DALY, Mrs. Sarah E.
Mrs. Sarah E. Daly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Dunham, passed away at 4:30 o'clock
Saturday afternoon at her home, 1177 West Main Street. She was born Jan 19, 1840, and was united
in marriage with William Daly on Sept. 5, 1860. Mr. Daly died May 26, 1880.
To this union, ten children were born, three preceeding the mother in death. Surviving are:
George Daly, Elwood, Kansas, Hugh Daly, Plymouth, Mich., Mrs. Rilla Grant, Mrs. Ada Gring, Mrs.
Effie Gardner, all of Decatur; Mrs. Ada Bunker, Grand Rapids, Mich., Mrs. Eliza Fowler, Miami,
Fla., one brother, Henry Dunham, one sister, Mrs. Caroline Bullard, eleven grand children and
ten great grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Daly had been an invalid for a number of years, but being of sweet disposition, she
always had a ready smile for everone.
She was the sister of Amos Dunham in whose honor the Dunham Post 141 G.A.R. was named, and
had been an active worker in the W.R.C. She had united in membership of the Methodist church in
her early years.
Funeral services will be held at the home, the date to be announced later. The family
requests no flowers.
Decatur Review, Sunday, Feb. 12, 1928
DALY, Mrs. Jane
Mrs. Jane Daly, who has resided in this county for over forty years died of old age, at her
home, four miles west of Decatur last Friday, age 89 years. The funeral services were held at
the residence Sunday, Rev. Father Crissey, of this city, officiating, after which the remains
were laid to rest to the Batchelder cemetery, near Harristown. Mrs. Daly leaves four children,
nineteen grand children had thirteen great grand children to grieve over her departure. Mrs.W.
Usrey, of Decatur, is a daughter of the deceased.
Decatur Review, Tuesday 11 Oct 1881
DAMERY, Augusta Minnie (Furstenberg)
Mrs. W.G. Damery Expires at Hospital
Mrs. Augusta M. Damery, wife of William G. Damery of near Blacklands, died at 10
o'clock Monday night at St. Mary's hospital. She would have been 46 years old in April. She was
born in Christian county, April 12, 1873. Besides her husband she is survived by the following
children: Mrs. Mary E. Jacobs, Joseph F. Damery, James L. Damery, Elmer W. Damery, Hallie A.
Damery, Harry Damery, Mervill Damery and June G. Damery, all of Boody, and Mrs. Leah Gabriel
of Assumption. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Adah Balaschki of Sadorus. The body was
removed to the Dawson undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Mar 1919
DAMERY, Harry A.
Harry A. Damery, died on his 24th birthday, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He
ahd been iill for a short time. He died in his home one and one-half miles from Blacklands. He
was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Damery and was born on Jan. 10, 1904. On Feb 4, 1922 he
married Helen Gemmer. He leaves his father, his wife, and three children. He also leaves four
brothers and sisters.
Funeral services will be Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Madison Presbyterian
church. Burial will be in Bethel cemetery. The body was prepared for burial by Leon Monson.
Decatur Evening Herald, Friday, 11 Jan 1929, pg. 3
DAMERY, James Thomas
Blue Mound, Jan. 21 - The funeral of James T. Damery was held at the Bethel church
three miles northeast of here at _ p.m. Sunday conducted by Rev. G.N. Walkerson.
James Thomas, son of Richard and Mary Damery, was born Oct. 28, 1855 at Waverly,
Morgan county, Ill. He came with his parents to this vicinity when but a boy.
In Oct 2, 1879, he was united in marriage to Naomi Nicholls. To this unions were
born seven children, the oldest dying in infancy. Those surviving are Ethel, Maude, John, Mary,
Earl and Carl. Besides his wife he leaves two sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Martha Hadden,
Mrs. Nelle Thurston, Will and Ed of near Blue Mound and Robert of Assumption. Several years ago
he was attacked with paralysis, which slowly crept over his body. He was in his usual health
until last Wednesday. He contracted a severe cold. A physician was called and pronounced it
pneumonia. He died Friday morning, Jan. 16, aged fifty-seven years, two months nineteen days.
The Daily Review, 21 Jan 1913
Born: 28 Oct 1855 in Waverly, Morgan Co, IL
Died: 16 Jan 1913 at Blue Mound, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Bethel Cemetery near Blue Mound, IL
Parents: Richard and Mary Knight Damery
Married: Naomi Elizabeth Nicholls on 2 Oct. 1879, Blue Mound, IL
Children: Mrs. Joseph (Ethel May Damery) Rice, Mrs. John (Maude Eleanor
Damery) Cunningham, John Luther Damery, Mrs. Oscar (Mary Elizabeth Damery)
Gabriel, Earl Curtis Damery and Carl H. Damery
DAMERY, Naomi Elizabeth
Mrs. Naomi Damery, Blue Mound, died suddenly in the home of her son, Earl
Damry, Assumption, Sunday noon after suffering a heart attack. Mrs. Damery had gone to
the home of her son for Suday and was sitting at the dinner table when her death occurred.
She was born in Ohio on June 20, 1858, and was 70 years old. She was
married to J.T. Damery in Blue Mound and they had lived in the same house near that town
since their marriage over 50 years ago. She was a member of Bethel church near Blue
She leaves her husband and the following children: Earle, John, Carl
Damery, Mrs. Maude Cunningham, Mrs. Mary Gabreil and Mrs. Ethel Rice, all of near
Decatur. She also has 12 grandchildren.
The body will be left in the home palce until Tuesday afternoon when
the funeral services will be held in Bethel church at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will be
in Bethel cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 13 Aug 1928
Born: 20 Jun 1858 in Medina Co, OH
Died: 12 Aug 1928 in Assumption, IL
Buried: Bethel Cemetery near Blue Mound, IL
Parents: Washington Luther Nicholls and Mary Ann House Nicholls
Married: 2 Oct 1879 at Blue Mound, IL to James Thomas Damery
Children: Earl, John, Carl, Mrs. Maude Cunningham, Mrs. Mary
Gabriel, and Mrs. Ethel Rice, all of near Decatur
DAMERY, Rachel
Funeral Services Will Be Held Saturday Afternoon at 2:00 in
the Church.
BLUE MOUND, May 12 -- Mrs. Rachel Damery, 74, died Thursday
morning in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Morgan Thurston,
north of town. She was a member of Bethel church and is
survived by two daughters, Mrs. Thurston and Mrs. Charles
Moomey, one son, Ed Damery, all of Blue Mound, and two step-
sons, William G. Damery, of Boody, and Robert Damery of
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock in the Methodist church near Blue Mound.
Decatur Herald, Decatur, IL, Friday, May 12, 1916
DAMERY, Richard
Richard Damery, aged 65 years, died of pneumonia at his residence, one and a half
miles northeast of Blue Mound, at 2 o'clock, January 28. Deceased was born in Ireland in the
year 1825, and when a boy came with his parents to this county, who settled in the state of
Connecticut. Arriving at manhood Richard and his brother George came to this state, stopping
near Chapin, Morgan county, where they remained a few years and then, in 1857, came to Macon
county and settled on adjoining farms. Deceased was a hard-working man and a good manager, and
starting with 80 acres of raw prairie, and in debt for that, he had by good management become
the owner of several hundred acres of well improved land, unemcumbered. He was a member of
the Methodist church, in good standing, and will be sadly missed by the church and community.
Deceased was twice married, and was the father of seven children - two by his last wife. He was
a brother of George Damery, of Blue Mound, and James Damery, of New York City.
The funeral services will take place at the residence at 2 o'clock Thursday.
Decatur Daily Republican, Wednesday, 29 Jan 1890, pg. 3
Born: 4 July 1824, County Cork, Ireland
Died: 28 January 1890, Blue Mound, Macon County, IL
Buried: Bethel Cemetery near Blue Mound, IL
Parents: James Damery and Elizabeth Gosnell Damery
Married: Mary Knight on 2 Apr 1853 at Wethersfield, Connecticut. She died 25 May 1874 near
Blue Mound, IL, and was buried at Bethel Cemetery near Blue Mound, IL.
Children: Mrs. Samuel (Mary Elizabeth) House, James Thomas Damery, Mrs. George (Martha Ann)
Hadden, Richard Henry Damery, and William George Damery
Married #2: Rachel Thomas on 21 January 1875, Macon County, IL
Children: Mrs. Morgan (Eleanor Ursulla) Thurston and John Edward Damery
DAMERY, William J.
William J. Damery, a farmer near Blacklands, died at 12:30 o'clock on Thursday
morning. His death was caused by influenza and pneumonia. He was born Jan. 24, 1864. He
leaves the following children; Mrs. N.O. Jacobs, Mrs. Earl Camery, Mrs. B.H. Warnick, Mrs.
A.C. Usinger, Joseph James, Elmer and Mervil Damery. One son, Harry Damery, died about a
week before. Funeral services will be conducted at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon in Madison
church. Burial will be in Bethel church.
Decatur Evening Herald, Sunday, 20 Jan 1929, pg. 3
DANIELS, William L.
William L. Daniels, of Clarksdale, died at 3 o'closk Tuesday morning at Wabash Hospital from
injuries sustained Monday when he strained himself while unloading steel from a car. The
accident happened at Clarksdale. Mr. Daniels was placed on a train and hurried to the hospital
and operated on Monday night, but it was impossible to save him.
Mr. Daniels was 56 years old. He is survived by his wife and 3 sons, Virgil, Ray, and Leroy
Daniels. He also leaves a brother, Wallace Daniels of Clarksdale, and 5 half brothers, George,
James, Dell, John, and Nick Munhenke and there are two half sisters, Miss Ethel Munenke and Mrs.
Ida Beatty, both of Morrisonville.
The body was removed to Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial, and Coroner
L.A. Monson held the inquest there Tuesday forenoon. The body was taken to Clarksdale and the
funeral will be held there.
Decatur Review, Tues, Mar 13, 1917, p. 6
G.J. Danzeisen Succumbs at Age of 85
In Meat Business In Decatur Since 1871
G.J. Danzeisen, one of Decatur's oldest and most active business men,
died at 6 o'clock Friday eveing in the family residence, 340 West Wood street. He was
eighty-five years old and was president of the Danzeisen Packing company. About six months
ago he fell and broke a hip and had been confined to his home ever since.
Mr. Danzeisen came to Decatur in 1871, and ever since then he had been
active in the business life of the city, first as a retailer and later as packer and
wholesaler, and he was successful from the start.
BORN IN 1831
Mr. Danzeisen was born in Baden, Germany, Oct. 21, 1831. After serving an
apprenticeship with a butcher in his home community he came to the United States when he
was only seventten years old. He could not speak English and there was little opportunity
in this country then for him to work at his trade as a butcher so he worked as a common
laborer. He traveled around over the country a good deal and studied the language and the
habits of the people. He was an apt student. He soon learned to understand and speak
After he had been here a few years he went to St. Louis and entered the employ
of a steamboat supply company that had contracts for provisioning packets carrying freight
and passengers on the Mississippi river, which was then the principal h_ of travel between
the north and south parts of the country. He studied that business from the ground up while
he worked, and he mastered it so well that when the superintendant of the operating department
became ill Mr. Danzeisen was named to serve temporarily as superintendant.
After a little while he was made permanent superintendant and told he could
retain the position as long as he wanted it. He served that company for fifteen years. He
and Adam Blenz were warm friends, and in 1871, (Mr.) Blenz induced Mr. Danzeisen to come to
Decatur and join him in opening a retail meat market. That partnership continued for 12
years and was successful from the start. In 1882 they dissolved partnership and Mr.
Danzeisen opened a retail market on Merchant street, with his oldest son, will
Danzeisen, as partner. Later Oscar J. Danzeisen and Alfred J. Danzeisen were taken
into the firm and for 25 years the firm of G.J. Danzeisen & Sons had one of the
most popular markets in the city.
In the meantime they opened a packing plant on South Main street. It was
considered a good sized plant when it was built, but it is now about _ times the size
of the original plant. The retail business was continued until about ten years ago
when fire destroyed their retail store along with other holdings on Merchant and East
Main streets and a few on Water street. Since then the firm has been engaged wholly in
packing and wholesaling meats. When Mr. Danzeisen came to Decatur no fresh pork was
offered in the markets during the hot weather. Butchers never thought that it would be
_ profitable. Mr. Danzeisen thought differently and he offered fresh pork for sale. The
people were glad to get it. It proved to be a popular move and he was soon getting a
fair share of the trade.
Mr. Danzeisen and Mary Bircher were married in St. Louis in 1860. For over
40 years their home has been in the house in which Mr. Danzeisen died Friday. During
all his active business life in Decatur Mr. Danzeisen was steady as a clock. He was
always early at his place of business, and he enjoyed looking after the details. He
was there every day, doing a man's share of the work, in spite of his advanced years,
up to the time last fall when he met with the accident.
He was in the hospital for four months, but two months ago he insisted
on being taken home. At that time he believed that he would get well, and all during
the spring he was impatient to get out and put in a garden. Toward the last he seemed
to realize that he could not get well, that his days on earth were numbered, and he said
he was ready to go. He was unconscious until Thursday night, and when he went to sleep
it was never to awaken.
Mr. Danzeisen was a charter member of St. Pauls' Lutheran church. He was
always prompt and regular in attendance at church and attended all of the services until
he met with his accident. Besides his wife, Mr. Danzeisen leaves three sons, William
Danzeisen, Oscar J. Danzeisen and Alfred J. Danzeisen.
The funeral will be helf at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at St. Paul's
Lutheran church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Lohrman.
Decatur Review, 31 May 1918
The funeral of George J. Danzeisen will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon
at St. Paul's Lutheran church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Theodore Lohrman.
The interment will be in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 1 Jun 1919
Native of Switzerland Came to Decatur From St. Louis in 1870
Mrs. Maria Danzeisen, 87, 340 West Wood street widow of the late G.J.
Danzeisen, died in her home about 7:30 Sunday night. Death was caused by complications
due to old age. She had been confined to her bed for five months prior to her death.
Mrs. Danzeisen was born in Aurar, Switzerland, on April 14, 1842. Her maiden name was
Maria Burcher. With her parents she came to the United States in 1840, and settled
with them in St. Louis.
She was married to G.J. Danzeisen in St. Louis in 1860, and they moved
to Decatur in 1870, where Mr. Danzeisen engaged in the meat business and founded the
Danzeisen Packing company. For the first five years in Decatur they lived in a frame
dwelling in the 300 block North Main street, on the site now occupied by the Starr building.
In 1875 they moved to 340 West Wood, where they lived for almost 55 years. G.J. Danzeisen
died on May 30, 1919.
Mrs. Danzeisen is survived by three sons, Oscar, Alfred and Will Danzeisen,
all of Decatur, and by one brother, John Burcher of St. Louis. She also leaves three
grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was a life-long member of St. Paul's Lutheran
church, and was active in church and charitable work until advancing age forced her to
restrict her activities.
The body was taken to the Monson funeral home to be prepared for burial.
Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the Monson chapel,
and burial will be in Greenwood. The family requests that no flowers be sent.
Decatur Evening Herald, 23 Sep 1929
DANZEISEN, Martha (Bland)
Was Active in Club and Church Work
Mrs. Martha B. Danzeisen, wife of Oscar J. Danzeisen, 814 West Wood
street, died at 10 o'clock Friday night at the Decatur and Macon County hospital.
She had been ill for one week. She submitted to a serious operation. The immediate
cause of her dath was heart failure.
Mrs. Danzeisen's maiden name was Martha B. Bland. She was born in
Shelby county and she and Oscar J. Danzeisen of Decatur were married there thirty-three
years ago. Ever since then they have made their home at 814 West Wood street.
Mrs. Danzeisen was a member of the First Presbyterian church and of the
Decatur Woman's club. She was always interested in the work of the church and of the
club. She served as chairman of the Art and Literature decision of the club. She had
a bright, cheerful disposition that endeared her to all with whom she came in contact.
She is survived by her husband and one son, Eugene B. Danzeisen, who graduated from the
University of Illinois in 1928 and is now holding a position in a bank in New York City.
She also leaves her mother, Mrs. N(ancy).E. Bland of Findlay, Ill., and her sisters and brothers,
Mrs. Ada Wallace of Champaign, Mrs. Harry Foster of Shelbyville, W.H. Bland of Champaign
and Eugene Bland of Shelbyville. The body was taken to Dawson & Wikoff, funeral
Decatur Review, 1 Jun 1929
Burial was at Fairlawn Cemetery, Decatur, IL.
Mrs. Lizzie Daubenspeak, wife of Morton Daubenspeak, died of consumption at 1 a.m.
Sunday January 24, at the home of her brother John Wallet, No. 638 East Wood street, aged 30
years. She leaves a husband and three children, nine, seven and five years old. The funeral
was held this afternoon from the residence. THe services were conducted by Rev. W. Bedford Jones
and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 26 January 1897
Horace Davenport died at 10:30 Thursday night at his home, 921 North Clayton
street. Mr. Davenport had not been in rugged health for over a year, though he was able
to be about town and meet his old friends up to within a short time of his death. He
served as doorkeeper for the grand jury during the October term of the circuit court.
