141 G.A.R. attended in the body. The pall bearers were
selected from among the members of the post. The burial was at Greenwood cem. The desk and chair
occupied by Mr. Reavis while he was employed in the office of County Clerk Dodd was Wednesday and
Thursday decorated in black in memory of Mr. Reavis.
Daily Review (Decatur), 8 January 1903
REAVIS, Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Mary Reavis, wife of James W. Reavis, died Thursday Thursday morning at her
home, No. 968 North Union street, after a long illness of consumption. The deceased was a
daughter of James Lichtenberger, and was born in Whitman township, May 9, 1861 and at the time
of her death she was 34 years 7 months and 3 days old. The funeral will be held on Saturday at
2 o'clock from the Church of God. The service will be conducted by Elder J. Bernard and the
interment will be at Greenwood cemetery.
Bulletin Sentinal (Decatur), 21 December 1895
REDMON, John Arthur
John Arthur Redmon, little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Redmon, died Monday evening at
the Red Cross hospital. He was five years old. His death was caused by pneumonia. The body
was removed to Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial and arrangements were
made to have private services in Greenwood at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
Decatur Review, 17 December 1918
The funeral of John Redmon, Jr. was held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Short
services were conducted at the grave by Rev. C.R. Booth, pastor of St. Paul's Methosist church.
The interment was at Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 18 December 1918
REED, Albert Franklin
Born: 18 May 1875 in Oakley Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 10 Sep. 1935
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married 07 Dec 1899 to Bertha Edith Carothers
Children: Vera, Bessie, Ethel, Floyd, Ruth, Robert
REED, Alvin Roy
Born: 21 Apr 1917 in Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Died: 13 Sep 1962 in CA
Buried: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, San Diego, CA
Parents: Roy & Jennie Ann (Larson) Reed
Married: 27 May 1939 in Decatur Macon Co, IL to Mabel Bricker
Children: Sandra, Larry, Edwin, Joseph, Paula
REED, Andrew
Born: 1802
Died: 26 Sep 1873
Buried: Cross Cem, Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Married: 12 Dec 1844 to Hannah Coddington (Trotter)
Children: Robert, Nancy
REED, Barbara Louisa (Fulk)
Mrs. Robert Reed died at her home three and one half miles southeast of
Oreana April 13, 1911 aged 54 years and eight months. She had been a
sufferer from cancer for the past two years and for the last three months
had been confined to her bed. Through all her sufferings she was kind and
patient and always thoughtful of those who cared for her.
Barbara Louisa Fulk was born in Green County Indiana August 13, 1856.
She came to Macon County with her parents when she was quite young and has
spent the remainder of her life in this vicinity. She was married to
Robert Reed April 19, 1875 and to them were born fourteen children all of
who are living. They are Albert F. and Mark T. of Decatur, John W., Mrs.
Fannie Bullock and Ralph H. of Oreana,
Lee A. and Mrs. Nellie Stuart of Oakley and Lester, Homer, Byron, Melvin,
May and Fern who reside at home. Besides the children and husband she
leaves one brother, John Fulk of Oakley, 16 grandchildren and a host of
friends to mourn her loss. She was a noble wife an unusually kind and
loving mother and an excellent neighbor. The funeral services where held
at the Union Church Sunday morning at 11:o'clock conducted by Rev. F. E.
Galigern, pastor of the Oreana Chrisitian church. The music was furnished
by a double quartet composed of Mrs. E. E. Conley, Misses Grace Kirby and
Ida Strope, Mrs. J. C. Spooner, Misses Ira Thompson, Kenneth Cooper, J. C.
Spooner, and J. H. Moothart. The honorary pall-bearers were O. L. Stuart,
D. Turpin, J. Stuart, H. Hirsch, D. Seitz and H. C. Bower. The active
pall-bearers were J. H. Burgess, T. Pensinger, J. P. Dilling, N. Larson, J.
W. Duvall and M. Boyer. The flowers were in charge of Mrs. C. Betzer and
Mrs. E. Thurman. The floral tirbutes were many and beautiful. Interment
was in the Union cemetery.
Decatur newspaper
Submitted by:Sandra Wagner
(There are only thirteen of the fourteen children listed in the above
obituary. Roy was left out.)
REED, Bertha Edith (Carothers)
Born: 23 Aug 1879 in Wabash IN
Died 6 Jun 1959 in Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Emma (Cox) Carothers
Married: 7 Dec 1899 to Albert Franklin Reed
Children: Vera, Bessie, Ethel, Floyd, Ruth, Robert
REED, Betty B. (Herbert)
Born: 20 Jan 1905 in St. Louis, MO
Died: 04 Jul 1991
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Herman & Theresa (Menzel) Herbert
Married: 14 August 1924 to Wilbur Robert Reed
Children: Wilbur
REED, Byron Robert
Born: 11 Jul 1895 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 1973
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 19 Sept. 1914 in Macon Co, IL to Cleora Elbertha Nelson
Children: Glen, Donald
REED, Clifford E.
Born: 22 Mar 1909 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 5 Jul 1974
Buried: La Place Cem, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: John William & Dora E. (Forbes) Reed
Married: 24 Aug. 1930 to Mary Ellen Bell
Children: George
REED, Dora E. (Forbes)
Born: 30 Dec. 1880
Died: 24 Dec. 1944
Buried: Union Cem, Oreana, Macon County, IL
Married: 13 Jul 1898 to John William Reed
Children: Faye, Wilbur, Kenneth, Clifford, John, Lydia
REED, Duane
Born: 9 Jul 1919
Died: 9 Jul 1919
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, Il
Parents: Lee Andrew & Lena Oliver (Webb) Reed
REED, Edna Nell (Lash)
Born: 30 Sep 1912 in Mott, ND
Died: 18 Dec 1957 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: IIer & Mabel (Batty) Lash
Married: 26 May 1934 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL to John Wayne Reed
REED, Esther A. (Brown)
Born 17 Aug. 1890
Died: 19 June 1960
Buried: Roselawn Cemetery, McAllen Texas
Parents: M. S. Brown
Married: 1 June 1910 in Macon County, IL to Mark Trotter Reed
Chidlren: Mildred, Zelda, Carol, Burrel Fay, Edgar, David
REED, Floyd Albert
Born: 20 Nov 1905 in Marshalltown, IA
Died: 26 Oct 1948 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Albert Franklin & Bertha Edith (Carothers) Reed
Married: 11 Aug 1934 to Harriett Maria Kirkwood
Children: Beverly, David, Larry, Thomas
REED, Glenn Elwood
Born: 27 Nov 1914 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 9 Apr 1939 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Byron Robert & Cleora Elbertha (Nelson) Reed
REED, Hannah Coddington (Trotter)
Born: 19 Jun 1806
Died: 26 May 1880
Buried: Cross Cem, Oakley, Piatt Co, IL
Married: 12 Dec 1844 to Andrew Reed
Children: Robert, Nancy
REED, Helen Marie
Born: 4 Mar 1916 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 2 Jul 1916
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Lee Andrew & Inez (Landreth) Reed
Helen Marie Reed, three-months-old daughter of Lee A. Reed, died at 1 o'clock Sunday
afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lauter of Oakley, who have kept the child since its
birth. Infantile paralysis was the cause of death. The child's mother is dead, and Mr.
Reed, the father is now working in Colorado Springs. She leaves three sisters and two
brothers, Verna, Velma, Welda, Orville and Erwin Reed. Funeral services will be conducted at
2 o'clock this afternoon in the Lauter home.
Decatur Review, Monday, July 03, 1916, page 3
REED, Homer
Born: 20 Oct 1892 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 10 May 1966
Buried: Green Hill Cem, Greensboro, NC
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 29 May 1940 to Beatrice Coffey
REED, John William
Born: 30 Nov. 1876 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 06 Feb 1965 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Oreana, Macon County, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married 12 July 1898 to Dora E. Forbes
Children: Faye, Wilbur, Kenneth, Clifford, John, Lydia
REED, Larry Alvin
Born: 3 March 1940
Died: 27 April 1948
Buried: Graceland Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Alvin Roy & Mabell (Bricker) Reed
REED, Lee Andrew
Born: 2 May 1887 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 20 June 1953
Buried: Riverview Cemetery, Algona, Iowa
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 4 Sept 1904 to Inez Landreth
Children: Vera, Orville, Velma, Wilda, Erwin, Helen
REED, Lester Amos
Born: 9 Aug 1890 In Whitmore Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 7 March 1921 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 01 Oct. 1914 to Irene Nettie Rhodes
Children: Virgil, Dorothy
Injured in Street Car Collision; Was Necessary to Amputate Leg
Lester Reed, street car conductor crushed in a collision between two
street cars Jan. 9, died in St. Mary's hospital Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock. In the collision one of Reed's legs was so badly crushed that
amputation was necessary. He lacked the vitality to rally from the effects
of the injuries he had sustained. The body was removed to the room of
Monson & Wikoff. The funeral arrangements have not been announced.
