Mrs. Jane Gabriel, one of the old residents of Macon county and a resident
of Blue Mound since 1858, died at 12:15 Thursday morning at the residence of her daughter,
Mrs. A.M. Lee, 272 East Condit street. She was 86 years old. She had been ill for twelve
days with uraemic poisoning and heart trouble.
She was born in Ireland, but came to America March 17, 1848. In 1849, she was
married to Thomas Gabriel in New York city. They resided there until 1858, when she came to
Macon county and settled on a farm at the edge of Blue Mound. That has been the family home
ever since. Mr. Gabriel died nine years ago last October.
Mrs. Gabriel is survived by three daughters and one son, Mrs. A.M. Lee of
Decatur, Mrs. Dora Botoner of Blue Mound, Mrs. Eliza Scaggs of Blue Mound and James T.
Gabriel of Blue Mound. She also leaves fifteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.
She was a member of the Methodist church at Blue Mound and was widely known, especially among
the older citizens of the county.
A short service was held at the residence of Mrs. Lee on Thursday, and the
body was taken to Blue Mound. The funeral will be held at the Bethel church at 2 o'clock
Friday afternoon.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Dec 1909
Mrs. Jane Warner Gabriel, who died at her home in Decatur Thursdau morning
was born in County Cork, Ireland in the year 1825. She cam e to this country in 1848,
landing in New York where she was married in 1849 to Thomas Gabriel. They lived in New
York until 1858 then they removed to Illinois settling in Macon county, four miles north
east of what is now Blue Mound. They continued to live on a farm there until the death
of Mr. Gabriel some years later. She made her home with her six children, four of whom
are living. They are: Mrs. A.H. Lee of this city, James T. Gabriel, Mrs. Dora E. Boner
and Mrs. Eliza J. Scaggs, the latter three of Blue Mound. She also leaves sixteen
grandchildren and twelve greatgrandchilren.
Mrs. Gabriel was one of the charter members of what is now the Bethel society
of the M.E. church. Her faithful christian life won for her the love of all who knew
In October she came to Decatur to visit with her daughter, Mrs. A.H. Lee.
She was taken sick and died last Thursday morning.
The funeral was held from the Bethel M.E. church Friday afternoon, Rev. J.P.
Edgar of Moweaqua and Rev. H.B. Montgomery, having charge of the services. Interment
was at the Bethel cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 21 Dec 1909
Caught Cold While Working Two Weeks Ago; Pneumonia Developed, Caused Death
John Gabriel, 78, of 313 South Main street, died Sunday morning at 7:30
o'clock in the Decatur and Macon county hospital after being there about a week. He caught
a cold while working on his farm Mrch 24, and this developed into double pneumonia, the cause
of death.
John Gabriel was born in Queenstoen, County Cork, Ireland, and came to
American and to Blue Mound when a young man. He was well known in Blue Mound, Dalton
City, and Macon where he was familiarly called "Uncle John." His wife, Mattie Mooney,
died about ten years ago. He has made his home in Decatur since the death of his wife.
He leaves his sister, Mrs. Hannah Litts of Peoria, three nephews in Decatur,
Albert Nichols, Harry and George Gabriel and one niece, Mrs. Stella Robbins of Blue Mound.
The body was removed to the J.J. Moran & Sons funeral home for burial.
Services will be held in the chapel at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Friends may call at
the chapel until the funeral hour. Burial will be in Moweaqua cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, 2 Apr 1928
At his late home, 2 miles east of Macon, of pneumonia, on Tuesday, March
21st, Joseph Gabriel, aged 42 years. Deceased was a well-to-do farmer, and was known
to everybody in the community in which he lived. He leaves a wife and several children.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 25 Mar 1882
Mrs. Mary Gabriel, one of the oldest and best known residents of this city,
died at her home Friday morning in the north part of town after a short illness. She was
eighty-six years of age.
The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Bergen, pastor of the church, officiated. Burial was in the Macon cemetery.
Mary S. Connaughy was born in Georgetown, O., Oct. 25, 1825. She was married
to Joseph Gabriel Feb 18, 1875. Her husband died March 21, 1882. There were no children
born to this union, but Mrs. Gabriel had the care of her six stepchildren. Five of there
are living and are as follows: Mrs. Mary J. Sawyer of Decatur, R.J. and Frank Gabriel of
Blue Mound, Miss Emma Gabriel of Decatur and Mrs. Amanda Selby, of Terre Haute, Ind.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 19 Mar 1912
Well Known Resident of Pleasant View Dies Suddenly
Thomas Gabriel, one of Pleasant View township's first settlers, died very
suddenly at his residence, three miles northeast of Blue Mound Saturday evening, the 12th
inst., in his 72nd year. He was in his usual good health and did his daily work till the
noon hour, when he became suddenly ill and at 6 o'clock p.m. he was a corpse. The attending
physician say his death was due to indigestion resulting in paralysis. Mr. Gabriel came
to this country from County Cork, Ireland, in 1818, stopping first in New York City, where
he got employment in A.T. Stewart's great wholesale store, and remained there until 1858,
when he came to Macon county with his family and settled on a tract of raw prairie land
purchased from the Illinois Central railroad company on which he continued to reside
until death. He was a sober, industrious, intelligent careful farmer as a result of all
of which the tract of raw prairie land on which he settled, developed into one of the
finest and best improved farms in Pleasant View township.
He was so exceedingly loyal and patriotic man and lover of his adopted
country and during the civil war was a great friend to the families of soldeirs in his
neighborhood, many of whom he aided in various ways and when the soldiers returned home
from the war he met and welcomed them with open arms and helping hands, giving them
employment and in many ways aided them in their new start in life and to the end of his
life he was true friend to the veterans of the war and a strong supporter of his
government. Deceased was a worthy member of the Methodist church, having porfessed
religion in the year 1872. His membership was at Bethel, a country church in the erection
of, which he was largely instrumental, situated on the Wabash railroad one-half mile west
of his residence. He is survived by his widow, a most estimable Christian lady whom he
married in Brooklyn, N.Y., in 1849, and one son, James T. Gabriel, who resides on the
home farm and three daughters, Mrs. John Scaggs and Mrs. Henty Botoner of Blue Mound and
Mrs. Anna Lee of Decatur.
Decatur Herald, 19 Oct 1900
Sudden Death of this Eminent Lawyer and Jurist
Meeting of the Macon County Bar, Time and Place of Funeral
Our community was shocked last evening by a report that Judge Gallagher had died
suddenly at his office, about 5 o'clock. The news spread rapidly, and was soon known in all
parts of the city. It seems that since Mrs. Gallagher's departure for California in April, the
judge has been sleeping in his back office, having fitted up an apartment for that purpose. He
had been somewhat indisposed for about three days, and had remained most of the time in his
office, under the care of a faithful colored man, Charley Bell, who had long been in his employ.
The physician, Dr. Moore, had come to see him only a few minutes before his death, and gave him
some medicine, soon after which in a sort of paroxysm, caused by his inability to eject something
from his stomach, he seemed to strangle or choke to death. The alarm was given at once, and in a
very short time the office was visited by many of the most intimate of the deceased male's friends.
Arthur J. Gallagher was born in Straban, county Tyrone, north of Ireland, about the
year 1827. But little is known of his early history, as he never talked much of himself even to
his most intimate friends but it is sufficient for the purposes of this sketch to say that he
emigrated to America with his relatives when quite young, stopping for awhile at Philadelphia, came
west alone and entered the Catholic college at St. Louis. Here he remained until the spring of
1846 when the war with Mexico having broken out he caught the army fever and enlisted as a private
in the Second Regiment Illinois Volunteers, commanded by Col. (afterwards Governor) Bissell. He
served out his term of enlistment one year having participated in the great battle of Buena Vista
and returned to Belleville, St. Clair county, in the spring of 1847. Here he entered the law office
of Hon. Lyman Trumbull as a student, and after a careful course of reading under his eminent
preceptor, he was admitted to the bar in 1849 - just thirty years ago. Belleville not offering a
very inviting hold for a young lawyer, Mr. Gallagher removed to Vandalia where he opened an office,
and at once began to make friends, as he did of all whom he met. At Vandalia he made the acquaintance
of Dr. J.T.B. Stapp, Colonel Ferris (?)orman, the late James W. Berry and others, who saw in the
youthful attorney the promist of something out of the ordinary line and they became his warm and
best friends for life. In 1852 he was chosen to represent his county in the legislature and was
afterwards appointed by President Pierce Register of the (?)S Land Office at Vandalia - a position
which he continued to fill until his removal to Decatur in 1856. He was not long in building up a
practice and soon took his position at the very head of the Macon county bar. He formed a
partnership with Richard J. Oglesby and Sheridan Wait and the firm employed a very large and lucrative
practice. In 1862 the deceased raised a company of which he was made captain and was assigned to
the 7th Illinois Cavalry, commanded we believe by William Pitt Kellogg, now Senator from Louisiana.
He remained in the service about a year and resigned on account of ill health.
In 1865 he was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Smith, the oldest daughter of Hon.
E.O. Smith. One son, Arthur, now some ten years of age, is the only child born of this marriage.
In 1867 he was urged to be a candidate for judge of the old 16th circuit, by the unanimous voice
of the bar, and was elected without opposition, serving until 1873 when he again resumed the practice
of his profession.
Judge Gallagher was in many respects a very remarkable man. He had as clear perceptive
faculties as any man we ever knew. He seemed to grasp every question of law almost intuitively, and
whatever he knew was so clearly known by him? that he had no difficulty making it clear to others.
He had _ ments of the _, and yet few men could make a more effective _ to court or jury. This
ability _ point clearly to be able to _ at a definite conclusion and to be certain that he was right
when he arrived at it fitted him peculiarly for the office of judge and yet it is doubtful whether
even this great desiderotum? was his crowning glory as a judge. He was fair man. No judge
ever held the scales of justice more evenly poised than he. Friend of foe, rich or poor, white
or black - he knew no distinctions and all could come before him without fear of prejudice or hope
of partiality. He did not know what it was to have an impulse of unfairness. Such a man is a
born umpire, a predestined arbiter of the disuptes of his fellows.
As a citizen, Judge Gallagher filled every requirement. He was scrupulously honest
and upright, enterprising in every good work, and of unquestioned patriotism. He acted with the
democratic party until the war, since which time he has been a consistent, unswerving republican.
The writer, who often conversed with him upon political topics can be a testimony to his unselfish
patriotism and to the fixedness of his political views.
As a man and neighbor, Judge Gallagher was generous, hospitable, and kind. Indeed
he was beloved by all who knew him. His family relations were remarkably pleasant and to his wife
and son he was the embodiment of affectionate devotion. They will have the warmest sympathy of
all who knew their loved husband and father.
Decatur Daily Republican, 24 Jun 1879
Action of the Circuit Court with Reference to His Death
Upon the assembling of the circuit court, this morning, Hon. A.B. Bunn arose and
presented the following:
Death having deprived us of the presence in our midst of the Hon. Arthur J. Gallagher
and of his companionship and counsel:
We, the members of the Bar of Macon county and the officer of the various courts, desire
to have spread at large upon the records of the circuit and county courts, and after being engrossed,
presented to the family the following testimonial to the memory of the deceased:
As a citizen, Arthur J. Gallagher was a firm believer in the maintainance of law and
order, peace and morality; affable to all persons of whatever degree, just in his dealings, honorable
and honest in his sentiments, he commanded and obtained from all people, whether personal acquaintances
or not, the largest measure of honorable esteem and affection.
As a soldier, possessed that rarest merit of a brave man - modesty as to his military
life and achievements; a soldier of two wars; brave to a degree that commanded the admiration of his
companions in arms; an earnest, patriotic lover of his adopted country; bearing upon his person the
scars which attested to his devotion, it remained for his death to disclose to many of his friends
and associates the fact of his heroism and services.
As a lawyer, Arthur J. Gallagher possessed in an eminent and conspicuous degree that rare
combination which marks those great ment who, by their attainments, have made glorious the honorable
profession of the law. His honesty was incorruptible, unquestioned and unswerving; his mind clear and
pure in its methods, grasping the philosophy and the practice of the law with remarkable comprehension;
direct and honorable in his dealings, plain, forcible and truthful in argument, affable to his opponents;
hating dishonesty and denouncing it when discovered; by his life and his example he did much to confirm
in the minds of the people a good opinion of the law and its exponents.
As a judge, Arthur J. Gallagher earned and adorned the bright reputation and exhibited
those characteristics which more than all else endeared him to the hearts of the people. He was pure
and just in all his motives; he exhibited a profound and conscientious knowledge of the law and a love
for its justice and equity, which caused him to apply it in its fullest measure, whether friend or foe,
was injured by his act, brief in decision, honest and correct in judgment, his decisions coming from a
pure and uncorrupted source, gave general satisfaction and filled the perfect measure of the law.
While we feel that his death has fallen most heavily upon us who have witnessed his
triumphs and justice and who have lost the benefit of his wisdom and purity in our counsels, yet we
know that in his death the community at large has suffered an almost equal loss, and we mingle our
heartfelt sorrow and grief at his death with that of all other good citizens who are mourning his
untimely demise, and tender to his wife and child and to his relatives our sincerest sympathy in this
their hour of sorrow.
After reading the report of the committee, Mr. Bunn proceeded to speak of the deceased
jurist, saying that his acquaintance with Judge Gallagher began in 1853, upon the occasion of his first
visit to Decatur. At that time he lived in Vandalia. Since that time their intercourse had been
continuous and of the most pleasant character. From the time of Judge Gallagher's removal to
Decatur, in 1856, the speaker had been intimately associated with him in the practice of the law,
and he referred feelingly and eloquently to the many amiable qualities of the deceased - of his
tenderness of heart; his freedom from everything like animosity towards any man, nothwithstanding
his hatred of everything like dishonesty. To his intimate friends he was always ready to give
kind and valuable counsel, yet he never imposed himself upon anybody. When he had no kind word
to say of anybody, he had no ill ones. Though not demonstrative he enjoyed the society of his
friends. He was ever kind to his brethren in the profession, and especially to the younger
member of the bar. It seemed to be a gratification to him to assist them. He was a law-abiding,
moral man - always interested in every undertaking that was calculated to bring about good to
the community. In sentiment he was a temperence mind. He had a high appreciation of every
effort made for the advancement of the cause of temperence. The speaker referred to the
assistance rendered by Judge Gallagher to the cause, as represented by the Women's Christian
Temperence Union. Towards his family he was a kind and gentle as ever mortal man could be -
He had a high appreciated of the domestic relation - he loved little children. As a lawyer
Judge Gallagher was one of the most successful. He was a fair lawyer in his treatment
of his opponent - always honorable, and never trying to misrepresent what seemed to be the
truth in the case. His legal knowledge was equal, in the speaker's opinion, to that of any
man he knew. He was learned in the law, and knew how to apply its principles to the business
of the country. He never had any trouble in reaching the essence of the question - and his
aim always was to arrive at what was real justice in the case. As a judge he stood deservedly
high, and during his term of office became deservedly popular. The bar throughout the state
learned to appreciate him, and soon came to regard him as one of the best judges in the state.
It seemed that he had been created on purpose for a judge. Possessing a keen sense of justice
and right he had but one desire, and that was to find out the real facts in the case, and then
to apply the law to them, and thus attain the end sought for - justice. He was a candid man;
he could lay aside every tendency to partiality, and do exact justice to all parties. No
man, however low, however degraded, who was tried before him could say that Judge Gallagher
was not fair to him. He was kind in his intercourse with the bar as he was on all other
occasions. He was careful to give offense to no one. When he decided a case he did it in
such a way that it never gave offense to the defeated party. Gov. Palmer had said to the
speaker that he thought Judge Gallagher had the finest "touch" of any judge before whom he
had ever practiced. Mr. Bunn closed with an eloquent tribute to the memory of Judge
Captain Post said it was a great pleasure to talk about Judge Gallagher, as
it was to associate with him in life. He had a good many peculiarities which distinguished
him from the ordinary run of men. He had nothing of vanity about him, but a vast amount
of pride. He was proud of his own opinions, proud of good opinion of his friends. It was
an honest pride, a justifiable pride. The speaker first met Judge Gallagher at Shelbyville
about thirty years ago. Soon afterwards he met him at Vandalia, and heard him argue a
case, and made up his mind that the young man had a remarkably clear mind. He was a
close student, and realized that there was no future for a lawyer who did not study.
The speaker never knew Arthur J. Gallagher to be unjust, either at the bar or on the
bench. He was a social man, loved his friends, and liked to be with them. The speaker
spoke at length of the judge's habits. But he had passed away, and left the world of
good behind him.
Mr. Buckingham, in seconding the motion of Mr. Bunn, said he found Judge
Gallagher one of nature's noblemen, a true gentlemen. His word was as good as his
bond. He was truthfulness itself. No man had a better friend.
Gov. Oglesby said he came to listen, and had not intended to speak. He
said it must be a great consolation to Judge Gallagher's friends to know that he had
the good opinion of his brother lawyers. Next to that higher hope which all men have
when they face death this must be the most pleasant. He had been a partner of the
deceased, and had a high appreciation of his abilities. He was not a showy man in
speech. Neither he nor his predecessor, Judge Emerson, were fluent speakers, but both
were eminent in their prfound knowledge of the law. We shall miss him. His absence
will be felt. He seemed to have dropped into our midst from a foreigh world. He
seldom referred to his history, as he seldom did to that of others. The loss of
such men as Emerson and Gallagher (for the speaker could not separate them) was a
calamity to all, but their examples should show the younger members of the bar how
well it is for them to strike for the highest points in the profession. Every young lawyer
must feel that they are fortunate in having such examples before them. - Judge Gallagher,
may have had his faults, but the speaker could not name them. He was as clear of faults
as it falls to the lot of mortal man to be. During his intercourse with Judge Gallagher
he had never heard him utter an unkind word or criticism upon a brother lawyer. The
speaker knew Judge Gallagher when he was as poor as any man could be - when he had
mortgaged his last book to pay a debt; but he was just as hopeful as ever. He was
free from the frivolities of life, from all the trashy philosophies of the times. He
died lamented by all.
Judge Nelson next spoke. For 22 years he had walked beside Judge Gallagher
amid the trying vicissitudes of a lawyer's life. They had been engaged together and
adversely. He had learned to recognize him a model lawyer. He possessed in an eminent
degree those qualities which go to make the lawyer. His peculiar amiability was the
gracefulness that _ the brave man and always excited the admiration of those who knew
him best. His relations with the deceased had always been of the most pleasant
character. The speaker spoke of the last meeting he had with the deceased, and of
the pleasure its memories afforded him. All of us have occasion to imitate his
character and habits as a lawyer. Judge Nelson, with much emotion and faltering voice,
paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of his deceased friend.
S.G. Malone spoke of the manner in which the deceased came to be a
candidate for the bench. He had not sought the office; it was the free gift of those
who knew him best and admired him most.