Horace Davenport, was well known in Decatur. He had resided here for many
years and was for a long time on the regular police force. Later he served as special
policeman and as night watchman. He was born at Locust Point, O., Sept. 4, 1835. He
was a veteran of the Civil war, enlisting in 1862 in company H. of the One Hundredth Ohio
Volunteers. He was a member of Dunham post 141. G.A.R. He is survived by a wife and
one daughter, Mrs. C.E, Zimmerman of St. Louis and one granddaughter, Miss Marguerite
The funeral will be held from the family residence at 2 o’clock tomorrow
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 27 Jan 1905
DAVES, William : 
William Daves, an old and well respected citizen, died at his home on Tuesday evening,
Jan. 18 at 7 oclock. His last illness was brief, although he had been confined to his
bed several times during the winter. He lived to the good old age of 79 years, 5 month
and 24 days. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. L. Bankson of Blue Mound,
assisted by Rev. Mr. Forbes of Lincoln. The sermon was one of the grandest tributes to
the dead who die in Christ that the people of Cisco ever had the privilege of listening
to. Mr. Daves was converted to God in 1849 and lived a beautiful Christian life ever
since. He was united in marriage to Sarah J. Watson in 1843, to whom were born nine
children two of whom died in infancy. The rest survive him. Four boys and three girls
and his aged widow are left to mourn him. He served through the war with Rev. Mr. Baker
as his captain. He was buried at the Cumberland.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 23 Jan 1896
The funeral of Uncle Billy Daves, who died near Cisco, took place today.
He was past 80 years of age and was personally known to many Decatur people.
Daily Republican, Decatur, Illinois, Thursday, 16 Jan 1896, pg. 3
Note: The Cumberland is Friends Creek Cemetery. He was inducted at age
46, on Sept. 6, 1862. He was captured and held as a prisoner of war from July 22,
1864 to March of 1865. Was mustered out after the war ended.
DAVIDSON, Alexander 
Alexander Davidson died at 4:35 a.m. Wednesday at the residence of his
niece, Mrs. Frank Jones, 1712 East Main Street. Consumption was the cause of death.
Mr. Davidson was an old soldier and retired farmer and had suffered for several years
past from a complication of diseases.
He was born in Macon County in 1838 and had lived here all of his life.
He was the last of the old Davidson family. In 1862 he enlisted in the Union army and
served three years as a member of Company C, 116th Illinois Infantry. He was a member
of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R., and the members of that organization will have charge of the
The funeral will be held at 10:30 oclock this morning from the Long Creek
Church. Rev. N. M. Baker will officiate and the burial will be at the Long Creek cemetery.
Decatur Herald, Decatur Illinois, 6 May 1904
The funeral of Mrs. L.M. Davidson was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from
the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The services were very largely attended and there was a
profusion of beautiful floral tributes. There were several old friends from the vicinity of
her old home near Cerro Gordo present. Reb. A.W. Hawkins conducted the services. Appropriate
music was rendered by the regular choir of the church. The pall bearers were Jerry Turpin,
John Miller, John Ward, John Bell, Lafayette Logan, and Will Cox. The interment was at Mt.
Gilead cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 3 Aug 1898
DAVIDSON, Martin L. 
Martin L. Davidson, veteran of the Spanish-American war, died at 1:30
o'clock Sunday morning at his home, 155 East Sheridan Street. He would have been,
sixty-nine years old in October. His death was due to complication of diseases with
which he had suffered for over a year. He had been confined to his bed for the last
three weeks.
Mr. Davidson was born in Macon County Oct. 20, 1857. All his life had
been spent here with the exception of nine years spent in the army. He
served throughout the Spanish-American war. He and Miss Judith Meeks were married in
1911. He is survived by his wife and one daughter; Mine Mary Davidson. He also leaves a
brother, Edgar A. Davidson of Casper, Wyo., and four sisters, Mrs. Frances L. McDonald,
Casner; Mrs. Louise King and Mrs. Mary L. Siehr of Decatur, and Mrs. Eva L. Meyers of
Texas. The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial. Friends may call there until time for the funeral, which will fee held
there at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday Afternoon. The burial will be in the Mt Zion cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 30 Aug 1926, pg. 7
Edna Davis died at 7:10 Saturday morning at the family residence, 896 South Colfax
street. Her death was caused by typhoid fever. She was nine years old. The funeral will be held
at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the residence. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11 Dec 1909
The funeral of Miss Edna Davis was held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the family residence,
896 South Colfax street. The services were conducted by Rev. E.H. Shuey. There was a large attendance.
The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Linnie Devore, Mrs. Downing,
and Robert Gibson. The pallbearers were T.F. Nighswander, Will Wilkerson, Frank Johnson and Charles
Johnson. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Dec 1909
DAVIS, Frank O.
Frank O. Davis, 1235 East Logan street, died at 2:30 o’clock Monday morning
in the Edward Hines Jr. government hospital at Maywood following an illness of long duration
which arose from complications of diseases incurred during the World war.
He was born in Maroa, April 2, 1901. On March 2, 1924, he was married to Miss
Laura Hopt, Decatur. He is survived by his wife and one son, Paul Davis, aged two years, his
mother, Mrs. John Stubbs, Detroit, five sisters, Mrs. James Griffin, Maroa; Mrs. Edward
Barnett, Blue Mound, Mrs. H. Malone, Decatur, Mrs. Charles Whitmere, Marathon, Iowa; Mrs.
William F. Gross, Jr. Hitchcock, South Dakota, and one brother Velmar Davis, Maroa.
Mr. Davis was a member of the Christian church, Maroa, a member of Castle
Williams Post 125, American Legion, member of Disabled Veterans, Chicago and of Decatur
chapter of Modern Woodman No. 144. He served in the motor transport division in the World
The body will be brought to Decatur Tuesday morning and taken to the Monson
funeral home, 239 West Prairie avenue, where friends may call. Services will be held in
the Monson chapel at 2 :30 o’clock Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of the American
Legion. Interment will be in Fairlawn Cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur IL, 11 July 1927
DAVIS, David
The Eminent Jurist and Statesman Peacefully Passes Away Surrounded by His Family
The announcement of the death of ex-Vice-President Davis will carry with it
no surprise, but the sad news will be received with regret by all citizens of Illinois and
the United States. The people expected his death, having been prepared for it several
days ago by the statements of his physicians. The end came yesterday morning at 6 o'clock,
while the distinguished man was surrounded by his family and friends at his home in
Bloomington. He was unconscious to the last, recognizing no one and being in no apparent
pain. About May 1st Judge Davis was attacked by a carbuncle, but his case progressed
favorably until two weeks ago, when his ailment, coupled with erysipelas and diabetes,
caused him to sink rapidly, and it became evident that he could not survive. Judge Davis
was in his seventy-second year, and leaves an estate to be divided between his wife and
two children, which is valued at two million dollars. Some of his land is situated in
Macon county. The funeral will take place on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock.
The following gentlemen have been invited to act as honorary pall bearers:
Judge Walter S. Gresham, Judge Lawrence Weldon, Hon. Leonared Swett, Governor Oglesby,
Hon. Joseph E. McDonald, Judge John M. Scott, Hon. Clifton H. Moore, Co. R.B. Latham,
Hon. Jesse W. Fell, Hon. John Wentworth, Judge Oliver L. Davis, Judge Thomas Drummond,
Hon. D.W. Voorhees, H.H. Treat and W.D. Griswold.
The following have been invited as acting pall bearers: Hon. Robert T.
Lincoln, Hon. A.E. Stevenson, James S. Ewing, Lyman Burr, Frank D. Orme, Duncan M. Fink,
Henry W. Bishop, Lucius G. Fisher.
David Davis was born in Cecil county, Maryland, March 9, 1815. He was
educated at Kenyon collete, Ohio, studied law with Judge Biship, of Lenox, Massachusetts,
and also at the law school of New Haven, Connecticut. Upon attaining his majority he
settled at Bloomington in 1836, and has since resided there. In 1844 he was elected to
the lower house of the legislature and was a member of the constitutional convention in
1847. In 1848 he was elected judge oin the eighth judicial circuit and re-elected in
1855 and 1861. During the last term President Lincoln appointed him to the bench of
the United States Supreme court. In 1872 he was nominated as the presidential candidate
of the labor reform party and in 1877 was elected to the United States Senate, where
he presided as vice president for one session. His term of office expired March 3rd
1883 nad since then he has been living in retirement at Bloomington.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Jun 1886
Read more about Judge David Davis.
DAVIS, Melissa (Gullett)
Mrs. Melissa Jane Davis, wife of Daniel R. Davis, 262 East Condit street, died
Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's hospital. She was sixty years old. She had been ill for two
weeks, suffering from liver and stomach trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Davis were married in 1881.
They resided at Maroa until 1891, when they moved to a farm four miles sourthwest of Weldon,
Ill. There they resided until the spring of 1915 when the family moved to Decatur and Mrs.
Davis has made her home here every since.
Mrs. Davis is survived by the following children: Mrs. Ora L. Roetzel, Oscar
Davis, Hugh Davis and Mrs. Glenn Stewart, all of Decatur, Mrs. Effa M. Hendricks of
Bloomington, Earl Davis of Alta, Ia., and Roy Davis of Aurelia, Ia. She is also survived
by the following brothers and sister: C.C. Gullett of Decatur; Marion Gullett of Minonk,
Ill., and Mrs. Lizzie Baker of St. Louis, Mo. The body was removed to the Dawson & Wikoff
chapel on West William street and prepared for burial. Arrangements for the funeral will be
announced later.
Decatur Review, 2 Nov 1919
DAVIS, Mrs. Phillip
Born: 14 Feb 1881 in Maroa
Died: 25 Nov 1941 Decatur
Buried: Maroa Cem.
Parents: M/M Smart
Married: Phillip Davis
Children: Harriet
DAVIS, Randall
In Long Creek township, on June 24, 1882, at 1 a.m., of measles, Randall Davis,
son of James C. Davis, aged 16 years.
Saturday Herald (Decatur) , 1 Jul 1882
DAVIS, Samuel M.C.
Samuel M.C. Davis died Wednesday at 3 a.m. at his home in Long Creek township,
after an illness of three weeks of the grip, aged 44 years. A widow and four children survive
him. The children are Mrs. Cora Gustin, Roscoe Nellie and a little daughter. Deceased was a
son of Randall Davis and a brother of John W. Davis, of Casner, George C. Davis and James C.
Davis, both of Decatur. There is a sister, Mrs. Kesler, residing in Missouri. He was a cousin
of Supervisor S.C. Davis, of Long Creek and H.W. Davis of Decatur. He was a member of the
Christian church at Antioch. The funeral was held Thursday at 1 p.m. from the church at Long
Herald Despatch, 17 Feb 1894
DAVIS, Sarah J. (Nicholson)
Born: 12 Feb 1838 Garrard Co, KY
Died: 20 Dec 1886
Buried: North Fork Cemetery
Parents: James & Elizabeth (Willis) Nicholson
Married: Mar 23, 1854 in Macon Co. to William M. Davis
DAVIS, Sylvester
The funeral of Sylvester Davis will be held at 11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon at
the North Fork church. The services will be conducted by Rev. M.C. Cockrum. The casket will
not be opened at the church. The interment will be at North Fork cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Jan 1911
The funeral of Sylvester Davis was held at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at North
Fork church, east of Decatur. The services were conducted by Rev. M.C. Cockrum, assited by
Rev. N.M. Baker. The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Iva Lourash, Miss
Lizzie Lourash, Joseph Myers and Roscoe Davis. Their selections were "Nearer, My God, to
Thee," "Rock of Ages," and "Abide With Me." The pallbeareres were James Logan, Jock Rucker,
John Roberts, William Coombs, Hayden Veech and L. Perry. The interment was at North Fork
The Daily Review (Decatur), 3 Jan 1911
DAVIS, William M.
Born: 14 Jan 1831 IL
Died: 23 Sep 1885
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Mar 23, 1854 in Macon Co. to Sarah J. Nicholson
DAWSON, Jacob M.
Mr. Jacob M. Dawson died at his residence, two doors north of the Baptist
church, this morning. His disease was inflammation of the bowels, from which he had
been suffering some days. Mr. Dawson lived in this county many years, and was widely
known. The funeral services will take place from Long Creek Church to-morrow (Friday)
at 4 o'clock, P.M., Rev. Ira Emerson officiating.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 3 Sep 1874
DAWSON, Robert E.
Robert Dawson Dies At Hospital
He was Bright and Manly Little Lad
Robert Dawson, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Dawson, 252 Franklin street, died
2 o'clock Sunday morning at St. Mary's hospital, following removal of an abcess of the brain. He
was 11 years old and was Mr. and Mrs. Dawson's only child.
The little fellow had been ill for 10 days, and Saturday his condition was such
that a surgical operatoin offered the only possibility of saving his life. Immediately after
the operation he seemed much improved and it wsa thought that he had a chance for recovery, but
the improvement was only temporary and death came at 2 o'clock.
Robert was a bright, manly little fellow, always cheerful and happy and always
wanting to do something for others. He was a great lover of music. He took up the study of the
violin some time ago and was making fine progress when he was taken ill. He was born July 3,
1907. He was well advanced in his studies at school. He was a member of the First Methodist
church and also of the Sunday school, and knew nearly every member of the congregation. He was
popular with all, and when his death was announced in the Sunday school many of the women were
so saddened by the news that they went home before the exercises were over.
The funeral will be held at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the First Methodist
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Freeman A. Havighurst. The interment will be in
Fairlawn cemetery. Friends may call at the residence, 252 North Franklin street, up to 3 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon. The casket will not be opened at the church.
Decatur Review, 5 August 1918
DAY, Samuel
The following obituary was submitted by Rebel L. Kreklow. It was sent to him many
years ago and he doesn't know in what newspaper it appeared.
November 23, 1941
Samuel Day, 82, Retired Farmer, Dies
Samuel Day, 82, of 1104 South Jasper, a retired farmer, died at 5 p.m. Sunday in
St. Mary's hospital after an illness of two years.
Day was born on August 15, 1859 in Pittsburgh, PA. He was married on November 27,
1883 to Miss Emma Dyke of near Sangamon and Decatur and was a farmer for many years. He retired
nearly 20 years ago. He was a member of the Baptist Church.
He leaves his wife; six daughters, Mrs. Nellie Mentro of Topeka, Kansas, Mrs. Bessie
Straunk, Mrs. Louella McCollum and Mrs. Viola Chepan, all of Decatur, and Mrs. Lela Shaw and Mrs.
Goldie Macke, both of Decatur; one son, Samuel, Jr. of Decatur; 19 grandchildren and two
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the chapel of Moran & Son's
funeral home. Friends may call at the funeral after 3 p.m. today.
The funeral of Mrs. Susan DeClercq was held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. The
services were conducted by Rev. George P. Hoster. There was a large attendance of old friends and
The music was furnished by Mrs. Walter D. Glenn and Mrs. Roy Essick. The flowers
were in charge of Mrs. Condon, Mrs. Doran, Mrs. Reeves and Mrs. Lucy Brown. The pall bearers were
Mrs. J.F. Nientker, W.G. Montram, Fred Zimmerly, U.G. Gile, W.R. Ward and W.G. Crane. The interment
was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 11Dec 1909
DEISTER, Mary Evelyn
Mary Evelyn Deister, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Deister and grand-daughter
of Mrs. Emma McDermott, died at 2:30 Thursday morning at the family residence 150 South Jasper
street. Her age was five months and two days. She was born on Jan. 22. Besides her parents
she leaves one sister, Dorothy.
The funeral of Mary Deister will be held at 2:30 Friday afternoon at St. Patrick's
Catholic church. The interment will be in Calvary.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 24 Jun 1915
A. Delahunty, Conductor on Wabash, Dies
Arthur O. Delahunty, 65 of 1520 East North St., a conductor on the Blue Bird
for many years, and one of the best known employees of the Wabash Railroad, died early
yesterday at Wabash Employees hospital after a long illness.
Mr. Delahunty had lived in Decatur all his life. Next April he would have
completed 50 years with the Wabash, and he was still on the active list, up to the day of
his death. He was known in railroad circle for the good will he generated in patrons of
the railroad. Commenting on this, Trains magazine of November 1954 ended a long
circle about Mr. Delahunty by saying he was one of the best advertisements the Wabash had.
The article described his technique of talking to passengers as he punched
their tickets. He could reassure the inexperienced traveler. It was his habit to make
certain that the bewildered were informed of arrival and departure times of connecting
trains. His appearance at the front of the car to begin his tour down the aisle was the
beginning of a pleasant performance that lasted until the door closed behind him.
Friends remember many stories about him. Several years ago he stopped his
train, as it left the St. Louis yards on the report that a man was lying in the snow by
the track with both legs severed. Mr. Delahunty backed up the train to render assistance.
He knelt and prayed by the victim until doctors arrived. Then he put the man aboard the
train and backed it into the station where an ambulance was waiting. The man, an employee
of another railroad, is alive today, and Mr. Delahunty sometimes called on him when in St.
Louis, the family said last night.
Mr. Delahunty was born here Sept. 4, 1888, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Delahunty. He attended St. Patrick's parochial school, and on graduation became an apprentice
in the Wabash shops. On April 25, 1911, he was married to Edith Cunningham. Surviving are
his wife; a son, James A.; two granddaughters and two grandsons; a sister, Mrs C. J. Cowgill;
and brother, Lawrence, all of Decatur.
He was a member of St. Patrick's Church, the Order of Railroad Conductors No
74, and the veterans organization of the Wabash, the Decatur Council No 577, Knights of
Funeral arrangements are in charge if J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home, where
friends may call after 7 p.m. today. The Knights of Columbus will recite the rosary at
8 p.m. tomorrow at the funeral home, followed at 8:30 by a similar service by the Catholic
Daughters of America. Services will be held at 9 a.m. Wednesday, with solemn high requiem
mass. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Monday, 2 Aug 1954, pg. 3
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
DELAHUNTY, Catherine (Stafford)
Mrs. Catherine Delahunty, wife of Patrick Delahunty, died at 4:30 Thursday morning
at St. Mary's hospital. Her death was caused by dropsy. She had been in poor health for a
number of years, but had been confined to her bed for about a month. She was 48 years old
and is survived by her husband, three sons and two daughters. The children are Lawrence,
Willie and Arthur Delahunty and Miss Margaret and Mary Delahunty. Mrs Delahunty was member
of St. Patrick's Catholic church and was widely known. She was held in high esteem by all.