The deceased leaves his wife, Irene Reed and two children and the
following brothers and sisters; Albert, John, Mark, Byron, and Melvin Reed
of Decatur; Ralph Reed, Brushell; Roy Reed, Oreana., Lee Reed, Luverna,
Iowa; Homer Reed, Oshkosh, Wis.; and his sisters, Mrs. Nellie Stuart,
Decatur; Mrs. Fannie Bullock, Oreana; Mrs. May Elkins, Corwith, Iowa;
Mrs. Fern Beaman, Gary, Ind.; and his father, Robert Reed, Decatur.
Decatur Newspaper, Jan 1921
Submitted by - Sandra Wagner
Was Caught Between Two Street Cars
Lester Reed, the street car conductor who was badly crushed between two
street cars on East North Street, Jan. 9, that one leg had to be amputated,
died Monday afternoon at St. Mary's hospital, where he had been since the
accident. Mrs. Reed had gotten off his car to replace the trolley and the
motorman on the car following did not stop in time and Mr. Reed was caught
between the two cars.
There was an uncertainty as to what was the cause of Mr. Reed's death,
the physicians in charge of the case not being able to determine. It was
said he had tuberculoisis, and pneumonia was also said to have been
present. Coroner Roy M. Dawson swore in a jury and had an autopsy
performed, and this developed that death was caused by heart trouble and
not by tuberculoses or pneumonia. Whether the injury received in the
accident contributed to the death of Mr. Reed probably will be determined
at the inquest, which will be held Thursday or Friday at the Monson &
Wilcox undertaking establishment, where the body was taken Monday afternoon.
The Decatur Review, March 08, 1921, Tuesday, p.14
Submitted by - Sandra Wagner
The funeral of Lester A. Reed was held at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday
morning at the Christian church in Oreana. There was a large attendance,
including many employes of the Decatur Railway and Light Company. The
services were conducted by Rev. D. J. Blickenstaff.
The music was furnished by the regular choir of the church.
There were many beautiful floral tributes, in charge was Miss Cladys
Reed, Miss Ethel Reed, Miss Opal Stuart and Miss Fay Cowgill.
The pallbearers were John Stuart, E. S. Davis, Edward Burkett, G. L.
Allen, M. Earl and R. Ross, all employes of the Decatur Railway and Light
company. The interment was in the Union cemetery.
Submitted by - Sandra Wagner
REED, Mark Trotter
Born: 29 May 1889 in Whitmore Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 3 Nov. 1968 in McAllen, Texas
Buried: Roselawn Cemetery, McAllen, Texas
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 1 June 1910 in Macon County, Il to Esther A. Brown
Children: Mildred, Zelda, Carol, Burrel Fay, Edgar, David
REED, Melvin
Born: 20 June 1898 in Whitmore Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 1 Sep 1947 in Chicago Heights, IL
Buried: Evergreen Hill Cemetery, Steger, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 25 Jan 1923 to Vera Louise Peterson
Children: Elaine, Shirley
REED, Mildred Jennie (Hoyt)
Born: 02 Oct 1916 in Lovington, IL
Died: 26 May 1974 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: LaPlace Cem, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: Jed & Mabel (Whitehead) Hoyt
Married: 28 April 1947 in Chicago, Cook Co, Il to Clifford E. Reed
Children: Larry, Ronald, David
REED, Nancy
Born: 3 March 1848 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 2 April 1874
Buried: Cross Cemetery, Oakley, Piatt County, IL
Parents: Andrew & Hannah Coddington (Trotter) Reed
REED, Nelle (Myers) MEADOR
Born: in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 08 Mar 1984 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mount Gilead Cem,
Parents: Ira E. & Jeanette Myers
Married: Albert Veith
Married: Glenn Meador
Married: 19 Jul 1968 to Virgil Lester Reed
Children: Theresa, Linda, Norma Jean, Penny
REED, Paul Donald
Born: 23 Aug 1912 in Piatt Co, IL
Died: 17 Apr 1981 in Ramsey, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Roy & Jennie Ann (Larson) Reed
Married: 23, Oct. 1933 to Kathryn Bernice Robbins
Children: Nancy, Robert, Chris
REED, Ralph Henry
Born: 4 Feb. 1884 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 28 July 1970 in Fargo, North Dakota
Buried: Riverside Cemetery, Fargo, North Dakota
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 06 Oct 1909 to Elva Grace Mowry
Children: Harold, Jennette
REED, Robert
Born: 20 Oct 1845 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 14 April 1923 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Andrew & Hannah Coddington (Trotter) Reed
Married: 19 April 1875 in Macon County, IL to Louisa Barbara Fulk
Children: Albert, John, Nellie, Fannie, Ralph, Roy, Lee, Mark, Lester,
Homer, Byron, Edna, Melvin, Lida
REED, Robert Quincy
Born: 10 May 1914
Died: 1973
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Albert Franklin & Bertha Edith (Carothers) Reed
Married: 28 Nov. 1934 to Genevieve Wright
Children: Shirley
Born 25 Nov. 1886 in Oakley Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 9 Nov. 1954 in Los Angeles, California
Buried: Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, California
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married 25, Sept 1909 to Jennie Anna Lawson
Children: Paul, Alvin
REED, Vera Gladys (McDaniel Meseke)
Born: 29 March 1900 in Whitmore Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 5 May 1979 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Albert Fanklin & Bertha Edith (Carothers) Reed
Married: #1 8 Nov. 1920 to Glen McDaniel
#2 1 Oct 1963 to Forrest Meseke
Children: William & Marilyn
REED, Virgil Lester
Born: 13 Sept 1916 in Macon County, IL
Died: 14 June 1997 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Lester Amos & Irene Nettie (Rhodes) Reed
REED, Wilda May
Born: 23 March 1912
Died: 23 March 1918 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Lee Andrew & Inez (Landreth) Reed
Oreana Child Dies of Bonfire Burns
OREANA, March 24, Wilda May Reed the six year old daughter of Lee Reed died at the family
home southeast of Oreana Friday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. She died from burns received while
she and other children were burning a trash pile. The step mother had refused them matches but
the children slipped them out.
She leaves her father, step-mother, two brothers and two sisters besides many other relatives.
The funeral services took place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Union church, conducted
by Rev. D. J. Blickenstaff of Oakley. Burial in Union cemetery.
Decatur Review, Saturday, March 23, 1918, page 8
REEME, Catherine
Mrs. Catherine Reeme, wife of W.H. Reeme, died last night of nervous prostration,
after a brief illness. The deceased was sixty-five years old, and was well known in this
community. She was born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, in 1820, and on Mary 19th, 1840 was
married at Tiffin, Ohio, to Mr. W.H. Reeme. Her husband and five daughters survive her. They
are, Mrs. B.F. Kneiper, of Tiffan, Ohio, Mrs. E.A. Stare, of Sibley, Illinois, Mrs. K. Harwood,
of this city, Mrs. M.R. Davidson, of Monticello, and Miss Ida B. Reeme. The deceased was a
most worthy lady in every respect and a large circle of friends and acquaintances will deeply
mourn her death. The time of the funeral has not yet been set.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 14 Feb 1886
REEME, Daniel A. 
The funeral of Daniel Reeme will be held at 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the
family residence 875 North Church Street. The services will be conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegan
and will be under the auspices of the G.A.R. The internment will be in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 2 Jul 1913, pg. 14
REINING, Frederick W. 
Veteran Of Civil War In Butcher Business Several Years
Frederick W. Reinning Civil war veteran, died at 11 o'clock Tuesday night at his
home in Mt. Zion. He was seventy-seven years old last June. His death was caused by hardening
of the arteries. Mr. Reinning was born in Bremen, Germany, June 11, 1846. He came to America many
years ago and served an enlistment in the Civil war. He had made his home in Mt. Zion for the
last twenty-six years, where he was engaged in the butcher business. He was a member of the
Methodist church, and Dunham post, 141, G.A.R. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge.
He leaves his wife and the following children; Mrs. Lillie A. Walker of Mt. Zion,
Edward Reinning of Seattle Washington, William Reinning and Mrs. Lottie Ritter of Decatur, Elmer
Reinning of Windom, Minn., Fred Reinning of Hannibal, MO. There are twenty grand children and
eight great grand children.
The funeral will be held at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning at the Christian Church
in Mt. Zion. The burial will be in the Mt. Zion Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 9 Jan 1924, pg. 3
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rennels, 1420 North Clinton street, died
yesterday morning and was buried yesterday afternoon. Interment was at Greenwood.
Daily Review, 15 Sept 1894
Philip Reubsamen, Native of Bavaria, Came to U.S. When A Boy
Philip Reubsamen, aged 91, a resident of Decatur since 1861, died in the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Anna Snarr, 244 West Green street, at 9:15 o'clock Saturday
night. His death was caused by infirmities of age.