Judge Smith said: The resolutions presented by the committee of this bar
to the full meeting of the bar and now asked to be entered of record in this court, very
appropriately express the feelings I entertain toward our departed freind and brother,
so far as words can photograph the thoughts and promptings of the soul, and yet they are
but the tinkling cymbal and sounding brass, the hollow reverberation of the strong
emotions of the soul that can find no words to give utterance to what it feels. In
this busy and active life we are again called to stand in the presence of the great
reaper who has cut down at our very side a loved and loving friend.
On last Monday, the 23d, Arthur J. Gallagher's life and light went out.
He laid down the burthens, cares and joys of this life, and exchanged its stern
realities and fitful dreams for the mysteries and rest of the grave; and we are met
here, we with whom he lived and labored more intimately than all others, to pay the
last sad tribute of love to his memory ere we shall lay his body to rest in peace in
the _ of our common brother in the shadows and peace of the groves.
For many years I have known Judge Gallagher, and for the greater
portion of that time I have known him intimately. It was my good fortune to share
his friendship and, to a large degree, his confidence. I have known him at the
bar, on the bench, in society and around his own fireside. As a lawyer, it is
not saying too much to say that all in all, he was the peer of any lawyer in
the State. With a marvelously clear and comprehensive mind, habits of industry,
a large and varied practice involving great interests, he rose rapidly to a just
and honorable distinction in his profession, until at last he stood among the
foremost of the known and recognized masters of his profession. The law was a
goddess to him, at whose shrine he constantly worshiped with the most unrelenting
devotion. Here he drank deeply and freely from the fountains of learning and
wisdom of the ages, until his mind became a store-house, filled with the ripest
knowledge of his profession, from which he might always draw without stint, and
to the advantage of those he sought to instruct. He was never boisterous or
rude to his antagonist _ of his _ and power he was dignified and courteous in
all his intercourse with men.
Brave and determined in all things as Jove, he was yet modest
and gentle as a woman. In nothing did his high character as a lawyer appear
more clearly than his sincere and modest purpose to be a faithful and correct
advisor of the court.
After winning the rewards, distinctions and honors of his
profession as a lawyer, he was called to the bench by the almost unanimous
voice of his district to discharge the most arduous and responsible duties
of a judge. Here it was that he justified the partiality and discernment of
his friends. Every trait of his character and his education were but so
many arguments in favor of his fitness for the bench. He brought to the
discharge of the duties of his office the learning and experience which a
large and varied practice had given him. Through that same mistaken policy
which has always required too much work at the hands of the judges of this
State, Judge Gallagher found, on coming to the bench, a circuit twice as
large as it was possible for any man to keep up; but with a determination
worthy of all honor he struggled against hope for six long years, working
early and late, trying to do what he could not do. He loved justice and
right and hated all wrong, fraud and injustice with a perfect mind. He had
a wonderful keen eye for a rogue and took delight in visiting upon all
fraudulent tricks and devices the just condemnation they deserved. He
carried to the bench that same gentle and patient quality of heart and mind
which had distinguished him at the bar above his brethren. He face was an
immovable on the bench as the Sphynx. No lawyer could ever tell, from any
manifestations of his while hearing an argument, what the judgment would
be. He had that rare quality of listening patiently and quietly to what
was said, and determining at once between plausible error and naked truth.
No man ever sat upon the bench who was more justly beloved by the bar and the
people than Judge Gallagher, nor more deeply mourned by those who knew him
I knew him around his hearthstone, as he sat by his wife and
his boy, when the shades of night called him from the cares of the day to
the sweet amenities and loves of home. There I knew him and his faithful and
loving wife, as gracious and intimate friends. It appeared to be a happy
home. He loved his wife and boy with a strange, strong love. They clung
to him and always dreaded his absence and loved his coming, though sometimes
love looked through streaming eyes and felt with an aching heart.
But alas! at the very noonday of his life and of his usefulness,
the turmoil and labor of this life, to the repose of the grave. In a few
brief hours, with loving hands and aching hearts, we shall carry him to his
final home on earth, and water his grave with our tears. A we mourn over his
ashes and bid him a long farewell, let us not forget what he taught us while
living, nor the sad and solemn warning we have in his dying. Let us cherish
his memory, his friendships, and his honor as souvenirs of his life. Let us
remember tenderly his wife and boy, in their deep affliction; and while we
bow with them in submission to the will of the Master, we must stand dumb in
the presence of their greater calamity and sorrow but knowing still that our
heart feel tenderly for them in the bitterness of their grief.
And now at last our brother, our friend, though cold in death's
embrace, yet still perchance, the loved and loving spirit hovers near to hear
our last and long farewell. Peace to thy precious dust, and rest to thy
gentle spirit.
The resolutions will be spread at large upon the records of this
court, and the court will now adjourn until to-morrow morning, as a token of
respect for the deceased.
Colonel Wolfe, of Champaign, who had come into the room during
the remarks of Judge Smith, was invited to speak, and said that the bar of his
county would be represented at the funeral. In a few well chosen words Col.
Wolfe paid a high tribute to the memory of the deceased.
Court then adjourned for the day.
Decatur Daily Republican, 25 Jun 1879
The people of Decatur never witnessed such a large funeral as
that of Judge Gallagher yesterday. The preliminaries having heretofore been
published, it is not necessary to refer to them again.
At 2:30 o'clock the members of the bar assembled at the court
house, and were escorted to the late residence of the deceased by the
Decatur Band, the Guards under the command of Lieut. Elwood, the Macon county
veterans commanded by Capt. George S. Durfee, and a squad of Mexican war
veterans under command of Col. Forman, President of the State Association.
As the procession left the court house, under the charge of Hon. Wm. B.
Chambers,the stores and business houses throughout the city closed their
doors, and did not open again until after the funeral. Arriving at the
residence the procession halted, and, facing the sidewalk, remained in that
position until the funeral cortege had passed from the house to the church.
The pall-bearers were Gov. Oglesby, Judge Smith, Capt. Post, and ex-mayors
Priest, Hill and Peddecord. The casket was covered with U.S. flags, one
being the weather-stained colors of Co. C, Fourth Illinois Volunteers -
Decatur's old Mexican war company. Arriving at the church door, the body
was taken in charge by a squad of veterans, and borne on their shoulders
to the bier in front of the altar, the organ meanwhile playing a solemn
funeral march. The floral decorations were profuse, including anchors,
harps, crosses, etc.
The exercises opened with a voluntary by a select choir,
after which Father Crissey offered a brief prayer, and then delivered a
short sermon from the text: "Bur there is a spirit in man; and the
inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding." Rev. Dr. Goodwin
made a closing prayer, and while the choire chanted, "It is well," the
casket was opened and the vast audience passed in procession to take a
last look at the features of the dead.
The procession was then re-formed, and to the slow, sad
music of the funeral march, wended its way to Greenwood cemetery, where,
on a beautiful knoll, the mortal remains of Arthur J. Gallagher were
buried from mortal sight. The veterans fired three volleys over the
grave of their late comrade, and the immense concourse of people
dispersed to their homes. It was the most imposing funeral ever
witnessed in Decatur.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 3 Jul 1879
Relatives in Decatur received messages Monday night telling of the death of J.J.
Gallagher in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Gallagher was formerly Miss Mary Fitzpatrick who resided here
quite a number of years ago. Mrs. Johanna Fitzpatrick, J. Carroll Fitzpatrick and Miss Sadie
Skelley left Tuesday afternoon for Chicago to attend the funeral.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 24 May 1921, pg. 16
GALLAGHER - John J. Gallagher, beloved husband of Mary G. Gallagher, nee Fitzpatrick,
father of Gertrude M., Alice, Daniel J., and Arthur J. Gallagher.
Funeral Thursday, May 26, at 9:30 a.m. from his residence, 1844 Farwell Av. to St.
Jerome's church, where high mass will be celebrated. Autos to Calvary.
Chicago Tribune, 25 May 1921, pg. 19
GALLAGHER, Mary Gertrude (Fitzpatrick)
Mary G. Gallagher, nee Fitzpatrick, of 1844 Farwell avenue, beloved wife of
the late John J., fond mother of Gertrude M., Daniel J., Arthur J., and the late Alice M.,
sister of Elizabeth Skelley and Richard Fitzpatrick. Funeral Monday, Aug. 24, at 10 a.m.,
from funeral home, 1359 Devon avenue, at Glenwood, to St. Jerome's church and Calvary. Please
omit flowers.
Chicago Tribune, (IL), 22 Aug 1942
GAMBRILLE, Dr. Charles W. 
The body of the late Dr. Charles W. Gambrille arrived in Decatur Saturday
morning from Jacksonville, where Friday the doctor died of liver trouble in the insane
hospital. The body was taken to Bullards undertaking rooms and the funeral was held
Saturday afternoon at 1 oclock. Rev S H Bower pastor of the Fast Baptist church, officiated
and the interment was in Greenwood. Mrs. S.A. Crandle and daughter of Chicago were here
to attend the funeral. They are at the Decatur hotel.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 5 Sep 1903, pg. 7
Nine Year Old Boy at St. Marys With No Chance for Life
Cedric Duncan, a 8 year old Lintner boy who was seriously stabbed and slashed
by his half crazed grandfather, Dr. W.T. Gannon, was brought to St. Marys hospital Friday nights.
At 1 oclock Saturday afternoon he was barely alive and was not expected to live till night.
The funeral of Dr. Gannon, who while insane, slashed the boy Friday noon and then
killed himself, was held at A.C. Duncans residence at 9 oclock Saturday morning. Rev. John
Arnold conducted the last services. The interment was in the LaPlace cemetery.
Dr. Gannon had a terrible temper. said Mrs. Barbara Gannon, his widow, Saturday
morning I have no doubt that he attacked Cedric in one of his fits of fury. After he recovered
from his attacks of violent anger, he always repented and that was probably what caused him to
kill himself. An announcement of the suicide and attempted murder in Fridays Review caused
a sensation throughout this section of the state, as the Gannons and Duncans were well known.
A.C. Duncan, father of the attacked lad, is part owner in a general store in Lintner.
Both Kenneth and Helen Duncan, two of the Duncan children, were at the home of
their grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Gannon on North Clinton Street, Saturday. Kenneth was with
his brother when the old man made the attack and it was he who first gave the alarm and brought
assistance. Kenneth told his story, brokenly, as follows.
Cedric and I had been playing in the back yard. We had been out getting some
hay in the wagon and grandpa had objected to our taking the wagon. So when we came back we
started to build a tent in the yard. Grandpa came out and told us to stop playing that we were
not doing anything right and wed better quit before we tore up everything.
Well, we didnt pay much attention to him. Grandpa is such a funny fellow. Hes
always fighting with us. Papa bought us a set of tools to build houses with, but grandpa took
them away from us and hid them in his room. So when grandpa told us to quit playing, mamma
came out of the house and said.
Cant you let the children alone. They are not bothering you.
Grandpa looked awful wild out of his eyes and I was afraid of him. His long,
black whiskers bristled out from his chin and his eyes seemed to glow like two balls of fire.
He looked like Blue Beard in my story-book as he stood there clenching his hands. Then he
turned abruptly and went upstairs to his room.
Well, Cedric and I wanted some of our books up in grandpas room, so we started
up after them. I arrived at the door first. He stood there and looked at me so funny that
I was afraid and didnt go in. Then Cedric went in and I went back down stairs.
When I arrived at the bottom of the stairs I stopped and listened. Everything
was still, awful still, and I felt terribly lonely. Then I heard the most horrible scream
coming from grandpas room. I turned and ran upstairs. I looked in the door and saw the old
man with his hands on Cedrics throat, beating him on the head with a heavy iron bolt.
I ran down stairs and then to fathers store nearby. I cried out, Grandpa is
killing Cedrick. Father ran back to the house. Thats all I know if it. At this point the
boy broke out crying.
Gannon slashed the boy with a pocket knife in five places in front and back of
the body. Then he cut the lads throat from ear to ear, narrowly missing the jugular vein.
He then picked up a square headed bolt and beat the boy over the head with it. Then the boy
broke loose, ran out and fell exhausted from the loss of blood at the foot of the stairs.
Gannon then shut his door, picked up his gun, lay down on the couch, pressed
the muzzle against his eye and pulled the trigger. The bullet crashed through his brain and
death was instantaneous.
The injured boy was placed on a couch and efforts were made to stop the flow
of blood. Physicians were called from nearby towns, but the boy had lost much blood before
they arrived. The boy was brought to Decatur at 9 oclock Friday night and was taken
immediately to St. Marys hospital, where his injuries were addressed.
Dr. Gannon always was a shiftless fellow, said Mrs. Barbara Gannon We have
been married for forty-three years and during that time I have supported him all but four
years. We have never been divorced nor have we separated but he went out to live with my
daughter and her husband because I was unable to care for him any longer.
He was at one time considered a bright man, but his temper always got him
into trouble. He and I never had any quarrels because I knew enough not to say anything
when he got one of his attacks of anger.
Mrs. Duncan told me that he has been acting strangely lately, and perhaps
he was a little insane. But whenever he became angry he was always repentant afterward
and would ask pardon from those whom he had injured. I think it was his repentant mood
that caused him to kill himself.
I am taking care of my daughters two other children while she remains
with Cedric at St. Marys Hospital. I think if the boy dies she will go insane herself.
Dr. Gannon was 73 years of age. Mrs. Gannon is 69. She has lived in Decatur
for thirty-seven years in her house at 920 North Clinton street. Cedric Duncan is 8 years
old, Kenneth is 10 and Helen is 4.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 31 Aug 1907, pg. 1
GARDNER, Mrs. Effie
Lying fully dressed on her bed, a long rubber hose extending from the gas stove in the
kitchen to her bed. The body of Mrs. Effie Gardner, 1065 West Eldorado Street was found by a
neighbor, Mrs. William Reynolds, early Thursday evening.
Mrs. Gardner, who was fifty eight years old last December, was the widow of Jacob Gardner.
She was a garment worker and was employed by the Home Manufacturing company. She had not been
seen since Tuesday. She did not show up for work Wednesday or Thursday and Thursday afternoon
the company telephoned Mrs. Reynolds to investigate. Looking through the bedroom window Mrs.
Reynolds saw the body of Mrs. Gardner on the bed. Rapping on the door brought no response.
There was strong odor of gas about the house. Mrs. Reynolds notified Mrs. Rilla Grant, sister
of Mrs. Gardner, and Mrs. Grant entered the house and found gas pouring from the hose close
to the face of her sister, who was quite dead and probably been dead for two days. Coroner Roy
M. Dawson was notified and made a preliminary investigation, after which the body was taken to
the L.A. Monson funeral home.
Neighbors, stated that for some time Mrs. Gardner had seemed despondent over ill health. They
also said that until a few days ago she had done her cooking on an oil stove, but that she
then had the gas stove installed. She may have had suicide in mind when she had the gas
Mrs. Gardner was born in Warrensburg, Dec. 3, 1872. Most of her life was spent in Decatur.
Her husband, Jacob Gardner, died June 12, 1914. She was a member of the Baptist church in Havana
and of Independence camp Royal Neighbors of America in Decatur. She is survived by the
following brothers and sisters: George Daly, Elwood Kan., Hugh Daly, Plymouth, Mich., Mrs.
Rilla Grant and Mrs. Ida Bunker, Decatur; Mrs. Ida Bunker, Decatur; Mrs. Ada Gring, Grand
Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. Elita Fowler, Miami, Fla.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning at the Monson chapel and the services will be
private. The burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Decatur newspaper, May 29, 1931
Jacob Gardner, formerly of Decatur died at 8:30 o'clock Friday morning in Manitou, IL. He
was 39 years old and death caused by Bright's disease and complication. He formerly was employed
in the Wabash shops and was well known among railroad men. He leaves a widow.
The body arrived in Decatur at 8:20 o'clock Saturday evening over the Illinois Central and
was taken to the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sarah E. Daley, 1056 East Lincoln Avenue where
funeral services will be conducted at 10 o'clock this morning. The services will be under the
auspices of Decatur lodge No. 65 I.O.O.F. of which he was a member. Burial will be in Greenwood
The funeral of Jacob Gardner will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the home
of Mrs. Gardner's mother, Mrs. Saley E. Daly, 1056 East Lincoln avenue. The services will be
under the auspices of Decatur lodge No. 65, I.O.O.F. The interment will be in Greenwood.
Mr. Gardner is survived by his wife and one brother, Harry Gardner, of Kansas, and
five sisters, Mrs. Clara Trainer, Mrs Gertie Riley, Mrs. R. Bell and Mrs. Benson, all of Havana,
and Mrs. Ella Smith of Astoria.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 14 Jun 1914
GARRETT, Tessie Viola
Mrs. Tessie V. Garrett Expires At St. Mary's
Mrs. Tessie Viola Garrett of Harristown died Tuesday morning at St. Mary's hospital
where she has been in critical condition for several days. She was brought in from Harristown
about a week ago, ill from influenza and pneumonia, and on Sunday gave birth to a baby boy who
died at birth. The body of the child has been held and will be buried at the same time as the
mother. The husband is now seriously ill with influenza at his home.
Mrs. Garrett would have been twenty years old on Jan. 8. She was born in Niantic,
and was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.M.M. Stemmitt of that place. She is survived by a
brother, Walter of Springfield, a sister, Mrs. Birdie Monical of Buffalo, a brother Herbert of
Niantic, a sister, Mrs. Ella Allison of South Dakota, and two sisters and a brother, Edith,
Pauline and Willie at home.
Decatur Review, 17 December 1918
Funeral of Mrs. Tessie Garret is Held
The body of Mrs. Tessie M. Garrett and that of her baby, in one casket, were taken
to Niantic by James J. Moran Wednesday afternoon. The double funeral will be held there at 10:30
o'clock Thursday morning and the interment will be in the Long Point cemetery. Mr. Garrett is ill
at Harristown, and on the way to Niantic the hearse stopped at Harristown that he might look at
the bodies.
Decatur Review, 18 Dec 1918
The funeral of Mrs. Tessie Garrett was held Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Long
Point cemetery. The pallbearers were Herschel and Charles Venvenuto, Otto Brock, Russell Garrett,
Anderson Allison and Fred Monical. Singers were Sarah Everett, Emma Cross, Nellie Moore, and Cora
Cowden. The flower girls were Dollie Eppley, Leota Glossner and Fay Hallett.
Decatur Review, 20 Dec 1918
GARVER, Abraham M. 
Abe Garver Killed Seven Miles West of Springfield
Her Son Followed and Did the Shooting
Abraham M. Graver of Decatur was killed Tuesday afternoon seven miles
west of Springfield by John J. King, who lives in the neighborhood. Garver was killed
with a shoot from a revolver through the brain. The man who did the killing at once
gave himself up to the officers. There was no witness to the killing.
