OAKES, Kate (Muzzy)
Well Known Woman Victim of Apoplexy
And Succumbed at Residence on Wednesday
Mrs. Kate Muzzy Oakes, widow of William Linther Oakes, died at 6:50 o'clock
Wednesday morning at the family residenct, 444 South Webster street. She would have been
sixty-five years old in April. Mrs. Oakes was stricken with apoplexy last Friday noon and
she never regained consciousness. The news of her death is a great shock to her family
and many friends in and near Decatur.
Mrs. Oakes was born at New Lexinton, Perry county, O., April 25, 1854. Her
early years were spent in Terre Haute, Ind., where her father, Leonard Muzzy, was a prominent
attorney. About 1875 the family moved to Decatur, where she has since resided. She was one
of the early graduates of the Decatur high school.
She and William L. Oakes were married Nov 16. 1876. To this union eight children
were born, of whom the following survive: William L. Oakes, Jr., Bernice Oakes, George Oakes,
Dorothy Oakes and Mrs. Walter D. mannering, all of Decatur; Mrs. C.B. Padon of Chicago, and
Corporal Oliver M. Oakes of Battery E, seventy-eighth A.E.F., now in France or Germany. There
are seven grand-children. Mrs. Oakes also leaves two brothers and two sisters, Robert C. Muzzy,
Fred L. Muzzy and Mrs. Margaret Cochran of Decatur, and Mrs. Frank Van Dugan of Milwaukee.
Mrs. Oakes was a kind and devoted mother and her loss is keenly felt. She was a
consistent Christian and early identified herself with the First Baptist church.
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence, 444
South Webster street. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 12 Mar 1919
OAKES, Ralph
Had Been Sick for Past Four Months
Ralph Oakes of Warrensburg died at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Decatur and
Macon County hospital. He was nineteen years old. His death was due to complications following
an attack of influenze. He had been ill for the past four months. He was a member of the Red
Men's lodge, No. 405, at Warrensburg. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Oakes, he is
survived by one sister, Miss Edissa Oakes, and two brothers, Roy and Harry Oakes, all of
The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial and will be taken to Warrensburg. The funeral will be held there, but the
time has not yet been decided upon. The interment will be in the Illini cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Feb 1919
OAKES, Sarah (Wilson)
Mrs. Sarah Oakes, wife of Alderman Henry Oakes of the Fourth Ward, died at ten
minutes past seven o’clock last evening, at the family No. 345 south Jefferson street. The
deceased has been ill for many months and her demise was not unexpected although it brings
with it pangs of sadness for her husband and children. Mrs. Oakes maiden name was Sarah
Wilson, she being a daughter of Mr. Thomas Wilson, of this city, and a half sister of M.P.
Murphy. She was thirty years old and has resided in Decatur for the past fifteen years. A
husband and four children – two boys and two girls – survive her. Alderman Oakes and family
have the sympathy of the entire community in their deep affliction. The time of the funeral
has not been decided, but will be announced to-morrow.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 16 Mar 1886
The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Oakes will take place at three o’clock this
afternoon from the First Methodist church, Rev. T.I. Coultas and Rev. Dr. Vosburgh officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Mar 1886
Hugh O'Donnell died yesterday morning at the residence of his daughter, No.
1359 North Morgan street, from injuries recieved during the late war. The deceased was
eighty years of age and during the war he was a member of Company K, 64th Illinois Regiment.
He was a prisoner at Andersonville and was known as a brave and loyal soldier. The funeral
will take place this morning at eight o'clock from the Catholic church, Rev. Father Mackin
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 1 Jun 1886
ODOR, Eliza
Mrs. Eliza Wales Odor died early yesterday morning at No. 1055 North Water
street, aged fifty-six years, four months and eighteen days. The deceased had been ill of
Bright’s disease for over a year, and for many weeks has been in a feeble and helpless condition.
Her death was not unexpected. She was the widow of Thomas C. Odor, and leaves four children.
They are Mrs. Bettie Shepherd and Misses Mollie Jennie and Nannie Odor. The funeral will take
place at three o’clock this afternoon from the residence. Elder Pinkerton and Tyler will
conduct the services.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 20 Apr 1886
ODOR, Elizabeth (Logan)
Mrs. Elizabeth Odor died at 8 o'clock Monday night at her home, 1055 North Water
street, where she had lived for over twenty-five years. Her death was caused by heart
trouble, following a severe attack of the grip. She had been ill for almost eight weeks.