The funeral will be held Saturday morning from St. Patrick's church. The
interment will be at Calvary.
The Decatur Review, Thursday Evening, 24 May 1906, pg. 12
Note: There is a second notice of death in the Decatur Review, Saturday Evening,
26 May 1906, pg. 8
DELAHUNTY, Edith May (Cunningham)
Mrs. Delahunty Dies
Rites Thursday for Widow of Wabash Conductor
Mrs Edith May Delahunty, 69, of 1350 N. Edward St., died at 11:04 p.m. Monday in
St. Mary's Hospital. She had been ill about a year. She was born in Peru, Ind., May 2, 1890, a
daughter of Marion and Malissa Glasburn Cunningham. She moved to Decatur in 1911. Mrs Delahunty
married Arthur O. Delahunty, April 25, 1911 in Decatur Her husband who was a Wabash conductor,
died Aug 1, 1954. She leaves a son, James of Decatur; a brother Plennty Cunningham of Hammond,
Ind., and four grandchildren.
Mrs. Delahunty was member of St. Thomas Catholic Church; vice president of Stella
Division 153 of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Order of Railroad Conductors and Trainmen; Catholic
Daughters of America; Oren L. Davis Post 99 Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars and Starlight
Rebekah Lodge 767.
Services will be at 9 a.m. Thursday in St. Thomas Catholic Church with burial in
Calvary Cemetery. Rosary will be recited at the J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home at 8 p.m. by
members of the church and the Catholic Daughters of America. Friends may call at the funeral
home after 4 p.m. Wednesday.
Decatur Review, 22 Jun 1959, pg. ??
James A. Delahunty, 84, of Decatur died 9:40 a.m. Saturday June 27, 1998 in
his residence. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 a.m. Wednesday in Holy Family Church. Visitation
will be after 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in Brintlinger's Funeral Home with vigil prayer service
at 6:15 p.m. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Delahunty was born Oct. 29, 1913,
in Peru, Ind., a son of Arthur O. and Edith Cunningham Delahunty. He was a member of
Holy Family Catholic Church and had been a volunteer at both hospitals in Decatur. He
retired from the Wabash Railroad after 34 years of service and was a World War II Army
veteran. He married J. Louise Stork of Stonington on December 27, 1941, in Decatur. Surviving
are his wife; children, James F. Delahunty and wife Connie of Cullman, Ala.; Kathleen
Delahunty of Mount Zion; Michael C. Delahunty and wife Julie of Decatur; Christine Nickles
and husband Harry of Rochester; grand-children, Joshua, Nicholas, Patrick, Lindsey, Derek
and Amy Wagoner and husband Jerry; great-granddaughters, Mackenzie and Cameron Wagoner.
His parents and one brother preceded him in death.
Decatur Review, 30 Jun 1998, pg. #A13
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty
Katie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Delahunty, died at the family
home 460 East Orchard street yesterday morning at 2 o'clock, of lung fever. The child
was 1 year and 9 months old. The funeral will be held from St. Patrick's Catholic
Church this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 21 Dec 1893, pg. #3
Funeral Held
Father O'Boyle conducted the funeral services over the body of Katie
Delahunty yesterday at 2 o'clock p. m. at St Patrick's Catholic Church. The burial
was at the Catholic burying ground.
Decatur Review, Friday, 22 Dec 1893, pg. #2
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
DELAHUNTY, Lawrence J.
Lawrence Delahunty, Contractor, Dies
Lawrence J. Delahunty, 76, of 3910 E. Marietta St., was pronounced dead
on arrival at 7:45 a.m. today in St. Mary's hospital from and apparent heart attack. He
was a retired paint contractor and was a member of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. He was
born in Springfield on April 10, 1881, a son of Patrick and Margaret Delahunty. He lived
in Decatur for 75 years. Mr. Delahunty married Mary Belle Newell in Ct. Charles, Mo., on
July 23, 1921. He leaves his wife and a sister, Mrs. Mary Cowgill, Decatur. The body
is in the Brintlinger Funeral Home. Arrangements are incomplete.
The Decatur Review, Thursday, 15 Sep 1960, pg. 46
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
DELAHUNTY, Mary Belle (Newell)
Mrs. Lawrence (Mary Newell) Delahunty, 88 of 2530 N. Monroe St. died 9:55
p.m. Sunday (Feb 25, 1979) in Illini House.
Prayer services will be held 10 a.m. Wednesday in Brintlinger's Pershing
Funeral Home. No visitation. Burial will be in Lutheran Cemetery. Mrs Delahunty was born
in Decatur, daughter of Granville and Belle Newell. She was a member of St.Thomas Catholic
Church. She married Lawrence Delahunty in 1921. He died in 1960. One brother and one
sister preceded her in death.
Decatur Herald, Tuesday, 27 Feb 1979, pg. 20
DELAHUNTY, Mary Kathleen
M. Kathleen Delahunty, 62, of Decatur, IL, died 11:15 P.M., Wednesday, February 25, 2009,
at McKinley Court, Decatur, IL.
Funeral services will be 10:00 A.M., Saturday, February 28, 2009, at Holy Family
Catholic Church, Decatur, IL, with visitation one hour prior to service time. Burial will be in
Calvary Cemetery, Decatur, IL. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Holy Family Catholic
Church or American Diabetes Foundation.
Kathleen was born July 31, 1946, in Decatur, IL, the daughter of James A. and Louise
(Stork) Delahunty. She was a member of Holy Family Catholic Church. Kathleen worked as a Registered
Nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital for 38 years. She loved reading, needlework, and playing cards.
She is survived by her mother Louise Delahunty of Decatur, IL; brothers James (Connie)
Delahunty of Decatur, IL, Michael (Julie) Delahunty of Decatur, IL; sister Christine (Harry) Nickles
of Rochester, IL; nieces and nephews Amy (Jerry) Wagoner, Lindsey (Jim) Hermann, Joshua Delahunty,
Nicholas Delahunty, Patrick Delahunty, Derek Nickles; great nieces Mackenzie and Cameron Wagoner.
She was preceded in death by her father. Condolences may be left to the
family here.
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty. Kathleen Delahunty was his sister.
Patrick Delahunty Ill One Day, Dies
Had resided in Decatur for about Forty Years
Patrick Delahunty of 2036 North Monroe street died at 9:55 o'clock Tuesday
night at St. Mary's hospital. He was sixty- six years old last July. His death was caused
by a complication of diseases. Mr. Delahunty's health had been gradually falling for more
than a year, but he never would admit that he was really ill. He was confined to his bed
only since last Saturday; and had been in the hospital only one day when death came.
Patrick Delahunty was born in Ireland, July 12, 1855. He had resided in
Decatur for about forty years and was widely known. He was a faithful member of St.
Patrick's Catholic church and had many friends.
When the late P.H. Hunt was actively engaged in public works Mr. Delahunty
was his foreman for many years. He is said to have had less trouble with the men under
him than any other foreman that ever handled a public contract. The men all liked him
and they would not shirk. After the retirement of Mr. Hunt from contracting field Mr.
Delahunty became a contractor and continued in that line of work as long as his health
Mr. Delahunty is survived by three children: Lawrence J. Delahunty, Arthur
O. Delahunty, and Miss Mary Delahunty, all of Decatur. He also leaves a brother, William
Delahunty, in Ireland and a brother and sister in Decatur. Thomas Delahunty and Mrs.
David Vail. There are three grandchildren, James Delahunty and Katherine and James
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial and was Wednesday taken to the home of Arthur O. Delahunty, 1520
East North Street. The funeral will probably be held Friday morning.
The Decatur Review, Wednesday, 8 Feb 1922, pg. 8
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
DELAHUNTY, Robert William
Robert William Delahunty, two month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Delahunty,
died at 5:10 o'clock Friday morning in the home, 450 East Orchard street, after an illness
of one day of stomach trouble. Funeral services will be conducted at 2:30 o'clock Saturday
afternoon. Burial will be in Calvary.
Decatur Daily Herald, 26 Oct 1912, pg. 2
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
T. Delahunty Found Dead: Funeral Tuesday
Funeral services for Thomas Delahunty of 525 Orchard street will be held
at 9 a.m. tomorrow in St Patrick's Catholic church, with burial in Calvary cemetery. Friends
may call at Moran & Sons funeral home. Mr. Delahunty, 73 years old, was found dead in
the basement of the home of his sister, Mrs Mary Vail, at 646 East Orchard street. He
had been firing the furnace and apparently suffered a stroke. Formerly associated with
Tuttle Bros. and P.H. Hunt, Mr. Delahunty was retired contracting assistant.
Mr. Delahunty leaves, besides his sister, one brother, William, living in
Ireland. He was never married. He was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, and came to
Decatur in 1886. He was a member of St Patrick's Catholic church.
Decatur Review, 9 Mar 1940, p. ?
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
Decatur Man Ill Short Time With Pneumonia
William Delahunty of Decatur died at Clinton Thursday, after a short illness
of pneumonia. He was a son of Patrick Delahunty of Decatur. He was born and reared in
Decatur and graduated from St. Theresa's academy. He learned the machinists trade in the
Wabash roundhouse here and about four years ago went to Clinton to work under Jacob
Schilling, general foreman for the Illinois Central there.
He was twenty-four years old and unmarried. Besides his father he is
survived by two brothers and two sisters, Wabash Conductor Arthur O. Delahunty of Decatur,
Lawrence Delahunty, of Elkhart, III., Mrs. C. J.Cowglll and Miss Mary Delahunty, both of
Decatur. His father and brothers were with him when he died. He was warden of council No.
1023, Knights of Columbus at Clinton, and also a member of the Eagles there and of the
Machinists' union. Committees from all three of the organizations accompanied the body to
Decatur at 9:18 Friday morning. The body was removed to Morans undertaking establishment,
and later taken to the home of his father, Patrick Delahunty, 460 East Orchard street. The
funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at St. Patrick's Catholic church, at
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 20 Jan 1911, pg. 12
Kindly submitted by Michael Delahunty.
John F. Delbridge died at 8 p.m. Monday, May 16, at the family residence
one mile south of Boody. His death was caused by heart failure. He was born in Germany,
but had resided in Illinois since 1854. His age was 71 years.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Anna Wise, three step daughters, Mrs.
Minnie Weigand, Mrs. Louisa Eckhardt, and Mrs. Emma Wise; one stepson, Henry Afterhite;
two grandsons, Orville F. Wise and Everett C. Wise.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the German M.E.
church at Boody. The services will be conducted by Rev. Slater. The interment will
be at the cemetery near the church.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 18 May 1898
The year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Demery died Sunday morning at its
parents' home in Blue Mound township. It was buried yesterday afternoon at Bethlehem
Decatur Morning Review, 5 Aug 1890
DeMICHAEL, Florian
STONINGTON -- Florian J. " Flindy" DeMichael, 76, of Stonington died 8:40 a.m.
Monday (July 21, 1986) in St John's Hospital, Springfield. Services will be 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday in Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Stonington. Visitation will be 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday
in Connelly-McClure Funeral Home, Taylorville, with an 8 p.m. wake service. Burial will be
in Old Stonington Cemetery. Memorials: Stonington Athletics Booster Program or World Vision
Mr. DeMichael was born in Domegge, Italy, son of Anthony and Marietta DeMichael.
He was a retired schoolteacher and athletic coach from Stonington. He had taken many grade
school teams to state tournaments. He married Teresa Stork in 1933. She died in 1984.
Surviving are his son, Joseph of Columbia S. C.; daughters, MRS Donald (Mary)
Blakeman, Mrs Michael (Rita) Staton and Teresa DeMichael, all of Stonington; Ann Reeves and
Martha DeMichael, both of Springfield; brother, T.W. of Stonington; 15 grandchildren; four
DeMICHAEL, Theresa M. (Stork)
STONINTON --- Mrs. Florian (Theresa M. Stork) DeMichael, 72 of Stonington died
3 p.m. Friday (Nov 23, 1984) in her home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday in Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Stonington.
Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday in Connolly Funeral Home, Taylorville, with 7 p.m.
wake service. Burial will be in Old Stonington Cemetery, Stonington. Memorials: World Vision
International or Right to Life.
Mrs. DeMichael was born in Stonington Township, daughter of Frank J. and Mary
Agnes Stork. She was a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church. She married Florian DeMichael
in 1933. Surviving are her husband; son Joseph of Columbia, S. C.; daughters, Mrs. Donald
(Mary) Blakeman and Rita Stanton, both of Springfield; Ann Reeves, Theresa DeMichael, Eddy
Martha Leyva, all of Springfield; sisters, Mrs Kelsey (Mary) Dillman of Pocahontas; Mrs
James (Louise) Delahunty of Decatur; 15 grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Three brothers
and one sister preceded her in death.
DEMPSEY, George 
George Dempsey, an old resident of the city and a member of the firm of
Dempsey & Giblin, contractors, died at 11:35 a.m. Friday, at his home, 245 West North
street, aged 76 years.
Mr. Dempsey had always been in good health until last January, when he
suffered an attack of grip and never entirely recovered. The grip was followed by
bronchial troubles and general debility. For the past six weeks he had been confined
to his bed and his death was not unexpected as the family realized that he could not
George Dempsey was born Feb. 10, 1825, at Chillicothe, Ohio. He came to
Decatur in April 1854 and made his home here ever since. For the past forty years he
resided in the house where he died.
In his early days in Decatur, Mr. Dempsey followed the business of
building contactor. During the Civil war he served in the Sixteenth Illinois volunteers.
After the war, Mr. Dempsey returned to Decatur and was given the position
of street commissioner. He served in that office for ten or twelve years and then went
into the street paving business, forming a partnership with John Giblin, the firm being
known as Dempsey & Giblin. When there was street paving work to be done the firm made
contracts but in the past two years Mr. Dempseys health began to fall and he was not
able to follow any active business life.
On September 2, 1846, Mr. Demsey married Mary J. Lowry at Chillicothe,
Ohio. The widow and five children survive. The latter are Charles C., Andrew G. and
H. C. Dempsey, Miss Ella Dempsey and Mrs. John Pealwell, all of Decatur.
Mr. Dempsey was a member of Dunham Post, No. 141 G.A.R, and had been a
member of Macon Lodge No 8 A.F. & A.M. ever since he came to Decatur to live.
The funeral will be held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, from the residence. The
Masons will be in charge. The burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 19 Apr 1901
Prof. Denerling, the well-known musician, died at his residence on Sunday. He had been
sick for several months, his disease being consumption. He was a most accomplished musician, performing
admirably upon the piano, organ, violin, cornet, etc. He was also the author of a great many pieces
of music, one of which - a dirge written for the occasion of Col. George Ryan's funeral - was a most
charming production, and was performed by the Decatur Cornet Band at his own funeral on Tuesday. Prof.
Denerling leaves a widow and three children.
Decatur Review, 1 Dec 1870
DENNING, George R.
George R. "Bob" Denning, 80, of Decatur passed away 7pm, Thursday (Jun 27, 2002) in his
home. Graveside services will be 10 am Tuesday in Graceland Cemetery with Pastor Dan Spruell
officiating and military rites by the Macon County Honor Guard. There will be no visitation.
Gracelan/Fairlawn Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Memorials: to the family.
Mr. Denning was born April 30, 1922 in Argenta, the son of George W. and Rella B. Lace
Denning. He served his country in the Army during World War II. He retired from Mueller Co.
after 38 years. He married Helen L. Denning on April 9, 1945 in Evansville, Ind. Surviving are
his wife of 57 years; son, Charles R, Denning of Detroit, Mich.; daughters, Linda Carol Denning
and Susan Victoria Henry, both of Decatur; sisters, Geneva trent of Rodent Park, Calif.; Mary
Terneus and husband Walter of Harristown; grandchildren, Chawn, Chad and wife Stephanie, Joshua,
Casey and Kelsey. He was proceeded in death by his parents, brother, William Denning and
grandson, Shane.
DENZ, Edward 
Edward Denz was found dead in his room over 245 East Main street about
10 o’clock Tuesday night. Mrs. August Scholz, who with her family lives in the same
building, last saw Mr. Denz about the middle of the afternoon. He lived alone at
that number.
He came to his room and asked Mrs. Scholz to give him some coffee, and
soup. Mrs. Scholz complied with the request and did not hear anything more of Denz
until about 10 o’clock at night, when she heard him cry for help. Mrs. Scholz called
her son who broke open the door and found Denz on the bed dead. He had on part of
his clothing and appeared to have struggled to get up and dress but to have failed
in the attempt.
He was dead when the door was broken open. The bed was pushed out a
little ways from the wall and the body was laying diagonally across the bed. The cry
for help heard by Mrs. Scholz is supposed to have been the man’s last breath.
Captain Lawrence was notified and he called Deputy Coroner Roy Bendure
and the body was taken to Wikoff & Moran’s undertaking rooms and Denz’s room was locked
and his possessions taken charge of by the deputy coroner until an administrator is
Denz had been drinking heavily and the effect of the liquor together with
the heat probably caused his death. The windows and door of the room were closed and
the place was excessively hot and was not ventilated.
Mr. Denz was a tailor. He had lived in Decatur many years. He was 61
years old. He was a member of the Turner society, Decatur lodge No 45, I.O.O.F., and
Coeur de Leon lodge, No 17, K of P. He leaves two children, E.A. Denz and Miss Amelia
The funeral of Edward Denz will take place from the residence of his son,
Edward Denz, Jr. 448 Ewing avenue at 9 o’clock Thursday morning. The ritual of the
Odd Fellows will be used at the grave.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 22 Aug 1900, pg. 2
DENZ, William 
William Denz died of cancer at 6:40 oclock this morning at his home,
No. 669 South Broadway, aged 71 years. He leaves a wife and two sons, William and
Otto Denz. The deceased was a member of the German Aid society and the Turner society
and was a veteran of the late war. The time of the funeral will be announced later.