The trouble started with Mrs. King, mother of the man who did the
killing. Garver called at the home when she was in the house alone. He got a drink
of water at the well and then, according to the story of Mrs. King, rapped on the
kitchen door and asked for work. She had no work for him to do. Then he asked for
something to eat. The woman told him she had nothing for him. The woman says he then
looked wicked and remarked: By God I have served time in the penitentiary for having
stabbed two women and am willing to serve more to stab another. I have burned houses,
Naturally Mrs. King was frightened and as Garver entered the kitchen she
fled from the house and hunted the men folk. She found her son, the man who did the
killing, and informed him of all that had happened. Garver had left the house and
started away in his wagon. The son got a horse from the barn and started in pursuit.
The son, Johnson J. King tells the story of pursuit and killing as follows.
It was 1:30 oclock when I started after the man. I dismounted when I
reached the wagon, and tied my horse to the fence. The old man admitted that he had
visited fathers home, but denied that he made threats against my mother. I asked him
to accompany me home and have the affair investigated, but he refused. I then told him
that he would have to go with me. He attempted to drive on but I prevented him, and he
climbed from his wagon. He approached me with a broomcorn knife gripped tightly in his
right hand. We wrestled, and he slashed me with his knife on the left side and cut my
thumb. Then I drew my revolver and fired two shots. He fell to the ground, bleeding from
the head, and I left him. We both struck and received blows before I fired.
After killing Garver, King remounted his horse and road homeward, leaving
the dead body of Garver in the road fifteen yards behind his untied team. Deputies were
immediately dispatched to the scene. Before the police arrived the news quickly spread
in the vicinity, and a crowd of farmers gathered about the lifeless body of the dead man,
which lay in a pool of blood with a gaping bullet wound in the skull just over the left
eye. Still clinched in the hand of the soldier was the knife with which he sought to
defend himself.
It was the opinion of the officers that the old man had been first shot
while he stood in the wagon, and later mortally injured when he approached King upon
the ground. The circumstantial evidence is said not to bear out the story of the man
who did the killing. The side of the wagon in which Garver was is badly smeared with blood.
There must have been fighting in or very near the wagon.
Abraham Graver was well known in Decatur and had lived in or near Decatur
the greater part of his life. Felix Garver a brother, resides at 248 Wabash Avenue, Abe
Graver has a wife living in Terra Haute, whom he has been separated for twenty-five years.
He also has three sons, Sherman, Ulysses and Plumis, and a daughter, Mrs. Cora Davis, all
of whom reside in Terre Haute. Felix Graver was notified of the death of his brother
Tuesday night and notified the relatives in Terre Haute. Abe Gravers son-in-law sent a
message Thursday asking when the funeral would be held and Felix Garver sent back word
that no arrangements had been made at this end. It is expected that the wife and sons of
Mr. Garver will arrange for the disposal of his body. Felix Garver Thursday knew nothing
of the killing of his brother except what he had read in the paper.
Abe Graver was the son of the late David Garver. He was born in Pennsylvania
and was 71 years old. He was quite a character and was peculiar in his ways. In his earlier
days he was a farmer and lived northeast of the city. During the Civil war he served as a
soldier and was a member of Dunham Post No. 141, G. A. R. Since the war he has not done
much and for a long time lived alone.
Last May while driving in a wagon at the corner of North Edward and Green
Street he was struck by a streetcar and badly hurt. For a time it was thought he could not
recover. When he did get better he was sent to the Old Soldiers Home, but left that place
last July and came back to Decatur. He has lately been living at the residence of Frank
Carr on East William Street but he went away from there about two weeks ago and it was not
known just where he went. His relatives did not know he was in Springfield. Mr Graver had
a horse and wagon and it was his habit to drive out and go where he pleased.
Abe Graver was ill natured and very peculiar. He had a quarrelsome way and
was always ready for a fight. He figured in a good many lawsuits. When he was taken to
the hospital after his injury he was very hard to manage and as soon as he was better it
was thought advisable to send him to the soldiers home. Many persons regarded Mr. Garver
as being mentally unbalanced. David M. Garver, a brother, was killed a few months ago
while working at his sawmill northeast of Decatur.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 12 Nov 1902, pg. 1
For A.M. Garver
Sons Will Investigate Killing
The Springfield Register, speaking of the funeral of Abraham Graver says
the funeral services were held at 3:31 p. m. Thursday from the undertaking establishment
of Charles T. Bisch, and were in charge of Stephenson Post, No. 30, G. A. R. of Springfield.
An American flag was wrapped about the casket of the old soldier, and the G.A.R. ritual
was pronounced by Captain P. W. Harts, in the absence of Chaplin Stevenson.
Over the grave in Oak Ridge Cemetery "Taps" were sounded, and a salute fired.
Captain P.W. Harts, Major D. C. Brinkerhoff, Seoll Oder and Colonel Lincoln Duboise acted
as pallbearers. Felix M Garver of Decatur, brother of the deceased, and Sheridan Ulysses and
Plumis Garver of Terre Haute. Ind., three sons of the soldier, arrived in Springfield
Thursday morning and were present for the funeral.
The brother and three sons of the dead man visited the county jail in the
afternoon to see the man who had slain their brother and parent, but they spoke no word
to King. The sons are not entirely satisfied with the investigation given the crime by the
authorities and will remain in the city several days to conduct a personal investigation.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 14 Nov 1902, pg. 1
Springfield People Believe He Had Little Provocation
The funeral of Abraham Garver who was killed near Springfield Tuesday
afternoon, was held yesterday at Springfield under the auspices of the G.A.R. Felix
Garver of this city and two sons of Abraham Garver from Terre Haute attended the services.
Mr. Felix Garver returned to the city last evening and says the feeling
against King is very strong. The people believe he had insufficient provocation for
killing the old man.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 14 Nov 1902, pg. 8
Have No Intention of Conducting a Personal Investigation of Murder
It was stated in the evening paper that the Garver family of this city
was dissatisfied with the investigation of the authorities at Springfield into the
murder of Abraham Garver. F. M. Garver called at the Herald office last evening and
denied that this was true. On the contrary he says that the family is entirely satisfied
with the investigation and has no intensions of pursuing the matter further on their
own responsibility.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 18 Nov 1902, pg. 2
Read about the murder trial.
GARVER, Anna Mary
Died, November 24, 1870, Mrs. Anna Mary Garver, wife of David Garver, aged 58 years 3 months and
9 days. Her death was occasioned by palsy. The remains of deceased were followed to the grave by a large
concourse of friends and relatives. Funeral services at the Garver Church by the Rev. H.E. Long.
Decatur Review, 1 Dec 1870
GARVER, Christian H.
A Member of an Old Macon County Family Called Away
Came to Macon County in 1839 - One of the Oldest Settlers of This Section
Christian H. Garver died at the home of his son-in-law, H.B. Kuhns at Argenta, on
Saturday morning, May 23, aged 74 years, 6 months and 6 days. The deceased had been in very
poor health for over a year and his death was not unexpected.
The funeral will be held at the brick church, three miles south of Oreana, on
Monday, May 25, at 2 p.m. The cortege will leave the house at Argenta at noon. Rev. D.D.
Giffin will be in charge of the services.
Christian H. Garver was a native of Pennsylvania, his birthplace being in
Lancaster county, and the date of that event was November 17, 1841. The Garver family is of
German descent, and on the maternal side, Mr. Garver was also of German lineage. His parents,
Jacob and Susan (Heisey) Garver, were both natives of Pennsylvania. The father, who was a
farmer, died in 1890, at the age of ninety years, and his wife passed away in 1864. They had
a familiy of eleven children the oldest of whom was the deceased. The other members were
Nancy (now deceased), John, Mary, Susan, Barbara, Samuel, Catherine (deceased), Daniel,
Abraham and Jacob who have also passed away.
In the usual manner of farmer lads, Christian Garver passed the days of his
boyhood and youth, and his education was acquired in the district and subscription schools.
His advantages in this direction however, were meager. For long years he has been a resident
of Macon county, whither he emigrated with his parents in 1839. They reached their
destination in the month of May, and located in Whitmore township, the father purchasing
land from the government. Here the deceased went through the experiences of pioneer life,
and was early lure to the arduous labor of developing a new farm. He remained under the
parental roof until he had attained his majority, and then began to work in Spangler's
flouring mill, on the Sangamon river, between Decatur and Long Creek, where he was employed
for two years.
On November 23, 1843, Mr. Garver married Miss Margaret Geppord, daughter of
George and Elizabeth Geppord. The lady was born near Harrisburg, Pa., and by her marriage
became the mother of eight children, namely; Elizabeth, wife of George W. Hiser, a retired
farmer of Decatur; Susan, wife of Abraham Hiser, of Oakley township; Mary A., wife of
Charles Hirsch, of Whitmore township; William, who died in 1855; John J., of Cerro Gordo;
Priscilla, wife of William F. Jacobs, a general merchant of Decatur; Leah, wife of H.B.
Kuhns, merchant and grain buyer at Argenta, and Amanda, who died in 1864.
On leaving the mill, Mr. Garver turned his attention to agricultural pursuits,
securing a 40-acre tract of unimporved land in section 29, Whitmore township. There is
connection with general farming he engaged in the manufacture of grain cradles. In the
spring of 1850 attracted by the discovery of gold, he started from Decatur for California,
going by the overland route with a mule train, which went by way of St. Joe, Ft. Laramie
and Ft. Kearney. They experienced some little trouble on the trip and after about five
months' travel, arrived at Sacramento, on August 16. The same year Mr. Garver went to
Nevada City, where he engaged in mining about a year. He remained on the Pacific slope
three years, and his trip proved a successful one. He returned by water to Macon county
and went back to the old farm where he had left his wife and family, and where he made
his home from 1843 to 1890. He was owner of the old home place at the time of his death,
although in 1890 he built a home in Oreana. He was the owner of 310 acres of fine land.
Mr. Garver voted for General Fremont, the first candidate of the Republican
party, and was always a staunch supporter of the principles of that organization. He had
been honored with a number of local offices of public trust, the first being that of justice
of the peace. He was elected in 1856 and was always re-elected. He also served as supervisor
for twelve years, and had been chairman of the county board, had been assessor three terms,
and a school trusted for twenty-five years. No higher testimonial to his fidelity and
promptness in the discharged of public duties can be given than his oft repeated elections.
True to every trust reposed in him, he was regarded as an honorable, upright man, and one of
Macon county's best citizens. He was the president of the Macon county Old Settlers'
association, and was always a member of the United Brethren church.
Decatur Daily Republican, 23 May 1896
One of the Oldest Settlers of Macon County Passes Away in Oregon.
The news was received to-day of the death of Uncle David Garver, who passed away
on Monday, Sept. 21, in Oregon, where he had been spending the summer, accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs. Diehl. There are no particulars of his last hours; but it has been known
generally to Republican readers that Mr. Garver has been in failing health for a number
of years caused by the burden of time. He died at the age of 82 years, the end of an honored
life of rectitude and usefulness. He came to Macon county in 1840 and turned his attention to
farming pursuits, and soon amassed a fortune. At one time he was interested largely in the
present Hatfield mill. He has been president of the Garver Family Reunion Association since
its first meeting in 1885, and was re-elected to the same position last August, though he was
not present in person. His children are F.M. Garver and David M. Garver, of Decatur; Mrs. J.
Schock of Oreana, and Abraham Garver, who resides in the west, Mrs. Barbara Gannon, of Decatur,
and Andrew M. Garver, of Oakley.
Mr. Garver was born in Lancaster county, Pa., May 11, 1809. In Dauphin county
in 1830, the deceased married Mary Malehorn; the couple lived in Pennsylvania until 1840. Seven
children were born to them, and all arrived in Macon county July 13, 1840, in company with
Joseph Rife and George Gepford. They came through in wagons, and were on the road eight weeks.
Mr. Garver, as above stated, located in Whitmore township. He became a stock raiser, and also
engaged in the improvement of farms; he build seven farm houses. He had been school trustee,
school director and school treasurer, and was one of the commissioners appointed to lay off the
county into townships in company with John Rucker and James Dingman. There were ten children
in the family.
David Garver was at the head of one of the oldest and most numerous families in
Macon county. He was a descendant of Jacob Gerber, a native of Switzerland, who came to
America in 1730 and settled in Lancaster county, Pa. One of Jacob's three sons was Jacob
Gerber, whose children came to Illinois. One of the sons, Christian Gerber, married an English
woman and the family name was changed by the wife to Garver. He was the father of the original
Garvers of the county. His children were John, Jacob, David, Samuel, Christian, Elizabeth,
Nancy, Rachel and Barbara Garver. Uncle David was the only survivor of the Christian Garver
branch of the family. He, with John, Jacob and Christian Garver formed the Garver settlement
northeast of Decatur 50 years ago.
The remains of Mr. Garver will arrive in Decatur from Oregon on Saturday next.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 24 Sep 1891
Large Attendance of Friends - Sermon by Rev. A. Wimsett, of Streator
The funeral of the late David Garver took place on Sunday afternoon from the
Brick church in Whitmore township, within half a mile of the old Garver farm in the Garver
settlement, where the deceased began his busy life when he came to Macon county from
Pennsylvania in July, 1840. As has been stated in a previous article, Mr. Garver had been very
feeble for a number of years, and he went west two years ago hoping that the change would do
him good. He was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Annie Diehl, who was with him when he died
at Curvalis, Oregon, on September 21, in the 83d year of his age. He was bedfast only a week
before his death, and retained consciousness to the last. The body was brought to Decatur by
the daughter, arriving here at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. It was taken to the home of
Mrs. Diehl on East Prairie street, where on Sunday at 12:30 o'clock brief preliminary services
were held, conducted by Rev. J.A.F. King, pastor of the United Brethren church, assisted by the
church choir. Rev. King read a scriptural selection and offered prayer. There were many
friends of the deceased and of the family present. At the close of the service the very long
procession was formed and moved to Whitmore township where at the Brick church at 3:30 o'clock
the final services were observed. Old friends and neighbors had assembled in large numbers to
pay their last respects to the departed. Rev. A. Wimsett, of Streator, Ill., who was named by
the deceased in his lifetime to conduct the services, was present to officiate. He selected
for his texts Hebrews ix-27; Revelations xiv-13, and St. John xi-23, and delivered a strong
discourse prefaced with a tribute to the deceased, speaking especially of his uniform kindness
to friends, many of whom he had assisted financially and by his wise councels. The eulogy was
well deserved.
In the large assembly were the seven living children of the deceased and a great
number of relatives, some of whom had come a great distance to be present at the obsequies.
The remains were placed in the grave near that of the wife of the deceased who
preceded him in death some years ago. The pallbeareres were James Millikin, W.L. Hammer, E.
McClellan, George Nebinger, Judge W.E. Nelson and B.K. Hamsher.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 1 Oct 1891
GARVER, David M. 
It Came To D.M. Garver at His Saw Mill at Oreana
D.M. Garver, a well known citizen of Decatur, was killed Saturday at his
saw mill near Oreana. About 11 o'clock he was feeding the saw and was ripping a piece off
of a two-inch board when a piece of the cut-off caught in the teeth of the saw and was
thrown with great violence in his direction. One fragment struck him between the fifth
and sixth ribs, crushing them in and causing injuries from which he died about half an
hour later.
The first message reached Decatur about 1 o'clock and stated that Mr.
Garver had been injured. His sons left at once for the mill with the Dawson ambulance,
expecting to bring him to Decatur for treatment.
David M. Garver was the son of the late David Garver and was born in
Lancaster, Pa. He was 62 years old. For many years he lived at Monticello and in the
year 1890 moved to Decatur. At Monticello he was a cattle dealer and at one time
operated a tile factory. For some time past he owned and operated the saw mill where
he was killed.
Mr. Garver was married August 16, 1868, to Mary Hursh, who survives him.
He also leaves two sons, Walter Garver, who conducts a store in Decatur, and Harry
Garver, who is a stenographer at the office of the Standard Oil company. Two daughters
also survive. They are Mrs. Catherine Shook of California and Mrs. Barbara Gannon of
An inquest was held at the scene of the accident Saturday afternoon
and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the facts.
The remains were brought to Decatur and taken to the family residence,
519 East William street. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Decatur Herald, 10 Jun 1902
The funeral of David M. Garver will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. from
the residence, 519 East William street. The interment wil be at Boiling Springs
Decatur Herald, 10 Jun 1902
GARVER'S DEATH Caused by Board Striking Him in the Side
Never Spoke After He Was Hit
Body to Decatur
The inquest over the remains of David M. Garver, who was killed at his
sawmill near Oreana Saturday, was held by Coroner Dawson Saturday afternoon at the
place where the accident occurred. Mr. Garver when killed was running the saw. According
to the testimony, a strip of wood, which had been sawed off a board and had fallen
alongside of the saw, was picked up by the saw and thrown over the disc and broken and
a piece hit Mr. Garver an the left side between the fifth and six rib. The flesh was
cut and the ribs crushed and an internal hemorrhage followed.
Mr. Garver lived but a short time after the accident and was not conscious.
A physician was called but did not arrive until after Mr. Garver had died. W.J. Ward,
who was running the engine, testified that he heard the noise and the saw the Mr. Garver
had been hurt and went to him, but the injured man was unconscious and did not speak
after the accident happened.
James Goodrick and Jerome Cundiff, both of whom were employed at the sawmill,
testified, Dr. C. A. Mallory, who was called, testified as to the nature of the injuries.
The jury returned a verdict that Mr. Garver came to his death by being accidentally struck
by a piece of timber thrown by a circular saw in the mill where he was sawing timber. The
jurors were E.W. Slater, S. _ . McConnell, M.C. Cundiff, D.W. Weakley, John T. Irwin and
C.F. James.
The body was brought to Decatur and taken to the residence, 419 Est William
Street. The funeral arrangements have not been made.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 8 Jun 1902, pg. 6
D.M. Garver's Funeral
The funeral of the late David M. Garver will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.
from the residence, 419 East William Street. The burial will be in Boiling Springs
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 8 Jun 1902, pg. 8
Garver Funeral
The funeral of the late D. M. Garver was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the family residence 519 East William Street. Rev. C.A. Thorn, pastor of
the U. B. Church, officiated and the church choir furnished the music. The burial was
at the Boiling Springs cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 10 Jun 1902, pg. 1
GARVER, David W.
David W. Garver Died at His Home This Morning
HAS LIVED FIFTY YEARS - And More and Died on the Place Where His Father Settled
Survived by Wife and Seven Children
From the Daily of Friday - David W. Garver, one of the old pioneers of Macon
county, died this morning at 7:30 o'clock at his home eight miles northeast of the city, aged
68 years. His death was caused by cancer of the stomach, a disease with which he has suffered
for some time.
David W. Garver was born in Dalton county, Pa., and was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Garver. At the age of ten years he came with his parents to Macon county and his father
settled on the old Garver place. He has lived on the place and died on the same farm on which
his father settled nearly 50 years ago. Mr. Garver was widely known and highly respected
throughout the country. He is related to the well known Garver family.