Mr. Ruebsamen was born Dec. 31, 1838 in Bavaria, Germany; he came to the
United States with his parents when he was nine years old. He married Miss Pauline
Pheiffer in Decatur in 1861. His wife died in 1909.
Philip Reubsamen conducted a saloon in Decatur many years. When Decatur
was declared anti-saloon territory, many men well acquainted with the local situation,
declared, "If all saloons had been conducted as Philip Ruebsamen conducted his place,
there would never have been any desire for anti-saloon territory". Certain it was that
he conducted the most orderly saloon ever in Decatur. He would not tolerate noisy,
boisterous conduct in his place of business; he would not sell anything to a man
under the influence of liquor.
When B.Z. Taylor was mayor of Decatur, his intimates never grew weary of
reminding him of his Sunday visit to the home of Philip Reubsamen with the idea of
buying supplies for a Sunday picnic. All the mayor inspired was a constant shaking
of the head, a refusal of his plea. At last he said, "Maybe you don't know who I am,
Mr. Ruebsamen. I'm Mayor B.Z. Taylor."
"I don't five a dam who you are. I don't sell on Sunday," was the
answer, and he left Decatur's chief executive standing in amazement.
Rejected for Service
Philip Ruebsamen wanted to enlist in the Union army. In Bloomington, in
Decatur and in Vandalia he was rejected by recruiting officers. He was ever of frail
physique. As much as men were needed, in spite of the latitude shown, he was rejected.
He lacked the physical strength, the endurance he would have been called upon to
demonstrate in actual service.
There was nothing that so inspired him in later years as to hear a bunch
of Grand Army men sing "Marching Through Georgia." All of the G.A.R. men who lived in
Decatur during the first 30 years following the cessation of hostilities knew how he
had tried to get into a uniform and, except when in secret lodge session, always
regarded him as one of their kind.
He leaves the following children: John Frank Ruebsamen, St. Louis; Albert
Ruebsamen, Decatur; George Philip Ruebsamen, Chicago; Mrs. Anna Snarr and Mrs. Preton T.
Hicks, both of Decatur. Also he leaves a brother, George Ruebsamen, of Omaha, Neb., and
one grandchild.
The body was taken to the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home where friends
may call. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. The family requests no flowers
be sent.
Decatur Herald, 10 Nov 1929
Veteran of Civil War Was 76 Years of Age
E. P. Reynolds died at 5:30 Saturday morning at the home of his son; Lewis M.
Reynolds, 1327 North Walnut Grove Avenue. His age was seventy-six years, ten months and six days.
His death was caused by gangrene, which started in his feet thirteen weeks ago.
His wife had been dead several years. He is survived by two sons, Lewis M. Reynolds
of Decatur and J.F. Reynolds of Wyoming, and one daughter, Mrs. M.B. Ricketts, of Colorado Springs,
He was a veteran of the Civil war, being a member of company C. One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Illinois
Infantry. He had lived in Illinois for forty-seven years.
The funeral will be held at the residence at 2:30 Sunday afternoon and will be
conducted by Rev. O.P. Wright. Dunham post, 141, G.A.R., will meet it the hall at 1.30 and attend
the funeral in a body. The interment will in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 22 Oct 1910, pg. 10
Was For Forty Years Well Known Resident of Long Creek
James L. Reynolds, for forty years a resident of Long Creek township, died at 5
o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of his son, C.H. Reynolds, in Long Creek. His age was
eighty-five years, four months and eight days. His death was due to the infirmities of age.
Mr. Reynolds was a native of Kentucky. He moved to Long Creek township over forty
years ago and had ever since been prominent in that community. He is survived by three children,
C.H. Reynolds of Long Creek, Mres. Effie Hedrick of Long Creek and Miss T.J. Reynolds of Cerro
Gordo. He also leaves one brother, Rev. Hardin Reynolds, who is pastor of the Christian church
at Winchester, Ky.
The funeral was set for 3 o'clock Monday afternoon and the interment in the Florey
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Jun 1916
The funeral of James L. Reynolds was held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon at the
residence of his son, C.H. Reynolds in Long Creek. The services were conducted by Rev. C.A.
Heckel. The music was furnished by Mrs. Adelia Winings, Mrs. Elsie Greenfield, Mrs. Laura
Collins, Mrs. Nina Green and Mrs. Ella Veech. The flowers were in charge of Miss Pearl Lehman,
Miss Grace Lehman, Miss Hazel Hunt, Miss Leona Winings, Miss Belle Camp and Miss Dola Burcham.
The pallbearers were Hayden Veech, Walter Greenfield, Levi Lehman, George Shumate,
John Lourash and Charles Marris. The interment was in the Florey cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 6 Jun 1916
RHODES, Rosina
Death of Mrs. Rosina Rhodes
The above named lady, mother of Mrs. Wm. M. Boyd, of this city, and Mrs. L.M. Patterson,
of Appleton, Wisconsin, died at the residence of her daughter in this city, on yesterday afternoon, at
1:30 o'clock, after an illness of about a month's duration. The deceased was born in Conayoharie,
Montgomery county, New York, May 11, 1817, and was in the 64th year of her age at the time of her death.
Mrs. Rhodes, who was a most estimable christian lady, had resided in this community for many years,
and was universally esteemed by all her acquaintances.
The funeral will take place from the residence Mr. W.M. Boyd, on West North street, two
doors west of College, on Wednesday agernoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W.B. Moore, of St. John's Church,
The Daily Republican (Decatur), 29 Mar 1881
RIBER, William L.
William L. Riber, Aged 64, Sick Four Months
William L. Riber, for many years a blacksmith at Mt. Zion, died at 8:10 on
Thursday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D.E. White, six miles southwest of Dalton
City. He was sixty-four years old. His death was caused by a complication of diseases, after
an illness of four months.
Mr. Riber was born at Mt. Zion April 10, 1852, and practically all his life was
spent there. He conducted a blacksmith shop there from the time he was fifteen years old until
during the past few years and was known to all the people of the vicinity.
Mr. Riber and Miss Louvena Foley were married at Mt. Zion on May 20. 1875. Mr.
Riber died about two years ago. Mr. Riber was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church,
the Mt. Zion lodge, I.O.O.F., and the Modern Woodmen. He is survived by two children, Lester
Riber of Green Valley, Ill., and Mrs. D.E. White of near Dalton City. He also leaves three
brothers, G.A. Riber of St. Louis; D.M. Riber, formerly in the real estate business in Decatur,
and now of Grand Junction, Colo., and J.E. Riber, also of Grand Junction, and two sisters, Mrs.
Emma Tedford of Cowlington, Okla., and Miss Nola T. Riber of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Methodist
church in Mt. Zion. The interment will be in the Mt. Zion cemetery.
The Daily Review, 19 May 1916
The funeral of Joseph M. Richardson will be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
from Dawson's chapel and will be in charge of Macon lodge, No. 8 A.F. and A.M. Rev. W.J.
Davidson will conduct the services and the interment will be at Greenwood.
RICKETTS, Mary Finch
DIED, on Saturday, April 10th, 1886, near Pleasant Hill, Pike County, Illinois, Mary
Finch-Ricketts, aged about ninety years. The deceased was the mother of Judge Ricketts, of this
city, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Illinois.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Apr 1886
RICKS, Maggie and Nellie
The scarlet fever, one of the most fearful maladies of this climate, has
been prevailing in Taylorville, during the past three weeks. On the 9th inst., two beautiful
little girls, Maggie and Nellie, daughters of N.D. Ricks, died of the disease. - It does
not seem to be spreading, only one case being now reported in town.
Decatur Review, 23 Mar 1871
Bright's Disease Terminated Active Life
Connected With Big Local Houses in That Line
David F. Riddell, the well known wholesale grocer, died at 10:20 Wednesday forenoon at the
family residence, 658 West prairie avenue.
His death was caused by Bright's disease. He had been ill for the past three weeks he had
been confined to his home. In addition to his family physician, Dr. Mix, a specialist from Chicago, was
in attendance on Mr. Riddell and for some time there was hope of his recovery. He took a sudden turn for
the worse about 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and though he rallied and seemed to be much easier Wednesday
morning, it was only a temporary relief and it was soon evident that he had but a few hours to live.
Mr. Riddell is survived by his wife and one child, Mrs. Cordelia Wheeler of Minneapolis.
Mrs. Wheeler and her husband were present when he died, as was also his wife, and his brother, William
Riddell of St. Louis, and Mrs. Riddell's sister, Mrs. Ingersol of LaPorte, Ind. Mr. Riddell also leaves
three brothers and one sister. Mr. and Mrs. Eason of LaPorte, Ind., parents of Mrs. Riddell, will be
here Thursday.
D.F. Riddell was president of the grocer company that bears his name. He was one of the
best known men in the city and was well liked. He was about sixty years of age. He came to Decatur from
South Bend, Ind., about thirteen years ago and organized the wholesale grocery house of Riddell & Letts,
the late N.M. Letts being the other member of the firm.