Mrs. Odor was seventy-eight year old March 20. She was born in Garrard county,
Ky., March 20, 1829. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Logan and she was one of a family
of nine children. On May 30, 1849, she was married to the late J. Q. A. Odor. They
remained in Garrard county for three years after their marriage and then moved to Macon
county, Ill., in 1852, settling on a farm a few miles south of Decatur. They remained on
the farm one year and then moved to the city. They moved back to Kentucky in 1860, but
in 1869 came back to Decatur and spent the remainder of their lives here. Mr. Odor died
here March 22, 1904.
Mrs. Odor was one of the best known women in Decatur. She was a member of the
Christian church and always took an active interest in church work. She is survived by
two sisters, Mrs. Mary McMillin of Decatur and Mrs. Jane Layton of Odell, Neb. Both
are over seventy years of age. Mrs. Layton, owing to feeble health, will not be able to be
present at the funeral. Besides her sister, Mrs. Odor is survived by a niece, Miss Nannie
Odor, who made her home with her for many years.
Mrs. Odor became a member of the Christian church in 1849 before leaving Kentucky
and transferred her membership to the Decatur church when she and her husband moved
here. Later when the Decatur church was divided into two organizations she went with
those who constituted the Central Church of Christ. During the last few years she was
unable to attend services regularly, but her interest was always strong. She was always
bright and cheerful and considerate of the comfort of others.
The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence
on North Water street. Rev. F. W. Burnham, now pastor of the Chruch of Christ at
Springfield will be here to conduct the services. The interment will be in Greenwood.
Friends may call at the residence.
Review - Tues., April 9, 1907, col 6, p. 12
ODOR, Joseph Q.A.
Joseph Q. A. Odor died at 9:20 o'clock Tuesday morning at his home, 1055 North
Water Street
Half a century was covered by J.Q.A. Odor's honorable careet in Macon county,
and at the end of his life he had hosts of friends and many relatives to mourn him. Known
and respected everywhere in the county, Mr. Odor was once one of the most prominent
business men in Decatur. The younger generation was not acquainted with him, but
it knew him by reputation. It is the older men who tell about him and what he did.
Mr. Odor's death had been expected for a long time. It was perhaps hastened by a
broken hip. The injury was received on March 2, when Mr. Odor fell out of a rocking chair.
For the last seventeen years or more he has been paralyzed in one side. It is supposed
that he tried to get up and fell over in the attempt. The turn for the worse came Monday,
and Mr. Odor sank gradually to his death.
Joseph Q. A. Odor was born in Garrard county, Ky, March 30, 1827. He went to
school in Kentucky and became a school teacher. He taught in Garrard county several
years. In 1849 he married Miss Elizabeth Logan, also of that county. She survives him.
Three years later he came to Illinois and settled in Macon county. He then
lived south of the Sangamon river and taught a school there. He taught two years or a
little longer and then moved to Decatur. The first position he took after coming to Decatur
was that of deputy sheriff under Steve Whitchouse. He kept that till 1856, when he
made the race for circuit clerk on the Democratic ticket and got the position. He
served till 1860, and then defeated by William L. Hammer, who ran on the Republican ticket.
After that he formed a partnership with James Millikin and opened a bank on
Merchant street when Danzelsen's meat market is now. The firm was known as
Millikin & Odor, and the bank was called the State bank. In the banking business Mr.
Odor stayed two or three years. His wife's health was so poor that he finally moved to
Louisvill, Ky. There he became partner in a banking firm and passed through the most
prosperous part of his life.
In the fall of 1869 he returned to Decatur, his wife having recovered and he
having sold his interests in Louisville. He formed a partnership with Thomas Smith and
William L. Hammer, who had defeated him in the race for circuit clerk, and with them
opened a bank under the firm name of Smith, Hammer and company. Smith later went
to California and the firm became Rucker, Hammer and company. Rucker finally retired,
though his name continued in the firm. On account of several complications the bank
failed in 1877. The Peddecord & Burrows bank afterwards occupied the same spot. In
the failure of the bank almost all Mr. Odor's property was swept away.
Later Mr. Odor was elected justice of the peace to fill a vacancy. and in 1886 was
elected to a full term. In 1887 he was stricken with paralysis. He served two or three
years longer and since then he has been out of active life.
