LAHME, Josephine (Walser)
Had Been Ill For Ten Days; Lived Here All Her Life
Mrs. Josephine Lahme, wife of Herman A. Lahme, died at 5:25 o'clock Friday afternoon
at St. Mary's hospital. She was fifty-six years old. Her death was caused by pneumonia, following
an illness of ten days.
Mrs. Lahme's maiden name was Josephine Walser. She was born in Decatur, April 1,
1866. The family home is at 506 South Webster street. A new residence has replaced the one in
which she was born, but her home has always been at that number. She and Herman A. Lahme were
married Sept. 13, 1888.
She was known to about all of the old residents of Decatur, especially those of the
south part of the city. There was never a case of sickness or distress in the neighborhood that
did not find Mrs. Lahme ready to render whatever aid was possible for her, cheerfully and
freely. She was a good neighbot and a loving wife and mother. She was a member of St. James
Catholic church and always took an active interest in the work of the church.
Mrs. Lahme is survived by her husband the following children: Frank Lahme, Carl
Lahme, Joseph Lahme, Gertrude Lahme and Josephine Lahme. She also leaves seven brothers: Benjamin
Walser, Henry Walser, Charles Walser, Frank Walser, William Walser, Albert Walser and Anthony
Walser, all of Decatur.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial, and on Saturday was taken to the home at 506 South Webster street.
Decatur Review, 15 Apr 1922
LAKIN, George W.
George W. Lakin, veteran of the Civil war, died at 12 o'clock Sunday night at his home
in Chestnut, Ill. His age was eighty-three years, four months and fourteen days. His death was due
to complications incident to old age.
Mr. Lakin was born in Marion county, Ind., July 6, 1844. He came to Illinois early in
life and when the Civil war broke out he enlisted in company B of the Third Illinois Volunteer
Infantry, serving throughout the war. His wife died several years ago. He is survived by four
children, Harry and Roy Lakin of Chestnut, Mrs. Orene Laughrey of Pacific Grove, Cal., and Sherman
D. Lakin of Decatur. There are seven grand-children and one great grand-child.
The funeral will be held in Chestnut at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
Decatur Review, 21 Nov 1927
LAKIN, Mary B. (Stuart)
Born: Jul 15, 1865 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 23 Nov 1920 in VanBuren Co, MI
Married: Aug 04, 1887 in Macon Co, IL to William M. Lakin
Parents: Oliver L. & Elizabeth (Kile) Stuart
LANDACRE, Grace Lucille
Born: 19 Sep 1899 in Mount Zion, Macon County, IL
Died: 9 Feb 1972 Mountain Home, Baxter County, AR
Buried: Memorial Park Cemetery, Decatur, IL
Married: __ Dec 1920 to Chester C. Landacre
Children: Robert, Erwin, Earl, William C., Delores, Barbara
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Landreth in First Methodist church Friday afternoon
were conducted by Rev. A.M. Wells and Rev. H.C. Gibbs. Burial was in Fairlawn.
Decatur Herald, 11 Aug 1928
LANE, James Earl
Born: 23 May 1903 in Mt Zion, Macon Co, IL
Died: 17 Dec 1968 in IL
Buried: Moweaqua, IL
Parents: James Edward Lane and Mary Lecora Sullivan
Married: Cora Burger
Children: Edward, Mary Mabel, John Raynond, Cora Alice
LANE, James Edward
Born: 29 Aug 1874 in IL
Died: 27 Mar 1912 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Uriah Taylor Lane and Sirena Maddox
Married: Mary Lecora Sullivan
Children: Mary, Edward, James, Elmer, Elpha, Della, Ella Lane
LANE, John 
John L. Lane was found dead in bed Monday morning at his home, 452 Central
avenue. His father-in-law, G.W. Cook slept in the same bed with Mr. Lane. He awoke
about 4 a.m. and found that Mr. Lane was dead and apparently for several hours he had
been sleeping with a corpse.
Sunday night Mr. Lane seemed to be in usual health. There was nothing
about his condition to indicate that death would overtake him before morning. He retired
at the usual time. About 11 o’clock he was coughing some, but as he often coughed in
the night Mr. Cook did not think anything of it. It is thought that he probably died at
that time as the body indicated that life had passed away several hours previous to the
time the death was discovered.
Coroner Dawson was notified and took charge of the body and held an inquest
at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon at the residence. The funeral will probably be held
Tuesday afternoon and the burial will be at Macon.
Mr. Lane traveled for the Haworth factory from 1875 to 1894, but during
the past five or six years he has not been associated with any business house. He was
a veteran of the Civil war and was formerly a member of Macon Masonic lodge, having
formerly resided at that place. Mr. Lane is survived by a wife and three children.
He was 65 years old.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 20 May 1901
LANE, Mary Lecora (Sullivan)
Born: 28 Feb 1879 Moultrie Co, IL
Died: 6 Aug 1957
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Samuel W. Sullivan and Ellen Stark
Married: #1 James Edward Lane #2 Clarence Miller
Children: Mary, Edward, James, Elmer, Elpha, Della, Ella Lane and Paul W. Miller
LANE, Orlando C.
DIED, of quick consumption, at the home of Mary Wortman, No. 279 East Bradford street, at
8:30 o'clock p.m., on Friday, Dec. 18, 1885, Orlando C. Lane, aged 30 years.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
LANE, Sirena (Maddox)
Born: 29 Dec 1850 in KY
Died: 6 Jun 1939 in Hickory Point, IL
Buried: Mount Zion Cem, Mount Zion, IL
Parents: Edward and Rhoda (Montgomery) Maddox
married: Uriah Taylor Lane
children: James E., Rhoda, Margaret, Cora, Lena
LANE, Uriah Taylor
Born: 15 Mar 1850 in IN
Died: 6 Feb 1923 in Mount Zion, IL
Buried: Mount Zion Cemetery, Mount Zion, IL
Parents: James B. and Nancy (McIntosh) Lane
children: James E., Rhoda, Margaret, Cora, Lena
LANHAM, Rebecca
The funeral services of Mrs. Rebecca Lanham, wife of Mr. W.N. Lanham, took place at
the First M.E. Church this morning at 10 1/2 o'clock, her neighbors and friends attesting their
respect for her by their presence. Her remains were taken to Greenwood Cemetery for interment. -
Mrs. Lanham leaves no family except her husband, who will have the sympathy of community in his
bereavement. Her near relatives were too remote to be in attendance at her funeral.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 12 Feb 1874
LARIMORE, Della Faye
Born: 22 Sep 1912 Mount Zion, Macon Co, IL
Died: 22 Aug 1970
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem, Decatur, IL
Parents: James Edward Lane and Mary Lecora Sullivan
Married: William F. Larimore
Children: Mary, Annafae
Born: 22 Sep 1912 in Mount Zion, Macon Co, IL
Died: __ Oct 1995 in IL
Parents: James Edward Lane and Mary Lecora Sullivan
Married: Robert Lee Larimore
Children: Amanda, Robert, Adam, Esther, Mary
LARIMORE, Robert Lee
Born: 4 Dec 1900 in Cuba, MO
Died: 6 Jan 1980 in Danville, Vermillion Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Robert William Larimore and Orilda Wheat
Married: Ella Maye Larimore
Children: Amanda, Robert, Adam, Esther, Mary
At his home, No. 805 North Morgan street, last evening at 7 o’clock, Robert
P. Larimore, died of stomach and liver trouble. The deceased had been in ill health
for six or eight months and the illness which caused his death had kept him confined to
his home for the eleven weeks preceding his death and almost constantly during that time
he had been confined to his bed. Of late years, Mr. Larimore, or “Uncle Bob” as he was
familiarly known, has acted in the capacity of day watchman at the Wabash car shops. For
nearly a quarter of a century – perhaps twenty-fours years, in various capacities, he has
worked for that company. He was a genial, warm hearted man and those who knew him well in
his walk of life, will sincerely mourn his death.
The deceased was native of Fayette county, Illinois, where he was born on
April 8, 1838. He first came to Decatur in 1868, and though he has not lived here continuously
since that time, he has spent the major portion of those years in Decatur. He served in
the late war in Co. F. 97th Illinois Volunteers, but he had never joined the G.A.R. nor was
he a member of any secret society. A widow and one son survive him. The son, Erving Larimore,
has been expected home from Boston each day for nearly a week. A sister of the deceased, Mrs.
L. Benbow of Belton, Texas, not knowing her brother was ill, came to visit him and arrived
at his bedside last night, just before he breathed his last. A sister living in Florence,
Texas, and a brother in East Lyne, Mo., are the only other surviving relatives.
The funeral will occur on Sunday forenoon. The services will be conducted at
Stapp’s Chapel at 10 o’clock.
Herald Despatch, Decatur IL, 16 May 1891
A description of the funeral was published in the Decatur Morning Review,
Decatur IL, 19 May 1891.
LARIMORE, William F.
Born: 20 Dec 1906
Died: __ Aug 1975 IL
Parents: Robert William Larimore and Orilda Wheat
Married: Della Faye Larimore
Children: Mary, Annafae
LARMON, Margaret E.