Later the firm name was changed to the Riddell Grocer company. Still later it was changed
to Riddell, Stadler & McClelland, and when G.A. Stadler retired it was changed to the Riddler-McClelland
company. Still later this firm became a part of the National Grocer company. Mr. Riddell remained
actively with that company till about two years ago. In April next it will have been two years since
he organized the present incorporated company under the name of the D.F. Riddel Grocer company, whose
place of business is on Franklin street opposite Central park. The other members of the firm are F.A.
Tuttle, vice president; Earl Middleton, secretary, and Charles B. Walser, treasurer.
N.M. Letts, former partner of Mr. Riddell, died in August, 1905.
Mr. Riddell was a member of the First Presbyterian church, and he has been prominent in
the business and social life of the city ever since coming to Decatur.
The Daily Review, 6 Feb 1907
RIGGS, John N. 
Death of J.N. Riggs
From Tuesday’s Daily
John N. Riggs died at his residence, 508 East Conduit Street, this morning, of
le-grippe and a complication of disease. Mr. Riggs was a member of Company E, 145th Illinois
Infantry. He was 55 years of age. Daniel Moore, of Dunham relief committee has made arrangements
for the funeral, which will take place at 7:30 Wednesday morning.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 9 Apr 1891, pg. 1
The funeral of Mrs. J.L. Righter, which took place from the Universalist church
yesterday was well attended. At about half-past two the church was well filled, and the Rev. D.P.
Bunn, commenced an able and impressive funeral discourse of almost an hour's length, which was
listened to with the closest attention. At its conclusion the body was taken to Greenwood
cemetery for interment, and was followed to its last resting place by a large number of friends
and acquaintances.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 29 Jan 1875
RIGNEY, Infant
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rigney died at 1319 East Eldorado street
yesterday. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 26 Aug 1884
John Rigney died Tuesday evening at his home, 1319 East Eldorado Street at 6:30
o'clock, aged 69 years. He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. Mattie Lieb and George Rigney.
The deceased has been in ill health for sometime past. He was a carpenter by trade, and was
employed at the Wabash shops.
The Bulletin-Sentinel, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 18 May 1895, pg. 8
The funeral of Mrs. Ringland will be held from the parlors of the Hotel Brunswick
at 9 o'clock this morning.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Nov 1892
RISLEY, Abdiel T.
The funeral of Abdiel T. Risley will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon at
the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George V. Loring, 801 East Wood street. The services
will be conducted by Rev. J.M. Lively. Friends may call from 9:30 to 12 o'clock Tuesday.
The body will be placed in the mausoleum at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 7 Nov 1910
RISLEY, Elvira (Hall)
Death of Mrs. Abdiel T. Risley - Cause Pneumonia
Last evening at 9:25 o'clock, Mrs. A.T. Risley died of pneumonia at the family
home on East William street, aged 65 years. The deceased had been seriously ill for nearly
two weeks, and she passed away despite the efforts of the physicians to save her life. Mrs.
Risley was a devoted wife and mother and was a lady who had scores of personal friends in
the community. She was a native of Indiana. She leaves a husband and nine hcildren, the
children are Mrs. I.H. Terhune, Mrs. Fred Willie, Mrs. Geo. V. Loring, A.T. Risley, Jr.,
A.P. Risley, A.D. Risley and A.G. Risley.
The maiden name of the deceased was Elvira Hall. She was born at Rising Sun,
Ind., January 10, 1827, and became the wife of A.T. Risley at Rising Sun, in 1846. One
brother, Benjamin Hall, resides at Indianapolis, Ind.,and another brother lives in Georgia.
Her twin sister resides at Muncis, Ind., and two sisters live in Chicago.
The funeral will take place from the family residence, No. 865 East William
street, Sunday, Feb. 14, at 2 p.m.
Decatur Daily Republican, 11 Feb 1892
Ray, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Risley, died at 6 o'clock Monday
evening at the family home, 244 East Orchard streed, aged 10 days. The cause of death
was spasms. The funeral was held at 11 o'clock today from the home and the interment
was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 19 May 1903
David Ritchie Had Lived 70 Years in County
David E. Ritchie, old resident of Macon county, died Friday evening at his home,
520 East William street. He was seventy-nine years old last July. He had been in failing
health for over a year and for almost six months had been confined to his home.
Mr. Ritchie was born in Franklin county, Pa., July 1, 1848. He was one of six
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchie who with their parents came to Illinois from Pennsylvania
in 1856. He has lived in Macon county for the last seventy years and was well known among
the old residents. For many years he conducted a general store in Warrensburg and was also
engaged in farming in that neighborhood.
He retired some time ago and moved to Decatur. He and Miss Mary Hanks were
married Jan. 2, 1875. He is survived by his wife and three sons, Howard and Lester Ritchie
of Decatur and Lee Ritchie of Portland, Ore. There are four grandchildren and two great
grandchildren. The body was taken to Moran & Sons, funeral directors and prepared for
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 24 Dec 1927
RITCHIE, Mora (Funk)
The body of Mrs. Mora D. Ritchie, who died Friday evening in the home of her
daughter, Mrs. D.S. Brown in Peoria, will be brought here Monday afternoon for burial in
Illini cemetery. Funeral services will be conducted in Peoria at 10 o'clock Monday evening.
A short service will be conducted at the graveside at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Ritchie was born on Aug. 24, 1855, in Alexandria, Mo., the daughter of
John T. and Catherine L. Funk. About one year after her birth the family moved to a farm in
Macon county. In 1859, the family joined with other relatives and friends in a wagon train
and started for California. They remained in California for about five years, taking up
residence in Decatur. Here Mrs. Rtichie received her primary and secondary education.
On Oct. 17, 1872, she was married to William Ritchie, who died in 1919. The
couple lived in Warrensburg until Mr. Ritchie's death. Here, Mrs. Ritchie was prominent in
church and social circles. She leaves besides the daughter, a grandson, William Bush
Brown, of Peoria.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 12 Oct 1930
DIED, on Wednesday evening at seven o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law,
G.F. Albert, in Warrensburg, Mrs. Susan Ritchie, mother of John, William, David, Frank, Joseph
and Samuel Ritchie. The deceased was seventy-one years of age, and was well known throughout
the west part of the county as a kind, affectionate, good woman. She was one of the early
settlers, having come to the county in 1857. The funeral will take place on Friday at eleven
o'clock, from the Boiling Springs church, Rev. M.S. Newcomer officiating.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 May 1886
Thomas W. Ritchie Died at Oakley Monday Morning
At his home in Oakley township Monday morning occurred the death of Thomas W.
Ritchie, a veteram of the Mexican war. The deceased had lived in Macon county for nearly
forty years.
He was a native of Menard county, Ill., where he was born on January 22, 1822.
He served in the Mexican war and was wounded in the head, that wound later resulting in the
loss of an eye.
His first wife was Rebecca Lisenby, to whom he was married in 1849. Three
children were born to that union. They are Mrs. Lydia A. Harmer and Ganes G. Ritchie of
Sangamon and a daughter, Mary Ritchie, now dead. Rebecca Ritchie died in 1854 and the next
year Thomas Ritchie married her cousin Nancy Lisenby. Six children were born to the couple,
only one of whom is now living - Mrs. Agnes Baker of Oakley.
The funeral will be held at the family residence on Wednesday the services
being at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.
Decatur Herald, 31 May 1904
And the Mourners and Friends Followed Thomas Ritchie's Coffin on Foot
Funeral Rites in Keeping With Oft Expressed Wish
The funeral of Thomas Ritchie was held Wednesday from his late home in Oakley township.
It was unusual because it was quite suggestive of times gone by. The gathering of people was made
up largely of the older friends of Mr. Ritchie who had lived in the neighborhood for many years
and the services attending the burial were plain and without pomp or show. Mr. Ritchie when alive
has always expressed the desire that his funeral be devoid of anything like show and his relatives
follwed out his wishes, although everything about the funeral was carried out with much solemnity.
The services were helda t the old residence where Mr. Ritchie and his family have
lived so long. There was no minister but the services were conducted by an old acquaintance and
neighbor, D.A. Seitz. There was a prayer and the reading of scripture and then Mr. Seitz
addressed the friends who had gathered. He spoke briefly and in a general way about Mr. Ritchie
and told of his association with the early days in this state and county. He also referred to the
great endurance of the man and of his wonderful physical strength.
There were several old hymns sung by the choir, composed of Misses Fern Wheeler,
Mabel Wheeler, Rosa Huff, Maude Connett, Grace Baker, Alice Huff, Laura Stare and Messrs. W.M.
Stare, James Keller, W.M. Keller and B.F. Hizer.
There were some floral offerings from friends but very few, as Mr. Ritchie did not
wish that there be any show of flowers at his burial. The body was buried in an antique oak
casket handsomely but plainly made and was sealed in a slate vault.
