The Venerable Father of Henry and Louis Bachrach
At an early hour this morning at his home in Bloomington, Aaron Bachrach passed away
in death, aged 84 years, leaving a widow, aged 82 years, and five sons and one daughter. The sons
are Henry Bachrach, the clothing merchant of Decatur; Louis Bachrach, also of Decatur; Charles
Bachrach, of Chicago; John Bachrach, of Bloomington, and Abe Bachrach, of Bloomington, Delaware. The
daughter is mrs. D.F. Bloomer, of Bloomington.
The deceased in his lifetime was in business in Baltimore, Maryland, but has lived in
Bloomington since 1886. He had been married 56 years, and in 1889 the golden wedding of the couple
was celebrated.
The funeral will be held at Bloomington to-morrow, and tonight Mr. and Mrs. C.H.
Bachrach and Louis Bachrach will go to Bloomington to attend the services. The "Cheap Charley"
store will remain closed until after the funeral as a mark of respect.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 9 Jan 1896
Veteran Decatur Merchant Expires in Michigan
His Picnics for Children Were Memorable Events
Henry Bachrach (Cheap Charley), big hearted man and good citizen longer in the retail
clothing business than any other man in Decatur, and for many years one of the leading citizens of
this city, died suddenly Sunday afternoon at Charlevoix, Mich., where he and Mrs. Bachrach had been
visiting for just a week. Mr. Bachrach was sixty-nine years old last May. His death was caused by
angina pectoris, a common form of heart trouble.
Several years ago Mr. Bachrach suffered some from heart trouble but it seemed to have left him entirely,
and for two years had seemingly been in perfect health. He seemed aw well as ever
when he and Mrs. Bachrach left for Charlevoix, expecting to spend a few weeks among the lakes, and
the first intimation of the members of his family here had of his illness was a telegram received
Sunday afternoon by his son Dr. Benjamin Bachrach, from a personal friend, Dr. Armstrong of Charlevoix,
saying, "Come at once your father has a bad attack of angina." Shortly afterward another message came
announcing his death and then came a message from Harry L. Oldham, formerly of Decatur, saying he had
taken Mrs. Bachrach to his home, where she would remain till members of the family arrived from
Decatur. |
Dr. Benjamin Bachrach and Edgar Bachrach left on the next train for Charlevoix. They
expect to return with their mother and the body of Henry Bachrach either Wednesday night or Thursday
forenoon. No arrangements for the funeral will be made until word is received from them. The body
will be taken to the Monson & Wilcox chapel on its arrival.
BORN IN 1848
Henry Bachrach was born in Baltimore, Md., May 27, 1848. At the tender age of twelve
years he had to get out in the world and hustle for himself. Naturally, he had little education to
start with, but he learned in the big school of experience which is the final course in which every
successful man must qualify to be a success, and he qualified abundantly. He first went to Washington,
D.C. where he had no difficulty in finding a job.
He saved his money, and seeing an opening at Wheeling, W.Va., he went there and worked
for several years always saving with the idea of getting into business for himself. In 1869 he went
to Chicago and started in the clothing business in a small way. He remained in business there until
1877, and then decided to find a location in some growing town, preferably in Iowa. On his way to
Iowa he stopped off at Decatur. He gave this town the 'once over' and it looked good to him. The
result was that he and I. Kaufman entered into partnership and started a clothing store on Water
street in the room just north of the Millikin bank. The firm name was Kaufman & Bachrach and
they continued in partnership until 1884, when Mr. Bachrach bought out his partner's interest and
conducted the business alone. As his children grew up he took them into the store with him, but he
first gave them the educational advantages that were denied him when he was a boy. All remained with
him except his second son, Dr. Benjamin Bachrach who chose a professional career.
Mr. Bachrach was always a man of keen business sense. Only once was he at a loss to
know what to do in an emergency, and that was only for a short time and he met that emergency broadside
on and won. That was in 1883. A man came here from no one knew where and rented a room on the west
side of Lincoln Square. He had a big stock of clothing, advertised it as slightly damaged from smoke
and water and proceeded to hold a "fire" sale, disposing of the goods at prices lower than local
merchants could buy them. It seemed evident that he had secured the stock without paying for it and
intended turning it into cash as quickly as possible. He was doing a rushing business and the other
clothing stores of the city were selling no goods at all.
Without giving a word to any one, Henry Bachrach went to Chicago and bought a big tent
and a big stock of cheap clothing, hats, etc., and had it shipped to Decatur. He hired men to set up
the tent on a vacant lot opposite what is now the Guards armory on East Main street, and there the stock
of goods was unloaded and placed on tables and racks. Mr. Bachrach hired the Goodman band, and there
was a street parade with banners, giving the location of the "Fire Tent" and advertising "clothing at
your own price." A fire bell was hung in front of the tent and was rung at frequent intervals. All
the clerks wore firemen's helmets. In a little while the "fire sale" on Lincoln Square had no patrons.
Everybody was at the "fire tent" on East Main street. There, in addition to selling goods
as fast as they could be handed out, Mr. Bachrach had something going on all the time to interest the
crowd and keep it there. In a few days the "fire sale" on Lincoln Square went out of business. The
first day's sales at the "fire tent" amounted to over $1,600. Goods were practically given away. Mr.
Bachrach lost some money, but not as much as if the "fire sale" on Lincoln Square had continued all
season. It was quickly over, and the fun he had helped to balance the books, for he had never had so
much fun in his life.
In 1884 Mr. Bachrach moved to his present location. He finally bought the property he
occupied, and has been there ever since, always enjoying a big patronage. He knew Decatur real estate
values as well as any one in the city, and he bought other business properties when bargain prices
prevailed. He bought the row of buildings on the south side of Prairie avenue, extending from Water
street west to the old Universalist church from the Powers estate in 1907 for $65,000. In 1912 S.S.
Kresge of Detroit took an option on the property at $110,000, putting up $5,000 to bind the bargain.
Before the option expired Mr. Bachrach gave back the $5,000 and declared the deal off. Several years
ago Mr. Bachrach sold the building just north of the Brunswick hotel for about twice what he paid for
it a few years before.
For twenty years or more Mr. Bachrach gave an annual picnic at the farm of A.C. Birks,
two miles west of Harristown, where he entertained the children of his own neighborhood, their parents,
and many of his old patrons, both from the city and the country. When the picnics were not held at the
Birks farm they were held at Tom Scroggin's farm. Several hundred people attended each picnic.
Mr. Bachrach was an enthusiastic baseball fan. he was one of the men who could always
be depended on to stand back of the home team with financial and moral support. He never missed a
game if it could be avoided.
He and Charles Luax started the movement among the business men on Lincoln Square that
resulted in the erection of the present Transfer house. The street railway company had a wooden
building there, but it was small and unattractive. The street railway company did not feel inclined
to go to the expense of putting up a handsome a building as Mr. Bachrach and Mr. Laux proposed, so they
went among the other merchants and raised enough money to pay the difference. For many years afterward
each merchant who contributed had a big sign painted on the inside walls of the Transfer house. These
signs were works of art in keeping with the building.
Mr. Bachrach was broad and liberal in his views. He gave much to charity. When he first
went into business for himself he called his place "Cheap Charley's Store." Many years ago he tried to
drop that title but it always stuck, and even yet people often refer to his place of business under
its old title. Mr. Bachrach was always proud of his family and encouraged his children in every way
possible. He and Miss Tillie Hamburger were married in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 15, 1872. She and the
following seven children survive him: Albert Bachrach, Miss Mattie Bachrach, Dr. Benjamin Bachrach,
Sidney Bachrach, Edgar Bachrach, Mrs. Helen Goldfinger, all of Decatur, and Mrs. S.L. Smith of
Philadelphia. A son, Louis Bachrach died in Philadelphia, March 19, 1913. There are two grandsons,
Henry P. Goldfinger and Henry Bachrach II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bachrach.
News of Mr. Bachrach's death came as a shock to his friends and business acquaintances.
He was one of the best known men in Central Illinois and was held in high regard by all.
The only secret order Mr. Bachrach was a member of is the Odd Fellows, which he joined
early in life. He lacked only a few months of being a fifty year member.
Decatur Review, 23 Jul 1919
The funeral of Henry Bachrach will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morning at the family
residence, 453 West Prairie avenue. The interment will be in Fairlawn. The funeral had been set
for Thursday morning but word was received from Miss Mattie Bachrach that she could not reach
Decatur until Thursday afternoon, so the services were postponed a day.
The body arrived in Decatur Wednesday afternoon at 4:35 and was taken at once to the
family residence. Mrs. Bachrach, Dr. Benjamin Bachrach, Edgar Bachrach and Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Smith accompanied the body.
The death of Mr. Bachrach was sudden and apparently without suffering. He and Mrs.
Bachrach had intended calling on Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Oldham, formerly of Decatur, who have been
living in Charlevoix for the past few years. Mr. Bachrach left his wife in their apartments at
the hotel about 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon, telling her he would wait for her in the hotel office.
A moment after he stepped into the corridor, Mrs. Bachrach heard him fall. She ran to him and
found him unconscious. She called for help, and Mr. Bachrach was carried into his room and
physicians summoned. Mr. Bachrach did not regain consciousness and died a few moments after the
arrival of the doctors.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 26 July, 1917
Chief Clerk of Wabash Car Department Many Years
Entered Sergeant, Became Major in Three Years
Major Julius G. Badenhausen died at 10:00 oclock Wednesday night at the
family residence, 600 West Main Street. Major Badenhausen had been in poor health for
the past three years and had been failing steadily during that time. For about three
weeks he was confined to his home, and during most of that time was unable to leave his
bed. For about a week his condition has been regarded as critical and it was known for
several days that there was no chance for his recovery. He would have been 67 years old
next month.
Major Badenhausen was one of the best-known men in Decatur because of the
long connection with the Wabash and of his active interest in religious and reform
movements. He came here in 1886. He was chief clerk in the office of M. M. Martin,
superintendent of the Wabash car department. When Mr. Martin died no successor was
appointed and the work was done by Major Badenhausen along with his other duties. Three
years ago when his health began to fail he resigned his position.
Mr Badenhausen was one of the Kansel, Germany, where he was born March 16,
1841. When he was 13 years old he came to New York. There he attended school, later
taking a position in the shop of John Stevenson a pioneer builder of carriages and
streetcars in New York. He learned the trade under Mr. Stevenson and was still in his
employ when the Civil was broke out.
In 1862 he enlisted in the Union army as sergeant in the One Hundred
and Seventy-Sixth New York Infantry and went to New Orleans. He was captured near
Brashear City, La., June 23, 1862 and for about a year and a half was confined in
one of the southern prisons. He was exchanged as a prisoner of war in the fall of
1864 and rejoined his regiment. Later that year he was mustered out of the service
at New Orleans, but reenlisted and was commissioned Capitan and assigned to Co. B,
Sixteenth United States regulars, which were assigned to duty in Texas.
Later he was appointed to a position on the staff of General F. G. Herron
and later transferred to Co. D of the Eighty-Forth Infantry, and sent to Fort Hudson,
where he was appointed provost marshal. March 15, 1865, he was brevet major. When
this news reached Mr. Stevenson his old employer, Mr. Stevenson sent Mr. Badenhausen
a new majors uniform and a handsome officers sword. In April 1866 Major Badenhausen
was mustered out of the service at New Orleans.
He married Miss Nora Hanrahan at Baton Rouge, La., June 15, 1867. Nine
children were born to them, six of whom are living. They continued to reside in the
south and Major Badenhausen was prominent during the reconstruction days. For a
number of years he was a member of the board of education in New Orleans. Later he
was elected mayor of McComb City, Miss., and was the first and only Republican ever
to hold that office. For long time he was connected with the Illinois Central railroad
in Mississippi, first as a storekeeper and later as chief clerk in the machinery
department. He resigned that position and moved to New York, and came from there to
Decatur in 1886 to take the position as chief clerk in the Wabash car department.
He was member to Grace Methodist church, and was also prominent among
the Knights of Pythias and the G.A.R. He is survived by his wife and the following
children; F. W. Badenhausen of Springfield, George H. Badenhausen of Sacramento, Cal.,
Mrs. H. G. Macmasters of Sacramento, Cal., and Misses Anna, Jane and Mary Badenhausen,
all of Decatur. He also leaves two brothers, Philip and Henry Badenhausen, both of New
York, and Mrs. F. H. Heytenreich of Pasadena, Cal.
Mrs. Badenhausen and all the children, except George H. Badenhausen were
present at the time of Major Badenhausen s death. The funeral will be held at 2:30
Saturday afternoon from Grace Methodist church. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 24 December 1908, pg. 7
BAER, Sarah Jane (Ash)
Harristown Woman Suffered Complications of Gall Bladder
Mrs. Sarah Jane Baer died in her home in Harristown at 12:05 o'clock Saturday
morning. Death was due to complications of the gall bladder.
Mrs. Baer was born in Indiana Dec. 18, 1848, and married Adam Baer in LaFayetter,
Ind., Sept. 14, 1882, where she had resided ever since. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peyton Ash, who were very well known in that vicinity. She was a member of the Christian
church of Harristown.
She leaves the following children: Bertha, Clinton, Clay, all of near Harristown,
Floyd of oreana, and Peyton of Glendale, Cal. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Margaret Baer of
Blackwell, Ok. They Peyton sisters married Baer brothers.
The body was removed to the Dawson & Wikoff's undertaking establishment.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Monday in the Christian church of Harristown.
Burial will be in Harristown cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 11 Aug 1928
The funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Jane Baer will be conducted in the First Christian
church of Harristown Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The burial will be in the Harristown
Decatur Herald, 12 Aug 1928
Asa Bailey of Blue Mound Steps in Front of Revolver
Blue Mound, Dec. 31 - Stepping in front of a revolver his cousin was trying to
fix, Asa Bailey, aged nineteen, the son of Mrs. Melissa bailey, a widow, was shot through the
right lung by the premature discharge of the weapon shortly before midnight.
The young man walked twenty feet into the house past his mother, saying as he
passed her:
"I'm not hurt much, mother."
He lay down on the bed and was dead in twelve minutes.
The shooting was done by David Bailey, who with his brother and one other brother,
came to Blue Mound Saturday night from the south part of the state. The shooting was purely
The four young men, Asa, David, twenty-two, David's brother, and their friend,
had been uptown all evening, coming home shortly before midnight to celebrate the coming of
the new year. Mrs. Bailey and her married daughter, who lives at home, were present.
The young men had a shotgun and a revolver to give a noisy welcome. The
revolver refused to work and David Bailey was turning the cylinder when his cousin walked
in front of him to see what was the matter. Just then the gun exploded.
The shot penetrated Asa Bailey's right lung about the middle, entering the
body just below the collar bone. The revolver was a 32 calibre weapon.
Dr. J.B. Matthew was called, but the boy was dead when he reached the house.
Coroner Buxton was notified. He will hold the indquest today.
Alva McCrafic and William Copeland, neighbors, were called to the Bailey
house immediately after the shooting. Marshal Black arrived there a few minutes later.
The Baileys live in the southwest part of Blue Mound. Mrs. Bailey is a
widow living on a small government pension. Her son had been working for the Ryan
brothers out of Blue Mound gathering corn, but had come home to spend New Year's.
Mrs. Bailey has three other sons, all married, and two married daughters.
The single daughter lives at home.
The shooting was entirely accidental. The young men were fast friends.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 1 Jan 1911
BAILEY, Baby Son
The baby son of Frank Bailey died Sunday morning of pneumonia at the family
residence, three and a half miles west of Boody. The funeral services will be held at
Blue Mound church Tuesday. They will be conducted by Rev. W.W. Theobald.
The Daily Review, Monday, 16 May 1904
BAILEY, Richard Earl
Born: 17 Sep 1942 in Kenosha, WI
Died: 09 Apr 1946 in Decatur Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Jim & Viola Ruth (Grubb) Bailey
BAILEY, William Henry
William Henry Bailey, Decatur's first police captain, known to all his many acquaintances
as "Cap" Bailey, died at 3:30 Monday afternoon in the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.R. Higman,
217 West Grand Avenue. He would have been 68 years old had he lived until next Sunday.
For two years, since Monday, Feb 9, 1914, when he suffered a paralytic stroke, Captain
Bailey had been ill, and confined to his home. After the first, he suffered three other paralytic
strokes, each more severe than the proceeding one. On June 16,1915, and on last Thanksgiving
day he had paralysis attack him, but he recovered.
The last stroke, which was the immediate cause of death, occurred Sunday morning. Mr. Bailey
had been suffering from a slight attack of uremic poisoning, but was not ill enough to go to
bed. Early Sunday morning he became unconscious and never rallied. Monday he again became
semi-conscious, however, and realized that his end was near.
Born in Jonesboro, Tenn., Jan 9, 1848, Mr. Bailey moved to Decatur when he was 20 years old,
and has lived here practically since. He was by occupation a carpenter, and followed his trade
for several years.
He was captain of the Decatur police under William W. Mason, police chief for several years.
Prior to being captain of police, Mr. Bailey had been a patrolman on the force for several years.
In all, he served about 15 years on the police force.
No one who ever knew Mr. Bailey's record as a patrolman and later as a police captain ever
questioned his courage. He had not been on the force two weeks when a "crazy Negro" ran amuck
with a gun, shooting at everyone in sight. He was cornered in a basement stairway which opened
from the street alongside the old Central block, and stood a dense crowd at bay with his loaded
revolver, but Bailey went down and got him.
Bailey and several other officers met several suspicious characters in North Water street
north of the Wabash railroad, just after a week in which safes in many nearby towns had been
blown open. The theory was that the safe blowers had their headquarters in Decatur. When
Bailey and the other patrolmen suddenly met two strangers, Bailey asked them who they were
and what they were doing. Without replying they opened fire with revolvers.
What the other two officers did never was told, but everybody in Decatur knew what Bailey
did. When the smoke cleared away one of the strangers was on the sidewalk, and Bailey was on
top of him, wounded by the fire from one of the men's revolvers. Early in the fight a bullet
had hit him in the left breast.
The wound staggered him a minute, but he came back, emptying his gun at one of the strangers,
who had commenced a retreat. The fellow disappeared around a corner. Bailey started in pursuit
of the other man, who was 50 yards in the lead, and running hard. Good luck was on the
patrolman's side and the "bad man" tripped and fell. Bailey's revolver had been emptied or he
probably would have killed the man. He jumped on the man, poked his revolver in his face,
disarmed his, and took him to headquarters. The man proved to be a famous safe blower and was
sent to the penitentiary for a long term.
The day after the shooting a strange man called at a physician's office in Sullivan and had
a bullet cut from his back. He walked away from the office without giving his name or any
explanation. The bullet was the same size used in Bailey's gun.
When the bullet from the safe blower's gun struck him, Bailey's life was saved by an accident.
The bullet pierced his clothes, struck the course of the body around to the back. Later it
fell from his clothes. Where the bullet struck Bailey, there was a big black bruise and his
clothes were powdered burned.
After leaving the police department, Mr. Bailey was in business in Indiana for several years.
Then he moved back to Decatur and retired from active life. Since the time that he suffered
his first stroke, he and his wife lived with their daughter.
Besides his wife, Josephine, he leaves a son, William F. Bailey of Mattoon, a daughter, Mrs.
W.R. Higman of Decatur, as well as one granddaughter. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs.
Joseph Graham, Mrs. Alice Smith, and Mrs. Samantha Price, and one brother, James Bailey, all of
Ray, Colorado.
Mr. Bailey had been a member of the Coeur de Leon lodge No. 17 K. of P., for 29 years. He
was also a jovial disposition, even during his affliction, and remained cheerful until his
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Jan 1916
BAIN, Thomas Taylor
Thomas T. Bain Sick at Great Lakes
(A large portion of this article is unreadable) - Thomas Taylor, _ who is in training at Great
Lakes and who was just recovering from a serious operation which he underwent nearly two weeks ago (next
several lines are unreadable) - but word came yesterday that he was worse again. He is receiving the
best of care at the hospital at the camp. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bain, and brother, James
Bain, Jr., have visited him twice since he has been ill.
Mr. Bain went to Great Lakes three weeks ago and was at the camp only a week before he
was taken ill and had the operation. His brother was with him at the time of the operation. Before
going into the service Mr. Bain was a machinist at the Wabash. He has five sisters; Mrs. Walter Behrends
and Mrs. Clarence Harrish of Decatur; Mrs. Charles Nye of Taylorville; Mrs. Tracy of Peoria and Miss
Janie Bain of Decatur.
Decatur Review, 24 Jun 1918
The body of Thomas T. Bain, the Decatur soldier who died Monday afternoon at the Great
Lakes naval training station, will arrive in Decatur Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held from
the English Lutheran church probalby on Friday. He is the first one of the 20 boys from the church
in the service to die.
Decatur Review, 9 Jul 1918
The body of Thomas T. Bain, who died at the Great Lakes naval training station Monday
arrived in Decatur Wednesday morning and was taken to Moran's chapel. It will be removed to the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bain, 1661 East Condit street this evening.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 from the English Lutheran church. Rev.
R.G. Catlin will be in charge of the services. Burial will take place in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, 10 Jul 1918
BAIR, Charles Wesley
Services Conducted by Rev. C.F. McKown
Burial in Charge of Dunham Post G.A.R.
From the Daily of Monday - Funeral services over the remains of the
late Charles W. Bair were held at the residence, six miles west of the city a 10
oclock Sunday morning. The Rev. C. F. McKown, pastor of the M.E. Church at Harristown,
conducted the services at the house. During the service Rev. McKown read the following
touching on the life of the deceased.
Charles Wesley Bair was born March 1, 1849. Married to Susan Walker,
January 1, 1867. Born of this union 12 children, 11 of whom still survive, one John,
having departed this life August 19, 1897. The rest of the children living are Mrs Ella
Wray, Frank, Willis, Samuel, Ira, Wis___, Luther, Cora, Emma, Perry and Ida Bair. Mr. Bair
departed this life December 17, 1897 aged 55 years, nine months and 16 days.
He was a member of Dunham Post No 141 G. A. R. and served three years during
the was in the 106th Illinois Infantry. He was a good citizen and a friendly neighbor and
a kind husband and father. After an illness of many weeks he died in peace. A number of
members of Dunham Post attended the funeral going out in a sled. The Post furnished the
pallbearers and preformed the G.A.R. burial service at the grave. The burial was in the
Wyckles cemetery, four mile west of the city. The members of Dunham Post in attendance
were Commander W. F. Calhoun, Tom Postwell, acting chaplain, I. N. Martin Sr., George V.
Loring, W. C. Martin, Peter Hoffman, R. H. Johnson, D. B. Laud__nad and Florence McCarty.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 23 Dec 1897, pg. 7
Note: Wyckles Cemetery AKA Sharon Cemetery
BAKER, Amzi H. 
Called Suddenly on Thursday Morning at His Home
A Man Widely Known and Generally Respected
Amzi H. Baker, the veteran ticket agent of the Wabash railroad at the depot,
died very suddenly a few minutes before 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Aug. 17, at his home,
1001 East William Street. His death was caused by neuralgia of the heart. The announcement
of his death was a great shook to his many friends all over the city, who were not even
aware that he was in poor health. Mr. Baker usually retired shortly after 1 o'clock in
the morning, his duties keeping him at the office until that time. He usually 'slept until
about 9 o'clock in the morning. Thursday morning he went home from the office at his usual
hour and appeared to be in his usual health. He made no complaint and slept until about
7 o'clock. Then he awoke and complained of terrible pains in his chest.
Dr. J. H. Eddy, who lives near by, was summoned and arrived in ten minutes.
He gave Mr. Baker some medicine and administered a hypodermic injection. Mr. Baker rested
easier after that and about 9 o'clock went back to sleep again. He appeared to sleep real
well, but when he awoke, a little before 10 o'clock, he told his wife that he feared those
pains were coming back again. Dr. Eddy was summoned again, but Mr. Baker lost consciousness
almost immediately and was dead in five minutes and before the doctor arrived.
Mr. Baker was born Sept. 9,1830, in Long Creek, near the Antioch church, and
lived in Macon county all his life. Until he was 18 years old he remained on the farm with
his parents, and then came to Decatur and learned the plasterer's trade. He worked at this
until the .war broke out, when he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois.
He remained with the regiment until it was mustered out three years later.
After the war Mr Baker went to work in the Wabash baggage room and worked
there until the St. Louis branch of the road was built, when he accepted a position as
train baggage man between St. Louis and Decatur. He left that position to become ticket
agent at the depot, which he has held for over fifteen years. He was probably the oldest
man in the employ of the Wabash in Decatur in time service.
Mr. Baker was twice married. His first wife was Miss Anna White, whom he
married in March,1857. To this union seven sons were born, all of whom died except Joseph
Baker who is now running as passenger brakeman on the Wabash between Decatur and Bluffs.
His wife died in May, 1878. In April, 1891, Mr. Baker married, Miss Ella Macmasters, who
survives him. Mr. Baker is survived by two brothers and one sister, J.N. Baker of Decatur,
J. W. Baker of Gladstone, Ills., and Mrs. Sylvester C. Davis of Long Creek. He also leaves
a grandson, Walter Neal Baker, who resides with his grandmother, Mrs. Gates, on South Water
Mr. Baker was a member of Macon lodge, No. 8, and Macon chapter. No. 21,
Masons and of Dunham Post. 141, G. A. R. He became a member of the First M.E. Church
early in life.
Mr. Baker was one of the best known men In the city, and had scores of
friends. He was a very pleasant man to meet and could tell more interesting stories
relating to early railroading in Decatur than any other man in the city. Everybody liked
him. 'He was always kind and courteous in a position where a mans patience is often severely
tried. The news of his death is received by all with profound regret. The funeral
will be held Saturday afternoon, but the time and place will be decided on later.
Amzi Bake was the oldest in time of service and the best known railroad
man n Decatur. For fifteen years in the capacity of depot ticket agent he has perhaps
transacted business with more Decatur people than any other man in the city. He thus
gained an unusually wide acquaintance. Always courteous and obliging, hundreds will
remember him kindly or favors he has done them and the news of his sudden death was a
shock to more people than would be that of any other man who could be readily mentioned. He
was a model ticket agent. He was a dignified, courteous, genial gentleman. Nobody ever
got a discourteous answer at the ticket window. The multitude of petty annoyances that
belong to the position of ticket agent never ruffled his temper. Not that he had no temper,
for there was no man who could resent an infringement of his rights more promptly. It was
the schooling of a gentleman of an earlier generation, which, a railroad official yesterday
remarked, is not to 'be found in the present generation.
As an instance of his readiness to oblige: A young woman came to the window
to buy a ticket to a point several hundred miles distant. She discovered when she came to
pay for it that she did not have money enough by a dollar or two. She was a stranger
to Mr. Baker and did not even live in Decatur. It was impossible for her to communicate
with her friends in the limited time before her train left, and it was important for her
to continue her journey. Mr. Baker sold her the ticket, making himself responsible for
the return trip, and as they always did she repaid the money on the return trip. In only
one instance was his confidence betrayed in befriending a man, and then his wrath was so
swift and sure that restitution was promptly made.
Amzi Baker entered the Wabash service in 1869, when he became express
messenger on the first passenger train out of St. Louis over the St. Louis branch of
the Wabash. He was in the train service several years and then became assistant station
baggage man under William Dodson, holding this position seven years. He left the employ
of the railroad to become day clerk in the Central hotel. Some months after this a
vacancy occurred In the Wabash ticket office and he was appointed assistant to Charles
Brown, now of the Brown Manufacturing company, who was there in charge of the office.
With Mr. Brown's resignation he became chief in the office, which position he held till
the time of his death.
His accuracy in handling the details of the office throughout this long
period, or his uprightness in dealing with the company and the public, have never been
brought into question. The company will miss a faithful servant and the traveling public
a friend.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 18 Aug 1899, pg. 3
BAKER, Blanche
Decatur Woman Killed in Collision Near Joliet
Miss Blanche Baker Meets Instant Death in Collision
Condition of Two Others in Car Regarded as Critical
Miss Blanche Baker of Decatur, was instantly killed and her mother and brother were
seriously injured Sunday evening at about 8 o'clock in a head-on collision in Route 7 near Joliet.
The mother, Mrs. Etta Baker, 49, owner of the Baker hotel in 150 South Main street, was
taken to the Silver Cross hospital in Joliet.
Her son, Stuart Baker, salesman for the Frede Chevrolet Co., in Decatur, also was taken
to the Silver Cross hospital.
Mrs. Baker received severe lacerations on the head and body, and general bruises. Stuart
Baker's jaw was broken, most of the teeth on one side of his mouth were knocked out and he received deep
bruises. He is a former Millikin student.
The body of Miss Baker was taken to a funeral home in Morris. The accident occurred about
half-way between Morris and Joliet, specifically 13 miles west of Joliet.
Neither Mrs. Baker nor her son, both of whom were suffering from severe shock early Monday
morning was able to account for the accident.
The son, in a half-conscious condition, muttered to nurses in the hospital that "all of a
sudden the other car piled into us."
Monday morning police of Joliet, were seeking to ascertain the identity of the motorist whose
car collided with the Baker machine. He was to be placed under arrest on an open charge pending the conducting
of an inquest. He was reported not to be seriously injured, but to have received only cuts and bruises of a
minor nature.
Authorities were also awaiting a favorable moment to question both Mrs. Baker and Stuart Baker
concerning the cause of the accident. Both were unable to make any sort of a statement Sunday night, and were
to be examined by X-ray for internal injuries. Their condition is critical.
The inquest will be delayed pending the outcome of the condition of Mrs. Baker and her son.
Stuart Baker was driving the baker car. It is believed that the Bakers were on the way to
Chicago. None of the roomsers in the Baker hotel knew of their plans. The hotel is operated without a room
clerk and is more of a rooming house than a hotel.
The collision occurred shortly after darkness had fallen, and while the hard road was crowded
with Chicago and other motorists returning home after Sunday afternoon trips.
Passing motorists said the crash might have been caused by bright lights.
The damaged cars blockaded the hard road and motorists got out of their cars and gave what
assistance they could to the injured persons. Telephone calls were made both to Morris and Joliet and
ambulances from both cities responded. A physician who came on one of the emergency calls pronounced
Miss Baker dead. She had recieved major internal injuries and was cut severely.
Attendants of the Silver Cross hospital said that Mrs. Baker had not been informed of her
daughter's death. When brought into the hospital, Mrs. Baker was unconscious but was revived later.
The Baker family came to Decatur a few months ago from Mt. Pulaski, where they had operated
a hotel.
Stuart Baker is well-known among Decatur automobile men and others. He was well known as
a careful and experienced driver, and in connection with his selling work for Frede's had frequently
demonstrated cars. He is 22 years old.
Blance Baker leaves her mother and her brother, and an uncle, Jess Stuart of Mt. Pulaski.
Mr. Stuart is proprietor of a restaurant in Mt. Pulaski.
A coroner's inquest into Miss Baker's death is to be held in Morris by the Grundy county
Funeral arrangements will be made after Mrs. Baker and her son are able to confer with
Mr. Stuart and other relatives.
Decatur Evening Herald, Monday Evening, 4 May 1931
BAKER, Blanche, 3:30 Thursday afternoon in Dawson & Wikoff chapel. Burial in Fairlawn.
Decatur Evening Herald, Wednesday Evening, 6 May 1931
Funeral services were Thrusday afternoon in the Dawson & Wikoff chapel for Blanche
Baker, who was killed in an auto accident near Joliet Sunday. Her mother, Mrs. Etta Baker, who was
injured in the crash, was able to return to Decatur for the services.
Steady improvement is reported in the condition of Stuart Baker, who received a broken
jaw and internal injuries in the accident. He is in the Silver Cross hospital, Joliet.
Decatur Evening Herald, Thursday Evening, 7 May 1931
BAKER, Edward Lee
Mrs Anna M. Downey, 454 South Water Street, received a message from the
war department Thursday stating that her son Edward L. Baker was killed in action in
France October 18. He enlisted at Allentown, Pa. and was in an infantry regiment. He
was twenty-three years old. He had been in France since last April. His brother,
Sergeant William B. Baker, and a half-brother, Everett Downey, are also in France.
Another brother, Sergeant Fred L. Baker, is at Fortress Monroe, and another brother
and two sisters, Charles L. Baker, Mrs Ralph Chenoweth and Mrs Fred Page, also survive
He was a member of Headquarters Fifth brigade, third division, Infantry,
and until he went to France was stationed a Camp Greene, Charlotte N. C.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 29 November 1918, pg. 11
BAKER, Gail Louise
Death: Monday, October 3, 1938 at St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur
Birth: in Decatur, April 14, 1936
Burial: not mentioned
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker
Survivors: her parents; brothers, Byron Lee and Larry Richard; Sister, Caroline Jene;
grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. H.E. Baker of Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Scogin of Clint.
BAKER, Jacob L.
Jacob L Baker died yesterday morning at 7 o'clock at his residence on
Johns street, of blood poisoning. The deceased was an industrious carpenter and was
forty-six years old. He leaves a wife and two children. Mr Baker wan a member of the
Carpenters union and stood well in the estimation of his fellow-workmen He also belonged
to Dunham Post No 141 G.A.R. By his thrifty and industrious habit he had accumulated
some little property in this city.
Yesterday afternoon the remains were expressed to Salem, for interment.
His father was buried there and it was the wish of the family that be should also be
laid to rest there. The remains were accompanied from the residence to the depot by
members of the Carpenters union and the Grand Army Post. There were no services held
The Morning Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 31 December 1885, pg. 3.
BAKER, James H.
James H. Baker died at 5.30 Monday afternoon at his home, 1729 East Main
Street, aged 62 years. He was born in Columbus, O., Jan. 27, 1847. When a boy he came
to Illinois with his uncle, J. R, Race. He was a veteran of the Civil war, a member of
company E, One Hundred and Forty-Fifth Infantry. He leaves a wife and one son, a brother,
W. B. Baker of Decatur, and a half-brother, William Flagg, of Rantoul. The funeral will
be held Wednesday afternoon from Boiling Springs Church, the cortege leaving the house
at 1 o'clock.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 23 Mar 1909, pg. 10
BAKER, Marilla (Martin)
Late of One of the Pioneer Women of Macon County
DIED - In Long Creek township, at the home of her son, Rev. N.M. Baker, Aug. 28, 1893,
Mrs. Marilla Baker, in the 94th year of her age,
EDITORS DECATUR REPUBLICAN: As you have requested a sketch of the history of my mother,
who has left us so recently at the extreme age of almost ninety four years, I send you the following:
She was born in Lincoln county, North Carolina, on the 29th of September, 1799, of that
good old Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock whose influence was so powerfully felt in shaping the institutions
of this country. Her mother was a McCleary, whose father was wounded during the Revolution. Her father,
Josiah Martin, was also a soldier in the war of Independence, and fought for liberty at Guilford Courthouse
and at the Cowpens, and was near enough to the enemy's lines in the battle of King's Mountain to see the
fall of Gen. Ferguson, the British commander.
Mother was by no means a vigorous child, and her parents scarcely expected that she would live
to maturity. When she was about five years old the family removed to Rutherford county, Tenn., which was
then a new countty. Here she grew stronger and became a famous spinner of thread and weaver of cloth,
and thought nothing of riding horseback a distance of forty miles.
She was married to William D. Baker November 13, 1923, and continued to live for about five
years in the same neighborhood. But although her father owned slaves slavery was very distasteful to her
and to my father, and with the double purpose of getting a home for themselves, they came to Illinoise
in 1828, spent one winter in the Ward settlement and then settle don section 20, in township 16 north,
range 3 east, in what is now Long Creek township, from which they never removed. Here, of course, Mother's
life was that of the ordinary pioneer woman, subject to all their privations and trials. She nursed father
throughout a long and very dangerous illness when medical aid could not be secured, the nearest physician
residing in Springfield. During the Black Hawk war she spent days and nights of anxiety, rumor having
located the hostile Indians much further south than they really were. She was the mother of six children,
four of whom survive her.