Mr. Garver is survived by a wife and seven children whose names are as follows;
Mrs. Nancy Lichtenberger of Long Creek, Mrs. Ellen Reddick of Hammond, Mrs. Angeletta Barnett
of Harristown, Mrs. Alice Phillips of Taylorville, Miss Edith Garver, who lives at home, James
Garver, who resides hear the home place and Robert Garver of Green's Switch. The deceased was
a member of the United Brethren church and was also a member of the Macon County Old Settler's
Decatur Weekly Republican, 21 Jul 1898
Ethel, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Garver, died at 9 p.m. Friday,
March 10, at the home of her parents, four miles east of the city. Meningitis was the cause of
death. The funeral will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday from the Garver church and the burial will be at
the Garver cemetery.
Decatur Evening Republican, 11 Mar 1899
Fay, the 19 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Garver, died Monday at her
parents' apartments in the Wingate block. Consumption was the cause of death. The funeral was
held at 11 o'clock this forenoon from the residence and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Sep 1898
GARVER, Felix M. 
Felix Garver Commits Suicide With a Revolver Due to Despondency
Standing up behind the stove, cold in death, the body of Felix Garver, an
old resident of Decatur, was found by his son Ira Garver, 1250 East Willard Avenue, about
10 o'clock Sunday morning. Lying on the couch over which the body was standing was a 38-calibre
Bull-Dog revolver, and a blackened hole in the right temple indicated the manner of death.
Mr Garver in a fit of despondency, had committed suicide.
Everything pointed to the fact that the man had been dead several hours. A
neighbor woman heard a shot about 8 o clock Saturday night, and it is beloved that that was
the shot that ended the life of Felix Garver. Death was evidently instantaneous, he had
summoned all his nerve, had braced himself for the deed, and the body did not fall over. The
sole of one shoe had caught under the edge of the zinc on which the stove stood, and this
helped the body retain its balance.
Felix M Garver was 67 years old. His wife died several years ago. For a
number of years after the death of his wife he lived alone in his home at 248 Wabash Avenue.
Last October he sold his home to the Decatur Lumber and Manufacturing Company and since
then he had been living with his son, Ira Garver, 1250 East Willard Avenue. About 7:30 Ira
Garver went to Dalton City with a number of Odd Fellows to attend a meeting of the lodge
there, and his wife and daughter went to the home of Mrs. Garvers sister at the corner of
Traver Street and Riverside Avenue, to spend the night as Ira Garver was not to return
until Sunday morning.
The old man was left alone in the house and he got to brooding He decided
that he was no longer wanted, his actions were being criticized, he had no home and no
place to go. These thoughts he put into writing leaving he note on the table in the room
where his body was found. The note was addressed to his children, Ira Garver of Decatur
and Mrs Dessie Fickes of Warrensburg.
He asked that his body be taken to the C.E. Dawson & Co undertaking
establishment, where all his friends might call and see him, and that he finally be buried
on the north side of the grave of his wife in the Garver Cemetery, that suitable tombstones
be placed at the graves of his wife and elder daughter there, and that after this has
been done the remainder of the estate be divided equally between his two children.
Ira Garver arrived home from Dalton City Sunday morning and first went to
the home of his sister-in-law. His wife and daughter were still there and at 10 o'clock
they accompanied him to their own home. Felix Garver was not in sight and the house was
cold. Ira Garver supposed his father had slept late, so he went into the bedroom occupied
by his father and found the body standing up behind the stove as described.
Coroner Buxton was notified and the body was taken to the Dawson & Co.
undertaking establishment according to the dead man's request. The inquest was held
there at 2 'clock Sunday afternoon and the verdict was that of suicide. Mr. Garver also
requested in the note that the lodge to which he belonged, should have charge of the
funeral, and this wish will be carried out. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday
morning at Dawsons chapel and the internment will be at the Garver Cemetery.
"Felix had been talking suicide for twenty-five years, declared Mrs. A.M.
Jones, his sister, Monday morning. He was wounded in the neck in the Civil War and the
doctor told us at that time that he would probably lose his mind some time. He often
threatened to kill himself, though he never before made any attempt.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 17 Jan 1910, pg. 7
GARVER, Margaret (Gepford)
Mrs. C.H. Garver died at her home in Oreana, August 16, 1895, aged 74 years, 2 months,
and 15 days. Margaret Gepford was born May 2, 1821 in Lancaster county, Pa. She with her parents,
moved to Illinois in 1840 and she was married C.H. Garver November 23, 1843. She was one of the
pioneers of Illnois.
Mrs. Garver has been a lifelong member of the U.B. church. Eight children were born,
six of whom survive. The children living are Mrs. Geo. Hiser and Mrs. W.F. Jacobs, of Decatur;
Mrs. Abraham Hiser, of Oakley; Mrs. Charles Hirsch, of Oreana; J.J. Garver of Cerro Gordo; and
Mrs. H.B. Kuhns, of Argenta.
The funeral will be held in the brick church in the Garver neighborhood on Sunday,
August 18th, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Daily Republican (Decatur, IL), 16 Aug 1895
The funeral of Mary A. Garver, who died Saturday at her home three miles south
of Oreana, was held Monday morning at the Garver church, eight miles northewest of Decatur and
the interment was in the adjoining cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Apr 1903
GARVIN, Maggie
Maggie, the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Garvin, died of
diptheria at 3 a.m., Sunday, Nov., 15, at the family home, No. 1665 Railroad avenue.
The funeral was held from the residence this morning at 10:30 o'clock. The burial was
at the Catholic church.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 16 Nov 1896
GATES, Mabel (Shaw) Florey
Born: 22 Nov 1852 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Apr 1946 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: #1 Albert Ross Florey
#1 Bruce Edwin Gates
Children: Israel & Emma Jeneva Florey, Robert & Jesse Gates
GATHORED (Gethard), Richard 
DIED - In this city at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Vest, 436
West Cerro Gordo, Nov 2, at 7:30 a.m. of diabetes, Richard Gethard aged 72 years. The
deceased was a veteran in the late war in Co. A 41st Ill. Ret. He had been ill two years.
The funeral will take place from the family residence at 10 a m tomorrow. Rev. D.P. Bunn
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 25 Nov 1885, pg. 3
GATHORED (Gethard), Richard 
DIED - In this city at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Vest, 436
West Cerro Gordo, Nov 2, at 7:30 a.m. of diabetes, Richard Gethard aged 72 years. The
deceased was a veteran in the late war in Co. A 41st Ill. Ret. He had been ill two years.
The funeral will take place from the family residence at 10 a m tomorrow. Rev. D.P. Bunn
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 25 Nov 1885, pg. 3
GAULT, John M. 
Death of a Veteran
The funeral of John M. Gault, the druggist, will take place at Maroa on tomorrow.
Mr. Gault died on Monday night at Maroa aged 45 years. He served in the late war as a member
of Co. C, 116th Illinois Regiment, and lost his right arm. The wound caused his death. He
had his arm taken off in the war and the end of the stump had recently caused him pain. A
few days ago it commenced to discharge pus, and his whole system became poisoned. He was
taken sick before the G.A.R. encampment and could not go to St. Louis as he intended. Mr.
G. was a highly esteemed citizen of Maroa. He leaves a family.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 6 Oct 1887, pg. 1
The funeral of the late John M. Gault, of Maroa will take place in that village
today. He died on Monday evening at the age of 45 years. The deceased was a member of Company
C, 110th Illinois Regiment, and lost his right arm in the service, few days ago the end of
the stump caused him considerable pain an commenced discharging pus. His entire system became
poisoned from the wound and death resulted. The deceased leaves a family. He was a man who
was highly respected by all who knew him.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 6 Oct 1887, pg. 4
Died at Maroa
John M. Gault, the well-known Maroa druggist, died suddenly on Monday night,
October 3, aged about 45 years. His death is said to have been caused indirectly by wounds
he received while he was in the army. He was a private in Company C of the 116th Illinois
Regiment, and was registered as wounded and unable to attend at the mustering out of the regiment.
The body was buried Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at Maroa, the Grand Army man of that place
conducting the funeral.
The Saturday Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 8 Oct 1887, pg. 1
Son of One of Decatur's Early Settler
John M. Geddes died at 12:05 Sunday afternoon at his home, 2465 Geddes lane. He was
seventy-four years old. He had been in failing health for the last two years. Death followed a second
stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Geddes was a son of James Geddes, one of the early settlers of the community and for
whom Geddes lane was named. James Geddes and John Sawyer came from Pennsylvania in 1835, when there were
but few buildings in Decatur. Most of the houses were log cabins. James Geddes erected a cabin on the
site of what is now the Wabash shops. There John M. Geddes was born and grew to manhood. That section
has since become one of the busiest industial sections of the city. The house in which Mr. Geddes died
is on part of the land entered by his father from the government ninety-two years ago.
John M. Geddes devoted the greater portion of his life to farming near Macon. He retired
several years ago and moved to Decatur. His first wife, who was Miss Ellen McLaughlin, died shortly
after their marriage. He is survived by his second wife, who was Miss Lina Bafford. There are no
children. Beside his wife he leaves a sister, Mrs. Hattie Bills, of Decatur, and four brothers, Lee
Geddes of Decatur, George Geddes of Humboldt, Kan., Edward Geddes of Jacksonville and Horatio Geddes of
Detroit. The body was taken to Moran & Sons, funeral directors, and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 21 Nov 1927
GETZ, Rosetta (Austin)
Rosetta Getz, daughter of Jesse Austin, died yesterday of hemmorrhage of the lungs,
aged thirty-five years.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 Jun 1886
GHARRETT, William R. 
W.R. Gharrett died at 6 oclock Monday at St. Marys hospital. His death was
caused by a complication of disease with which he had suffered for a long time. He had been
in the hospital for two weeks. The body was taken to the undertaking establishment of Brintlinger
& Hawkins and prepared for burial. Mr. Gharrett was for a long time janitor at the Sangamon
Street School and was well known.
Mr. Gharrett was 66 years old. He is survived by one sister and six brothers
as follows. Mrs Estella McSheary, Frank, Dan and David Gharrett all of Decatur. Peter of
Windsor, A.O. Gharrett, Osceola, In. and Joseph of Mattoon.
The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 oclock from the Brintlinger
& Hawkins undertaking rooms. The burial will take place in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 18 Feb 1907, pg. 9
GHARST, James Donald
Mr. Jim D. Gharst, 70, of Youngstown, Fla., died Tuesday, Oct 3, 2000, at his home. Born in
Decatur, Ill., he moved here in 1978 from Lake Park, Ga. He was retired from the USAF and the
US Navy. He is survived by his wife, Betty L Gharst of Youngstown; four sons, Lyndle Gharst
and wife, Beverly of Oreana, Ill., Kurk Gharst and Karl Gharst both of Panama City, Krea Gharst
and wife Judi of Youngstown; two daughters, Dianne Gray and husband Terry of Lake Park, Ga., and
Kyla Cobb and husband Robert of Tellico, TN.; one brother, Burl Gharst and wife Donna of Decatur,
Ill.; 15 grandchildren. Graveside funeral services will be conducted on Friday, Oct 6, at 11
a.m. in Bayou George Cemetery with the Rev. RC Warren officiating. Full military honors will be
accorded at graveside. The family will receive friends at the funeral home this evening from 6
to 8 p. m.
Panama City News Herald, Panama City, Bay County, Fl
Submitted by: Judi Z Gharst
GIBB, Sophie Rev.
Was Pastor of Universalist Church Many Years Ago
News has been received in Decatur of the death of Rev. Sophie Gibb of Los
Angeles, Cal., who many years ago was pastor of the Universalist church in this city.
Her death occured early in the month.
Mrs. Gibb was well known by the older residents of the city. She had
not been in Decatur for about fifteen years. During her pastorate in this city she
was much liked. She was a very gifted woman and was a speaker of much ability.
Her husband, Rev. S.F. Gibb, also was pastor of the church in Decatur,
being here during war times. He died about a year ago. Some time after his ministry
here, his wife became a preacher also.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 May 1916
Mrs. Ellen Giblin died at St. Mary's hospital on Tuesday evening at half past nine o'clock,
of liver complaint, aged about sixty-six years. The deceased was the wife of Michael Giblin, who has been
dead for a number of years. The funeral will take place at ten o'clock this forenoon from St. Patrick's
church, and the services will be conducted by Rev. Father Macklin.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 18 Feb 1886
GIFFORD, Nellie A. (Florey)
Born: Nov 12, 1868 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 6 Nov 1903 in Moultrie Co. IL
Buried: Macon Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Alfred & Sarah (Williams) Florey
Married: Jun 04, 1893 to Ernest L. Gifford
Never Spoke Unkindly of Any One
So Optimistic None Realized How Sick He Was
Will J. Gilkeson died at St Mary's hospital at 7 45 Saturday night of complications
resulting from the grip.
He was taken to the hospital at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and few of his
friends knew that his trouble was serious He worked up till last Saturday night at Post's
jewelry store and drew his pay as usual He had been in ill health for several weeks. At
first he suffered with a cold from which he seemed almost to recover but it later developed
into the grip. He occupied an apartment alone on the third floor of the Decatur National bank
building, where he could not receive the best of attention and Mr Post prevailed upon him
to go to the hospital.
Herman Post called upon him at the hospital Saturday afternoon and remained
till about 7:30. At this time he seemed perfectly rational and talked of setting well.
About the time of Mr. Post's departure Joseph Michl Jr., Charles Housum, Jr. and J G Bixby
called at the hospital and while they waited in the reception room the information was,
brought to them that he was dead.
The musicians' union will meet this morning to arrange for the funeral and
further than this nothing has been determined Mrs James L Bevans, now with her husband at
Tampa Fla. Mrs. Stephen A McWhorter, formerly Miss Dollie Millikin, Murray Millikin and
Hunter Millikin, nephews and nieces of Mr Gilkeson. were notified last night by telegraph.
Will J. Gilkeson was born in Rockville, Ind., in July. 1828. He was the son
of a physician and studied medicine himself for a time. He did not like it, however, and
learned the watch making business instead. He went to Terre Haute, where he found employment
and was two years later made partner by the man he was working for. He was engaged in
business for himself when the war broke out. Ho sold out his business, went into the army
where he served during the war and attained the rank of first lieutenant. After the close
of the war he went to Clark County. Ills., where he was engaged in farming for some time.
He came to Decatur twenty-seven years ago and according to H. Post took a
position with Mr. Post as watchmaker. He remained there seven years and then opened a shop
of his own in a portion of the room occupies by Shilling's drug store. After several years
he gave this up on account of his health. Later he re-entered the employ of H. Post and
worked there as, salesman during the holiday rush and on other busy occasions. For some
time he has been employed there steadily.
Mr. Gilkeson was a musician of much more than ordinary ability and, has
been identified with several of the best musical organizations of the city. He had a fine
musical taste, a good knowledge of theory and a wide knowledge of the best composers and
He first played alto in the Goodman band under the regime of Professor
Goodman, the founder of the band. He has been connected with it with the exception of
some brief intervals ever since and was for many years the bass drummer upon whose accuracy
the proper execution of a piece of music largely depends. He was always one of the most
enthusiastic and loyal supporters of the band, one of its leading spirits, in fact, and
he contributed greatly to the success of the numerous enterprises which have been undertaken
by the band and to the reputation of the band. About two years ago he dropped out of the
band because his strength no longer permitted him to take the long marches and endure the
other fatigues incident to band work. During the latter years of his connection with the
band he played bass in the opera house orchestra.
After leaving the Goodman band Mr. Gilkeson was associated with the Roberts
orchestra, playing bass, and since Henry Roberts left the city he has since manager of
the orchestra. As in other things with which he has been associated to his energy and
enthusiasm he orchestra owes much of its success. He played with this orchestra until a
few weeks ago when he was laid up with a cold He recovered somewhat, and again went back
to orchestra work but was obliged to give up a few days ago.
In the death of Will J. Gilkeson, doubtless the best-known citizen in
Decatur passes away. Certainly no man in the city had a wider circle of acquaintances
and in all that circles of acquaintances there is not one who can say an unkind word. In
circles where he is known there was nothing to be heard last night but expression of
kindest regard and profound regret. As "Gilk" he was known to hundreds of Intimates and
as "Gilk" he liked to be known. Wherever he went he breathed an atmosphere of love and
friendship. Good fellowship was his motto and his creed. He was always genial and
sunny and always your friend. He was your friend whether you were right or wrong.
He never saw the faults of a friend and was as truly your friend in your absence as
in your presence.
One of the characteristics of the man was that he never grew old. He
looked much less than the seventy-five years accredited to him and it is certain that
he felt much younger than he looked. The infirmities of age touched him lightly and as
his illness grew upon him in the last few weeks he treated it so lightly that his friends
did not realize how ill he was. Indeed he felt himself that it was but a passing sickness
and in his last conversation with its employer a short time before he died he spoke of
coming back to the store.
Another interesting thing, which many have remarked about the man as the
number of his friends among he younger generation. He was always the friend of the boy
and was always happy to do him a good turn. Boys who are now sedate businessmen remember
him with kindness for this and boys still in knickerbockers there are by scores who will
mourn his death. He loaned them money, which they always scrupulously repaid and he did
them many other favors.
One place where Gilk was not a success, so say his employers, was as credit
man in the store, although he was very useful in a negative fashion in that. If he was
asked of the credit of a customer whom he knew quite well, and if the customer was shaky
Gilk always got busy in some other part of the store, too busy to attend to the matter.
If the customer was gilt edged he always had time to say so promptly. The evil word is
one that he preferred to leave unspoken.
Next to music Mr. Gilkeson took keen interest in athletics. He was a member
of the old volunteer fire department and accompanied the team to many tournaments. He
was a promoter of athletics and was the discoverer of a lot of young material that greatly
strengthened the company. Gilkeson was never a man of means. His earnings as a mechanic
or salesman, his earnings with the band or orchestra and a pension from the government
furnished him his sole support and it was ample for his simple habits of life. He has
occupied a room n the Decatur National bank building ever since that building was completed
and for several years he has boarded at Singletons restaurant. Not for his wealth, not
as a factor in political or intellectual life or the city will he be missed, but for the
friends he has made.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 27 Mar 1904, pg. 7
GILLET, Sidney B.
Sidney R. Gillett, father of Mrs. Z.W. Evans, died at 1:40 Wednesday morning
at the Wabash hospital. He had been suffering with kidney trouble since last January. He
is survived by his wife and six children. The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox
undertaking establishment and prepared for burial and later taken to the family residence,
1139 St. Louis avenue. Arrangements for the funeral have not been completed. He was a
member of Decatur lodge No. 65, I.O.O.F.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 1 May 1912
The funeral of Sidney B. Gillett will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at
the First Methodist church. The services will be conducted by Rev. J.C. Willits and
will be under the auspices of Decatur lodge No. 65, I.O.O.F., of which he had been a
member for many years.
Mr. Gillett was born at Troy, Ill., Sept 20, 1838. In November, 1858, he
married Martha A. Smith. She and the following children survive him: Mrs. F.P. Lamblin
and Homer Gillett of Centralia; Mrs. Guy Siegman of Clinton, Mrs. Z.W. Evans, Mrs. W.R.