On His Farm
The burial took place on the farm of the dead man. The day after Mr. Ritchie's
death his attorney notified the family that Mr. Ritchie's will was in his possession and that it
specified that his body should be buried on the farm and than an acre of ground for this purpose
should be set aside. A beautiful spot near the public road and about an eighth of a mile from
the house was chosen and it was here that the body was buried.
After the services at the house the funeral procession was started toward the
burial place. Every one walked and the body was carried by the pallbearers. They followed
through the meadow where a path has been cut in the grass. First came the honorary pallbearers,
all aged men and old friends of Mr. Ritchie. They were followed by the active pallbearers
carrying the casket and behind them the mourners and friends. There was no hearse nor
carriages and it was quite an impressive sight to see the procession headed by the venerable
men march throught he meadow to the grave.
As the funeral party approached the burial place the choir sang a hymn. There was
a short prayer and as the body was lowered into the grave and as the people were leaving the
choir sang "Nearer My God To Thee."
The Pallbearers
The active pallbearers were Joseph Dennis, W.H. Stewart, Frank Baker, C.O. Whitney,
Peter Kyle and Z.T. Blaine. The honorary pallbearers were William Nickey, S.P. Nickey, Andrew
Bowman, M.C. Funk, J.F. Lutz and John Hizer.
Friends were present at the funeral from Lanesville and Clinton as well as
different parts of Macon county.
Decatur Herald, 3 Jun 1904
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ritchie lost their little son, Linn, from scarlet fever. He
died Friday, March 16. The funeral took place from the residence Sunday at 2 o'clock. Rev.
Cunningham conducted the service. The pall-bearers were L. Bozart, Eli Faith, Buck Neiman and
Chas. Conelly. The family have the sympathy of everyone in their bereavement.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Mar 1888
Ivy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ritter died at their home near Boody, at 2:15 a.m.
Saturday Feb., 15, aged 3 years and 25 days. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday from the
German M.E. church two miles west of Boody.
The Evening Bulletin (Decatur), 14 Feb 1896
ROACH, James G.
Many hearts were saddened this morny by the announcement of the death of James
G. Roach, Esq., senior member of the firm of Roach & Mc Reynolds. The deceased was at
the store on Saturday last, and was taken sick the same night. On Monday his disease had
developed itself, and proved to be erysipelas, in its worst form. he grew rapidly worse,
and died at 3 o'clock this morning.
Mr. Roach was about 55 years of age, and was a native of Todd county, Kentucky,
where he spent thifty years of his life in the mercahtile business. He came to Decatur in
the fall of 1861, and has been engaged in mercantile pursuits ever since. He was a
consistent and useful member of the M.E. Church, always ready to aid in its operations by
word, deed and purse. As a citizen and neighbot he was highly esteemed by all who knew
him, and his loss will be keenly felt by society. Last June he was chosen a member of
the Board of Education, a position he would doubtless have adorned had his life been
spared. He leaves a wife and three sons to mourn his death.
The funeral will take place from the First M.E. Church, at 10 1/2 o'clock on
Sunday morning, under charge of the Masonic fraternity. In respect to his memory the
public schools were closed to day.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 3 Jan 1873
Notwithstanding the violent snow storm which raged nearly all day yesterday the
attendance at the funeral of the late James G. Roach, Exq., was exceedingly large. The spacious
audience room of the First M.E. Church was filled at an early hour, many ladies even braving the
rigors of the weather in order to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the memory of one who
was so universally esteemed. At 10 1/2 o'clock the funeral procession arrived, and entering the
south door passed upone of the middle aisles, and took the seats reserved for the friends and the
Masonic fraternity. The pastor of the Church, Rev. N.P. Heath, led the procession, and while
passing up the aisle read the beautiful funeral service of the church, "I ams the resurrection and
the life," ect. The corpse was borne by the following named pallbearers; T.J. Abel, John Imboden,
G.M. Wood, Silas Packard, Geo. W. Baker, James Millikin, P.M. Wykoff, F.J. Taylor, S.B. Pierson and
E.S. Roe. The teachers of the public schools entered the church in a body, and took seats together.
A noticeable feature of the occasion was the presence, among the mourners, of a very reputable and
well-known colored man, Henry Bristow, whose wife, (now deceased) was formerly a slave of Mr. Roach.
The opening exercises of the services consisted of the reading of a scriptural lesson
by the pastor, the singing of the hymn, "How best the righteous when he dies," by the congregation,
and prayer by Rev. F.N. Ewing, an intimate acquaintance of the deceased for nearly forty years. Rev.
N.P. Heath then gave a condensed sketch of the life of the deceased, after which he took his text from
Hebrews, 4th chapter and 15th and 16th verses:
"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmaties;
but he was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the
throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."
The sermon was an able one, the subject being the condolences of the Christian religion.
At the close he paid an eloquent tribute to the worth of the deceased, and spoke of the places in which
his judicious counsels and friendly aid would be missed.
The Masonic fraternity then took charge of the remains, the following gentlemen acting as
pall-bearers: R.A. Newell, W.T. Stamper, W.E. Nelson, J.G. Starr, S.F. Greer, Geo. W. Bright, W.J.
Condell and W.J. Myers. The procession, which was very long, then moved down Water street in the
direction of Greenwood Cemetery, and the funeral ceremonies closed with the performance of the Masonic
burial rites at the grave.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 6 Jan 1873
Mrs. Amanda Roberson, formerly of Decatur, died at the Lincoln hospital in Chicago
Saturday, aged seventy-eight years. For about eleven years she made her home in Decatur with her
son, Samuel Roberson, 1785 North Clinton street. She went to Chicago nearly a year ago to live
with a daughter. She has two sons in Decatur, Henry and Samuel, besides several grandchildren.
She was born in Tennessee. She was a Christian most of her life and bore her
sickness with patience. She was ill for about five weeks, suffering from heart trouble and
dropsy. She leaves four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, besides a host of friends.
The burial took place in Chicago today.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 8 Sep 1913, pg. 12
ROBERTS, Dr. James E.
We are grieved to announce the death of Dr. James E. Roberts. He died at his residence
on Prairie street yesterday morning. His funeral will take place this afternoon at the Presbyterian
Decatur Review, 29 Dec 1870
Born: 19 June 1855 near Warrensburg, Macon Co., IL
Died: 13 Jan 1940 Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Buried: Illini Cem., Macon Co., IL
Married: 1)1879 Miss Louise M. Schroeder (d.1919); 2)1923 Isabel Berman
Survivors: Wife Isabel; daughter Mrs. Otto Myer, Milwaukee and sons Jack Robinson, Decatur; Charles Robinson,
Civil War Vet Dies Suddenly
Henry C. Robinson, 82, Drops Dead in Hall
Henry C. Robinson, veteran of the Civil war and member of Dunham post, 141, dropped
dead in the G.A.R. hall at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning, about two minutes after he had stated that
he never felt better in his life. He was eighty-two years old last May. His death was caused heart
trouble. Mr. Robinson had been under the care of a physician for three or four weeks, but was able
to get around and his condition had not appeared serious at any time. Friday the women were quilting
and also getting ready to serve dinner. A number of old soldiers were in the hall when Mr. Robinson
came in. He shook hands with several and said he was feeling fine. Then he went over to where some
women were making a quilt and was talking to them when he suddenly collapsed.
Mr. Robinson was born near Lexington, Ky. in May, of 1845. He served through the Civil
war as a member the One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Indiana Infantry. He had made his home in or near
Decatur for forty-five years, coming here in 1882. He was a member of the Christian church and of
Dunham post 141, G.A.R. He was known to most of the old residents of the city and had many friends.
His wife died in April 1925. He leaves five children, Will Robinson, near Seattle Washington, Scott
Robinson, Fred Robinson and Mrs. Tillie Macklin all of Decatur, and Mrs Addie Meriweather of Oswego,
Kansas. The body was taken to Brintlinger & Sons funeral directors and prepared for burial.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 12 Aug 1927, pg. 28
ROBINSON, Henry Clay
Born: 8 Dec 1899 Cowden, IL
Died: 27 Oct 1952 Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Buried: Calvary Cem., Macon Co., IL
Married: 22 June 1923 Decatur, IL to Miss Mary L. Willmore
Survivors: Wife Mary; son H. Jack Robinson, La Crosse, WI; brother W.H. Robinson, Oakley; and one
ROBINSON, Joseph B. 
The funeral of Joseph B. Robinson, the North Water street grocer, was held at 3
o'clock Monday afternoon from the family residence, 848 North Union Street. The services were
conducted by Rev. J. Bernard. There was a large attendance, the members of Dunham, post, G.A.R.,
and the Retail Grocers' association attending in a body. The interment was at Greenwood.
Mr. Robinson died at 6:80 Sunday morning. He was 58 years old and, is survived by
a wife and three children, O.E. Robinson, J.H. Robinson and Miss Julia Robinson. He was a member
of Dunham post, G.A.R., and the Retail Grocers' association. He was well known and held in
high esteem.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 21 Apr 1903, pg. 7
ROBINSON, Marion Lafayette
Marion L. Robinson died in St. Mary's hospital at 12 o'clock Tuesday noon
after a week's long illness of pneumonia. He was born in Decatur and lived here all his life.