It is surprising consider ing her ancestry that she became a charter member of the first
Presbyterian church organized in the county, which was the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Mt. Zion,
or that she continued in the communion of that denomination during her whole life, or that she trained up
her children in this respect to walk in her footsteps.
She taught her children patriotism, as well as religion, and her practice was equal to her
precept, for notwithstanding the tenderness of a mother for her youngest son, and the only one remaining
at home unmarried, when during the great Rebellion I heard my country's call and asked her permission
to go to its defence she commented with an alacrity which led me to suspect that she thought I might
have gone a little sooner.
But probably I have written enough as a son I could write pages of such a mother, and
still not exhaust the theme.
It may be of more interest to consider that causes that may have enabled her to live so
far beyond the average period; and I mention, first, a wonderful tenacity of life inherited from a
long line of frugal and temperate ancestors. Second, the simple diet of the pioneers, to which she
was accustomed the most of her life; she drank milk instead of coffee or tea until after middle age,
and had never used tobacco in any form. Third, her habit of being constantly engagted in some
useful occupation until after her eightieth year; fourth, her eveness of temper, her self-control.
I have seen mother somewhat aroused. I have seen her indignant. She knew how to say "No" in a
way that needed no repetition, but neither I, nor any of her children, nor anyone else, ever saw
her in a passion, and to this more than to any other one thing I attribute - her ninety four years.
But as an additional cause, I must not forget to mention her mental activity after physical labor
became impossible, and this will be sufficiently indicated by a partial list of books to the reading
of which she listed during the last few years when from the loss of sight she sat in almost
total darkness.
"Life and Labors of Livingstone," "Stanley's throught he Dark Continent and Congo
free state," "Aggasiz on the Amazon," Irving's "Life of Washington," "Columbus," "Mahomet," "Astoria,"
"Knickerbocker," "The Memoirs of Mrs. Judson," "Josephus," "Old North State," "Memoirs of Grant and
Sheridan," "The Light of the World." All that could be obtained with regard to Egypt and the Holy
Land, many church publications, Ben Hur and many other stories, for she was fond of fiction. To
all this must be added her weekly church pater and the general news of the day, and last but not
least her Bible. And to this activity of mind, for she thought of these things as well as heard
them, I attribute the fact that her mental powers remained but little impaired till near the very
May such lives be multiplied for they are a benediction to every home that shelter's
them." Yours truly, N.M. BAKER
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 1 Sep 1893
BAKER, Moses 
Moses Baker died at the home of his son-in-law, C.L. Flack, near Casner
at 5:30 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. 26. He was 72 years old and his death was caused more
by the infirmities of old age than any other disease. He is survived by four children,
Otis and Fillmore Baker, Mrs Smith Wining and Mrs. C. L. Flack. The funeral was held
at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon from the residence and the internment was at Long Creek
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 28 Oct 1897, pg. 3
BAKER, Nathan Martin
Aged Minister Victim of Influenza
Had Interesting Career - Writer and Preacher
Rev. N.M. Baker, one of the oldest and most widely known ministers of the city and
county, died at his home, 1019 North Union street, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Baker
had been ill for only a week. He suffered an attack of the influenze, which resulted in his
death. Up to a week ago he had been in good health for one of his age.
Mr. baker is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Burrill of Minneapolis; Mis Nellie
Baker, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Misses Emma and Clara Baker of Decatur. Mrs. Burrill is expected
to arrive in the city Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. N.M. Baker would have been eighty-five years old Oct. 21. He has led a
remarkable life, retained all his faculties to the last and was able better than any other man
in Macon county to talk interestingly of the intimate life of the people in the early days of
the county. In 1912 he wrote an interesting booklet for his grand-children, giving accounts of
happenings in the early days and telling of the customs and habits of the early settlers.
In 1913, Rev. Mr. Baker wrote another book on astronomy, of which he had been a
life-long student. His scholarship and rich store of experience made writing easy for him, and
some of the most interesting articles ever appearing in the local newspapers were written by
him. Mr. Baker was a minister, an instructor, and possessed a great deal of skill as a
mechanic. He built his own telescope. He wrote many splendid papers on historical subjects and
gave interesting addresses before the Macon County Historical society.
Perhaps no more interesting man has ever lived in Macon county. He was a preacher
for over half a century. He was the oldest minister in Macon county. He was born in Macon county
before Decatur was chartered. He was a minister in Macon coutny to wear a silk hat. He was a
chaplin in the Civil war. He retained the ownership of the farm on which he was born.
Mr. Baker's father, William D. Baker, was one of the early settlers of Macon
county. He came here from Tennessee in 1828 and settled on a farm in Long Creek township, not
far from North Fork church. This farm has always been retained by Rev. N.M. Baker. He was
born on the farm Oct. 11, 1837. His father paid the government $1.25 an acre for the land.
Mr. Baker entered the ministry in 1858 joining the Springfield Presbytery. When
the Decatur Presbytery was formed he was transferred. For the first six months after entering
the ministry he accompanied an older minister, who was a circuit rider. They traveled about
100 miles a week. His pay for that six months was only $7.50 and $2 of that proved to be
In 1862 Mr. Baker enlisted as a private in company C of the One Hundred and Fifteenth
Infantry, made up of young men from Mt. Zion and vicinity. He was made chaplain of the regiment and
served in that capacity till the regiment was mustered out.
On his return from the war, he took up farming and also preached at North Fork,
Argenta, Mt. Zion and Madison churches. In 1895 he moved to Lincoln to educate his children at
the Lincoln college. While there he taught astronomy in the college. He moved to Decatur in
1899 and this has been his home ever since.
Mr. Baker and Miss Sarah Price were married in 1864.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 May 1922
BAKER, Newton N.
Died - Mr. Newton N. Baker, one of the oldest settlers of our county, died at his
residence in Long Creek township this morning, aged about 70 years. He was the father of Amzi
H. Baker and Joseph N. Baker, of this city.
Daily Republican, 27 May 1872
BAKER, Mrs. R.W.
DIED, at Peoria, on Monday, August 19th, of puerperal hemorrhage, Mrs. R.W. Baker, wife of
Dr. Baker, aged 32 years. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Anderson, of Genoa, Neb.,
and was born at Harristown, this county. She leaves a babe a day old and another child three years
Decatur Weekly Republican, 22 Aug 1889
BALCH, Harriet
Mrs. Harriet Balch died of pneumonia Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 12 o'clock noon at her home
No. 820 North Monroe street. Mrs. Balch had been ill for a long time and her death was not entirely
unexpected. She was born in Chautauqua county, New York, in July 1824. She moved to Ohio in 1834,
and thence to Illinois in 1854, where they resided in Piatt county until eight years ago, when she
came to this city to reside. In 1856 she was married to Hershaw Balch, who died in the army in 1863,
leaving four children, two of whom survive the mother. They are Alfred Balch, of Cerro Gordo, and
Miss Mattie E. Balch, of this city. The remains were taken to Cerro Gordo Thursday noon, where the
funeral was held and the remains interred in the Peck cemetery.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 4 Feb 1893
Lindall, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldridge of 1117 St. Louis
avenue, died of heart trouble at 3:39 o'clock this morning. He was four months and nine
days old. The funeral will be held from the residence on Friday morning. Burial at
Daily Republican (Decatur), 27 Jul 1899
The funeral of Lindwll the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baldridge was
held this forenoon at 9 o'clock from the residence, 1117 St. Louis avenue. The services
were conducted by Rev., W.F. Gillmore and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 28 Jul 1899
BALDWIN, Florence Roxcenna (Adams)
Born: 17 May 1874 Knox, Starke Co. IN
Died: 26 June 1951, Decatur, Macon County, IL
Residence: 850 N. Water St., Decatur, Macon County, IL
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem., Macon Co., IL
Parents: Isaac O. Adams and Mary Elizabeth Weight from Starke Co., IN
Married: Joseph Baldwin
Children: Son - Forrest Baldwin
BALDWIN, Joseph Leslie
Born: 14 Mar 1867 in Porter Co. IN
Died: 5 Dec 1942 in Decatur, Macon County, IL
Buried: Mt Gilead Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: William & Hannah Crow Baldwin from Starke Co., IN
Married: Florence Adams
Children: Son - Forrest Baldwin
BALL, Elmer O.
Born: 1 Sep 1929 in Christian Co.
Died: Thursday, Aug. 21, 1997 in Shelbyville Manor
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery in Long Creek
Parents: Ora and Vernice Davidson Ball
Married: Evelyn Y. Richard Jan 29, 1954
Survivors: Wife
Daughter: Brenda Hanneken and husband Steve of Decatur
Sons: Larry and wife Becky and Ball [sic] and wife Celesta all of Decatur, Dwight and wife
Tammy of Illiopolis, Dwane and wife Jennifer of St. Joseph, Daniel and wife Debra of Dalton
City, Leland of Springfield
Brother: Orville of Decatur
Preceded in death by: parents, brother Everett Davidson, sister Gladys Lucille Ball and sister
in law Norma Ball
BALL, Gladys Lucille
Born: July 20, 1946
Died: Wednesday, July 16, 1947
Buried: Long Creek Cemetery
Parents: Ora and Vernice Ball of Blue Mound
Survivors: Parents
Brothers: Orville and Elmer, both at home. A step brother, Everett Davidson was lost in action
with the navy in 1945
The funeral of J.W. Ballard, aged 65 years, who died of consumption on
Saturday evening last, at his late residence in the 5th ward, took place from the
Centenary U.B. Church on Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large assembly of
sympathizing friends. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. John V. Potts, pastor
of the congregation. Deceased was a Mason, and members of Macon Lodge, No. 8, attended
as an organization and conducted the burial services at the grave in Greenwood cemetery.
The deceased leaves a wife and one child.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 24 Mar 1881
John D. Ballinger, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ballinger, died at 9:20 Sunday
morning, 825 North Railroad avenue. He death was caused by scarlet fever. He was two weeks
old. On account of the character of the disease there was no public funeral. In interment was
at Greenwood at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, Dec 13, 1909
Mrs. Bertha Banfield died at 1:15 Tuesday afternoon at the Ed Hill farm west of
the city. Her death was caused by quick consumption. She was 23 years old and is survived by
a husband and a baby daughter aged 4 months. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock tomrorrow
morning from the family residence and the body will be taken to Tuscola for interment.
The Decatur Review, 12 Oct 1904
George W. Banfield, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Banfield, died at 9
o'clock Monday night at the family residence, 1318 North Oakland avenue. He was only one day
old. The body was buried in Boiling Springs cemetery Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 20 Aug 1912
BANNER, Francis Lee
Born: 12 Aug 1903 in LeRoy
Died: 1970 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: LeRoy Oak Grove Cemetery
BANTON, Oliver
Oliver Banton an old and highly respected citizen of Mt. Zion township,
died at the home of his son, Huston Banton, one-half mile north of Mt. Zion Saturday
morning October 9 at 7 oclock of a complication of old age, _____. The funeral will
be held from the residence this morning at 10 oclock. The Rev. Mr. Cheek of the C.P.
church in Mt. Zion officiating. The internment will be at Mt. Zion cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 10 Oct 1897, pg. 7
BARBER, Charles W. 
C.W. Barber, of Macon, a liveryman and an esteemed citizen died at his home on
Sunday of inflammation of the bladder, at the age of fifty years. He leaves surviving him a wife
and eight children. He was a member of the Macon County Veteran Association. He was buried by the
veterans, with the honors of war, at Macon cemetery, at 1 p.m., yesterday.
Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 18 Jul 1882, pg. 4
BARBER, James William
James William Barber of 1810 West Main street died at 9 o'clock Wednesday
morning at the Decatur and Macon County hospital. He was eighty years old last September.
He had been in falling health for more than a year, suffering from complications incident
to old age.
Mr. Barber was born In New York state Sept. 4, 1845. He came to Decatur
when he was a young man and this has been his home ever since. His wife died here about
twelve years ago. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the G.A.R. He was
also a member of the Christian church.
He leaves two children, Mrs. May Kistler and Mrs. Hattie Pickle, both
of Decatur. There are eight grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. The body
was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 4 Nov 1925, pg. 3
BARBER, Joseph
DIED, in Argenta, April 27th, at 10 o'clock a.m., Joseph Barber, aged 24 years and
21 days, of consumption. The funeral will be preached at the Cumberland church to-day at 10
o'clock, by Rev. James M. Stevenson, of the United Brethren church, after which the remains will
be conveyed to their last resting place in the Cumberland cemetery. Deceased has been a
professor of religion about six years.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 29 Apr 1886
BARKER, Everett
Everet Barker Found Dying With Bullet in Brain Early Tuesday
Father Says Son, Unable to Sleep, Got Up Shortly After Midnight to Read - Police Seeking Trace of Assailant
Everet Barker, 15, Johns' Hill Junior High school pupil, was found by a Herald
carrier, fatally shot at the intersection of Franklin and East Main street about 5 o'clock Tuesday
morning. Numerous bruises about his face and body led authorities to believe that he had been
beaten before the shooting occurred. The identity of the assailant is not known. |
The only article found on his person were a new glass cutter and a safety pin. Near his
body a homemade blackjack was found, but no signs of identification were present and he remained
unidentified until 9 o'clock Tuesday.
The boy's body was found on the sidewalk of the southwest corner of the intersection. The
head was within two feet of the W.H. Grindol & Sons' building, while the feet extended toward the
gutter drain of the intersection. Upon discovering the body, Delmar Gibbons, Herald carrier, ran to
the corner of Water and Main streets, where a policeman was making his 5 o'clock report.
Moran's ambulance took the boy to St. Mary's hospital, but physicians pronounced him
dead when the hospital was reached. Two x-ray examinations failed to reveal the location of the
bullet, but a third attempt proved successful about noon Tuesday.
"I know that Everet was at home at Midnight Monday, when I came home from work," J.F.
Barker, 901 South Franklin street, the boy's father, who is employed as motorman on an Eldorado street
car told a Herald reported Tuesday noon. "All of the children were in bed when I came in. About 2
o'clock I heard a noise downstairs and got up to see what was the matter. Everet was up and
dressed. he was sitting in the front room reading when I came down."
"I asked him what he was doing and he said that he felt nervous and excited and couldn't
sleep so he thought he would read utnil he could go to sleep again. I went back up and went to bed.
That is the last time I saw him alive," the father concluded. He explained that the boy was of a
nervous disposition and had been out of school Monday because of illness. He saw nothing unusual
in the boy's actions, he said.
Allen Barker, a younger brother of Everett, told his mother that Everet and another boy,
whose name he did not mention, had talked of going hunting Tuesday morning. When his mother awoke
and found the boy gone she supposed that he had followed his plan to go hunting and would be back
for breakfast.
She did not mention Everet's absence from home Tuesday morning to his father when he
awakened. The father and mother went for a walk, they said, and did not learn of the boy's death
until about 10 o'clock when they returned to their home. A neighbor had told them of a telephone
A third x-ray picture was taken in St. Mary's hospital about noon Tuesday revealing
the bullet lodged in the base of the brain. The bullet appeared to be a 32 calliber slug.
Severe bruises were found on both sides of the boy's face beneath the eyes, and
the nose was broken and badly scarred. Scars marked the right hip and the knees of the dead
boy. It was at first believed that Everet had received the bruises in falling after he was shot,
since he was found lying on his face. The nature and location of the marks, however, make this
explanation uncertain, and it is believed, from marks about his mouth, that he received them when
beaten before his death.
Delmer Gibbons, Herald carrier, who discovered the body said that he saw the body
on the sidewalk shortly before 5 o'clock Wednesday morning and that he knew from the position in
which it was lying that there was something wrong. He delivered a paper to 261 East Main street
and then ran west on East Main street across Water where he found a policeman reporting over the
call box. The policeman returned with him to the place where the body was found.
Positive identification of the slain boy was made by Verne Hoffman truant officer,
who said that Barker and a companion had been absent from school last week. During the time they
were away from school they camped out according to Hoffman. Barker's companion was in classes
Monday but Barker was not.
Identification of the dead youth was not established until more than four hours
after he had been found dying at the corner of East Main and South Franklin streets.
The boy was wearing old clothes and a sheepskin vest. Was not wearing underwear.
A glass cutter and a safety pin were the only things found in his pockets.
Later Claude Albertz, 1361 South Maffit street, employed on the night shift at
Greider's cafe found a homemade black jack near the spot where the boy's body was discovered.
The black jack consisted to two strands of window cord looped through a chunk of lead which
had been beaten and rolled around the cord. The boy's father said that he did not believe
that the black jack belonged to his son. He said that the boy had been working around the
house and might have been using the glass cutter but he did not know.
"I was over at Everet's house Monday night until about 10 o'clock," Virgil
Stivers, one of Everet's closest companions said Tuesday afternoon. "We played outside
because his mother had gone away and didn't want us to muss up the house, but finally we went
inside and read. His brother Allen was with us.
"Allen and I stayed down stairs while Everet went upstairs to read. I called
up to him to say goodby and ask him if he'd be by for me to go to school this morning. He
said that he didn't think he would go to school Tuesday. He said he had been absent Monday
and didn't have an excuse.
"When Allen came by for me this morning he said that he hadn't seen Everet when
he got up this morning."
The Stivers boy and young Barker had played hookey from school last week and
had gone camping, Verne Hoffman, truant officer said Tuesday morning. They came back Saturday
and Monday Stivers returned to school.
Barker had no known enemies, Stivers said Tuesday afternoon although recently
Barker had come to school with his face badly battered. Barker said that he had been hit by
an automobile.
Barker was a great reader and constantly read adventure magazines. Western
stories were his favorite, Stivers said. J.E. Barker, father of the slain boy, went to police
headquarters Tuesday morning after he had identified the body in Morans funeral home. He was
puzzled over the death of his son and refused to believe that he had been shot. He isisted
that the boy had been struck by an automobile.
According to Moran ambulance attendants who answered the call Tuesday morning
the boy was practically dead when they put him in the ambulance. They sped to the hospital
where an examination revealed that the boy was dead.
The shot which struck Barker in the back of the neck caused and internal
'hemmorrhage,' investigation disclosed. Blood on the body had not congealed when the
ambulance reached the scene.
The boy's face indicated that he had been severely beaten before he was shot.
In addition to the marks such as might have been sustained when he fell, there were cuts
and bruises which showed plainly that they were made before the boy fell. In addition
there were bruises on the right hip which have not been explained.
Police Tuesday afternoon were attempting to question Barker's companions in
an attempt to uncover some new clue which may lead to his assailant.
Decatur Herald, Tuesday Evening, 26 Nov 1929
Companion Confesses He and Barker Were Trying to Rob Store
Proprietor of Gun Store Denies All Knowledge of Killing 15 Years Old School Boy
Confession Substantiated by Third Boy's Story
Everet Barker, 15, who was found dying in East Main and South Franklin streets
early Tuesday morning was shot down as he fled after attempting to rob the Walter B. Shyer gun
store in East Main street.
Virgil Stivers, 13 years old, Johns Hill Junior High student, Barker's companion in
the robbery confessed to police that he and Barker had attempted to rob the gun store Tuesday
morning. Stivers said that he was stationed at the corner to East Main and Franklin streets as
a lookout while Barker attempted to cut a hoel in the front window of the Shyer store.
"I heard a door open west of where Everet was working. I saw him start (unreadable)
the street toward the alley in the rear of Starling's garage I heard several shots fired. I
looked back and saw Everett fall just as he was about to turn the corner. I ran home."
In his signed statement, Virgil told Assistant Chief Pound, O.E. Walker, C.T.
Allen and Fred Cline that he and Everet had attempted to break into the rear of the store last
week but that they had been frightened away by a man with a flashlight and a gun inside the
store. He had run home at that time.
Wednesday afternoon in police headquarters, Virgil told reporters that the man
with the flashlight was the same as the man whom police questioned Wednesday morning,
indicating Walter Shyer. He did not see tha man who shot Everet and could not describe him
to police.
Virgil said in his signed statement that he slept in an automobile in his home
until 2 o'clock Tuesday morning when Everet came and awakened him. He said that Everett
wanted to get a gun in the window of the Shyer gun store. He went with Everet and was
stationed at the corner to keep watch.
Shyer's signed statement said that he was "asleep in the back of the store at 5 o'clock"
that he "did not do the shooting" and "did not hear the shots fired". "I did not know anything
about a boy being killed until a man who runs the harness store next door told me at 7 o'clock,"
Mr. Shyer said.
Two shells from a .25 caliber automatic pistol were found by police directly in
front of the front door of the Shyer store. The bullet taken from Everet Barker's head was a .25
caliber steel bullet fired by an automatic pistol, police said. When questioned on this point,
Shyer denied to police that he had such a gun in his store. A search failed to bring one to
Herald reporters first noted the marks of a glass cutter on the east window of the
gun store Tuesday afternoon and questioned Mr. Shyer about them. He said that the window had
been cracked sometime before, and saw no readon to connect the markings with the shooting
Tuesday morning.
The scratch on the glass in the window of the Shyer store is a rough semi-circle
at the bottom of the window near the center. It is directly in front of a pile of cartridges
and would have made a hole large enough to draw a gun through.
Stiver's story was corroborated by that of Vick Mark, an acquaintance of the
two boys who was invited to go hunting with them.
Victor "Vick" Mark, 17, Wednesday morning told a Herald reporter that Everet
Barker and Virgil Stivers, 13 years old school boys had planned to burlarize the Walter B.
Shyer gun store, 249 East Main street.
Mark admitted that he was the third boy on the camping trip that Everet
Barker and Virgil Stivers took a few weeks ago. He denied however, that he had any
connection with the burglary plans although he was present whenthey were made in the
Barker home Monday night.
"The boys told me that they had attempted to rob the Shyer store last
week. They said that they cut a hole in the back window glass and tried to open the
window to get in but that someone flashed a light on them and they ran," Vick related
Wednesday. The boys had not given up the idea with one failure however.
"Monday night, Virgil and Everet came down where I was and said they
wanted to see me so I went to his house. His mother left the house about 8 o'clock
(unreadable) around and talked.
"Albert Sunderlik was there for a while but he went home about _ o'clock.
I decided to go home about 11 o'clock and Birgil followed me out into the street to talk
to me. Everet said he would be out in a minute. Virgil told me that they planned to
go hunting Tuesday morning but that Everet needed a gun and they were going down to
the gun _ to break in again. (The rest of the paragraph is mostly unreadable.)
According to Vick, the boys planned to steal guns and shells to hunt with
Tuesday morning and if they could get more than they needed to sell some of the stuff.
He said that neither one of them had a revolver or any gun to take with them on the
Suspicion that Mark might know something concerning the movements of
Barker first presented itself _day afternoon. Virgil Stivers was interviewed by a
Herald reporter _ had gone to school as usual Tuesday morning and during the interview
betrayed no knowledge that his friend had been killed.
Upon questioning again, however, Virgil admitted that he had been with
Everet when he was shot. He said that he had told police about his part in the
burglary when he was grilled early Tuesday evening.
Tuesday afternoon Virgil told The Herald of the Barker boys love for
trapping, hunting and guns. He said that Everet was anxious to have a gun of his
own and that he 'said he'd give anything for a good gun to hunt with.' John Heinz,
18 years olf friend of Everet also told The Herald of the boys love for guns and
related how Everet had attempted to borrow a rifle from him. He said that because
the gun was not in good condition he had refused to loan it him. John Chapan and
Albert Sunderlik, also friends of Everet's told similar stories.
Allen Barker, Everet's younger brother, told Tuesday morning of
Everet's plans to go hunting with an unknown 'friend' that morning. Albert
Sunderlik said that Everet had invited him to go hunting with him and when Albert
had protested that they had no gun, Everet had said that he would get one.
More than a week ago, _ two boys Everet and Virgil Stivers attempted
to enter the gun shop by cutting the glass in the rear door. They were frightened
away, however, before they were able to _ _ scratch the glass with the cheap
glass cutter that they had.
Carefully laid plans to complete a successful attempt to acquire a
bun brought the boys out of bed at an early hour Tuesday morning. According to the
agreement Stivers was to go by Everet's house to get him and Everet awakened about
2 o'clock dressed for the street, and sat down to read to bolster up his nerve.
Funeral services for Everet Barker will be conducted Thursday afternoon
at 2 o'clock in Moran & Sons chapel. The body will not be taken to the Barker
home. Friends may call in Moran's after _ Wednesday.
Decatur Herald, Wednesday Evening, 27 Nov 1929
BARNES, Eleanor (Sawyer)
An Estimable Lady Passes Over the Dark River
The many friends of Mrs. W.A. Barnes were deeply pained on yesterday to learn of the
death of that estimable lady. She died at the family residence on North Main street, at four o'clock
in the morning, in the sixty-fourth year of her age, of consumption. During the past winter she has
been at San Antonio, Texas, her failing health having caused her to go south during the cold season.
She failed rapidly during the past few weeks, and Dr. Barnes decided to bring her home. She arrived
here on Wednesday noon, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mollie, and bore the journey without
complaint or apparent damage. At a late hour Wednesday night there was a change for the worse and
at the hour stated above, she passed out of the lives of her husband and children across the dark
river. The deceased left four children - Albert Barnes, of Decatur; Charles N. Barnes, of Boston;
Miss Mollie Barnes and Will Barnes, who is absent at a medical college. The deceased was a loving
and devoted wife and a fond mother, whose greatest enjoyment was the love and esteem of her familiy
and home circle. For many year she has been a member of the Presbyterian church, and her long
illness was borne with quiet, christian fortitude. She was honored by a large circle of friends,
who extend to the grief-stricken family their sincere sympathy.
Eleanor Sawyer Barnes was born on November 6th, 1822, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania,
and was a daughter of Hon. John Sawyer. She removed with her family to Dauphin county, that state,
and on October 30, 1849, became the wife of Dr. W.A. Barnes, who now survives her. They removed
to Montgomery county, Ohio, and from there to Northern Indiana, coming to Decatur in 1853, and since
making this city their home. She was a sister of the late Mrs. Michael Elson, Miss Eliza Sawyer
and Mrs. Martha Lark, of Millersburg, Pennsylvania. Her surviving brothers are John Sawyer, of
Decatur, and Thomas J. Sawyer, of Halfax, Pennsylvania. The deceased also leaves a sister, Mrs.
Sarah Young, living near Philadelphia.
The funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Wm. A. Barnes were held
yesterday afternoon at the family residence on North Main street. Before the appointed hour arrived
the house filled with a large number of sorrowing friends and the grief-stricken relatives of
the departed. All that was mortal of the true wife, loving mother and respected neighbor rested
in a beautiful black casket on which were a number of lovely floral offerings worked into appropriate
designs. Music was furnished by a choir composed of Mrs. Conklin, Miss Eyman and Messrs. D.L. Bunn
and C.D. Prescott. The services commenced by singing "Asleep in Jesus," after which a scriptural
lesson was read by Rev. Prestley. The choir then sang "Abide with Me." Rev. Prestley had for the
text of his sermon the 22d verse of the first chapter of Phillipians. "But I live in the flesh,
this is the fruit of my labor; yet what I shall choose I wot not." He paid a tribute full of tender
words to the life of the deceased and offered words of deep consolation to the stricken family. At
the close of the sermon prayer was offered and the choir sang "Beloved, It is Well." The funeral
cortege, which extended over many blocks, took up the march for the quiet city of the dead. At
Greenwood cemetery short services were held and the remains were committed to the silent tomb. The
pall bearers were Messrs. J.H. Lewis, D.H. Heilman, T.T. Roberts, W.J. Quinlan, Jas. Millikin and
W.T. Wells.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 25 Apr 1886
BARNES, Ira Norton
Fine New England Stock - Lived Long, Useful Life
Went On Sherman's Famous March to the Sea
(Note: Copy of this article is poor quality - portions unreadable, including
first two paragraphs.)
On Sunday morning, Aug. 10, Dr. Barnes sustained a stroke of apoplexy. He was, at
that time, being assisted into a chair by his wife. He gave way all of a sudden and fell. Since
then he has been bedfast _ in conscious minutes that the end was near. That Sunday he said to
his wife that he believed that he was going to die.
Death came very peacefully. Since Friday he has been unconsious and death has been
expected hourly. Tuesday night two nurses were at his bedside constantly. It was thought that he
would expire before morning, but he lived through the night. At daylight however he showed signs of
getting weaker and rapidly sank until 7:45 o'clock when he passed away.
The funeral will probably be held Friday afternoon. Detailed arrangements have not
yet been completed.
Dr. Ira N. Barnes was born in Claremont, N.H., Dec. 19, 1929, and was the youngest of
five children. His father died when he was four months old. He spent his youth attending school in
his native town and at an early age he became a clerk in a drug store.
He fitted himself for college at Kim_ _ academy, Meride_, New Hampshire, and entered
Dartmouth college in 18_ he he was graduated in 18_. He came from a fine old New England family. He
was a classmate of the late Nelson _gley of tariff fame and of Chief Justice Field of the superior
court of Massachusetts.
He first came to Decatur in November, 18_, and passed the following year in the drug
business with his brother, the late W.A. Barnes. In 18_8 he received the degree of Master of Arts
from Dartmouth college and in the same year attended his first course of medical lectures at Dartmouth,
and read medicinde with Drs. _ Crosby and _.R. Peasle_ at Hanover, N.H. He passed the summer in 18_9
in Philadelphia, Pa., attending the clinics in the hospitals and in the autumn of the same year
matriculated at the Jefferson Medical college and was graduaged in March 1862. He then located in
Decatur and formed a partnership with the late Dr. E.W. Moore for the practice of medicine which
continued for 36 years.
IN 116TH
In 1863 he was commissioned as surgeon of the 116th Illinois volunteers which was
attached during the whole war to the First brigade, second division, of Sherman's famous Fifteenth
Army corps. he served with his regiment at various battles around Vicksburg, Champion Hills and
Jackson, Miss., Missionary Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta.
February 22, 1864 he was appointed surgeon in chief of the Second division Fifteenth
Army corps on the staff of Brigadier General Morgan L. Smith.
He was on the famous march to the sea and at the storming of Fort McAllister, Ga.,
and thence marched through the Carolinas and Virginia to Washington, D.C., where with his regiment
he took part in the grand review and was mustered out of the service June 9, 1865, by reason of
the close of the war.
He married Diantha _. Sargent of Claremont, N.H., Sept. 2_, 1861, who died May 16,
1879. One son was born, Dr. Lynn M. Barnes, who was graduated from Harvard university in 1896
and Harvard Medical School in 1900, and is now a practitioneer of medicine. In Decatur, July 8,
1886, Dr. Barnes was again married, his second union being with Mary Wilder.
Dr. Barnes was an honored resident of Decatur where he had practiced for so many
years, becoming the loved familiy physician in various households. Man's worth in the world is
determined by his usefulness - by what he has accomplished for his fellow men - and he is certainly
deserving of the greatest honor and regard whose efforts have been of the greatest benefit to his
fellow citizens.
Judged by this standard Dr. Barnes may well be accounted one of the distinguished
residents of the city for throughout his professional career covering many decades, his labors
have been of the most helpful nature. Certainly his life work has been of the greatest practical
benefit and the world is better for his having lived.
The Decatur Review, Tuesday, 12 Aug 1913, pg. 8
Will Be Held at 4 O'clock at the Residence
The funeral of Dr. Ira Barnes will be held Friday afternoon at the family residence
corner of West North and College streets. Friends may call at the residence after 10 o'clock
Friday morning. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Decatur Review, Thursday, 14 Aug 1913, pg. 12
BARNES, John A. 
Largely Attended and an Elaborate Ceremony
The funeral of Captain John A. Barnes, late United States consul to
Cologne, Germany, was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Baptist church
and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. S. H. Bowyer, pastor of
the church, and were in charge of Ionic lodge, A.F. & A.M. The members of Dunham post.
No. 141, G. A. R., and Beaumanolr Commandry Knights Templars attended.
There were many beautiful floral offerings arranged in the church. The
American flag in which the casket was wrapped when it reached Decatur was draped behind
a mass of lilies, roses and carnations and a collection of palms and other plants. The
music was by a choir composed of Mrs. Elizabeth K. Bunn, Miss Lillian Stephens, A.
Lindamood and Harry Kepler. The selections giver, were "Oh, City Fair and Beautiful,"
"Dream of My Soul," and 'Goodnight, Beloved, and Not Fan-well."
The members of the organizations which attended were seated In the front
of the church and the rest of the building was crowded. Mr. Bowyer preached an appropriate
sermon in the course of which he made reference to the life and character of Mr. Barnes.
The profession to Greenwood cemetery was escorted by the Masons, Knights Templars and
G.A.R , headed by Goodman's band. The pall bearers were the following members of the
Knights Templars: W.H. Starr, O.B. Gorin, Henry Elwood, W.J. Wayne, Cyrus Imboden and
W.J. Mcgee. The burial was with Masonic honors.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 23 Apr 1900, pg. 8
BARNES, Rebecca (Kipp)
At 344 South Franklin street, on Sunday, Jan. 30, at 2 p.m., of blood poisoning,
Mrs. Rebecca, wife of Henry Barnes, aged 37 years, 9 months and 20 days. Fueral at 10 a.m.
to-morrow, from residence, Rev. D.P. Bunn officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, 31 Jan 1887
The funeral of the late Mrs. W.A. Barnes will take place on Saturday afternoon from
the family residence on North Main street at four o’clock.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Apr 1886
Death Comes Quietly Early Thursday Closing Colorful Career of Veteran Surgeon
Critically Ill for Days
Pneumonia Following Heart Attack Too Much for the Doctor's Fast Ebbing Strength
Dr. Will Barnes died in his home in 500 West Main street at 7:17 o'clock Thursday morning.
He was principal founder, sponsor and president of the Decatur and Macon County hospital. He was collector
and owner of the largest collection of North American butterflies and moths in the world. As charter
member, leader, and for the first 21 years of its existence president of the Decatur Country club, he
claimed many social successes.
Dr. Barnes died in his chair in which he had reclined through his illness. He could not lie
in bed without suffering a retardation of breathing. With him at the end were his wife, his son, William
Barnes, Jr., and his daughter, Mrs. Selim McArthur of Chicago.
Since 1890 a leading physician and surgeon in Decatur, Dr. William Barnes died in his home
after having failed in health for the last 10 years. Twice before he had suffered illnessess from which
it was feared he would not recover. Always his splendid constitution and strong will power brought him
through. |
For the last year, he had been failing rapidly. A week ago he appeared in the hospital,
barely able to breathe. It was characteristic of him that his last public act was in behalf of the hospital.
He issued orders to Mrs. Shannon concerning a board meeting. He could scarcely make himself understood
because of his labored breathing. After giving the orders, inspecting the hospital and grounds from his
accustomed points of vantage, he went to his home. He never left it again.
Dr. Barnes' family was with him when he died. Suffering from a heart disease, he had
contracted the added complications of bronchial pneumonia, the combination of which caused his death. Dr.
Barnes had for years predicted his death. He realized the excesses to which he had subjected his body, and
often expressed his belief that his life would be cut short. He died at 69 years, active to within the
last week of his life.
Dr. Barnes was born in Decatur on Sept. 3, 1860. His father, Dr. W.A. Barnes was a pioneer
resident. He also, was a prominent physician here. Dr. Will Barnes was graduated from Decatur High School
in 1877. He was graduated from Harvard university in 1883, going from there to Harvard Medical school in
Boston. He was honor student in the class of 1886 of the medical schoo. His internship was passed in Boston
City hospital, where he remained for two years.
Following this practical training he went to Europe where he visited many of the foremost
clinics and placed himself under the instruction of the most eminent physicians and surgeons of the
Continent. He passed a year studying in the hospital in Vienna, also studying in Munich, Germany,
Heidelberg and other centers. In Heidelberg he was assistant to the once celebrated surgeon Czery.