Daily Republican, Decatur Illinois, 21 Jan 1897
DEPEW, H. Clay 
H. Clay Depew, the well known traveling salesman, died at his home at the
corner of North Edward and Green streets on Saturday evening, May 22, at 8:10 oclock
after an illness of less than ten days, due to an acute attack of Brights disease. Mr.
Depew was not regarded as dangerously ill until Thursday evening, although he had been
feeling poorly. He had not been in his usual good health for over a year. For many
months he had been confined to his home as the result of an accident by which a kneecap
was fractured. The mishap occurred on March 26, 1895, caused by being thrown from a
buggy. He recovered and was able to resume his duties as a salesman. Then came the
illness of his eldest son, Fred Depew, who died nearly two months ago. The death of
the young man had a very depressing effect upon Mr. Depew who was devoted to his wife
and children. Mr. Depew had an extended acquaintance with business and professional
men. He had been in the employ of the Race Clothing Manufacturing company for a period
of twenty years, and had traveled over a wide extent of territory. His many friends
will be surprised and shocked to learn of his death.
The deceased was born at Rockville, Ind., Sept 24, 1846 and was in the
51st year of his age. He came to Illinois about thirty years ago and for several years
engaged in the retail shoe business at Chicago. Later he was in the grain business with
his brother at Casey, Ill. He has lived in Decatur over twenty years. He was married
to Miss Nettie Barnett, at Bloomington, June 19, 1876, and she with three children survive
him. They are Carl, aged 18 years, Edna, aged 15 years and Harry aged 9 years. Mr. Depew
was a veteran of the late war. He enlisted in 1863 with the 135 Indiana infantry and
served one year, being honorably discharged in 1864 on account of sickness. The deceased
was a member of the Baptist church, of Macon lodge No. 8 A.F. and A.M., of Dunham Post
G.A.R., and of the T.P.A. of Des Moines, Iowa. He has one brother, J. F. Depew at Denver
and one sister, Mrs. M. D. Larsh of Coffeeville, Ind. She arrived Saturday night a few
minutes before the death of her brother.
The funeral is in progress this afternoon from the residence, conducted by
Rev. D. F. Howe of the First M. E. church assisted by Rev. Mr. MacGregor of the Baptist
Church. Mr. Howe and Mr. Depew were personal friends. They became acquainted when the
clergyman was a telegraph operator at Casey.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur Illinois, 27 May 1897
DeSPAIN, Minnie M. (Myers)
Death of Mrs. DeSpain, From the Daily of Monday
Mrs. James DeSpain, a sister of Mrs. Bert McCane and a niece of Mrs. G. J.
Nitchie of this city, died at her home at St. Louis yesterday. The remains will be brought
to Decatur tomorrow morning and from here will be taken to the home of Mrs. DeSpain's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers of Mt Zion for burial. The funeral services will be held at
the church at Mt. Zion tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. M. DeSpain is survived by her parents, two
sisters and a brother, Harry; also a husband and two small children.
Decatur Weekly Republican (Decatur, Illinois), 16 June 1898
Submitted by Merry Keith.
DICKERSON, Christiana (Chenoweth)
Death: St. Mary's Hospital in Decatur on April 4, 1928
Birth: Circleville, Ohio on Jan 12, 1842
Burial: Salem Cemetery
Parents: Not mentioned
Marriage: first to John Chenoweth in 1860...he died July 31, 1875; second..a few years later...to
Miles Dickerson, who preceded her in death
Survivors: children, Charles Chenoweth of Graham, Wash; George and John Chenoweth of Decatur;
Mrs. Laura Wolfer of Boody; James Dickerson, Mrs. Ollie May and Mrs. Ada Willoughby, all of
Decatur; 17 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; 1 great great grandchild
DICKINSON, Fayette A. (Jessup)
Mrs. F.A. Dickinson died at 10:40 Saturday night at her home, 950 South
Traver street, of paralysis and old age. She had a stroke of paralysis last Tuesday
night and has been low since. She was 67 years old.
Henry Dickinson her husband, died about 6 years ago. She leaves three
daughters and four sons. They are Mrs. L.A. Ralston, Mayme, Ella, Willard, Charles,
Ralph and John. She has one sister in California. She lived in Decatur thirteen years
coming here from Douglas county. No arrangements for the funeral have yet been made.
The Daily Review, Decatur, 19 Jul 1903
Funeral Service Over Body of Mrs. Dickinson Tuesday
The funeral of Mrs. Henry Dickinson, who died Saturday, occurred Tuesday morning
at 10 o'clock from her home at 950 South Traver. The interment was at Greenwood cemetery.
Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the First M.E. church perfomed the funeral services.
The pall beareres were D.A. Maffit, Ed Shasteen, John Tyler, J.E. Smith, E.S.
McDonald and M. Brooks. The music for the funeral was furnished by Mrs. F.P. Howard and Miss
Amy Hovey, A.E. Lindamood and D.L. Bunn.
Fayette A. Jessup, the deceased, was born at Marshall, Ills., April 15, 1836.
She was married at Worthington, Ind., Aug. 28, 1856 to Henry Dickinson who died in 1897. She
moved to Macon county in 1879, but did not come to Decatur till 1890.
Mrs. Dickinson had one living brother, John R. Jessup of Bakersfield, Cal., and
one sister Mrs. C.A. Storley(?) of Terre Haute, Ind. She had seven children, Mrs. Lillian
Ralston, Ella, Charles Ralph and John Dickinson; also one adopted daughter, Mrs. Eugene Myers
of Lake Charles, La.
The Daily Review, Decatur, 21 Jul 1903
Henry Dickinson died at 10 o'clock last night at his home at 950 South Traver
street of grip, after an illness of four weeks.
Mr. Dickinson was born in Owen county, Ind., and was 64 years of age. He is
survived by a wife and four sons and three daughters, all of whom were with him when he died.
The sons are Charles, Ralph, John and Willard Dickinson, and the daughters, Mrs. S.M. Ralston,
Ella and Mame Dickinson.
Mr. Dickinson had been a resident of Decatur for eighteen years and was well
known as a man of upright character and was held in high esteem by all with whom he came in
contact. He had a wide acquaintance throughout the county, having formerly been engaged in
farming, south of the city. He has not been actively engaged in farming for several years,
but led a retired life with his family.
The Daily Review, Decatur, 14 Apr 1897
The funeral of Henry Dickinson will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from
the family residence, 950 South Traver street. The services will be conducted by Rev. D.F.
Howe of the First M.E. church and the interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, 15 Apr 1897
DICKSON, Joseph C. 
Last night Joseph C. Dickson, who served in the late war as a private
soldier in Co. A, 88th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, died at the family residence on West
Decatur street, in the 60th year of his age. He had lived in Decatur since the close
of the war, and during the past two years had been receiving $72 per month as a pension
from the government. He was afflicted with rheumatism and was not helpless until about
a year ago. Last summer he fell down the stairway leading to Harvey Pascos office, and
was so badly injured that he had to be taken home in a vehicle. About three weeks ago
he had another fall down the same stairway, and it is believed the internal injuries he
received that day caused his death. The deceased was also a Mexican War veteran. He
will be buried tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock with military honors by the Macon County
Veterans Association.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur Illinois, 9 May 1882
There is an additional obituary published in the same newspaper the next
day. According to the second obituary, Joseph Dickson was interred in Greenwood cemetery
on the afternoon of the 10 May 1882. The deceased left a widow and two grown children.
DILL, Ada Florence (Rucker)
Born: 22 Apr 1868 in Macon Co.
Died: 31 Oct 1943 Macon Co.
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
DILL, William
Father of Charles Dill Dropped Dead in Highway Near Maroa
Shortly after 1 oclock Sunday afternoon the lifeless body of Wm. DILL,
father of Charles Dill, of this city, was found lying in the public highway near the
residence of Wm. Davis, in the southwest part of DeWitt county. A bicycle was lying
underneath the body, and it is supposed that death came while the old gentleman was
riding. He made his home with his daughter, four miles west of Maroa, in Macon county.
Mr. Dill was aged nearly 65 years, and just learned to ride a wheel this summer, but
said to a friend that it was the hardest work he ever attempted. Deceased was in
apparently good health, and ate a hearty dinner between 12 and 1 oclock Sunday. After
dinner he started north on his wheel and crossed the line into DeWitt county about
one-half a mile when he was stricken with death. His body had not been there a great
length of time, for he was found about 15 minutes past 1 oclock . Deputy coroner
Emery and deceaseds son, at Clinton, were notified and proceeded to the scene. Dan
Stivers and Dr. D. B. Pelton, of this city, were on the coroners jury, which returned
a verdict of death from a blood clot. Mr. Dill is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Wycoff,
and his five sons. They are Charles Dill, of Clinton; William and Argo Dill, of Rossville;
James Dill, of Terre Haute; and Harry Dill, who recently went to Brand, New Mexico.
Clinton Public, DeWitt Co., IL, Friday, 22 Sep 1899
C.M. Dillinger, of Warrensburg, died there this morning at the age of 65 years.
He leaves a widow, and of a family of nine children, seven survive him, all grown.
About 2 years ago a small blister appeared on one of his toes, which resulted in
a sore, on account of which, a year ago last February, about half his foot was amputated. After
the amputation the wound healed except a small space which continued to suppurate until about
three or four weeks ago, when it healed. Blood poisoning followed and caused his death.
Mr. Dillinger was a leading citizen of this county, respected by all who knew him.
He was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., May 9, 1826; moved to Iowa in 1850 and to Illinois, near
where he died, in 1868 where, with the exception of 2 years, about 1883 and 1884, when he lived
in Decatur, he has lived ever since.
The funeral services will take place tomorrow at his late residence in Warrensburg
and the interment will be at Boiling Springs.
Decatur Daily Republican, 3 September 1891
Born: 11 September 1949 Westmoreland Co., PA
Died: 3 January 1928 Hickory Point Twp., Macon Co., IL
Cause of Death: Pneumonia
Buried: Funeral services at Boiling Springs church, 10 o'clock, burial at Boiling Springs cem.
Married: 1 February 1877 Maroa, Macon Co., IL to Emma Formwalt
Survivors: Including wife, sisters, Mrs. Sally Kelley, Decatur and Mrs. Isabelle Robinson,
Extracted from theDecatur Daily Review, 3 January 1928
Born: 16 February 1888 Bearsdale, Macon Co., IL
Died: 9 February 1930 Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Buried: Funeral services at Boiling Springs, 2:30 o'clock
Married: Edith Peck
Survivors: Including wife, Oliver D. Dillinger, son; sisters, Mrs. Nora Wilson and Mrs. Ola
Good, Decatur; brother Ray A. Dillinger, Decatur
Extracted from the Decatur Evening Herald, 10 Feb 1930
DILLINGER, Mary (Landis)
Died At Age 76 Years
Mrs. Mary Dillinger, An Old Resident of Warrensburg Passed Away
Mrs. Mary Dillinger died at Warrensburg at 8 o'clock Monday night (18 June) as a result of a
complication of diseases, principally a kidney infection. She was 76 years old.
The funeral will be held at the Bethel church in Warrensburg Wednesday morning at
10 o'clock and the services will be conducted by Rev. Kruzan of that village, assisted by Rev.
Walls of Bearsdale, and Rev. Mackey of Decatur. The pall bearers will be selected from among
the grandsons of the decedent.
Mrs. Dillinger is survived by six children, four sons and two daughters, as follows:
John and A.J. Dillinger and Mrs. Belle Berman of Warrensburg; Mrs. Sally Kelley of Decatur; Gilbert
and William D., living in the west.
Mrs. Dillinger has been a resident of Warrensburg since 1875 and was widely known
there and highly respected.
Decatur Herald, 22 June 1906)
DILLMAN, Mary Johanna (Stork)
POCAHONTAS: -- Mrs. Kelsey J. (Mary Johanna Stork) Dillman. 82, of Pocahontas
died 6:25 a.m. Tuesday (July 7, 1987) in Utlaut Memorial Hospital, Greenville.
Services will be 9:30 a.m. Friday in st Nicholas Catholic Church, Pocahontas.
Visitation will be 2 to 4 and 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday in Dewey-Schildknecht Funeral Home,
Greenville, with 8 p.m. prayer service. Burial will be in Robinson Cemetery, Pocahontas.
Memorials: St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Pocahontas, or St Lawrence Catholic Church, Greenville.
Mrs. Kelsey was born in Stonington, daughter of Frank and Mary Stork. She
was a retired schoolteacher for Pocahontas Public Schools, a member of St Nicholas Catholic
Church and the Alter Society.
(Note: OBIT incomplete. Last part missing)
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Dillner was held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Moran's
chapel and was the first funeral held in the new chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. O.W.
Lawrence, pastor of the Central Church of Christ, and Rev. J.C. Willits, pastor of the First Methodist
There was a large attendance, many of the old residents who knew Mrs. Dillner before
her removal to Kansas twenty years ago, being present. The music was furnished by Miss Eva Coberly,
Mrs. J.E. Patterson and C.H. Bennett. The flowers were in charge of Miss Grace Foster, Mrs. Lucas,
Mrs. Day and Mrs. Wendell. The pallbearers were Daniel Moore, James F. Steele, Frederick Schwab
and W.P. Butt, members of Dunham post, 141, G.A.R. The interment was at Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Review, 5 Dec 1910
DILNER, Daughters
Last evening two little girls, children of Mrs. Dilner, a widow residing on
North College street, while playing around the stove, upset a boiler of boiling coffee,
throwing the scaliding fluid upon both. The eldest, aged about four years, was scalded
in the face and her her shouder and breast; the younger, aged two years, was scalded on
both legs. Dr. W.B. Hostetler was called, and everything done for the little sufferers
that was possible, but it is thought that the older one cannot survive her injuries. The
younger one seems to be getting along well. At the time of the accident the mother of
the children, who is a hard-working woman, was working for Mr. T.C. Sterrett, near
Warrensburg, having left the house in the care of a young girl and her step-son. She
arrived on the train about nine o'clock, to find the children burned and scalded almost
to death. In her terrible affliction she will have the warm sympathy of all our people.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 8 Jan 1873
In yesterday's paper we spoke of the scaling of two children of Mrs. Dilner,
a widow residing on College street. The eldest was so severely scalded about the head
and face that death ensued yesterday afternoon at about three o'clock. We learn that
Mrs. Dilner is a hard working woman and is a worthy object of charity.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 9 Jan 1873
The youngest child of Mrs. Dilner, which was scalded Wednesday is not
expected to live.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 10 Jan 1873
The youngest child of Mrs. Dilner which was scalded last Tuesday, died
yesterday, and was buried in the same grave with her sister.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 11 Jan 1873
DILLS, Dorsey
At the family residence, 1 1/2 miles south of Decatur at 1 a.m. Wednesday Feb 25,
of lung fever, Forsey Dills, son of H.B. and Olive V. Dills, aged 1 year, 9 months and 3 days.
The funeral will be held at the house at 10 a.m., March 1. Burial at Mt. Gilead.
Decatur Daily Republican, 28 Feb 1894
DINGER, Samuel
Samuel Dinger, an old resident of Argenta, died at his home west of there Friday.
He was seventy-two years old. His death was due to apoplexy.
Mr. Dinger was a member of the Argenta Odd Fellows lodge for thirty years. He is
survived by his wife and four children, Mrs. Amy Rannenbarger of Cisco, Harry Dinger of Kansas
City, Kan., Miss Gladys Dinger and Charles Dinger of Argenta.
Arrangements were made to have the funeral Saturday afternoon at the United
Brethren church in Argenta and the interment in Friends Creek cemetery.
Decatur Review, 1 July 1922
Ray Dingman died at ? o’clock Saturday night at the home of his parents Mr.
and Mrs. John Dingman three miles southwest of Niantic. Death was caused by cancer from
which he had suffered a long time. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Long Point
church, conducted by Rev A.L. Gepford of Shelbyville. Interment was in Long Point cemetery.
Mr. Dingman was born in August, 1897, on the place where he died. He leaves
his parents, his wife, Mrs. Ada Dingman, three children four brothers, George, John, Harley
and Dorell Dingman, and four sisters, Mrs. Iva Bernard, Mrs. Grace Bernard, Mrs. Fern Elder,
and Ruth Dingman.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 26 April 1926
Fred G. Dipper and Capt. Peter Schlosser Pass Away Same Day
Latter A Veteran of War
Both Recognized as Among Decatur's Best German Citizens
Capt. Schlosser succumbed to cancer at 4 o'clock in the morning in St.
Mary's hospital. He was 75 years old. For the past two months he had
been confined to the hospital. Ten months ago he became afflicted and
since that time he had steadily declined until death brought relief
Capt. Schlosser, also, was recognized as one of Decatur's best known
Germans. Like Mr. Dipper he had spent the best part of his life in
Decatur, having lived here for 42 years.
He was born in St. Julian, Germany, and came to this country when he
was 17 years old. He married Miss Clara Minich in Decatur in 1866.
From Private to Captain.
When the call for soldiers was issued at the time of the Civil war, he
enlisted in the Eighth Illinois Regiment as a private. His military
training in Germany stood him in good stead and he soon became a
captain, the office he held when he was mustered out of service. He was
a good soldier and fought in many of the hardest battles of the war. For
many years the family has lived at 1004 East Wood street. The deceased
leaves a widow and a niece, Mrs. Augusta Schlosser, who lives in the
state of Washington. The body was taken to Moran's undertaking
establishment and prepared for burial. Tonight the remains will be
removed to the home of Mrs. Augustus Harpstrite, corner Broadway and
East Prairie street, from where the funeral services will be held at 2
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harpstrite is a sister of Mrs.