Before he went back to Kentucky Mr. Odor lived on West North street. After he
returned to Decatur he resided in the 800 block of North Water street. Later he went to
live at 1055 North Water and made his home there for twenty-four years.
He was an active member of the Central Church of Christ. He held many offices
in that church and was one of its most active workers. At different times he was
elder and superintendent of the Sunday school. He started the Leafland avenue mission.
He was a Mason and affiliated with Macon lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M.
He became a Mason before he left Kentucky the first time. The Masons will have charge
of the funeral.
Mr. Odor never had any children. He had several nieces and nephews. Miss
Nannie Odor, Thomas L. Odor, Nelson Odor, Mrs. Hiram Ward, and Mrs. Lucy Jones;
also Mrs. Harry Rickey of Cleveland, Mrs. George Shepherd of Hot Springs, and
William Odor of Iowa, Lucy Jones.
Mr. Odor was a man of strong character, even tempered, good natured, and
lovable. Under all his misfortunes he was cheerful. He took his last injuries far less
to heart than did the rest of his family. He was patient and charitable and well liked.
The funeral will be held from the residence at 4 o'clock Thursday after noon.
Review - Tues, March 22, 1904, p. 10, col 5
(Mr. Odor was buried in Greenwood Cem.)
OGLESBY, Annie White
On Saturday afternoon the remains of Mrs. Annie Oglesby, wife of Governon Richard J. Oglesby, were
interred in Greenwood Cemetery. The funeral services proper were held at the Executive Mansion, in Springfield,
Rev. L.B. Carpenter, in Springfield, officiating. A special train was provided for the occasion, which arrived
here soon after one o'clock, bringing the body of the deceased, the relatives and a large number of friends.
Carriages were in waiting at the depot, and the funeral cortege, which was one of the largest ever seen in Decatur,
proceeded to the cemetery without delay. For more than an hour prior to the arrival of the train citizens had
been flocking to the cemetery, and before the procession reached the grave the grounds were crowded with people.
The simple but beautiful service of the Methodist church was read at the grave, an appropriate hymn was sung by
the choir composed of ladies and gentlemen residing in this city, a short prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Carpenter,
and the funeral was over.
Mrs. Oglesby was the daughter of J.G. White, Esq., of this city, was was married to her now
bereaved husband in 1839. She was the mother of four children, two of whom, a son and a daughter, survive her.
She leaves a large circle of friends, both in Springfield and in this city, who sincerely deplore her early
death, and who sympathize deeply with her bereaved family.
Decatur Republican, 11 Jun 1868
OGLESBY, Richard M. 
Death of Dick Oglesby From Thursday’s Daily
Last night at 8 o'clock Alex Montgomery received a telegram from Mrs. Kellogg,
Chicago, mother-in-law of the deceased, stating briefly that she had just been informed by
telegraph that Richard M. Oglesby, the actor, had been killed at Marionville, Missouri. The
information was sent her by Mr. Burton, probably the manager of the show with which the deceased
has been traveling. Last night Mr. Montgomery telegraphed to Marionville for particulars of
the death of Dick. This morning he received a brief reply stating that the remains would be
sent to Decatur for burial and that particulars would be sent by letter. The body is expected
to arrive tonight from the west at 10:30 o'clock.
The deceased was a native of Kentucky and was aged 39 years. He was a son of Willis
S. Oglesby, who was captain of Co, E, 41st Illinois regiment, who was killed in action at Shiloh,
April 6, 1862. His mother is Mrs. William E. Bingham, of this city, and his sister is Mrs. Alex
Montgomery, Mrs. Belle Wheeler being a half sister. He is a second cousin of Governor Oglesby.
Dick was twice married, the first wife having died. The second wife was a Miss Kellogg. Her home
is in Chicago. A son aged 18 years by the first wife, and a daughter aged 11 years, by the second
wife, are the surviving children.
The deceased entered the Federal service as a drummer boy and was honorably
discharged as a veteran. Dick has spent his years since the war on the dramatic stage, and was
recognized by the profession generally as a clever comedian. His greatest character was that of
Wool in "Hidden Hand." He was also a fine singer and an accomplish dancer.