Hopkins and Elmer Gillet of Decatur. A son, Hollis Gillett of Huey, Ill., died two years
ago. He also leaves seventeen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. He was a
life-long member of the Methodist church and for many years was a class leader and
Sunday school superintendant. He was upright and honorable in all his business dealings
and his unselfish disposition made him many friends.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 3 May 1912
Dropped Dead in Arkansas -- Body Due in Decatur The Funeral
At a late hour Saturday night a telegram reached the city stating that Aaron
Gingrich had dropped dead at his home at Bentonville, Ark., and that the body would be
sent to Decatur. The remains arrived in the city at noon today and were taken to the
residence of Major and Mrs. F. O. Damrow, 682 West Prairie Avenue, where the funeral
will be held at 2:30 oclock Wednesday afternoon, February 19.The burial will be with
the honors of war, in charge of the Dunham Post, 141, Grand Army of the Republic.
The deceased leaves a widow and four children, three sons and one daughter.
Two sons, Jesse Gingrich and Frank Gingrich reside in Decatur. He was a brother-in-law
of Mrs. Damrow. Previous to 1884 Mr. Gingrich resided on a farm east of Decatur a few
miles. He went to Bentonville, Ark, for the benefit of his health. He purchased a big
farm near Bentonville but did not give the management his personal attention.
He was a veteran of the late war, having served in Company G, 9th
Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was a member of Burnside Post, No. 4, Bentonville, Ark. Many
old veterans and citizens remember the deceased quite well, and know him to have been
an honorable, upright citizen.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 17 Feb 1896, pg. 3
David Givler Succumbs in Daughter's Home
David Givler, the first undertaker to locate in Decatur, died in the home of his
daughter, Mrs. R.J. Haggard, 975 North Main street, Tuesday evening (27 May, 1919). He was ninety years old.
His death was caused by bronchial pneumonia after an illness of only two days. Monday morning
Mr. Givler got up and dressed himself, but in a little while he complained of being tired and
went back to bed. He remained conscious almost to the last minute of his life. His grand-daughter
visited his room and he turned toward her and seemed to recognize her. Five minutes later when
Mr. Haggard entered the room Mr. Givler was dead.
Mr. Givler was born in Cumberland Co., Pa. Oct. 8, 1829. He and Jane Eckman were
married Dec. 20, 1848. Three years later they joined a company of homeseekers westward bound and
traveled with them in wagons to Illinois. They arrived in Decatur in 1851. Mr. Givler was a
cabinet maker. In those days caskets were usually made by the local cabinet maker, and Mr. Givler
was often called upon for this kind of work. He also served as undertaker, and in the absence of
a minister he frequently conducted the funeral services.
Later he was in the grocery business for awhile, but ten years after coming to
Decatur he moved to Friends Creek township. His oldest son was born in a house that occupied the
the site of the present post office in Decatur. After the son grew old enough he managed the farm
while Mr. Givler worked at his trade in Decatur.
Mr. Givler joined the Church of God when he was a young man. He was a charter
member of the Church of God in Decatur. After moving to Friends Creek township where he made his
home for many years he became greatly interested in the church services being held in the Belle
Prairie schoolhouse, and for forty years he acted as Superintendant of the Sunday school. He
always doing something to help others, and he was known to all the old residents of the northeast
part of the county. His wife died in 1902 and since then he has made his home with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Givler is the father of eight children, of whom the following are living: T.D.
Givler, of Wilmont, Kan.; W.H. Givler, of St. Augustine, Fla.; S.H. Givler, of Columbus, O.; and
Mrs. R.J. Haggard, of Decatur. There are ten grand-children and two great-grandchildren.
Decatur Review, 28 May 1919
The funeral of David Givler will be held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
Church of God. The interment will be in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 28 May 1919
The funeral of David Givler was held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Church
of God. The services were conducted by Rev. John Bernard, assisted by Rev. H. Dixcon Bougher.
The music was furnished by Mrs. E.K. Marshall, Mrs. Charles Bobb, E.J. Fritz and J.W. Fritz. Mrs.
J.W. Fritz was the accompanist. The pallbearers were John Ray, William Davenport, George W.
Lyons, H.C. Brown, C. Weaver, and M.S. Barber. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Review, 30 May 1919
GIVLER, Mrs. David
Mrs. David Givler, a former resident of Decatur, died Saturday morning at her home,
two and a half miles east of Emery. Mrs. Givler was about 70 years old and one of the oldest
residents of the county and had lived on the place where she died for nearly twenty-five years.
The funeral will be held Monday at 10 am from the residence and the remains will be brought to
Decatur and interred at Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 25 August 1872
Robert Glessner died at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Decatur and Macon County
hospital. He was twenty-five years old last May. His death was caused by influenza and pneumonia.
Mr. Glessner had been farming with his father-in-law, A.O. Bolen, in Canada for the last two
years. He came for a visit two weeks ago and was not feeling very well at the time, and a few
days later he was too ill to get around. After remaining in bed for three days he felt so much
improved that he got up and took a little walk for exercise. He was so exhausted when he returned
that he had to go to bed again, and he grew steadily worse. He was taken to the hospital on
Wednesday morning, but lived only a few hours.
Mr. Glessner was born in Decatur May 8, 1893. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
W. Glessner of 140 West King street. He had lived here all his life except for the last two
years spent in Manitoba. He was a member of Celestial lodge No. 186, I.O.O.F., and had many
friends here.
He is survived by his wife and one daughter, two years old. Mrs. Glessner is the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Bolen. The little daughter is seriously ill with influenza,
but was somewhat improved Wednesday. Beside his wife and daughter he is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Glessner, a brother, Harold Glessner and one sister, Mrs. Nellie Nicholls. The
body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
No arrangements will be made for the funeral until the arrival of Mrs. Glessner's father, A.O.
Bolen, from Winnipeg.
Decatur Review, 21 November 1918
GLODEN, Margaret
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Gloden will be held at 2:30 this afternoon at the family
residence on the Emanuel Sterr farm, five miles northeast of Decatur. The interment will be in the
Wheeler cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 9 Aug 1914
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Gloden was held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the residence
of Emanuel Sterr farm, five miles northeast of Decatur. The services were conducted by Rev. A.B.
Carlberg of Forsyth. There was a large attendance. The music was furnished by Misses Ethel McCool,
May Barnett, Grace Barnett and Bertha Sterr and Russell and Lutie Barnett. They sang "Jesus, Lover
of My Soul," "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," and "Nearer My God to Thee." The pallbearers were M.
Carlberg, Joseph Dennis, George McCool, Herman Bain, Ora Berry and Jesse Garver. The interment was
in the Wheeler cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Aug 1914
GLODEN, Michael M. 
Michael M. Gloden, aged eighty-five years died Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock at
his home in the country, six miles northeast of Decatur. Old ago was the cause of his death,
he being eighty-five years old. He had been in poor health for several years. He is survived
by three sons, James, Charles and Fred. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon from the residence six miles northeast of the city. Interment will be in Wheeler
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 29 Aug 1911, pg. 10
GLORE, James H. 
The funeral of Captain James H. Glore, who died on Saturday, took place
yesterday from his home, three miles southeast of this city. The service was conducted
by Elder J.W. Tyler and the remains were interred in Mt. Gilead cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. John R. Miller, Andrew A Wayts, D.A. Moffit, Frank Ralston, Jasper Brewer
and John Ward. The services at the grave were conducted by the Grand Army of the Republic.
Captain George S. Durfee read the burial service of the order, and three volleys were
fired over the grave by a squad of veterans under command of W. W. Shockey. The services
closed with a benediction by Elder Tyler.
Captain Glore, who was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Glore of this city,
died on Saturday after an illness of one week from lung trouble. He was a brave soldier
during the lute war, having been a member of company K, 116th Illinois Volunteers, and
coming out of the service as a captain. A widow and two children survive the deceased,
whose death will be deeply deplored by a large number of friends.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 2 Mar 1886, pg. 3
GODETT, Lurella (Martin)
Born: 11 Jul 1860 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 27 Aug 1899 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: George & Mary (Querry) Martin
Married: Jul 20, 1879 to John Godett
Mrs. Godett Dies at Daughter’s Home
Mrs. Mary E. Godett died at 1:05 Thursday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
William Bundy, 528 South Fairview avenue. Death was sudden as she had been sick only since last
night. Heart failure was the cause of her death. She was 78 years old.
Mrs. Godett was born in Dublin, Ireland. She came to this country when a young woman.
She has lived in Decatur for the last forty years or more. She made her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Bundy.
Besides Mrs. Bundy, she leaves a daughter and three sons. They are Mrs. Lizzie White
of Kansas City, Joe Godett of Chicago, Sam Godett of Taylor, Tex., and John Godett of Decatur. She
also leaves a sister in Ireland.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 17 Nov 1910
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Godett will be held at 9 o’clock Saturday morning at St.
Patrick’s Catholic church. The interment will be at Calvary.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 18 Nov 1910
The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Godett was held at 9 o’clock Saturday morning at St.
Patrick’s Catholic church. The services were conducted by Rev. Father Murphy. There was a large
attendance, many old residents being present from various parts of the country. The music was
furnished by Miss Irene Wiefel and Miss Anna Doran. The pallbearers were H.H. Wise, Charles
Wikoff, T.W. Nicholson, S.M. Bartlett, James McKinley and Walter Romans. The interment was at
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 19 Nov 1910
GOLTRA, Isaac V.
Brother of Blue Mound Woman Was Springfield Resident
Lieut. Isaac V. Goltra, brother of Mrs. Harry Willelt of Blue Mound, who was killed in action
in France was a Springfield boy where he had lived all his life, but he has been interested in military
affairs for many years, being a veteran of the Spanish American war and later serving a three year term
in the army.
He took his training for a commission in the first officers reserve training camp at Ft.
Sheridan. It is supposed that the action in which Goltra was killed was at Chateau Thirrey although no
direct information has come to the familiy to that effect. At the time of his death he was an officer
of the 23d United States infantry. He also trained at Plattsburg before entering the camp at Fort
Decatur Review, 20 Jun 1918
GOOD, Mrs. John
Mrs. John Good died on Monday evening last. Mr. G. and his wife were old
citizens of this county, and quite a large circle of friends and relatives will lament
the death of Mrs. Good.
Illinois State Chronicle, 24 Mar 1859
GOODMAN, Albert 
Albert Goodman Dies At Age 89
First Came to Macon County in 1857
Albert Goodman, one of the best known, men among the older generation in
Macon county, died Monday night at his home, 1157 North Calhoun Street. He was eighty-nine
years old last September. His death was due to complications incident to old age. Mr.
Goodman was born in Terrafronn, Wurtenburg, Germany, Sept. 20, 1833. He attended a
public school and a private seminary there and when only fourteen years old he took a
position as bookkeeper m a mercantile establishment. He had always wanted to come to
America, and he saved his money till he had enough before he felt that he had sufficient
funds to finance the trip.
Mr. Goodman took passage on a sailing vessel and after a voyage of
twenty-four days he landed in New York City, May 24, 1855. He had friends in Cincinnati
and he went there first. His knowledge of the English language was very limited and he
realized that he must learn to read and write the language of his adopted country as well
as speak it well before he could expect to get employment as a bookkeeper. In the mean
time he had to earn a living at something. Farming was about the only work in which he
had a chance to make a living and study at the same time, so he went to work on the farm.
Two years later, in 1857 he came to Decatur. He worked with crews that were building
railroads and for awhile he aspired to be a locomotive engineer After working with the
gangs laying track and building fences along the right of way he worked for awhile as a
locomotive fireman But his health was not very good at that time and he decided to find
other and lighter employment.
In the meantime he had improved his English wonderfully He took a position
with Elwood & Co as bookkeeper. Later he took a similar position with Mills & Harry, which
later became the Mills Lumber company. Prior his retirement in 1913 Mr Goodman had been
manager of the Mills Lumber company for twenty-four years He spent two years in Kansas, but
with that exception his entire time since 1857 was spent in Macon county Mr Goodman was a
companionable man. He retained all his faculties and could talk interestingly of not only
the early days in Decatur, but the improvements that have come during his long time in the
Mr Goodman was twice married. He and Margaret Coan were married May 3,1860.
Her death occurred eight years later. His second wife was Susan Heger. She died several
years ago. He is survived by the following children George Goodman and Mrs J.W. Buckley of
Decatur, William Goodman of Corpus Christi, Tex, and Henry H Goodman of Youngstown, Ohio.
The body was taken to Moran & Sons, funeral directors and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 13 Dec 1927, pg. 12
GOODMAN, G. Marcus
At three o'clock yesterday afternoon the funeral of G. Marcus Goodman occurred at
the First M.E. church, Rev. W.R. Goodwin officiating. The spacious church was thronged to its
utmost capapcity. The remains were in charge of Undertaker Perl, with Charlie Cassell, John Lyon,
Charlie Ricketts and Charlie Adams as pall-bearers, all of whom were fellow craftsmen, and with
one exception were intimate friends of the deceased. The printers and reporters of the REPUBLICAN
SUN and REVIEW offices were also in attendance as an escort.
The sermon, from the test: "Prepare to meet thy God", was brief after which the large
congregation present took a last look upon the face of the deceased. In the sermon, brief reference
was made to the comforting fact that Marcus died trusting in Christ. The solemn services closed
at the church, the remains were borne to Greenwood cemetery, and laid away to rest, the funeral
cortege being a very large one.
Decatur Review, 7 April 1879
GOODNER, George W. 
The body of George W. Goodner of Warrensburg whose death at the Soldier’s
home in Quincy was briefly mentioned in Thursdays Review was brought to the Dawson
& Wikoff undertaking establishment in Decatur Thursday night accompanied by his
wife and son William R. Goodner.
Mr. Goodner was almost eighty-nine years old. Last Saturday he fell and
broke his hip and he never recovered from the shock.
Mr. Goodner was born in St. Clair County, March 1, 1833. He came to
Macon County before the Civil war and when volunteers were called for he enlisted
in the One Hundred Sixteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry and served till the close
of the war. On his return he resumed farming near Warrensburg and that was his home
until he went to the Soldiers home in Quincy a few years ago. He is survived by
his wife and three children; John L. Goodner of Denver, Colo., William R. Goodner
of Chicago and Mrs. _____ F. Gott of Chicago.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 14 Apr 1922, pg. 21
Born: 3 Jan 1895 in Oakley, Macon Co, IL
Died: 19 Aug 1984 in Tucson, AZ
Parents: George & Dora (Andrews) Goodpasture
Married: May 11, 1915 to Edith Crull
Children: Lloyd, Eugene, Kenneth, Milton, Leo
GOODPASTURE, Dora (Andrews)
Born: 6 Aug 1871 in Welden
Died: 11 Sep 1952 in Chicago, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Harrison & Elizabeth (Waller) Andrews
Married: George W. Goodpasture
Children: Pearl, Mabel, Corwin, Hazel, Marjorie, Marion, Fairy
GOODPASTURE, Edith (Crull)
Born: Dec 16, 1895 in Mt. Pulaski, IL
Died: 9 Mar 1983 in Tucson, AZ
Buried: Tucson, AZ
Married: May 11, 1915 to Corwin Earl Goodpasture
Children: Lloyd, Eugene, Kenneth, Milton, Leo
Born: 28 Apr 1918 in Kenny
Died: 23 Sep 1992 in Urbana, Champaign Co, IL
Buried: East Lawn Cem., Urbana
Parents: Corwin & Edith (Crull) Goodpasture
Married: Oct 01, 1948 to Lola Clifton
Children: Terry Goodpasture
GOODPASTURE, George Washington
Born: 8 Jan 1861 near Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 26 Nov 1934 at Oakley, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jonas & Mary J. (Florey) Goodpasture
Married: Sep 19, 1888 to Dora Andrews
Children: Pearl, Mabel, Corwin, Hazel, Marjorie, Marion, Fairy
Harvey Goodpasture, served in Civil War in 17 Ohio Infantry, coming here after the war.
Harvey S. Goodpasture, well known resident of Oakley Twp., died at 10 o'clock
Sat. evening in his home near Oakley after three days illness with Cholera Morbus.
He was 76 years old. Mr. Goodpasture was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1839.
He enlisted in the Civil War and was a Sargeant in the 17 Ohio Infantry. After the war,
he moved to Oakley Twp., where he made his home. He leaves his wife and three
daughters: Mrs. Mollie Nelson, Mrs. Hattie Brown, Mrs. Christine Kuns, all of Oakley.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Monday afternoon in the North Fork
Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in North Fork Cemetery.
Decatur newspaper - Sun., Sep. 10, 1916
Born: Nov 1855 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 30 May 1942 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jonas & Mary J. (Florey) Goodpasture
Married: Single
Lelah (b: Jul 12, 1889), infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Goodpasture, near Oakley, died of
diphtheria at 5 o'clock Saturday (27 Oct 1894) morning. There was no funeral service. The body was
interred at North Fork Cemetery.
Decatur Review - Sun., Oct 28, 1894
The little daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T.J. Goodpasture, May, died at 8 o'clock last night (28 July 1900)
at the home of Mrs. Goodpasture's sister, Mrs. Lichtenberger, on West North Street. She was born May 27, 1900
in Macon Co. The child's parent live two miles southeast of the city and it was taken sick Friday while they
were in the city. It's death was caused by summer complaint. The funeral will be at 4 o'clock this afternoon
from the North Fork Church and the interment will be at North Fork Cemetery.
Decatur Review - Sun., Jul 29, 1900
Born: Dec 02, 1891 in Macon Co, IL
Died: Sep 13, 1953 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Maccon Co, IL
Parents: Thomas & Ada (Rucker) Goodpasture
Pearl Goodpaster, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. Goodpaster of Long Creek
Twp., died at 5 p.m. Monday (13 Aug 1894) at the family residence three and one-half miles from
Decatur. She was 6 years old and had been suffering from diptheria. The funeral will take place at
10 a.m. today from the family residence. Interment will be in North Fork Cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review - Tues., Aug. 14, 1894
Born: 28 Apr 1853 in OH
Died: 10 Jan 1936 in Oakley, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jonas & Mary (Florey) Goodpasture
Married: Apr 02, 1871 to Harvey Goodpasture
Children: Bertha, Mollie, Tippy, Harriet, Christine
Tippy Goodpasture died at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning (Feb 12, 1908) at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Goodpasture, five miles east of Decatur. He was 33 years old (b: Mar 10, 1875)
and had been an invalid practically all of his life. He had been seriously ill but for ten days. Besides
a father and mother he leaves three sisters, Mrs. Mollie Hess, Mrs. Hattie Brown, and Mrs. Christina Koons.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Decatur Review, Feb. 12, 1908, p. 12
Born: 6 Feb 1866 near Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 31 Jan 1935 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: North Fork Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jonas & Mary J (Florey) Goodpasture
Married: Aug 09, 1888 to Ada Florence Rucker
Children: Lelah, Owen, Anneta, May, Dorothy
GOODRICH, Mary Jane (Brewer)
Mrs. Mary Jane Goodrich, wife of James Goodrich, 905 West Zora avenue, died at
7:30 o'clock Wednesday morning at the Decatur and Macon County hospital. She was seventy-two
years old. She had been in failing health for several years. The immediate cause of her death
was pneumonia. She had been at the hospital for ten days.