Born: in St. Louis (75years of age)
Died: Tues, 15 Jan 1975 in St. Mary's Hospital
Buried: Monticello Cem.
Parents: Sexton H. and Mary Green Larmon
LAWLEY, Elijah D. 
Elijah D. Lawley, of Macon, died on Friday night at half-past ten o'clock at
the age of forty-five years. While at the dinner table on that day, Mr. Lawley was in
fine health and spirits, when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis of the brain. An
hour later he was speechless,a nd he gradually failed until death ended his sufferings.
During the war he was a member of Co. E 114th Illinois Infantry and served through the
war, coming out at the end crippled for life from the effects of a bullet wound. He
was for several years postmaster at Macon and was a member of the Grand Army post of
that place. A widow and five children mourn his loss.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 25 Apr 1886
Died of paralysis at his home in Macon, at 10:30 o’clock p.m., on Friday,
April 23 1886, Elijah D. Lawley, aged 45 years. At 6 o’clock Friday evening the deceased
was apparently in good health. At the supper table he complained of a queer feeling in
his head and he rapidly grew worse until he died. Mr. Lawley was a merchant and was one
of Macon’s most highly respected citizens. He was a veteran soldier, having served in
the Union army during the rebellion. He participated in several battles and received
several wounds. A wound received in his right hip rendered him a cripple for life, and
at the time of his death he was drawing from the government a pension of $?? per month.
He leaves a wife and five children.
Saturday Herald, Decatur IL, 1 May 1886
A similar obituary was published in The Daily Review, Decatur IL,
25 Apr 1886.
LAWTON, Robert B.
Yesterday morning, a span of mules attached to a mowing machine, from some unknown
cause became frightened, ran away and caught Mr. Robt B. Lawton, living two miles south of Niantic,
cutting off his left thigh, fracturing his skull, and mangling him in a horrible manner. Dr.
Moore of this city, was called but Mr. Lawton only survived a few hours.
Daily Republican, 30 July 1872
Niantic, Ills. - 2 Aug 1872
Editors Republican - An event occurred in our midst on Monday last (mention of which
was made in your issue of the 30th) which calls for more than an ordinary notice in the public
prints. I allude to the untimely death of our esteemed fellow citizen, Robert Lawton.
He was, in every sense of the word, a great man. Born of humble parentage, he early
in life acquired a taste for reading, and when a mere youth had acquire sufficient education to
teach school. About 17 years ago he settled in this town, without any means but an honest heart
and indomitable energy. With Robert came also two brother, Thomas and William. William died soon
after, but Thomas, a highly esteemed christian citizen, remains to mourn the tragic death of his
brother Robert.
The writer of this settled in this town about the same time that the Lawtons did
and made their acquaintance - and it was a common remark amongst those that knew them that some
day Robert would "make his mark in the world." But those only who knew him best could most
admire his close reasoning powers, as well as the courage with which his mind would grapple the
most intricate subject. The subject of religion was with him a favorite theme for discussion, and
many a D.D. has had the worst of it in discussing with him, although he belonged to no organized
"Chained by no party, to no system bound,
Confining merit to no spot of ground."
Robert Lawton was truly a great man. He died as he had lived - a fearless, honest
man. He met the King of Terrors as calmly and undisturbed as a Socrates. Torn and mangled as
he was not a groan or murmur escaped his lips. He made his will in an unfaltering voice, in
which he remembered his aged father and an orphan niece with distinction out of the ample means
that he had accumulated. And when he knew his end was near, he called his brother and told him
that his time was short and wished them (his friends) all to come and bid him goodbye. As soon
as the partying scene was accomplished, he turned himself back on his bed, and almost immediately
"gathered to his Fathers" without a struggle or a frown.
The deceased was a single man, and in his will bequeathed the greater portion of
his estate to his brother Thomas, with whom he had always lived. He was born in Penn., was
reared to manhood in the States of Ohio and Indiana, and died in the 48th year of his age.
It is hoped by the writer that the young men of Niantic, Illinois will ponder well
the virtues of their deceased fellow-townsman, and be admonished by the circumstances of his
death to "be ye also ready." Written by Joab Wilkinson.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 3 August 1872
LEAVITT, Thomas N. 
Thomas N. Leavitt, one of the most widely known and one of the oldest residents
of Maroa, died at his home here Tuesday about noon. He had been ill for a long time. He was
eighty-one years of age.
Mr. Leavitt had been a resident of Maroa since before the war and had been a
prominent Democrat for many years. He had served as postmaster of Maroa, was a member of the
legislature for some years, member of the board of equalization and had held other offices.
For many years he was in the implement business in this city.
He was born in Ohio, and came from there to Henry county, and then to Maroa.
He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. J.H. Harris.
Funeral arrangements are not yet made.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 8 Oct 1919
LEBO, Peter
(Note: The right edge of this obit was smudged.)
Peter Lebo died at his home ____ Boody Monday night, August 21 at seven o'clock,
aged 57 years. Last February morning he suffered a stroke of paralysis ____ while his health has
not been good, death was not expected. On Sunday ___ was out riding yesterday, he was ___ well
and last night he passed away. ___ leaves a wife and nine children. Mr. Lebo was a native of
Birks county, Pa, and he had been a resident of Macon county for 22 years. For the past 10 years
he has resided at Boody. His brother Jacob Lebo, lives in Harristown and he has three sisters
in Pennsylvania. Mr. Lebo was highly respected by all who knew him. His funeral took place from
the Salem cemetery Wednesday at 11 o'clock.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 26 August 1893
LEE, Levi M., Dr. 
Dr. Levi M. Lee, for many years a druggist and practicing physician in Decatur, died
at 7:45 o’clock Thursday evening at his home, 1615 North Water street. He was seventy-eight years
old last March. His death was caused by paralysis of the throat. His last illness was of short
duration. Within the last ten days he had been seen in the streets downtown and then he appeared
to be in good health. His death was a great surprise to his friends and acquaintances.
Dr. L. M. Lee was born in Brownstown, Ky, March 31, 1843. He was attending school
when the Civil war broke out and on Nov. 1, 1861, he left school and enlisted in the Tenth Kentucky
Volunteers, serving until his regiment was mustered out in December 1864. He participated in many
battles. On his discharge from the army he took up the study of medicine and after graduating he
was in active practice in Louisville, Ky, for four years.
From there he went to Indianapolis, later coming to Illinois. He practiced his
profession Sadorus for four years and then was in Monticello for eight years. For a while he
practiced in Argenta and then came to Decatur thirty years ago. Here in addition to practicing
his profession, he conducted a drug store on North Water street until about twelve years ago,
when he retired.
Dr. Lee and Miss Sarah B. Stuver were married in Indianapolis in 1874. Dr. Lee was
one of the best-known practitioners in Decatur and his kindly disposition won him friends wherever
he went. He was a member of the Methodist church and was also a member of Macon lodge No. 8, A.F.
and A.M. the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. His wife survives him.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the family residence,
1613 North Water street. The interment will be in the Maroa cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 18 Nov 1921, pg. 6
The funeral of Mrs. Ella Leech, who died at the hospital on Tuesday, will take
place this afternoon at one o'clock from No. 400 Mason street. The services will be conducted
by Rev. M.S. Newcomer.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 25 Feb 1886
LEHEW, William
Died, October 17th, near Forsyth, of typhoid fever, William Lehew, aged 31
years, 3 months and 13 days. The deceased was quite an extensive farmer, and leaves a
wife and one child. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and
neighbors who followed his remains to their final resting place, in Boiling Spring
Decatur Republican, 6 Nov 1873
LeMASTER, Thomas B.
Thomas B. LeMaster, a veteran of the civil war, died at 10:30 Friday morning
at St. Mary’s hospital, where he had been since a week ago last Monday. His death was due
to the infirmities of age and heart trouble. He would have been eighty-one years old Sept.
3. He was born on a farm six miles southwest of Decatur, Sept. 3, 1834, and had always
lived here. When the war broke out he joined Battery 1 of the Second Artillery, and served
four years.
He is survived by his wife and one son, Franklin LeMaster, whose present
address is unknown. He also has a sister, Mrs. Ladd, who is now ill in St. Mary’s hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. LeMaster had been living at the Soldier’s home in Quincy for a number of years.
They returned to Decatur a year ago last May and have since been living at 715 Bright street.
The body was removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
The funeral will be held at 10 o’clock Sunday morning at Moran’s chapel. The
interment will be in the Mr. Gilead cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 6 Aug 1915, pg. 14
LEMON, Edward E.
Edward E. Lemon died at his house in Blue Mound Friday morning at 1:30 o’clock,
aged 52 years. Mr. Lemon was a veteran of the Seventeenth Indiana regiment and was well
known in Blue Mound and vicinity. Two weeks ago he was prostrated with le grippe, from which
he partially recovered but before he had entirely regained his health he experienced an attack
of pneumonia from which he could not rally. Mr. Lemon was born and raised near Indianapolis
and served four years in the war, making a good record. At the close of the war he came to
Blue Mound where he engaged in the grain business for several years. A few years ago he entered
into the brick and tile business with O. T. Kirk. He was a member of the M. E. church in good
standing, also of lodge 682 A.F. and A.M. and of post 347 G.A.R. of which post he was commander
at the time of his death. The funeral will take place at 10 o’clock this morning at Blue Mound.