He has had the personal management of several companies during his career, and
one season had the "Oglesby Troubadours" on the road traveling through the northwest. He spent
his vacation last summer in Decatur, and temporarily filled an engagement with the Maud Atkinson
troupe in August at the opera house. Dick was a jovial wholesome young man who loved his profession,
and while he had not been in Decatur for any length of time for many years, he had a large circle
of friends in the community who will be shocked to learn of his sudden death.
Funeral of Richard M. Oglesby From Friday's Daily
The remains Dick Oglesby, the actor, arrived in the city last night from Marionville
Mo., and this forenoon the funeral took place from the residence of Mrs Alex. Montgomery, sister
of the deceased, on West Main Street. A large company of friends attended the service, which was
conducted by Rev. T. W. Pinkerton, of the Christian church, who selected for his text the words:
"What is your life"— James iv.-14. The choir comprised Chas. Montgomery, Mrs. O. F. Spaulding and
Mrs. John E. Patterson. The selections were: "Abide with Me," "Thy Will be Done," and "Jesus,
Lover of My Soul.' The body was taken to Greenwood for interment. Messrs. D. A. Maffit, Charles
Martin, F. W. Haines, E. W. Wood and J. B. Dinges acted an pall-bearers.
But little is yet known of the manner f the death of Dick. The body was found near
Marionville alongside the railway track, by two railroad men, with a deep dent in the forehead and
a long scratch on one arm. The supposition is lat he must have fallen from a train on which he was
a passenger. The promised letter giving the full particulars of his death so far as known at
Marionville has not yet arrived.
Dick Oglesby Murdered by Tramps and Thrown Out of a Car - From Saturday’s Daily
The relatives of the late Richard M. Oglesby have been unable to get any communication
from Marionville, Mo., the particulars of his death. In he Chicago Herald of today appears the
following telegram, which probably tells the whole story of Dick's sad end:
SPRINGFIELD, MO OCT 19 – Late on Tuesday night a number of section men employed by the
Frisco road discovered, the body of a. man lying by the side of the track 16 miles west of here, who
had been murdered and the body placed where it was discovered, in order to give ,he impression of
accidental death. The skull had been crashed with a coupling pin, which was found some fifty yards
down the track. The body was identified is that of Richard M. Oglesby, a cousin of the governor of
Illinois, and whose home was at Decatur, Ill. This morning an additional clue was discovered which
leads to the belief that Oglesby was attacked by tramps in a boxcar, who thought to rob him, and
being resisted murdered him and threw the body from the car. How Oglesby came to be in the car, or
what he was doing in this part of the country is not known. The crew of the freight train on which
the murder was committed all profess ignorance of the dead man or his assailants, but a yard hand
at Monette states that when the train arrived there three suspicious looking characters left an
empty boxcar and walked rapidly away.
The body was sent to Decatur in a coffin without having received proper attention.
There were no marks of violence except the fracture of the skull and a scratch on the arm. He could
not have received the wounds by a fall from a train. His clothing was well brushed when the body
arrived here, but it appeared that Dick had not been shaved for about a week. He had probably left
the dramatic company with which he had been traveling. There was not a cent of money on his
person—nothing but his papers and some letters, which led to his identity. The authorities in
Missouri will doubtless do there best to hunt down the murderers and bring them to justice.
The Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 25 Oct 1888, pg. 3
OLSEN, Arthur Mearle
Arthur Mearle, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Olson, died of congestion
of the lungs on Tuesday, March 12, at 9 p.m. at the family residenct, No. 451 East
North street, aged 9 months.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Mar 1889
OLSON, Ole B. 
The funeral of Ole U. Olson was held at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home
of his sister, Mrs. E.W. McCleary. 904 West Green Street. The services were conducted by Rev.
R.E, Henry, pastor of the First Christian church. There was a large attendance, the house being
filled with friends.
Many members of Company A, Fourth Regiment. I.N.G., or which he was a member, were
present. The music was furnished by Mrs. O.M. Rose and Mrs. Mont E., Henderson. There were many
beautiful floral tributes in charge of Miss. Etta Lutz, Miss Florence Wheeler, Miss Charlotte
Lichtenberger and Miss Lola Lichtenberger.
The firing squad and color guard were composed of E.W. Stuart, Arthur Smith. C.W.
Tuttle, J.S. Tapscott, J. Picard, E. Osborn, E.R. Collins, Ray Parks and William White all of
company A. The pallbearers, also from company A, were Hugh W. Housum. M.U. Armentrout, K.L.