He was a farmer and retired in 1919. Besides his wife Martha Robinson, he leaves two sons
William H. and Henry C. Robinson. The body was taken to Moran's undertaking establishment.
Funeral arrangements will be made later.
Decatur Review, Tuesday, March 1, 1921
The funeral of Marion L. Robinson will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
at Moran & Sons Chapel. The internment will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Wednesday, March 2, 1921
Submitted by - Kay Robinson
NOTE: Submitter notes that the correct first name of her g-grandfather was Marquis.
Both his death certificate and headstone are correct.
ROBINSON, William Barton 
Death Claims Civil War Veteran Thursday Morning
William Barton Robinson, 957 West Wood Street. Civil war veteran died Thursday morning,
at 9:25. Mr. Robinson was born in Buffalo Hart Township, Sangamon County Illinois, May 9, 1888. He had
lived at the present address since November 1882.
He enlisted in Company I, 111 Illinois Infantry for a period of three years, in July
1863. He was taken prisoner of war at the battle of Guntown, Mississippi and passed nine
months in the Confederate prison at Hendersonville. He was paroled in February 1865 and on February
21, 1867 was married to Arminta Burns at Buffalo Hart, Illinois.
Mrs. Robinson preceded him in death nearly three years. She died in March 1923. His
daughter, Mrs. Alice H. Pitner died in Aug. 1926. Mr. Robinson leaves one son, J.B. Robinson of
Decatur, and two grandchildren, Mrs. J.M. Gray of Chicago and Miss Isabelle Robinson of Decatur.
The body was taken to the Monson funeral home and prepared for burial. The funeral
will be at the home, 957 West Wood Street, at two o'clock Saturday afternoon.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 13 Jan 1927, pg. 17
ROBY, Bessie Mae (Reed)
Born: 13 Jan 1902
Died 19 Dec 1983
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Albert Franklin & Bertha Edith (Carothers) Reed
Married: Elmer C. Roby
Children: Harold, Betty, Helen
ROBY, Finley B. 
Worked at Wabash Shops For 35 Years
Finley B. Roby, aged about seventy-five years, 1818 East Prairie Street, died at
noon today in St. Mary's hospital of old age and kidney trouble. The body was taken to Moran's
chapel and funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Mr. Roby had made Decatur his home all his life. He was an old soldier and years
ago was watchman at the Sangamon crossing. Until two three years ago he worked at the Wabash
shops. He was employed there 35 years. Two sons survive Mr. Roby, Elmer and Albert, both living
at home. His wife died a few years ago and there are three sons and one daughter dead.
BORN IN 1841
Mr. Roby was born April 18, 1841 the state of Ohio. He has a brother Irving David
Roby, of Spokane, Wash.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 2 Dec 1915, pg. 15
ROBY, John W.
The funeral of the late John W. Roby was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from
his late residence, No. 1704 East Wood street, and was largely attended. The services were
conducted by Rev. J.A.F. Kind and the music was rendered by a choir composed of D.L. Bunn.
George Dunston, Mrs. K. Harwood and Mrs. F.P. Howard. The members of the Sons of Veterans
and the Ladies Aid society and the employes of the American Express company attended the
funeral in a body. There were also many of the members of the G.A.R. in attendacne. The
floral offerings were numerous and among them were several handsome designs. The burial
was at the Spangler cemetery, east of the city. Six of the Sons of Veterans acted as
pall bearers. The remains were buried with military honors, the Sons of Veterans
conducting their ritual burial service.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 6 Sep 1897
RODENBERG, Rev. Charles
Rev. Charles Rodenberg Expires at St. Louis
Rev. Charles Rodenberg, for five years pastor of the German Methodist church in this city,
died Sunday at his home in St. Louis, according to a message received Tuesday morning by Rev. F.J.
Sternberg, present pastor of the church. Mr. Rodenberg was pastor from 1897 to 1902. After his Decatur
pastorate he retired, and had since been living in St. Louis, where he occupied a home purchased for him
by his son, Congressman William Rodenberg of East St. Louis.
Mr. Rodenberg lacked just two days of being eighty-three years old at the time of his death.
He was one of the most popular and prominent members of the St. Louis German conference, and for several
years was district superintendent. He held some of the best pastorates in the conference and always
remained the full time limit in a pastorate.
He is survived by his wife and several sons, including Congressman Rodenberg. His home in
St. Louis was at 6603 Virginia avenue. The funeral will be held Wednesday.
Decatur Review, 8 May 1917
RONAN, Mary (Ryan)
Mrs. Mary Ronan Died at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday night, Sept. 26, at the family
residence, 517 East Cerro Gordo street. She had been a sufferer with stomach trouble for a long
time, and during the past three weeks had been confined to her bed. She was born in County
Tipperaray, Ireland, in 1831, and came with her parents to Bloomington, this state in 1847, and
was married to Thomas Ronan in that city April 4, 1853. She moved with her husband to Decatur
on the 4th of June of the same year and has since resided here, where she was loved and respected
by all who knew her. She was the mother of John, Mayme, Timothy, and Nellie Ronan, all of this
The funeral will take place from St. Patrick's church at 2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 28.
Decatur Daily Republican, 27 Sep 1894
ROOS, Ennah Young 87, of Denver Colorado
Died: Sunday, November 27, 1994
Funeral: Graveside services at Fairlawn Cemetery
Survivors: sons, James Young of Nevada and Eugene Young of Denver, Colo; 12 grandchildren;
she was preceded in death by her parents and 2 brothers.
ROPER, Robert 
Robert Roper died at 8 o'clock Friday evening at his residence, 362 West Cerro
Gordo Street, from a complication of troubles. He had been ill about nine months. He was a coal
miner and was hurt in a mine about nine months ago. He was 73 years old.
He came to Decatur from Taylorville about four years ago. He leaves a wife, Mrs.
Mary Roper, two sons, W. C. Roper and Robert Roper, both of Decatur, and two daughters, Mrs.
Isabelle Ofenia of Pawnee and Mrs. Emma Parks of Clinton.
The funeral will be held probably at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the house.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 7 May 1904, pg. 8
ROREK, Mary M.
Mrs. Mary M. Rorek, widow of Curtis W. Rorek of near LaPlace, died at 4:30 o'clock
Saturday morning at St. John's hospital in Springfield. She was forty-eight years old in June.
Her death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Rorek's maiden name was Mary M. Welsh. She was born in Indianpolis, June
18, 1874, but more of her life was spent near Decatur. Before her marriage she was employed at
Bradley Bros. and the Stewart Dry Goods company's stores and had a host of friends. She had
been here about thirty-four years. She was the daughter of the late Daniel Welsh. Her brohter,
the late James Welsh, grew up in the Wabash service and became general manager of the Denver &
Rio Grande. When his health failed he returned to the Wabash as efficiency expert under Steve
Mrs. Rorek is survived by two daughters, Misses Mary Geraldine Rorek and Eloise
Ellen Rorek, near LaPlace. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Ellen England of Springfield and
Mrs. Katherine Dunn of Guthrie, Okla., and a brother, Michael Welsh of Springfield.
The body was brought to Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic
Church. The interment will be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, 1 Jul 1922
Elmer Rosebrough died at 2:30 o’clock a.m., Monday, Nov. 7, at the family residence,
617 West Marietta Street. He was 56 years old. A wife and three children survive him. His death
was caused by brain fever. He was a veteran of the civil war, being a member of company E, Fifth
Ohio volunteers. The funeral will be held today from the residence. The services will be under the
auspices of the G. A. R. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 8 Nov 1898, pg. 5
ROSS, Callie
The funeral of Mrs. Callie Ross, of Mt. Zion, who died on Tuesday evening, took
place yesterday morning at eleven o'clock, Rev. W.L. Bankson officiating. The deceased was
the wife of B.F. Ross and was 22 years old at the time of her death.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 27 May 1886
ROSTEK, Arthur
Arthur Rostek, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rostek, died suddenly at 5 o'clock
Friday morning at the family residence, 1402 North Morgan street. He was a year old last April.
He was born in Decatur April 17, 1921. The baby seemed all right Thursday evening. His mother
gave him a dose of castor oil before putting him to bed. When she awoke at 5 o'clock and went
to take him up she found him dying.
Beside his parents he leaves the followinng sisters and brothers: Alma, Elmer,
Esther, Edwin, Fredrick and Daniel. The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking
establishment and prepared for burial. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning
at the residence. The interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, 16 June 1922
ROSTEK, August C.
August C. Rostek, 47, Succumbs to Heart Trouble Following Year's Illness
August C. Rostek, 47 years old, died Sunday monring about 8:30 o'clock in his
home, 448 East Center street. He is a veteran employe of the Decatur and Macon County coal
Co. He had been ill with heart trouble for nearly a year.