Comrades of Dunham Post have been invited to attend the services.
The Herald-Despatch, Decatur IL, 25 Apr 1891
LESLIE, Joseph
Dr. Joseph Leslie, aged 77, a resident of Decatur for the past five years
after having retired from a lifetime practice of medicine in Elwin, died in his home 1317
West Decatur street at 1:45 Tuesday afternoon. Death came following an illness of three
years duration.
The veteran physician leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary C. Leslie and one daughter,
Flossie Leslie, living at home. Three married daughters, Mrs. L.M. Sears, Mrs. C. Sine and
Mrs. Carol Scott, are also residents of Decatur. Other daughters living in the county are
Mrs. Homer Cloney and Mrs. M. Kater of Elwin, and Mrs. Fred Weigand of Booty.
Dr. Leslie for years tended to his wide rural practice in the county and is
known to many Decatur people as well as to the older residents of the countryside. Ill
health forced him to retire from active medical work five years ago and he brought his family
to Decatur to live, hoping that a complete rest would restore his lost health. He has been
failing since that time.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been arranged for and will await the coming
of members of the family who live at some distance.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 26 Oct 1915, pg. 12
NOTE: A description of the funeral and a picture was published in The Daily
Review, Decatur IL, 29 Oct 1915, pg. 8.
DIED, of paralysis at her home in Elwin, on Sunday, December 20, at 6 o'clock a.m., Lida
wife of Dr. Joseph Leslie, aged 45 years. The deceased was stricken while at the supper table Saturday
evening. She leaves a husband and five children - Mrs. Charles Sine, Mrs. Jessie Sieher, Vade, Della,
Flossie and Edward Leslie.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
LEVY, David 
David Levy died at 5 o’clock Friday morning at the family residence, 2028
North Edward street. His death was caused by rheumatism and heart failure. He had suffered
from rheumatism for many years, but his heart had troubled him for a comparatively short
time. His condition had been critical since last Friday.
Mr. Levy was 68 years old last Christmas. He was born in Pottsville, Pa., but
had been a resident of Decatur for the last forty years. He was well known and was held in
high esteem. He was a member of the Dunham post No. 141, G.A.R., and was an honorary member
of the Painters and Decorators’ union. He is survived by his wife and three sons, Edward
Levy, Walter Levy and Dave Levy, Jr. He also leaves two brothers in Pennsylvania.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 6 Mar 1908
A description of the funeral was published in The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 9
Mar 1908.
LEWIS, Mary L.
Miss Mary Lewis died Wednesday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Catherine
Heindselman, 450 North Morgan street. She was twenty-nine years old last February. Her death
was caused by Bright's disease. Miss Lewis had been in ill health for a long time and had been
confined to her bed for the last six weeks.
Miss Lewis was born in Decatur February 2, 1892, and had lived here all her life.
She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis. She was a member of the First Methodist church
and had many friends. She is survived by one sister and one brother, Mrs. Catherine Heindselman
and H.B. Lewis, both of Decatur.
Decatur Daily Review, 28 April 1921
Born: Feb 23, 1862 in Macon Co, IL
Died: May 16, 1907 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: Aug 27, 1891 in Macon Co, IL to Lenora Goodpasture
Parents: John B. & Susan M. (Fry) Lichtenberger
Children: Herman, William, Verna & Ruth
Had Been Ill But A Few Days With Pneumonia
George W. Lichtenberger died at 12:15 Thursday night at the family residence 350
East William street. He was 45 years old and his death was caused by pneumonia after an
illness of only four days. Mr. Lichtenberger was familiarly known as "Jeff" and he had wide
acquaintance and was well liked. He formerly lived at Sangamon but had made his home in
Decatur for about twenty years.
He was 45 years old and is survived by his wife, two sons and two daughters.
He also leaves five brothers and three sisters, James Lichtenberger of Sangamon, Ed, Charles,
Frank, John and Miss Anna Lichtenberger of Decatur, Mrs. Dan Haniman of Decatur and Mrs.
Andrews of St. Louis.
Mr. Lichtenberger joinged the new order of Owls organized here a few days ago
and that was the only secret organization of which he was a member though he was making
preparations to join the Eagles when he was taken ill. The funeral of George W. Lichtenberger
will be held at 10:00 Sunday morning from the family residence 350 East William street. The
interment will be in Brush College cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 17 May 1907
Herman J. Lichtenberger, 64, of 262 E. Grand Ave., died at 8:50 a.m. yesterday (26 Dec 1958 ) in
Decatur & Macon County Hospital where he had been a patient 2 days. He had been
in ill health about four years. Mr. Lichtenberger was born Feb 28, 1894 in Decatur, the
son of George and LeNora Goodpasture Lichtenberger.
A retired truck driver, he was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Delores Buchen and Mrs. Ruth Martin, both of
Decatur, Miss Betty Lichtenberger, Lincoln, 2 sisters, Mrs. Ruth Cundiff, and Mrs. Vera
Maleska, both of Decatur, and 6 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. today in the J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home
where friends may call.
Burial will be in Spangler Cemetery.
Passing of Well Known Maroa Man
James Lichtenberger, whose death at his home in Decatur (31 Jan 1907) was
announced in last weeks paper, was buried Sunday, the services being conducted at Union Church
near Oreana and the interment being in the adjoining cemetery. The cortege left the house at
nine oclock. Mr. Lichtenberger was born at Manchester, Penn., May 11, 1833. He came to
Illinois at an early day and lived for many years I Whitmore township, serving from that town
for several terms on the board of supervisors. He was married twice, his second wife being
Mrs. Susan Franklin, to whom he was married about ten years ago, and he moved to Maroa at that
time. By his first wife two sons survive him, Henry of Long Creek township, and one son
living in Colorado. As a resident of Maroa Mr. Lichtenberger was a prominent republican
worker and politician in local affairs. He accumulated considerable property during his life
and at one time owned a large farm near Oreana, selling it a few years ago and investing the
proceeds largely in Decatur city property. He and his wife, who still survives him, moved to
Decatur about three years ago and have since resided there. Until a few months ago he
frequently came to Maroa, but since the ravages of disease began their insidious advances he
was confined mostly to his home. He died at 8:30 P.M. January 31, the cause of his death being
a complication of diseases and old age, rheumatism and dropsy forming two of his principal
Submitted by: Darren Smith
LICHTENBERGER, Lenora (Goodpasture)
Born: Jan 05, 1870 in Macon Co, IL
Died: Sep 10, 1922 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: Aug 27, 1891 in Macon Co, IL to George Warren Lichtenberger
Parents: Jonas & Mary J. (Florey) Goodpasture
Children: Herman, William, Verna & Ruth
The funeral of the late R. Liddle was held at half past 10 o'clock Sunday forenoon
at the Baptist church. The choir opened the services by singing "Asleep in Jesus", after which
selections from the scriptures were read by E.A. Gastman. After prayer the choir sang "Thou Art
Gone to Thy Rest" and Rev. Dr. Vosburgh then preached the sermon from the text, "For the things
which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal." The church was filled
with friends of the deceased. The interment took place at Greenwood. The pall bearers were Edwin
Park, J.M. Bower, Henry Smith, D.P. Elwood, W.W. Wiswell and W.C. Dimock.
Saturday Herald, 4 June 1887
LINDSAY, Arthur Oliver
Born: 14 Dec 1877 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 17 Nov 1956 in Adams Co, IL
Married: Roberta Hawkins
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Charles Emmerson
Born: 4 Apr 1867 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 7 Mar 1942 in Portsmouth, Norfold, VA
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Carlotta Maude Adams
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Edna (Nicholson)
Mrs. John Lindsay, 92, died in her home at Cantrell and Webster streets at 9:15 o'clock Wednesday
evening (4 Jan 1928) after an illness of two weeks. She had been in her usual health up to a few days before
Christmas when she took to her bed with indigestion. Her condition showed little change until Wednesday
when she lapsed into unconsciousness. Up to that time her mind had remained remarkably clear,
and she welcomed those who came to her bedside.
With her at her death were four of her daughters and three sons, seven of her 11 living children.
The funeral will be in the home at 10 o'clock Friday morning with burial in North Fork cemetery.
Mrs. Lindsay's life span covered the period in American history from Jackson to Coolidge. She
came to Illinois when the frontier was just passing and when the state boasted only 10 incorporated
cities. She had known Decatur from the time it was a little country village without a railroad until
old landmarks were affaced and the familiar place names were giving way to modern designations.
Decatur owes much to the Kentucky immigration and of this drift that came in the early and middle
part of the last century, Mrs. Lindsay was a part.
With her father and mother and three brothers and sisters she came to Macon Co. in 1850. She
was born in Garrard Co, Kentucky, Sept 15, 1835, the daughter of James and Elizabeth Willis Nicholson.
Her oldest brother, Edward Willis Nicholson became the father of Meredith Nicholson, the well-known
Indiana novelist.