Returning to Decatur in 1890 he opened an office in his home city where he has remained active
in his profession. After some time in general practice he turned his attention to surgery. He was for years
chief of staff of St. Mary's hospital before the construciton of the Decatur and Macon county hospital in
which he was so instrumental.
His ability as a surgeon brought him recognition not only in the Middle West but also in the
East. He specialized in transplanting of bone. He was consulting surgeon of the Wabash for years.
Dr. Barnes was married in 1891 to Miss Charlotte Gillett, a daughter of the late John D.
Gillett, once known as "cattle king of Illinois." Dr. and Mrs. Barnes had two children, William Barnes, Jr.,
and Joan Dean Gillette Barnes. He leaves also a sister, Mrs. Mary Stanton, who has been confined in the
Decatur and Macon County hospital for the last two years.
Decatur Evening Herald, 1 May 1930
Body Lies in State in Family Home in West Main Street
Scores of friends and associates of Dr. Will Barnes filed through his home Friday morning
to view the remains of the surgeon, hospital head, scientist, and public worker, who died early Thursday
morning. Visiting hours in the homse were from 10 to 12 o'clock, Friday morning.
Student nurses in unifroms were taken in small groups from the Decatur and Macon County
hospital to the home of Dr. Will Barnes, 500 West Main street, where they viewed the body of the late
hospital president. Nearly all of the students were relieved from duty during the morning so they
might visit the home.
A delegation of students went from the nursing school to the home for the funeral services
at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon. Also the hospital staff, the Decatur Medical society, the alumnae Nurses
association, the Graduate Nurses association, and hospital staff nurses were also represented.
Rev. S.A. Macdonnell of the St. John's Episcopal church and Rev. E.W. Clippinger of the
First Presbyterian church, will officate.
Decatur Evening Herald, 2 May 1930
BARNETT, Barbara (Musselman)
The death of Mrs. Barbara Barnett, aged 86 years, 1 month and 24 days, occurred on
Saturday, August 17, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Eshelman, in Long Creek township.
The deceased was born in Lancaster county, Pa., July 24, 1803. She moved to Illinois in 1851, and
was the widow of George Barnett, who died in 1866. The children of the deceased are Mrs. Catherine
Eshelman, George M. Barnett, John M. Barnett, D.M. Barnett, Henry M. Barnett and Mrs. George Stare.
The remains were placed in the grave at the Garver brick church, in Whitmore township,
on Tuesday, August 20th.
Decatur Republican, 22 Aug 1889
BARNETT, Bertha (Goodpasture)
Born: Jun 12, 1872 in Macon Co.
Died: Mar 15, 1897 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co., IL
Parents: Harvey S. & Susan Goodpasture
Married: Jan 21, 1891 in Macon Co.
LIVED IN COUNTY FOR 65 YEARS: D. M. Barnett, Old Resident, Succumbs.
David M. Barnett, retired nursery agent, died at 3 o'clock Thursday morning at the family
residence, 1704 North Church street. His death was caused by a complication of disease. He
war eighty years old.
Mr. Barnett was born in Pennsylvania Jan. 22, 1835 but had lived in Macon county for the
past sixty-five years. He was twice married. His first wife, was Miss Leah Strohm, His second
wife was Catherine (Trotter) Bergen.
He is survived by his wife and the following children, Edward Barnett of Osbornville, Frank
Barnett of Decatur, Louis Barnett of Mendota, and four step-children, Mrs. Louis Nauman of
Harristown, Hrs H.S. Gebhart, Mrs S. P. Shiebly, and Milton Bergen, all of Decatur. He also
leaves three brothers and a sister. G. M. Barnett of California, and Mrs Barbara Stare of
Decatur, John Barnett of Kansas and Henry Barnett of California. He was a member of the First
United Brethern Church and was well known.
No arrangements have been made for the funeral.
Transcribed by: Peggy Bergen
Obit. in paper 3/25/15 page 14 (assumed to be a Decatur, IL paper)
Mr. David M. Barnett died March 25, 1915 age 79 yr. 2 mo. 3 days, he is interred at Greenwood
Cem. in division 2.
BARNETT, Ulysses Grant
Born: 24 Feb 1866 in Macon Co., IL
Died: 7 Apr 1946 in Long Creek, Macon Co., IL
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co., IL
Parents: George & Samantha Barnett
Married: Jan 21, 1891 in Macon Co. to Bertha Goodpasture
Children: George M. & William Glenn Barnett, both of Decatur
Mrs. Earl Albert, Cerro Gordo, Mrs. Fred Svaren, Seattle, Wash; and Mrs. Hugh Cochran,
BARNETT, William
The remains of William Barrett were interred in the Catholic cemetery yesterday.
The deceased lived near Bement and died on Saturday.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Mar 1886
BARNHART, Salintha
DIED, at 926 North Edward street, Thursday, August 20, at 10 p.m., of congestion of the
stomach, Mrs. Salintha Barnhart, aged 35 years. Deceased leaves a husband and two children, Mrs. Lillie
Norman, of Sullivan, and John Barnhart.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 22 Aug 1889
BARNUM, Thomas J.
Thomas J. Barmum - Served In Forty-Seventh Illinois Volunteer During War
Thomas J. Barnum died at 10:46 Thursday night at the family residence, 1362
North Main street. He was aged sixty-eight years. He came to Decatur six years ago from
Gillman, Illinois and this has been his home ever since. He was a member of the First
Methodist church of this city.
Mr. Barnum was born at Morton, Tazewell County, March 8, 1848. He was the
son of William R, and Mahala Barnum. With his parents he moved to Onargo, Illinois, when
he was a little boy. June 30, 1870 at Wateska. He was united in marriage with Miss Emma
Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reed of Onargo. One son and three daughters were
born to them, Maude, died in infancy and Mrs. Daisy N. Stough died in maturity. The
surviving children are Leroy C. Barnum of Gowrie. Ia, and Mrs. Elsie R. Ohman of Decatur.
He also leaves one brother and four sisters, William Calvin Barnum of Canton, Kan., Mrs.
Jane Parker of Peoria. Mrs. Luella Hoke of Crescent City, Ill., Mrs. Effle Roberts of
Covlne, Cal., and Mrs. Carrie Murphy of Lennox, Ia . He also leaves a granddaughter, Mrs.
Ora B. Stough of Decatur.
Mr. Barnum was a member of company B, Forty-seventh infantry enlisting
at Peoria and serving through three years of the Civil war. He was a member of Dunham
post, 141, O. A. 33. After the close of the war he engaged in farming near Gilman, where
he remained until moving to Decatur six years ago.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the family residence
1362 North Main Street. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. C. Wlllits. The
interment will be in Greenwood. Friends may call between 2 and 4 P M.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 15 Sep 1911, pg. 14
Mr. A.A. Barnwell, a well-known citizen, died at his residence, in the
north part of the city, on Tuesday last night. - His disease was pneumonia.
Decatur Review, 2 Mar 1871
BARR, Charles H.
DIED - At his late residence on East Main St., in this city at 3:15 o’clock this
morning of consumption, Charles H. Barr, aged about 35 years. The deceased leaves a wife and two
or three children. During the war he was a lieutenant in a New York regiment, and was a nephew
of L.R. Cain. The time of the funeral is yet unknown, but it will probably occur tomorrow afternoon.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 21 May 1879, pg. 3
BARR, Dr. Theophilus Henderson
Maroa, Ill., 'March 2, - The funeral services of T. H, Barr will be
held from the residence at 1:30 p. m. Tuesday. The funeral services will be in charge
of Rev. Mr. Montgomery, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Barr was a member.
The interment will be at the Maroa cemetery, in charge of the Masons.
Theophilus Henderson Barr was born in Jefferson County, Ohio. He was
educated at the Franklin College at New Athens, Ohio. He studied medicine and taught
school for the meager sum of $60 a quarter. Six years after his first marriage his wife
died, proceeded by two of his children. In 1864 he married Miss Elineda J. Hankins in
Fayette, County, Ohio, after his return home from, the Civil war, and after a short
visit came to Macon county, Ill., and purchased a farm in Friends Creek township. After
twenty-eight years of farm life lie moved to Maroa where 'he has spent the remainder of
his life.
Mr. Barr was a member of the F. & A. Masons, Order of the Eastern Star
and the Grand Army of the Republic. He has been a republican since the party was organized
and voted its first candidate for president. At an early age Mr. Barr united with the
old Presbyterian Church and remained a faithful worker through his entire life.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 23 Mar 1908, pg. 1
Died - On Monday, December 30, 1878 at her residence in Decatur township, Mrs.
Hannah Barrackman, wife of C.J. Barrackman, in the 69th year of her life. Funeral services at
the Episcopal church, on Thursday, January 2, 1879 at two o'clock p.m. Friends of the family
are invited to attend.
Decatur Review, 1 January 1879
A Mother Visits Her Daughter's Grave and is Stricken With Death
Mrs. Mary A. Bartholomew, of 1052 North Morgan street, wife of John W. Bartholomew, the
Wabash locomotive engineer, died suddenly Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock under distressing
cirumstances. The lady had been in her usual health and spirits and had taken dinner with her husband
and children, with Miss Laura Turner as a guest. It was a pleasant day, and it was proposed that the
family should visit the cemetery. An effort was made to get a double rig, so that four could go
together, but only a buggy could be obtained. Mrs. Bartholomew and her son, Louis, went to the
cemetery in the buggy and the husband and Miss Turner came to Lincoln Square in the street car and
walked to Greenwood. When they got to the familiy lot the mother and her son were there, and Mrs.
Bartholomew had placed a bouquet of flowers on the grave of her youngest daughter, Jessie, aged 7
years, who died of diptheria January 22 of the present year. Mrs. Bartholomew was deeply affected
at the grave and it was noticed that she acted strangely. She became suddenly weak and said as she
sat upon the grass "I guess you had better take me home." She was placed in the buggy and the
husband got in with her to drive home, Louis and Miss Turner coming up town on foot, all greatly
alarmed as to the condition of the lady, who had previously experienced a similar attack, caused
by heart trouble. Mr. Bartholomew reached Lincoln Square with his wife and stopped at the Armstrong
drug store corner, when he saw that his wife had the pallor of death on her features and was
unable to speak. He supported her with one arm and held the lines with the disengaged hand. Just
then Charles H. bachrach drove up in his carriage. He saw that something was amiss, and Mr.
Bartholomew told him he believed his wife was dying. Mr. Bachrach instantly requested his wife
to get out of the carriage and F.B. Mueller took the rig to the barn. Then the Bachrach store
door was opened and Mrs. Bartholomwe was removed from the buggy and carried inside to a lounge, but
she had expired before leaving the buggy Dr. Cass Chenoweth was with the body when placed upon the
lounge, and said that death resulted from hemorrhage or heart failure. Later the family physician,
Dr. Ira N. Barnes, who was summoned by telephone, arrived at the store, and soon saw that nothing
could be done. The grief-stricken husband sat beside the lounge almost crushed by the blow which
had so suddenly come upon him, and near him was his son, Louis, who had hurried from the cemetery
to the store. It was known that death resulted from natural cause and an inquest was not held.
The body was removed from the store in one of J.B. Bullard's carriages, and
accompanied by the husband and Officers Brockway and Leech, taken to the family residence.
A great crowd had collected at the store and the people lingered for awhile to
learn the particulars and express sympathy for the husband and children.
The deceased had been subject to severe attackes since her childhood, and when her
cherished daughter, Jessie, died, she had a severe spell which came near ending in death. It was
said then that if she ever had a similar attack she could not survive.
The deceased was a native of Green county, Ill., where she was born July 17, 1841.
She was married twice. Her first husband was O.L. Yowell, to whom she bore two children - Louis
Yowell, of Decatur, and Mrs. R.C. Keyes, of Springfield. On April 13, 1867, she became the wife
of John W. Bartholomew, and five children were the issue of the last marriage. The surviving
children are Nettie Bartholomew, Charles Bartholomew, the Wabash fireman who lately had an arm
broken and is now in the Wabash hospital at Springfield, Edward and Harry Bartholomew.
The time of the funeral has not been fixed. It will be announced to-morrow.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 12 May 1890
BARTLETT, William M.
William M. Bartlett died at 2:30 oclock Wednesday afternoon at his home,
433 East Olive Street. He was sixty-one years old last January. He had been ill for eight
months suffering from a complication of diseases, and had been confined in his bed for
the last six weeks. Mr. Bartlett was born in Lexington, Kentucky, Jan 8, 1864. He and
Miss Mary Smith were married in Shelbyville, Jan 8, 1901. He was a member of the First
Christian Church, the Spanish War Veterans and Decatur A_____ Fraternal Order of Eagles.
He is survived by his wife and six brothers; J.J, Cecile, Carter, J.G., H. P., and C. P.
Bartlett all of Milner, Kentucky and a cousin J. W. Winter of Eatel Springs, Tenn.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 oclock Friday afternoon at the Moran & Sons Chapel.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 16 July 1925, pg. 4
BASHFORTH, Flora (Race)
This forenoon a telegram came from Quincy stating that Mrs. Flora Race Bashforth,
wife of J.W. Bashforth, is very low and is not expected to live. Judge Race and his wife
passed through the city this afternoon, en route to the bedside of their daughter, from New
York. Mr. Bashforth telegraphs that the presence of Dr. Chenoweth will not avail anything.
Mrs. B. is beyond the power of physicians to restore her health. here may be a change gor the
better, but it is not expected.
Decatur Republican, 23 Sep 1886
Demise of Mrs. Flora Bashforth at Quincy at 2 O'clock This Morning--Funeral
The following telegram was received at 11 o'clock to-day:
Quincy, Ill., Sept, 23d. - To J.W. Race, Decatur, Ill: Flora Died quietly at
2 a.m. Will be buried here Friday morning. Come. Mrs. J.W. Race
The sad news was not unexpected, as the deceased had been in a sinking condition
for several days, Dr. Hatch telegraphing yesterday that the deceased was slowly dying. Mrs.
Bashforth, whose maiden name was Flora Race, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Race, had
been afflicted with a kidney trouble that completely baffled the skill of Quincy and Decatur
physicians. The young wife bore her illness bravely. When she was here a few weeks ago on a
visit to her parents, she seemed to mend slowly, but she became stong enough to go home with
her husband. Mrs. Bashforth's untimely death will send a feeling of sadness through this
community, and the deep sympathy of our people will go out to the bereaved parents and the
young husband. The deceased was born in Decatur. Here she was a bright and happy child,
brightening her home, and as she grew to womanhood becoming a favotire in social circles, of
which she was a bright ornament. On the morning of Dec 12th, 1882, she ecame the wife of J.
Walter Bashforth, at St. John's Church, Rev. W.H. Moore performing the ceremony. Soon after
the marriage the couple went to Quincy where Mr. Bashforth is the local agent for the Pacific
Express Company. Their married life has been one of unalloyed happiness. No sorrow visited
them until three or four months ago when the young wife became ill, and since that time she
had been losing her strength. Her sufferings ended this morning, and to-morrow she will rest
in a grave at Quincy. She leaves no children. Her age was about 27 years.
The parents of the deceased were in New York on Sunday. They started at once for
Quincy on learning of the alarming condition of their daughter, but it is doubtful if they
reached that city before this morning. The relatives of the family left for Quincy this
afternoon to attend the funeral.
Decatur Republican, 30 Sep 1886
The funeral o the late Mrs. J.W. Bashforth was held at the Good Shepherd
Episcopal Church at Quincy yesterday, the service being read by the rector Dr. Corbyn. The
church was filled with sympathizing friends, and one of the largest funeral corteges ever seen
in Quincy followed the remains to Woodland cemetery, where the body was laid to rest. The
parents of the deceased were at the funeral; also J.W. Race and wife and Springfield relatives.
The Quincy Whig, of Sept. 23d, contained the following announcement of
the death.
The death of Mrs. Flora Race Bashforth, wife of Mr. J.W. Bashforth, which
occurred at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, is a sad event which throws a shadow of gloom over
the pathway of her many acquaintances. She had been seriously ill for many weeks, suffering
severely, and the grave fears which were entertained of the dissolution of earthly ties are
now painfully realized. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Race, of Decatur and four
years ago she came as a beautiful bride to our city. She was a highly cultured young lady,
the fortunate possessor of many rare accomplishments, and was well fitted to adorn the walks
of life. She drew the esteem and admiration of many friends who will hear the tidings of her
death with the most unfeigned sorrow. She saw her life in its serious aspects and was an
earnest and devout member of the Episcopal church, and her pathway through the shadowy vale
was lighted with the rays of hope illuminating the way tot he gates of Paradise.
She was only in the 27th year of her age, and life was surrounded with much to
make life comfortable, pleasant and happy. Only those who knew her best can comprehend how
much of the truly beautuful faded from earthly vision with the extinction of the vital sparks
of life. Her bereaved husband, who is well and favorably in the city, will receive the united
sympathy of all our citizens in this time of deep affliction.
Decatur Republican, 30 Sep 1886
BASHFORTH, John Walter
Quincy, Ill., Jan. 14 - John Walter Bashforth died suddenly here at 10 o'clock
this morning. He had been sick but three days and his condition was not regarded as serious
until four hours before his death. Death resulted from congestion of the brain superinduced by
typhoid pneumonia. The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed bu interment will
probably be in Quincy. Mr. Bashforth was 44 years of age and had been the agent of the Pacific
Express company here since 1879, coming here from Decatur. His first wife was the daughter of
Judge Race, of Decatur. In May last he married Miss Williams, of Washington, Kan., who with
his mother and sister survive him. Mr. Bashforth had a warm spot in his heart for his Decatur
Daily Republican (Decatur), 14 Jan 1896
He Passed Away in Quincy - Taken Off Suddenly
Several Years Ago He Was A Decatur Express Agent and Married His First Wife
This telegram was received in Decatur this forenoon:
Quincy, Ill., Jan 14 - W.R. Bresie, Decatur: Walter Bashforth died suddenly this
morning. Will write. Signed: J.C. McConnell
The deceased, J. Walter Bashforth, was personally known and admired by scores of
Decatur people. He was a former resident of Decatur, being for many years the local agent for
the Pacific and United States Express companies. He was in close touch with all of the
business interests of the city, and he moved in the upper circles of society. He married
Miss Flora Race daughter of Judge and Mrs. J.R. Race. She died and was buried in Greenwood
cemetery, this city.
Since leaving Decatur Mr. Bashforth has served the Pacific express company
continuously as agent at Quincy. Not long ago he married a young lady from the state of
Kansas. Mr. Bashforth was 44 years old. It is possible that the remains will be brought to
Decatur for burial. Judge Race left for Quincy this afternoon.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 14 Jan 1896
On Friday, May 22, the remains of J. Walter Bashforth were removed from their
temporary resting place in Quincy, Ill., and were reverently placed by the side of his first
wife, Flora Race, in the beautiful cemetery at Decatur. Many friends came from a distance
and were joined here by those who had known him in former years. Walter's mother, Mrs. R.
Perry, of Griggsville and Mr. Chas. Bashforth of the same place, came in on the same train
and were present with Judge Race, Mrs. Race and daughter at the impressive brief service,
when the final committal was said by Rev. J.R. Atkin and two hymns sung by kind friends over
the sacred spot.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 23 May 1896
Wednesday evening, March 13, at 7 oclock at his residence in Hickory
Township, of erysipelas, John G. Bassler, aged 49 years, 11 months and 13 days.
Deceased was a native of Wurttemberg, Germany, coming to this country alone
when 13 years of age, and after staying in Chicago a short time went to Ohio, where he
went to work on a farm for five years, after which he came to Illinois and enlisted in
the 8th Ill. Infantry, Co B, serving honorably three years. After his discharge he
returned to Macon County, and in April, 1864 he married Miss Emma Cox, by whom he had
seven children, all of whom are living. He has lived on Mrs. F. N. Ewings farm in
Hickory Township for 21 years, and also owns a farm in Arkansas. He was an industrious,
frugal man and was much respected by his neighbors.
His children are four sons and three daughters, the youngest being a pair
of twins - son and daughter- 5 years old. The eldest is a son 22 years of age and all
live at home with their mother except a married daughter, Mrs. Wm. Ivens, who resides
in the same neighborhood. The funeral occurred at 1 oclock this afternoon, Rev W. I.
Berkstresser officiating.
Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 21 March 1889, pg. 3
BATCHELDER, Mary T. (Thorndike)
One of Early Settlers of Illini Township
Mrs. Mary T. Batchelder, widow of John J. Batchelder, died at 1 o'clock
Wednesday morning at her home, 176 Taylor avenue. She was eighty years old last September.
Her death was due to complications incident to old age. She had been gradually failing
for the past year and had been confined to her bed for the past five weeks.
Mrs. Batchelder's maiden name was Mary T. Thorndike. She was born in
Pittsfield, N.H., Sept. 15, 1838, and was a daughter of John T. and Maria Joy Thorndike.
Her early life was spent in Pittsfield and with an aunt in Boston, Mass. She and John
J. Batchelder were married Sept. 8, 1868, and they came to Illinois to make their home,
being among the early settlers of Illini township. Mr. Batchelder died in 1898. Mrs.
Batchelder was well known among the old residents of Macon county and she had many
friends. She is survived by four children, Dr. H.M. Batchelder of Sterling, Colo.,
Mrs. Mary Cowen of Decatur, Mrs. Joseph T. Tucker of Warrensburg and Miss Georgiana J.
Batchelder of Decatur. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. M.T. Sanborn, of Laconin, N.H.
There are nine grand-daughters and one great-grandson.
Arrangements for the funeral will not be completed until the arrival of
the son, Dr. H.M. Batchelder. The interment will be in the Illini cemetery, near
The Daily Review (Decatur), 12 Mar 1919
Death of Nathan S. Batchelder
On Sunday, a prominent farmer of Macon county, Nathan S. Batchelder, died
at his home in Hickory Point township, aged 54 years. The deceased was a native of New
Hampshire, and settled in this county 25 years ago. He leaves a wife and nine children.
About six weeks ago, Mr. Batchelder, accompanied by his wife, visited the World's Exposition
at New Orleans, and on his way home, two weeks ago, he was taken sick on the train. He had
long been afflicted with a nervous trouble, and this, in connection with severe neuralgia
attacks, was the cause of his death. He was the owner of about 340 acres of land, and
leaves property valued at from $50,000 to $60,000.
The funeral will take place from the Congregational church in Illini township,
on Wednesday next, at 11 a.m.
Decatur Daily Republican, 16 Mar 1885
Nathan S. Batchelder was born at Deerfield, N.H., October 19, 1830, and
died in Hickory township, Macon county, Ill., March 15, 1885. He was therefore in the
55th year of his age. His ancestors were early settlers of his birth place. He was
the second son of four children, two of whom with their mother, live in N.H. He was
educated in the common school of his native state.
He came to Coles county, Ill. in 1855, and to Decatur the next year. In
1857 he took up his residence in Hickory township, where he remained till his death.
In 1861, he was married to Miss Mary Ritchie, who died in 1872, leaving four children.
In 1873 he was married to Mrs. Margaret Corman Richards, who with her five children
survive him. Mr. Batchelder was a man of good judgment and integrity, and by patient
industry has been able to secure a competency for his family. He attended the New
Orleans exposition, and was taken ill while there. He was for two weeks under the
care of the best physicians of that place. He was brought home two weeks before
his death, but for several days after his arrival he was unconscious of his
surroundings. He rallied, however, and strong hopes were entertained, of his
recovery until Saturday, when he sunk suddenly back into unconsciousness. He
passed peacefully away about 1 o'clock on Sunday, the 15th inst.
The funeral took place from the Congregational church in Illini
township on Wednesday, March 18, Rev. Slater officiating. Deceased leaves a wife
and nine children under 21 years of age. His eldest daughter, a pupil at the
Normal University for two years, came home to attend the funeral.
(Suncook, N.H., papers please copy.)
Mrs. Nathan Batchelder, in behalf of herself and family, desires
to express her thanks to their many neighbors and friends who so kindly tendered
their sympathy and assistance in their hour of bereavement.
Decatur Daily Republican, 20 Mar 1885
BAUER, Edward
Edward Bauer, 81, former employee of the Union Iron works died at 8:48 p.m. Sunday in his
home, at 826 East Lawrence St. He had been seriously ill for 10 days. Born in Decatur July 28,
1858, He married Mary Loui Nov 20, 1882. They marked their golden wedding anniversary in 1932.
Mrs. Bauer died August 8, 1938. Mr. Bauer retired as a machinist at the Union Iron works about
10 years ago. He leaves two sons, Albert T. Bauer and Philip Bauer, and two daughters. Mrs.
Walter Maxwell and Mrs. Albert Hall. all of Decatur. A daughter Mrs. Anthony Wombacher died in
1929. There are 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He was a member of the Lutheran
church. The body was removed to the Moran & Sons funeral home where friends may call after
7 p.m. today. It will be taken to the residence at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Services will be conducted
at Morans at 1 p.m. Wednesday with burial in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Herald - Jan. 1, 1940
BAUER, Jacob 
Of quick consumption at his home, No.436 South Crea Street, at 11:15
p. m. on Saturday, January 28,1888, Jacob Bauer, aged 43 years. The deceased leaves
a wife and seven children surviving him. He was a Union ex-soldier having served in
the War of the Rebellion as a member of the 9th Illinois Infantry. At the time of
his death he was postmaster for the township.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 30 Jan 1888, pg. 3
The funeral of the late Jacob Bauer, ex-soldier, and postmaster for
Decatur township, took place this forenoon, Rev. George Landgraf, of the German Lutheran
church, officiating. Comrades of Dunham Post, No. 141 G. A. B., attended
the services in a body, and buried the deceased with military honors.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 31 Jan 1888, pg. 3
BAUER, Jacob H.
Jacob H. Bauer, for 26 years, an employee of the Mueller Manufacturing
Company, died at his residence, 822 West King street, Thursday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock,
after an illness of a long duration. His death was the result of a complication of diseases.
He was born in Decatur, July 14, 1872, being 44 years of age at the time of
his death. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Corrine at home and one son, Arthur,
also of the home; one sister, Mrs. Barbara Kuckenburg of Ft. Wayne, Indiana and three brothers,
John G., Pete and Edward Bauer, all of Decatur.
He was a member of the IOOF lodge No. 65 and was active in the organization
while he had health. He was also a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and Modern Woodmen
Lodge No. 111. The body was taken to Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment. The funeral
will probably be held Sunday.
The Daily Review, Decatur, ILL, Thursday, 4 Jan 1917, pg. 4
The funeral service of Jacob H. Bauer was held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the
Monson and Wilcox chapel. The service was conducted by Charles Cooper. There was a large
attendance. The members of the Odd Fellows & Moose Lodges attended in a body and the drill
teams of the Modern Woodmen acted as escort to the cemetery.
The music was furnished by Miss Carrie Ashton, Mrs. Ed Herman and Mrs. Charles
Bobb. The pallbearers were W.H. Pease, Robert Bell, Robert Ballinger, Henry Wood, Joseph
Hamilton and H.C. Cameron. The interment was in Fairlawn cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, ILL, Monday, 8 Jan 1917, pg. 4
Mrs. Mary Bauer, 79, a Decatur resident for nearly 60 years, died at 6:40 p.m. yesterday in
her home. 826 East Lawrence St. She had been in failing health for several years and was seriously
ill for the last eight weeks. Born in Mascoutah, she was the former Mary Loui, daughter of
Martin and Mary Ebert Loui. She was married November 20, 1882, in Decatur to Edward Bauer. She
leaves besides her husband, two sons Phil and Al T. Bauer, and two daughters, Mrs. Eva Maxwell
and Mrs. Minnie Hall, all of Decatur, a brother, Joseph Loui, of Mascoutah, two sisters, Mrs.
Charles Wombacher, Mascoutah, and Sister Mary Dorothy of the Ursuline Order of Louisville, KY:
12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Bauer was a member of St. James Catholic
church and St. Elizabeth's sodality. Requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9 a.m. Thursday in
St. James' Catholic church by Rev. H. J. Schwener. Burial in Calvary Cemetery. Friends may
call at the residences after 7 p.m. today. Funeral arrangements, are under the direction of
Moran & Sons.
Decatur Herald - August 8, 1938
BAUER, Mrs. Philip
Just as the sun was sinking to rest last evening, the soul of Mrs. Philip Bauer took its
flight to heaven. She was nearly 74 years of age, had lived in Wheatland township, about three
miles southwest of this city for over 30 years and was esteemed and loved by all who knew her
for many good deeds and admirable traits of character. She leaves a husband and two sons, one
of whom, Henry Bauer, is in business in this city, and Edward Bauer, to mourn her loss. Her
funeral will take place Wednesday at 1 p.m. from the residence, Rev. J.L. Cramer of this city
conducting the services. The body will be buried in the Salem Church cemetery, four miles
southwest of this city.
Decatur Herald - Feb. 17, 1890
Joseph Baughman, an old and highly respected citizen of Blue Mound, died of cancer on
Friday night at 10:50 o'clock, aged 78 years. Mr. Baughman had been a resident of that section for
the past thirty years and was well known to all the residents of the southwest part of the county.
He had been married three times and his third wife survives him together with six children. The
funeral will take place this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. W.L. Bankson officiating.
Herald Despatch, Decatur, IL, 16 Jul 1892
BAUGHMAN, Mary (Harrington)
Mrs. Joseph Baughman, aged 70 years, died ot heart disease near Blue Mound on Thursday.
Decatur Daily Republican, 29 Apr 1887
BAUM, William
William Baum died in his home northwest of Bearsdale at 4:30 o'clock Saturday morning.
He had been ill for some time.
He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Baum of Chambersburg, Pa., and was
born May 19, 1851. He came to Illinois in 1869 and engaged in farming near Sterling. Later he
came to Macon county where he had lived since. He married Annette Pharis, Feb. 23, 1876. He had
been a member of the Methodist church of Warrensburg for over 20 years.
Besides his widow, he leaves one daughter, Mrs. George Lehn, 250 North Taylor avenue;
one brother, Samuel Baum, and two grandchildren, Russell and Waggoner Lehn, of Decatur.
The body was brought to the Dawson & Wikoff funeral establishment. Funeral
services will be conducted at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church of Warrensburg.
Burial will be in Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 11 Aug 1928
Funeral services for William Baum will be conducted in the First Methodist church of
Warrensburg at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Burial will be in Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Herald, Sunday, 12 Aug 1928
BEADLESTON, Bessie Florence
Bessie Florence, aged 7 years, 4 months and 5 days, daughter of William and Annie
Beadleston, died of diptheria at her home in Oreana Sunday morning, April 17.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, 21 Apr 1887
BEALL, Jane Newland
Funeral Program for Jane Newland Beall 1803-1890
In memory of Mrs. Jane Beall who departed this life July 10th, 1890 at
the home of her daughter Mrs. David L. Schroll at Warrensburg, Ill. in
her 88th year.
Jane Newland was born May 8, 1803, in Washington Co., PA, was married to
Hilleary Beall, Dec. 14, 1823. There were ten children born to this
union, of which there are two deceased, Sara Major, and one who died in
infancy. The surviving children are Nancy Barrett of Kansas, John Beall,
of Decatur, Parker Beall, William Beall, and Mary Schroll of Warrensburg,
Hilleary Beall, of Niantic, Elizabeth Widick, of Nebraska, and Frank
Beall of Decatur, now in Budapest, Hungary. Of grandchildren there are
thirty-six, thirty great grandchildren, and two great great
grandchildren. Leaving in all seventy-six descendants. On Oct. 9, 1876,
the husband and father died, since then the mother has passed her time
with her children.
Submitted by: glpbmp
Mrs. Nancy Beaman - Funeral at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Moran & Sons
chapel. The burial will be in the Wheeler cemetery. The body is now at the home of the son, J.W.
Beaman, 900 North Summit avenue, and friends may call there.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 6 Oct 1926
BEAN, William
William Bean 70, Blue Mound, Dies
Was Former Chairman of Board of Supervisors
William Howard Bean, who for almost his entire life had resided in the
vicinity of Blue Mound, died at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the family home,
three and a half miles southeast of Blue Mound. He was seventy years old last February.
Mr. Bean was chairman of the Macon county board of supervisors in 1895-7. He was also
a former president of the Blue Mound National bank.
Mr. Bean was born in Forreston, Ill., Feb. 28, 1860. The family came
to Macon County when he was young. In 1884 he and Miss Elizabeth Bailer of Bloomington
were married. She died and in 1898 he and Miss Hattie Bethaid were married. His father
broke the virgin sod of the Blue Mound farm in 1866, and it was not long after that
until W H was helping with the farm work. He attended the public schools, and the
Illinois State Normal School, graduating in 1881. Then he spent a year at the University
of Michigan.
For several years he served weigh-master for the Blue Mound Coal Company. He
was Worthy Patron of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter 327, for ten years. For three
years he was master of Blue Mound Lodge No. 686. A. F. and A. M. and for six years he was
secretary of the board of education of the Blue Mound Community high school. He always
held a high place in the esteem of the community.
He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Elsie Docker
of Fresno. Cal, Ralph Bean of Gulfport, Miss., Mrs. Lillian Hawkins of Huntington
Park, Cal, Mrs. Violet Strange of Los Angeles, Mrs. Agnes Pistorius of Macon, Mrs.
Alice Viehmann of Belleville, Haldane W. Bean and William H. Bean, Jr. of Blue Mound,
J. Harold Bean of Decatur Mrs. Esther Harmon of Forsyth, Edwin C. Bean, Desmond Bean,
Constance Bean, Robert Bean, Dorn Bean, Ruth Bean and Eleanor Bean, all at home. He
also leaves a sister, Mrs Mattie V. Garwood of Los Angeles, Cal. There are seven
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, at the Methodist
church in Blue Mound. The burial will be in Macon cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 11 Jun 1930, pg. 16
BEAMAN, Jack Richard
Born: 13, Sept. 1930 In Hammond, Indiana
Died: 26, April, 1979 in Fallbrook, California
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, Illinois
Parents: Rollie Edward & Lida Fern (Reed) Beaman
Married: 1965 to Patricia Arndt
Children: Randy, Penny Jo
BEAMAN, Lydia Fern (Reed)
Born: 22 May 1900 In Whitmore Township, Macon County, IL
Died: 12 May 1983 in Macon County, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married 16 Dec 1919 in Macon County, IL to Rollie Edward Beaman
Children: Edward, Ivan, Vivian, Jack, Clifford, Barbara
BEAMAN, Rollie Edward "Jap"
Born: 6 Aug 1900 in Shelby County, IL
Died: 8 Feb. 1994 in Macon County, IL
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon County, IL
Parents: Samuel & Emma (Love) Beaman
Married: 16 Dec. 1919 in Macon County, IL to Lydia Fern Reed
Children: Edward, Ivan, Vivian, Jack, Clifford, Barbara
BEAR, Ella
At half past ten o’clock yesterday morning, Miss Ella Bear departed this life
at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Litzinberger, No. 959 North Main street. The cause of death
was acute bronchitis. Miss Bear was for several years a successful teacher in the Decatur
public schools. A few months ago she resigned her position owing to her ill health, and during
the past summer visited her father’s near York, Pennsylvania, who is now reported in poor
health. She returned to Decatur on the 20th of last month, and since then has been gradually
failing. The deceased was a graduate of the Decatur high school, having been a member of the
class of '78. She had many friends here and the news of her demise will be received with deep
regret by all who knew her. The funeral will take place on Saturday morning at half past ten
o’clock from the First M.E. church.