Schlosser. The services will be held under the auspices of Dunham Post
No. 144, G.A.R., of which the deceased was a member. Interment will be
made in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Daily Herald, Decatur, IL, October 26, 1908
Submitted by: Eric Taylor, Seattle, WA
Mrs. Ellen C. Disbrow died in her home near Warrensburg Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock. Mrs. Disbrow was 82 years old.
She was born in Chillocothe, O, March 10, 1849. She was married to Alonzo
Disbrow in Warrensburg on Feb. 22, 1875. She ahd come to Illinois as a young woman and lived
for 60 years in and near Warrensburg. She was prominent in work of the Warrensburg Methodist
Besides her husband, Mrs. Disbrow leaves the following children; Lewis W.
Disbrow, Warrensburg, Mrs. S.A. Cattlerbuck, Sioux City, Ia., E.B. Disbrow, Warrensburg and
a foster daughter Nellie Schoernock, Port Huron, Mich. A sister, Mrs. Bartie Bean, Iowa Point,
Kan., also is left.
The body was taken to the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home. Funeral services will
be conducted at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the Methodist church, Warrensburg. Rev. Donald
Gibbs will preach the funeral sermon.
Decatur Herald, 12 Jan 1931
DISBROW, Mary Elizabeth (Allsup)
Was Ill a Long Time At Maroa
Maroa, Feb. 12 - Mary Elizabeth Disbrow died Suday, Feb. 10, at the home of her
brother, Warner O. Allsup, following an illness of many years. The immediate cause of death
was dropsy, but she had been afflicted with rheumatism and had been an invalid and almost
helpless for months. Mrs. Disbrow's home was at Wichita, Kan., but she canse here last May
to make her home with her brother.
Prior to her marriage Mrs. Disbrow was Miss Mary Elizabeth Allsup, and she was
a daughter of the late Washington and Margaret Allsup. She was born on a farm in Dewitt county,
Ill., Aug 22, 1849, being seventy-four years, five months and eighteen days old. She was united
in marriage to Arthur C. Disbrow of Maroa when she was about twenty years of age. Mr. Disbrow
was at one time engaged in the restaurant business here. Mr. and Mrs. Disbrow moved to Wichita
in 1879, where they have since resided. Mrs. Disbrow is survived by her husband, and on account
of the condition of his health he will be unable to attend the funeral. No children were born
to the couple.
Mrs. Disbrow is survived by one brother and the following nieces and nephew; Mrs.
George Butler, Orville Allsup, Mrs. B.F. Caplinger, and Mrs. George T. Smart. All resided in Maroa
except Mr. Allsup, who recently moved from here to Memphis, Tenn. A brother, Minor Allsup, died
four years ago.
Mrs. Disbrow became a member of the Christian church when she was a young girl.
Funeral services will be held from the church here at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev.
H.H. Jenner. Burial will be in the Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Review, 12 Feb 1924
DISNEY, Joshua
Joshua Disney died on Sept. 23, at his home in the East Park Boulevards, in the
70th year of his age. Burial at Boiling Springs cemetery to-day.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 24 Sep 1889
The funeral of Joshua Disney was held yesterday at his home in East Park Boulevards.
The services were conducted by Rev. Charles Manchester, and the burial was at Boiling Springs.
The pall bearers were all old friends from Fairview, Ill., of whom there were a number present.
Mr. Disney was a resident of Fairview many years, though he had lived in Decatur but two years.
Decatur Morning Review, Decatur, IL, 25 Sep 1889
Joshua Disney died on Monday, September 23, at 8 a.m. at his home in the East Park
Boulevards, aged 69 years, 6 months and 10 days. The deceased was born in Baltimore and has
resided in Illinois for thirty three years.
Saturday Herald, Decatur, IL, 28 Sep 1889
DISNEY, Mary Ellen (Fulk)
Born: 7 Oct 1862 in Long Creek, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Josiah Ticen & Anna Margaret (Fulk) Fulk
Married: Leander R. Disney
DOANE, Charles H. 
Charles H. Doane, of Elkhorn, Wis., died at 2:15 o’clock Wednesday morning
at St. Mary’s hospital. He was seventy-eight years old last January. His death was
caused by paralysis.
He and his wife were both in poor health when they came to Decatur five
months ago to be with her relatives. He was born in Indiana Jan, 3, 1849. He and Maude
Brockway were married in Chicago March 12, 1902. He was a member of the G.A.R. post in
Elkhorn. He is survived only by his wife.
The funeral will be held at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning at the Dawson &
Wikoff chapel. The burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 13 Apr 1927, pg. 2
Mrs. Nancy Dobenspeck died at 10:10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, at the family residence, 798
South Colfax street. She was 75 years old. She is survived by her husband Wesley Dobenspeck, and
eight children, besides a brother, William Lukin, of Chestnut, Ills. The children are Mrs. W.L. Howard,
Mrs. J.J. Miller, Mrs. W.H. Mils, Mrs. John Wallett and Mrs. John Glasgow, all of Decatur, Mrs. A.J.
Poole of Joliet, Mrs. Daniel Zink of La Place and Martin Dobenspeck of St. Louis.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning from the residence, and the
interment will be at Mt. Gilead cemetery. Rev. W.F. Gillmore will conduct the services.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Nov 1898
DODSON, Benjamin F.
Was Formerly with Barnum and Bailey's
Had Narrow Escape When Arcade Hotel Burned.
Ben F. Dodson, for years a widely known resident of Decatur, and an old showman
and theatrical man of varied experiences and travels, died at the Decatur and Macon county
hospital at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. He had been in poor health for the past two years.
Dodson was formerly with the Barnum and Bailey circus and was advance man for
years for some of America's foremost actors and actresses. He had traveled all over this
country and had been through Europe, Africa and Australia.
At the time the Arcade and Decatur hotels burned in Decatur about two years
ago, Dodson barely escaped from the conflagration with his life. His heart showed much
weakness at that time, and he nearly died then. He was on the seventh floor of the Arcade
when the fire broke out.
The lights went out and he lost his way in the dense smoke. He was barely
conscious when one or two young men found him in the hallway and piloted him to the street
Many people knew Dodson, had talked with him and learned parts of his history
but perhaps no one knew the whole connected life. In fact it would have required several
volumes to tell of all the things that had happened during his lifetime. Practically all of
his life was spent in the show business and he was quite a friend of C.G. Powers, but even
the latter cannot give many definite points about Dodson's life.
"I don't know where Ben was born," said Mr. Powers, "but I think he was about
sixty-four and sixty-five. He was twice married, his first wife having died. His second wife
and a daughter reside in Indianapolis. He also claimed to have a son in New Orleans but we
were never able to locate him.
"He always claimed Decatur as his home but most of his years were spent in
travel with shows. He had been around the world several times, had been before many of the
crowned heads of Europe, had had all sorts of exciting experiences. He finally settled down
in Decatur, I think about fifteen years ago. Since then, he has performed odd jobs around.
Dodson was night watchman on the new Powers building when it was built and one
season took care of the Three-T ball part here. He was a thirty-third degree ball fan and
seldom missed a game. He knew all the big circus and theatrical people and could tell
incidents about nearly all of them. In September, 1915, he appeared before the local Drama
league and made perhaps the most interesting talk the members had ever heard.
He was quite a large and fleshy man until a few yesars ago when he began to lose
flesh and had dropped off considerably at the time of his death. As far as can be learned, no
one in Decatur is related to him.
To Miss Cleland and the nurses at the hospital, he had told stories of his
travel and said that he had a son and daughter living in South Africa. He carried on
correspondence with no one. He had been at the hospital five times. On previous visits,
after he would improve, he would leave and stay down town but each time he did this, he became
ill again. While his death had been momentarily expected for several days, he did not seem to
realize that death was coming.
Another who knew Dodson to a certain extent, said that at one time he owned a
neat sum of money, that his mother resided on North Water street in Decatur until her death
some years ago, and that he has some nephew here.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Feb 1917
DODSON, William
Passed Away Last Night at 10 O'Clock
And for Years Was in the Employ of the Illinois Central Railroad -
Held in High Respect in Community.
William Dodson, one of the well known citizens of Decatur and a member of the
board of fire commissioners, died last night at 8 o'clock at his home, No. 975 East Eldorado
street, aged 67 years. Death was caused by a hardening of the liver, a complaint with which
Mr. Dodson has been suffering for a number of years. Within the past year he has been
rapidly failing and has been confined to the house most of the winter. His friends and
relatives realized that he could never recover and during the past few weeks Mr. Dodson's
condition has been such that his death was expected at any time.
William Dodson was of English nativity, having been born on March 14, 1831, in
Swanesey, near Cambridge, England. He came to the United States in his boyhood with his
father, William Dodson, Sr. The family made their home at Lockport and Batavia, New York,
until 1852, when they came west to Decatur. Mr. Dodson began driving a team for the Illinois
Central road and was brakeman on the first construction train going out of Decatur. He then
had charge of baggage at Sondoval, Ill., and held that posiiton for six months. In 1855 he
became a baggage master at the Union depot at Decatur and held that position for 27 years.
Under President Pierce's administration he was appointed mail messenger, carrying the mail
from the depot to the postoffice. From that time he served continuously as mail messenger and
transfer clerk for the government until President Cleveland's administration, when he was
relieved of his duties as mail messenger, but continued to serve as transfer clerk, holding
that position until 1893. He was the only transfer clerk stationed at this place up to that
time and handled all the mail that went in and out of the city.
On October 28, 1856, Mr. Dodson was married to Miss Mary E. White of Decatur.
He is survived by his wife and two children, George R. Dodson of Spokane, Wash., who is now
in the city, and Miss Daisy Dodson of Decatur. He leaves two cousins, Mrs. Henry Lunn of this
city and Phillip Dodson of Boesman, Montana. These are his only relatives in this country.
He also leaves a brother and a sister in England.
Mr. Dodson was in the employ of the railroad longer than any man in the city.
On account of this fact he had made many friends and was a man who was held in the highest
esteem by those who knew him. Mr. Dodson was a solid, substantial man, and a person who
always commanded respect. Years ago he was chief of the fire department and during the past
three years he has been serving on the board of fire commissioner, having been appointed to
that position under Mayor Conklin and reappointed by Mayor Taylor. In the office of
commissioner Mr. Dodson was a valuable man and carried out plans along that line of work
which were of great benefit to the city. He was quite popular with the members of the fire
department. Mr. Dodson was also a member of the Volunteer Firemen of Decatur and was a member
of Celestial Lodge, Mo. 186, I.O.O.F., having been identified with that organization for the
past 36 years.
In his early years, Mr. Dodson was a supporter of the Democratic party and cast
his first vote for President Buchanan. In 1860 he supported Abraham Lincoln and since then he
has been a staunch Republican.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the residence.
The services will be conducted by Rev. W.F. Gillmore and the burial will be at Greenwood
cemetery. The member of the Volunteer Firemen, the Odd Fellows and some of the members of the
city fire department will attend the funeral in a body.
Daily Republican, 11 Apr 1898
DONAHUE, Patrick W.
P.W. DONAHUE, AGED 52, DIES (31 July 1915)
Former Member of Police Department
P.W. Donahue of 545 North Jackson street, died at 2:50 Saturday afternoon at St.
Mary's hospital. He was 52 years old. He had been in steadily failing health for over a year,
suffering from a complication of diseases. The immediate cause of death was uraemic poisoning.
Mr. Donahue had lived in Decatur thirty years, coming here from Grand Rapids, Mich.,
where his aged mother still resides. He was a member of the police department for a number of
years and was later in business for himself until his health began to fail. He was a member of
St. Patrick's Catholic church. He was always good hearted and charitable and he had many friends.
Besides his wife, he is survived by three sons, Joseph F. Donahue, Thomas Donahue,
and James Donahue, all of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's church. High
mass wil be celebrated by Rev. Father Murphy. THe interment will be at Calvary.
Daily Review (Decatur), 1 August 1915
The funeral of P.W. Donahue was held at 9 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's
Catholic church. There was a large attendance, the church almost filled with friends. Many
beautiful floral tributes were sent. The services were conducted by Rev. Father J. Murphy. The
music was furnished by Mrs. Margaret Muleady and Ed Haynes. The flowers were in charge of Miss
Isabelle McGinty, Miss Isabelle Sullivan and Mrs. James J. Moran. The pallbearers were Dan
Dineen, Thomas McGowan, P.W. Finn, Dan Sullivan, Joe Halpin and Edward Dunn. The interment was
in Calvary.
Daily Review (Decatur), 2 August 1915
DONOVAN, Murray Francis
Date Of Death: 12 January 1922 Macon County, IL
Murray F. Donovan who is attending Notre Dame university, will arrive home Wednesday
to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. William Donovan, 255 Park Place.
Decatur Review, 18 December 1921
Murray S.(sic) Donovan, who has been spending the Christmas holidays with his parents,
Mr. & Mrs. William Donovan, 255 Park Place, was operated on for appendicitis at St. Mary's
hospital Wednesday morning.
Decatur Review, 4 January 1922
Became Ill of Appendicitis on Vacation
Murray Francis Donovan, died at St. Mary's hospital at 6:50 o'clock Thursday morning.
He was twenty-two years old December 16. Mr. Donovan, who had been attending the law department
at Notre Dame university, Notre Dame, Ind., came home to spend the holidays with his parents.
After reaching home he became ill and was taken to St. Mary's hospital, where he was operated on
for appendicitis. Complications developed, causing his death Thursday morning.
Mr. Donovan was well known among the young people of Decatur. He was born and
reared in this city, attended the public schools and graduated from the Decatur High school. He
then entered Notre Dame university and was taking the second year of the law course. He was an
unusually bright student and his credits were always good. Among his fellow students he was held
in high esteem and here in Decatur he leaves a host of friends.
He was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church and of the Knights of Columbus.
Besides his parents he is survived by two brothers and two sisters, William E. Donovan of Boston
Mass., teacher of piano in the New England Conservation of Music; Sister Mary Agnes of the
Ursuline Order in Decatur and Ruth Donovan and John Donovan, at home.
The body was removed to the Moran & Sons undertaking establishment. The funeral
will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The services will be
conducted by Rev. Father J. Murphy. The interment will be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, 12 January 1922
The funeral of Murray Francis Donovan, son of Mr. & Mrs. William Donovan,
will be held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The interment will
be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, 13 January 1922
The funeral of Murray Francis Donovan, son of Mr. & Mrs. WIlliam Donovan was held
at 9 o'clock Saturday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church. A great many friends attended
the services and many beautiful floral tributes were sent. Solemn requiem mass was celebrated,
with Rev. Father J. Murphy as celebrant, Rev. Father Charles Meagher as deacon and Rev. Father
Ryan as sub-deacon.
The music was furnished by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hayes, Miss Anna Doran and Miss Agnes
Muleady. Professor William Nees was the accompanist. The flowers were in charge of Miss Mae Hoben,
Miss Katherine Hoben, Miss Azalea Cook, Miss Marguerite Dooley, Miss Margaret Burke and Miss Mary Frank.
The pallbearers were Frank Myer, Jr., Arthur Delahunty, Robert Russell, Jack Crinnzigan,
James Nolan, Raymond Dunn, Leo Stengle and William Fahay, all members of the Knights of Columbus.
The interment was in Calvary cemetery. Postmaster Jake Hill, Former Postmaster W.M. Bering and employees of the Decatur
post office attended the services in a body.
Decatur Review, 14 January 1922
DOOLIN, Charles B.
Charles B. Doolin, for a number of years a motorman for the Illinois Traction system,
died at 2:30 o'clock Sunday morning at his home, 2115 North Monroe street. He was fifty-one years
old last March. His death was caused by paralysis and heart trouble.
Mr. Doolin was born in Bement March 2, 1870. He had resided in Decatur about thirty
years. After serving as a motoman on the interurban lines for a number of years he took a position
as forman in the shops of the same company. He had to retire about two years ago after suffering a
stroke of paralysis. He was well known and had many friends. He was a member of the Church of St.
Thomas, the Apostle. He is survived by his wife and five children, Mrs. Dorothy Garrison, Miss
Margaret Doolin, Charles Doolin, Jr., Miss Helen Doolin and Donald Doolin, all of Decatur. He also
leaves the following brothers and sisters: J.S. Doolin, Patrick Doolin, Thomas Doolin, Gus Doolin,
Mrs. Ellen Hill and Johanna Doolin, all of Decatur, Nicholas Doolin of Detroit and Mrs. Mary Madison
of Chicago.
The body was taken to Moran & Sons, funeral directors, and prepared for burial, and
later taken to the home of the brother, 1264 North College street. The funeral was held Monday
morning at St. Thomas' church. The burial was in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, 21 Nov 1927
Came to Tracy W. Douglass Sunday Night as a Result of Paralysis
Funeral Services This Morning - Burial At Peoria
Tacey W. Douglass, who by reason of his position as stationmaster of the Wabash
was one of the most widely known men of the city, died at his apartments in the Isaac Harkrader
home on Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock. His death was not unexpected. Last Thursday Mr. Douglass
experienced a slight stroke of paralysis and had to leave his duties and return to his home.
He resumed his work on Friday, not thinking that the attack was a serious one, but he was again
stricken that day and again taken to his home.It was not until Friday night that his condition became alarming. At that time
his wife was reading to him and afterward he took the book and read himself, but he suddenly
dropped it, his body became limp and he lapsed into unconsciousness. From that time he was
unable to recognize anyone, and the family and friends realized that it was merely a question
of time until the end. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Douglass, Mrs. W.V. Tefft and Mrs.
L.R. Turner, came from their home in Peoria and were with their father when the end came. Mr.