It was a slow, toilsome journey overland in the wagon. The family cow followed behind. Meals were
cooked in an iron oven set up over the campfire. Mrs. Lindsay only recently had recalled the floods of
that year which made necessary a long detour to find a ford. The journey was interrupted for months in
Crawfordsville, Ind., owing to the illness of the mother. In the spring it was resumed. They settled first
near what is now Turpin station southeast of Decatur, but soon moved to a farm in Long Creek.
A portion of this land Mrs. Lindsay retained throughout her life.
Theirs were the common experiences of the pioneers. Advantages were few. Mrs. Lindsay had
had some schooling in Kentucky. Her education was to continue through her life. She attended a
singing school conducted by John Wesley Powell who was to achieve --- --- soldier and an explorer
of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. His niece was the late Maude Powell, the violinist. Maj. Powell's
pupils used to sing the geography lessons. Children of the pioneers remember some of those old
Six years befor the Nicholson family had taken up their residence in Macon County, there came to
Decatur one John Lindsay, a Tennessee youth. He was born in Bethesday, the son of Elmore and
Margaret Wilson Lindsay. The Wilson's were an old North Carolina family from Mecklenburg and were
sturdy patriots in the revolution. There was a tradition that a Wilson woman, whose place was visited
by Cornwallis' raiders in the absence of her men, had so effectively afgued with the soldiers that they
withdrew discomfitted.
Elmore Lindsay had gone off to the Mexican War and had not returned. The widow with her son
and daughter came to Decatur when John was 10. The boy was received into the family of Judge Charles
Emmerson, leader of the bar ---and one of the best read judges that ever occupied the circuit bench.
For a time he attended Mt. Zion academy but his best education was obtained from reading law with
Judge Emmerson. John Lindsay even as a boy was an ardent abolitionist and was at no pains to
conceal his opinions. He met Edna Nicholson, who was but six months his junior, and they were
married Jan 1, 1866.
After a year in Mechanicsburg where John Lindsay taught school, and where their first child was
born, they returned to Decatur. In the lawn shaded with oak and elm trees at Webster and Cantrell
streets, there is a little depression which marked the basement of the house which John Lindsay built for
his wife and growing family. It was among the first in that neighborhood. Later it was moved farther to
the north and became a part of the present Lindsay home, which is one of the landmarks of this portion
of the dity. The sills of the original house cut from forest trees on the land are still in place.
John Lindsay, of course, enlisted when the Civil War came. He went into the service as a member
of Battery I of the 2d Illinois Artillery, organized in Peoria. His was one of the families that the
conflict divided. He used to tell of fraternizing with relatives on the Confederate side when the day's
fighting was over. Lung fever struck him down when he was with Grant in the Vicksburg campaign, and
after 18 months service, he was sent home from Island No. 10, a semi-invalid. From the effects of his
illness, he never fully recovered.
Before tilling came in, John Lindsay in partnership with Thomas Davis of Macon, drained a good
many of the farms in this vicinity by means of a mole ditcher, a machine which, dragged by several
yokes of oxen, cut a tunnel through the soft mulch, the surface being undisturbed save for the knife-edge
standard to which the plow was attached.
In this way and with some law practice, Mr. Lindsay supported his family in the early part of his
married life. The life of the Lindsays was a perfect partnership. They both brought culture to the little
home. They read together Shakespear and the translations of Iliad and Odyssey, and the family Bible.
Mr. Lindsay's well thumbed unabridged Webster bespeaks their curiosity. John Lindsay traveled little,
but for his day he was an educated man. To the end of his life he was interested in the classics and was
familiar with the works of the Latin authors. Mrs. Lindsay's love of reading was not difficult to understand.
For education she had a reverence that made no sacrifice too heavy, if it could see her children
through school and college.
It was not remarkable that a man with John Lindsay's social sense and humanitarian zeal should try
to find a wider means of expression than the law afforded. In 1876 he and a partner leased the Decatur
Review, then a weekly. From that time to the end of his life, he was in newspaper work. His children
joined him. His wife had no direct part in the publishing enterprise. The little house at Cantrell and
Webster street finally sheltered 12 children. The mother was reasonably busy with home cares. Mrs.
Lindsay, indeed, never took part in public and civic enterprises in which other women were embarking.
She did her part in making a home for the husband and the boys and girls that were much concerned
with everything that went on in Decatur.
John Lindsay, in 1885, started the Labor Bulletin. He brought in with him a young apinter in the
Decatur coffin factory, Ethelbert Stewart of Maroa, who was greatly interested in the labor movement.
Later, Mr. Lindsay recommended his associate to Gov. Richard Oglesby for a state position, and today
Mr. Stewart is the veteran commissioner of labor statistics in the Department of Labor in Washington.
The Bulletin had been going six years when John Lindsay died. His older children carried on the
paper until it was consolidated with the Decatur Herald. It was a family enterprise. On her husband's
death, Mrs. Lindsay found herself with seven dependent children, her aged father and his wife to care
for, her pension stopped, and a $1,000 paving assessment due on her property.
Mrs. Lindsay never worried. She planned, and she had great faith. Some families are able to
organize for team work. Hers was one. While with a fine unselfishness she effaced herself, she was the
recognized leader. Although in later years her children were scattered, the strong family consciousness
was to remain. She gave her children a few homely maxims. One of these was: "Do the hardest and
most disagreeable task first."
Long after her children came of age they returned to their mother for counsel. Mrs. Lindsay had not
merely worldly wisdom, but a natural gentlewomanliness. The thing to say and the thing to do that
would give other people happiness and satisfaction came to her instinctively.
Mrs. Lindsay had genius at nursing. When she brought one of her brood through a desperate attack
of diphtheria which the doctor feared would prove fatal, that wise man said that the credit for the child's
survival was all hers. From the time that she was a young woman, Mrs. Lindsay was in demand for
nursing and many a family had to thank her for unceasing vigilance at the sick bed. She went to the
house of mourning to give her ministrations to the dead, and until she was past 70 she continued these
kindly services.
As she grew older her children insisted that she lay aside some of the cares that she had borne
uncomplainingly. She made visits to Oklahoma City, Birmingham, Ala, and Colorado, but she limited
every visit to two weeks. She was still the home-keeper. Even in her last illness when her children came
back to her bedside, she was concerned about her duties as a hostess. Her resident children and
grandchildren helped to keep her young in mind and sympathetic with youth. Between her nephew,
Meredith Nicholson, and herself there was a strong attachment, they frequently corresponded, and she
assisted him in compiling the records of the Nicholson family.
Her clear memory made her one of the authorities on early Decatur. Some of the scenes and places
had for her a significance that they could have for few other persons. For instance, she was never
reconciled to the change of the name of the Crowford to the Nelson park as the name of the bridge for
Decatur's principal eastern entrance, for she remembered not only the first bridge, but the ford before it,
and she recalled bright eyed girls standing on the structure to greet the soldiers that came marching into
Decatur in Civil War days.
Mrs. Lindsay formerly was a member of the Christian church, but when the division came in Decatur,
she, with a number of others, went on to the Congregational fellowship, in which she was active to the
end of her life.
Mrs. Lindsay was the mother of 12 children, all but one of whom, Laura Jane, the eldest, are living.
They are Margaret Ellis Lindsay, Mary Willis Lindsay, Nettie Sherman Lindsay who made their home with
their mother, Charles Emerson Lindsay, James Nicholson Lindsay, and William Proctor Lindsay all of
Oklahoma City, Mrs. Edna May Swartz of Berkeley, Cal., Joh Wilson Lindsay, Peoria, Arthur Oliver
Lindsay, Decatur, Mrs. Ada Emily Roundy, Laconia NH. There are 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Decatur Herald, Jan 5, 1928
LINDSAY, Frank Merrill
Born: 9 Nov 1879 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Jun 1972 in Macon Co, IL
Married: Vivian Simpson
LINDSAY, James Nicholson
Born: Sep 03, 1869 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 16 Sep 1960 in Norfolk Co., VA
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
Married: Flora Elliott
Born: 11 Feb 1835 in Bethesda, Williamson Co, TN
Died: 8 Apr 1891 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 1 Jan 1856 in Long Creek Twp, Macon Co, IL to Edna Nicholson
Children: Laura, Margaret, Mary, Nettie, Charles, James, William, Edna, John, Arthur, Frank & Ada
LINDSAY, John Wilson
Born: 18 Jun 1875 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Feb 1956 in OK Co., OK
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Laura Jane
Born: 11 Nov 1856 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 12 Nov 1888 in Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Margaret Ella
Born: 31 Jan 1859 in Sangamon Co, IL
Died: 15 Sep 1940 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Mary Willis
Born: 8 Apr 1861 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 13 Feb 1939 Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, Nettie Sherman
Born: 5 Dec 1864 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 20 Oct 1948 in Macon Co., IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
LINDSAY, William Proctor
Born: Apr 21, 1872
Died: 1 Feb 1956 in OK City, OK
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John & Edna (Nicholson) Lindsay
Married: Nellie Gordon
LINGLE, Jane (Hiser)
Mrs. Jane Lingle, wife of J.C. Lingle, died at 6:20 Thursday evening at the family
residence, 638 East Eldorado street. She was about 56 years old. Her maiden name was Hizer. She
was born in Lancaster county, Pa., July 21, 1851, and she was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Hizer. She was married to J.C. Lingle Dec. 12, 1869. The family moved to Decatur about
ten years ago. Mrs. Lingle was well known and was prominent in a number of local secret societies.