Ella Bear was born near York, Pennsylvania, in 1858. She came here when about
ten years of age to reside with her aunt, Mrs. Litzinberger. She entered the ward schools at
an early age, and in 1874 she became a pupil at the high school, from which she graduated in
June 1878. That fall she took charge of a school in the Hawkyard district, where she taught
with success for two years. In 1880 she took charge of the primary department at the high
school, and remained there for five years. Last June she was forced to resign her position
on account of failing health. Her success as a primary teacher was remarkable, with her pupils
she was gentle, yet firm, and endeared them to her by loving acts of kindness. She was a
general favorite with all the teachers and others connected with the public schools.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 12 Mar 1886
The Burial of Miss Ella Bear
The sad and impressive funeral services over the mortal remains of Miss Ella Bear,
were held at half past ten o’clock yesterday morning at the First Methodist church. The edifice
was filled with friends of the deceased, who came to pay a final mark of love and respect to
her memory. The remains reposed in a handsome black casket, which was not opened at the
church. Those who desired to take a look at the features of the dead called the residence of
Mr. Listinberger on North Main street before the hour for service. The floral offerings on and
about the casket were profuse and beautiful. The offering of the high school alumni was a large
floral pillow of lilies and white roses, bearing the word “Ella” in violet flowers. The other
offerings were beautiful in design. Rev. T.I. Coultas conducted the services, which opened with
the singing of "Gathering Home," by the choir, compsed of Mr. Gher, Mr. Diller, Miss Sallie McCall
and Miss Ruth Hammer. Miss Florence Adams was the organist. The pastor read selections from the
14th chapter of St. John and the 21st and 22d chapters of Revelations and offered a fervent prayer.
"Blessed are they who Die in the Lord," was sung by the choir, following which Rev. Coultas
delivered a tender and impressive sermon. He chose for his text, "She has done what she could"
from the 8th verse of the 14th chapter of St. Mark. He gave a brief biographical sketch of the
deceased, and spoke in eulogistic terms of her useful and upright Christian life. Mr. E.A. Gastman
closed the service with a few remarks on the character of the deceased, he having known her for
many years as a pupil and teacher in the public schools. The interment took place at Greenwood
cemetery, whither the remains were followed by a large number. The pall bearers were Messrs. Harry
F. Hays, Will Loughbon, Hesten Baldwin, Will Werner, Charlie Ewing and E.W. Heilman.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 14 mar 1886
BEARD, Grace
The funeral of Miss Gracie Beard was held yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock from
the residence on West Macon street. Rev. W.H. Penhallegon conducted the service. Upon the
casket were many floral designs and cut flowers, the gifts of loving relatives and friends. There
were a large number present at the funeral. The burial was at Greenwood. The pall beareres were
Charles Bumstead, Morton Blythe, Gordon Penhallegon, Lou Ruehl, James Beatty and Archie Davis.
Decatur Review, 10 August 1892
BEATTY, James C.
In Harness Business Here Many Years
James C. Beatty, for many years in the harness and buggy business in Decatur,
died at 11 oclock Thursday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. H Stoutenborough,
262 West Eldorado Street. He was eighty year sold in April. His death was caused by
hardening of the arteries. Though he had been in feeble for several years he had been
confined to his bed only two years.
Mr. Beatty was born in Findlay, Ohio, April 14, 1845. He was one of twin
sons born to Issac and Elizabeth A. Beatty. When he was seven year old the family moved
to Clinton, Illinois and when he was eighteen years old he and his twin brother H. G.
Beatty, enlisted in the Second Illinois Light Artillery and served till the close of the war.
James C. Beatty and Rebecca Ely were married in Clinton, Aug. 29, 1866. They resided for a
number of years in Maroa, where Mr. Beatty was in business. He moved to Decatur in 1884, and
from that time until about ten years ago he was actively engaged in business here. His twin
brother often visited him here. Both were fine looking men and their resemblance was
Mr. Beatty was a member of the First Methodist Church and of the Dunham post
141, G.A.R. He is survived by his wife and the following children; Mrs H. K. Hill of
Hollywood, Cal., Mrs. Guy R. Jenneson of Biaine, Wash., George Beatty of Washington, D.C.,
James Beatty of Battle Creek, Mich., and Mrs C. H. Stoutenborough of Decatur. He also
leaves his brother, H. C. Beatty, in Clinton, and a half-brother, George Beatty of Fresno,
The body was removed to the Monson undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 1 May 1925, pg. 21
BECK, James G.
DECATUR - James G, Beck, 79 of Decatur, passed away peacefully at 5:55 pm Friday,
March 30, 2007 in his home surrounded by his loving family.
Services to celebrate Jims life will be held at 11 am Tuesday, April 2, 2007
in the Chapel of Graceland/Fairlawn Funeral Home, conducted by Pastor Darren Morrow. Visitation
will be held from 6 to 8 Monday in the funeral home. Interment with the "Flight Home" ceremony
will be in Graceland Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to Summit Avenue Baptist Church or to
the American Cancer Society.
James was born on September 22, 1927 in Decatur, a son of Clyde T. and Ethel
R. (Wright) Beck. Jim married Iola M. Moore on August 25, 1946 in Decatur. He was a member
of Summit Avenue Baptist Church. He retired from Firestone Tire Company after 25 years of
working in various departments. He served his country in the Navy.
Surviving are his wife of over 60 years, children- Ethel "Becky" Hand and husband
John of Moweaqua, James A. Beck of Decatur, Steven and wife Becky Beck of Decatur, Brenda and
husband Stan Henderson of Hannibal, MO and Mike and wife Charlotte Beck of Moweaqua, brothers - Clyde
J. Beck of Decatur and David E. Beck and wife Edna of Oreana, twenty four grandchildren and
twenty-five great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, two children - Jeff and Rose Marie
Beck, and a brother- Jack Beck. The family would like to give special thanks to the DMH
Hospice staff and Dr. Esparaz and Dr. Kahn for all of their care and compassion.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
BEHRENDS, Mrs. Recil
Mrs. Recil Behrends,[Last name should be BEHREND] Ill Several Years, Dies
Mrs. Recil Behrends, 51, of 1444 East Condit Street, a member of St. John's Lutheran Church
and the Ladies Aid Society of the church, died at 3 a.m. today in St. Mary's Hospital after an
illness of several years.
She leaves her husband, Henry E., and three children, Donald, Vera and Betty, all at home.
She also leaves her step-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gold, of San Jose, Calif.; two step-sisters
[this should be half-sisters], Mrs. Mabel Forres, of San Francisco and Mrs. Leona Berry, of San
Jose, Calif. There are two step-brothers, Jack and Harold Gold, both of San Francisco.
[This relationship is also incorrect, Jack GOLD is a step-brother and Harold BETHEL is a half-brother].
Born in Sikeston, MO, on April 11, 1895, Mrs. Behrend was married on June 30, 1921. Her
parents were Mr. & Mrs. Ben Bethel.
Services will be held at 2 pm Wednesday in the Moran & Sons funeral home and at 2:30 pm
at St. John's Lutheran Church. Burial will be in the Lutheran Cemetery. The body may be seen at
Moran's after 10 am Tuesday.
Unknown newspaper, July 15, 1946
Submitted by: Sondra Frogner
BELKE, Josephine (Nanna)
Mrs. Josephine Belke died at 4:30 o'clock Thurday morning at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nanna, 2327 East Prairie Avenue. She was twenty-four
years old. Her death was caused by heart trouble after an illness of eight months. Mrs.
Belke's maiden name was Josephine Nanna. She was born March 23, 1897. She was a member
of St. Patrick's Catholic church and bad many friends. She is survived by her parents
and one sister, Miss Ruth Nanna, and two brothers, Herbert and Harold Nanna.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning; at St. Patrick's church. The
interment will be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Thursday, 22 Sep 1921, pg. 20
BELL, Charles R.
Contracted Tuberculosis While In War Service in France
Word has been received by Mrs, Minnie Bell King, 201 West Decatur
Street, of the death of her brother, Charles H. Bell, which occurred in the American
Red Cross hospital in Oteen, North Carolina, Friday morning about 10 o'clock. Mr.
Bell contracted tuberculosis while in France serving with the 307th infantry. He
was a member of the Volunteer 8th regiment in Chicago and went to France in 1918.
He came back to the United States in 1919. Mr. Bell was born in Decatur and lived
here practically all his life. He was the son of Mrs, Victoria Orr, of Decatur, who
before her second marriage was Mrs. Charles Bell.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 25 Feb 1921, pg. 16
BELL, Charlie 
Colored Man, 90 Years Old, Dies
Charlie Bell, one of the best known colored men in Decatur, died at 7 oclock
Monday morning at his home, 1856 North Clinton street. He was about ninety years old. Charlie
Bell was born in slavery. The late Judge Gallagher, who was a captain in the civil
war, ran across Charlie during the war. He did the colored man a kindness and Charlie, being
like a stray dog with no home and no friends, stuck to Captain Gallagher. He made himself
useful around company headquarters throughout the war, and at its close, Captain Gallagher
brought Charlie to Decatur. Charlie worked as a servant about the Gallagher home until the
death of Judge Gallagher.
Then Dan and Eli Brenneman gave him work, and after they passed away George
A. Keller furnished him with employment. Mrs. Gallagher in the meantime always kept track
of Charlie and when out of work she saw that he was well provided for. For a long time she
has been sending him a check at regular intervals from Los Angeles, Cal., where she is now
living. She would send it to the Millikin National Bank and all he had to do was go there
and get the money.
Charlie always took a deep interest in military affairs. When Henry Elwood
was captain of Company H of Decatur Charlie went to camp with him every year. Years later
he accompanied Lieutenant Arthur Gallagher to the same camp. Lieutenant Gallagher in his
uniform was a proud sight for Charlie, who had trotted the lieutenant on his knee as a baby.
Mr. Bell is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Minnie King, of Decatur. The body
was removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 20 Aug 1917
The funeral of Charlie Bell will be held at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon
at Morans chapel. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. A. Crockett and will be private.
The interment will be in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 21 Aug 1917, pg. 11
NOTE: While Charlie Bell never officially served in the Civil War, his devotion
to Arthur Gallagher and the military in the years after merits his inclusion in the
Veteran Index of those
buried in Macon County, IL who were not included in the 1929 Roll of Honor.
BELL, John Wesley
Veteran of Civil War Popular Speaker
One of the Oldest K.P.
"Comrade" John Wesley Bell, well known veteran of the Civil war, died at 10:30 o'clock
Sunday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R.E. Gritton, 538 East William street. He was
eighty-nine years old last May. His death was caused by complications incident to old age. He
had been in failing health for the last year, but had been confined to his bed for only two
Mr. Bell was born in Lovington, May 10, 1839 and was the first male child born in
that place. His father made the original survey of that town. He was a member of the Dawson
family, pioneers in Macon and Moultrie counties, and was a brother of Mrs. Anna E. Fielding, widely
known in Moultrie county.
Mr. Bell was a member of Dunham post 141 G.A.R. He enlisted in company A, Eighth
Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was later with company E, One Hundred and Fifty-Fifth Indiana
Infantry. He was also one of the oldest members of Coeur de Leon lodge No. 17, Knights of
Mr. Bell was frequently called upon to make patriotic address to the school children
on Memorial day. His favorite was Lincoln's Gettysburg address, and his frequent rendition of
the address made him familiar to hundreds of school children in Decatur and vicinity.
His wife, Lydia Jane Bell, died June 28, 1911 and a son, Thomas Bell, died in a
government hospital in Tenn. in 1920. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Frances E.
Gritton of Decatur, Daniel M. Bell of Danville, Harry T. Bell of Indianapolis, Pearl A. Kughler
of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mrs. Rose Taylor and Dorothy Bell of Decatur. There are three grandchildren.
The body was taken to Moran & Sons funeral directors, and prepared for burial.
Decatur Daily Review, Monday, 9 July 1926
BELL, Richard H.
The inquest over the death of Richard H. Bell was held this afternoon by Coroner W.F.
Porter of Monticello. The verdict of the jury was that Mr. Bell met his death by accident by being
struck by an I.T.S. construction train, and relieved the interurban company from blame.
It was brought out in the evidence that Mr. Bell's failure to hear the construction
whistle was probably due to the fact that a Wabash engine was whistling at the same time.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church.
The service will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. A.C. Adams. The interments will be in the Peck
Mr. Bell was born in Huntington county, Pa., March 4, 1840, and came to Illinois in
1842. He was married to Miss Sarah Minnich Nov. 13, 1862. He had lived in Cerro Gordo ever since
1886. and had lived in this vicinity since he was three years old. His wife died in February, 1897.
Besides his son and daughter, Grant Bell and Mrs. M.N. Mikels, he leaves six grandchildren, three
brothers, Samuel Bell of Maocn, Joseph Bell of Iowa and Charles Bell of Colorado; and two sisters,
Mrs. Boring of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Miller of Clinton.
He had been a member of the Methodist church over forty years and was one of the best
informed members of the church on the church discipline. He had held nearly all the official
positions in the church here. He had also held various civil offices and at the time of his death
was township constable.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 17 Nov 1907
BELL, Willie G.
Willie G., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bell, of Wheatland township, aged three
months and one day, died yesterday. The funeral will take place this afternoon at two o'clock, Rev.
D.E. May officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Feb 1886
Death of Judge Benedict
A telegram received by Dr. I.B. Curtis from Gen. G.A. Smith, announces the news
of the death of Hon. Kirby Benedict at Santa Fe, New Mexico, last Friday night. Judge
Benedict was well known to all our oldest settlers, having lived here a great many years. He
was a native of Connecticut, and was 63 years of age. He came to Decatur in 1835, and began
the practice of law. In 1837 he was elected probate judge of Macon county, which office he
held six years. In 1845 he was chosen to a seat in the legislature, and in 1853 was
apppointed by President Pierce Associate Judge of the Federal courts in the Territory of
New Mexico. He was soon afterwards promoted to the Chief Justiceship of the Territory, which
office he continued to hold through the administrations of Pierce, Buchanan and Lincoln, and
was removed for political reasons by President Johnson. Since his removal from office he has
continued to reside at Santa Fe, and for some years past has been editor and proprietor of the
New Mexicana Union.
He was a man of fine natural abilities, and by study and application had
largely improved his talents. His wife, who is a sister of Dr. Ira. B. Curtis, is at present
in this city, hving been visiting her relatives in this locality since early in the winter.
A married daughter of the deceased, Mrs. James Smith, resides in this county.
We understand that Judge Benedict was arranging his affairs so as to leave New
Mexico, and that if death had not overtaken him he would have been in Illinois this spring.
His desire was, we learn, to settle in Chicago, for the purpose of pursuing the practice of
his profession.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 3 Mar 1874
BENFORD, John (Bamford, Banford) 
Mr. John Benford, of Cisco, who is well and favorably know throughout
this vicinity, died Tuesday night at 11:40. He was a member of the Odd Fellow lodge
of this place, and will be buried by the lodge tomorrow at ten o'clock at the
Cumberland cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 22 Oct 1886, pg. 2
BENNETT, Catherine
The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Bennett, wife of George Bennett, took place yesterday
afternoon from the family residence on East North street. The services were conducted by Rev.
W.H. Prestley. Music was furnished by a choir composed of Misses Sallie McCall, Ollie Willis
and Messrs. F.W. Westhoff and Budge Brown. There were several beautiful floral offerings and
the remains were interred at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 30 Mar 1886
BENNETT, Charles M.
C.M. Bennett, 205 Linden Place, died at 12:30 o'clock this morning in his
home after a short illness, his death being unexpected although he had not been in robust
health. He had been under treatment for diabetes but his condition was not regarded as
such to occasion alarm and Monday was at his desk in the office of Mississippi Valley
Steel company where he was engaged as draftsman and engineer for many years.
He was born in Homer 44 years ago but for more than 20 years had been a
resident of Decatur; he attended Millikin and was captain of the football team in 1908.
He leaves his wife and daughter, Betty, and his mother, who resides in Homer. The body
was taken to the undertaking rooms of L.A. Monson.
Decatur Herald, 25 Jan 1928
Funeral services for C.M. Bennett in Westminster church Friday morning
were conducted by Rev. G.A. Papperman. Burial was in Fairlawn.
Decatur Herald, 28 Jan 1928
Miss Elby Bennett, aged 28 years, died of diptheria Monday afternoon, March 21, near Oreana,
at the home of her father, J.M. Bennett. The deceased was first taken sick two months ago with the grip.
She leaves several brothers and sisters. Burial at the Union church at 10 a.m. to-morrow.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 24 Mar 1892
Robert Bennington died at 12:45 this morning at his home, 1775 North
Clinton Street, of consumption. He was 85 years of age and leaves a wife, two
daughters and one son. The funeral will be announced later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 15 Mar 1895, pg. 3
Bennington aged 85 years died Friday March 15 at his home 1878 North
Clinton Street after a long ness. He was an old soldier and a member of Dunham Post
G.A.R. which society will have charge of the funeral. He leaves a wife and three
children. The children are Mrs. Mary McNamara and Mattie and Andrew Bennington. The
funeral will take place Sunday at 2 p m from the residence.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 16 Mar 1895, pg. 3
The funeral of Robert Bennington will be held at 3 o'clock this
afternoon from the family residence, 1775 North Clinton Street. Rev. D F. Howe will
officiate and Dunham Post 141, G.A.R., will attend in a body. The interment will
be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 17 March 1895, pg. 2
BENTON, Carrie M.
The remains of Miss Carrie M. Benton, who died several years ago at Cimarron,
Kan., were removed from that place to Maroa last week and interred in the family lot at the
Maroa cemetery.
Clinton Public, DeWitt Co., IL, Friday, 18 Aug 1899
BENTZ, Elizabeth Frances
Born: March 8, 1867 in Shelbyville
Died: Friday, August 8, 1947
Buried: Glenwood Cemetery in Shelbyville
Married: Franklin P. Bentz in Shelbyville March 8, 1885...he died
Survivors: twin sons Archie E. Bentz with whom she made her home and Arthur L. Bentz of Rural
route 7
BERG, Dorothy (Britton)
Born: 25 Mar 1914 in Casner, Macon Co.
Died: 29 Jul 1991 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Macon Co
Parents: Hal Charles & Roxie May (Florey) Britton
Married: Apr 12, 1944 in San Francisco, CA to Hal Charles Britton
The funeral of James Bergen, of Harristown, took place from the Presbyterian
church on Sunday afternoon. The remains were interred at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 30 Mar 1886
BERLIN, David M.
The flag at the Durham Post is at half-mast today in memory of the
late David M. Berlin, whose funeral took place this afternoon from the Presbyterian
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 19 Sep 1893, pg. 4
The Remains of Comrade David M. Berlin, Consigned to the Grave
The funeral of the late David M. Berlin, a veteran of the Eighth Illinois
Regiment, was held yesterday afternoon from the First Presbyterian church in the presence
of a large number of people. The sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. W. H. Penhallegon,
and Miss Pearl Pinckard, of Monticello, during the service sang Bury Me With My Grand Army
Button On My Breast" and "Tape, Lights Out These were favorite songs with the deceased, and
he was a great admirer of Miss Pinckard's vocal accomplishments.
Upon the casket were placed the stars and stripes and many rich floral
offerings, one was given by Woman's Relief Corps. In the congregation were the members
of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R., in a body, members of the W.R.C. and Sons of Veterans. The Grand
Army Poet had charge of the funeral, and the interment was in accordance with the impressive
ceremonies of the patriotic organization. The cortege was one of the longest lately witnessed
at the burial of an old soldier.
At the grave in Greenwood the Rev. J.A.F. King of the U.B. Church, officiating
as chaplain for the G.A.R. Post, read the beautiful service and offered prayer. A firing
squad formed of members of the Decatur Guards and Sons of Veterans fired the military salute
over the grave and the service closed.
The pallbearers at the funeral were all members of the Eighth Illinois regiment,
which the deceased was a member. They were George S. Durfee, captain Co. A.; Peter Schlosser,
captain Co. B; A.S. Baylor, sergeant Co. K; W.F. Martin Co B; J.F. Steel and Jerry P. Nieholeon,
Co. A. At the grave Comrade W.0. Johns was called upon to speak in reference to the dead.
The request was wholly unexpected, and the remarks were never the less to the point and touched
the hearts of the old soldiers. Mr. Johns spoke of Mr. Berlin as a boy, as a citizen, as a
soldier and a veteran, and paid high tribute to him as a man and a patriot.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 20 Sep 1893, pg. 3
BERMAN, Evelyn
Born: 27 December 1899 in Phillips, Nebraska
Died: 14 July 1929 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL at Decatur Macon Couty Hospital from complications
following surgery for appendicitis
Parents: Orilla Lynch
Married: 1922 Vandalia, IL to Ralph Bremen
Children: Phyllis Corrinne, Ralph Bremen, Jr.
Survivors: Husband, mother, children, Mrs. Sherman Cox, Mrs. Myrtle Meyer, Miss Mabel Lynch, Mrs.
A.F. Scherive, and Mrs. A Bozzao.
BERMAN, Joseph Hunter
Joseph Berman, Victim of Pneumonia, Well Known
Joseph Hunter Berman, well known resident of Warrensburg, died in the Decatur and
Macon county hospital Wednesday evening at six o'clock. Pneumonia was the direct cause of his
death. His health had been failing for the last six years. He was taken to the hospital July 31.
He was born November 23,1851, in Huntington county, Penn., and was nearly 70 years
old. He came to Illinois in 1879 and has lived in or around Warrensburg for the last fifty years.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Isabel Berman and four children, Mrs. J.B. Peters, Decatur;
Mrs. J.A. Kruzan, Warrensburg; Frank Berman, Audubon, Iowa, and Ralph Berman, Decatur. He also
leaves one brother D.D. Berman, Corvallis, Ore., and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Murry, Los Angeles, Cal.,
and Miss Alice Berman, Warrensburg.
Dawson and Wikoff, undertakers prepared the body for burial. It was taken to the
home of his daughter, Mr. J.A. Kruzan, Warrensburg, Thursday.
Funeral services will be conducted in the Church of God, Warrensburg, Friday morning
at 11 o'clock.
Decatur Daily Review, 25 August 1921
Funeral services for Joseph Berman were conducted in the Church of God, Warrensburg,
Friday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. H.W. Kruzan, assisted by Rev. L.E. Bradley. Flowers were in
charge of Misses Ruth, Eleanor and Dorothy Peters and Miss Josephine Kruzan. The bearers were C.
H. Faith, D.F. Bear, E.C. Heller, C.J. Tucker, E.E. Barton and John Kerwood. Burial was in Boiling
Springs cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, 27 August 1921
BERMAN, Truman C.
Truman Berman Dies At Warrensburg
Warrensburg, Ill., Jan. 27 - Truman C. Berman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Berman,
died at the home of his parents, in Warrensburg, Sunday morning at the age of 24 years and 10
months. Mr. Berman has been a sufferer for several months. He leaves a mother, father, three
brothers, two sisters. The body was taken to the Boiling Springs church, where the funeral
services were held, conducted by Rev. Mr. Kruzan. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs had charge of
the services.
Decatur Daily Review, 27 January 1908
BERRY, Annie L.
Mrs. Annie L. Berry, wife of William Berry, died at 12:45 Monday morning
at her residence, 540 East Leafland avenue.
Mrs. Berry had been in failing health for several years. Her only son,
Chauncey Berry, died five years ago, and her health had been failing ever since his
death. For the last two years she was able to leave the house only at long intervals.
The last time she was out was in November last.
She was born in Delaware, O., sixty-one years ago May 13. She had lived
in Decatur since 1877. She was a member of the First Congregational church and was
held in high esteem by all who knew her. She is survived only by her husband.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Monday afternoon from the residence. The
services will be conducted by Rev. R.W. Gammon. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 10 May 1909
BERRY, Thomas W.
Yesterday morning Thomas W. Berry died at his home three miles north of Oakley,
of paralysis. The deceased was about sixty-five years of age, and for fifteen years past has
been a residen tof Macon county. For nine years altogether he served his township as
commissioner of highways, making a faithfula nd efficient officer. A widow and seven
children survive him. Mr. Berry was a very large man, and when stricken with paralysis
several days ago very little hope was entertained of his ever recovering. He was well
known in Oakley township and Decatur and in fact had acquaintances throughout the county.
The funeral will take place to-day from the Union church, and the services will be
conducted by Rev. J.W. Tyler.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Jun 1886
BESALSKI, Margaret Henrietta Alberta
Margaret Henrietta Alberta, infant daughter of Mr.a nd Mrs. Herman Besalski, died at
9 o'clock Sunday night at the family residence, 1365 North Calhoun street. She was three years old.
Her death was caused by spinal meningitis, after an illness of two weeks.
The funeral will be held at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon at the family residence. The services
will be conducted by Rev. William Heyne. The interment will be in the Lutheran cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 8 Sep 1913, pg. 12
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bethause died this morning at 2:57 o'clock at the
family residence, No. 768 East Wood street, of diptheria croup aged 17 months and 23 days. The
funeral is in progress this afternoon from the residence, Rev. Father Lammert officiating.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 5 Feb 1895
BETZ (Bets), Charles
Argenta, May 30 Charles Bets died in his home in Argenta, Monday night
at 7 oclock of apoplexy. He was born in Ch___ville, Ohio May 4, 1844 and was married
to Miss Sarah E. Dickey in 1885. To this union one child was born, Mrs. Bertha White.
Besides his wife and daughter, Mr. Betz leaves three sisters; Mrs Fannie Dunlap of
Champaign, Mrs. Reno Ewalt or West Alexander, Ohio, and Mrs. Hattie Hall of R__bourlan,
N _ and his grand children.
Mr Betz came to Illinois in 18_7, living on a farm two miles west of
Argenta. The deceased was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of Fred Spooner Post
No. ____ G.A.R. of Argenta of the fifty-five originally members, there are now only
eight members left.
The funeral will be held at the Presbyterian Church in Argenta Wednesday
afternoon at 2 oclock, conducted by Rev. _ D. T___key. Internment will be in Friends
Creeks Cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 30 May 1922, pg. 12
BETZ (Bets), Solomon
Argenta, Sept, 28Solomon D. Bets, 83 years old and a veteran of the
Civil War, died at his home here Tuesday, after a long illness. He was born in Union
county. Pa, in 1838, and at the age of three years moved with his parents to Ohio. He
served four years in the Union army, and at the close of the war came to Illinois,
settling in Friend's Creek township, where he lived until he moved to Argenta 27 years ago.
Mr. Betz is survived by his wife and three children. The latter are Mrs. Ida Fullerton
of Lawrence, Ia., Arthur and William Bets of Argenta. The funeral will be conducted
at the home at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, with burial in Friend's Creek Cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 28 Sep 1921, pg. 1.
BETZER, Florence
Argenta, June 20 - Florence Betzer, age nine years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Betzer, died Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home four and one-half miles
sourtheast of town. Death was caused by ptomaine poisoning. The funeral will be held at
the Union church south of Oreana Saturday, at 2:00 p.m.
Decatur Review, 20 Jun 1913
BETZER, George W.
Well Known Retired Farmer Succumbs
George W. Betzer the well-known retired farmer died at 1:25 Tuesday
afternoon at the family residence 956 West Grand Avenue. His death was caused by
diabetes. He was seventyfour years old and was especially well known among old
and older residents of the county.
He was born in Oreana and lived on a farm there all his life until
about fourteen years ago when he retired and moved to Decatur. He is survived by
his wife and five children; Louis Betzer and Carl Betzer who live on the farm.
Alfred Betzer who lives in Nebraska. Chester Betzer of Macon County and Miss
Georgia Betzer aged nine years of Decatur. He was a member of the Central Church
of Christ and had many friends. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member
of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R.
No arrangements have been made for the funeral.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 15 Jun 1915, pg. 12
DIED ~ this morning, at the residence of her son-in-law, Peter Betzer, Esq., Mrs.
Mary Betzer, mother of Rev. D.P. Bunn and Hon. A.B. Bunn. The funeral will take place to-morrow
at 2 p.m., from the residence of Mr. Betzer, on East North street. Friends of the family are
respectfully invited to attend.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Dec 1873
BETZER, Reuben
Reuben Betzer died at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, at his home, No. 350 East William
street, aged 71 years and 8 months. About two months ago Mr. Betzer fell and broke his hip and
since then he has not been well, but pneumonia was the immediate cause of his death.
The deceased was an old and highly esteemed resident of Macon county and was well
known in this part of the state. He was born in Ross county, Ohio, July 5, 1824, and was the son
of William and Margaret Betzer. At the age of 25 he settled on a farm near his parent's home,
and on December 31, 1848, he was married to Miss Sarah Evans, who survives him. In 1865 Mr. Betzer
and his wife came to Decatur and settled on a large farm in Whitmore township where they resided
until 1867 when Mr. Betzer retired from farming and came to Decatur to live. He had traveled
considerable but had always made their home in this city. The deceased had no children but he
leaves six nieces. They are Mrs. Amos Imboden, Mrs. Benton Blackstone, Mrs. Frank Spillman, Mrs.
Emma Reid and Mrs. Maggie Good of Decatur and Mrs. C.D. Camp, of Chicago. He was a brother-in-law
to Mrs. Elizabeth Betzer, of this city.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 26 Mar 1896
The funeral of the late Reuben Betzer was held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the First
Presbyteriam church, the pastor, Rev. W.H. Penhallegon, officiating. There was a large attendance and
many beautiful floral offerings. The music was rendered by a choir composed of D.L. Bunn, A. Lindamood,
Miss Addie Ebert and Mrs. W.J. Hostetler. They sang a funeral chant service. The burial was at
Greenwood cemetery. The pallbearers were D.H. Heilman, T.T. Roberts, S.S. Jack, J.R. Miller, H.P.
Lewis and R.P. Lytle.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 20 Mar 1896
The death of Mrs. Sarah Betzer, which occurred Friday (Apr 6), recalls the provisions of the
will of her husband, Rueben Betzer. He died March 8, 1896, and the will, which was probated March 21, 1896,
showed that liberal bequests were made to the Decatur Young Men's Christian Association and several
churches. All of these bequests, however, were subject to the life interest of the widow, Sarah Betzer, to
whom all the property went for life. It is believed that the estate instead of decreasing in value is
now worth more than that in value. There is no doubt that as it stands today there will be enough to
pay all the bequests and still leave something for the establishment of the Rueben Betzer library.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 8 Apr 1906
The Six-Year-Old Son of J.S. Bicknell Passes Away
The six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Bicknell died Sunday morning shortly after
7 o'clock at 803 West Wood street, of membraneous croup. The child had been sick about a week,
and on last Friday night, when the boy grew gradually worse and in imminent danger of choking to
death, an operation known as intubation was performed by Dr. E.E. Hagler, of Springfield, assisted
by Drs. Jones & Chenoweth, of this city. The boy grew a little better, but was unable to rally
much and died Sunday morning. The funeral is in progress this afternoon from the residence, Rev.
D.F. Howe of the First M.E. church, officiating.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 26 Nov 1895
W. Biddle, who left Macon 10 years ago for the south, died on Wednesday at
Lawley, Florida, aged about 85 years. He was at one time in the drug business at Macon
with Robert Bivans and had served as postmaster at Macon.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 16 Sep 1897, pg. 8
A telegram was received here on Wednesday announcing the death of W. A.
Biddle at his home in Lawley, Fla. Mr. 'Biddle was a former resident of Macon and was
among the best of citizens. He has a. great many friends in Macon and vicinity, who are
deeply grieved to heal of his death. His death was caused by Bright's disease.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 18 Sep 1897, pg. 6
Dies as a Result of Having Legs and Hands Frozen
E.M. Bigelow the old man who was found with his legs and hands frozen
last Thursday in a shack on West Forest Avenue, died at 8 o'clock Monday night at St.
Mary's hospital. He was 82 years old and the exposure was too much for him. It was
thought for a while that he would get well, but he got worse Monday evening and sank
rapidly. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning and the interment will be at
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 14 Dec 1909, pg. 12
The funeral of Emery Bigelow was held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning
at Dawson's chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. E.M. Smith, pastor at the
First Christian church. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 15 Dec 1909, pg. 10
BIGGS, Lena Jane
Born: 21 Jun 1885 in IL
Died: __ May 1966 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parrents: Uriah Taylor Lane and Sirena Maddox
Married: #1 Ora C. Nihiser, #2 Royal Biggs
Children: Beulah, Virgil, Claude, Donald Nihiser
BINKLEY, Allen McClelland
The funeral of Allen McClelland Binkley was held at the M.E. church Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. The sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Pierce, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Brusan and Rev. Mr. Arnold. A quartet composed of Mrs. James Eyman, Mrs. Victor DeWein,
Messrs. Cowen and Baumgartner sang two selections, "Nearer My God to Thee" and "The Christian's
Good Night." The members of the I.O.O.F. and Modern Woodmen lodges, of which the deceased was
a member, attended in bodies. Mr. Binkley was born in Franklin county, Pa., Jan 1 1863, and
died at his home in Warrensburg, Sunday, March 22, 1903. He came to Illinois in 1881, was
married to Miss Sarah Buckley in 1884. He is survived by a wife and five sons, father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binkley, Franklin county, Pa., four brother, W.W. Binkley of
Warrensburg, W.R. Binkley of Niantic, Mechor and Cloyd of Pennsylvania, two sisters, Alice
Binkley and Mrs. Rhue Ostler of Pennsylvania. He was a nephew of J.J. and H.C. Binkley. The
floral offerings were many and beautiful.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 23 Mar 1903
BIRD, John
Born a Freeman Down in Alabama
Kind Hearted and Very Sincere Man
John Bird, one of the old colored citizens of Decatur and one of
the most widely known men in the community, died Monday night, October 23, at
his home on South Main Street. Consumption was the cause. The death of John Bird
removes one of the most prominent characters in the city and a man who was in
many ways remarkable and unusual.
Mr. Bird was born March 19, 1836 near Mobile, Alabama. He was born
a freeman and never a slave. According to his own account, his father was a white
man. In 1856 Bird came to Decatur, but previous to that time he lived in the southern
part of Illinois, having been sent there by his father at a time when the southern
people did not feel kindly toward free negroes. He was married in Illinois and his
wife still survives. He lived in Decatur ever since 185_ and there were few people
in the city who did not know the man.
Bird was a great politician. At first he was a Republican, but in
later years he took sides with the Democrats. It is said that his dislike for the
Republican party began when the lynching of Bush the negro, occurred in Decatur. Bird
took note of many lynchings, which occurred in the south, and he thought that something
should be done to stop it. He sincerely felt that it was the duty of the Republican
party to in some way prevent the lynching, and as the party did not do anything, Bird
became bitterly opposed to Republicans and fought as bitterly for the Democrats as he
had for the Republicans in his early days.
Bird worked at various occupations. He was frequently seen on the streets
and particularly during political campaigns. As a street talker he was certainly a leader
and there were few men, either white or colored, in the city who could attract a bigger
crowd on a street corner better than John Bird. He had a way of his own in making his
talks impress his listeners. One of the good things about the old man was that he was
really honest in his beliefs. He would argue his side of a political question at any time
and at any place, and he would back his judgment. In his earlier days before he associated
himself with the Methodist Church, Bird was always ready to make a bet. He took great
interest in horse races and prize fights and in the latter he was always ready to back
the colored champions in the ring.
His enthusiasm would carry him away from his good judgment in making a bet.
If he believed that a man ought to be ________ to _______ he would bet that way. On one
occasion when Peter Perl ran for sheriff, Bird was so worked up over the election that he
bet a house and bet against a sum of money that Perl would be elected and he won. That was
the first time he ever voted for a Democrat and has was taken to task for it later by his
Republican associates.
The old colored man was unusually kind hearted and sympathetic person. He
could not talk of lynching and other peoples troubles without crying. It was his sympathetic
nature that caused him, although he had six children of his own, to adopt three or four
other children, just because they had no home of there own. One of these adopted children,
a boy, who bore Birds name, was accidentally shot and killed while going hunting a few months
ago. A wife and only one of Birds children survives him, Mrs Ollie Clanton, an unusually
bright woman, whose husband is a professor in one of the colleges for colored people in the
south. Mrs. Clanton was with her father at the time of his death.