Douglass was unconscious when the final summons came.
The decedent was a native of West Chazy, Clinton county, N.Y., where he was born
on August 24, 1845. He was descended from Scotch ancestry and lived with his parents on a farm
until 15 years of age, when he went to Odgensburg, N.Y. It was there that Mr. Douglass entered
upon his career as a railroad man. He had a year's service in that section and when the war
broke out he enlisted in the 106th New York Volunteers and served with that regiment throughout
the war.
When the war was over he returned to Ogdensburg and took a position on the
Odgensburg & Lake Champlain railroad, which he held until 1875, and a year later he came
west and took a position as passenger conductor on the T.,P. & W., making his home in
Peoria. He held that position until he came to this city in 1885, where he has since made his
home. Mr. Douglass was married to Miss Luthera J. Armstrong, who with her two daughters
survive him. Mr. Douglass was a member of the Order of Railway Conductors, Division 79, and
also of Dunham post 141.
His Life Here
In 1885 when E.N. Armstrong took charge of the middle dicision of the Wabash, he
brought Mr. Douglass to this city and he was made station master of the new depot. He worked
for all the railway companies then and proved to be a valuable man in the position, owing to
his knowledge of railroading gained during the long course of years he was a passenger
conductor on the T.P. & W.
When the new Wabash station was built Mr. Douglass was made station master, which
positions he held until his death. He had hosts of friends among the railroad men of the
country and his position brought him in contact with the public of Decatur and the traveling
public as well, so that his acquaintance became a wide one. He was ever attentive to his
duties and carefully looked after the interests of the company and of the people. His
experience in handling the crowds and directing passengers to the trains made him a valuable
man. During recent years his health has not been robust, but he was faithful to the duties of
his position and the company that employed him.
The funeral will be held at the residence this morning at 9 o'clock,a nd the
services will be conducted by Reb. S.H. Bowyer of the Baptist church. The remains will be
taken to Peoria for burial. Members of Dunham post G.A.R. will attend the services.
Decatur Herald, 26 Jan 1904
Mrs. Mary Dowling, widow, died at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Dec. 30, at he home, 205
South Main street, of pneumonia, aged 53 years. She is survived by five daughters, Miss
Mollie of Chicago, Mrs. Will Lindsay, Mrs. Ed Oden, Misses Kate and Ella of Decatur. Funeral
announcement later.
Decatur Review, 30 Dec 1901
DOWNEY, Cyrus 
Cyrus Downey died at 8:45 yesterday morning, at his home, 1535 North Calhoun
street. He was 68 years old. He leaves a wife, six children and a brother. He was born
in Urbana, Ohio, and was converted in 1852, when he joined the United Brethren church. He
was also a veteran in the late war. Mr. Downey was a sincere and earnest Christian, for
whom death had no terrors. Up to the last his mind was peaceful, and he was contented to
die. At all times he was cheerful, comforting those around him, singing psalms and praises.
His death was like the setting of a summers sun in a cloudless sky. The funeral will be
held at 1 oclock Thursday afternoon at the U. B. church.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 15 Feb 1893
According to another obituary published in the Decatur Daily Republican,
Cyrus Downey had been a resident for nine years. Details of Mr. Downeys funeral were
published in The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois on 17 Feb 1893.
DOWNING, Harvey W.
H.W. Downing Was Member of Volunteer Fire Department
The body of Harvery W. Downing was brought to Decatur Sonday morning from Jacksonville and
was removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial and later taken to the family
residence, 346 East Washington street, where the funeral will be held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The
interment will be at Greenwood.
Harvey W. Downing was born at Circleville, Ohio, in 1854. He came with his parents to Decatur
when he was six years old. He attended private school and later the public schools and when he grew to
manhood he took a position at the Hatfield mill, where he was employed for many years.
He later engaged in the saloon business on South Park street, the firm being Downing &
Clarkson. While in this business he was shot by a drunken man names John Thomas, in the saloon. The bullet
broke his jaw and lodged in the back of his neck.
A year later to the day he was out hunting with Fred and Phil Mueller when his gun was
accidentally discharged,shooting away two of his fingers.
Mr. Downing was always an athlete. In the days of the Volunteer fire department he was one of
the fastest runners. He had a number of medals won in foot races, and also a number won in walking matches.
He was the champion pedestrian of Illinois for several years.
Mr. Downing was sent to Jacksonville three years ago last January. The bullet was never
removed from his neck, and the physicians at Jacksonville said that his trouble was doubtless due to the
pressing of the bullet on his spine., and that he probably would have suffered no ill effects had the bullet
been removed at once. Thomas, who shot him, was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.
Mrs. Downing went to Jacksonville last week, and his daughter Mrs. Tom McDermott, and son,
Kenneth, and Ponytelle Downing also went Saturday and were with him when he died. He is survived by three
brothers, Will and Wayne Downing of Decatur and John Downing of Dayton, O., and one sister, Mrs. M.V.
Brigham of Sioux City, Ia.
Decatur Review, 9 Aug 1909, pg. 10
DOWNING, Margaret A.
The mortal remains of the late Mrs. Margaret A. Downing were consigned to the grave
in Greenwood cemetery on Sunday afternoon in the presence of a large number of friends. The funeral
was hedl at the home of the son of the deceased, Harvey W. Downing, at 622 West Wood street, Rev.
W.H. Prestley, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. Music was furnished by R.W. Chilson, Music
was furnished by R.W. Chilson, A.B. Alexander, Miss Lizzie Knieper and Miss Ruth Hammer. The
pall-bearers were W.L. Hammer, R.N. Newell, N.L. Krone, J.L. Peake, A.C. Stevens and J.W. Butman.
The members of the family desire to extend their grateful thanks for the kindness and sympathy
extended during the illness and death of the aged lady.
Decatur Daily Republican, 7 Jan 1889
DRAPER, Abraham L.
Born: 6 Mar 1862 in Mt. Zion Twp, Macon Co.
Died: 7 Dec 1938 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: John Anderson & Sarah W. (Jones) Draper
Married: Dec 25, 1888 in Macon Co. to Rhoda I. Maddox
#2 marriage 1907 to Florence Mills
DRAPER, Bertha L. (Stuart)
Born: 30 Dec 1859 in Oreana, Macon Co, IL
Died: 19 Nov 1887
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Oliver L. & Elizabeth (Kile)Stuart
Married: Mar 27, 1884 in Macon Co. to Thomas J. Draper
DRAPER, Elizabeth (Smith)
Born: 23 Feb 1868
Died: 7 Jun 1953
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Oct 28, 1886 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co. to Ulysses Grant Draper
DRAPER, Florence (Mills)
Born: 15 May 1874 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Died: 28 Mar 1940 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: William H. & Sarah A. (Daubenspeck) Mills
Married: to Abraham Lincoln Draper
DRAPER, Ida I. (Davis)
Born: Jun 22
Died: 12 Aug 1930 Greenup, Cumberland Co, IL
Married: Apr 06, 1884 in Piatt Co, IL to Purnel Harris Draper
DRAPER, John Anderson
John Anderson Draper, the oldest white man born in Macon county and one of
the last survivors of a party of sixty men who left Decatur for the gold fields of
California March 25, 1850, died at 4 o'clock Friday morning (23 Jul 1920) at the home
of his son, A.L. Draper, 1152 East North street. His age was ninety-two years,
three monts and twenty-seven days. His death was due to infirmities incident to old
age. He had been confined to his bed since Jan 1.
Mr. Draper is survived by six sons, T.J. Draper of Mt. Zion; J.A. Draper of
Edwardsville; P.H. Draper of Greenup; A.L. Draper, U.G. Draper and L.S. Draper, all
of Decatur.
He possessed a remarkable memory of events that occurred in the early days.
He knew personally practically all the people in Macon county who were in business
when he was a boy or who became prominent in any way at all.
The things that later became so common to him were unknown when he was a
boy. He saw the first railroad which entered this territory, the first electric lights, the
first telephone, the first check rower, the first binder, corn planter, bicycle, automobile
and even flying machine. His record as a boy was mostly that of work, yet some
how he managed to be present at most of the big things that occurred in Macon
county in those days. A few years ago the Review printed a series of articles giving
Mr. Draper's reminiscences of the early days in Macon county. They would have
filled a fair sized book. They were interestingly told, for Mr. Draper was a good talker.
His memory of events was exceedingly good.
When he was a boy Macon county was a hunter's paradise. Most of the meat
supply of the community in which he lived was supplied by the hunters when he was
a boy. On many occasions a party of hunters would go out in a wagon and come
home with the wagon filled. They would have deer, wild turkeys, prarie chickens,
ducks, geese, in fact about every kind of game one could think of. It would be
distributed among the neighbors and generally there was more than enough to go
around and much of it was wasted. Prairie chickens were as common as domestic
fowls, and Mr. Draper in one day caught eighty prairie chidkens in a trap.
It was on March 25, 1850, the anniversary of Mr. Draper's birth, that he and
fifty-nine other Macon county men started for the Calfornia gold fields when the gold
rush was at its height.
Mr. Draper was a member of the Methodist church at Mt. Zion. Throughout his
long life he held the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.
The funeral will be held some time Sunday, but the arrangements have not yet
been completed. The interment will be in the Mt. Zion Cemetery.
Decatur Review, Fri., July 23, 1920, p. 6
Born: 19 Jun 1854 in Salem, IL
Died: 6 Feb 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Litchfield, Montgomery, IL
Parents: William & Elizabeth (Neal) Draper
Married: Ethyln Draper
DRAPER, Lewis Sherman
Born: 25 Dec 1866 Mt. Zion Twp, Macon Co.
Died: 21 Jun 1943 Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: John A. & Sarah W. (Jones) Draper
Married: Oct 17, 1888 in Macon Co. to Mary Nona Hunt
Children: OrlandoC. Draper, of Decatur
Died: 26 Feb 1932 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL
DRAPER, Martha (Banta)
Born: 8 Apr 1848 Johnson Co, IN
Died: 4 May 1933 in Macon, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Macon Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Abraham & Emma (Ransdal) Banta
Married: Oliver Draper
DRAPER, Mary (Wonacott)
Mrs. Mary F. Draper, wife of Thomas Draper, died at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon
(Jan 31, 1919) at the family residence in Mt. Zion. She was fifty-four years old last
May. Her death was caused by a complication of diseases.
Mrs. Draper was born in Mt. Zion May 31, 1864, and had lived there all her life.
She and Thomas Draper were married Sept. 24, 1889.
Mrs. Draper was a member of the Presbyterian church and had many friends.
She is survived by her husband and two sons, Guy M. Draper and Virgil M. Draper,
both of Mt. Zion.
Decatur Review, Sat, Feb. 1, 1919, p. 8
(Burial in Mt. Zion Cem.)
DRAPER, Nolie Mae (Vowell)
Born: Jan 06, 1875
Died: 17 Apr 1946 Chicago, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Sep 20, 1891 in Macon Co. to John A. Draper
DRAPER, Purnal
Born: Oct 06, 1859 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co.
Died: 24 Jun 1932 Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL
Buried: Casey Cem., Clark Co, IL
Parents: John A. & Sarah W. (Jones) Draper
Married: Apr 06, 1884 in Piatt Co, IL to Ida F. Davis
Children: Howard M. Draper
DRAPER, Rhoda I.
Born: Nov 29, 1867
Died: Dec 25, 1889
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: Dec 25, 1888 in Macon Co. to Abraham L. Draper
Died: 1899
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem.
Parents: Abraham Lincoln & Rhoda I. (Maddox) Draper
DRAPER, Thomas J.
Thomas J. Draper died at 4:15 o'clock Saturday morning (13 Nov 1920) at his
home in Mt. Zion. He had been in failing health for a long time. His death was
caused by a complication of diseases.
Mr. Draper was born at Mt. Zion about sixty-five years ago, (3 Mar 1855) the
son of J. Anderson & Sarah W. (Jones) Draper and had
lived there all his life and was known to everybody in the community. He had been a
farmer during all his active life. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and
I.O.O.F. lodge No 300 of Mt. Zion, and Macon lodge No 8 A.F. and A.M. of Decatur.
Mr. Draper's wife (Mary P. Wonacolt) died about two years ago. He is survived by two
sons, Guy M. Draper of Mt. Zion and Virgil M. Draper of Decatur. He also leaves the
following brothers; John A. Draper of Edwardsville, P.H. Draper of Greenup, A.L. Draper,
U.G. Draper and L. S. Draper, all of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian church
in Mt. Zion, under the auspices of Macon lodge No. 8 of Decatur. The interment will
be in the Mt. Zion cemetery.
Decatur Review, Nov 13, 1920, p.8
DRAPER, Ulysses Grant
Born: 15 Dec 1864 Mt. Zion Twp, Macon Co.
Died: 15 Aug 1929 Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: John A. & Sarah W. (Jones) Draper
Married: Oct 28, 1886 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co. to Elizabeth S. Smith
John P. Drennan the father of J. P. Drennan of The Review died Wednesday
morning at 6:30. He was 85 years old. Mr. Drennan had been for many years in feeble health,
but was able to be about all the time and for one of his years and active life retained his
physical and mental faculties in a remarkable way. Even the day before his death he went a
block or more from his home on business and apparently was as well as he had been for months.
The night before he had a fall but it did not seem to hurt him. Late that night
it was noticed that he seemed to be sleeping heavily, almost as if in a stupor, but it was
not unnatural and no uneasiness was felt. In the morning he had scarcely changed his position
and seemed in a deeper sleep, so a physician was called. Just as he arrived life passed away.
The change was without pain and was perfectly peaceful.
While the death of Mr. Drennan was sudden it could not be said to be unexpected
to himself or to others, and it came just as he would have wished, with the least possible
care and alarm for others. His thoughts on this line are shown by a little item that was
printed in The Review only Monday and which was read in his hearing it was headed, The Tenement
Was Old. When he heard it he said, That is my case exactly. It is as follows:
An old gentleman, past 80, was asked by a friend how he felt. Thank you,
replied the old gentleman, I myself am well sir, quite well. But the house in which I
live at present is becoming dilapidated. It is tottering upon its foundation. Time and
the seasons have nearly destroyed it. Its roof is pretty well worn on. Its walls are much
shattered and it trembles with every wind. The old tenement is becoming almost uninhabitable
and I think I will have to move out of it soon but I myself am quite well sir, quite well.
Such a statement might have been made by Mr. Drennan himself. It would not
have been unlike him. Feeling the weight of his many years and a life of unusual activity,
the tenement had shown signs of wear for some time, but it was always well with him.
Gentleness, thoughtfulness, care for others, forgetfulness of himself always characterized
him. Even at this time he had absolutely no fear of the future and could look forward to
it as a moving to a better place.
Mr. Drennan was born at Canton, Stark county, O. in 1815. He moved with his
father and family to Mansfield O. in 1821. He entered a dry goods store in 1833 and was
engaged in that business for many years. He was associated with his brother William Drennan
and they at one time had one of the biggest stores in that neighborhood. They were important
factors in the commercial life of those early days for quite a large section of Ohio. Mr.
Drennan made many journeys to New York when horses and boats of the Erie canal were the only
means of conveyance. He went to sell the great stores of produce that they shipped and to
buy the big stock of goods that they carried.
Soon after they opened that store a young attorney secured a small frame
building adjoining and hung out an attorneys shingle. He practiced law in Mansfield for
many years and as time went by he and Mr. Drennan, the prosperous and busy merchant next
door, became close friends. They engaged together to many undertakings of various kinds
and the friendship that was formed was one of the strong and.of youth or early manhood.
The young attorney was John Sherman, the Ohio statesman who died but a short time ago.
Mr. Drennan was popular with the people of the county in which he lived and
was elected treasurer and to other important offices. He volunteered for service at the
breaking out of the war and was commissioned first lieutenant of a company and then
regimental quartermaster of the Eight-second Ohio infantry. His regiment served in
Virginia and he was at the second battle of Bull Run, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain,
Atlanta, and other important engagements. His position of quartermaster was taxing on
strength of body and mind and he made the greatest exertions to discharge faithfully the
duties of his office. He was wounded in the leg while on duty, but kept in the saddle for
hours and although he suffered severely for months lost no time. He suffered from that
wound the rest of his life.
During 1864 and 1865 he was captain and resident quartermaster in charge
of clothing, camp and garrison equipage at Cincinnati. This depot supplied the whole
southwest and south and disbursed $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 a month. In 1867 Mr. Drennan
moved to Alton Ill. where he was in business for four years and then he moved to Roadhouse.
Before the war and after it he was engaged in buying wool all over the middle west and
became familiar with this group of states when they were yet new and in places almost
unsettled. After a few years in business in Roodhouse, Mr. Drennan retired from active
life. He came with his family to Decatur in 1888.
Since living here, Mr. Drennan has lived quietly but made a surprisingly
large number of friends for one who went about so little. Those who became acquainted
with him recognized him as a man of unusual character. It was the good fortune of the
writer to know Mr. Drennan for many years, and although . Much might be said of his
generous nature that made him always careful of others, of his delightful disposition, of
his bright mind well stored with incidents and information pertaining to a most interesting
period in our countrys history. He was a most unusual man, a fine man in the truest
sense of the word.
Mr. Drennan was probably the oldest Mason in Illinois. He was initiated
soon after he was 21, sixty-four years ago and retained his membership to the last. He
was a member of Beaumanoir commandery, No. 9, K. T. He was also an Odd Fellow. In early
life he joined the Congregational church at Mansfield, O. and has always been most active
in the local organization wherever he has been. He was a charter member and deacon for
life in the Decatur church and has since its organization been deeply interested in the
welfare and all that pertained to it. Few are as sincere or unselfish in their church
life as he has been.