Mr. Rostek came to Decatur with his parents from Chicago. He was born in 1882.
His father died in 1927. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Marie Rostek, two brothers of Decatur,
Harry and Emil Rostek, and a third brother, John of Fort Collins, Col. Four sisters, Mrs.
Harry Powers, Mrs. Marie Arnold, Amelia and Anna Rostek, remain in Decatur.
Decatur Herald, 6 Jan 1930
ROSTEK, Infant Daughter
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rostek died at one o'clock yesterday
afternoon of a summer complaint.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 July 1894
ROSTEK, Infant Daughter
The infant daughter of Fred Rostek died Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 2, at the family
residence, 1374 North Morgan street. The baby's mother (Elizabeth Zander Rostek) died a few
weeks ago after giving birth to twins. The arrangements for the funeral had not been
completed last night.
The Daily Review, 3 Aug 1898
John Rostek, for forty-seven years a resident of Decatur, died at 11 o'clock
Tuesday night at the family residence, 1211 North Illinois street. He was seventy-six years
old last December. He had been in failing health for several years.
Mr. Rostek was born in Germany Dec 28, 1850. He came to America in 1880, coming
direct to Decatur, and this has been his home ever since. He was engaged as a coal miner for
many years, and was later employed by the street department for several years. He was a member
of St. Johannes Lutheran church.
He is survived by his wife and the following children: Emil, August and Harry
Rostek, Mrs. Martha Powers, Mrs. Marie Arnold, Misses Anna and Amelia Rostek, all of Decatur,
and John Rostek, Jr., of Fort Morgan, Colo. He also leaves two sisters in Germany and a
brother, Daniel Rostek of Decatur. The body was taken to Moran & Sons, funeral directors,
and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 23 Mar 1927
ROSTEK, Lauda C.
Lauda C. Rostek, the infant daughter of Fred Rostek died at the home Wednesday
morning, 1375 North Morgan street, at 1 o'clock. It's death was the result of spasms. It was
2 years 2 months and 4 days old. The funeral services will be held at the home Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. W. Heyne will conduct the services. The interment will be
made at Greenwood.
Decatur Herald, 13 Oct 1905
ROSTEK, Martha Anna
Martha Anna Rostek, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rostek, died at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening at the family residence, 1402 North Morgan street. Her death was
caused by a complication of diseases ater an illness of four weeks. She was born in Decatur
on Dec. 22, 1914. Besides the parents there are five brothers and two sisters, Alfred Rosek,
Herman Rostek, Walter Rostek, Paul Rostek, Elmer Rostek, Alma Rostek and Esther Rostek.
Decatur Review, 15 Nov 1917
Otto Rostek, son of Fred Rostek, died at 3 o'clock a.m., Thursday, Aug. 4, at
the family residence, 1374 North Morgan street. This is the second child Mr. Rostek has lost
within a few days, it's twin sister having been buried Wednesday. The mother died two weeks
ago. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence. Rev. Mr. Heyne
will conduct the services. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Aug 1898
ROTZ, Myrtle (Sammons)
Born: 29 Dec 1875 in Rochester, Sangamon Co, IL
Died: 14 Nov 1955 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Macon Co Memorial Park, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Thomas R. & Melissa J. (Florey) Sammons
Married: #1 28 May 1891 in Macon Co, IL to Wm. S. McKee
#2 Dec 1922 in Macon Co, IL to Samuel Rotz
Children: John McKee, James McKee, Wm. McKee, Lucretia McKee, Verna McKee & Margaret McKee
ROUNDY, Ada Emilie (Lindsay)
Born: 3 Oct 1881 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 24 Apr 1958 in Windham Co, VA
ROWE, Catherine
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Rowe took place yesterday morning from the residence
of W.H. Grindol, on East Main street. Rev. George Stevens conducted the services and the remains
were interred at Greenwood. The pall bearers were Messrs. George Stare, Abraham Conklin, Fern
Roach, Wm. Bowers, A. Kramer and George Bright.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 20 Mar 1886
RUBY, Matt 
MACON - The funeral of Matt Ruby took place Wednesday morning from the Ruby House.
Mr. Ruby was formerly a resident of this place, but moved to Lamed, Kan., a few years ago, and
from there to Springfield, where he has lived since. He died Monday from the effects of a carbuncle.
Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 21 Feb 1890, pg. 2
MACON - Mathew Ruby, an old soldier and a former citizen of this city and a member of
Jordan Post No. 535, G.A.R., department of Illinois, died at Springfield last Monday night and was
buried here with G.A.R. honors on Wednesday at 11 a.m. W.H. Daley of the Presbyterian church
delivered the funeral discourse at the Ruby house. The deceased was 61 years old and was a great
sufferer with an unusual large sized carbuncle, which culminated in death.
Decatur Daily Despatch, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 22 Feb 1890, pg. 2
The death of this gentleman took place on Saturday night, at 9 o'clock. His
condition was considered hopeful until about noon on Saturday, when he took a chill, and sank
rapidly. The funeral took place at North Fork Church yesterday afternoon, Elder John W.
Tyler conducting the religious exercises. Mr. Rucker was about 45 years of age, and had
resided in this county not less than 40 years. He was twice married, and leaves a widow and
seven or eight children to mourn his untimely death. ~ His eldest daughter is the wife of E.R.
Eldridge, Esq., of this city. He was an active, stirring business man, and had amassed a
large amount of property. He was highly esteemed in the community, and his loss will be
severely felt.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 7 Apr 1873
Yesterday afternoon, about 2 1/2 o'clock, John Rucker, Esq., died at his residence
on Water street in this city. He had been quite feeble for some time, but his latest attack
commenced on Thursday morning. We give the following brief sketch of his history:
John Rucker was born on the 4th day of December 1800, in the State of South Carolina,
and when quite young moved with his parents to Murphreysboro, Tenn. In 1827 he married Elizabeth
Cowan, by whom he had four children, only one of whom survives him. In 1829 Judge Rucker moved
to Shelby county, Ill., where he remained four years, and in 1833 he moved to Macon county, where
he has resided ever since. He was for four years one of the Justices of the County Commissioner's
Court. In 1864 he had a stroke of paralysis, which affected his speech and partially disabled
him; in 1871 he had a second stroke which rendered him entirely speechless, and totally unfitted
him for business; for over a year past he has scarcely been outside of his door. He bore his
affliction with great patience, and resignation, and gave scarcely any trouble, even when
helpless. He joined the Christian Church over thirty years ago, and was in full fellowship until
death carried him from time to eternity.
Decatur Republican, 20 July 1872
RUCKER, Mrs. Josie
The funeral of Mrs. Josie Rucker was held yesterday at 1 o'clock p.m. from the
North Fork church. Rev. J.A.F. King of the U.B. church preached the funeral sermon. The body
was interred in the North Fork cemetery.
Daily Review (Decatur), Saturday, March 23, 1918, page 8
RUDY, William
William Rudy, formerly of Holliday, Ill., died at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. J.A. Gibson, 84 East Johns avenue, late Thursday night. He was over seventy-one years
old. His death was caused by a complication of diseases, after an illness of two weeks.
Mr. Rudy was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 17, 1846. He lived at Holliday for many years,
coming to Decatur only last August to reside with his daughter. He was a veteran of the
Civil war, being a member of company C of the Seventh Illinois. He is survived by five
daughters, Mrs. J.A. Gibson and Mrs. Melissa Creager of Decatur, Mrs. Myrtle Holliday of
Holliday, Miss Grace Rudy and Mrs. Nora Grundy of Carthage, MO. There are also two brothers
and a sister, D.W. Rudy and Jonah Rudy and Mrs. Mary Donovan of Beecher City, Ill. A
grand-daughter, Miss Bessie Holliday, lived with him until he moved to Decatur.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Mar 1917
RUE, Henry 
Henry Rue was born in Middlesex, County, New Jersey, November 10, 1822. On
August 2, 1862 he enlisted in Company I, 107th Regiment Illinois Infantry, for three years.
In the summer of 1863 be contracted a severe illness from the effects of which he never fully
recovered. He received an honorable discharge at Salisbury, N. C., June 2, 1865, and died at
1 p. m. September 5th, 1887, being 64 years, 9 months and 25 days old. The funeral was held
at Boiling Springs September 6th, conducted by Elder Wm A. Smith.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 15 Sep 1887, pg. 6
We regret to announce also the death of Mrs. Ruehl, wife of Chas. Ruehl,
which took place in this city on Wednesday of last week.
Decatur Republican, 17 Oct 1867
RUGH, Samuel 
Samuel Rugh, formerly a resident of Blue Mound township, died at the
residence of Dr. D.R. Kyner in Blue Mound, Feb. 5 at 10 o’clock p.m. aged 61 years.
His death was caused by consumption.