Bird had quite a war record. He served three years with the Twenty-ninth
Illinois colored regiment and was present at the explosion at Petersburg when many were
killed. He lost part of one hand on that occasion. He was member of the G.A.R. post of Decatur.
Although he had a large family to raise and did much for other people, Bird
managed to own his own home and also some other real estate in the city. Those who knew
John Bird best say that he was one of the most remarkable men they ever knew and that he
had he been a white man with the same advantages he would certainly have made a mark in
the world. Eight years ago he associated himself with the Methodist Church and since that
time he has been closely devoted to his religion and to the church work.
The funeral will be held Wednesday at 3 p. m. from the A.M.E. church. Friends
who wish to see the remains can call at the home on South Main Street before that time.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 22 Oct 1901, pg. 5
BIRK, Dr. Carl Peter
Dr. Carl Peter Birk, 89, of Decatur, Ill., died Wednesday, Jan 21, 1998, in his home.
Born April 20, 1908, in Canton, he was a son of Fred C. and Mary Ellen Johnson Birk. He
married Martha Sue Sublette in 1936. She survives.
Dr. Birk was a U.S. Army veteran of W.W.II, serving in the Medical Corps as company commander
from 1944-47; was a physician in general practice in Decatur from 1939-1980; prior to private
practice was with Wabash Hospital from 1936-1939; was active in Illinois Academy of General
Practice and served as past president; was the first graduate of Culver-Stockton College,
Canton, to attend a medical school; graduated in 1934 from Washington School of Medicine in St.
Louis; and a member of Woodland Presbyterian Church.
Survivors also include two sons, Dr. Carl Peter BIrk, Jr., of Decatur, and John F. Birk of
St. Louis; one daughter, Mrs. James (Mary Lou) Stewardson of Brighton, Colo.; six grandhcildren;
and two great-grandchildren.
Burial was in Rushcreek Cemetery, Cayce, Kentucky.
Memorials may be made to Woodland Chapel Presbyterian Church.
Submitted by: Marilynn Howard
J. W. Birchfield died at his home, east of town, Sunday morning of diabetes. The
funeral was held from the residence at 10 o'clock Monday: Mr. Birchfield was a member of the
G.A.R. The body taken to Decatur for burial.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 24 Mar 1902, pg. 6
BISSEY, Dona Bell
Dona Bell Bissey, two days old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bissey of
Illiopolis died in the Decatur and Macon County hospital Monday evening at 9 o'clock. The
twin died two days ago at the time of birth. Funeral services will be held at the grave
side Tuesday with burial in Harristown.
Decatur Review, 18 Jun 1929
BITTERS, Clarence 
Mystery In Suicide Of Harristown Constable
Clarence Bitters Shoots Self Through Head
Same Bullet Wounds Father No Motive Found
Clarence Bitters constable of Harristown township, committed suicide by
shooting himself through the head about 4 oclock Sunday afternoon at his home hear the
Sangamon river, four mile south of Harristown. The bullet that passed through his head
struck his father, aged eighty-one years, in the left thigh and passed entirely through.
Clarence used a 38-calibre Smith & Wesson _______ revolver. The body was taken to the
Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and Fred Bitters; the father was taken to the
Decatur and Macon county hospital. He was weak from loss of blood, but in spite of advanced
age, he is expected to live.
Just why the man should wish to commit suicide none of his family was able to
guess. He was apparently in far health. He had suffered some _____ indigestion and he had
some heart trouble that caused his discharge from the Army while in a training camp in
1913, but neither ailment was thought to be serious. He was ____ for his physical strength
_____ ______ a woodchopper, so he had partially outgrown the heart trouble.
He is said not to have had any love affairs. He was well liked and had no ______
and so far as known there was nothing for him to worry over. He had served as a deputy
sheriff in his township and was found to be capable and trustworthy.
He lived with his father Fred Bitters and his brothers Edward W. and Albert
Bitters. He and his father were alone in the house when the tragedy occurred, the two
brothers being out in the yard. The first news of the shooting was telephoned to the sheriffs
office by Tom Smith, who happened to be passing. Deputy Sheriff Tod Hill and John T. Lloyd
drove to the Bitters place and Coroner Roy Dawson also went out.
Edward W. Bitters, a brother, told the officers that he was in the kitchen
when Clarence came down from upstairs. He always had a lot of papers that he kept locked
up in his dresser. When he came down stairs told Edward Bitter, Clarence remarked that
he had been looking through his drawers and that someone had taken out one of the papers,
but did not state what paper it was.
Father was standing by the kitchen and was cleaning his pipe. I picked up
a pan of dishwater that stood near the door and went out into the yard to throw it out.
Albert was out in the yard tinkering with his car. He heard a sound like the blowing out
of a tire. Tom Smith was driving by in his car and he stopped, probably thinking he had a
blow out. We stood there a few minutes and then Albert went into the house. In a moment he
ran out and said, My God, Clarence has shot himself.
Albert and I went into the kitchen and found Clarence lying on the floor with
his revolver next to him. Father was standing at the other side of the room, his pipe in
hand, looking down at Clarence.
Suddenly he said I hit too and he sank down to the floor. Blood was running
from a wound in his thigh and into his shoe. Tom Smith ran to the home of Harry Chapman and
called the officers from Decatur. We did what we could for father, but did not touch
Clarence. A neighbor woman felt his head fifteen minutes after he shot himself and it was
cold. He probaly died instantly.
We know of no reason why Clarence would commit suicide. He had no enemies
that ewe know of. He was in pretty good health and had no love affairs, so far as we had
learned. He didnt go around with any particular girl, but some times gave three or four
girls a ride in his car from Harristown to the dance hall. He was on duty as constable and
spent most of his time of nights guarding Ollie Bakers filling station and the hard road
and several evening a week he served as officer at the Twin Lakes dance hall. He learned
to like his work. If he had any trouble he never told us about it. He always had a lot of
paper packed up in his drawer. We dont know what the missing paper could be.
Clarence was quiet and reserved and had a good reputation around here. We
have not found any notes such as he might be expected to leave if he intended killing himself.
The bullet entered the head behind the right ear and came out behind the left ear. The
revolver is now in possession of Coroner Dawson. Neighbors told the Decatur offices that
Clarence was always shy and refined, but was always well liked and that he was never known
to drink.
He is survived by his father, two brothers and five sisters. Edward W. Bitters
and Albert Bitters and Mrs Henry He__tle, all of Harristown Township; Mrs J.W. McQuality
of Macon, Mrs John Pumphrey of Decatur, Mrs Lewis Tuttle of Dalton City and Mrs Carl Combs
of St. Louis.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 8 Nov 1926, pg. 3
Verdict of Suicide
The inquest over the body of Clarence Bitters who shot himself through the
head last Sunday, was conducted by Coroner Roy Dawson Tuesday afternoon. The verdict was
that death resulted from a bullet wound inflicted by his hand, with suicidal intent.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 10 Nov 1926, pg. 3
BIXBY, Helen
Little Helen Bixby, the 19 month old daughter of Joseph Bixby, died this
morning at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Eyman, on South Union street. The child has
been sick but several days and her death was due to diptheria. The funeral will take place
tomorrow from the residence.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 10 Oct 1895
The funeral of Helen Bixby, the infant daughter of Joseph Bixby, took place at
3 o'clock Friday afternoon from the residence of Mrs. Eyman on South Union street. The remains
were taken to Harristown for burial, accompanied by a large number of friends.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 12 Oct 1895
BIXBY, Lorenzo P.
Dropped Dead Thursday Evening on His Way Home
A Resident of Decatur for Many Years - Well Known Traveling Man and Salesman
Lorenzo P. Bixby, one of the old citizens of Decatur, dropped dead Thursday evening
at the corner of West William and College streets as he was returning home from the J.G. Starr &
Son wholesale house where he had been employed for the last 22 years. The sudden summons was a
frightful shock to the family and many friends of the deceased.
For several days Mr. Bixby had not been feeling well but continued at work. When
he was in the office of the establishment about 5 o'clock he complained of a pain in his head. He
started for home and when in front of the residence of Frank W. Haines on West William street, he
started to turn west on College street, when he suddenly fell down on the grass. At the time there
were a good many people on the streets who were returning home for the day and those who were near
rushed to the stricken man. It was seen at once that his condition was serious and physicains were
sent for. Dr. Anderson, who resides in the neighborhood was the first to arrive, but Mr. Bixby
was dead by that time. He lived probably five minutes after he fell but did not speak nor did he
seem to recognize anyone. W.H. Starr was sent for and he came with Dr. Walston. The Bullard
ambulance was also summoned and Coroner Bendure arrived and had the body taken to the Bixby
residence, 734 West Wood street. Miss Eva Bixby and her brother, Joe Bixby, were notified and
hurried to where their father had been stricken. Everyone was greatly shocked at what had
occurred and most everyone who passed on the street at the time was acquainted with Mr. Bixby,
or knew who he was.
Shortly after Mr. Bixby's death someone telephoned to the residence. Mrs. Bixby,
the widow, answered the telephone and was told that her husband had dropped dead. The terrible
news broken to her so suddenly was a severe trial and she became so excited and nervous that her
condition was alarming and it was necessary to call a physician.
Lorenzo P. Bixby was born in Troy, Vt., May 18, 1832. He married Martha J. Starr
April 25, 1861, at Lewisburg, Pa. Three children were born to them, all of whom, with their
mother, survive. The children are John S. Bixby of Chicago, Eva M. Bixby and Joseph G. Bixby
of Decatur.
Mr. Bixby traveled through Illinois in 1860, and in the following year returned to
the east and was married and brought his wife to Illinois. They first located at Harristown, and
from there went to Assumption. Mr. Bixby was in the grain business in the latter town during the
civil war, and he lost a great deal of money on a big shipment of grain to the south, from which
he never got any returns. Later he came to Decatur and opened a commission house on North Water
street, which was one of the first in that line of business ever started in the city. During the
past 22 years he has been a salesman at the Starr wholesale harness store.
Mr. Bixby was a member of the First Methodist church, having been converted at the
Harrison meeting 16 years ago. He was one of the oldest Good Templars in the city and was a member
of the Royal Templars. Mr. Bixby was a man of honor and integrity and was held in the highest
respect by the many persons with whom he was acquainted.
The time of the funeral has not yet been decided upon but will probably be held
sometime tomorrow.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 21 Apr 1899
Funeral At The Residence
There was a Large Attendance and a Profusion of Floral Offerings - Interment at Greenwood
The last rites were solemnized over the remains of the late L.P. Bixby at the family
residence at 734 West Wood street at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The services, which were very
brief, were conducted by Rev. Forst Craft, pastor of the First M.E. church. At the request of the
family only the most simple form of service was used. A choir composed of Mrs. Bert Gehr, Mrs. Robert
I. Hunt and Messrs. S.R. Gehr and John Patin sang "Rock of Ages" and "One Sweetly Solemn Thought."
The ritual service was used at the grave.
The pallbearers were Joseph Starr, Harry Starr, Frank Pitner, J.A. Davidson, Frank
Ewing and Luther Martin. Interment was at Greenwood.
Among the profusion of floral offerings there were several pieces of unusual beauty
and richness. The firm of J.G. Starr & Son, with which the deceased had been connected for 22
years, sent a large piece resembling a base and pillar in design and made of calla lilies, hyacinths
and roses. The Elks sent a large casket piece of pink roses tied with broad pink satin ribbons
and the members of Post K. T.P.A, sent a similar piece in red roses. The children of Mrs. Bixby's
room at the Wood street school also sent an offerning.
The funeral was largely attended, the house not being sufficiently large to accomodate
all who came. The deceased in his quiet unostentatious way had won many close friends and the grief
depicted in the faces of those present gave evidence of how much they had appreciated his friendship
and how keenly they felt their loss.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 22 Apr 1899
BIXBY, Martha Jane (Starr)
Was as Well as Usual Up to the Last Day - Sister of J.G. Starr
Mrs. Martha Jane Bixby died suddenly at 6:15 o'clock Monday morning. Her death
occurred at her home, 734 West Wood street.
Though she had been ailing for several months, her death was unexpected and was a
shock to her relatives and friends. She was out to dinner Sunday at her sister's, Mrs. W.C.
Pitner. When she came home she was a little short of breath, but nothing was thought of that.
Always after walking she was in a like condition.
She was troubled all night by an inability to breathe freely. Early Monday morning
her daughter, Miss Eva M. Bixby, who was sleeping with her, was awakened. Mrs. Bixby then asked
for a doctor, but before one could come she died. Dr. E.J. Brown pronounced the cause of her death
to be apoplexy.
For nearly forty years Mrs. Bixby lived in Decatur. She was born in Lewisberry, Pa.,
on Jan. 23, 1837. Her maiden name was Martha Jane Starr, and she was the sister of the late J.G.
Starr. At the age of 23 she came to Decatur to visit her brother. Here sh met her husband, the
late Lorenzo P. Bixby. They became engaged and at her home at Lewisberry were married.
After their wedding they came to Decatur and from here went to Harristown, where
they stayed two years. Then they moved back to Decatur where they afterwards lived except for a
short interval when they lived in Assumption.
Mr. Bixby died just five years ago this month of the same trouble.
Mrs. Bixby is survived by three children, two sisters in Decatur, two brothers in
the east, and several other relatives. Her children are John S. Bixby of Chicago, Joseph G.
Bixby, and Miss Eva M. Bixby of Decatur. J.G. Bixby was in Chicago at the time of his mother's
death and he was telegraphed to come home.
Mrs. R.C. Hamsher and Mrs. W.C. Pitner are the Decatur sisters. The two brothers
are Reuben Starr of Mechanicsburg, Pa., and William M. Starr of Ashland, O.
Mrs. Bixby was a prominent member of the First Methodist church and Rev. W.J.
Davidson, the pastor of that church, will conduct the funeral services. Further arrangements
for the funeral have not yet been made.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 Apr 1904
The funeral of Mrs. Martha Jane Bixby was held at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from
the residence, 734 West Wood street. Short and simple services were conducted by Rev. W.J.
Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist church, of which Mrs. Bixby was for years a member. The
services consisted of a scripture reading and prayer, with three songs by the quartet. At the
grave the regular commitment service was held.
The funeral was attended by a large number of people. The floral offering were
elaborate and beautiful. They began coming in Tuesday and were still coming at noon Wednesday.
The singers were Mrs. Rober I. Hunt, Mrs. Bert Gehr, D.L. Bunn, and R.C. Augustine. The pallbearers
were Luther Martin, H.D. Baldwin, Joseph S. Starr, Alonzon Eyman, T.W. Pitner, and Will Starr, Jr.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Apr 1904
BIXLER, Andrew 
The funeral of the late Andrew Bixler, of Forsyth, was held today.
The burial occurred at Greenwood between 12 and 1 o'clock. A large number of
people followed the remains to the grave.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 28 Aug 1885, pg 3
BLACK, Amanda J.
Born: 12 Jul 1836 in Virden, IL
Died: 27 Mar 1930 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Daniel & Nancy (Ashlock) Black
Married: Sep 12, 1867 in Macon Co. to Neal J. Black
Children: Walter R.
BLACK, Ellen
DIED - In Mt. Zion township, on Tuesday, May 23rd, of heart disease
and dropsy, Mrs. Ellen Black, aged 72 years. The funeral will take place to-day at
the Cumberland Presbyterian church, Rev. M.N. Baker officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, 24 May 1882
BLACK, Goldie B. (Pierce)
Born: Jul 07, 1877
Died: Dec 30, 1944
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: Sep 16, 1896 in Macon Co. to Walter R. Black
BLACK, Henry Arthur
Henry Arthur Black, a well-known farmer of near Dalton City, died at 11:15 o'clock Sunday
forenoon at St. Mary's hospital. His age was forty-three years and twenty-one days. His death
was caused by cancer of the stomach, with which he had suffered since last June. He was brought
to the hospital a week ago.
Mr. Black was born Oct. 1, 1873, near Mt. Zion. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James
(should be Jacob) Black. He resided near Mt. Zion till about seven years ago, when he moved to
his extensive farm three and a half miles south of Dalton City. He and Miss Mary Sleeper were
married at Mt. Zion in 1898. He was a menber of the Mt. Zion Cumberland Presbyterian church
and alsoof the Odd Fellows' lodge. He is survived by his wife and four children, Goldie,
Russell, Mattie and Mabel Black. He also leaves his mother, Mrs. J.C. McReynolds of Lincoln, a
brother, Will Black of Ohio, and a sister Mrs. Mollie Crowder of Bethany, who is now ill with
rheumatism in a hospital at Kirksville, Mo.
The body was removed to the Monson and Wilcox undertaking establishment and prepared for
burial and taken to Mt. Zion Sunday evening.
The funeral will be held at 11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon at the Presbyterian church at Mt.
Zion. Rev. M.C. Cochran will conduct the services, assisted by Rev. L.D. Sasswell of Mt. Zion.
The interment will be in the Mt. Zion cemetery.
Decatur Review, Mon., Oct. 23, 1916, p. 6
Born: 1 Feb 1876
Died: 24 Nov 1879 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Jacob F. & Margaret Jane (Scott) Black
BLACK, Jacob F.
DIED--BLACK--At his home in Mt. Zion, Saturday, Oct 19, 1895 of cancer. Jacob R. Black,
aged 57 years (born Oct 18, 1838 in Moultrie Co, IL). The funeral will be held today at 1 am
from the C.P. church at Mt. Zion, and a number of the old veterans of this city will attend.
The ceremonies at the burial will be in charge of the G.A.R., Rev W. Bankson of Mt. Zion officiating.
Burial in Mt. Zion Cemetery.
Mr. Black had been in poor health for several years, but had benn confined to his home only
for the past four weeks. He leaves a wife and three children, William and Arthur Black and
Mrs. Mollie Crowder. Mr. Black served in the late war as a member of company F(?), Second
Illinois cavalry. A number of years ago he attended a rally here at the time General Grant
visited the city and was severely injured by the premature discharge of a cannon, his right
hand being blown off.
Decatur Review, Sun, Oct 20, 1895, p. 1
BLACK, Mary A. (Sleeper)
Born: 1 Feb 1877 in Elkhart, IN
Died: 23 Jan 1947 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Isaac & Susan (Law) Sleeper
Married: Apr 13, 1898 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co. to Henry Arthur Black
BLACK, Neal J.
Neal J. Black, well known retired farmer, died at 11:45 o'clock Monday night (Sep 26, 1921)
at the residence of his son, W.R. Black, in Mt. Zion. He was eighty-five years old.
His death was caused by dropsical trouble.
Mr. Black was born in Long Creek township April 7, 1836. With the exception of a short time spent
in Moultrie county, all his life had been spent in Long Creek and Mt. Zion townships. He had lived in
Mt. Zion township for more than sixty years. Most of his active years were devoted to farming. He was
a veteran of the Civil war and was a member of Dunham post, 141 G.A.R. He was also a member of the
Methodist church. He is survived by his wife and one son, W.R. Black of Mt. Zion. He also leaves a
brother, David B. Black of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of his son in Mt. Zion.
The family requests that no flowers be sent. The interment will be in the Mt. Zion cemetery.
Decatur Review, Sep. 27, 1921, p. 14
BLACK, Rachel (Ritchie)
Mrs. Rachel (Richie) Black, widow of J.R. Black, died at her residence in Warrensburg Friday
morning about 6 o'clock of heart failure. She had gone to the barn to milk and her daughter
Clara was standing in the barn door talking to her when she fell over dead. Immediately several
of the neighbors were notified and carried her to the house, where they awaited the arrival of
the coroner to hold an inquest.
Mrs. Black leaves two children of her own, Clara and Mrs. Charles Hastings of
Warrensburg and seven stepchildren, Henry, Albert, Will, Arthur, Ed, Ella and Net, all of whom
live outside the state. She leaves two sisters, Mr. J.J. Binkley and Mrs. Frank Albert and six
brothers, Will, Frank, David, Joseph, John and Samuel Ritchie, all of Warrensburg.
Daily Review, 15 Sept 1894
BLACK, Virgil A.
Born: 20 Mar 1901
Died: Mar 20, 1901
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Henry Arthur & Mary A. (Sleeper) Black
BLACK, Walter R.
Born: Aug 1874 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 10 Dec 1960 in Edinburg, TX
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Neal J. & Amanda J. (Black) Black
Married: Sep 16, 1896 in Macon Co. to Goldie B. Pierce
BLACK, William M.
Born: 31 Mar 1869 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Nov 1929
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Jacob F. & Margaret Jane (Scott) Black
Mrs. Jane Blackford was buried at Long Point yesterday afternoon, Rev. J.C. Lockhart,
officiating. The deceased died on Wednesday at her home in Harristown township. She was eighty
years old and was well known in that locality.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 27 Mar 1886
BLACKWOOD, John Quincy 
John Quincy Blackwood died at 7 p. m. Wednesday, Aug 18, at the family
residence, 913 South Maffit Street, of inflammation of the bowels. He was born in Montgomery
County, Illinois, in 184o. He was a soldier in the late war, being a member of company B. of
the One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Infantry. He is survived by a wife and five children.
The funeral will be held at 10 oclock this forenoon from the family residence.
The services will be conducted by Rev. W. F. Gillmore of Grace M. E. church and will be under
the auspices of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R. The internment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 20 Aug 1897, pg. 5
BLAINE, Frank J.
Sudden Illness Thursday Ends Next Morning
Was One of The Best Known and Most Popular Men
Frank J. Blaine, the well-known druggist, died at 6oclock Friday morning at
his home, 221 West William Street. His death was due to a sudden and unexpected attack of
apoplexy, which he suffered Thursday night. Mr Blaine had not been complaining in the
least about his health. He seemed to be as well as usual Thursday, but after leaving
the supper table he said that he felt dizzy but supposed it was simply a bilious attack.
When Mr. Blaine reached his store on North Water street his clerk, Mel
Holmes, left for supper and said that with Mr. Blaines permission he would not come back
after supper. When Holmes left the store Mr. Blaine was talking and joking with a traveling
man who was in the place at the time.
This was about 6:30 oclock and a short time afterward Mr. Blaine said to
a friend who came into the store that he was so dizzy he feared he would fall if he attempted
to walk across the floor. A few minutes afterward Mr. Blaine waited upon a customer who came
into the store and it is evident that he became alarmed at his condition, as he closed the
store and started for his home.
At the corner of William and Water streets Mr. Blaine met Aaron Carmany and
asked him to assist him home. W. M. Hunter, who knew Mr. Blaine, happened to pass at the
time and also assisted him. Although Mr. Blaines home was but two blocks away, he became
entirely helpless and unconscious before reaching there and he was carried by four men.
Dr. Cass Chenoweth was called to attend Mr. Blaine and he pronounced it apoplexy.
Dr. John T. Miller stayed with Mr. Blaine during the night and Dr. Chenoweth made another
call, but there was nothing that could be done. Mr. Blaine had severe choking spells during
the night and died at 6 oclock in the morning.
The attack of illness and death was as sudden that it was a shock to Mr.
Blaines family and friends. He had attended regularly to his business affairs and neither
in his home nor at the store had he of late said anything that would lead those around him
to think that he was ill.
Frank J. Blaine was 67 years old and was born in Indiana. When the civil
war broke out Mr. Blaine enlisted as a member of the One Hundredth Indiana volunteers and
served the army three or four years. In 1867 Mr. Blaine came from Goshen, Ind. to this city
and traveled for a Peoria drug house. In 1878 he married Miss Aurilla Culver and shortly
afterward went to Lake City where for over six years he resided and engaged in business.
In the fall of 1884 Mr. Blaine came to Decatur and opened a drug store. For
about five years his store was located on the north side of East Eldorado Street just east
of the Illinois Central railroad. For the past twelve years Mr. Blaine had a store in the
300 block on North Water Street. The store has been moved several times, but has always
been in the same block. About six weeks ago Mr. Blaine took into partnership in his business
John Rommersbach, who worked in the store.
Mr. Blaine was one of the old druggists of the city and was a widely known
as any businessman in the city. He had many acquaintances among whom he was popular. He
was agreeable to meet, always being jovial and communicative and had a pleasant word for
every one he knew. The only organization of which Mr. Blaine was a member was Dunham post,
No. 141 G.A.R.
He is survived by a wife, a brother, Joe Blaine of Ottawa, Kan. and two
sisters, Mrs. Theodore Nelson of Chicago and Mrs. Emma Yocum of Monticello. The funeral
will be held at 3 oclock Sunday afternoon from the residence, and the burial will be at
Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 17 May 1901, pg. 2
NOTE: Illinois State Marriage Index: Blain, Francis J. Culver, Aurilla
J. - May 8, 1878 Macon Co., IL
BLAINE, Henry C.
A Veteran Soldier and a Good Citizen Gone
Henry C. Blain passed away in death Sunday afternoon at 4o'clock at the
family home, No. 1366 North Water Street after confinement of nine days to his room,
caused by paralysis and meningitis. His age was 43 years. The deceased was never strong,
but he was a man of more than the average mental and physical activity, clear headed and
intelligent in his undertakings and quick to act and execute. His affliction came upon him
suddenly, and although he had the best of care from his devoted wife and the attention of
the most experienced physician he did not mend and he joined the great majority, removing
from a happy home fond husband and from the community good citizen.
Henry Clay Blain was born in Kosciusko County, Ind., in 1846 and moved to
Decatur in 1866. He was a son of John R. Blain, and a brother of Frank J Blain and Mrs.
Theodore Nelson, of Decatur; J. C. Blain, of Ottawa, Kans.; and Mrs. Jesse Yoskum, of Monticello.
October 18, 1883, Miss Mattie E. Bear, daughter of Ephraim Bear, became the wife of the deceased,
and the widow survives. There are no children. Deceased has been connected with Haworth & Sons
establishment for 10 years, during the past few years as a traveling salesman.
In the time of the country's need he enlisted as a private in the 100th Indiana
Infantry but was soon detailed by Gen. Howard as master of transportation for the Pontoon
Bridge force, 15th and 16th Army Corps Army of the Tennessee. Frequently he had 1000 men
under him. He was in the service three years.
The funeral will take place from the residence Tuesday forenoon at 10 o'clock,
Rev. Charles Manchester officiating, assisted by Rev. T. W. Pinkerton.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 28 Oct 1889, pg. 3
BLAIR, James A.
James A. Blair Takes Own Life
Cuts Throat in Despondency Over Blindness
Blue Mound, Sept. 24. James A. Blair, aged eighty-three years, died at
his home here at 8 oclock Thursday night from a wound in the throat, inflicted by himself
with a pocketknife at 5 o'clock in the evening. Despondency over the loss of his sight
three months ago is believed to have prompted the act. He left no note, however, and after
he severed the windpipe he was unable to talk.
A daughter, Miss Flossie Blair, who lived with her parents, said that her
father was sitting in his bedroom about 4 o'clock, when she left him after being with him
some time. When she returned from an errand she found he had cut his throat. A physician
who was summoned was unable to save him.
Mr. Blair was born in Indianapolis eighty-three years agro, but had lived
in Blue Mound since the close of the Civil war, in which he served through its entirety.
Several weeks ago he went to the Soldiers Home at Danville, but remained there less than
a week. He leaves his wife and three daughters, Miss Effie A. Blair, a teacher in the
Jasper school, Decatur, Mrs. F, B. Esterday of Denver, Colo., and Miss Flossie, Blair at home.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 24 Sep 1926, pg. 1
Life-Long Resident Was in Clothing Business
Alonzo H. Blakeney, 1663 North College street, life long resident of Decatur, died
at 6 o'clock Wednesday night after a prolonged period of ill health. In January, 1929, he
suffered an acute attack of influenza from the effects of which he was not able to rally; since
that time his strength gradually waned and intervening complications caused his death.
For hearly 30 years he was well known as a clothing salesman. He was associated
with the late Michael Ryan in the clothing business 15 years. Following that he was with
Blakeney & Plum 12 years, a business activity which afforded him opportunity for a wide
Mr. Blakeney was born Nov. 3, 1873, in Decatur, the son of the late Benjamin F.
Blakeney; he was married to Miss Schasteen Shaw July 3, 1891 in Decatur. He leaves his wife and
five children; Mrs. Dee Davis, Miss Frances Blankeney and Cass Blakeney of Decatur; Mrs. Fred
Rucker and Paul Blakeney of Chicago; there are five grandchildren; also his brother Frank
Blakeney of Decatur. He was many years a member of the Retail Clerks' association.
The body was taken to the undertaking rooms of J.J. Moran & Sons.
Decatur Herald, 22 Jan 1931
Died: 3 Jan 1908
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Minerva A. Phillips
Submitted by:Pat Charles
BLALOCK, Minerva A. (Phillips)
Death: 2 Jan 1908
Burial: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: David Blalock, whose death occurred the next day
Submitted by:Pat Charles
Rheumatism of the Heart Fatal to Blue Mound Boy
Blue Mound, Ills., Feb 8 - Otis Blanchard, son of Joe Blanchard, died at his home
Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 7, of rheumatism of the heart. The funeral services will be held Thursday
at 11 o'clock; the interment will be at the Hall cemetery.
The Daily Review, Wednesday, 8 Feb 1905
Joseph Blanford of Decatur and for many years a motorman on the Decatur street
car lines, died Friday afternoon at the Soldiers' home in Quincy. He was eighty years old. Mr.
Blanford was born in Martin county, Ind., in 1845. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having
served with an Indiana regiment. He had resided in Decatur for forty years or more before going
to the Soldiers' home six year, ago.
For many years while D. S. Shellabarger owned the Decatur street railway system,
Mr. Blanford was a motorman and he was known to most of the patrons of the line.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. C. Crooks of Peoria; He also leaves a
brother, Albert Blanford of Mt. Pulaski, and a sister, Mrs. Ellis of Loogootee, Ind. He was
an uncle of Mrs. James Blackford, living north of Decatur. The body was brought to Decatur
Friday evening and taken to the Dawson & Wikoff chapel.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 5 Sep 1925, pg. 10
NOTE: Joseph Blanford is not listed on the official list for the Quincy Soldier and
Sailor's Home.
BLEW, Thomas J.
T.J. Blew, Civil War Veteran, Dies
Had Lived in Decatur Since 1871
Thomas J. Blew, veteran of the Civil was, died at 2:25 oclock Tuesday
afternoon at the home of his daughter Mrs. Minnie Milligan, 1244 South Maffit Street.
He would have been eighty-six years old in March. His death was due to complications
incident to old age. He had been in failing health for a long time.
Mr. Blew was born in Knox County, Ky., March 4, 1842. He enlisted as a
private in Company H, Eighteenth Regiment Indiana Infantry, serving four years in the
Civil war. He came to Decatur in 1871 and this has been his home ever since. He was a
member of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R.
Besides his daughter, Mrs Milligan he is survived by a brother, Green
Blew of Decatur. Another brother died last July. The body was taken to Moran& Sons
funeral directors and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 8 Feb 1928, pg. 9
BLOXOM, Miss Bernice
Death:Sunday, January 20, 1935 in St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur
Burial: Hall Cemetery
Parents: Mrs. and Mrs. Lee Bloxom
Birth: in Blue Mound on May 11, 1921
Survivors: her parents; 2 brothers, Charles and Jack
BLOXOM, Charles
Death: Tuesday, August 24, 1954 in St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur
Burial: Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Birth: in Mt. Auburn April 27, 1869
Married: Josephine Rule who preceded him in death
Survivors: son, Lee of Decatur; two children preceded him in death
Born: age 48 at death
Died: 15 April 1946 , Monday
Buried: Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Survivors: Father [name not given] of Mt. Auburn and brother Lee of Blue Mound
BLYTHE, James M.
Was Most Prominent Lodge Man in Decatur
Was Resident of Decatur Twenty-Six Years
Dr J.M. Blythe, the most prominent secret society man in Decatur, died at
12:45 o'clock Friday afternoon at his home No 311 Central Avenue. His death was the
culmination of seven weeks of serious illness from stomach trouble, the exact nature of
which has not yet been determined. Dr. Blythes death has been expected for over a week.
Hope was given up several days ago.
For twenty-six years a resident of Decatur, Dr. Blythe has hundreds of
friends in and around this city. He was chairman of the board of directors of the Loyal
Americans and local recorder for the Court of Honor ever since the latter was organized
in Decatur. He was also a Modern Woodman. A veteran of the Civil war he was one of the
foremost members of Dunham post No. 141, G.A.R. |
James M Blythe wan born in Evansville, Ind., June 28. 1812. Shortly before
the war broke out he started to study dentistry in the office of an Evansville dentist.
He enlisted in the Sixty-Third Indiana Infantry, in which he was made first lieutenant of
Company A. In front of Atlanta with Sherman he was promoted to the captaincy of the company.
After the war he finished his studies and went to Kentucky to practice. Unsuccessful there
because he had been on the union side, he moved to Decatur in 1880. In 1881 he married an
Effingham, Illinois girl.
His first office here was over Frank Hays' store. Then he moved over the Fair
store in the Busher building and from there to the Masonic temple. For the last eight
years he has been in the Millikin building. He has lived at 311 Central Avenue for twenty-five
He leaves his wife, Emma F. Blythe, and two sons, Morton C. Blythe of Denver
and James E. Blythe of Decatur. The following brothers survive him; Richard B. Blythe,
Hot Springs. Ark; Ed W. Blythe. Dallas, Tex.; George Blythe of Fort Worth. Tex.; and
Henry Blythe of Denver. He had one sister living, Mrs. Maggie Ellis of Dallas, Texas.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the residence. Dr. W.H. Penhallegon will
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 9 Mar 1906, pg. 10
Many Attend the Services Over Remains of Dr. J.M. Blythe
The funeral of the late Dr. J.M. Blythe was held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the First Presbyterian church. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives
considering the extreme inclemency of the weather there has seldom been a larger attendance of
at a funeral in the city. The members of Dunham Post No. 141, G.A.R. had charge of the service.
Although the day was of a nature to discourage many from attending but there were about forty
of the veterans present. Because of the fact that it would have been impossible for them to go
to the cemetery they held their ritual service in the church. There was present also the
supreme board of directors and the supreme officers of the Loyal Americans all of Springfield.
Dr. Blythe was up to the time of his death chairman of this board. Also A.F. Herford supreme
chairman of the Court of Honor and W.E. Robinson, the supreme recorder were present. Dr.
Blythe was local recorder of this order from the time of its organization until his death
extending over a period of about ten years.
The service was conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon pastor of the First Presbyterian
church and Rev. S.H. Bowyer. The music was by a choir, consisting of D.L. Bunn, A.E. Lindamood,
Mrs. Grace Glenn and Mrs. Bert Behr. The choir first sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul" to the tune
of "Refuge." The second number was the universal chant service. Then they sang "Beautiful Isle
of Somewhere", closing the service by chanting softly "It Is Well." During the service Dr.
Penhallegon spoke briefly of Dr. Blythe's life. There were many beautiful floral tokens and the
designs were especially handsome.
The honorary pallbearers were R.P. Lytle, F.L. Hays, M.F. Kanan, A.J. Johns, John
Armstrong and P.J. Abel, all G.A.R. men. The pallbearers were W.A. Holman, J._ Cline, H.B. Wise,
C.A. Regnoll, Dr. O.G. Collins and C.M. Borchers.
Decatur Herald, Tuesday, 13 Mar 1906, pg. 2
BOAZ, Edward A.
At his residence, 127 East Cerro Gordo Street, of heart disease, Edward A.
Boaz, in the 69th year of his life. The deceased was apparently in good health last
evening after the supper hour, but by 9 oclock he was a corpse, having died after
retiring to his bed. His hard breathing alarmed his wife, but before a physician could
reach him he was dead. He leaves a widow, his second wife, and a daughter.