Mrs. Goodrich's maiden name was Mary J. Brewer. She was born in Mt. Zion, Dec. 5,
1855. All her life had been spent in Macon county, and she had resided in Decatur for the
last thirty years. She was a member of the Methodist church in Mt. Zion.
She leaves her husband and the following children; Mrs. Ira Widick, Henry Goodrich,
Mrs. Cora Guner, Ira Goodrich, Mrs. Mabel Rosenthalo, and Herschel Goodrich and Bart Sims, all of
Decatur, and three stepsons, Wilbur Goodrich of Bethany, Alfred Goodrich of Hammond and Jasper
Goodrich of Decatur. She also leaves the following brothers and sisters; Mrs. Ella Madden of
Hadley, Ind., Mrs. Elizabeth Madden of Long Creek, Joseph Brewer of Decatur, Mrs. Julia Littleton
of Lawrenceville, Ill., and Walter Brewer of Hadley, Ind. There are thirty grand-children and
two great grand-children.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 30 Dec 1925
THE DEATH ANGEL Calls M.H. Goodridge to His Reward This Morning
Moses H. Goodridge, well known grain merchant, passed away into the unseen
beyond this morning at 8:30 oclock at his home, No. 545 East North Street, in the 56th
year of his age. His death was caused by paralysis of the brain. The 18th of last June
the deceased suffered a severe fall at the Currys European Hotel and he never regained
consciousness from that hour until paralysis of the brain relieved him this morning.
He leaves a wife and two children, Gilbert and Miss Nellie, the later residing at Ft.
Sheridan, Illinois and Gilbert making his home in this city.
Mr. Goodridge and family formerly resided in Chicago, where the deceased was
in the grain business. In 1879 they moved to Decatur where they have since resided. The
deceased was a man of strong convictions and was well liked by all, and his demise will
be felt universally. The time of the funeral has not been set.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 20 Sep 1892, pg. 4
GORIN, Mattie (Thomas)
For some time past the aged mother of J.R. Gorin and Mrs. I.C. Pugh has been lying dangerously
ill at the residence of the latter, on North Main street. Yesterday afternoon the messenger came, and death
closed a long and useful life.
Mattie Thomas was born in Edgefield county, South Carolina, May 30m 1788. About the year 1800
she removed to the state of Kentucky, and was joined in marriage with John D. Gorin, in Todd county, in that
state, on the 25th of February, 1808. Nine children were born to them - six boys and three girls. All of
these are living except two. The eldest, Dr. B.W. Gorin, died a little over two years ago. Her husband died
at Vandalia, over thirty years ago, at the age of 56.
The deceased had been a devoted and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church about sixty-two
years, and was much attached to her faith. Since the death of her husband she has resided among her children,
who were always ready and eager to minister to her wants and make smoothe the path of her declining years.
Mrs. Pugh, at whose house she died, and another daughter, Mrs. E.J. Rice, of Moweaqua, watched over her in
her last sickness with a degree of devotion that knew no moment of intermission.
The funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. Pugh at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Decatur Daily Republican, 14 Jul 1876
GOSSETT, Henry M. 
Henry M. Gossett died at 7.30 o'clock Wednesday morning at big home,
461 South Water Street, aged 54 years. He bad been a affiliated with rheumatism for a
long time and for several weeks had been confined to his home. The immediate cause of
his death was congestion of the lungs. Mr. Gossett was a veteran of the late war and
was a member of the crew of the Monitor during its historical engagement with the Merrimac.
Last summer his wife was fatally burned while attempting to carry a gasoline stove into
the yard. Mr. Gossett had lived in Decatur many years and was a carpenter by occupation.
The funeral will be announced later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 1 Nov 1894, pg. 2
GOUKER, Anthony W.
BORN IN 1815
Will Be Buried At Greenwood This Afternoon
The funeral of the late A.W. Gouker will be held this afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the residence at the corner of West Main street and Fairview avenue. The
burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
Mr. Gouker was born in Carrol county, Md., in 1815, and moved to Decatur
in 1856. He is survived by seven children, Mrs. L.L. Slegman, Mrs. Belle Chambers,
Norman and Charles Gouker of Decatur; Mrs. J.W. Wise of Tecumseh, Kan.; Henry and Grant
Gouker of Colorado Springs, Colo. He also leaves thirteen grand children and two great
grand children. Mr. Gouker was a hand brickmaker here years ago.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 Mar 1902
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Gouker was held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
from the family residence, corner Fairview avenue and West Main street. There was a very
large attendance of neighbors and sorrowing friends. The floral tributes were many and
very beautiful. Rev. Frost Craft of the First M.E. church conducted the services. The
pall bearers were C.M. Imboden, S.M. Irwin, Levi Towl, Robert Leforgee, Henry Dunham and
J.C. Beatty. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 May 1898
GRAYBILL, Infant Son
On Sunday, April 20th, on East Division street, the infant son of H. Grabill, aged two
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, 24 Apr 1890
GRABILL, Infant Son
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grabill, died Sunday afternoon at the family
residence on East Division street, and was interred in Greenwood cemetery, yesterday evening.
Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, IL, 22 Apr 1890
Operated Mule-Drawn Street Car Here in Decaturs Early History
Levi W. Grabill, 77-year-old veteran of the Civil war, died in the family home,
265 East Grand Avenue at 9:4D Sunday evening. Death was cause by cancer. Mr. Grabill had been
ill since October.
He was born in Virginia, Oct.15, 1849, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Grabill.
He had lived in Decatur and Macon County since he was a small child. He was married to Emma Veech
in Macon County in 1877. At the time of the Civil war lie enlisted in the 4th Illinois Infantry.
He was a member of the G.A.R. and of the Church of God. Mr. Grabill was for 18 months a member
of the Decatur police force a long time ago. He served as chief of police of the Soldiers' home
in Quincy for more than four years. He drove mules on Decatur streets when such animals were
used for streetcar motive power.
He is survived by his wife, by two sons, J. M. Grabill and O. R. Grabill, both
of Decatur and a sister, Mrs. Sarah Lyons, Portland, Ore. and a brother, M. W. Grabill of Decatur,
Two grandchildren also survive. Funeral services for Levi W. Grabill will be held in the Moran
chapel Tuesday afternoon at 2:31.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 28 Feb 1927, pg. 3
GRADY, Allen
Allen Grady, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grady died Thursday
afternoon at the family home two and a half miles northeast of Maroa after a week's illness.
He was the only child. Funeral will be held Saturday.
Decatur Review, 15 Aug 1919
GRADY, Hiram P.
Hiram P. Grady Dies in Hospital
Was Lifelong Resident of Maroa
Hiram P. Grady, a lifelong resident of this community, passed away at 6:30
Wednesday evening in the Decatur and Macon County hospital following an illness of more
than two years. At first it was thought that his illness was due to rheumatism, but later
it developed that some bone disease which spread through his body was the cause of his
intense suffering. He was taken from his home to the hospital the latter part of August.
Mr. Grady was born on a farm one mile north and one mile east of Maroa, March
17, 1860, being the oldest son of Joseph R. and Isabelle J. Grady, who were among the pioneers
of the community, coming here from Huntington county, Pa., in 1856. They purchased land soon
after their arrival here from the Illinois Central railroad and established a home.
Mr. Grady attended the country school, residing with his parents until his
marriage on Thanksgiving Day, 1883, to Agnes B. Mayall. To them were born four children,
Charles H. Grady of Argenta, Mrs. Pearl Stoutenborough of Maroa, wife of G.E. Stoutenborough,
Mrs. Hazel B. McConnell of Huntington Park, Cal., and Miss Mary L. Grady, junior club specialist
home economics extension department University of Illinois, Urbana. There are two sisters,
Mrs. R.B. Mayall of Clinton and Mrs. A.J. Shoemaker of Maroa, and one brother, Lewis C. of
Decatur. There is one grandchild, Robert Stoutenborough.
In 1907, Mr. Grady and family moved to Decatur, where they resided on West
Main street for twelve years, then returning to the farm. Here Mrs. Grady died Oct. 17,
1923. After her death, Mr. Grady and daughter, Miss Mary, went to California, where they
spent several months.
He was a member of the Presbyterian church of Decatur, a member of the
Masonic and Eastern Star orders of Maroa. The body was brought to the Caplinger funeral
home in Maroa Thursday and funeral services will be held there at 2:30 Friday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. J.C. Berry. Burial will be in the Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Review, 31 Mar 1927
GRADY, Mary (Delahunty)
Mrs Charles (Mary) Grady, 79, of 1722 N. Edwards Street, died 9:50 p.m. Tuesday
in Decatur Memorial Hospital.
Mass of the Resurrection will be 10 a.m. Friday in St Thomas Catholic Church.
Friends may call 5 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the J. J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home. Prayer service
will be 8 p.m. Thursday. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Mrs. Grady was born in Decatur, a daughter of Patrick and Kathryn Delahunty.
She married Charles Grady on Sept 6, 1961 in Decatur. Surviving are her husband; nephew, T.G.
Bolen of Decatur. Four brothers and one sister preceded her in death.
The Decatur Review, 20 Jun 1973, pg. 34
GRAHAM, Elijah 
Death of Elijah Graham, Aged 77, Near Blue Mound
From the Daily of Monday
Elijah Graham, aged 77, died at his residence, three miles northwest of
Blue Mound Sunday night. Deceased was Mexican soldier and was one of the first settlers
in the community in which he resided. He will be buried at Bethel Cemetery, Tuesday.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 18 Nov 1897, pg. 1
GRAHAM, Levi Patrick
He was Inventor and Patent Attorney
Prominent Politically Mayoralty Possibility
Hopelessly ill since Christmas, Levi Patrick Graham, patent attorney and inventor,
died at his home, 705 South Broadway, Saturday morning at 7:17 oclock. Death was most peaceful.
In his last moments Mr. Graham was surrounded by all the members of his family.
For several days it had been evident that Mr. Graham was dying. For two days he
had been unconscious most of the time. Saturday morning he seemed to regain consciousness so
that he could recognise his wife. Then he sank into a quiet sleep from which he never wakened.
Shortly after 7 oclock he died, apparently without suffering.
Decatur Review, Saturday Evening, March 18, 1907, p.8
Submitted by: Hatch Graham
Read the complete obituary here!
You will need Adobe Reader to view the obituary.
GRAHAM, Ralph S.
Born: 15 November 1894 Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Died: 27 December 1939 Decatur, Macon Co., IL (lung embolism)
Buried: Fairview Cemetery, Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Parents: Levi P. Graham and Helen Sutter
Married: 20 October 1924, Decatur, Macon Co., IL to Bernice Barbey
Occupation: Owner of Graham Pattern Works
Military: WWI - Aviation ground service
Memberships: American Legion, School Board 1931-1935
Survivors: Including wife, Bernice; daughter, Mary Aileen; three sisters, Mrs. A.J. Glynn of E.
St. Louis; Mrs. A.R. Bailey, of Washington D.C.; and Mrs. S.S. Merritt of Almeda, CA; one brother,
William S. Graham of Canton, IL.
Decatur Daily Review, Wednesday, 27 December, 1939
Submitted by: Hatch Graham
Funeral services for Jacob Graliker will be conducted in St. Patrick's Catholic church
Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
Decatur Herald, 17 Jun 1928
GRANT, Mrs. Marilla
>Funeral services for Mrs. Marilla Jane Grant, 66, of 1177 West Main Street, will be conducted
at 9:30 am Tuesday in the Moran & Sons chapel. Burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery.
Friends may call at the residence.
She was born in Warrensburg, Feb. 3, 1871, a daughter of William and Sarah Daly. She came to
Decatur many years ago and her family's farm was located on the site of her present home near
Millikin University.
She was married to Morton Grant, June 22, 1892 in Decatur. she leaves two daughters, Mrs.
Evelyn Houran, Decatur, and Mrs. Mae Larkin, Chicago; also the following brothers and sisters:
Mrs. Ada Gring, Decatur; Mrs. Ida Bunker, Grand Rapids, Mich; Mrs. Eliza Fowler, Miami, Fla;
George Daly, Elwood, Kan,; and Hugh Daly, Plymouth, Mich. There are four grandchildren.
Mr. Grant was killed May 14, 1908 in an accident at the Wabash car shops.
>Decatur Review, 8 Mar 1937
GRANT, Morton
Morton Grant, a carpenter employed at the Wabash car shops, met his death there Thursday
morning between two box cars, being caught and crushed across the hips, dying almost instantly.
Grant had been working on a car nearby, and had just stepped between two cars in search of a
tool when a switch engine bumped into the cut of cars ahead, sending them rolling back to catch
Grant across the hips, where he was held bolt upright between the two couplers. His cries
attracted members of the switch crew and the two cars were pulled apart, but too late to save
the unfortunate man's life.
Coroner T.C. Buxton was called and the body was removed to Bullard's undertaking establishment,
where the inquest will be held at 7 o'clock Thursday evening.
A peculiarity of the accident was that not a bone was broken in spite of the awful pressure
on the hips. The accident occurred at 8:50 o'clock. Thomas Nolan was in charge of the switch
engine crew, and Thomas Edwards was the engineer of the engine.
The dead man leaves a widow, Mrs. Ritta Grant and three small children, all girls. They live
at 1700 East Prairie Street.
After the cars pulled apart Mr. Grant walked from between them and said, "My God, I'm dying.
I'm hurt internally, boys." Then he stepped off the track and fell unconscious and died in a
few minutes.
Decatur newspaper, Thursday, May 14, 1908
GRASS, John 
Crawled Under Car on Illinois Central Track
In Sidewalk Business for 37 Years
John Grass, veteran concrete contractor, was killed about 9:30 Thursday
morning when he crawled beneath a freight car between William and Prairie Street on
the Illinois Central tracks. Mr. Grass was on the east side of the right of way between
the two streets, West of the two main tracks of the Illinois Central there are four
switch tracks or horse tracks. An engine was pushing a car north on the No. 1 track,
the track farthest to the west. A group of section men were working nearby.
Mr. Grass asked Harry Jones, one of the colored section men, if the
switch engine was going to the depot and Jones told him that it was not, that it was
on a switch track. Jones then turned from Mr. Grass and went back to work.
C. E. Harrington, 337 North Broadway, told the Coroner Loon Monson that
he saw Mr. Grass on his hands and knees crawling under the train. The train was in
motion when he asked Jones where it was going and was also in motion when Harrington
saw Mr. Grass. Julius Sims another section man also saw Mr. Grass on his hands and knees,
according to the coroner.
The front track of the car did not pass over Mr. Grass but the second
one did. Mr. Grass being killed on the first rail of the track as he was crawling west.
The section men say that he had been standing there sometime before the switch engine
and cars came along, and as there was no street crossing there was no reason for the
crawling under the two cars train.
Mr. Grass was well known in Decatur as a veteran sidewalk contractor,
and many of the walks about town bear his name. He was the oldest in this line of
business in the city, having been at it fro thirty-seven years. He was born in Defiance,
Ohio, on Dec. 25, 1845, being seventy-four years old. A greater part of his life had
been spent in Decatur. He was a veteran of the Civil war, was a member of local Masonic
bodies, the Knights of Pythias and a member of the Congregational Church.
He leaves one son, Lester and his wife, also three sisters, Mrs. C. P.
Fr_is and Mrs. Butler of Decatur and Mrs. Davidson of St. Louis.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 14 Aug 1919, pg. 14
GRASS, John, Sr. 
Fought in Civil War by His Sons Side
Laid First Brick Pavement Seen in Decatur
John Grass, Sr., died at 4 o'clock on Sunday morning at St Mary's hospital, where he
had been for a long time. His death was caused by Bright's disease. He would have been
94 years old next August.
Mr Grass and his son, John Grass, Jr, for several years past have had the
distinction of being the only living father and son who fought side by side in the Civil
war. A few years before his death the records at Washington were searched to learn if
there were any other two veterans living who bore the same relation to each other and
who fought in the same company in that war, and who were still living but the records
failed to show a parallel case.
Possessing all his faculties in a high degree, Mr. Grass did not feel the need
of glasses in reading. Until a few years ago his hearing was excellent. His health was
always good until a little over a year ago.
He laid the first brick pavement ever put down in Decatur, in front of
the Powers Grand opera house He was a stonecutter and he did much contracting. He and
his son together laid over forty miles of brick and concrete sidewalks in Decatur, and
their work was always considered among the best. He retired from business about twenty-two
years ago, but worked occasionally after that.
He spent two years at the soldiers home at Danville and enjoyed himself
there, but he preferred Decatur, and most of his time was spent in the home of his daughter,
Mrs. C P Frils, 855 North Water Street His wife died about thirty-six years ago. Mr
Grass was seen on the streets frequently until about a year ago He came down town every
day, and persons who did not know him personally ever suspected his extreme age. His father
lived to be 103 years old, and his mother was 81 years old when she died.
John Grass was born in Fuldt, a small town in Hesse, Prussia, Aug 18, 1817.
He came to America in 1844 and settled at Defiance, Ohio, living there, for four years.
From there he went to Logansport, Ind , and remained there until the breaking out of the
Civil war. In January, 1861, he enlisted as a private in company I of the Forty-sixth
Indiana volunteer infantry, and was mustered into the union service Feb 3, 1861. He first
enlisted for three years' service, and after service two years and three months he reenlisted
for three years more He was mustered out in September, 1865. He was in many battles. He was
all through the Vicksburg campaign and the Red River campaign. In the latter his regiment
made a march of 800 miles.
John Grass, Jr, did not enlist until in 1863. Then he joined the same company
as his father and they fought side by side during the balance of the war. The company went
into the war with 100 men, and came out with only fourteen men. John Grass, Jr, is now 66
years old.
After the war John Grass, Sr., and his son returned to Indiana moving to
Danville, Illinois, in 1873 The family moved to Decatur in 1877, and this has been their
home ever since. Last June Mr. Grass decided that he would go to St. Mary's hospital,
where he could have immediate attention in case it was necessary. He engaged a room there
and made his home there, going and coming whenever he wished He was known to thousands of
people in Decatur and had a great many friends among the old people He used to walk down
to Central park every day, where he was certain to meet some of his old friends and they
would sit near the fountain and talk over old times. He Is survived by six children, John
Grass, Jr, Silas Grass, Mrs Al Butler and Mrs. C. P. Frils, all of Decatur. Mrs Mary
Davidson and Joe Grass both of St. Louis.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 28 Feb 1910, pg. 3
At the residence of Carroll Eads, on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, 1882, of cholera
infantum, BELLA, infant daughter of J.W. and Mattie J. Graves, aged two months.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 Oct 1882
GREENE, Grandma
The mortal remains of the late Grandma Greene were consigned to the tomb in Greenwood
Monday evening in the presence of a large number of friends who had attended the impressive funeral
services held at the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. W.H. Prestley. D.H. Heilman, W.E.