Besides her husband she is survived by eight children, William E. Lingle of Lake Nebegaman, Wis.,
John D. Lingle of Jennings, Ia., Joseph E. Lingle, Walter B. Lingle, Charles A. Lingle and Miss
Effa Lingle of Decatur, Mrs. John Harlan of Moqeaqua and Mrs. Joames Hall of Niantic.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Oct 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Lingle will be held at 10 o'clock this morning from the First
Christian church. The services will be conducted by Rev. O.P. Wright. The interment will be at
Harristown cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 6 Oct 1907
The funeral of Mrs. Jane Lingle was held at the First Christian church Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock Rev. O.P. Wright officiating. The music was furnished by a choir from the Modern
Americans lodge. The pallbearers were I.E. Eiler, Fred Carl, Howard Dill, W.E. Adams, C.J. Wallace
and Charles Morgan. The pallbearers were from Hiawatha council Daughters of Pocohontas, which
organization had charge at the grave. The flowers were in charge of Miss Birdie Gentzlar and Miss
Mattie Eiler. Interment was in the Harristown cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Oct 1907
DIED, At Maroa, on Tuesday, Jan 20, 1880, of congestion of the stomach,
Jonah Lingle, aged 52 years. Deceased was one of the oldest and most respected citizens
of the county, and had lived in Maroa township for nearly a quarter of a century. He
was an earnest christian man, a great Sunday school worker and withal a public spirited
citizen. Years ago he became a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges at Maroa.
He leaves a wife and four children and some property. The funeral will take place at
Maroa on Thursday.
Decatur Daily Republican, 21 Jan 1880
LINTHICUM, Martha (Lourash) Herman
Born: 6 Mar 1871 in Casner, Macon Co, IL
Died: 9 Nov 1961 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Graceland Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: #1 - Dec 27, 1887 in Macon Co, IL to Willis Herman
#2 Aug 28, 1919 in Macon Co, IL to Morilla C. Linthicum
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
The funeral of Pearl, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linthicum, who
died Wednesday of Scarlet fever, took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence, 713
W. Marietta Street. The interment was made in Spangler Cemetery.
The Decatur Morning Review, 22 May 1890
A Sad Christmas in the Linthicum Home
W.E. Linthicum, aged 59 years, a native of Hampshire county, West Virginia, and 38
years a resident of Macon county, was found dead in his bed at his home near Harristown, Christmas
morning at 7 o'clock. The discovery was made by Mrs. L. who had left the bed a half hour earlier
to attend to her duties, and wondering why her husband did not get up she went to the room to find
him dead. The forehead was cold but the remainder of the body was warm. Mr. Linthicum was in
his usual health last night on retiring. He made no complaint during the night. He had complained
in the past of heart trouble, and it is believed he died of heart disease. An inquest will not
be hled, as the family is satisfied that death resulted from natural cause.
The deceased leaves a widow and eight children. They are J.S. and A.J. Linthicum and
Mrs. R.A. Grubb, of Decatur, L.E. Linthicum, of Niantic; R.A., L.J., M.C., and Charles E.
Linthicum, of Harristown.
The funeral will take place on Sunday at 11 a.m. from the Christian church at
Harristown, Rev. Elder, officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 26 Dec 1891
Bruce C., son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Linxwiler, died at 6 a.m. Saturday, April 11,
at the home, 1585 North Clayton street, of cararrhal fever, aged 5 months.
Bulletin Sentinel(Decatur), 18 April 1896
LITTON, Jesse 
Jesse Litton a veteran of the Civil war and a former resident of Decatur died Friday
night at his home in Newman. He was well known among the old residents of Decatur where he lived
before moving to Newman about four years ago. He is survived by his wife and two children. The body
arrived in Decatur Saturday night and was removed to the Moran & Sons chapel where the funeral will
be held at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon. The interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 26 Mar 1922
Claude Littrell Steps in Front of Car Said Unavoidable
J.W. Dunaway of Kincaid Driving Slowly
Stepping from behind an auto parked in the 200 block West Wood street, Claude
Littrell, little four year old son of Mrs. Bonnie Littrell, 247 West Wood street, walked directly
in front of a moving car, was knocked down and killed about 4:20 Wednesday afternoon. The machine
was driven by J.W. Dunaway of Kincaid, Illinois, who with his family was coming into Decatur.
The car ran over the child's head and crushed it.
Witnesses say the accident was unavoidable but the driver of the car and members of
the family were very much worked up about it and regretted it greatly. According to Amos Wheeler,
whose blacksmith shop is just a few doors east of the Littrell residence, the child was playing
across the street from the shop when its grandmother, Mrs. Jane Littrell called him to come home.
The boy started and as he stepped from behind the auto, went only a few feet to the point when he
was struck. Mr. Dunaway was driving rather slowly and did not go over ten feet after the bumper
of the car knocked the boy down.
Mr. Dunaway got out of the car and wanted to take the child to the hospital. He
left his name and address and said he would return Thursday. The grandmother was also in a
serious, nervous condition Wednesday evening necessitating the care of a physician and being
unable to reconcile herself because she had called the child to return home when it ran in front
of the car.
Besides the mother and grandmother, the little child is survived by two brothers,
Ray and Paul. The body was removed to Moran's undertaking parlors to be prepared for burial and
to await the inquest. No funeral arrangements have yet been made.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 19 August 1920
born: 24 Jun 1897 in Oreana, Macon Co, IL
died: 1963 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Josiah A. & Sara Elizabeth (Stuart) Livingston
Married: 1 Nov 1924 in Bloomington, IL to Myrtle E. Dobson
Children: Dale A.
LIVINGSTON, Sadie Elizabeth (Stuart)
Mrs. Sadie E. Livingston, wife of Josiah A. Livingston, 1270 North Church street,
died at 10:50 o'clock Tuesday morning (5 Mar 1929) at the Decatur and Macon
County hospital. She was sixty-six years old last September. Her death was caused
by a complication of diseases. She had been in the hospital since Saturday evening.
Mrs. Livingston's maiden name was Sadie Elizabeth Stuart. She was born near
Oreana Sept. 2, 1862. The family moved to Decatur from Forsythe several years ago.
She was a member of the United Brethren church and had a great many friends in the
city. She is survived by her husband and one son, Albert S. Livingston of Decatur.
She also leaves four brothers and three sisters, Samuel Stuart of St. Paul, Minn.,
William Stuart of New Richland, Minn., Robert Stuart of Long Prairie, Minn., Frank
Stuart of Decatur, Mrs. Charles Hedges of Seward, Neb., Mrs. Amanda Evans
of New Richland, Minn., and Miss Emma Stuart of Argenta. The body was taken
to Leon A. Monson, funeral director, and prepared for burial.
Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.
Decatur Review, March 5, 1929, p. 19
LIVINGSTON, Sarah "Sadie" Elizabeth (Stuart)
Parents: John T. & Minerva Ann (Young) Stuart
Married: 20 Feb 1896 in Macon Co, IL to Josiah A. Livingston
LOCKE J.R., Rev. 
Rev. J. R. Locke died on Sunday, Sept. 4, at 2 a.m. at his home in Olney, Ill.
He was over 84 years old. His death was caused by paralysis, he having recently suffered his
third stroke.
The body arrived in Decatur at 3 o’clock Monday afternoon and was taken to the
home of Captain T.J. Abel, where the funeral was held at 4 o’clock. The services were conducted
by Rev. W.F. Gillmore of Grace M.E. church, assisted by Rev. J.R. Finley. Appropriate music was
rendered by a quartet composed of Mr. & Mrs. Bert Gher, Mrs. Howard and S.R. Gher. The interment
was at Greenwood.
Mr. Locke was born in Virginia in 1813. He entered the ministry in 1831, and began
his work in Pennsylvania, where he was married, his wife dying in Decatur in 1892. Rev. Locke did
ministerial work in Ohio and came to Illinois in 1852, when he became a member of the Illinois
conference and during his active ministry filled many of the most important pulpits in the
conference. He had been stationed at Jacksonville and other cities. When the civil war broke
out he entered the services as a chaplain. He served two years and while thus engaged he was
connected with the Freedman’s Bureau. Later he was in charge of the Decatur Methodist circuit
and before leaving Decatur for Dakota he was in charge of Jane’s chapel. He was also an active
member of the Bible society. For a period of fifteen years he was interested in business pursuits
in Decatur.
He leaves one child, Albion H. Locke of Olney, and several grandchildren. He was
well known in Decatur.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 6 Sep 1898, pg. 5
Col. C.B. Lockwood died of a complication of diseases at his home in
Argenta, Wednesday, May 4th. He was advanced in years and was quite well known in the
city. Col. Lockwood served in the Mexican war and the war of the rebellion. He was
a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and was a harness maker by trade.