He was born in Preble County, Ohio, and had served bravely in the war as
a lieutenant in Co. F. 52nd Indiana Regiment. He was a keeper at the Joliet penitentiary
14 years and had been a clerk in the post office at Chicago. Since his residence in
Decatur he has been employed by the Wabash in painting department.
The funeral will take place Sunday at 1:30 p. m. from the residence, Rev.
W.H. Presily officiating. The commander of Dunham Post 141 G. A. R. will attend.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 22 Mar 1889, pg. 3
BOLL, Phillip
Phillip Boll, formerly of Stonington, died Sunday morning at his home in Brownsville, Tex.,
according to a message received in Decatur. The body will be brought to this city and the funeral will
be held at Moran's chapel, probably Thursday.
Mr. Boll lived in Stonington for about eleven years, moving to Texas a year ago. He owned
a large tract of land near Brownsville, and also a farm near Stonington. He is survived by the following
children; Lawrence Boll, Mrs. Ann Yonker, Mrs. S. Hebenstreit and Mrs. Catherine Aylwood, all of
Stonington, Mrs. Barbara Carroll of Springfield and Miss Margaret Boll of New York.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 2 Sep 1918
BOND, Rachel (Morrison)
Died, in this city of Congestive Chills, on the morning of the 13 inst., at
the residence of Mr. John Silekle, Mrs. Rachel Bond, wife of Mr. Lewis Bond and daughter of
Joshua Morrison, in the 48th year of her age.
Mrs. Bond was borin in Mifflin County, PA. January 31, 1857, came to this
place with her husband and children, the first of this month but a week before her heath
and on monday morning the 13th was suddenly cut down, unexpectedly to her family and friends.
But they mourn not as those who have no hope. Mrs. Bond was a religious woman, some 24 years
ago she embraced religion and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church and consequently had
been more than a score of years seeing the Lord. She died as the Christian died - full of
immortal hope. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Signed, J. Montgomery
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 23 Apr 1857
BONDS, Iantha J.
Born: 24 May 1834
Died: July 15, 1916 at her home in Long Creek
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Married: husband's name not mentioned but died several years ago
Children: Frank and William Bonds of Long Creek, Mrs. Mary Roberts of Decatur, Mrs. Rebecca
Davidson of Casner, Donald Bonds of Oklahoma, Mrs. Edith Richardson of Joplin, MO
BONDS, Calvin B. (Bud)
Death: Friday, November 1, 2002 in Decatur Memorial Hospital
Burial: North Fork Cemetery
Birth: August 8, 1924 in Decatur
Parents: Clarence O. and Marie Stein Bonds [step mother Ethel Jesse Bonds)
Married: Marjorie "Marge" Jane Gallagher 11/22/1952 who died Oct 3, 2002
Survivors: sons, Bruce L. Bonds and wife Christine of Champaign, Curt W. Bonds and wife Debra
of Decatur; grandchildren, Mitchell and Laura Bonds of Decatur, Morgan Standley (sic) of
Champaign; brothers, David and Neal Bonds of Decatur; sister, Mrs. Richaqre (Sandra) Hanks of
Effingham. He was preceded in death by his wife and parents.
BOOKER, Christina
Mrs. Christina Booker died Saturday morning (8 Nov) at her home in Long Creek township
at 11 p.m., aged 78 years. She leaves six grown children. The funeral will be held at 11
Decatur Morning Review, 10 Nov 1871
Clara Booker, Frightfully Burned at Casner, Expired To-Day.
Little Clara Booker, aged four years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Booker, died
at one o'clock this morning at Casner Station, after many days and nights of intense suffering.
Clara is the girl who was shockingly burned at her home while her mother was temporarily absent
at a neighbor's home. The screams of the child were heard and the mother hurried to the relief
of the little one; but she was too late. The child was so badly burned that there was no hope
at the time that she would recover, but she lingered from day to day, only to die at last. The
burial will take place near Casner. Mr. Booker is an employee of the I.,D. & W. railway
Daily Republican, 22 Jan 1896
Booker - Clara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Booker died at 1:30 a.m. Wednesday,
Jan 22, aged 4 years. Death resulted from the child being burned several weeks ago. The funeral
was held over the family residence at 3 p.m. today and the remaind were interred at Long Creek cemetery.
Evening Bulletin (Decatur), 22 Jan 1896
BOOKER, Eugene Arnott
Eugene Arnott Booker died this morning at the residence of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W.L. Booker, 551 West William, at 8:15 o'clock.
The boy was born in Springfield Nov. 7, 1910, and besides the parents he is
survived by two sisters, Grace and Ida, and three brothers, Teddy, Ernest, and Archie. The
family moved here from Springfield last Monday. The father is a contractor and blacksmith at
230 Central avenue, and the brother, Ernest, is a window trimmer at Hirsch Co. The body will
be shipped to Bement tomorrow at 11 o'clock for burial.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 24 Nov 1910
BOOKER, James J.
James W. Booker, 73 years of age, died in St. Mary's hospital Monday evening from
the infirmities of age. Mr. Booker had been a resident of Decatur since he was two years of
age. He was born Nov. 28, 1849.
Two daughters, Mrs. Christiana Clements and Mrs. Elsie Jewell his wife, Mrs. Mary
Booker, and a brother, Samuel Booker, survive him. The body was removed to Moran's undertaking
establishment. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Moran's chapel.
Decatur Republican, 11 Jul 1922
Born: 28 Nov 1849 in IN
Died: 10 Jul 1922 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery
Married: Dec 25, 1872 in Macon Co. to Virginia A. Querry
BOOKER, Mary E. (Loomis)
Mrs. Mary E. Booker, 160 East King street, died at 9 o'clock Friday night in St.
Mary's hospital where she had been a patient the last two weeks. In her own home Dec 19, Mrs.
Booker fell and sustained a fracture of the hip; she lacked the vitality to rally from the
shock of that mishap.
Mary E. Loomis was born Feb. 22, 1850. She was married to Ambrose Yancy in
1864. His death occurred in 1917. Her second marriage was James Booker in 1922; his death
occurred in 1923. She leaves one son, Harry Yancy. There are four grandchildren, three great
grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. During the days when she had the physical
strength Mrs. Booker always was interested in the activities of Woman's Relief corps. The
body was taken to the undertaking rooms of J.J. Moran & Sons to await the funeral
Decatur Herald, 3 Jan 1931
BOOKER, Virginia A. (Querry)
Born: Feb 02, 1850 in Macon Co.
Died: 3 Feb 1920 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: George W. & Mary Ann (Florey) Querry
Married: Dec 25, 1872 in Macon Co. to James J. Booker
BOONE, Charles Richard
Charles Richard Boone, 79, who lived at the Minor Nursing Home, 341
N. Edward St., died at 8:45 PM. yesterday in St. Mary's Hospital, where he had been
a patient two days.
He was born in Decatur April 14, 1878, a son of James and Sarah V.
Fitzpatrick Boone. He had been a Decatur resident all his life. He was a member of
the Westside Nazarene Church. Surviving is a cousin James Henson.
Funeral services will be at 10 A.M. Monday in the Monson Funeral Home
with burial in Fairlawn Cemetery. Friend may call at the funeral home after noon
Decatur Review, 26 Jul 1957, pg. 28
BOONE, Cornelius
Cornelius Boone died of old age Tuesday, October 9, at his home, 1255 North
Church street, aged 89 years and 1 month. He was an old veteran. He was born in Booneville,
Franklin county, Virginia, and came to Decatur from Indiana in 1867. He leaves a wife and
the following children: Mrs. C.R. Johnston, Mrs. Alice Vording, James, Cornelius, Henry,
Elwood and Eugene Boone, of Decatur and Mrs. J.W. Johnston, of DeSoto, Mo.
The funeral was held at 3:30 p.m. today at the Church of God, Rev. J.T.
Finley officiating. Burial in Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 10 Oct 1894
BOONE, Frank M. 
Frank M. Boone, 79 of 2454 N. Graceland Ave., died at 11:10 A.M. yesterday
in Decatur and Macon County Hospital. He had been a patient there 13 days and in failing
health for two months. Mr. Boone was a retired liveryman and painter and a veteran of
the Spanish American War. He belonged to Scott Wilson Post United Spanish War Veterans.
He was born April 25, 1876, in Decatur, a son of James and Sarah Fitzpatrick
Boone. He lived in Decatur most of his life. Surviving is a brother, Charles R. Boone
of Decatur. Four brothers preceded him in death. Services will be at 1:30 P.M. Tuesday
in the J.J. Moran & Son's Funeral Home where friends may call after 5 P.M. Burial will
be in Fairlawn Cemetery.
Decatur Review, 13 Feb 1956, pg. 2
BOONE, Sarah (March)
Mrs. Sarah A. Boone died this morning at 4:20 o'clock at her home, 1126 St.
Louis avenue, abe 60 years, _ months and 18 days. Cancer of the stomach was the cause of
death. Mrs. Boone was born in Indana and has lived in Decatur since 1849. She was a
sister of Stanley March who was killed this morning while working in a sewer trench. She
leaves four children. They are Ophelia Hardy of Lincoln, Ill.; Ann Mathias of East St.
Louis, William Talbott of Springfield and Charles S. Talbott of Decatur. The time of the
funeral will be announced later.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Nov 1899
BOSWORTH, Joseoph B. 
A Case of Self-Suicide
We learned this morning at 7 oclock; Mr. Joseph Bosworth shot himself
in the farm house at what is known as Poplar farm, in Blue Mound township, We learned
that he sat at a desk writing, and that Mr. B. Z. Taylor was in the room with him and
that he Mr. Taylor _ __ __ment the shot was _____ _____ B. returned _______ __________.
(There is a large black stain or mark across this part of the paper)
a bullet tore in to his temple and ____less.
Another version is that Bosworth stepped into another room and there committed
the rash dead. The shot was not immediately fatal, but the latest report is that he is dead.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 14 Feb 1878
A Young Man Terminates His Own Life by Shooting Himself
In our issue of yesterday was an account of the self-shooting of Mr. Joseph
B. Bosworth of Blue Mound township, a young man who was well known to many Decatur people.
From the many rumors which were afloat in regards to the matter we gathered the best account
of the affair possible, and after going to press we learned the shot with which the young
man had sought to terminate his life had done its work. The unfortunate victim expiring
about half past three oclock in the afternoon of yesterday.
As we learn the circumstances connected with the affair, they are about as follows:
It seems that Mr. Bosworth, who is a half brother of Mosses, B. Z. and T. M. Taylor, deceased,
was living on what is known as the Poplar Farm in Blue Mound township, which was owned by Mr.
J.G. Taylor in his life time, and since his decease has been under the control of the Taylor
boys and for a yare or more had been rented to deceased.
On the day before the shooting Mr. B. seemed to be in his usual good spirits, and
retired in a cheerful mood. On yesterday morning he arose somewhat later than usual, but ate
his breakfast, there being nothing in his appearance to indicate that anything was wrong with
him. When all but him self and Mrs. Fisher, the housekeeper, had left the house and the latter
had stepped into another room, the fatal work was done. Mrs. Fisher, hearing the report of the
pistol, hurried to the room and found Mr. Bosworth lying upon the floor near a desk where he
had been writing. The alarm was at once given, and medical assistance called as soon as possible;
but the pistol shot, which had entered near the temple, had penetrated the brain, placing him
beyond the reach of help.
As we understand the case, he gave no sign of consciousness after he was found,
though he lingered to the hour indicated above, the shot having been fired at 7:30 in the morning.
Coroner Dr. Cass Chenoweth was notified last night, and went down this morning to hold an inquest.
Upon his arrival a jury was called, of which W.T. Moffett was foreman. After hearing testimony
in the case, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased came to his death by a
pistol-shot wound, inflicted by hi sown hand, with the intention of taking his own life.
We were informed by a gentleman who accompanied the corner that Bosworth left a
note, evidently written immediately before he shot himself, th substance of which was something
like this: People may think I am committing a rash act, but nobody knows the troubles I have
had for the last two or three years, and now I propose to end them.
The remains were brought to this city today, and were taken to Greenwood Cemetery
for internment, where appropriate services were conducted by Rev. W.S. Crissey, at 3 oclock
this afternoon.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 21 Feb 1878, pg. 2
BOUGHN, Evelyn (Mueller)
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Zachariah Boughn, of Warrensburg, died of
smallpox, at her residence in that village on Monday last, and was buried yesterday. She
leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. Mrs. Boughn was much respected in
the community where she resided, and her sudden death will be deeply lamented by all.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Jan 1875
We are happy to learn that Mr. Zach Boughn, of Warrensburg, who has been
sick with small-pox, is now rapidly recovering. His children who are sick with the same
disease are also improving with the exception of the youngest - it still lies in a dangerous
Daily Republican (Decatur), 27 Jan 1875
BOUGHN, Zachriah R.
Randolph, Neb., June 6 - Zachariah R. Boughn, Sr., one of Randolph's oldest and most
pominent citizens, died here Sunday night at an age of 87 years from senility and a complication of
diseases. Mr. Boughn was well known throughout northeast Nebraska as the owner of the Boughn ranch
and for many years he has been prominently connected with real estate deals.
Born in Lincoln, Ill., in 1837. Mr. Boughn lived the early part of his life there, was
one of the founders of the town of Warrensburg, Ill., and helped to build the Peoria, Decatur and
Evansville Railroad across Macon county in that state.
Coming west with his family in 1886 Mr. Boughn settled on the Boughn ranch three miles
east of Randolph and has been a citizen of Randolph since that date. Coming to Randolph before the
town was established Mr. Boughn helped to build it up and was one of the first pioneers here. He
built the first school house in Randolph and was engaged for several years with other promoters in
building the Burlington "short line" between Sioux City and O'Neill.
While in Illinois he was well acquainted with Abraham Lincoln and often told his
friends many stories of Lincoln.
Mr. Boughn was a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges and also a member of the
Methodist church. Besides his wife, Mr. Boughn leaves five sons, Cecil, Charles, Chester, John and
William, all well known business men and twenty-two grand children and twenty-two great grand
Mr. Boughn was one of Randolph's wealthiest citizens.
The Lincoln Star, Lincoln, NE, 6 Jun 1922
Peter L. Bourqin died of lung fever Saturday at his residence near Sangamon, aged
70 years. He leaves four children, Mrs. Jacob Lyons, Mrs. James Shepherd, Mrs. Bell Grey and
Charles Bourquin. The funeral took place at the residence.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 24 Dec 1892
Born: not mentioned, he was 80 years old
Died: Saturday, November 9, 1895 in Decatur
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cemetery
Born: not mentioned she was 81 years old
Died: Tuesday, October 8, 1895 in Decatur
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cemetery
Married: husband, name not given
Children: Mrs. C.J. McIntyre of Decatur [where Mary died], Dudley Bowerman of Decatur, Thomas
Bowerman of Tower Hill, IL, Adam Bowerman of St. Louis
BOWERMAN, Dudley [The paper had his
last name spelled Beerman, corrected by Jan 7, 1905]
Born: Not listed but he was 51 years old
Died: Thursday, January 5, 1905 in Decatur
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery
Married: survived by wife, name not given
Children: Alonzo, Alice, Florence, Willie, Bertha, John, Hazel, Oscar, and Lavina
BOWERMAN,Gertrude V. (Osborne)
Born: not mentioned but she was 23 years old
Died: Thursday, November 8, 1910 in Decatur
Buried: Brush College Cemetery
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne
Married: to William Bowerman
Survivors:Husband; Parents; Siblings, Mrs. Mattie McClelland, Miss Ina Osborne, Bernice Osborne,
Henry A. Osborne, William F. Osborne, John F. Osborne, Minor C. Osborne, and Benjamin Osborne
BOWLBY, Lenore
Miss Lenore Bowlby Would Rather Be Dead Than Sick
Sister Found Her and at First Thought It an Accident
Lenore Bowlby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowlby, prominent citizens of Maroa
township, committed suicide by shooting herself throught he head with a 32-calibre revolver at her
home, three miles west of Maroa, shortly after 10 o'clock Sunday morning.
Miss Bowlby had been weakly and in poor health for a long time and was subject to spells of
despondency. She had frequently been heard to say that she would rather be dead than to be sick
all the time.
Her sister found her lying on the bed about 10 o'clock and at first thought her
asleep. When the mother came in they noticed froth coming from the girl's mouth and a moment
later noticed the wound made by the bullet in her right temple. The force of the bullet had
been so great that the girl's skull was split for an inch and a half. She had frequently
remarked that her head ached as though it would split and at first her mother and sister thought
that was what had really occurred. The hired man came in in response to the cries of the
mother and sister and when he riased the girl up the revolver was discovered. That was the
first inclination that it was a case of suicide.
Miss Bowlby was held in highest esteem by all who knew her and her untimely death
was a great shock to the entire community. She had been in poor health and had been allowed to
go to Ohio on a bisit in the hope that it would benefit her. She was in very bad health all of
the time she was away, and when she returned Saturday she was feeling as badly as ever. She was
very despondent and cried nearly all the time after coming home. In the afternoon she attended
the funeral of Mrs. Parker. She seemed very despondent after returning home. She ate very
little supper and at 7:30 o'clock she excused herself and retired to her room. She rested
fully well during the night, but about 3 o'clock Sunday morning she complained of being sick
and went down stairs. She soon returned and went to bed again, and did not again come down stairs
till 9 o'clock. She kept walking about the house nervously for a while and then went back up
stairs. Her sister, Emma Z. Bowlby, went up stairs to ask her to come and lie down on the bed
down stairs. At that time the was was lying on the bed as though asleep, but was breathing
Her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Bowlby, came in then and saw the wound in the girl's
temple. Jacob Lindsey, who was in another room, was hastily called and when he raised the girl
up a revolver fell from her right hand.
Dr. George S. Edmondson was hastily summoned, but he was unable to save the life
of the girl. The bullet from the revolver entered the brain through the right temple and Miss
Bowlby died at 4 o'clock p.m.
Deputy Coroner Roy Bendure was summoned and held the inquest Sunday evening at
9 o'clock. The witnesses examined were Miss Emma Z. Bowlby, Jacob Lindsey, Mrs. Mary A.
Bowlby and Dr. George S. Edmondson. The jury was composed of Dr. W.T. McLean, A.J. Clough,
W.H. Carter, C.H. Griffin, P.A. Adams and George S. Edmondson. The verdict was that Lenore
Bowlby came to her death by a pistol fired by her own hand with suicidal intent.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2. The friends will meet at the
house at 10 o'clock, go thence to the Ridge chapel, where, at 11 o'clock, a funeral discourse
will be preached by Elder L.M. Robinson of Mt. Pulaski, assited by Elder Lloyd Newcomer.
The pallbearers will be Fred Moore, Harry Wykoff, John Giffin, Corney Braden, William Cooper,
Jr., William Parker, Jr. The interment will be at the Ridge cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 2 Nov 1897, pg. 8
BOWMAN, Ada R. (Kile)
Born: 10 Mar 1870 in Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Died: 1 Oct 1933 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Parents: Edward M. & Mary (Stuart) Kile
Married: 16 Apr 1908 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL to William M. Bowman
Children: Frances
BOWMAN, Frank F.
Frank F. Bowman, aged 68, a well known farmer who resided four miles east of Decatur, was
found in bed Monday morning at 5:45 o'clock by his daughter, Miss Augusta Bowman.
He was in comparatively good health up until Sunday night. He went to bed a short time
before dark and his daughter found him when she went to call him in the morning. He had been
complaining for the last few days about a slight pain in his heart, but no one gave any serious
thought to the matter. He was in Decatur Saturday and enjoyed the circus. Coroner C.E. Dawson was notified of the death Monday morning and an inquest was held. The
jury returned a verdict that death was caused by rheumatism of the heart.
Mr. Bowman was a widower. He was the father of ten children, who survive him, and who are
Frank, C.S., J.H., John, W.M., James and Mrs. John Fahay, all of Decatur; Mrs. J. Veech of
Oakley and Tony and Miss Augusta, who lives at home.
BOWMAN, Jennie J.
Death:Thursday, Jan 3, 1935 in Decatur
Birth: near Windsor, IL on Feb 9, 1878
Burial: not mentioned but probably Graceland Cemetery
Parents: Q.C. and Julia Righter
Marriage: to John Bowman in Bruce on Nov 14, 1900
Survivors: her husband; daughter, Mrs. LaGreta B. Ross of Decatur; sons, C.A.Bowman of Kansas
City, MO and Lorin R. Bowman of Decatur; 2 grandchilren; Sisters, Mrs. Laura Jones of Bloomington
and Mrs. Agnes Bence of Marion, Indiana; brothers, Earl Righter of Decatur, J.E. Righter of
Sullivan, W.W. Righter of Weyerhauser, Wisc.
Death:Tuesday, March 9, 1937 in Decatur
Birth:in Sangamon, April 5, 1867
Burial: Graceland Cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: to Jenny Righter in November 1900..she died Jan 3, 1935
Survivors: children, Mrs. LaGreta Ross of Bloomington, Clarence & Lorin Bowman of Decatur; 3
grandchildren; Sisters, Mrs. Emma Beal of Long Beach, CA, Mrs. Clara Veech and Mrs. C.A. Meyers
of Decatur; brothers, Joe, William and Tony of Decatur
BOWMAN, Barbara
Mrs. Barbara Bowman wife of Ferdinand Bowman, died Sunday evening at 8:45 o'clock at the
family residence four and one-half miles east of the city. aged 62 years.
Her death was due to heart disease. She is survived by her husband and ten children, seven
sons and three daughters as follows: Frank, Charles, James, John and William Bowman of Decatur,
Joseph Bowman of Iowa, Mrs. John Veach of Sangamon, and Tony and Gussie Bowman, living at home.
Mrs. Bowman has been a resident of Macon County for the past thirty six years. The funeral
will be held at 9 o'clock Tuesday from St. Patrick's Catholic Church and the intment will be at
Decatur Herald, 18 June 1901
BOYD, Col. James P.
Lieut. Col. James P. Boyd, formerly of the 116th Ill. Infantry, died at his
residence in this city last Sunday afternoon, from the effects of a wound received while
in the service. Col. Boyd was born in the state of Pennsylvania, in December, 1820;
emigrated to Ohio with his parents when quite young, and afterwards removed to the state
of Iowa. He came to Decatur in 1852, and engaged in the practice of law, being elected
city attorney a few years afterwards. In 1860 he was the democratic candidate for state's
attorney in this judicial circuit, and was elected. In 1862, under the call of the
President for 300,000 more troops, the deceased raised a company and entered the 116th
regiment, at the organization of which he was chosen lieutenant colonel. At the first
assault made by Gen. Grant on the fortifications around Vicksburg, May 19, 1863, Col.
Boyd was shot in the breast, the ball passing entirely through his body. He was brought
home shortly afterwards, and recovered sufficiently to again take the field, but was
forced to resign on account of the condition of his wound. He then went to New Orleans,
where he commenced the practice of his profession, but the effects of that terrible shot
through the lungs clung to him, and a few weeks ago he came home, a weka and emaciated
invalid. Last Sunday morning he rose as usual, dressed himself with his characteristic
care and neatness, but was obliged to lie down soon afterwards, saying to his family that
he would never again be able to rise from his bed. He began to sink rapidly, and at one
o'clock in the afternoon died, adding another to the long list of the victims of the
wicked rebellion.
His funeral, on Monday, was largely attended. A military escort of forty
men under command of Gen. E.B. Harlan, preceded the hearse, the members of the legal
profession acting as pall bearers. At the cemetery an appropriate and feeling address
was delivered by Rev. J.I. Davidson, after which a volley was fired over the grave by
the military escort. A large concourse of citizens were present to witness and
participate in the obsequies.
Decatur Republican, 15 Oct 1868
BOYD, William A.
William A. Boyd died of dropsy at 4:45 oclock this morning at his home,
545 South Monroe Street, aged 57 years. Mr. Boyd was a well-known contracting painter
and had resided in Decatur for the past thirty years. He was born in Ontario, Canada. He
is survived by a wife and three daughters; Mrs Ethel Watts, Miss B.A. Boyd and Miss
Florence M. Boyd.
Mr Boyd was a member of the G. A.R. and of the Master Painter association.
The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p. m. from the residence and the burial will be at
Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 7 Mar 1900, pg. 5
BOYER, John S.
The funeral of John S. Boyer was held at 2:30 Monday afternoon from the
Church of God. There was a large attendance of old friends and neighbors who had known
Mr. Boyer nearly all their lives. The services were conducted by Rev. O.B. Huston,
assisted by Rev. W.J. Davidson and Rev. T.H. Penhallegon. The services were impressive.
Many beautiful floral tributes were sent by friends. Music was furnished by a quartet
composed of Mrs. J.W. Fritz, Miss Clara Stare, J.W. Fritz and Ely Crowley. Their
selections were "Jesus Loves My Soul Nearer, My God to Thee and Gathering Home.
The pallbearers were C.S. Zeigler, John Schroll, C.I. Elaine, L.B. Provost,
T.W. Capp and Andrew Johns. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 11 Feb 1908
BOYER, William J.
Former Decatur Resident Believed to Have Met Death on Way to Work
William J. Boyer, formerly of Decatur, was killed in a automobile accident
in Florence, S. C., and Wednesday night according to word received Thursday morning in
Decatur. His mother, Mrs. Emma J. Boyer, lives at 1063 North Church Street. Particulars
of the accident were not given in the message. It was believed, however, that he was on
his way to the yards of the. Atlantic Coast Line railroad, where he had been employed for
the last 10 years, when the accident occurred. He had been assistant yardmaster in that
line for 10 years.
Although the message was sent 1 at 9:05 o'clock Wednesday evening to E. H.
Brinkman, a neighbor of the mother, she was not notified until Thursday morning in accord
with the request In the telegram the message, was sent by the man's brother, Harry Boyer,
who also is working in Florence.
William J. Boyer was born in Oreana. June 14, 1890. He came to Decatur with
his parents when he was ten years old. He attended the H. B. Durfee School and the Decatur
High School from which he was graduated. He enlisted in the World war and served in Company
B, 113th Engineers, overseas.
He was a member of the Masonic order in Florence. S. C, and the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen. He worked on the railroad in Decatur before going to South Carolina.
Mr Boyers wife died about two months ago and he returned to Decatur with the body where
services were conducted and the burial made. He leaves his mother, one brother. His father
Andrew Boyer, died May 10, 1925.
The body will be brought to J. J. Moran & Sons funeral home in Decatur. Military
services probably will be conducted here.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 26 Mar 1931, pg. 3
BOYLE, Miss Grace Ellen
Death: Sunday, Feb 3, 1918 in Decatur
Birth: in Champaign on Aug 28, 1893
Survivors: Mother, Mrs. Teresa Boyle; brother,Thomas; both of Decatur
BRADEN, John Edwin 
Former Decatur Farmer
Well Known
Mrs O. C. Peacock, 1404 North Water Street, received a message Thursday
telling of the death at Jennings, La., of John Edwin Braden, formerly of Decatur. Mr.
Braden died at 5 oclock Thursday morning. It is not known how long he was sick. Mr.
Braden was born near Decatur on Sept. 26, 1842. He was married on Oct 21, 1875 to Mary
Bear, who died in June 1909. Two sons, B Earle Braden and Carl Braden, are now living
in Louisiana.
Mr. Braden farmed near Decatur for many years and was widely known. He
has been engaged in the production of rice with his sons in Louisiana for the past
fifteen years. He was a member of the G. A. R. and of the Boiling Springs Church of God.
Two sisters and two brothers survive. They are Mrs. Cora Dillehunt of California, Mrs
Bear of Decatur, Thomas Braden of near Decatur and Jerome Braden of Colorado Springs. The
body will be brought to Decatur for burial, the funeral party leaving Jennings at midnight
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 15 Feb 1917, pg.12
The funeral services for John E. Braden, who died Thursday morning at
Jennings, La., will he held at the Boiling Springs cemetery. The body is expected to
arrive here Saturday morning.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 16 Feb 1917, pg. 15
About 1 1/2 miles west of Forsyth, on Saturday, Dec. 19th, Leon, infant
son (of) Sydney B. and Jane E. Braden.
Decatur Republican, 24 Dec 1874
BRADEN, Sidney 
On his farm about 4 miles north of Decatur, on Sunday, January 10th,
Sidney Braden, at the age of 35 years. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his
untimely death. The funeral is to take place tomorrow from the residence of his father;
J.Y. Braden, the Rev. N.S. Haynes, officiating.
The Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 11 Jan 1875, pg. 3
BRAKE, Franklin W. 
Frank Brake of Maroa, Aged 70, Succumbs
Was For 35 Years Resident of Maroa
Frank Brake of Maroa, 70 years old and one of the best known chicken dealers
in Macon county, died suddenly about 12:45 Friday afternoon while lying in a barber chair
in the Simon Huffer shop under the Millikin National Bank.
Death came without any warning while the old man was being shaved, and he
was beyond assistance before medical aid could be summoned. Morans ambulance made a
hurry run to that shop and he was hurried to St. Marys Hospital where firemen and the
city lungmotor worked for half and hour in an attempt to rescue. Physicians said that
death came with the first stroke of heart failure.
Mr. Brake has been a resident of Maroa for more than 35 years and is known
to every farmer and poultry raiser along the countryside. He has been engaged in driving
a poultry wagon about the county for more than 25 years and was a constant Decatur
visitor. His son, Clarence C. Brake, 1118 West Macon Street, is line foreman for the
Decatur Railway and Light Company and has been engaged in work here for a number of years.
We knew him well, said Mr. Neal, the barber in whose chair the veteran
expired. I have been shaving him regularly for a long time. He came in today for the
customary shave and remarked when he got into the chair that his feet hurt him and hed
be glad when he could get out of town and take off his shoes. He made no mention of
feeling badly, but said that he had a 14-mile drive before him. He intended to make one
of his rounds into the country before going home to Maroa tonight I think.
"I had gone over one side of his face and had the other side lathered when
suddenly he tried to raise his head. I was stropping the razor at the time and when I
returned to the chair his eyes were closed and he was gasping for breath. He breathed
twice and lay still. I found that his heart had stopped beating and that his face was
already cold and we went in search of a doctor. It was the noon hour and physicians were
had to find, but someone called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital. He was a
fine old man, jolly and good-natured. He always paid case for his work, carrying his money
in an old bag."
Coroner Elmer Brintlinger was summoned at once and took charge of the
body. Several strychnine tablets were found in the pockets of the dead man, who was
subject to heart trouble. After working over the body at the hospital, it was taken
to the Brintlinger undertaking establishment then to await funeral arrangements.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 24 Sep 1915, pg. 16
The body of Franklin W Brake was taken to Maroa Saturday and the funeral
will be held there. The inquest was held by Coroner Elmer O Brintlinger, Friday night
and the verdict was that death was due to natural causes, presumably heart trouble. His
son Clarence Brake said his father had had several attack or heart trouble and had been
taking medicine to stimulate heart action.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 25 Sep 1915, pg. 8
BRAMBLE, Edward Gordon 
Passed Away at His Home After a Long Illness
Edward G. Bramble died at 11:50 oclock last night at his home, 173 West
Decatur Street, of catarrh of the stomach. He was 50 years, 9 months and 1 days old,
and leaves a wife and two sons, Win Bramble and Byron Bramble, also father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bramble, a brother, O. N. Bramble, and a sister, Mrs. A. F. Jenison,
all of this city.
The funeral will be held from the Baptist church at 3 p. m. Monday. Rev.
J. D. Jordan will conduct the services. Friends wishing to view the body may do so at
the residence Monday from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Edwin Gordon Bramble was born near Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 14, 1845. There
he spent his boyhood with his parents, who afterward moved to Ohio and lived there three
years. From there they came to Illinois and settled at Decatur in 1858. Here he spent
his youth until the war broke out, when he enlisted in Company I, Sixty-eight Volunteer
infantry on May 31, 1862 and was ordered to Camp Butler near Springfield, but afterwards
transferred to Company B, Seventieth Illinois, stationed at Alton in doing guard duty He
was honorably discharged on October 23, 1862, after five months of service.
In 1869 he was in the employ of William J. Ursery till November 1871, when he recieved
an appointment as mail agent between Decatur and St. Louis, where he served until Dec.
21, 1881, when he was seriously hurt in a wreck at Carpenter, at the same time Tom Silsbee
was killed. In April 1882, he accepted a position as mailing clerk under Captain Lytle in
the Decatur post office He remained until 1889,when S. S. Jackson took charge of the office.
He then engaged in the confectionery and ice business until February 1893, when he retired
from business and resumed his position under Postmaster Hubbard. where he remained until
Sept. 3. 1895 when he was forced to resign his position and take to his bed.
He first contracted the grip in the winter of 1890 from which he partially
recovered, but another attack seized him in 1892 and the following winter he tried the
climate of New Mexico in hopes of gaining strength, but to no avail.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 1 Dec 1895, pg. 1
BRANT, George B. 
George B. McClelland Brant, for many years employed by the Wabash and a city patrolman in
1907, 1908 and 1909, died suddenly at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday morning at his home 670 West Center
Street. He would have ben sixty-six years old in October. His death was caused by heart
Mr. Brant's health had been failing for several years. While not confined to his bed,
he was unable to get around much during the last two years.
Mr. Brant was born in Williamsport, Ind., Oct. 13, 1861. He came to Decatur at an early age.
He served eight years in the United States army. Many years ago he took a position as an
engineer on the Wabash and later worked for the same company as a machinist. He was well known
and had many friends. He was a son of Jacob and Sarah (Swarts) Brant.
He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mattie (Stollard) Brant, and 3 children, Mrs. C. W. Adkesson, Miss
Julia Brant and Wayne Brant, all of Decatur. He also leaves a brother, David Brant of Los
Angeles, and three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Wood and Mrs. Alice Johnston of Ashland, O., and Mrs.
Elizabeth Arkless of Springfield, Ill. There are two grand children, Margaret and Junior
Adkesson. The body was taken to Moran and Sons and prepared for burial.
Wednesday, June 22, 1927 Decatur Review
Submitted by: Jo Ann Brant Schmidt
This was my paternal grandfather.
Life’s Battle Ended
Major J. H. Brayton died on Monday evening last at Gibson City, where he had been
lying ill since early in March, and Tuesday afternoon his body was brought to Decatur and placed
in the vault at Greenwood cemetery. The body arrived at 3 o’clock and was removed at once to Stapp’s
Chapel. M. E. church, where brief services were held by Rev. Geo. Stevens. It was then taken to
Greenwood. Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge, a sister of the diseased, and she accompanied the remains here.
Major Brayton resided in Decatur many years and had numerous friends among our people.
He was a clerk at the old Priest house for quite awhile, and later entered the employ o f D.S.
Shellabarger & Co. as a bookkeeper. He held that position six years. In 1883 he removed to Bement
and was connected with a milling firm. Later he began traveling for a milling company of Minneapolis,
Minn, and was in that company’s employ when he was stricken with this illness that resulted in his
death. He died of nervous prostration. He was a member of Co. G. 42 Ohio Infantry regiment and served
on General Garfield’s staff. He was an active temperance worked and a worthy Christian gentleman. His
death will bring sincere regret to many.
Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 10 Apr 1886, pg. 8
BRAYTON, Mary Ella (Field)
At the family residence in this city, on Saturday morning August 2nd,
Mrs John H. Brayton, aged 35 years. The deceased was the wife of Major John Brayton, an
accountant and bookkeeper, well known in this city.
Mrs, Brayton has been ill for several weeks with paralysis of the brain, and
although her friends did not look for her complete recovery, they' had hoped to stay the cold
hand of' death.
She was an active member of Stapp's Chapel, and also of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, and in the church and for the cause of temperance, she took a deep and
earnest interest.
The deceased was born September 28,1819, her maiden name being, Mary Ella Field.
On October 12,1870, she was married to her present husband, the result of the union being a
son and daughter, the former surviving to "mourn the loss of his mother. The funeral will
take place this morning at 10 30 o'clock.
The Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 3 Aug 1884, pg. 3
BREEDEN, Charles M. 
Undertaker J. B. Bullard received a telegram last night from J.0. Sloan
of Indianapolis, Stating that Joseph Breeden had died in St Louis and that the body had
been ordered brought to Decatur. The deceased formerly lived in this city. Nothing further
was heard today but it is expected that the body will arrive tonight.
Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 29 Jul 1899, pg. 1
The body of Charles M. Breeden was brought to this city last night for burial.
Mr. Breeden died at 4 a. m., July 28, at St. John's Hospital, St. Louis. His death was caused
by locomotor ataxia. His age was 56 years. Mr. Breeden was born in Maysville, Ky. He lived in
Decatur for about five years and will be remembered by the older residents of the city.
He served through the war as a member of Company E, One Hundred and Fifteenth
Illinois infantry; General Moore's regiment. On returning from the war he opened a newsstand
in the old post office, which was then in Central block, where Greider's cafe is now.
In 1870 he went to Springfield and traveled for J.F. Sloan & Co. In 1872 he
went to St. Louis and entered the employ of the Mansu & Tibbetts Implement Company, representing
them on the road throughout Southwest Missouri until the time of his death.
He leaves a wife and daughter, Mrs. F.B. Filloy of St. Louis; a sister, Mrs J.F.
Sloan at Indianapolis; four brothers, M.A .Breeden, Ogden, Utah; H.C. Breeden Portland, Ore.,
William and J.M. Breeden, Santa Fe, NT. M. His wife, daughter and sister are in the city,
arriving last night.
Mr. Breeden was a member of Ransom Post, G.A.R., of St. Louis and the post
commander telegraphed Commander Abel of Dunham post to take charge of the burial. Funeral
services were held at St. Louis yesterday. Durham post will meet at their hall at 2:30 this
afternoon and march to Bullards chapel and' escort the body to Greenwood, where the interment
will take place. The ritualistic service of he G.A.R. will be observed and the burial will
be with military honors.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 30 Jul 1899, pg. 2
Has Been in Bad Health Several Years
Interested in Many Decatur Business Matters
Eli Brenneman died this morning at 8:20 o'clock at his home, 236 South Franklin
street, aged 62 years. He had been dangerously ill for some time past so that the news of
his death while a shock to his friends, was not entirely unexpected. For several years Mr.
Brenneman has been in bad health and since May 23 has been unable to leave his house and was
almost continually confined to his bed. He suffered greatly at times and lately the members
of his family have realized that his recovery was hopeless.
Ell Brenneman was born Dec. 1, 1847, at New Castle, Ind. He was raised in his
parents home and at the age of 17 years .he entered the service of the Union army in the Civil War,
enlisting in 1861 as a member of the Tenth Indiana volunteer Infantry. After serving at
Nashville and Memphis, Mr. Brenneman was sent to North Carolina to join Sherman's army. He
was taken ill of typhoid fever while at Murfreesboro, Tenn. but rejoined his command in North
Carolina, and was in that state when, after the surrender of Lee, he was honorably discharged.
After the war Mr. Brenneman returned to his home Indiana and remained there
until 1869 when he came to Decatur and secured a positions as clerk with his brother, D.W.
Brenneman, who was engaged in the wholesale liquor business. After serving as a clerk for
several years he became a partner in the business and has since been associated with his brother
and in all business relations. In resent years Mr. Brenneman has had charge of the business in
this city, D. M. Brenneman making his home in Chicago.
The Brenneman Bros. have for many years past been prominent as breeders and
owners of trotting horses. Eli Brenneman had an interest in the Elm Grove stock farm and was
widely known through this part of the estate as a horseman.
In 1871 Mr. Brenneman married Miss Mary Clanton, who died fifteen years later,
in 1886. He was married a second time on July 14, 1898, to Mrs. Mary Leonard, who survives him,
besides two step-sons, Raymond and Herman Leonard. Mr. Brenneman also leaves two sisters, Mrs.
Lavina Gough of Decatur and Mrs. Henrietta Hernley of New Castle, Indiana; also two brothers,
George Brenneman of New Castle and D. W. Brenneman of Chicago. The latter has been in this city
for several weeks past.
Mr. Brenneman lived in Decatur for thirty years and there were few men who were
better known. As a businessman he was honored for his honesty and integrity. Personally he had
many friends. He was an exceedingly generous man and those whom he liked oo considered his
friends were seldom refused any favor asked of him that he could grant. Mr. Brenneman did his
share toward helping the progress of the city and had seen much of the growth of Decatur. The
announcement of Mr. Brennemans death brought forth many expressions of sorrow from men in
different stations of life. Dunham Post 141 G.A.R. was the only organization of which Mr.
Brenneman was a member.
The funeral will be held from the residence Monday afternoon, but the hour has
not been decided upon. The Rev. H.W. Ruffner, rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church, will
conduct the services and the burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 4 Nov 1899, pg. 4
BRENNEMAN, Mary Amanda (Clayton)
25 Mar 1886
Mrs. Mary A. Brenneman died yesterday morning at half past ten o’clock at the family
residence, No. 240 South Franklin street. The deceased was thirty-six years of age and was the
wife of Mr. Eli Brenneman. Her death was the result of stomach trouble from which she has suffered
for several years, but the attack which cased her death has only been of twelve day’s duration.
Mrs. Brenneman was conscious until her very last moments.
Mrs. Brenneman was born at Louisville, Indiana, February 24, 1851. Her maiden name was Mary Amanda
Clayton and on November 14, 1870, she was married to Eli Brenneman. The couple took up their
residence in Decatur, afterwards removing to Brenneman Bros. Elm Grove Stock farm, where they lived
until about a year ago, when they returned to Decatur.
The deceased was an estimable lady, enjoying to a large measure the love and esteem of
a large circle of friends. She was devoted to her husband and home and her greatest regret was
having to leave them. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at half past two o’clock from
the family residence. Rev. Dr. Vosburgh of the Baptist church will conduct the services.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Mar 1886
The funeral of Mrs. Eli Brenneman will take place this afternoon at half past two
o’clock from the family residence on South Franklin street. Rev. Dr. Vosburgh will conduct the
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 26 Mar 1886
Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon over the remains of the late Mrs.
Eli Brenneman, at the family residence on South Franklin street. The house was filled with
friends and relatives of the deceased. A handsome black casket contained all that was mortal
of the beloved wife and neighbor. About and on the casket were beautiful floral tributes. The
most noticeable was a massive floral representation of “Gates Ajar,” above which was a white
dove. The other offerings consisted of floral pillows, crosses, etc. The services commenced
with the singing of the beautiful hymn “Nearer My God to Thee,” by the choir composed of Misses
Sallie McCall and Ruth Hammer and Messrs. P. Perl and Budge Brown. Prayer was offered by Rev.
Dr. Vosburgh and the choir sand “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” Rev. Vosburgh then delivered a funeral
sermon full of tenderness and eulogy. “Asleep in Jesus” was sung by the choir. At Greenwood
cemetery the remains were committed to the silent tomb after a short prayer by Rev. Vosburgh.
The pall bearers were Messrs. Henry McClellan, Joseph Dinges, W.C. Johns, J.A. Merriweather, Newt
Cook and D.A. Maffit. The services at the house and grave were largely attended.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 27 Mar 1886
BREWER, Mrs. Lucy
Death: Monday, Oct 3, 1938 at St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur
Birth: Hannibal, MO, on January 1, 1861
Burial: MT. Gilead Cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: to John Brewer 55 years ago..he died in 1933
Survivors: son Earl [town not mentioned]; 3 grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Catherine Tyrell of
William Brewster, recently an engineer on the Decatur and East St. Louis
R.R., who has been suffering for some months past with consumption, died suddenly on
Monday. He was quite feeble, but able to walk around, and on that day started from his
residence on Mercer street to go to Shellabarger's mill for the purpose of ordering some
feed, but being taken with a coughing fit and bleeding at the lungs, at North Main street
crossing of the T., W.& W.R.R., was compelled to stop, and in a few minutes was dead.
His remains were interred yesterday.
Decatur Review, 11 May 1871
Passes Away At His Home Near Argenta On Tuesday Night
Aaron Bricker died of pneumonia at the family residence, three and one-half miles
northeast of Argenta, Tuesday night.
He was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, Oct. 21, 1819. He moved to
Coshocoton, O., at the age of 12, then to Fayete county, Illinois, in 1858; to Piatt county,
in 1863, and to Macon county, his last home on the farm in Friends Creek township in 1865.
He married Miss Louisa Darling Nov. 7, 1844. Ten children were born to them. A
message was received last Friday morning announcing the death of the eldest, Mrs. Belle Acuff,
at Spokane, Wash. The remaining children are Mrs. Henry Flood, Stuttgart, Ark.; Newton Bricker,
Argenta; Marion Bricker, Seldon, Kan.; Louis E. Bricker, Argenta; Mrs. C.H. Crasley, Decatur;
John A. Bricker, Argenta; Mrs. Frank Trainer, Bethany, Ills.; Mrs. E.J. Crawford, Forsyth,
Ills.; Mrs. J.C. Nicholls, Blue Mound, Ills.
His wife died April 23, 1894.
Mr. Bricker has been a successful farmer and stock raiser. He was a kind and
indulgent husband and father, and a progressive and public-spirited citizen.
He was a life-life(sic) long Republican, and his last act before taken sick was
to cast a ballot for McKinley and Hobart.
Mr. Bricker was taken sick Nov. 3, election day. He grew rapidly worse. The
funeral will be hled at 1 p.m. Thursday and the burial will be at Maroa cemetery.
The Daily Review, 3 Dec 1896
BRICKER, Lewis Elwood
DEATH OF LEWIS BRICKER - Was Caused by Blood Poisoning
Lewis Elwood Bricker died from the effects of blood poisoning at 11:15 a.m.
Sunday, December 20, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles H. Crosley, 1253 North Edward
street. Had he lived until next Monday he would have been 44 years old.
Mr. Bricker arose in his usual good health last Thursday morning at his home in
Argenta and went to the stable to milk the cows. After this was done he got in a buggy with his
brother F.N. Bricker, and came to Decatur to transact some business connected with the settling
up of his father's estate.
On the way to town his hand began to pain him dreadfully. He went to the home of
his sister, Mrs. Crosley, and a doctor was summoned. He grew steadily worse and had to take to
his bed, from which ne never arose. The following day an operation was performed in the hope of
saving his life, but it availed nothing.
This is the third death that has occurred in the family within a month, his father
Aaron Bricker, and a sister dying, but a few days apart.
Lewis Elwood Bricker was born near Coshocton, O., and came with his parents to Illinois
when he was but 6 years of age. He has resided on a farm near Argenta ever since. On March 26,
1885 he married Miss Anna Carr, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.F. Carr of Argenta. She and a daughter,
aged 7 years survive him. He was well known and highly respected and was considered one of the
substantial men of the county. His death is a sad blow to the community.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock is forenoon from the Presbyterian church at
Argenta. The interment will be at Maroa.
Decatur Daily Review, 22 December 1896
BRICKER, Louisa (Darling)
The funeral of Mrs. Aaron Bricker took place Wednesday from the family residence,
near Maroa, Rev. W.F. Gibson officiating. She died Monday (Apr 23), aged 70 years.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 28 Apr 1894
BRIGHTBILL, Infant Daughter
The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Brightbill died yesterday morning at the family
residene 1046 North Monroe Street. The funeral will be held from the residence at 1 o'clock
today. The burial will be at Boiling Springs cemetery.
Daily Review (Decatur), 10 August 1892
BRITTON, Hal Charles
Born: 26 Jun 1892 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co.
Died: 14 Jan 1943 in Casner, Macon Co.
BRITTON, Roxie May (Florey)
Born: 26 Nov 1891 in Oakley, Macon Co.
Died: 18 Dec 1979 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cem., Macon Co., IL
Parents: George Eli & Elsie Bell (Rucker) Florey
Married: Aug 23, 1891 in Macon Co. to Hal Charles Britton
A Citizen of Decatur NEarly Forty Years - Paralysis the Cause
A few days ago the REPUBLICAN made mention of the fact that David Brockway, a venerable
citizen, had been stricken with paralysis. He died this morning at 7:30 o'clock at the family residende,
No. 320 West Cerro Gordo street, in the 83d year of his age. He retained his consciouness and was able
to recognize his wife and children, but was unable to speak. Mr. Brockway was born at New London,
Conn., July 3, 1809, and until 1856 resided in Kentucky. He came to Decatur in 1856, and has since
made this city his home. In 1833 Miss Eliza Goodale became his wife, and to the couple were born
twelve children, four of whom are dead. The surviving children, with the widow, are Officer John A.
Brockway, Mrs. John C. Millspaugh, A.L. Brockway, Mrs. Frank Shaffer and Miss Laura Brockway, all of
Decatur; Mrs. S.V. Cheeney of Jacksonville, Ill., Mrs. E.A. Jefferson of Chicago, and Mrs. E.C.
McClintock of Ozark, Arkansas. In his early life in Decatur Mr. Brockway was a house decorator and
painter, and was a very active and good citizen. Until recently, despite the weight of years, the
deceased was frequently seen upon the streets. He always had a pleasant word of nod for his friends
as they had for him. He was a member of Grace M.E. Church, and as long as health would permit was
a regular attendant at the various services. In 1883 the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Brockway was pleasantly celebrated by the children, grand children and friends.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 24 Mar 1892
BROMLEY, Nancy Isabelle (Clifton)
Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Bromley who died Sunday morning at 12:35 in the home
of her son, Oscar L. Bromley, 1130 Cottage Hill avenue, were conducted Monday afternoon at Macon
in the Methodist church by Rev. Ray Funk, a life-long friend of Mrs. Bromley and pastor at Chestnut,
Ill. He was assisted by Rev. Mr. Clapper of the Methodist church of Macon.
Music was furnished by Mrs. Bert Traughber of Decatur and Mrs. Ola Coffman of Macon
accompanied by Mrs. Melton Bridgewater, also of Macon. The flowers were in charge of Mrs. E.S. Merris,
Mrs. Howard Johnson, Miss Lillian Weeks, Miss Elva Bromley, Miss Iva Bromley and Miss Gladys Bromley.
The bearers were E.S. Merris, Clinton Bromley, Wallace Bromley, Arthur Carr, Frank Barber and Melton
Bridgewarer. Burial was Macon cemetery.
Mrs. Bromley's maiden name was Nancy Isabelle Clifton. She was born in Fulton county,
Ind., near Rochester, Aug. 10, 1852. While a girl the family moved to Scott county, Ill., where she
resided until her marriage to James P. Bromley, Oct. 4, 1868. Her husband died seventeen years ago.
Two years after the death of her husband she moved to 244 East Division street, Decatur,
where shse resided until her death. She was converted early in life and lived a faithful, consistent
christian life. For the past few years she had been a member of Grace Methodist church. Her religion
was the most important thing in her life.
She leaves four sons, Frank, Oscar, Forrest and Charles Bromley and two brothers,
James H. Clifton of Union City, Ind., and Charles W. Clifton of Decatur, two sisters, Mrs. C.A.
Gibson, Independence, Kan., and Mrs. Hattie Weeks of Decatur. She also leaves five grand daughters
and two great grand daughters.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 2 May 1922
BROOKS, George
Died: 1 May 1928 in Harristown Twp, Macon Co.
BROOKS, William F.
Died: 21 May 1939 in Macon Co. IL
BROOKSHIER, Lula May (Saddock)
Born: 2 Feb 1878 in Macon, Macon Co, IL
Died: 17 Jan 1948 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Macon Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: James & Jemima J. (Atteberry) Shaddock
Married: Dec 23, 1896 in Macon Co.
BROTHERS, Sarah A. (Kile)
Born: Sep 19, 1871 in Cerro Gordo, Macon, IL
Died: 22 Jul 1959 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Parents: Edward M. & Mary (Stuart) Kile
Married: James W. Brothers
BROWN, Amos 
Amos Brown, Civil War Veteran, Expires In Barn
Amos Brown, one of the most prominent citizens of Illini Township was found
dead at 7 oclock Sunday morning in the passageway of his barn on his farm near Warrensburg.
He arose about 4 o'clock and went out to feed the stock and to do the other early chores.
When at 7 o'clock he had not come in for breakfast, members of the family went out to the
barn and found him lying in the passage, dead. Coroner Elmer Brintlinger was notified and
went out Monday forenoon and held the inquest. The verdict was that the death resulted from
natural causes, probably heart disease. The funeral will probably be held Tuesday.
Amos Brown was widely known in Macon County. He was born at Kensington, N.H.,
March 9, 1813, and would have been seventy-one years old next March. Most of his life had
been spent in Illini Township, he having settled there in 1867. He was one of the pioneers
of what has been known as the Yankee" settlement, and one of the pillars of the Illini
Congregational Church. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of Dunham post 141,
G.A.R. and also of the new Masonic lodge recently instituted at Warrensburg. He was a quiet
man, having little to say about himself or his own affairs, but always ready to lend his
aid to every worthy cause.
He was held in high regard in the community. He is survived by his wife and
four children; James Brown and John Brown and Miss May and Myrtle Brown, all of Illini
Township. He also leaves four brothers. John Brown of New Hampshire, Joseph Brown of Illini
Township, Emory Brown of Colorado and Henry Brown, who lives in California.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 8 Dec 1913, pg. 10
BROWN, David F. 
David F. Brown Used a Rusty Wire
Was in Jail on Charge of Petit Larceny
Hanging by a thin, rusty wire, the body of David F. Brown, an old soldier, was
found in cell No. 10 of the county jail about 6:35 o'clock Saturday morning. Life was not
quite extinct and the old man gasped two or three times after he was cut down.
Brown hanged himself some time between 5:45 and 6:30 o'clock. His death was
slow and was caused by strangulation. To effect his death, he doubled his legs under himself
and when he was found he was in a kneeling position. The wire had cut deep into his neck,
but had not broken the skin. At 5:45 Turnkey Charles Braden according to his custom opened
the jail door and pulled back the bar which holds the cell doors shut. He goes through the
same performance every morning to let the prisoners into the corridors. Brown was in a cell
on the east side of the second floor of the old part of the jail. He came down with the rest
of the prisoners, but in a short time returned to his cell.
Less than an hour later Braden returned with the prisoners' breakfast. All
the prisoners appeared except Brown. Several noticed his absence and one man asked about it.
On going to the old man's cell he saw the body. He shouted to the turnkey: "The old man's
hanging himself."
Braden gave directions for cutting the body down and three or four of the
prisoners went to the cell to assist. Braden himself went as soon as he could insure himself
against the escape of any prisoners. He also telephoned to the county physician. Dr. J.T.
Miller, but before the latter arrived Brown was dead.
The roof of the cell in which Brown hanged himself is braced at each corner
with an iron bracket. The wire Brown used in committing suicide was stretched between two
of these brackets so the prisoners could hang their clothes on it. The wire was over three
feet long. Brown twisted one end around his neck. Corner Dawson was notified and the body was
taken to his office. The inquest is to be held there today.
Brown was arrested by the police Friday afternoon on the charge of stealing a
spade from the residence of K.L. Payne on North Edward street. He borrowed the spade from
Mrs. Payne on the excuse of digging some potatoes for a neighbor. He sold the spade and some
other tools, to stealing, which he afterward confessed, to secondhand men and spent the money
buying drinks. When arrested the police found on him some powder they thought was either
morphine or quinine. Dr. Miller said it was morphine. Brown wanted some but the police refused
to let him have it.
David F. Brown was 64 years of age and a veteran of the civil war. Of late years
he has been living in Decatur supporting himself with his pension money and with wages received
from odd jobs He was addicted to the use of morphine and he also drank a good deal. About a
year ago J.M. Tohill of Casner was appointed conservator to look after the old man's pension
Brown leaves six children. The sons are C.C. Brown of Atwood and G.W. Brown, who
lives on the Geddes farm east of Decatur. The daughters are Mrs. Lida Smith, who lives six
miles north of Decatur: Mrs. Laura Overstake of LaPlace; and the Misses Sadie and Ella Brown,
who live with Mrs. Smith. The children all tried to get the old man to live with them, but he
steadily resisted their attempts at reform. Plans for the funeral as incomplete This death is
the second in the Macon county jail this year.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 30 Jul 1904
Coroner C. K Dawson held an inquest over the body of David K. Brown Saturday
afternoon. His jury came to the decision that Brown had committed suicide by hanging himself
with a wire.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 30 Jul 1904, pg. 8
The funeral of David F. Brown will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning from
Dawson's undertaking establishment. The burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 31 Jul 1904, pg. 2
BROWN, Harriet Josephine (Goodpasture)
Born: 23 Jul 1878 in Macon Co.
Died: 9 Jul 1938 in Oakley, Macon Co., IL
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Harvey S. & Susan A. Goodpasture
Married: Nov 10, 1894 in Macon Co. to Charles W. Brown
BROWN, John A.
Said Then That His Estate Would Be Worth $100,000
It was last Friday morning that John A. Brown wrote his will. He got back from the
Rockford meeting Thursday afternoon and soon learned he would have to submit to an operation. He
knew it was dangeroius and so sat down in his office and wrote his will.
He asked James Montgomery, a partner in the real estate business, to witness the will
and to go to Augustine's store downstairs and get another witness. That was done. The witnesses
know nothing of what disposition was made of the estate of the will.
John A. Brown made the remark at the time that after all his debts were pait it would
be found his estate would be worth $100,000. Life insurance will figure in this, of which it is said
he had $10,000.
James Montgomery, his partner, had strenuously advised John A. Brown not to make the
trip to Rockford. Mr. Brown had been ailing for some time, and had been treated for the trouble that
killed him, and his partner felt he was taking too much of a risk in going to Rockford. Mr. Brown
had his address as president of the association written out, and those in the office tried to get him
to mail that to the meeting and let some one else read it.
The Macon County Bar association met this morning to take action on the death of John A.
Brown. W.C. Outten acted as president and Thord Ewing as secretary. Alexander McIntosh, A.G. Webber
and I.A. Buckingham were appointed a committee to arrange for the funeral, and W.E. Redmon, A.H. Mills
and D.C. Corley were appointed a committee on resolutions.
Another meeting will be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to announce the arrangements.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 Nov 1904
Masons in Charge, From Presbyterian Church. Governor Can't Come
The Bar association held a meeting Tuesday morning to hear the report of the
committee on arrangements for the funeral of John A. Brown. Alexander McIntosh made a verbal report
for the committee.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the First Presbyterian
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist church,
assisted by Dr. W.H. Penhallegon, and will be in charge of Macon lodge No. 8, A.F. and A.M. The
Masons will march to the residence on West Eldorado street in a body.
The members of the Macon County Bar association will meet at the court house at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon,
and in comapny with the county officers will march to the residenced and from there to the church.
Governor Richard Yates was announced as one of the honorary pall bearers, but a
telegram was received from him this morning stating that it would be necessary for him to be in
Chicago tomorrow and that he could not be here. Felix B. Tait was chosen in his place. The interment
will be at Greenwood.
The casket will not be opened at the church, but friends who wish may call at the
residence between 9 and 11 tomorrow morning.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 22 Nov 1904
Services Held At Presbyterian Chruch.
Spoke of Mr. Brown's Useful Life
The funeral of John A. Brown was held at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the
First Presbyterian church. The Masons, members of the Macon County Bar association, and the
county officers had marched to the residence on West Eldorado street at 2 o'clock and they
accompanied the body to the church.
There was a very large attendance, the church being filled with the friends of
Mr. Brown and of the family. There were many beautiful floral offerings.
The music was furnished by the Presbyterian quartet, composed of Miss Noy Montgomery,
Mrs. Bert Gher, D.L. Bunn and Al Lindamood.
The services were conducted by Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist
church, and he was assisted by Dr. W.H. Penhallegon, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Mr.
Davidson gave the funeral discourse and Dr. Penhallegon spoke of Mr. Brown as a citizen.
The services at the church were as follows:
Responsive chant service by Dr. Penhallegon and choir
Scripture lesson by Rev. W.J. Davidson
Chant by the choir - "Beloved, It Is Not Dying to Go Unto Our God."
Hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light"
Rev. W.J. Davidson then gave the following discourse:
We read in the great poem of the book of Job that "one dieth in his full strength."
A week ago this man was among us, and to the average observer must have appeared to be in his
full strength. A week ago today he was performing his share of one of those larger duties which
come to men of ability and trustworthiness. He had told me a week before that he hoped to be
able to perform that duty. For some months he had not been feeling quite so rugged as formerly,
and on two or three occasions he told me of this fact; but most of us were probably astonished to
hear that he was in the hospital. Then we were amazed at the swift approach and work of death.
It is as if the song of the ancient troubled heart were being literally repeated in real life.
He was here; and is suddenly gone. As for me, I can hardly realize it.
The career of such a man as Brother Brown was has at least two sides; There is the
side comprising the more private aspects of his life; and then the side comprising his larger
sphere of activity as a citizen. His long and fast friend, Dr. Penhallegon, will speak of the
latter, while I shall say a few words regarding the former.
Our first thought of the private life of such a career as that just closed by our
brother, carries us back to his start in life. When we think of how he started, we must say
that the vicissitudes of many an American were stared by him. He was trukly an American,
honoring and loving American traditions and institutions. He was of good New England stock,
sprung from a Pilgrim ancestry."
The speaker here gave a bried biographical sketch embodying facts recently given
here, and said:
"Here he has made his home, made a host of friends, woven his influence with
that of other men into the social fabric of our city, prospered financially, and been respected
as a man of honesty, truthfulness and ability. These facts bring into bold relief the long
and earnest struggle through which he has passed from a life beginning in small things to a life
ending in the braod day of honorable and prosperous circumstances.
"The circle that closed most intimately about his life was the family circle. The
family is the basis of civilized society. What a man is to his family determines in no mean
sense what contribution he is making to the advancement and refinement of society. Or, in other
words, give us a society composed of families in which are to be fo und only unmanly men, and we
shall have a society powerless for good, for charity, or for advancement through all the refining
processes of the Christian virtues. How invaluable, then is the man who in his familiy is honored,
obeyed in all good things, loving and loved!
"In these respects Brother Brown was an ideal father and husband. In conversation
he often referred to his home and to the precious interests which centered there; and the memory
of his uniform kindness, his unabating care, his wise counsel, his constant tenderness, and his
love will be a priceless heritage to his family. In our hearts we weep today with those who weep,
and through our weeping there wells up a prayer to the Father of the fatherless and the widow
that they may be kept and strengthened in their hour of loss and grief."
"The next circle that closed about the life of Brother Brown in its more private
aspects was the circle of church relationship. For many years he had been a member of the First
Methodist Episcopal church of this city. He was fundamentally an ardent Protestant. About
Protestantism and its fundamental interests he frequently spoke to me. It is not surprising,
therefore, that he was an advocate of freedom of opinion in matters of theology not immediately
essential to salvation. As every intelligent Christian should do, he thought for himself; and
yet, he stood solidly on the great fundamentals of faith. While he was well rarely did a
Sunday pass in which he was not at church once at least, and his inquiries were frequent
touching the prosperity of his church. He was one of the speakers in our last service in the
old Sunday school room on the thirty-first day of last July. On that day he recaleed many
interesting incidents of thirty-five years ago. In this circle of his effort and
association death has awakened a profound sense of loss and evoked the sincere sympathy
of the whole membershiop of his church for those whose hearts are overwhelmed with sorrow.
"He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and of Macon lodge, No. 8
A.F. and A.M.; therefore, he was pledged to an interest in both man and God, in truth and
honesty, in diligence and righteousness, in justice and all morality. As a man among men
he was affable and kind. He was respected of men. The presence of his brothers of the
lodge and of the Bar association is the mark of the esteem in which as a man he was held by
them. Having been once a teacher, he never lost all interest in the education of the young.
And all these interests were lively within him when death warned him of its approach. It
was life lightning out of a clear sky. He has trembled and fallen in death in the day of
his full strength. With sad hearts, my brothers, we shall lay away what is left of him,
trusting that his spirit is now at rest with the God who sustaineth all men and giveth
eternal life to all who believe in him and put their faith to the test in Christian conduct."
At the close of the discourse Dr. W.H. Penhallegon followed with a brief address
in which he referred to Mr. Brown as a citizen. He spoke of Mr. Brown's long residence here,
of the interest he always took in Decatur and his pride in the rapid advancement the city had
made, and how he had worked to aid in that advancement.
The services closed with a song by the choir, "Beloved, It Is Well."
There was a brief committal service and the Masonic burial service at the grave.
The interment was at Greenwood. The active pall bearers were C.M. Borchers, Alexander
McIntosh, J.M. Lee, F.C. Roby, O.W. Smith and A.T. Summers. The honorary pall bearers were W.C.
Johns, J.M. Clokey, I.A. Buckingham, W.E. Nelson, H. Crea, W.C. Outten, A.H. Mills, O.B. Gorin,
James H. Montgomery and F.B. Tait.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Nov 1904
Born: 21 Sep 1903 in Mulberry Grove
Died: 6 Aug 1965 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Elmer & Mammie (Bone) Brown
Married: 21 Aug 1957 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL to Carol Jane Reed
Children, Robert, Dorothy, Maurice, Ralph
BROWN, Capt. William T. 
Received Stroke of Apoplexy Monday Morning
Served Honorably in the War Long in Business
Captain William T. Brown died last night at 7:30 as the result of a stroke
of apoplexy received at 10:30 Monday morning. Captain Brown was never conscious after the
stroke and passed away with out physical suffering. In his death the community loses one
of the oldest and most respected citizens of the county, a man who has spent his best
years in business in Decatur and who went from this county to the war when the call came
for men. He was 71 years old.
All of the children of Captain Brown with his wife wore present during his
last hours. The time of the funeral and arrangements were not decided on last night. Captain
Brown leaves a wife and four children, Miss Mattie J. Brown, Mrs. Anna Simpson, Miss Jessie
L. Blown and Christopher L. Brown. He leaves three brothers and one sister Daniel C. and
Christopher C. Brown of Springfield; James B. Brown of Media and Mrs. A. H. Cowgill of
Springfield. They will all he present at the funeral.
William T. Brown was born March 23, 1827, in Greenburg, Green County, Kentucky,
but was raised in Sangamon County, Illinois. He was the son of William Brown, an old Virginia
pioneer, who settled in Kentucky in the early days. William B. Brown was a sturdy frontiersman
and was known for his ability as an Indian fighter in the early times in Kentucky. He moved
to Athens County in 1839.
Mr. Brown was married to Miss Elizabeth M. Smith at Clinton, November 22, 1855,
and soon afterwards the two young people moved to Decatur, where they have lived ever since.
Mr. Brown opened a drug store on East Main Street, where he continued in business for several
years, afterwards going into the drug business with W. C. Armstrong.
In 1862 he became captain of Company A, 116th Illinois Infantry, he served bravely
through the battles of Chickasaw Bluff, Arkansas Pass and through the siege of Vicksburg and
until its capture. In 1863 on account of disability received in the army, he was obliged to
come home. He went to California for the benefit of his health and on his return went back
into the drug business, For nineteen year he was pharmacist at the Dr. Stoner drug store. Two
weeks ago he retired not on account of his health, but learned he thought he was old enough
and had worked enough to deserve a layoff.
The illness of which he died came on suddenly and the family did not know he was
sick at all until the fatal stroke came. Monday morning he said he would stay in bed as he
felt bad. His wife went to his room at 10 o'clock in the morning and found that he was asleep.
She looked in half an hour later and lie did not look right. Dr. Will Barnes was summoned and
the truth was soon apparent that the old gentleman had suffered a stroke of apoplexy. Captain
Brown was a man who was well liked by those who knew him. and he was valued as a friend. He
was a genial man. He was a member of the G.A.R. and was a Mason.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 23 Feb 1898, pg. 5
BROWNING, George W. 
George W. Browning, a veteran of the Civil war, died at 1 o'clock Sunday
afternoon at the family residence, 268 East Sangamon Street. He was eighty years old. His
death was caused by a complication of diseases, with which he had suffered for several years.
Mr. Browning was born in Ohio. He served through the Civil war as a member of the One Hundred
and Fourteenth Indiana Artillery. He came to Decatur many years ago a for the last thirty
years has led a retired life. He was a member of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R.
Mr. Browning is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Browning, and the
following children: Mrs. Effie Wicker, Ashville, Ill., Mrs. Daisy McGregor, Oakland, Ill.,
Mrs. Rosa Finley, Clarksdale, Ill., Mrs. Manila Taylor and Mrs. Lula Blye of Decatur, Oliver
Browning of Georgetown, Ill., John Browning and Merle Browning, both of Decatur. The funeral
will be held some time Tuesday at the residence. The interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 13 Sep 1920, pg. 11
Smith Browning died Friday morning in the soldiers home in Quincy.
His death was the result of injuries received in Decatur about a year ago by being
crushed between the wheel and bed of a wagon. After his injury Mr. Browning stayed
at St. Mary's hospital for a while, but finally went to the soldiers' home. He leaves
a wife, a son, and a daughter, who live at 1047 West Green Street.
The body was brought to Decatur at 11 o'clock Saturday night and taken
to the Browning home on West Green Street. The funeral will be held from there at 3
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. Browning was a private in Company D, One Hundred and
Fortieth Indiana Infantry, in the war. Before his accident he was a peddler and it was
in falling from his wagon that he received his injuries.
He will be buried in the soldiers lot in Greenwood cemetery. Dunham post,
No 141, G.A.R., will have charge of the funeral. Its members will meet at the hall
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 22 May 1904, pg. 8
Henry C. Brownlee, a resident of Decatur for most of the last 55 years,
died at 10 o'clock Friday night in the home of his brother in-law, C. A. Nanna, 118O
Summit avenue. Death was caused by cancer. Mr Brownlee was 55 years old. He was born
in Decatur on July 13, 1876. He had lived in Decatur for the greater part of his life,
passing occasional periods in Peoria. He was a member of the Church of God and of the
Peoria Barbers' union. His wife died two months ago. Mr. Brownlee leaves his son, S.E.
Brownlee, Detroit, and a brother, Robert Brownlee, Decatur. The body was taken to
Moran's funeral home. Funeral arrangement will be announced.
Decatur Evening Herald, Saturday, 1 Aug 1931, pg. 3
A coroner's jury delivered a verdict shortly after 5 o'clock last night saying
that the death of John B.W. Brownlee, 352 East Marion street, was caused by cardiac asthma.
Mr. Brownlee died at his home at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. He had persistently refused
to have medical attention and for that reason coroner Huxton held the inquest. Mr. Brownlee
is a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Co. B of the 80th Illinois volunteer infantry.
He is survived by 11 children.
Funeral services will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the residence. The
services will be conducted by Rev. Bert N. Everett. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 31 Dec 1909, pg. 2, col. 4
Wyatt Brownlee an old who has lived for many years in Decatur, died
at his home 8__ East Hickory Street, at 8:15 Monday evening, aged 74 years and _
months. Death was due to complication of disease. Besides his wife Mrs Hester
Brownlee, he leaves three children; Belle Hanna Brownlee and Robert Brownlee of
Decatur, and Henry Brownlee of Peoria. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon
at 2:30 at the residence.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 4 Jan 1909, pg. 10
BRUNNER, Daniel 
Daniel Brunner of route 5 Decatur died at 7:40 oclock Monday morning
at St. Mary s hospital. He was eighty-one years old last November. His death was
caused by pneumonia and followed and illness of only five days.
Mr. Brunner was born in York Pa. November 3, 1846. He had lived in
Decatur for the last forty-two years and for thirty-five years was employed by the
Wabash here. He retired six years ago He is survived by the following children Mrs
Hattie Honstem, William and Edward Brunner of Decatur, John Brunner of Springfield
and Albert Brunner of Fort Lauder Fla. There are ten grandchildren and two great
The body was taken to L A Monson funeral director, and prepared for
burial. The funeral will be held at 2 30 oclock Wednesday afternoon at the Monson chapel.
The burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 13 Feb 1928, pg. 5
BRUSH, Lucinda W.
The death of Mrs. Lucinda W. Brush, wife of I.P. Brush, occurred at 9:30 a.m. to-day
at the family home, No. 820 East Leafland avenue. The deceased had been ill since last March,
and death was due to cancer of the liver. Her age was 65 years, and had she lived until
to-morrow her married life would have been full 49 years. She was a native of Pennsylvania,
and early in life united with the Baptist church. Mrs. Brush is survived by her husband, and
these children: A.G. Brush, of Little Rock, Ark., C.E. Brush, J.B. Brush, W.O. Brush and
Miss Laura Brush, of Decatur.
The funeral will take place from the residence on Sunday afternoon at 2:00
o'clock, Rev. J.D. Jordan officiating. The burial will be at the Spangler cemetery east of
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 29 Jun 1895
The funeral of Mrs. Lucinda W. Brush was held at the residence, 860 East Leafland
avenue, at 2 o'clock p.m., Sunday. The funeral occurred on the 49th anniversary of her wedding.
The services were conducted by Rev. J.D. Jordan, pastor of the Baptist church, who made a short
address, speaking of the life of the deceased, her connection with the church and her death,
and also spoke encouraging works to those who mourned her loss. S.R. Gher, D.A. Strader,
Geo. A. Henderson and W.L. Davis did the singing. The pallbearers were Geo. R. Bacon, J.M.
Dodd, W.F. Calhoun, E.W. Moore, B.F. Gunkle and J.W. Schlem. The burial was at the Spangler
cemetery east of the city.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 1 Jul 1895
BRYANT, Sarah (Wallace)
Born: 10 Sep 1849 east of Decatur
Died: 27 Jun 1930 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Married: May 1870 to Rev. Henry W. Bryant
Children: Mrs. Fred V.V. Anderson of Depew, N.Y., Mrs. E.J. Foster
of Sydney, Australia, Mrs. Charles L. Smith and Professor Earl R. Bryant of New Concord, O., Mrs. Herman Vandine,
Miss Estell Bryant and Miss Katherine Bryant of Decatur.
BUCKLEY, Gloria Joyce
Born: 8 Dec 1932 in Boody
Died: 21 Mar 1975
Buried: Salem Cem.
Parents: Alma and Dit Smith Schenck
BUCKLEY, Julia Marguerite
Miss Julia Marguerite Buckley Was to Be Married Just After Easter
Miss Julia Marguerite Buckley died at 6:26 Tuesday evening at the family
residence 1505 East Main street. Her death was caused by pneumonia after an illness of
only one week. She was the daughter of mr. and Mrs. T.J. Buckley.
She was to have been married immediately after Easter. She had prepared her
trosseau and preparations for the wedding were all complete. Her fiance had a home in
California all furnished for occupancy. He was notified by wire Tuesday morning of her
serious illness and this message was followed Tuesday night by another announcing her
Miss Buckley was a popular young woman and had many friends. She was
employed by the Decatur Garment company and was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church,
the sodality of the Children of Mary and the Tribe of Ben Hur. She is survived by her
parents, five sisters, Misses Catherine, Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary and Josephine Buckley
and two brothers, James and John Buckley.
The funeral of Miss Buckley will be held at _ o'clock Friday morning at St.
Patrick's Catholic church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Father Murphy. The
interment will be in Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Feb 1913
Born: @23 or 28 yrs
Died: 17 Jul 1881
BUCKLEY, Patrick
Patrick Buckley, a young man of 20 years, died last night at his home, 1117
East Eldorado street, of typhoid malaris. He had been sick for two or three weeks, and
until that time was working in the country. He lived with his mother, a widow who has
but one other child, a married daughter.
The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon, from St. Patrick's Catholic
Decatur Morning Review, 2 Aug 1890
BUCKMASTER, William Riley
Death: Monday, October 4, 1943 in Decatur Macon County Hospital
Birth: in Alton, IL on Nov 20, 1854
Burial: Fairlawn cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: to Alice M. Stuart of Roodhouse on Oct 29, 1874 who died
Survivors: daughter, Mrs. J. Foster and F. Waltz of Decatur: son, Edwin S. Buckmaster of Chicago
The funeral of Uriah Buffemger, who died at the residence of Anthony Ramey
on Monday, took place yesterday afternoon from the Dunkard church at Oakley. The funeral
was well attended.
The Morning Review (Decatur), 27 Jan 1886
Uriah H. Buffenmeyer died after a brief illness at the residence of C.P. Rainey,
near Oreana, on the night of January 24, 1886. He was buried January 26th at the German Baptist
church, near Cerro Gordo. The funeral sertives were held at the Baptist church at Oreana, where
Mr. Buffenmeyer had been an active and devoted member for some time.
The address was delivered by Rev. Hawkins, and the song services consisted of the
following selections: "Jesus, Lover of My Soul," "Sweet Bye and Bye," and the beautiful quartette,
"He is Gone."
Mr. Buffenmeyer was born in DuPage county, Illinois, October 22, 1858, and at the
time of his death was twenty-seven years, three months and three days old, and leaves a father and
mother, three brothers and three sisters to mourn the loss of one in the very prime of manhood,
who was pronounced by all who knew him to be a devoted christian, strictly honest and a most
exemplary young man.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 Feb 1886
BUGHBILL, Infant Daughter
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Bughbill died this morning at 1411 North Monroe
street, of pneumonia. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon and the burial will be at Boiling
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 17 Jun 1895
BULLARD, Mrs. Caroline
Mrs. Caroline E. Bullard, 83, lifelong resident of Decatur, died at 6:55 pm, Saturday in
her home at 1083 West Eldorado St. She had been ill several months.
The daughter of Dayton and Marilla Dunham, Caroline E, Dunham was born in Decatur, Mar 26,
1849. She was married to James A. Bullard Feb 20, 1873. Her husband died in 1920.
Mrs. Bullard leaves four children, James A. and Nathan A. Bullard, both of Decatur, Mrs.
J.M. Burge, Greenwood, Mo., and Dayton E. Bullard, Long Beach, CA. Two children died in infancy.
Mrs. Bullard also leaves one brother, Henry D. Dunham of Decatur; 20 grandchildren and 21 great
grandchildren. She was a member of the First Methodist Church.
The body was removed to the Monson Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements were incomplete
Saturday night.
Decatur Herald and Review, 13 Nov 1932
Submitted by - Kay Robinson
BULLARD, Charles S. 
Was 81 Years Old Last July
Charles S. Bullard died at 4:10 oclock Saturday afternoon at the home of
his daughter Mrs J.E. Underwood, southeast of Warrensburg. He was eighty-one years old
last July. His death was caused by the infirmaries of age. Mr. Bullard was born in
Jacksonville, Illinois, July 6, 1843. He resided in Morgan County until 1859, when he
moved to Macon County, when he was sixteen years old, and settled near Warrensburg. He
and Eliza J. Willard were married in 1868. Five children were born to them, one son and
four daughters. His wife and three children preceded him in death. The surviving children
are; Mrs. J. E. Underwood of Warrensburg; and Mrs. D. E. Wilson of LaPlace. Mrs. Bullard
died in 1913. He leaves a brother W. T. Bullard and a sister, Mrs. Effie Block, both
of Warrensburg.
Mr. Bullard was a veteran of the Civil war. He enlisted at Harristown in
company E of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, in 1863 and served till
the close of the war. He was a member of the official board of the Methodist Church for
many years and was also a member of the Modern Woodman camp at Warrensburg.
The funeral will be held at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Methodist
church in Warrensburg. The burial will be in the Illini Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 18 Oct 1925, pg. 2
James Asberry Bullard died at 9 o'clock Monday morning at his home, 1083 West Eldorado St.
He would have been seventy-two years old in December. His death was caused by heart trouble,
with which he had suffered since last July, and it came suddenly and without warning. Mr.
Bullard had just came up from the basement and collapsed.
Mr. Bullard was born Dec 6, 1848, in Morgan County near Jacksonville. He and Miss Caroline
E. Dunham were married Feb 20, 1873 at the Dunham home place in Decatur. His early life was
devoted to farming. Several years ago he retired and since then he seldom left his home. He
would rather be at home than anywhere else. He was a member of the First Methodist Church and
was well known. He is survived by his wife and four children: Dayton E. Bullard of Colorado
Springs, CO, James S. Bullard of Decatur, Nathan A. Bullard of Tulsa, OK and Mrs. J.M. Burge of
Two daughters died in infancy. He also leaves two brothers and a sister, charles S. Bullard,
Warner T. Bullard and Mrs. Effie Black, all of Warrensburg. There are eighteen grandchildren
and one great grandchild. No funeral arrangements have been made.
Decatur Review, 29 Nov 1920
R.F. Bullard, formerly of Mechanicsburg, died at the home of his son, Dr. Robert T.
Bullard, of Springfield, Tuesday morning.
Mr. Bullard was a brother of J.B. Bullard, former well known Decatur citizen, now of
Los Angeles, Cal., of Mrs. Edna Radcliffe, 905 Lincoln avenue, Decatur. Mrs. L. Josephine Ritchie,
933 Lincoln avenue, Decatur, and of W.S. Bullard, Mechanicsburg, Ill, and H.S. Bullard, Mt. Tonganoxi,
Kans. A daughter, Mrs. Charles Colby, lives in Springfield.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 2 May 1922
BULLOCK, Edna Irean
Born: 31 Mar 1904 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 31 Mar 1904 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Henry Guy & Fannie Martha (Reed) Bullock
BULLOCK, Fannie Martha (Reed)
Born: 25 Feb 1880 in Oakley Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 29 Jul 1962
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Robert & Louisa Barbara (Fulk) Reed
Married: 13 Feb. 1902 to Henry Guy Bullock
Children: Edna, Russell, Lida, Robert
BULLOCK, Henry Guy
Born: 19 Oct 1876 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Dec. 1958 in Macon Co, IL
Buried; Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Married: 13 Feb. 1902 to Fannie Martha Reed
Children: Edna, Russell, Lida, Robert
BULLOCK, Russell Otis
Born: 30 Jul 1907
Died: 15 Sep 1908 in Oreana, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon County, IL
Parents: Henry Guy & Fannie Martha (Reed) Bullock
BUMSTEAD, Samuel J. 
Dunham Post will Conduct Ritualistic Service Over the Grave
The body of Dr. S. J. Bumstead arrived from Monticello at 9 oclock
Monday morning accompanied by Mrs. Bumstead, Harry Bumstead and John Ullrich and was
taken direct to the residence on West Eldorado Street.
The funeral will be here at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon at the residence. The
services will be conducted by the Rev. W. H. Penhallegon, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church. The members of Dunham Post 141 will attend in a body and conduct their ritualistic
service at the grave. The members of the G.A.R. at Monticello acted as an escort to the
depot Monday morning.
At the beginning of his last illness he diagnosed his own case, said that
he was taking pneumonia and that it would be his finish.
Dr. Bumstead had much literary ability. Two of his novels were published
and had a wide sale. One was the The Riversons a tale of the Wissahickon, a little
stream near Philadelphia, where he spent his boyhood days. The other was The Peacemaker
of Bourbon a tale of the new south. He also wrote many articles for medical journals and
was a frequent contributor to the newspaper. He was a great friend of the Salvation Army
and always maintained that the organization had as great as influence for good as a church.
Going to Monticello on the train a week ago Saturday, he said The Salvation
Army will miss my contributions, but I will make it up to them when I get back. He was an
honorary member of the Goodman band. He always took a great interest in the band, and was a
staunch friend of Professor Goodman and attended him in his last illness.
All members of the Decatur Medical Society are to meet at the office of Dr.
M.D. Meyers Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock to attend in a body the funeral of Dr. Bumstead.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 21 Sep 1908, pg. 10
Note: Second obit found and was unreadable. Source: Decatur Daily Review,
Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 22 Sep 1908, pg. 11
BUNCH, Eleanor Josephine
Eleanor Josephine Bunch, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bunch, died at 5
o'clock Sunday morning at the family residence, 548 East Gault street. She would have been two
months old Thursday. Her death was caused by whooping cough. The funeral was held at 4
o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. J.T. Finley. The interment
was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 8 Nov 1815
BUNN, Abraham Bower
Death of Hon. A.Brower Bunn - A Brief Sketch of His Life
We are called upon to-day to chronicle the death of one of the best known
citizens of Decatur, Hon. Abraham Brower Bunn, which took place last night at 22 minutes
past 11 o'clock, at the family residence on West Prairie street, after an illness of two
months, during the greater part of which time he was confined to his bed. He had been in
bad health for nearly six years, but only within the past two years did he show marked
signs of failing, caused by nervous prostration and rheumatic troubles.
The deceased was born in the month of December, 1828, in Green township,
Ross county, Ohio, and was one of 13 children born to Ezekiel and Mary Prutzman Bunn,
8 of whom are now dead. The surviving children are Rev. D.P. Bunn and Mrs. Elizabeth
Betzer, widow of Peter Betzer, both of whom reside in Decatur; Mrs. Sarah A. Throckmorton,
of Chillicothe, Ohio; Mrs. Mary Throckmorton, of Fulton county, Illinois, and Joseph P.
Bunn of Chillicothe, Ohio.
In early life Mr. Bunn expressed a desire to fit himself for the medical profession,
and at the age of 18 years he began his studies. He removed to Mt. Pulaski, Ill., in 1844,
with his brother, D.P. Bunn, and in the fall of '48 he went to Iowa City, Iowa, where he
remained for nearly a year. During that year he resolved to drop his medical studies, and
turn his attention to the law. He accordingly entered the office of Gill Fulsom at Iowa City,
and for several months he was a close law student. In the spring of 1849, Mr. Bunn returned
to Mt. Pulaski with his brother, and in the fall of that year he came to Decatur and completed
his studies in the office of J.S. Post. In the fall of 1851 he went to Bloomington and
applied to Judge Davis, then circuit judge, for examination. Charles Emerson, C.H. Moore
and David Campbell were appointed to examine the candidate, and because of the knowledge
Mr. Emerson had of his rare abilities as a young lawyer, on his recommendation the applicant
was granted a license to practice, without observing the customary formalities. he returned
to Decatur and in 1852 married Miss Adaline Ingraham, who died in March, 1857, leaving three
children, Miss Eva Bunn, Samuel R. Bunn and John B. Bunn, all of whom are now living.
Several years afterward Mr. Bunn married the sister of his first wife, Miss Nancy Ingraham,
who survives her husband.
In 1866, Mr. Bunn was elected a member of the lower house of the Illinois
legislature by the Republicans of this district, embracing the counties of Champaign, Piatt,
DeWitt, Macon and Moultrie, and he served with marked credit to himself and his constituents.
For a time he held the office of assessor of internal revenue, which position he subsequently
resigned; he has also served the city as its attorney and clerk.
Brower Bunn was one of the best-known lawyers in Central Illinois. He possessed
rare reasoning powers, and as an advocate in courts of justice, and as a speaker upon the
rostrum he had but few equals and no superiors, in this section of the state at least. In
health he was always a hard working lawyer and labored industriously for his client,
whoever he might be watching keenly to the close of the case. In criminal cases he was
generally successful, and his speeches before juries were always listened to with the closest
attention, not only by the members of the bar, but by citizens generally, who crowded the
court room to hear his argument.
In the fall of 1877, the deceased became earnestly interested in the success
of the temperance work, and lent the cause his aid on several occasions by delivering powerful
speeches in the old tabernacle, at the court hosue and at Mr. Pulaski and Taylorville.
He had hosts of friends here and elsewhere, who will sincerely mourn his
death, and will extend heartfelt sympathy to those who are bereft of husband, and father,
brother and friend.
Decatur Daily Republican, 26 Apr 1881
The funeral of the late Hon. A.B. Bunn, which took place from St. John's
Episcopal church, on yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, was deeply impressive in character
and was quite largely attended by sympathizing friends of the familiy. The members of the
Macon County Bar, of which the deceased was an old and distinguished member, attended in a
body. The usual Episcopal service was conducted by the Rector, Rev. W.H. Moore, who also
read the burial service at the grave in Greenwood cemetery. The pall bearers were ex-Gov.
R.J. Oglesby, Judge S.F. Greer, Edwin Park, Esq., James C. Lake, Esq., K.H. Roby, Esq., and
Hugh Crea, Esq.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 5 May 1881
BUNN, Adeline E. (Ingraham)
DIED, in this city, on Thursday morning inst., Mrs. Adeline E. Bunn, consort
of A.B. Bunn, Esq., aged about 23 years. In the death of Mrs. B., her husband has lost a
companion whose virtues were many, an amiable recipient loved by all who knew her, one of
those _ in the social circle which are too bright and pure for a long continuance on earth.
She leaves three small children to mourn her loss.
The funeral services were held at the Universalist Church, Rev. F.J. Briggs
of Bloomington, conducting the ceremonies.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 23 Apr 1857
BUNN, David P., Rev. 
His Spark of Life Goes Out in the Night Found Dead in Bed
Brief Sketch of the Life of a Noble and Genial Citizen
The community was shocked this morning on learning that an old and honorable
citizen, the Rev. David P. Bunn, had been found dead in his bed at his residence, No. 540
West Main Street. He passed away quietly, in death looking calm and peaceful, lying upon
his bed with one arm at his aide, the other across his body, one limb uncovered and his
head resting on the pillow. Near by on the coverlet were his spectacles where he had been
in the habit of placing them on retiring at night, so that he could get them easily in the
Rev. Bunn, who was in the 76th year of his age, was in his usual good health
last night when he retired. He was down town yesterday, having gone to Mrs. Maxwell's
boarding house for breakfast. Part of the residence is occupied by Charles Stoddard and
family and lately the deceased had been taking his meals with the Stoddard family. He was
in the sitting room last evening until 8 o'clock, playing with the children and chatting in
his customary genial manner with the household. He retired shortly after 8 o'clock and
during the night he was heard to get up and attend to the fire in his room, as had been
his custom. At 6:30 o'clock this morning when Mrs. Stoddard went into Rev. Bunn's room to
start a fire, a look at the face of the aged minister disclosed the fact that he was dead.
The body was still warm, but the spark o life had gone out, probably less than an hour
before. There was no appearance of a struggle, the final summons coming quickly, giving the
veteran quick and peaceful death. Relatives and friends were summoned to the residence as
quickly as possible, and the manner of the death, which was unquestionably natural, was
explained. The sands of life had run out, and now there is nothing left for the sorrowing
children, who have lost their best friend, but to prepare for the funeral of their honored
and loving father who has lived among us to ripe old age.
The deceased was widely known as Universalist preacher, who has participated
in many famous discussions on doctrinal points. One was held in Powers' Hall before 1860.
His competitor on that occasion was Elder Franklin, a Christian minister from Cincinnati. It
continued several days, and was heard by great crowds of people. He was raised a Methodist.
His father and mother were Methodists and died in that faith. Rev. Bunn was a member of the
Methodist Church until he removed to McLean, County, this state, in 1836. A short time later
by accident he came into possession of a book on Universalism written by Father Hosea Ballou.
He read the work closely and also other books on the same subject by other authors. He had
often said in public and private that the effect of those books on him was to entirely change
the worldthe same as tearing away the veil and letting the light stream in. From that time
he became a firm believer and preacher of the doctrine of Universalism and died in the faith.
His services were much sought after on funeral and marriage occasions, not only in Decatur
but elsewhere. Last Sunday he preached two sermons at Boody, and on the Wednesday before he
married couple at that place. He came home Monday and spent Christmas with his children and
David P. Bunn was born in Ross County, Ohio, August 10, 1812, and was in the
76th year of his age at time of his death. He lived in Ohio until 1836, when the family removed
to a farm near Bloomington, Ill., where they resided until 1840 when they located on a farm in
Friends Creek township, this county, three mile north of Argenta. It was at this time that
Rev. Bunn began preaching Universalism, and in 1842 he was stationed in charge of the church
at Mt. Pulaski, Ill., to which town the family removed. The deceased filled appointments at
Decatur, Springfield, Rochester and other points.
In 1848 Rev. Bunn was called to became pastor of the First Universalist church a
Iowa City, Iowa. He remained there year, returning to Mt. Pulaski with his family in 1849. He
resumed preaching there until his removal to Decatur in the spring of 1854, when he became the
regular pastor of the society in this city, filling other appointments.
When the war broke out he enlisted in the Federal service and became chaplain of
the 56th Illinois Regiment. He was mustered into the service Feb. 27, 1862, serving about 18
months. He resigned because of ill health. He came home sick and was ill a long time, very
near dying. His later years have been given up to the active ministry, preaching in Decatur,
Mt. Pulaski, Sadorus, Vermilion, in Indiana and at Boody.
The deceased was first, married to Mary K. Moser in Ross county, Ohio, when he
was but 19 years old. His wife died in Decatur in 1878. The children of this marriage were
Mrs. Ann Post, who died in 1880; she was the wife of the late Captain J. S. Post; Mrs. Amelia
D. Harry, who died in 1874; her husband was the late W. B. Harry. The surviving children are
Mrs. Nellie Maxwell and Attorney D. L. Bunn, of Decatur, and Mrs. Mary E. Rockwell of
Taylorville, Ill. Since the death of his first wife the deceased was twice married. He leaves
a widow.
Rev. Bunn was a charter member of Beaumanoir Commandery No. 9, Knights Templar,
was a member of other Masonic lodges, and also a member of Decatur Lodge No. 65, I.O.O.F.
The death of Rev. D. P. Bunn removes from our midst a noble and genial gentle man
who has been a familiar figure on the streets and in social circles for over thirty years. He
was a man of refinement and intelligence, a man whose acquaintance was highly prized and who
was a true friend. He knew many old people. It was his delight to mingle with them, to talk
over old times and chat pleasantly about social and other events in which he had taken part.
He was especially the friend of the young men an children. All received a cordial greeting
and a warm grasp of the hand from Parson Bunn. They will meet him no more in this life, but
they will cherish his memory like that of fond father and a loving brother.
The funeral will take place at the Universalist Church at 2 p. m. tomorrow
under the direction of the Knights Templar. The funeral sermon will be reached by Rev. Dr.
Ryder, of Chicago or by the pastor of the church, Rev. Sophie Gibb.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Wednesday, 28 Dec 1887, pg. 3
BUNN, Mrs. George E. (Kathryn "Katie" )
Death: Tuesday, April 30, 1968 at Mercy Hospital in Urbana
Birth: in Toluca on April 7, 1886
Burial: Graceland Ceremony
Parents: Franz and Denna Schwick Rankin Sr.
Marriage: to George E. Bunn in St. Louis in 1904...he died March 7, 1966
Survivors: brother, Franz Rankin of Mahomet; four brothers and four sisters preceded her in death.
BUNN, George E.
Death: Monday, March 7, 1966 in Decatur Macon County Hospital
Birth: Feb 10, 1877 near Foosland
Burial: Graceland Cemetery
Parents: William and Ellen Bunn
Marriage: to Kathryn in St. Louis in 1904
Survivors: wife; brother, Fred of Minneapolis, Minnesota; sister, Mrs. Ida Dorr of Indianapolis,
IN; five brothers and two sisters preceded him in death
BURCH, Fannie
DIED, of rheumatism and cancer at her home, No. 856 North Church street, at 2 o'clock
a.m. on Saturday, December 19, 1885, Fannie, wife of George Burch, aged 42 years.
The deceased was the mother of two children, Charlie and Lizzie, who with her husband
survive her. She was a member of the First Methodist church and was a woman of exemplary
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
BURCHAM, Anna Elizabeth
Anna Elizabeth Burcham died at 6:15 Tuesday morning at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Burcham in Casner. She was fourteen years of age. Her death was caused by typhoid
fever from which she had been ill for two weeks. She is survived by five brothers; Cleveland, John,
Thomas, James and Frank, and two sisters, Mrs. Julius Shultz and Dola Burcham, all of near Casner.
The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 from the United Brethren church in
Casner and intement will be in the Long Creek Cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 19 Aug 1913
BURD, Mrs. Eli (Ellen)
Death: Feb 21, 1926 in Decatur
Birth: in Scotland April 29, 1855
Marriage: twice married, first husband died in 1898, then to Eli Burd in 1900
Parents: not mentioned
Survivors: her husband; 11 children of whom these survive, Mrs. Ada Mize, Mrs. Riley (Pearl)
Hinton, Charles Dickson, William Dickson, Mrs. Hazel Cook, Mrs. Bertha Thompson, Theodore Burd,
and Mrs. Henry Peckert; 30 grandchildren and great grandchildren
Born: 2 Dec 1886
Died: 26 Jun 1955
BURGESS, Rachel (Martin)
Born: 19 Nov 1870 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 30 Mar 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: George & Mary (Querry) Martin
Married: Oct 06, 1885 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL to William M. Burgess
BURKE, George
George Burke, residing with his stepson, Theo McLean, on North Water street,
was found dead at 5 o'clock yesterday morning in his sleeping room. Mr. Burke had been
troubled with dropsy for some time, but had been about without difficulty. He had retired
at his usual hour the evening before, feeling worse than usual. Mr. McLean had been up
all night attending his sick child and had asked his father how he was feeling at 3
o'clock. He received the reply that he was resting very well. At 5 o'clock Mr. McLean
again came into his room and then found that the sick man had died since he had last
questioned him.
Dr. Dixon was called and an examination was made. It was found that
death was caused by an accumulation of liquid about the heart. Coroner Bendure was
later called and an inquest held. But one witness was examined, Dr. Dixon, who knew
the deceased wll, and testified that the cause of his death was as above stated. A
verdict was returned that Mr. Burke came to his death by dropsy.
The funeral will take place this morning at eight o'clock under the
direction of the G.A.R. of Decatur. The burial will be in soldiers' cemetery at
Greenwood with military honors.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Jul 1894
BURKE, William 
William Burke died Tuesday morning at his home at the corner of Jackson
and William Streets, aged 54 years. Four years ago he was stricken with paralysis and
has since been an invalid.
William Burke was born in Ireland on Jan. 27, 1848. He came to this
country while a boy and lived with his grandfather at New Orleans and other places.
When the war broke out he was one of the first to take aides with the Union forces.
After the war he settled in Decatur. He later lived in Lawrence and Wichita, Kan.,
returning here eight years ago.
He was a member of the A.O.U.W. of Wichita, Kan., a member of the
Maccabees and of Dunham post. He is survived by his wife Mary, and four children,
Maude, Ethel and Edmund Burke of this city and Cassell Burke of St. Paul, Minn. He
leaves also two sisters, Mrs. B. Martin and Mrs. K. Fitzgerald, and brother, Thomas
Burke, all of St. Louis.
The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
from the residence. Rev. William Brandon, pastor of Grace M. E. church, will officiate.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 12 Dec 1902, pg. 3
BURLEY, James 
James Burley died at 3 oclock Wednesday afternoon, Dec 4, at his
home near Oakley, after a short illness. The deceased was one of the old settlers of
the county, having come here in 1830. He was in the Black Hawk War. He leaves three
children to survive him. They are George N., a photographer at Springfield; W.C., the
steward at the poor farm, and D. J. Burley, who still resides in Oakley Township.
The funeral will be held on Friday.
The Evening Bulletin, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 5 Dec 1895, pg. 8
BURROWS, Anna (Querry)
Born: Oct 13, 1866 in Oreana, Macon Co, IL
Died: 28 May 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Isaiah & Sarah J. (Strope) Querry
Married: Dec 28, 1887 in Macon Co. to Richard O. Burrows
BURROWS, Oliver C. 
O. C. Burrows died at 8:30 Friday night at the residence of his daughter
Mrs. G.A. Shanks, 1225 East Eldorado Street. His age was seventy-nine years and three
months. His death was due to the infirmities of old age. He was a veteran of the Civil
war and was a member of the Dunham Post 141, G. A. R. He was born at Bedford, Ky., Jan
30, 1836. He moved to Decatur from Covington, Ky., in 1884, and this has been his home
ever since. Mrs. Burrows died here four years ago.
Mr. Burrows was for many years employed by the Wabash as a stationary
engineer and was well known among the railroad men. Fifteen years ago he went into
business for himself at 1142 East Eldorado Street. He is survived by four daughters;
Mrs. Josephine Eaton, Mrs Emma Rudisill, Mrs. G. A. Shanks and Mrs Anna Rudisill, all
of Decatur, and one son, J. W. Burrows of St. Louis. There are six grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 1 May 1915, pg. 8
BURT, Nellie Marie
Nellie Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Burt, of malaria fever, at the family
home near Elwin at 2:15 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 12, aged 2 years and 8 months. The funeral was held
this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Salem church.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Aug 1900
BURT, Luther 
Death Caused by Ersipelas After Illness of Nineteen Days
Luther Burt, one of the oldest residents of South Wheatland Township,
died Monday afternoon at his home in Elwin. His death was caused by ersipelas. He
had been ill only nineteen days. Mr. Burt was 84 years old. He was born in Washington
County. Pa., and spent his boyhood there. Later he went to Delaware, Ind., where
he married Miss Violet Swain. He enlisted in the 147 Indiana regiment at the beginning
of the Civil war. At the close of the war he returned to Delaware and remained there
two years. In 1867 Mr. Burt came to Illinois and began farming at Elwin.
He leaves a wife and six children, twenty grandchildren and seven great
grand children. The children are Mrs. Charles Padgett of Assumption, Mrs. Robert
McEasley of Salem, M. S. Burt, Joel Burt, James W. Burt and Mrs. Elmer Morris all of
Elwin. Rev. J. H. Howsmon of Elwin will conduct the funeral, which will be held at
11 o'clock Wednesday morning; interment will be in Salem cemetery. Mr. Burt was a
member of Dunham Post, 141 of Decatur. The family requests that no flowers be sent.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday, 11 Jan 1910, pg. 10
John Buskirk died at 11:30 Sunday morning, March 27, of consumption, at
his residence on St. Louis avenue. He was 50 years of age and leaves four brothers
and three sisters. The funeral will be held at the residence at 10 o'clock this
forenoon and the services will be conducted by Rev. J.T. Finley. The interment
will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 29 Mar 1898
Mrs. Linnie Buskirk died yesterday afternoon at five o'clock, at the family residence,
No. 654 West Decatur street. The deceased was twenty-one years of age, and leaves a young husband
and an infant daughter aged eighteen months to mourn her sad demise. Her death was the result
of consumption from which she has been a sufferer for four months past. The funeral will take
place on Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, from the residence, and the services will be
conducted by Rev. U. Warrington.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 May 1886
BUTLER, John C., Dr.
From the Springfield Journal we copy the following: "Dr. John C. Butler,
of Decatur, father of Mrs. H.H. Roman, of this city, died on Friday night last very suddenly,
at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W.W. Irish, in Moawequa, Shelby county, in this State.
Dr. Butler was born February 22, 1795, in Baltimore county, Maryland. He studied medicine in
Hagerstown, under Dr. Darcy, a physician of high repute in that State, almost three-fourths
of a century ago. After being admitted to practice he was engaged in his profession for a
number of years in his native State. In 1834 he removed to St. Louis, and in 1837 he was
married to Miss Elizabeth Ogle, only daughter of the late Samuel Ogle, of St. Clair county,
Illinois. In 1840 he located at Belleville, and was for many years laboriously and unsuccessfully
engaged in his profession. Dr. Butler was an ardent Democrat, even to the extreme limits of
the views of the ultra Calhoun school, and perhaps to the end of his life, entertained and
expressed his political sentiments without hesitation or reserve. In 1867, enfeebled by
age, and having retired from the practice of his profession, he removed to the city of
Decatur, where he lived in almost total seclusion until his death."
Decatur Daily Republican, 7 Jun 1875
BUTLER, Mrs. Martha
The funeral of Mrs. Martha Butler, the nurse, was held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at
the Monson & Wilcox chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. W.D. Stires, rector of St.
John's Episcopal church, and were under the auspices of the Order of the Eastern Star. The
pallbearers were E.L. Harris, J.H. Howard, George Hoefer, E.C. Probst, E.E. Connard and George
Cole. The interment was at Fairlawn cemetery.
Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Aug 1915
BUTT, William P. 
Funeral Tuesday For W. P. Butt
Saw Long Service During Civil War
W.P. Butt, who died at his home, 1596 North Union Street, Saturday
afternoon, saw much service in the Civil war and was one of the most active members
of Dunham Post, G.A.R. Mr. Butt enlisted in Company B 30th Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteers Infantry, Aug 33, 1862 at Harrisburg, Pa, for ninety days service. Mr.
Butt took part in the battle of Antietam, Va., Sept. 17, 1862, where he was wounded
by gunshot in the in the left arm. He was taken to hospital and was honorably discharged
at Harrisburg, Pa. December 22, 1862, by reason of disability. He re-enlisted in
Company D, 37th Regiment Volunteer Infantry and was honorably discharged. He again
re-enlisted at Decatur, Ill in the 152nd Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry to
serve one year or during the war. Mr. Butt received his final discharge at Springfield,
Ill., Aug. 4, 1863, at the close of the war.
Mr. Butt was born in Pennsylvania, Nov. 1, 1838, and was united in
marriage to Sarah A. Gepford, at Decatur, Ill., Dec. 27, I868. Mr. Butt is survived
by his six children, Frank P. Butt, Decatur; Harry L. Butt, R.R. 1 Decatur, Mrs. W.H.
Palmer, Mason, Ill., Mrs. C.B. Blankenship, Decatur, Mrs. H.P. Clark, Decatur; Mrs.
E.H. Friend, R.R. 1, Decatur, and one brother, John B. Butt, Decatur.
Mr. Butt was a member of Dunham Post No. 141, Department of Illinois
Grand Army of the Republic. Funeral services will he held Tuesday, Nov. 9, at 2:30
p.m. at the Boiling Springs Church.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Sunday, 7 Nov 1926, pg. 26
Louis Butticaz Was Seventy-six Years Old Funeral Friday Afternoon
Louis Butticaz died at 10:50 Wednesday night at the home of his daughter
Mrs. M.J. Wilson, 2070 East Cantrell Street. He was seventy-six years old and his death
was caused by general disability.
Mr. Butticaz was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted in the One
Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry in 1862. He served until the close
of the war. Until recently he had been in the Soldiers home at Danville. He is survived
by his wife and three daughters; Mrs. M.J. Wilson of Decatur, Mrs Rose Sheney of Decatur
and Mrs. Ida A. Peoples of Arapaho, Okla.
The funeral will be held at 2 oclock Friday afternoon from the Riverside
Baptist Church. The service will be conducted by Rev. J. M. Lively. The interment will
be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 29 Jul 1909, pg. 12
BUTTS, Frank 
Frank Butts, an old soldier and a former policeman, died at 3:15 o'clock
Sunday morning at his home, 422 East Orchard Street. Mr. Butts was 58 years old. During
the war he was a private in company F of the Sixteenth Illinois. After the war he came
to Decatur and lived here the rest of his life. For several years he was on the police
force. He was a powerful man. Measuring 6 feet, 2 inches in his stockings. He leaves
a wife, one son, Fred Butts, and a daughter, Mrs. Thomas Ruthrauff. The funeral was held
at 2.30 o'clock Monday afternoon from the family residence. Rev. F.B. Jones conducted
the services. The burial was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 4 Jan 1904, pg. 4
BYRNE, Mrs. Peter C. (Bridgett Heaton)
Death: Monday, January 15, 1945 in Decatur
Birth: in Albany, NY August 19, 1854
Burial: Calvary Cemetery
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: to Peter C. Byrne in Horicon, Wisc., in 1875...he died in 1920
Survivors: 7 children, John M. Byrne of New York City, George B. Byrne of Long Island, NY,
Ralph Byrne of Cleveland and Lt. Frank E Byrne, merchant marine at sea in Atlantic.
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548
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