Hubbard, John Lytle, W.R. Scruggs and John E. Kinney served as pallbearers.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 23 Jun 1887
GREEN, Isaiah 
The funeral of Isaiah Green will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 oclock from
the United Brethren church. The internment will be in Brush College cemetery east of the city.
Besides the children, as announced in The Review, he also leaves a wife.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 12 Feb 1909, Pg. 12
GREEN, Maggie
Mrs. Maggie Green, wife of Elwood Green, died yesterday morning at 6:30 o'clock at
her home 1156 North Jordan street. Her death was due to gastric fever. She was 24 years old. A
husband and three children are left, one a baby boy about two weeks old. Mrs. Green was sick
about two weeks. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the U.B. Church.
Rev. J.A.F. King will conduct the services. The burial will be at Spangler's Cemetery.
Daily Review (Decatur), 7 Aug 1892
GREEN, Russell 
Blue Mound Man Killed
Crushed Under Auto South Of Assumption
Assumption, Aug 4th - Russell Green, a young farmer of Blue Mound, died
at 2 oclock Friday morning in the Moweaqua hospital from injuries received in an
automobile accident at 12 oclock Thursday night, four and one half miles southwest
of Assumption. Mr. Green was driving a Ford sedan and collided at a corner with a car
driven by an Allison boy from Stonington. A field of corn blocked the view at the corner.
Members of Ed Youngs family near whose home the accident occurred, heard
the crash and hurried to the scene of the accident. They found Mr. Green and his wife
and one child caught under the car, but no one was injured except Mr. Green. The car had
crushed his chest.
He was taken to the Moweaqua hospital but died soon after reaching there.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Moweaqua, Aug 5th - A verdict of death by unavoidable accident was returned
Friday morning from the inquest of Russell Green, who died here from injuries received in
an automobile accident near Assumption Thursday night. Lester Walton, Blue Mound, was
driving the car in which Mr. Green and his family were riding. They were returning from
the band concert at Assumption, when they collided with the car driven by Ralph Allison,
Stonington. Mr Green leaves his wife and two children, Roger Russell and Armina Eleanor.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Fri, 6 Aug 1926, pg. 1
GREENFIELD, Alice (Johnson)
Born: 9 Nov 1862 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 27 Sep 1932 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Matthew & Nancy (James) Johnson
Married: Charles Greenfield (Div.)
Born: 1 Jun 1826 in Highland Co, OH
Died: 22 Jun 1890 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: William & Ethel C. Greenfield
Married: Feb 13, 1851 to Virginia A. Florey
Children: Martha, Drucilla, Mathias Cass, Sabra, John, Andrew, Charles
"Ambrose Greenfield died on Sunday, June 22, at his home in Long Creek. Death was caused by a
cancer. He was 64 years old and was an old resident of Macon county. The funeral was held Monday."
(unknown newspaper, 1890)
GREENFIELD, America (Phillips)
Born: 3 Oct 1853 in KY
Died: 29 Jan 1932 in Mt Zion Twp. Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Asa & Margaret (Pennington) Phillips
Married: H.W. Greenfield
GREENFIELD, Andrew Walter "Walt"
Born: 14 Feb 1862 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 29 Apr 1948 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Ambrose & Virginia (Florey) Greenfield
Married: Feb. 22, 1888 to Elsie Myers
Children: Leslie, Harley B.
Died: Sept 13 1935 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
GREENFIELD, Charles Nelson
Born: 30 Oct 1867 in Long Creek Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 2 Aug 1952 in Peoria, Peoria, IL
Buried: Springdale Cem., Peoria, IL
Parents: Ambrose & Virginia (Florey) Greenfield
Married: Mar 18, 1890 to Minnie Guess
GREENFIELD, Elsie Agnes (Myers)
Born: 29 May 1865 in Tuscola, Douglas Co, IL
Died: 24 Dec 1959 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Florey Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Joseph B. & Hannah (Butts) Myers
Married: 22 Feb 1888 to Andrew Walter Greenfield
Children: Leslie, Harley
GREENFIELD, Everett Carl
Born: 1 May 1907 in Lg Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 10 Aug 1972 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Maroa Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Mathias Cass & Lydia (Travis) Greenfield
Married: Nov 29, 1929 to Mildred Prince
Children: Mark
Guy B. Greenfield was born in Piatt County, Ill., Feb 8, 1886. He passed out of this
life last Thursday, Feb 12, 1920, having gone four days beyond the 34th milestone in
this earthly pilgrimage.
He was the only child of James B. and Roxana Evey Greenfield. When Guy was
but three weeks old, the family moved here to Friends Creek Township in Macon County,
where they have ever since made their home. For the past five years he has been farming
his father's farm, where he was found when summoned to the other world.
>It was not the writer's privilege to have made his acquaintance, but those nearest
and dearest to him testify that as he grew to manhood, "he and his father were pals" and
that "he was a great home boy" his "great interest and energy were centered on home
affairs." That he always "spoke good of everybody," and in turn was "well liked by a large
circle of friends and acquaintances." He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of
>On Jan. 8, 1914, he was married to Miss Minnie Marlatt, and to them four children
were given. The first little one, a girl, died at birth. Guy James, aged 4, Maxine Eileen,
aged 3, and Katherine Virginia, 1 year old, together with the saddened young wife and
mother, and his sorrowing parents, survive him to bear the heartache that must needs
come with the death of one whose passing away breaks those closest human ties,
husband, father, son.
May God's promise that "He relieveth the fatherless and widow," (Ps. 146-9)
be manifested in the relief and care and grace and mercy and peace that shall be
granted unto these called upon today to give up their loved one.
The funeral services were conducted at the family home north west of town
Saturday afternoon, Rev. H.D. Trickey conducting the services. Interment at Friends Creek cemetery.
Unknown newspaper
GREENFIELD, Harley Benson
Born: 30 Dec 1890 in Lg Creek, Macon Co, IL
Died: 1 Oct 1977 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Andrew Walter & Elsie (Myers) Greenfield
Married: Jun 21, 1927 to Olive McCane
Children: Mary Elizabeth
GREENFIELD, Harriet Elizabeth (Vowell)
Harriet Elizabeth Greenfield died at 5 o'clock Thursday morning in the home of her
son, George C. Greenfield, near Mt. Zion, with a complication of diseases. She had
been ill for several weeks. She was almost 65 years old. She was born October 24, 1849, at
Macon, Ill. She was married to Perry G. Greenfield February 1, 1870, and since his death about
8 years ago she had made her home with her son. She was a member of the Presbyterian church in
Mt. Zion.
She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Phillips of Findlay and Mrs. Goldie Knotts
of Welsh Grove, Mo., and one son, George C. Greenfield of Mt. Zion. She also leaves
two sisters, Mrs. Frank Bonds of Long Creek and Mrs. Alice Dyke of St. Louis, and
two brothers, T.J. Vowell and William Vowell, both of Decatur.
Funeral services will be conducted Friday morning at 11 o'clock in the
Presbyterian church in Mt. Zion. Burial will be in Mt. Zion cemetery.
Decatur newspaper, 1914
Born: 29 Aug 1850 in Rainsborro, OH
Died: 10 Nov 1937 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Abraham & Sarah (Dalton) Greenfield
Married: America Phillips Greenfield
Born: 7 Dec 1856 in Friends Creek Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 27 Mar 1950
Buried: Friends Creek Cem, Macon Co, IL
Born: 14 Jun 1853 in Brantfort, Canada
Died: 3 Mar 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Sabetha, Nemaha, KS
Parents: Edman & Margaret Greenfield
Married: Ida C. Robertson Greenfield
(b: 9 Mar 1889 in Mt Zion Twp, Macon Co. - d: 23 Sep 1918 in France)
The body of Private Leslie A. Greenfield, the first of the Macon county soldiers
dying in France to be returned home for burial, will be buried in Long Creek cemetery
Wednesday afternoon. His death, caused by pneumonia occurred September 18, 1918.
Accompanied by Sergt. Blackwell, Camp Dix, N.J., the body arrived in Decatur
Monday afternoon at 2:10 via the C.I. & W. from Hoboken, and was taken to Britlinger's
chapel where it will remain until Wednesday.
Funeral services will be conducted in Long Creek Methodist church Wednesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock and the burial will be in Long Creek cemetery. In a body members
of the American Legion will attend and will accord full military honors. The party will
leave Britlinger's chapel at 2 o'clock.
There was a large flag draped over the casket and that flag when the body has been
placed in the country cemetery, will be given to Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Greenfield, the
parents of the dead soldier. Sergeant Blackwell will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Greenfield until after the funeral services.
Persons who care to do so may call at Britlinger's chapel but they will have
opportunity to see nothing more than the flag covered casket.
Ex-service men of Decatur and Long Creek will pay their respects to the body of
Leslie A. Greenfield which was recently brought back from France, at funeral services
Wednesday. The family has requested that Castle Williams Post, American Legion
take charge of the arrangements and Fred L. Hoyt, local adjutant, is making the
All members of the Legion and all other ex-servicemen who can do so, are asked
to meet at the Y.M.C.A. at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in order that they may be
taken out to Long Creek at two o'clock. Men who have automobiles are asked to
donate them for this service.
Rev. D.C. Beatty of the St John's Episcopal church will have charge of the funeral
services at the Long Creek Methodist church and the grave, and W. Lutz Krigbaum will
be in command of the military escort and burial. All ex-service men are asked to be
in uniform.
Those service men who do not attend from Decatur are asked to to meet the
Decatur men at the church and join with them. It is the sentiment of the local post
that men should leave their work and pay their proper obligation and respects at this
time. This is the first body to be returned to Macon county from overseas.
Decatur newspaper
GREENFIELD, Lydia (Travis)
Lived in Long Creek Township, Mile East of Long Creek
Mrs. Lydia Greenfield, wife of M.C. Greenfield, died at 4:30 Thursday afternoon
at the family residence, a mile east of Long Creek after an illness of a few weeks. A short
time ago she was brought to St. Mary's hospital for an operation and was later taken home.
Complications developed finally resulting in blood poison, which caused her death.
Lydia A. Travis was born May 22, 1884. She was the daughter of T.C. and Mary
R. Travis. She was married to M.C. Greenfield March 15, 1905. She is survived by her husband
and two children, Everett Cass Greenfield and Mary Velma Greenfield. She is also survived
by the following six sisters and five brothers; Mrs. Margaret Daniels, Mrs. Dora D. Myers,
Miss Maud M. Travis, Miss Edith Travis and Mrs. Pearl Sadler, of Decatur; Mrs. Minnie
Courtney of Springfield; Everett Allen and Charles H. Travis of Decatur; Gilbert Travis
of Los Angeles, Cal., and Edward Travis of Long Creek. She was a member of Long Creek
Methodist church, which she joined during the pastorate of Rev. B.E. Williams.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 29 Apr 1910
The funeral of Mrs. M.C. Greenfield will be held at the family residence one
mile east of Long Creek, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body was held to await the
arrival of Mrs. Greenfield's brother, Mr. Travis. He is now here.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 May 1910
The funeral of Mrs. M.C. Greenfield was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the family residenct near Long Creek. The service was conducted by Rev. A.J. Jockish.
Music was furnished by Mrs. A.J. Jockish, Mrs. Heckel, Mrs. Tucker, Miss Bernice Jones, Mrs.
Winings, Mr. Jones and Mr. Heckel. The flower girls were Vera Smith, Mary Maddox, Florence
Sheets and Golda Horton. The pallbearers were J.W. Myers, J.M. Green, Frank Britton,
W.M. Smith, W.H. Winings, and C.H. Reynolds. Interment was in Long Creek cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 May 1910
GREENFIELD, Martha (Halstead)
Born: 15 Aug 1858 in Edinburgh, IN
Died: 30 Jan 1946 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
GREENFIELD, Mathias Cass
Mathias C. Greenfield died Monday morning at 6 o'clock in his home one mile east
of Long Creek. His death was due to heart trouble. M.C. Greenfield was born Dec. 29, 1854 on
the farm where his death occured. To his friends in the community he was known as "Bud". He was
a son of Ambrose and Virginia A. Greenfield, early settlers in Long Creek township. He leaves two
children: Velma and Everett Greenfield, both at home; also he leaves two brothers, C.N. Greenfield
of Decatur, and A.W. Greenfield of Long Creek.
The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of Britlinger & Sons.
Funeral services will be conducted in Long Creek Methodist church this afternoon at
3 o'clock. Burial will be in Long Creek cemetery.
Decatur newspaper - Died Jun 11, 1923
Died: 20 May 1933 in Friends Creek Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 9 Dec 1942 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
GREENFIELD, Virginia A. (Florey)
Mrs. Virginia Greenfield died (13 Dec 1904) at her home near Long Creek yesterday
evening at 7 o'clock. The deceased was one of the oldest and best known settlers of Macon county and has
resided on the old farm for seventy-four years. She was the widow of the late Ambrose
Greenfield, who died fourteen years ago. She is survived by three sons, M.C., A.W.
and C.N Greenfield, all of Long Creek township, also one sister, Mrs. Mary A. Querry,
who is now 94 years old.
The funeral will be held at 11 o'clock Thursday morning from the Long Creek Methodist
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. W.W. Theobold. The interment will be
at the Florey cemetery near Long Creek.
Decatur newspaper, 15 Dec 1904
(born: 8 May 1824 Wythe Co, VA)
Born: 1 Apr 1848 in Chillicothe, OH
Died: @80 yrs of age
Married: 1877 to Martha Halstead
Children: Cloa Burcham of Decatur, Luda Epling of Arthur, Bess
Broughton of Macon, Carl of Fort Worth, TS, Archie of Mt. Zion.
Mrs. Lillie, wife of Corwin M. Greenman, died this (Monday) afternoon at one o'clock,
at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Shipman, on West Main st., after a long and painful
illness, with that relentless destroyer of human life, consumption. The deceased was married in May,
1879, and died at the age of about 20 years, in the bright morning of her life. In health she was of
a bright and cheerful disposition, a dutiful and loving wife, and the comfort of her mother, on whom
her death falls with crushing weight.
The grief-stricken husband, mother and brother will have the heartfelt sympathy of our
people in their great affliction. The funeral will take place to-morrow. The hour has not yet been
fixed upon.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 23 Aug 1880
GREER, Margaret
Mrs. Margaret Greer, mother of Mrs. Henry Hunsley and grandmother of H.M.
Willard, of Decatur, died at Cisco, Ill., on July 4th, aged 83 years. The deceased was a
native of Virginia and moved to Illinois in 1830, locating near Beardstown. She came to
Macon county in 1856. The funeral took place on Tuesday. It was during her residence
near Beardstown that Mrs. Greet became well acquainted with the late President Lincoln,
who was then clerking in a store. He boarded at her house off and on for two years, and
when he was taken down with the smallpox she attended him during his months of illness.
Decatur Daily Republican, 7 Jul 1887
GREGORY, Elmer Howard
Elmer Howard Gregory, Aged Five, Victim of Pneumonia
Elmer Howard Gregory, little son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carl Gregory, died at 6 o'clock
Friday morning at the family residence, two miles south of Mt. Zion. His age was five years,
six months and twelve days. His death was caused by influenza and pneumonia. He was taken ill
a week ago last Monday. Beside the parents he leaves one sister, Adyth Louise Gregory. The
parents, sister, grandmother and uncle, Charles Gregory, are all sick in bed with influenze.
No arrangements have been made for the funeral.
Decatur Review, 13 Dec 1918
GRIDER, Jonathan 
Argenta, Aug. 3 —
The funeral services of John Grider, who died Saturday evening at nine o'clock
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Etta Conn, was held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Mrs.
Conn’s home. Rev. Mr. Taylor, pastor of the U. B. church, conducted the services. Interment
was in Friends Creek cemetery northeast of town.
Mr. Grider was a veteran of the Civil war. He is survived by four children;
Rev. James Grider of Oklahoma, Mrs. Charley McGee of DeLand, Frank Grider and Mrs. Etta
Conn of this place.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 3 Aug 1921, pg. 7
GRIFFIN, Henry Clay 
Henry C. Griffin Helped Lay Out the Town
Argenta, Feb 13th -
Henry C. Griffin, a former well known Argenta resident and prominent in affairs
here several years ago died in his home in London, Ohio, Saturday. Death was caused by asthma
and complications of which he had been a sufferer for some time.
The body will be brought here for burial. The funeral will be conducted from the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, here Thursday morning at 10 o’clock by the Rev. F. E. Birkett.
Mr. Griffin was born in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel
Griffin. When the Civil war broke out he was among the first to enlist although he was only a
boy then. He served as a private in D company, 66th Ohio regiment Infantry and fought in two
great battles. Antietam and Gettysburg and went with Sherman in his memorable march to the sea.
He came west at the close of the war and engaged in farming in Champaign County, near Homer. Later
he came to Macon County where in 1874 he helped to lay out the town of Argents and was always
interested in its welfare. He served one term as supervisor belonging to the G. A. R. post and was
on the school board for years.
Mr. Griffin was always interested in stock raising and farming and until seventeen
years ago lived on the R. P. Rogers land adjoining Argenta. In 1900 he moved back to his native
state and settled on a large farm near London, Ohio.
On Dec. 30, 1873, Mr. Griffin and Claretta J. Dickey were married. To them were
born four children. Mrs. Griffin and three children survive. The children are W. Ralph Griffin
of Columbus, Ohio, Forrest Griffin and Mrs. Annie Gulich of London, Ohio. Two sisters Mrs. Lydia
Rodgers of Mechanicsburg, Ohio and Mrs. Annie Lewis of Wilcox, Ariz., also survive.
Mr. Griffin was a splendid citizen and did many charitable acts.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 13 Feb 1917, pg. 2
J.G. Griffith, an old and well known farmer, died late Friday night at his home
three miles east of Macon, aged 62 years. He has been ill for several months as a result of a
stroke of paralysis. The deceased leaves a widow and three children, all grown. The children
are: Will and Arthur, of Macon and Mrs. C.L. Colby, of Decatur. One brother lives in the north
part of the state and his other relatives all live in Vermont, of which state he was a native,
but had resided in this county about thirty years.
Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 6 Jan 1894
GRIFFITH, Susannah (Whitney)
Died While Reading
Mrs. J.G. Griffith, who lived two and a half miles west of Macon, met a
very sudden death on Thursday morning. She was sitting in a chair reading when she
suddenly fell to the floor and expired without a word. Her death occurred about 8 o'clock
and happened so suddenly that her family scarcely realized what had happened. Mrs. Griffith
was a middle-aged lady and leaves a husband to mourn her loss. She was well known in the
community and was highly respected.
Herald Despatch (Decatur), 14 Nov 1891
GRIFFITHS, Nathaniel 
Found Lifeless in Bed at His Home This Morning
This morning at six o'clock, Nathaniel Griffiths, the well-known boilermaker, who
has been a resident of Decatur for 50 years, was found dead in his bed by his wife. Mr. Griffiths
had been up and out in the yard an hour before he expired, and at three a. m. when he was heard
complaining his little daughter got up and gave him a drink of water and soda, which he thought
was good for heart burn. He had been troubled with pain at his heart for two weeks and it kept
growing worse steadily. Thursday night the deceased returned from a point south of Moweaqua where
he had been doing some work for two days. Yesterday he was at his shop on East William Street, and
arrived at home at 6 o’clock last evening, He did not go away again. Mrs, Griffiths did the milking
after she got up, and when she went into the room to call her husband to breakfast he was dead.