Herald Despatch, Decatur IL, 7 May 1892
LOEB, Caroline Samantha
Mrs. Caroline Samantha Loeb, age 85 years, died at her home in 300 West Prairie street,
Wednesday night at 8:20. Mrs. Loeb had been sick for 20 years. She was born in Montgomery county,
Ohio, near Dayton, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woodman on July 3, 1844. She was married to
Peter Loeb, who died some years ago, and she had been a resident of Decatur for 53 years. She is
the last of her family. Her nearest relative is a nephew of her late husband, Charles H. Loeb
of Cambridge City, Ind. Funeral services will be conducted in the home Friday afternoon, and
the body will be taken to Dayton, O., where it will be buried Saturday.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL, 24 Oct 1929
LOEB, Peter
Pneumonia Claims One of Decatur's Most Respected Citizens After Short Illness
Few of His Acquaintances Knew His Condition Was Serious
Peter Loeb died at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at his home, 300 Prairie avenue. His
death was due to an attack of pneumonia and he was ill only four days.
But very few of Mr. Loeb's friends even knew that he was ill and the announcement of
his death came as a great surprise and shock. He has been about the city during the first paft of
last week and seemed to be in particularly good health, in fact during the past few days had said that
he was quite well all winter. He was a sturdy robust man for one of his age, was always very active
and had been ill but little during his lifetime.
Last Thursday Mr. Loeb arose as usual and after eating a hearty breakfast came down
town. During the forenoon he went home and was not feeling well and at noon he retired to his room.
At first he was not thought to be seriously ill, but it was soon seen by physicians that he had
pneumonia and Saturday night he grew worse. Sunday he was delirious most of the time, but until
then no alarm had been felt. Even during the last two days he was alive he showed much strength
and those attending him had difficulty in keeping him in his room as he wanted to be up and
moving about.
The death of Mr. Loeb removes of the prominent citizens of Decatur. In the business
world he was widely known in this and other cities, having for many years been proprietor of the
Loeb foundry. His name was one known to most everyone in the city and he had a large personal
acquaintance in the city among different classes of people. Many expressions of regret were heard
last night when it became known that Mr. Loeb had died.
Mr. Loeb was a native of Germany. He was born June 20, 1840, at Sibersbaugh, near
Bingen in Prussia. He came to this country with his parents in 1852 and the family settled at Newark,
N.J., where they remained one year and then went to Dayton, O. At Dayton Mr. Loeb was engaged in
the foundry business and in 1876 he came to Decatur.
In March 1863 he was married at Dayton, O., to Miss Caroline S. Woodman, who survives
him. A sister, Mrs. McCarthy, of Xenia, O., and a brother, Jacob Loeb, of Dayton, also survive.
In a business way Mr. Loeb was a self made man and he was a highly successful one. He
learned the foundry business by beginning at the bottom as a moulder and worked his way up. At Dayton
he was engaged in the foundry business and he came to Decatur to do the foundry work for the Haworth
factory for a period of ten years. He expected probably to return to Dayton at the end of that time
but he remained in Decatur ever since.
The foundry was located in the same block with the Haworth factory on Cerro Gordo street
and the work for the Haworth plant, which at that time had many castings to be made, gave the foundry
a start. For many years it was a highly successful concern and Mr. Loeb as its owner and manager
made a large fortune.
In 1886 the Loeb Foundry Company was incorporated with Mr. Loeb as president and Henry
L. Matthews as secretary and treasurer. The building now used by the Sattley plant was built by this
corporation. Mr. Loeb, however, was interested in the incorporated company in a small way only. He
held a little stock and his name was used and he was connected with it for the purpose of assisting
in the incorporation of the company more than anything else. For some years past he has been
retired from business life entirely and has devoted his time to looking after his buildings.
Mr. Loeb owned much valuable property in Decatur and has done a good deal in the way
of building. He was the owner of the Loeb Time block at the corner of Water and North streets in
which is located the furniture store, and also the Temple block adjoining on the south. Both of
these buildings he erected as well as the Armory building on North street which was built
originally for the knitting factory. He owned other property in the city.
A strange thing happened the last time Mr. Loeb was down town. He talked with the
janitor employed at his buidings and took the man all over his property showing him all about it
and telling the janitor just what he owned in the way of property. His idea was evidently that
some one should know about his property as well as himself, but probably with little idea that
such knowledge would so soon be needed.
Mr. Loeb was a veteran of the civil war. He enlisted in the First Ohio infantry and
in the second day's fight on the battle of Bull Run in Virginia he was wounded. He served two
years in the federal army, but he never boasted or talked of his own war record and but few of his
friends knew that he had served in the army.
Mr. Loeb was a prominent member of Beaumanoir Commandery No. 9, Knights Templar. He
joined the Masonic fraternity in Ohio and when he came to this city he transferred his membership.
He also joined the K. of P. and Odd Fellow lodges in Ohio.
Mr. Loeb personally was a man of such a make up that he was best liked by those who
knew him well. He never crowded himself upon anyone and was dignified in his manner and by those
who did not know him he might have been supposed to be indifferent to others, but those who knew
him to be a pleasant and agreeable person to meet.
Mr. Loeb was a well informed man and took interest in most everything that occurred
and was a good talker. Her knew many persons in different stages of life and to all of his friends
he had a kindly word and to those who wanted advice he gave it freely and it was good advice.
He was a man of excellent judgment. He was regarded as a splendid business man and
this was shown by his successful career. He was a substantial man and his ideas and opinions were
always considered as being those of a conservative, far sighted and level headed business man. Mr.
Loeb took interest in local affairs. He always investigated for his own satisfaction the public
improvements and wated to see the best improvements made in the city.
Mr. Loeb served for some years as a member of the park commission of Decatur and was
a valuable man in that capacity. He gave a great deal of his time to the work and wanted to see
the city beautified.
In the business success and progress of his tenants and friends, Mr. Loeb was
interested and he was a public spirited man to a degree greater than the ordinary. Altogether
Mr. Loeb was a model citizen whose absence will be felt.
The time of the funeral has not yet been decided upon. It is possible that the body
will be taken back to Dayton, O., for burial, but the arrangements have not yet been determined.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL, 29 Mar 1904
LOGAN, Archie
Born: 26 Sep 1879 in IL
Died: 19 Mar 1963
Buried: Mt Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: to Hettie ?
Parents: James M. & Mary Belle (Gabbert)
LOGAN, Hettie
Born: 18 Jul 1888
Died: 24 Dec 1951
Buried: Mt Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Born: 1790 in Garrard Co, KY
Died: 3 Jul 1873 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Garrard Co, KY
Parents: Timothy & Sarah (Boone) Logan
Married: Elizabeth Lear/Lair
Born: 1840 in Garrard Co, KY
Died: 27 Mar 1936 in Miami, FL
Married: 2 Nov 1871 in Macon Co, IL to Mary P. Claywell
Parents: David & Nancy (Baxter) Logan
Children: Eva & Mabel
LOGAN, James M.
Born: 1850 in KY
Died: 1934
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: to Mary Belle Gabbert
Parents: David & Nancy (Baxter) Logan
Children: Archie, Orval G.
LOGAN, Mary Belle (Gabbert)
Born: 13 May 1855
Died: 13 Jul 1898
Buried: Mt Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
LOGAN, Nellie J. (Lackey)
Born: 1868
Died: 1934
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
LOGAN, Oliver Terel
Born: 22 Aug 1842 in KY
Died: 10 Apr 1926 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Salem Cem.
Married: 7 Mar 1867 in Macon Co, IL to Nancy J. Ward
Parents: David & Nancy (Baxter) Logan
Children: Elsie, Cora, Arlie, & Lenora
LOGAN, Orval G.
Born: 18 Oct 1886
Died: 7 Aug 1914
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James M. Logan
LONG, Bettie & Fanny
Their Funeral Today
Saturday morning mention was made of the death of Bettie Long at the home of her
parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Long on East Olive street. She was 16 years old and died after a
long illness of consumption. Before the paper was printed Fannie Long, a sister of Bettie, had
died of the same disease. She was 22 years old and her death occurred at 2:30 o'clock Saturday
morning. This unusual visitation of the death angel has excited the sympathy of all who know the
family. The funeral was held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Antioch Baptist church, Rev.
S.L. Moore conducted the services.
Bettie Long died of consumption at the home of her parents on East Olive street,
Tuesday evening, December 16, aged 17 years. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at the
Baptist church on South Broadway. A sister of Miss Long is also ill of consumption and not
expected to live.
Both notices appeared in the same paper.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 24 Dec 1892
LONG, Moses
DIED, On the 14th of Jan, 1868, in the city of Decatur, Moses Long,
aged 67 years.
Decatur Republican, 23 Jan 1868
Major Steele got a note to-day from Quincy, stating that Reuben Longabaugh
died of stricture at the Soldier’s Home this week, and was buried Wednesday afternoon.
The deceased was a member of Co. A, 41st Illinois Regiment. He went to the Home from
Macon county.