In 1846 Mr. Drennan married Rebecca Riley, and she survives him. To them
were born two children, John P. and Eunice R. both living. He leaves one brother, M. J.
Drennan, and two sisters, Mrs. Kate Cook of Brooklyn, N. Y. and Mrs. Artemisa McDonough
of Plymouth, O.
The funeral will be held at 3 oclock Thursday at the residence at 136
West North street, and will be extremely quiet. No flowers.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 28 Nov 1900
A.J. Dresbach, aged 64 years, died of pneumonia at 6:45 a.m. Sunday, March 15, at
the homse of his son, Charles Dresbach, at Warrensburg. The deceased was well known in Macon
county, having lived in Whitmore township for many years. He was born in Ross county, Ohio,
October 24, 1931, and came to Illinois in 1861. He settled on a farm in Whitmore township and
lived there until four years ago, when he came to Decatur to live. About a year ago he went
to Warrensburg with his son who is engaged in the drug business at that place. The deceased
had been in good health until about three weeks ago when he suffered an attack of pneumonia,
which proved fatal. He leaves two children, Charles and Mary Dresbach, both of Warrensburg.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at the residence in
Warrensburg. The services will be conducted by Rev. George R. Newkirk and the burial will
be at the North Fork cemetery.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, 19 Mar 1896
DRESSEN, Phillip H.
Born: 9 Aug 1870 in Germany
Died: 25 Aug 1932 in Assumption, IL
Buried: 29 Aug 1932 in Calvary Cem., Decatur, IL
Parents: Casper and Mary Dressen
Marriage #1: Miss Cathryn (Katrina) Driscoll
Marriage #2:1917 to Pauline Tenbusch
Children: Charles, Marguerite, Phillip, Jr., Joseph and Elizabeth Marie
DRURY, George W.
Dr. Drury, Veteran Physician, Is Dead
Suffered From Bright’s Disease Two Years – To County in ‘58
Dr. G.W. Drury died at 7 o’clock Friday morning at the family residence, 1193 West
Decatur street. His death was caused by Bright’s disease with which he had been afflicted for
about two years.
Dr. Drury was one of the veteran physicians in and around Decatur for twenty-five
years and enjoyed a lucrative practice until ill health forced him to retire. He is survived by
his wife and two brothers, Josiah Drury, of City Center, Kan., and Charles Drury, of Springfield,
George W. Drury was born in Morgan county in 1858. He came to Macon county with his
father when he was but five years of age and settled in Maroa township. He attended what was known
as the old Center _ and later the school at Forsyth. He later became a student in the _ Medical
College and graduated in _ after which he established his practice in Forsyth and remained for _
years. At the end of that time he moved to Oreana where he was associated with Dr. _ McBridge in
the _. He remained here for _ years and also continued in _ medicine.
He them came to Decatur and stayed (– rest of paragraph is mostly unreadable.)
He married Ruth Lehman on 8 Mar 1881, daughter of Albert Lehman and she died in January
1886. His second wife was Daisy Bixler, daughter of Andrew Bixler of Forsyth. He became a member
of the Knights _ when he was twenty-two years of age.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 10 Jul 1908
DRURY, Ruth (Lehman)
Died, at Oreana, on January 10, of consumption, Mrs. Drury, wife of Dr.
George W. Drury, aged 40 years. Funeral Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock, from the family residence,
Rev. D.P. Bunn officiating. The body will be brought to Decatur on the train for interment in
Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Daily Republican, 11 Jan 1886
DUGAN, Arthur
Arthur M. Duggan Contracted Fatal Disease
Arthur M. Duggan died at the residence of his father, J.M. Duggan, 1211 North
Main street, about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Death was caused by tuberculosis of the stomach.
Mr. Duggan contracted this disease while serving in the army in the Philippine islands. He was
in the hospital for about a month and was discharged and started for home Nov. 7, 1900. He has
been at his home in this city since then but has not been well at any time.
Mr. Duggan belonged to Company L, Fourteenth infantry, and was with the army
fourteen months. Before enlisting he lived for about twelve years in Decatur. Before that he
lived at Chesterfield, Ills. Before he went into the army he was a bricklayer's apprenctice and
after he came back, he worked long enough to finish his trade. He was about 23 years old. He
leaves a wife (Hattie) and child 10 months old, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Duggan, all of
Decatur; a grandmother, Mrs. Minerva A. Duggan of Scottsville, Ills; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Winn
of Oklahoma; two uncles and an aunt. All are expected to be in Decatur at the funeral.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the North Main street
Methodist church. The burial will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 21 Apr 1903
DUGGAN, Helen Louise
Helen Louise Duggan, the 8-months'-old daughter of James and Elizabeth Duggan, died at
11:30 Monday morning at the residence, 777 East Wood street, after an illness of about two weeks.
The time of the funeral will be announced later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Oct 1907
DUGGAN, Michael
Had Been Ill But A Few Days With Pneumonia
Michael Duggan died at 6:15 o'clock Wednesday morning in one of the rooms over his
saloon at the southwest corner of South Park and North Franklin streets. Pneumonia was the cause
of his death. He had been suffering with a bad cold for about two weeks and let himself go
without medical attendtion till too late. He had been sick in bed only a few days. Not many
people knew he was sick.
Duggan has been known in Decatur for twelve or fifteen years. During a large part
of that time he ran a saloon at the corner of Park and Franklin streets. He was between 30 and
35 years old, but no one seemed to know his exact age.
His home was formerly in Dalton City. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Duggan, who stll live there. He leaves his parents and five brothers and three sisters. The
brothers are Steve, Richard, William, Tom and John, and the sisters are Mary and Kate of Chicago
and Agnes of Dalton City.
The body was taken to Wikoff & Moran's and from there sent to Dalton City. The
date of the funeral has not yet been set.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 March 1904
DUGGAN, Michael 
Michael Duggan, who has been an inmate of St. Marys Hospital for the
last ten years, died there yesterday at 4 oclock p.m.
Michael Duggan is well known to most people of Macon County. He was
born in county Limerick, Ireland in 1810, and came here 41 years ago. He came because
the United States was his ideal of what a government should be, and he determined to
pursue happiness in a land which recognized the fact that all men are endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which were life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness. As soon as he landed on Americans soil he became an
American. The cause of freedom occupied a high place in his heart, and it was only
ten years after his arrival when the events of secession and rebellion against his
adopted government fanned his patriotic impulses into a blaze. He stood with the
civilization of an oligarchy. When Abraham Lincoln issued his first call for troops
Michael Duggan was among the first to respond. He enlisted in Battery I, Second
Illinois Artillery in which organization he re-enlisted and served until the close
of the war. He was with his battery and participated in twenty-six battles and
skirmishes in all. Michael Duggan was acknowledged to have acted as among the best
soldiers. His battery was connected with the fourteenth Army Corps and participated
in Shermans march to the sea. At the siege of Island No. 10, he was severely injured
but temporarily recovering from the injury he served until the close of the war.
That injury, however, culminated in paralysis about twenty-two years ago, since which
time he has been an invalid until relieved by death. About ten years ago he was
placed in St. Marys Hospital of this city, where he remained until his death. He
leaves four children to mourn his departure; Stephen Duggan of Pine Bluff, Ark.; Mrs.
Catherine Hogan, of Lake City; Michael Duggan of Dalton City; and Miss Bridget Duggan,
of this city.
Thus one by one those who stood on the line of battle, in the fierce
flame of war, delivering battle for the maintenance of the government of the people,
by the people and for the people, hear the last call of the bugle and fall asleep.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur Illinois, 29 Jan 1891
DUNBAR, Daniel H. 
Daniel H. Dunbar, a veteran of the Civil war, and for a number of years
manager of the Citizens Mutual Telephone company in Decatur, died at 4:30 Wednesday
afternoon at the residence, 555 East Bradford street.
His death was caused by heart and kidney troubles, with which he had
suffered for a number of years. He had been able to be up and around the house most
of the time during his illness, and was sitting on the porch an hour before his death.
He was fond of the open air and went out on the porch to enjoy the warm sunshine. He
remained out longer than usual. Then he went to his room and took a short nap. He
called his wife, and when she went to him, he was bleeding from the mouth, and though
a physician was immediately summoned, he died before medical aid could reach him.
Mr. Dunbar was born in Scott county, ILL, Nov. 19 1841. In 1861 he
enlisted in the Seventh Illinois Volunteer Cavalry, serving three years and three
months. He was a brave and faithful soldier. On May 22, 1872, he was married to
Miss Mary E. Nicholls of Blue Mound, where Mr. Dunbar was engaged in the mercantile
business, from which he retired to move to Decatur in 1891. For a number of years,
he was manager of the Citizens Mutual Telephone company in this city. Since then
he has been storekeeper in the machinery department at the Wabash shops.
Mr. Dunbar is survived by his wife, Mary E. Dunbar, but there are no
other relatives living except two nephews whose address is unknown. The only child
of Mr. And Mrs. Dunbar was Mervil Dunbar who died in 1906, aged 32 years old.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 6 May 1909
DUNBAR, Fredericka
Died: 10 Apr 1930 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Juan (Joan) Dunbar, whose illness was mentioned in the Herald Wednesday
morning, died at his home in Argenta Wednesday night. His death followed a stroke of
paralysis which came upon him last Friday. The deceased was a veteran of the civil
war, having served as a sergeant in co. A, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. The
deceased is survived by two sisters living in Kansas and by one sister living in Cerro
Decatur Herald, Decatur Illinois, 15 Jan 1904
DUNCAN, Cedric
Nine Year Old Boy at St. Marys With No Chance for Life
Cedric Duncan, a 8 year old Lintner boy who was seriously stabbed and slashed
by his half crazed grandfather, Dr. W.T. Gannon, was brought to St. Marys hospital Friday nights.
At 1 oclock Saturday afternoon he was barely alive and was not expected to live till night.
The funeral of Dr. Gannon, who while insane, slashed the boy Friday noon and then
killed himself, was held at A.C. Duncans residence at 9 oclock Saturday morning. Rev. John
Arnold conducted the last services. The interment was in the LaPlace cemetery.
Dr. Gannon had a terrible temper. said Mrs. Barbara Gannon, his widow, Saturday
morning I have no doubt that he attacked Cedric in one of his fits of fury. After he recovered
from his attacks of violent anger, he always repented and that was probably what caused him to
kill himself. An announcement of the suicide and attempted murder in Fridays Review caused
a sensation throughout this section of the state, as the Gannons and Duncans were well known.
A.C. Duncan, father of the attacked lad, is part owner in a general store in Lintner.
Both Kenneth and Helen Duncan, two of the Duncan children, were at the home of
their grandmother, Mrs. Barbara Gannon on North Clinton Street, Saturday. Kenneth was with
his brother when the old man made the attack and it was he who first gave the alarm and brought
assistance. Kenneth told his story, brokenly, as follows.
Cedric and I had been playing in the back yard. We had been out getting some
hay in the wagon and grandpa had objected to our taking the wagon. So when we came back we
started to build a tent in the yard. Grandpa came out and told us to stop playing that we were
not doing anything right and wed better quit before we tore up everything.
Well, we didnt pay much attention to him. Grandpa is such a funny fellow. Hes
always fighting with us. Papa bought us a set of tools to build houses with, but grandpa took
them away from us and hid them in his room. So when grandpa told us to quit playing, mamma
came out of the house and said.
Cant you let the children alone. They are not bothering you.
Grandpa looked awful wild out of his eyes and I was afraid of him. His long,
black whiskers bristled out from his chin and his eyes seemed to glow like two balls of fire.
He looked like Blue Beard in my story-book as he stood there clenching his hands. Then he
turned abruptly and went upstairs to his room.
Well, Cedric and I wanted some of our books up in grandpas room, so we started
up after them. I arrived at the door first. He stood there and looked at me so funny that
I was afraid and didnt go in. Then Cedric went in and I went back down stairs.
When I arrived at the bottom of the stairs I stopped and listened. Everything
was still, awful still, and I felt terribly lonely. Then I heard the most horrible scream
coming from grandpas room. I turned and ran upstairs. I looked in the door and saw the old
man with his hands on Cedrics throat, beating him on the head with a heavy iron bolt.
I ran down stairs and then to fathers store nearby. I cried out, Grandpa is
killing Cedrick. Father ran back to the house. Thats all I know if it. At this point the
boy broke out crying.
Gannon slashed the boy with a pocket knife in five places in front and back of
the body. Then he cut the lads throat from ear to ear, narrowly missing the jugular vein.
He then picked up a square headed bolt and beat the boy over the head with it. Then the boy
broke loose, ran out and fell exhausted from the loss of blood at the foot of the stairs.
Gannon then shut his door, picked up his gun, lay down on the couch, pressed
the muzzle against his eye and pulled the trigger. The bullet crashed through his brain and
death was instantaneous.
The injured boy was placed on a couch and efforts were made to stop the flow
of blood. Physicians were called from nearby towns, but the boy had lost much blood before
they arrived. The boy was brought to Decatur at 9 oclock Friday night and was taken
immediately to St. Marys hospital, where his injuries were addressed.
Dr. Gannon always was a shiftless fellow, said Mrs. Barbara Gannon We have
been married for forty-three years and during that time I have supported him all but four
years. We have never been divorced nor have we separated but he went out to live with my
daughter and her husband because I was unable to care for him any longer.
He was at one time considered a bright man, but his temper always got him
into trouble. He and I never had any quarrels because I knew enough not to say anything
when he got one of his attacks of anger.
Mrs. Duncan told me that he has been acting strangely lately, and perhaps
he was a little insane. But whenever he became angry he was always repentant afterward
and would ask pardon from those whom he had injured. I think it was his repentant mood
that caused him to kill himself.
I am taking care of my daughters two other children while she remains
with Cedric at St. Marys Hospital. I think if the boy dies she will go insane herself.
Dr. Gannon was 73 years of age. Mrs. Gannon is 69. She has lived in Decatur
for thirty-seven years in her house at 920 North Clinton street. Cedric Duncan is 8 years
old, Kenneth is 10 and Helen is 4.
The Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 31 Aug 1907, pg. 1
Cedric Duncan Passes Away Without Pain
Boy Thinks to Last He Will Recover
After a quiet sleep lasting three hours, Cedric Duncan, the lad who was terribly
stabbed and beatne by his insane grandfather in Lintner last Friday, died peacefully and painlessly
at St. Mary's hospital, Sunday night. The boy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Duncan were with the
boy at the last. The mother is almost prostrated.
The body was taken to the Dawson's undertaking establishment where it was prepared for
burial. It will be shipped to the Duncan home in Lintner at 5:20 o'clock Monday afternoon. The
funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The interment will be in the LaPlace
The boy had nothing to say before his death. He seemed to think he would recover from
his wounds and was making plans for future enjoyment when he reached his home. A recently purchased
set of harness for his pony was sent to the hospital so the boy could see it.
Coroner T.C. Burton held an inquest over the body of Cedric Duncan, who died of stab
wounds in St. Mary's hospital at 10 o'clock Sunday night, in the Dawson undertaking parlors at _
o'clock Monday afternoon. The only witnesses were to be A.C. Duncan, father of the boy, Jerry
Duncan, his uncle, and Dr. W.C. Bowers.
The Daily Review (Decatur), Mon., 2 Sep 1907, pg. 1
Grandfather Killed Him Is Verdict - Funeral at Lintner
An inquest over the body of little Cedric Duncan was held Monday afternoon at C.E.
Dawson's undertaking establishment. The verdict was that death resulted from wounds inflicted by
his grandfather, W.R. Gannon, August 30.
The boy's funeral will be held at La Place Wednesday afternoon, the cortege leaving
the residence at Lintner at 1:30. The interment will be at the La Place cemetery.
The Daily Review, (Decatur), Tues, 3 Sep 1907
Funeral of Unfortunate Lad is Largest Ever Held There
The largest funeral ever held at La Place was that of little Cedric Duncan, son of
Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Duncan, who died at St. Mary's hospital in Decatur from wounds inflicted by his
grandfather at his home in Lintner. The funeral was held Wednesday.
A short service was held at the residence in Lintner at 1:30, conducted by Rev. H.J.
Floreth of Hammond, assisted by Rev. James Bicknell of Lovington and Elder John Arnold of Lintner.
At 2:30 public services here held at the German Baptist church at La Place, conducted by Rev. Mr.
Hellman of Joliet, a former schoolmate of A.C. Duncan. Music was furnished by a quartet from the
Methodist church at Hammond composed of Mrs. J.A. Vent, Mrs. J.W. Dick, F.E. Bernard and E. Bolin.
Their selections were "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Safe In the Arms of Jesus" and "Asleep in Jesus."
Mrs. Ed Chapman of La Place sang a solo, "Face to Face."
Over 1,000 people were in attendance. There was a profusion of beautiful floral
tributes in charge of Ola Williams, Bernice Dickey, Sarah Malloy and Mary McNickle. Friends were
present from Decatur, Hammond, Lovington, Casner and Lake City and intermediate points. The active
pallbearers were Norman Duncan, John Duncan, Guy Miller, Willard Miller and Ernest Miller of Lintner
and Warren Duncan of Decatur, all cousins of Cedric Duncan. The honorary pallbearers were Walter
Malloy, Homer Wallace, Everett Verner, Doris Floreth, Merl Shinneman and Wilson Miller. There were
275 vehicles in the cortege. The interment was at the La Place cemetery.
The Daily Review, (Decatur), Thur, 5 Sep 1907
DUNCAN, William H.
William H. Duncan died at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Charley Roderick, 545 East William street. His death was caused by heart trouble after a long illness.
Mr. Duncan was born in Washington county, Ky., Oct. 22, 1850, near the old Rock Bridge
church, of which congregation he became a member in 1884. He and Darcus J. Gibbs were united in
marriage Aug. 23, 1870. To this union were born twelve children, three of whom preceded him in death.