The inquest was held by Coroner B______ at the family residence, on Oglesby Street, west of Franklin
Street, near the old Webber place in the Fourth ward.
The deceased wan born in Liverpool, England, July 5, 1827, and came to America when
quite young. He was a fireman on the "Red Rover” in the United States Navy during the late war, and
drew a pension $12 a month. He leaves a widow, and three children, Miss Mary Griffiths, Nathaniel
Griffiths and Laura Griffiths. They occupy the home place, which comprises an acre of ground.
The deceased will be buried with military honors.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 6 Sep 1894, pg. 7
GRINDOL, Ada (Sammons)
Born: May 08, 1878 in Sangamon Co, IL
Died: 7 Mar 1959 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Thomas & Melissa (Florey) Sammons
Married: Jan 21, 1899 to Charles McKee
GRING, Ada, 80
Mrs. Ada Gring, 80, of Ravina Park Rd., died at 7:30 am today in Velwyn Sanitarium following
a long illness. Mrs. Gring, a lifelong resident of Macon County, was born Oct. 7, 1872 in
Warrensburg, a daughter of William and Sarah Dunham Daly and was married to William O. Gring in
Springfield, Dec. 31, 1891. He died in 1942.
She was a member of Dunham Post 141, Grand Army of the Republic, which was named for her
mother, a founder of women's Relief Corps and First Methodist Church. She leaves a daughter,
Mrs. Jennie March, Decatur; two sisters, Mrs. Eliza Battle, Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Ida Bunker,
Ada, Mich.; one grandson and one great grandchild
The body is at the Dawson & Wikoff Funeral Home where friends may call after 3 pm,
Wednesday. Funeral services will be at 3 pm, Thursday in the funeral home chapel with burial in
Fairlawn Cemetery
Decatur Review, Tuesday, 19 April 1953
GRING, Sylvia
Sylvia, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gring, died Monday at the family
residence, 992 East Eldorado street, aged 6 years and 5 months. Her death was caused by
meningitis. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence and the
burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Sep 1898
GRING, William O.
Funeral services for William O. Gring, 81, life-long resident of Decatur, will be at 3 pm
tomorrow in the Monson Funeral Home. Burial will be in Fairlawn Cemetery. Friends may call at
the funeral home.
Mr. Gring, a resident of rural route 1, died at 12:55 pm yesterday in his home after a long
illness. Death was caused by a heart ailment.
Born in Decatur, Sept. 13, 1861, he married Ada Daly in Springfield Dec 31, 1891. They marked
their 50th wedding anniversary last Dec 31.
Mr. Gring was a former cabinet maker and was employed by the Decatur Lumber Co. until
retiring in 1904. In later years he was in the trucking business. He was a member of the Sharon
Methodist Church and Decatur Lodge No. 65 I.O.O.F receiving his 50 year pin in 1937.
Besides his wife he leaves a daughter , Mrs. Jennie March of Decatur; a grandson, Jack Gring
March, Buffalo, NY; and a brother,B.FGring, Storm Lake, Iowa. A daughter Grace died in 1926.
Our whole community was shocked this morning by the announcement of the death of A.P.
Griswold, which took place at 8 1/2 o'clock last evening, at his late residence on North Main street.
ONly a few persons knew even of his illness, and scarcely any one was aware of his dangerous condition
until late yesterday afternoon. He was taken sick at a very late hour last Wednesday night, with
acute inflammation of the bowels, and suffered great pain until yesterday morning, when mortification
set in, pain ceased, and he gradually sank away. His physicians, Drs. Routh and Sibley, informend him
about noon yesterday that it was not possible for him to recover. He received the news calmly, and
expressed himself as being perfectly resigned. He remained in a state of consciousness, conversing
reationally until about two hours before his death, when he sank into a comatose condition from which
he never rallied.
Asahel P. Griswold was born in Rochester, N.Y., November 1, 1832. In 1855 he removed
with his wife and child to Pekin, Ill., where he resided utnil his removal to this place. His now
bereaved family consists of his wife - a most estimable and affectionate woman - and five daughters.
The eldest daughter is the wife of Dr. J.A. Aikman, and now resides at Ingersoll, Province of Ontario.
The youngest daughter is between four and five years of age. We believe he had no other near relatives
except a married sister, who resides in Oneida county, N.Y.
Mr. Griswold came to Decatur to reside in January, 1864, in the employ of Barber &
Hawley. He remained with that firm in the capacity of chief accountant, until the failure of that
establishment, when he at once accepted a position in the banking hosue of Peddecord & Burrows,
with whom he remained until his death. ~ As an accountant and business man he had few equals and no
superiors, his capacity for accomplishing work seeming to have scarcely any bounds. His knowledge of
the intricate and complicated business of banking was really remarkable, and he possessed the
faculty of quick discernment to such a degree that he never appeared to be at a loss to know what to
do in any emergency that might arise in the course of business. To sum up, he was an expert in his
line, and his place will be hard to fill.
In social life, Mrs. Griswold had many friends. He was exceptionally cheerful in his
disposition, having a kind word for everyone, and consequently he possessed a personal popularity
enjoyed by few men. He was a man of strong and positive convictions, and never hesitated to avow his
opinions, yet at the same time he cheerfully condeded to others the right to do the same. In his
family relations he was peculiartly happy, seeming to lavish a wealth of affection upon his wife and
children, and considering no sacrifice too great that would add to their comfort or enjoyment. To
whom his loss will be utterly irreparable, and no poor words of ours can assuage the terrible grief
that has fallen to their lot. To those with whom he was most intimtaely associated in business his
death will create a void that will long be felt, and his vacant place in the social circle will bring
many a sigh to the lips of those who only knew him to love him to love him.
The funeral will take place at 3 P.M. on Wednesday, by which time it is hoped that his
absent daughter reach here.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 2 Jun 1873
The remains of Mr. A.P. Griswold, who died last Sunday evening, were interred yesterday
afternoon. Long before the hour fixed for the funeral (3 o'clock P.M.) the Episcopal Church was
crowded to its utmost capacity. When the procession arrived at the church door it was met by the
rector of the Church, Rev. W.W. DeWolf, who preceded the pallbearers up the aisle, reading the first
part of the burial service. The services, which were quite brief, were colemn and impressive, and
at their conclusion the remains were taken in charge by the Masonic fraternity, and the procession
started for Greenwood Cemetery. All along the route people thronged the streets and peered from
windows and doors, anxious to see the funeral cortege of one who was so much beloved in life, and
whose death is so universally mourned. The banks of the city all closed their doors and suspended
business at three o'clock, out of respect to the memory of him who was so prominently and honorably
connected with that branch of business. The procession was one of the longest ever seen in Decatur,
and well attested the high esteem in which the deceased the high esteeem in which the deceased was
held by all classes of our citizens.
At the cemetery the Masonic funeral ceremonies were performed, and the body committed
to the earth with all those tender evidences of respect and sorrow which dignify and adorn our
civilization. A threatening cloud which made its appearance about the time the procession started
from the church doubtless deterred many from attending the funeral, and a light shower of rain which
fell during the ceremonies at the grave drove a great many people to their carriages, but did not
seriously interfere with the services.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 5 Jun 1873
GRISWOLD, Mary Frances
Impressive Obsequies of the Late Mrs. C.L. Griswold - The Service
"The Will Be Done"
The impressive funeral services attending the burial of Mrs. Mary F. Griswold, beloved wife of
Charles L. Griswold, were held last evening at the family residence, No. 411 West Main street, in the presence
of a very large assemblage of sympathizing neighbors and friends, who had gathered there to pay their last
sorrowful tribute to the departed, who in life had been held in the highest esteem, and was admired for her
many estimable qualities of mind and heart. Every room and the reception hall were occupied. The rich,
black slate casket, containing the remains, rested upon pedestals in the parlor, and upon and about it were a
wealth of floral tributes whose sweet perfume pervaded the apartments. There were several pieces of massive
design. Rev. M.M. Goodwin of St. John's Episcopal church, conducted the impressive service, assisted by the
choir, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Templeton, Miss Clara Eyman and Sherman McClelland. The Episcopal burial service
was used. "Abide with Me," was chanted by the choir, when the clergyman read the scripture selection from
the fifteenth chapter of Corinthians. "Lead, Kindly Light," Cardinal Newman's hymn, was the next selection.
The funeral address, by Rector Goodwin, was on "The Continuity of the Christian Life," which was beautiful in
thought and language, tender and touching in delivery, and impressive in conclusions and application.
The introductory was an illustration of a floral clock, made by some famous botanist. The
hours were shown by the opening and closing of flowers. One by one the flowers spread their petals that
shown forth brightly in the light, and one by one they closed their cups again until darkness fell and
the last petal closed in upon itself. So our joys were sufficient were they to last, but the cannot.
After summer's day come the summer's night, and after a brief space of them the winter, and all are dead
and the lone tree stand, "bare, ruined choirs, where once the sweet birds sang."
Does death thus wreck our hopes, our joys, our loves, our friendships, our christian communion?
No. The words, "I am the Resurrection and the life," have created the angel of hope that guards the sleep
of the christian dead, and made them to the living radiant with peace and immortality. How grandly Christ
reposed on this idea (of) life, endless in its own being; a reality which death and time cannot banish.
True he will bow his head and cease to breathe in obedience to the laws of humanity which he shared, but
already he enters Paradise, not alone, but leading a child of humaity by the hand. Then to show us that
he simply changed worlds, he comes back again and shows himself alive. And then to prove how phantasmal
death is he departs in all the fullness of life, simply drawing about him the drapery of a cloud. Mr.
Goodwin then pictured a soul fully imbued with the blessed facts of the Resurrection. Continuing he said:
Could we love and think of our living as we love and think of our dead the highest dreams of human happiness
would be realized. The earnestness of purpose, strong power of affection, the nobility of aim, the
harmony and sweetness of nature, which marked the character of our loved ones gone are realized in the
highest and dearest sense when we no more "feel the touch of a vanished hand or hear the sound of a voice
that is still." Mrs. Mary Frances Griswold needs not the breath of human eulogy to waft her to her final
place. Already she is in the presence of the Father and His angels. Her devotion to dear ones, her
affection, her earnest friendships, her loyalty of character, her christian sincerity and worth, shall
ever abide in the hearts of the deeply bereaved and in those among whom she lived and walked during her
earthly life. All the record of that life will not be known until we shall have access to the archives
of heaven, where are written by angel hands in letters of gold the history of God's believing children.
God has a higher use for such souls. In our Father's house are many manions, and Christ has gone to
prepare a place for all ranks of mortals for whom he died. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in
incorruption. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. The fair progress of the soul in grace is
not arrested but stimulated by the tomb. The great unity of life lasts on. Death is by an incident in
immortality. Mr. Goodwin closed by quoting some stanzas from May Reilley Smith's beautiful poem,
"Nearer, my God to Thee," a favorite hymn of the deceased, was sung by the choir, and the
Rector offered a sympathetic prayer closing with a benediction. While the casket was being slowly
borne from the house to the hearse the choir chanted "Thy Will Be Done," continuing the refrain until
the family had passed out. The interment was in Greenwood, where the Episcopal committal service was
used, the choir chanted a hymn as the casket was lowered into the vault. The grave was walled with
brick and lined with evergreens and flowers, and over the casket was placed a marble slab. At the
close of the service the more intimate friends of Mrs. Griswold dropped floral tributes into her grave.
Messrs. L. Burrows, John K. Warren, W.J. Quinlan, W.B. Chambers, George S. Durfee and J.F. Roach were
the pallbearers.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 24 Mar 1892
GROB, Harry E., Jr.
DECATUR - Harry E. Grob Jr., 78, of Decatur, formerly of Geneva, peacefully
passed away at 10:25 a.m. Friday (March 30, 2007) in Imboden Creek Living Center after a long
battle with Parkinsons Disease. Memorial services will be 6 p.m. Monday in Fellowship Baptist
Church, Mount Zion, with visitation following services until 8 p.m. Private burial will be in
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, Mo., with military rites.
Mr. Grob was born May 2, 1928, in Festus, Mo., the son of Harry Edmond Grob Sr.
and Alta Eunice Hughes Grob. He received a bachelors degree in biology and sociology summa
cum laude from Central Methodist College, Fayette, Mo., in 1950. He was a member of Sigma Epsilon
Pi, Pi Gamma Mu and Delta Phi Alpha. He graduated from Washington University, St. Louis, with a
masters in social work in 1952. During the Korean War, Mr. Grob was an officer in the Army
Medical Service Corps. He served as chief psychiatric social worker in the Neuropsychiatric
Department at Tokyo Army Hospital, Japan.
Mr. Grob worked at the Methodist Childrens Home of Missouri, St. Louis; Missouri
Hills Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, Florissant, Mo.; Family Service Agency of America, Quincy;
Chaddock Boys School, Quincy; The Illinois State Training School for Girls, Geneva; and Central
DuPage Hospital, Winfield. He became an avid runner later in life and ran his first marathon
when he was 57. He ran many 10K races and seven marathons. He enjoyed reading and writing. He
wrote many articles and short stories for newspapers and magazines. He married Ruth Ann Meyer on
March 17, 1951. She preceded him in death Sept. 26, 1966.
Surviving are his sister, Alta Lee Stearns of Silver Spring, Md.; son, Thomas J.
Grob of Camarillo, Calif.; daughter, Susan L. Kunzeman of Decatur; son, David M. Grob of St.
Louis; daughter, Brooke Grob of Portland, Ore.; eight grandchildren. He was preceded in death
by his wife. His family would like to thank all the staff family at Imboden Creek Living
Center, Dr. A. McCormack and Dr. M. Wall for their compassionate care. They would also like to
thank their church families and friends for their prayers and support.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 30 Mar 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
GROSS, William
Death of William Gross at Blue Mound - Coroner Perl at the Scene
This morning shortly after nine o'clock a telephone message came to Decatur
giving the not unexpected intelligence that William Gross, who was stabbed in the left breast
on Saturday, July 2, had died at 9 a.m. to-day. There were but slight hopes of Mr. Gross'
recovery from the time of the fatal stab, and his relatives and friends were prepared for the
worst, while they did everything in their power to render his last hours as comfortable as
possible. Coroner Perl was notified of the death of Mr. Gross, and he started out in a buggy
to hold the inquest.
The particulars of the murderous attack on Gross have already been given in these
columns and are familiar to our readers. For a little over a month Mr. Gross had been running
a saloon at Blue Mound, a small town 14 miles southwest of Decatur on the St. Louis branch of
the Wabash. A week or so before the assault Mr. Gross received one or more letters from W.E.
Westbrook, a young man of 22, who lived near Grove City, in Christian county. The writer, it
is alleged, accused Gross of having sold liquor to a minor, and offered to keep quiet about the
violation of law if he (Gross) would put up $25 - if he did not there would be trouble. Westbrook
was in Blue Mound on Saturday, and along about 9 o'clock in the forenoon the two men met near the
railroad crossing. Westbrook had an open knife in his hand. Gross asked Westbrook if he had
written the blackmailing letter, and he answered that he did. One report is that Westbrook
immediately stabbed Gross in the left breast, severing the fifth rib and cutting into the left
lung. Thereupon Gross knocked Westbrook down, but on feeling the pain in his breast and seeing
the blood he left the prostrate man and was cared for by friends. Drs. Harvey and Foster attended
him and Dr. Bush, of Springfield, was called to see the wounded man on Tuesday.
Westbrook was immediately taken in custody. He was held to answer without bail,
and narrowly escaped lynching. The officer managed to lodge the prisoner safely in the county
jail on Saturday night, and he will remain there until his case comes up for trial.
Mr. Gross was a man aged about 43 years, and leaves a widow and a child nine years
old. He was a son of Charles Gorss and was a member of an old and highly respected family.
He owned a farm of 120 acres near Blue Mound and several pieces of property in the village.
The feeling against Westbrook is very strong. The assault is regarded as entirely unprovoked.
Blue Mound, Ill., July 7 - Wm. Gross, the saloonkeeper who was stabbed by Enos
Westbrook last Saturday morning, is dead. He died about 9 a.m. this morning. He became very
restless Tuesday night and about midnight got up from his couch and ran into the kitchen and
tried to get out doors, saying he wanted to get home, and it was with some difficulty that his
attendants succeeded in getting him back to bed; and again on Wednesday at noon he suddenly arose
from his couch and jumped through a window into the yard, and in attempting to climb the fence he
fell and was caught by the attendants and taken back to his bed. Soon after this his hands and
feet became cold and clammy and he began to weaken and gradually grew weaker until death. An
inquest will be held this afternoon, after which arrangements will be made for burial. Our entire
community are in deep sympathy.
Decatur Daily Republican, 7 Jul 1887
Born: 11 Oct 1895
Died: 19 Nov 1939
GRUBB, Samuel A.
Born: 14 Dec 1899 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 24 Aug 1966 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Macon Co Memorial Park Cem, Macon County, IL
Parents: George W. & Marie (Hathoway) Grubb
Married: 15 Jan 1921 to Ethel Faye Reed
Married: 17 Mar 1931 in Jacksonville, Il to Hattie Walden
Children: 1st marrige Albert, Viola
GRUBBS, William A.
DIED - At Hot Springs, Arkansas, on Sunday, February 14, aged 35 years. Mr. Grubbs
has many friends in this city whose hearts will be saddened to hear of his death. He was local
editor of The Review in 1882. He was a painstaking writer, a great worker and a gentleman
in all the walks of his life. He has since been employed by the Graham Paper company of St. Louis
as a traveling salesman and was much respected by his employers and patrons.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Feb 1886
GRUVER, Nathan 
Veteran of Civil War and Member of Dunham Post
Nathan Gruver, eighty-three years old died at 5:46 Friday morning at his home in Mt Zion.
His death was caused by congestion of the kidneys and of the brain. He had been in failing health for a
long time. He was born at Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 5. 1830. He came here at the close of the war and for
several years worked as a brick molder. A few years ago he moved to Mt. Zion. His wife died many years ago.
He was a veteran of the civil war and a member of Dunham post, 141, G.A.R. He is survived by a stepdaughter,
Mrs. Sarah Jones, and one brother, Will Gruver, of Branch, Mo. He also has a sister in Missouri and one
in Ohio.
The body was brought to the Dawson undertaking establishment and prepared for burial, and
the funeral will be held there at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.T. Finer. The interment
will be in Greenwood.
Members of Dunham post, G.A.R., are requested to assemble at hall, William and Main Streets,
at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon to attend funeral of Nathan Gruber of Mt Zion. Members of W.R.C. and Sons
of Veterans also are to attend.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 19 Sep 1913, pg. 14
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