Decatur Republican, Decatur IL, 3 Nov 1887
Benjamin Longnecker, a farm hand employed by John Keister, living two
miles east of Emery, met a sudden death today. He went to the corn crib to get some
grain for the livestock and a short time afterward was found dead. He evidently had
been suddenly stricken as his basket was half filled with corn. It is supposed heart
disease was the cause.
Coroner Bendure was notified and Deputy Cornoner Roy Bendure drove to the
Keister place this afternoon to hold the inquest.
Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 8 Feb 1899
NOTE: A similar article included the facts that Mr. Longnecker had a
son in Pennsylvania and a daughter in Nebraska and was buried in Greenwood. An article
about the inquest was published in the Daily Republican, Decatur Illinois, 9 Feb 1899.
LOURASH, Albert H.
Born: 21 Feb 1877 in Casner, Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Oct 1964 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Oct 15, 1902 in Macon Co, IL to Lucinda McCoy
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
Children: Robert, Guy, Clarence, Harvey, Clara, Bertha, John, Ira & Hughey Fay
LOURASH, Amanda Caroline (Volkman)
Born: Feb 02, 1895 in Nahsville, IL
Died: 29 Jul 1988 in Clinton, DeWitt Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem., Macon Co., IL
Married: Feb 23, 1929 in Macon Co, IL to Arlie N. Lourash
Parents: Henry J. & Caroline Volkmann
Children: Donald & Norma
Born: 23 Jul 1891 in Casner, Macon Co, IL
Died: 9 Apr 1964 in Oakley, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Feb 23, 1929 in Macon Co, IL to Amanda Caroline Volkman
Parents: John H. & Susan Halstead Lourash
Children: Donald & Norma
LOURASH, Caroline (Florey)
Born: 18 Jul 1832 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 30 Oct 1884 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Dec 24, 1857 in Macon Co, IL to Nicholas Lourash
Parents: Jonathan & Esther (Steele) Florey
Children: John, Esther, William, Dora, Caroline, Martha, Samuel & Albert
LOURASH, Clarence L.
Born: Macon Co, IL
Died: 7 May 1987 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 1942 to Mildred M. Travis
Parents: Albert H. & Lucinda (McCoy) Lourash
LOURASH, Donald L.
Born: in LaPlace, Piatt Co, IL
Died: 26 Apr 1989 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 1957 to Donna Kay Shunk
Parents: Guy & Fannie (Kestner) Lourash
Children: Curt, Wade & Pamela
Born: 9 Jun 1931
Died: 16 Feb 1993 in Warrensburg, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Born: 26 Jun 1899 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Jan 1989 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Jan 24, 1924 to Laura Volkmann
Parents: John H. & Susan (Halstead) Lourash
Children: Helen
LOURASH, Hughey Fay
Born: 16 Sep 1926 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Died: 29 Mar 1931 in Mt Zion Twp, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Albert H. & Lucinda (McCoy) Lourash
LOURASH, Ira "Bill"
Born: Sep 15, 1921
Died: 22 Feb 1943 in Panama Canal Zone
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem., Macon Co., IL
Parents: Albert H. & Lucinda (McCoy) Lourash
Born: 6 Sep 2858 in Warrensburg, Macon Co, IL
Died: 9 Mar 1933 in Mt Zion Twp, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Mar 22, 1887 in Casner, Macon Co, IL to Susan Halstead
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
Children: Owen, Arlie, Nellie, Chester, Holbert, Harold & Grace
LOURASH, Laura (Volkmann)
Born: 22 Nov 1898 in Washington Co, IL
Died: 19 Nov 1985 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Jan 24, 1924 to Hobert Lourash
Children: Helen Lourash
Died: 3 Nov 1920 in Dora Twp, Moultrie Co, IL
LOURASH, Leonard Lee
Born: 20 Jan 1913 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 3 May 1993 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Apr 08, 1939 in St. Charles, MO to Mildred Helen Turner
Parents: Samuel F. & Rhoda I. (McCoy) Lourash
Children: Linda & Larry
LOURASH, Lucinda (McCoy)
Born: 7 Aug 1884 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 13 Oct 1933 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Oct 15, 1902 in Macon Co, IL to Albert Harvey Lourash
Parents: John & Lucinda (Maddox) McCoy
Children: Robert, Guy, Clarence, Harvey, Clara, Bertha, John, Ira & Hughey
LOURASH, Nicholas
Born: 17 Feb 1831 in Cumberland Co, PA
Died: 15 Jul 1908 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Dec 24, 1857 in Macon Co, IL to Caroline Florey
Parents: John & Martha (Hinkle) Lourash
Children: John, Esther, William, Dora, Caroline, Martha, Samuel & Albert
LOURASH, Nettie G. (Jenkins)
Born: 23 Feb 1887 in Edgar Co, IL
Died: 1945 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 1911 to Owen R. Lourash
Parents: John & Elizabeth Jenkins
Children: Vernie, Delmar, Annie
Born: Jan 1888 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 25 Oct 1979 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 1911 to Nettie G. Jenkins
Parents: John & Susan (Halstead) Lourash
Children: Vernie, Delmar, Annie
LOURASH, Rhoda Idella (McCoy)
Born: 7 Mar 1879 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 15 Oct 1947 in Long Creek Twp, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem., Macon Co., IL
Married: Jul 17, 1898 in Macon Co, IL to Samuel Lourash
Parents: John & Lucinda (Maddox) McCoy
Children: Flora, Vern, Ernest, George, Leonard, Della, Elzie, Carroll & Mona
Born: 19 Dec 1873 in Casner, Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Aug 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Jul 17, 1898 in Macon Co, IL to Rhoda McCoy
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
Children: Flora, Vern, Ernest, George, Leonard, Della, Elzie, Carroll & Mona
LOURASH, Sarah Alice
Born: 22 Sep 1870, Hickory Point Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Apr 1938 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Boilings Springs Cem, Hickory Point Twp, Macon Co, IL
Married: Single
Parents: William & Catherine Lourash
LOURASH, Susan (Halstead)
Born: 9 Apr 1866 in IN
Died: 17 May 1956 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Pt Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Mar 22, 1887 in Casner, Macon Co, IL to John H. Lourash
Children: Owen, Arlie, Nellie, Chester, Hobert, Harold & Grace
Born: 27 Aug 1902 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 29 Nov 1974 in Hillsboro, IL
Buried: Glendale Cem, Filmore, IL
Married: Feb 22, 1947 to Olga Moore
Parents: Samuel F. & Rhoda I. (McCoy) Lourash
Children: Mrs. Vernell Lourash Black & Waller Lourash
LOURASH, William H.
Born: 10 Jan 1862 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 21 Apr 1942 in Defiance Co, OH
Buried: Brunersburg Cem, Defiance Co, OH
Married: Apr 30, 1889 in Macon Co, IL to Nora Vest
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
Children: Elizabeth, Iva, Edith & Jesse
LOW, Sybil Bell
Sybil Bell, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.S. Low, aged 17 months and
17 days, died yesterday morning, of whooping cough and pneumonia, at the family residence
on East William street. The funeral will take place at two o'clock this afternoon from
the residence.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 1 Jun 1886
LOWE, Isaac McHenry 
Isaac McHenry Lowe died at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec 22, at the family residence,
1235 North Calhoun street. He was a veteran of the late war, having been a member of company
C, Twenty-third Ohio infantry. He had resided in Decatur for twenty years and was a member of
Dunham post 141, G.A.R. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him and the news of his
death will be received with sincere regret. His death was caused by inflammation of the stomach
with which he had been suffering for some time. He is survived by six children, Jessie, Hays,
McLenda, Nettie, Harry and Astor. He leaves a brother and two sisters, John Lowe of Ohio, Mrs.
W.H. Payne of Decatur and Mrs. Paul of Ohio. His wife died two years ago. The preparations
have not been made.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 23 Dec 1897
The funeral of the late Isaac Lowe was held Friday at 2 o'clock p.m. from the
residence, No. 1035 North Calhoun street. The services were conducted by Rev. M.B. Spayd and
the burial was at Greenwood cemetery. Dunham G.A.R. post had charge of the burial.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 30 December 1897
The funeral of Mrs. Luallen was held in Maroa Monday afternoon at the Christian
church. Mrs. Luallen died Saturday morning at the home of her son George Luallen. She was
eighty-eight years old.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday Evening, 7 Oct 1914
LUKENS, Edward 
The funeral services of Dr. Edward Lukens took place yesterday afternoon
at 4 o’clock, from the Presbyterian Church, Rev. F.N. Ewing officiating.
Dr. Lukens was a native of Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, and came to
this city about 1861, and has been engaged in the practice of dentistry up to about one
year ago, when his health failed and he was obliged to retire from business. The past
year he spent in using means to recuperate and re-establish this health. In the early
spring he went to Philadelphia, with the hope that he would there find medical skill
adequate to cope with his disease, but in this he was disappointed, and about two weeks
ago returned to this county and at once repaired to his mother’s residence in the vicinity
of Maroa, where he rapidly failed until Saturday last, when he died, aged about thirty-nine
years. He leaves a widow, mother, and several brothers and sisters.