He was born at Rugh’s Station, Indiana county, Pa., Oct. 4, 1840. At
the age of 14, in 1854, he came with his parents to this former residence in Blue Mound
township. At the age of 21 he volunteered as a private in company E, One Hundred and
Fifteenth Illinois, in the Civil war. He was twice slightly wounded and having been
honorably discharged at the end of three years’ service, he returned home, where he remained
on the farm until he was 28 years old.
Then he returned to Indiana county, Pa., where he engaged in the mercantile
business for sixteen years, returning to his farm in Blue Mound township in 1885. He lived
there until 1901, when he sold his farm for $100 an acre, it being the first quarter section
not close to town sold for that figure in the county.
In politics he was a staunch Republican. He was a devout Christian and served
as a elder in the Presbyterian church for twenty-five years. He was well known through out
the county and was held in high esteem by all who knew him.
He is survived by two sons and one brother, W.N. Rugh of Decatur, Samuel T. and
J.C. Rugh of Indian county, Pa.
The funeral will be held at the residence of Dr. D.T. Kyner in Blue Mound Friday
at 1 o’clock. Rev. J.S. Keener, assisted by Rev. W.L. Bankson, will conduct the services.
Interment will be at the Brown cemetery of Blue Mound township.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 6 Feb 1902
RUNYAN, W.A. (Mrs.)
Mrs. W.A. Runyan, aged thirty-two years, died at the family residence on East Marietta
street yesterday morning, of kidney disease. A husband and two children survive her, but the oldest
child is very ill with scarlet fever. The deceased was a daughter of James and Lydia Montgomery,
living at No. 502 East William street. The funeral will take place at four o'clock this afternoon
from the residence, Rev. Prestley officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 29 Apr 1886
Henry Ruthrauff, father of Commissioner Harry Ruthrauff, died at 2:10 Saturday
morning at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. T.A. Hammel, 775 East Cleveland avenue. He
was sixty-nine years old. His death was caused by kidney trouble after an illness of seven
weeks. Mr. Ruthrauff was well known as a farmer and as a miller in Central Illinois. He
was an old resident of Macon county and had many warm friends.
Henry Ruthrauff was born Jan 23, 1843, in Washington county, Maryland, near
Leitersburg. He was married to Miss Barbara Snyder at Waynesburg, Pa., Jan 2, 1860. Though
only nineteen years old when President Lincoln sent his second call for volunteers, Henry
Ruthraufff enlisted in the One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, and his first
engagement was the battle of Bull Run under General Pope, the regiment being attached to the
Fifth army corps. He also engaged in the battle of Antietam.
On Dec. 13, 1862, he was wounded in the left ankle in the fight at Maria Hill
and was taken to Point Lookout, where there were 16,000 wounded soldiers. A contagious disease
broke out among the soldiers there through carelessness on the part of the physicians or
attendants. Mr. Ruthrauff contracted the disease and nearly lost his life. Then Governor
Curtin ordered all Pennsylvania soldiers unfit for duty to be transferred to the Turner Lane
hospital in Philadelphia and Mr. Ruthrauff was among those transferred. He remained there
until the expiration of his nine months enlistment.
He returned home and was working for his father when the battle of Gettysburg
came, along with Lee’s raid through Pennsylvania. In this raid Lee’s soldiers demolished the
home of William Ruthrauff, brother of Henry Ruthrauff, and the latter decided to reenlist.
He enlisted in company K, Twenty-first Infantry. He was in the first battalion, commanded by
Colonel Boyd, and he participated in all the battles of his regiment up to the time of the
surrender of Appomattox. He was wounded in the hand in front of Petersburg and in the hip
at Poplar Grove church. He was in General Warren’s famous raid when 150 miles of the Weldon
railroad was demolished. His battalion acted as escort to General Sheridan at Five Folks.
He was mustered out of service July 8, 1865.
Returning home he engaged in farming, but in 1870 he came to Illinois and
located near Illiopolis. Later he came to Macon county and engaged in farming five miles
northeast of Decatur. A few years ago he sold his farm and engaged in the milling business
at Rochester, Ill., and also at Athens, in Menard county. From there he went to Springfield
and was in business there about a year, coming back to Decatur about twenty-five years ago.
His home has been here since then, except for the past four or five years that he has lived
in Indianapolis. He returned a few months ago.
He was a member of the First United Brethren church in Decatur and also of the
G.A.R. post at Indianapolis. He was a man of strong convictions and great strength of character
and one whom everybody liked. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Elmer E.
Ruthrauff, Harry Ruthrauff, Theodore Ruthrauff, Mrs. Flora Hammel, Mrs. William Platt, Mrs. J.R.
Sanders and Bert Ruthrauff, all of Decatur. Three other children were born to them, William and
Elizabeth, who died early in life, and Ferris Ruthrauff, who was drowned in the Sangamon river,
twenty years ago.
Mr. Ruthrauff also leaves six brothers and one sister, Grafton Ruthrauff of Decatur,
John Ruthrauff of Rochester, Ill, M.O. Ruthrauff, J.B. Ruthrauff, Andrew Ruthrauff and Clayton
Ruthrauff, all of Wichita Kan., and Mrs. William Hicks of Oklahoma City.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Monday afternoon at the First United Brethren
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. E. H. Shuey. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 16 Sep 1911
RUSSELL, Willaim
William Russell, veteran screen star and husband of Helen Ferguson formerly of
Decatur, died in a Hollywood hospital Monday, following a week's illness of pneumonia. His
wife made a hurried trip from San Francisco where she was fulfilling a theatrical engagement,
but arrived too late to see him alive.
Russell was a veteran of both stage and screen, and at one time was the screen's
favorite "tough man." His wife, who is the daughter of Fred Ferguson of West Main street
began her screen career when a youngster in Chicago. Her greatest success was in "Hungry
Hearts," a California production. They were married a few years ago and theirs has been one
of the successful Hollywood marriages, according to the reports from the movie colony there.
They have no children. Within the past year of two, Helen Ferguson has been on the
legitimate stage in California.
Decatur Evening Herald, Monday, 18 Feb 1929, pg. 3
RUST, Elam
On Saturday morning last, Mr. Elam Rust Esq., Editor of the Democratic
Herald in this city, was taken with fits and delirium, and died in a fit about 10 o'clock
that night. Mr. R. was buried on Monday evening. The Funeral services were performed at
the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. E.W. Thayer. Mr. R. leaves a family.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 12 Mar 1857
RYAN, Edward Joseph 
The body of Edward Joseph Ryan, who died in Waukegan Saturday night, was
brought to Decatur Monday morning by his mother, Mrs. Margaret Ryan of Chicago and taken
to the Moran & Sons chapel. The funeral will be held at 9 o’clock Thursday morning at
St. Patrick’s Catholic church. The burial will be in Calvary cemetery.
Edward J. Ryan was a veteran of the world war and served with the United
States forces in France, as a member of the Three Hundred and Fifty-Third Infantry,
Eighty-Ninth Division. He served nineteen months and went “over the top” six times. He
was both gassed and shell shocked and his health was permanently impaired. He returned
to Milwaukee after the war and resumed his old position as switch tender for the C.C. &
St. P. railroad and was thus employed when he was taken ill with pneumonia about two weeks
ago. He remained at work as long as he possibly could and then climbed into a box car,
where he was soon found and taken to the company’s hospital in Waukegan.
Mr. Ryan was born in Decatur Dec. 4, 1886. The family moved to Ivesdale when
he was a boy and he was a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic church there. Besides his mother
he leaves two brothers and two sisters.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 26 Oct 1926, pg. 29
RYAN, Mary
Mrs. Mary Ryan, wife of Michael Ryan, died at 8:45 o'clock Friday night at the
family residence, 1412 North Calhoun street. She was about sixty years old. Mrs. Ryan had been
in failing health for a long time, but the immediate cause of her dath was pneumonia, with which
she had suffered for about two weeks.
Mrs. Ryan was born in Peoria. She had been a resident of Decatur for the last
twenty-five years and was well known in the north part of the city. She was a member of St.
Patrick's Catholic church and had many friends.
Mrs. Ryan is survived by her husband Michael J. Ryan and the following children:
Mrs. Katherine Knight of Clinton, Michael J. Ryan, Jr., James E. Ryan and William E. Ryan, all
of Decatur. She also leaves a niece, Miss Mary Burnside, and a nephew, Raymond DeSousa, both
of Decatur. The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial.
Decatur Review, 15 Apr 1922
RYAN, William 
William Ryan, veteran of the Spanish-American war, died Monday at the
Soldiers’ Home in Danville. He was fifty years old and formerly resided in Harristown.
Mr. Ryan was born and reared in Harristown and was well known there. When
the war with Spain broke out he enlisted and served through that war and continued in
service for about seven years. He had been at the home for the last fifteen years. He
is survived by two brothers, John and Charles Ryan, both of Harristown, and a sister,
Mrs. Nancy Jones of Norwich, N.Y. The body was brought to Decatur and arrangements were
made to have the funeral Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church in Harristown.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 9 Dec 1925, pg. 13