Shuffer, J. C. Keefe, C. Denhard and T. A. Mecce. The interment was in Fairlawn cemetery, with
military honors. "Taps" were sounded by James Humphrey.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 5 Oct 1921, pg. 12
OREN, Mrs. Maggie
The funeral of Mrs. Maggie Oren was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
St. Patrick's church. The service was a very impressive one and was largely attended by friends
of the family. Many beautiful flowers were strewn on and around the casket.
Daily Review (Decatur), 1 May 1892
ORR, Charlie
DECATUR - Charlie Orr 83 of Decatur went home to be in Glory on Wednesday
March 28, 2007 in Decatur Memorial Hospital. Homegoing services will be 12:00 pm Monday
April 2, 2007 in New Millennium Faith Church of The Living God, 1075 N. Main St. Decatur
Illinois with Elder Todd McClelland officiating and Overseer E. F. Grey Jr. Eulogist.
Visitation will be two hours before service in the church with Masonic Rites conducted by
John C. Ellis Lodge #17 F. & A.M. at 11:30 am. Burial will be in Macon County Memorial Park.
Charlie was born January 17, 1924 in Sardis, MS the son of Curtis and Willie
(Hiblet) Orr. He was a Founding member of Church of the Living God Temple # 1 PGT and a Senior
Deacon since 1951. He worked at A.E. Staley Manufacturing for 42 years and 2 months He was a
volunteer for the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Dove, and Koury Little League Baseball. He served
21 years in the Decatur Auxiliary Police Department finishing as a Captain. He was also a member
of John C. Ellis Lodge # 17 F. & A.M. He married Avery Woods in Arkansas on March 29, 1944.
He leaves not to mourn but cherish fond memories his wife Avery of 63 years; son,
Brian Orr of Decatur; brothers, Rare Orr (Aretha) of Atlanta Georgia; C.Q. Orr of Sandusky, OH;
sister Willie B. Orr of Cleveland, OH; five generations of special nieces and special nephews.
He also leaves a host of cousins, church family, other friends and colleagues. He was preceded
in death by his parents, three brothers: A.D., Curtis, and Hershell, one sister: Virginia.
The family would like to thank Dr. Cohen, Dr. Bilyeu, DMH ICU West, and DMH 4th
floor Unit for all their care. The family of Charlie Orr has entrusted his care to Moran &
Goebel Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 2801 N. Monroe Street.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
ORR, Mrs. Mary
At her home at 1057 West Howard street on Monday occurred the death of Mrs. Mary
Orr, aged 71 years. Her death was due to cancer. The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock, the services conducted by Rev J. Finley, being held at the family residence. The
pall bearers were J.A. Bullard, Jesse Morrow, John Sowards, J.B. Gillette, H.W. Baldridge and
John Reed. The interment was at Greenwood.
Herald Despatch, 9 April 1898
SUDDEN DEATH - Mr. J. Orth, third assistant clerk of the House, died
very suddenly at his room at the Franklin house, on last Saturday evening. He
resided in Wabash county. By a resolution of the House, Messrs. Preston and Whitfield
were appointed a committee to take charge of his remains and convey them home.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 12 Feb 1857
Owen Orvelle died on Thursday evening, at nine o’clock, at his parents’ residence
on Mason street. The funeral will take place this afternoon at two o’clock, from the Baptist
church, Rev. Dr. Vosburgh officiating.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Apr 1886
In Oakley township, on Sunday at 9 a.m., of abscess of the stomach, A. Osborn,
aged 76 years. The funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 10 a.m., from Fairview
church. Interment in the Spangler's cemetery.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 6 Jan 1890
OWEN, Albert
The funeral of Albert Owen took place yesterday afternoon from the Baptist church,
and was largely attended by the relatives and friends of the deceased. Rev. Dr. Vosburgh conducted
the services and the remains were laid to rest at Greenwood cemetery. Music was furnished by a choir
composed of Mrs. O.F. Spaulding, Mrs. W.R. Scruggs and Messrs. Peter Perl and Budge Brown. The
pall-bearers were Messrs. Daniel Moore, Andrew Peters, E.C. Moore, Fillmore Smith, Henry Hall and
Levi Hall.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 18 Apr 1886
OWEN, Ralph
On Sunday May 29, 1887 Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. O.G. Owen, of South Broadway,
aged seven years 12 months and 12 days.
Saturday Herald, 4 June 1887