On the occasion of his funeral the church was well filled with his numerous
acquaintances and friends, and the services were deeply solemn and impressive. The discourse
was from the words in Job, "If a man die shall he live again?" from which an interesting
sermon was preached, bearing upon the question of immortality.
At the conclusion of the services at the church the body was taken to
Greenwood Cemetery for interment, whither it was followed by a large procession.
Decatur Republican, Decatur IL, 6 Aug 1874
LUKENS, John L. 
Jefferson Iowa Bee - Mr. John L. Lukens, the maimed soldier who, at
his temporary home at the Commercial House, has been gradually yielding to that dread
disease, consumption, died on Monday morning in a spirit of peaceful resignation. He was
attended to the last by his faithful sister, who returned to her home at Decatur, ILL, Monday
evening, with the remains. Mr. L. was a resident of Greene county for many years, most of
the time as a member of the family of Mr. Dilavon near Scranton. For the past year he has
resided in this city. He was a man of noble heart, honest purpose and most generous intentions.
As a soldier he was brave and true. The G.A.R. boys to the number of thirty acted as an escort
in conveying their dead comrade to the train. Miss Lukens desires, by means of the city press
to tank the citizens of Jefferson for their kindness to her brother and herself during her sad
sojourn in the city.
Reprinted in the Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 29 Sep 1888
Died - Last Saturday evening between the hours of 5 and 6 o'clock, Minnie, the
daughter of Elizabeth and Stacy Lunsford, at their residence on North Church street, aged about
four years.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 10 June 1872
LUSTER, Alvina Ann (Krueger)
DECATUR - Alvina Ann Luster, 93, of Decatur passed away at 7:55 a.m., Friday,
March 30, 2007, in Imboden Creek Living Center. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday April
2, 2007 in Dawson & Wikoff Funeral Home, Mt. Zion. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery. Visitation
will be from 12:00 Noon Monday till service time at the funeral home.
Mrs. Luster was born February 25, 1914 in Bible Grove, IL, the daughter of Fredrick
and Caroline (Budde) Krueger. She married Meredith Jacob "Bud" Luster on March 19, 1932. He
preceded her in death in 1991. She was a member of Concordia Lutheran Church. She was very involved
with her family and particularly enjoyed her grandchildren. She was an avid Cubs fan, enjoyed fishing,
mushroom hunting and playing with the grandchildren. She was a very active lady until she slowed by
Parkinsons disease. She courageously dealt with Parkinsons for 23 years, only grudgingly giving
in as the disease progressed.
Surviving is her sons: David M. Luster of Mt. Zion and Phillip K Luster and his
wife Karen of Finksburg, MD. Sister: Fredricka Mascher of Effingham. Grandchildren: Richard
Luster and his wife Jeannie of Decatur, Beth Reeps and her husband Darrell of Normal, David
Luster and his wife Rhonda of Jacksonville, FL, Douglas Luster (Cheryl) of Atlanta, GA, Tammy
Whicker and her husband David of Decatur, Phillip Todd Luster and his wife Lucy of Crossville,
TN, Thomas Jacob Luster of Owings Mills, MD, and John Morgan Luster of Owings Mills, MD. Also
surviving are nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, son
Ronald Lee Luster, her brother, five sisters, a grandson and a granddaughter.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
LUTZ, John F. 
John F. Lutz for fifty years a resident of Oakley township, died at his
home there at 12:45 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. He was eighty-eight years old. His death
was due to complications incident to old age.
Mr. Lutz was born in Ripley county, Indiana, Sept. 28, 1837. He came with
his parents to Illinois when a small boy and for forty years he resided on the farm on which
he died. He and Miss Louisa Nicholson were married in Scott county in 1868. He was a
veteran of the Civil war, having served with the one Hundred and Twenty-Ninth regiment,
Illinis Volunteer Infantry. He is survived by his wife and one son, Milton Lutz of Oakley,
and two daughters, Mrs. A.R. Ullrich of Kimberly, Idaho and Mrs. J.A. Barnett of Decatur.
All were with him when death came. There are nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 2 Sep 1925
LYNCH, J.W. (Mrs.)
Mrs. J.W. Lynch died at her home in Hammond yesterday forenoon, at the age of
thirty years. She leaves a husband.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 19 May 1886
LYON, Kate
DIED - In this city on Thursday, Feb 15, 1883, at about 6 o'clock a.m. Mrs Kate
Lyon, wife of Samuel Lyon, in the 27th year of her age.
Deceased had been in poor health for two years, being afflicted with rheumatism
and neuralgia of the heart. She leaves a husband and one child, a girl, two years and one
day old. Mrs Lyons was a sister of Martin, Richard and James Fitzpatrick, and Mrs Caleb Smith,
Mrs John Skelly and Mrs Mary Gallagher. The funeral will take place from St Patrick’s Catholic
Church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 22 Feb 1883, pg. 7
The funeral of the late Mrs. Kate Lyon, wife of Mr. Samuel D. Lyon will take place
from St Patrick's Catholic church this afternoon at two o'clock. Friends of the family are
requested to attend.
The Morning Review, Friday Morning, 16 Feb 1883, pg. 4
LYON, Infant
The infant son of Lewis Lyon, aged three months, died yesterday of stomach
trouble, at the family residence on North Edward street. The funeral will take place to-day
at half past two o’clock, Rev. W.H. Prestley officiating.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 22 Apr 1886
LYON, Samuel
Died at Bath
Samuel Lyon, a former Decatur carpenter died on Saturday at Bath, N.Y. He
was a nephew of Geo. S. Lyon of this city.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 12 Mar 1889, pg. 3
LYTLE, Elizabeth (Smith)
Came to Decatur Shortly After War
Mrs. Elizabeth Lytle, wife of Captain R.P. Lytle, died at 1:30 Monday morning (4 Mar 1912) at
the family residence, 521 West William street. Mrs. Lytle had been an invalid for the last ten
years but her condition was not considered serious until during the last few weeks. She had
been confined to her bed for about four weeks. Her death was caused by lung trouble. Her age
was seventy-four years, four months and seventeen days.
Mrs. Lytle was born in Waterford, Erie county, Pa, Oct. 16, 1836. She was
married to Captain R.P. Lytle Jan 1?, 1861 at Waterford, Pa. Captain Lytle had been wounded in
the war and they were married while he was home on a furlough. After recovering from his wound
he returned to the army and was again wounded. After being mustered out at Springfield he came
to Decatur to visit a friend. It had been his intention to go to Kansas and locate and then
send for Mrs. Lytle but he was so pleased with Decatur that he decided to locate here and he
sent for her. She arrived in Decatur in April 1866. This has been their home ever since.
She is survived by her husband and three children, Harry W. Lytle of Kansas City, Mo., Frank A.
Lytle of Indianapolis and Edith May, now the wife of Craig Smith of Pittsburgh, Pa. A son
Robert B. Lytle died in 1891.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon at the family residence.
The services will be conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon of the First Presbyterian church. The
interment will be in the family lot in Greenwood.
Mrs. Lytle for nearly a half century was identified with the First Presbyterian
church and has been one of its most active workers. She untied with the church forty-six years
ago by letter. All these years since she has been a very prominent but quiet worker. For
nearly thirty years Mrs. Lytle was a teacher in the Sunday school. She was twice president
of the Ladies Aid society and was identified with it at its most aggressive period when the
society worked so hard for the new building and its furnishings. She has been a member of
the Woman's Missionary society for years and has served on its most important committees.
She has been identified with all the aggressive movements of the church carried on by the
Mrs. Lytle was one of those women with whom it was easy to work. She had her
own opinions but when desired yielded in a graceful and gentle way so that those who did not
agree with her loved her and felt that she was a safe and sane leader. Perhaps no woman
connected with the church has exerted a better or more helpful influence than her in the
years she was connected with the church. She was an ideal church elder's wife. For many
years her husband, Captain Lytle has been an elder. Mrs. Lytle felt that that fact gave
her special duties and responsibilities.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 March 1912
LYTLE, Robert B.
The funeral of Robert B. Lytle, youngest son of Captain and Mrs. R.P. Lytle,
took place Wednesday morning at the family residence on West Main street. The attendance of
friends of the family and companions of the deceased was very large the house being completely
filled. The services were conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon of the Presbyterian church. He
took no text but paid an eloquent tribute to the life of the departed, which was christian
like and exemplary in every respect. A male quartette composed of Messrs. C.W. Montgomery,
R.W. Chilson, A.B. Alexander and Frank Bunn furnished music, the selections being "Rock of
Ages," "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Asleep in Jesus." The floral offerings were many and
beautiful, testifying to the high regard in which the deceased wsa held. He was formerly a
member of the Calumet club and was also a member of the Sons of Veterans. Many of the members
of the former organizations were present at the sad services, and the camp of Sons of Veterans
were present in uniform, and acted as escort to the cemetery. The services at the grave were
brief and impressive. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church, of which the
deceased was a member, had lined the grave with flowers, and after the remains had been lowered
to the last resting place each member dropped a rose upon the casket. The pall bearers were,
Will Hammer, Sherry Ehrman, Frank Jack, George Matthews, Thad Schroeder and Fred Shellabarger.
Herald Despatch (Decatur), 25 April 1891