He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. Charley Roderick, Mrs. Hanson Andrews,
Stanley, Nicholas and Perry Duncan, all of Decatur, Joseph Duncan of Boody, William L. Duncan of St.
Louis and Mrs. Roy Rhodes of Dalton City. There are thirty-one grandchildren and thirteen great
grandchildren. He also leaves a brother and sister, John Duncan and Mrs. Mark Harding of Bloomfield,
Ky., and a nephew, Robert Harding of Decatur. He was well known and had many friedns.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the residence, 545 East
William street. The burial will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Feb 1924
Mrs. Anna Dunham, 83, died at 10:45 pm Wednesday in the farm home on Rock Springs road where
she had lived for the past 45 years. She had been ill several days.
The widow of C.E. Dunham, who died in 1917. Mrs. Dunham was born in Canada on Sept 29, 1863
and moved to Iowa at the age of 12 years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Phillips.
She was married at Storm Lake, Iowa on Nov 27, 1883. Mrs. Dunham, who had been a member of the
Salem Baptist church, leaves five children, Charles, route 4, Miss Cora Dunham and Henry, at
home, Mrs Mabel Warnick, rural route 8, and Wesley, Maroa. There also are three brothers, two
sisters, 11 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Services will be held at 2:30 pm, Saturday at Brintlinger's funeral home and burial will be
in Fairlawn cemetery. Friendw may call at the funeral home after 7pm today.
Decatur Review, 19 December 1946
DUNHAM, Charles E.
Charles E. Dunham, aged sixty three died suddenly Sunday morning about 5:30 at the Dunham
residence about five miles southwest of Decatur. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of death
from unknown causes, probably heart failure. Mr. Dunham had been in ill health for some time
but had not had medical attention. He was near the house Sunday morning looking at some fencing
which he had recently repaired when he was suddenly stricken. His fourteen year old son,
Phillip, saw him fall, and he called other members of the family who were unable to revive him.
He was born at the Dunham homestead, 1203 West Main Street, and had lived in Macon county
all of his life, with the exception of sixteen years which he spent in Iowa farming. He had
lived on the farm southwest of Decatur for fifteen years. He is survived by his wife, two
daughters, Cora R. and Mabel Dunham, at home, four sons, Charles P. Dunham, of Argenta and
Henry R. Wesley E. and William Phillip Dunham all at home. In addition he is survived by one
brother, Henry Dunham of Decatur; four sisters, Mrs. Sarah E. Daly, Mrs. Caroline E. Bullard,
Mrs. Hannah R. Pharo and Miss Marietta Dunham, all of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at the Dunham residence, 1203 West Main street, Wednesday afternoon
at 2:30. Interment will be held at Fairlawn cemetery. The body will be brought to Decatur to
the Dunham home, 1203 West Main Street, Tuesday evening. Friends may call at the home any time
Decatur Review, Monday, 5 Nov 1917
DUNHAM, Dayton
Dayton Dunham Dead
Quietly Passes Away After a Sojourn of Eighty Years
Dayton Dunham quietly passed away at 11:10 o'clock yesterday morning at his home,
1409 West Main Street in his eightieth year. His death was not unexpected at the time it occurred,
as he had been feeble for some years. Eight years ago he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis,
which affected his right side and impaled his intellect to a considerable extent. Since that time
he had a second stroke and the third came last Wednesday, and from that time until death came he
was perfectly helpless and altogether unconscious.
Mr. Dunham was a faithful and devoted member of the First M. E. church. He was a
man who had the esteem of all who knew him, and his acquaintance was not a limited one by any
means, he having lived in Illinois since 1833.
The deceased was born in Essex county, N.J., Nov. 12, 1814. Henry Dunham, his father,
was a tailor and was the father of eleven children. He died of cholera at Ft. Wayne, Ind., at the
age of 69 years. Dayton Dunham was a hatter by trade. July 9, 1837, he married Marilla Robinson,
whose parents were native of Vermont. To the couple were born ten children, six sons and four
daughters. The living children are Henry D. Dunham, Mrs. Sarah E. Dalley, Mrs. Caroline E.
Bulliard, Mrs. R. L. Perry, Charles E. Dunham, Marietta and Hartwell R. Dunham. Among the sons
who died was Amos Dunham, who was killed in the war during the battle of Ft. Donelson.
Mr. Dunham came to Macon county in 1836, when Decatur was but a small hamlet. He
followed his trade for awhile, did teaming, and finally purchased the home place, twenty eight
acres, and engaged in farming pursuits. When the war broke out Mr. Dunham enlisted in Company B,
Eighth Illinois regiment, which was first commanded by Governor Oglesby. He served until after
the battle of Ft. Donelson, in which engagement he was so badly wounded that he was rendered
unfit for further duty. He was on crutches three years after he was injured. His health improving
Mr. Dunham then began the work of gardening, which he followed for some years, and for many years
Mrs. Dunham, who survives her husband, carried on a greenhouse. In May, 1886, the deceased suffered
a paralytic stroke.
The deceased was a member of the Dunham post, 141, G A R , which was named in memory
of his son Amos, who was the first Macon county volunteer killed in the service.
Decatur Review, 6 Sept 1894, p.2
Funeral of Dayton Dunham
The funeral of the Dayton Dunham was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the
residence at the west end of Main street. The funeral cortage was one of the largest ever seen
in Decatur. The funeral was in charge of Dunham Post G. A. R. The G. A. R. post, sons of veterans
W. R. C. and the Decatur guards marched from the residence to the cemetery. At the funeral services,
the residence was crowded with the friends and relatives of the family. Rec. D. F. Howe preached
the funeral sermon. The burial was in Greenwood.
Decatur Review, 11 November 1897, p.2
Submitted by Kay Robinson who is related to Mr. Dunham's wife, Marilla.
DUNHAM, Mrs. Emma
Mrs. Emma Dunham, 87, widow of Henry D. Dunham, died at her home, 975 West Eldorado street,
at 5:45 pm Wednesday after a long illness
Funeral services will be held in the Monson chapel at 2:30 pm Friday. Burial will be in the
Fairlawn cemetery. Friends may call at Monson's
Emma Dramer was born in Winchester, Ohio, Jan 9, 1850. She was married in Decatur in 1870 to
Henry D. Dunham who died May 5, 1934. She was a sister-in-law of Amos Dunham, after whom the
local Dunham G.A.R. post was named. Henry Dunham, her husband, was reported as the first white
man born in Macon county.
She leaves two children, Orville H. Dunham, Decatur, and Mrs. Eva M. Rodrick of Phoenix,
Ariz. There are two sisters in Logansport, Ind., and two brothers in Long Beach, Calif. There
are two grandchildren, Amos and Florence Dunham of Decatur.
Members of the Relief corps will meet at Monson's funeral home at 2:30 pm Friday to give
ritualistic services for Mrs. Dunham.
Decatur Review, Thur Apr 29, 1937
Henry D. Dunham, 96, veteran Wabash railroad man and the only remaining charter member of
the Goodman band, died at 6 pm, Saturday in his home at 975 West Eldorado street. He was ill
only five weeks.
His death brought to a close a career of hard work and adventure. He was widely known
throughout Macon county for his activity in patriotic affairs. He served in the Civil war.
During his earlier days he worked with a construction gang for the old Northern Cross railroad.
He was called upon as the feature story teller at every Wabash veterans reunion.
Mr. Dunham was born April 22, 1838 in a little log cabin near the site where Millikin
university now stands and was the oldest of a family of seven children, all of whom preceded
him in death. When a boy of 16, Mr. Dunham with horses and oxen, yanked logs from timbers
around Decatur and delivered them to the railroad carpenters for construction of bridges in
1853-54. He was one of few men who recalled when the Northern Cross and Illinois Central
railways came racing for Decatur, Northern Cross winning by a few days. Mr. Dunham procured the
timbers from land west of VanDyke street near Eldorado street, which at that time was virgin
timber, mostly oak.
Culvert building did not end his service with the railroad. Years later he constructed
fences along the right of way of the St. Louis branch when it was put through Decatur.
He enlisted in the Civil war as a drummer boy with his brother, Amos Dunham, who was killed
in action and his father, Dayton Dunham, who was shot through the foot. Mr. Dunham was tilling
land which is now Van Dyke street, north from Eldorado street, when the war first broke out. He
was in the same regiment with his brother Amos and was at the battle of Fort Donelson where his
brother was killed. Dunham Post No. 141, G.A.R., was named in honor of Amos Dunham, and Henry
Dunham was one of the the surviving members.
After returning from the war mr. Dunham worked as a carpenter and later in the Central
freight house. During the past few years Mr. Dunham and his wife, Mrs. Emma Kramer Dunham,
have been honored frequently by patriotic organization. Mr. and Mrs. Dunham were married in
1870. He leaves his wife, two children, Orville N. Dunham, 995 West Eldorado street, and Mrs.
F.H. Rodrick of Phoenix, Ariz. and two grandchildren, Florence and Amos Dunham. The body was
taken to the Monson funeral home. Definate funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Burial will be at Fairlawn Cemetery Mausoleum, services 3:30 Pm Tuesday
It Occurs At His Daughter's Home at Pawnee
Laban Dunham, cousin of Dayton Dunham of Decatur, died Friday night at
9 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edna Durbin, at Pawnee, in Sangamon
County. He was 80 years old. About two months ago Mr. Dunham left Decatur. He was
in feeble health then instead improving in health he rapidly failed. He was an old
resident of Decatur, a member of Company E, One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois
infantry, and was well known throughout Central Illinois. His sons are William and
Udorus Dunham.
The body was brought to Decatur last night at 9 o'clock and taken to
the residence of J. H. Kingsley on North Monroe Street. The funeral will be held
this morning at 10 o'clock at Janes Chapel. Rev. J. T. Finley will conduct the services.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 4 Sep 1892, pg. 3
DUNHAM, Marietta
Miss Marietta Dunham died at 8:30 o'clock Sunday night at her home, 1203 West Main
Street. She was seventy two years old last October. Her death followed a third stroke of apoplexy.
Miss Dunham was stricken a little over a week ago. Nothing could be done to save her and she grew
weaker steadily till the end. She was well known among the old residents of Decatur. She and her
twin sister, Mrs. Henrietta Pharo had resided in that house for a great many years. Miss Dunham
was born Oct 20, 1851, in a log cabin on what was and is still known as Dunham Place, then a
considerable distance west of the city. Now the city has grown up all around the place and many
of the handsome homes of the city are located there.
Miss Dunham was a number of one of the pioneer families of Macon county. Her parents
were Dayton and Marilla Dunham, early settlers. She was a sister of Amos Dunham, the first Macon
county soldier to lose his life in the civil war, and in honor of whose supreme sacrifice, Dunham
Post 141 G.A.R. was named.
Miss Dunham was only fifteen years old when she united with the First Methodist Church.
She never married but devoted her life to the members of her family and to others unselfishly.
She taught Sunday school in the old Jaynes chapel for many years. This chapel was located on the
south side of West Main Street, between Monroe and Pine streets. Miss Dunham is survived by three
sisters and a brother, Mrs. Sarah E. Daly, Mrs. Caroline E. Bullard and Mrs. Henrietta Pharo,
all of Decatur, and Henry D. Dunham of Miami, Fla.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the residence 1203
West Main st. The burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery. Members of the family request that
no flowers be sent.
Decatur Review, Monday, 21 January 1924
DUNHAM, Marilla
Mrs. Marilla Dunham, one of the old settlers of the city, died at the family home
on West Main street at 1:30 am, Wednesday, Nov 10 after a long illness. The immediate cause of
her death was paralysis, with which she was stricken last Friday. Her entire right side was affected
and she was unable to talk.
She was 80 years old and is survived by seven children. They are Henry D., Charles
E., and Hartwell R. Dunham. Sarah Daly, Mrs.James Bullard, Mrs. I. Pharo and Miss Marietta Dunham.
Three children are dead. They are Amos R. Orren and Orris. Amos R. Dunham was the first of the
Macon county volunteers to fall in the late war, and it was in honor of his memory that Dunham
post, G.A.R., was named.
Mrs. Dunham has resided on the home place on the West Main Street road for sixty
years, and at one time perhaps knew personally about every resident of the county. Her maiden
name was Marilla Robinson, and was born at Royalston, Windsor Co., Vermont, Dec 20, 1817, coming
to Macon County with her parents in 1830. She was married to Dayton Dunham, July 9, 1837. She
was a member of the First M.E, Church and also of the Macon County Old Settlers association.
Illinois was pretty much of a wilderness when she came here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J.H. Robinson. There were several in the party and the trip to Illinois was made overland.
Silas Packard and his parents were members of the party, though at that time Silas Packard was
but a boy. Of late years Mrs. Dunham had not been about very much, but she will be remembered by
all of the older residents of the county.
The history of Macon county could not be written without mentioning the Dunham family.
The father, Dayton Dunham, was one of the first to enlist in the Eighth Illinois Volunteer infantry.
Which was under the command of R.J. Oglesby and two or three of his sons followed his example
and fought side by side with him. Amos R. Dunham was shot and instantly killed in the battle of
Fort Donnelson and when he fell his father picked up his lifeless form and carried it to the
rear, afterwards returning to the conflict. A great many of the older residents of the city
called at the Dunham home yesterday to offer sympathy to the brereaved family.
The funeral arrangements have not been completed, but it has been decided that
Dunham Post shall attend in a body as a mark of respect.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 11 November 1897
Services at the Residence Are Largely Attended - Others.
The funeral of Mrs. Marilla Dunham was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from
the family residence on West Main Street. The services were conducted by Rev. ? Craft of the
First M. E. church and were largely attended. Dunham post, ?, G. A. R., which was named in honor
of her son, was present in a body, as was also the members of Dunham Relief Corps. There were a
great many beautiful floral tributes. Approiate music was rendered by a quartet composed of Misses
Ollie Sutten and Lillian S? and R.C. Augustine Milton Johnson, Jr. Their selections were "Go,
Pray Thy Sorrow," "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and "Rock of Ages."
Rev. Mr. Craft paid a beautiful tribute to the memory of Mrs. Dunham telling of
her lovely life in the community and of her many Christian virtues. The honoary pall bearers
were W. E. Nelson, George W. Bright, Wesley R.Shu?, R.J. R ?, A.C. Stevens and John I. Adams.
The active pall bearers M? Graham, Hugh Daly Edward Buliard, William Gring, Ollie Robinson and
New Gonker. The internment was at Greenwood.
The Decatur Review
Submitted by Kay Robinson who is Mrs. Dunham's gg-niece.
DUNN, John J.
Dalton City Farmer Dies. John J. Dunn, lifelong Resident of Macon County.
(NOTE: son of Peter & Mary Dempsey Dunn)
John Joseph Dunn of near Dalton City, one of the best known farmers in Macon
county, died at 4:10 o'clock Thursday morning at St. Mary's hospital. He would have been
sixty-seven years old in July. His death was caused by a complications of diseases. He had
been in the hospital just one week.
Mr. Dunn was an unusually strong and rugged man and until a week ago, he had
never known what it was to be ill. On Feb 22, he over-exerted himself and was taken to the
hospital that day.
Life Long Resident
Mr. Dunn was born in Macon county near Warrensburg, July 14, 1861 and has lived
in the county all his life. He and Miss Kate Hughes were married at the Church of the Sacred
Heart in Dalton City in 1897. For the last forty-nine years, he resided on the farm three
miles west of Dalton City. He was a member of the Church of the Sacred Heart in Dalton City,
the National Society for the Propagation of Faith and of Marquette council, Knights of
Columbus in Decatur. He was known to almost all the old residents of the county and was held
in high regard by all.
He is survived by his wife and three sisters, Mrs. Patrick Nolan of Las Vegas,
N.M., Mrs. Nellie McCarthy of Tampa, Fla. and Mrs. John Henneberry of Dalton City. The body
was taken to Moran & Sons Funeral Directors and prepared for burial. The funeral will probably
be held Saturday at the Church of the Sacred Heart.
Decatur Daily Review, Thurs., March 1, 1928
Submitted by: Kay Robinson, Mr. Dunn's
great grand uncle.
DUNN, Lewis
Son of Peter & Mary Dempsey Dunn
Lewis B. Dunn died at his home Friday morning, July 24th of apoplexy, aged 36
years, 11 months and 24 days. He was born near Warrensburg in 1867. He was married to
Lizzie Henneberry November 29, 1893, and to this union were born three children who survive
him. About three years ago Mr. Dunn purchased some rice land in Louisiana and moved there.
While residing there he contracted malarial fever and never fully recovered. About a year
ago, he returned and had been in his usual health until Thursday about midnight when he
became quite sick. He grew worse and died a short time before noon Friday. A few days before
his death, he traded his Louisiana land for a farm near Mt. Zion and some property in
The funeral took place Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Sacred Heart
Church, Rev. Father McGuire officiating. The internment was in St. Isidore cemetery. The
floral offerings were beautiful. J.H. Uppendahl, George Bobbitt, William Hogan, Michael
Hogan, William Delahunty and William Kennedy were pall bearers. The Modern Woodsmen of
America attended in a body.
Bethany Echo (IL), Friday, July 31, 1903
Submitted by: Kay Robinson
Lewis Dunn was the submitter's great-grand uncle.
DUNN, Marguerite C.
Born: 14 Jun 1907 in Lake Fork
Died: 28 Dec 2000 in Springfield, IL
Buried: Mt. Auburn Cemetery
Parents: Rial and Charlotte Foster Conaway
Married: Roy F. Dunn on 27 Aug 1925
Children: Jack, Bob, Lee, Eileen, Mary Lou, Alta, Barbara, Sue
DUNN, Mary
Mr. Mary Dunn Dies
She Came Here From Dalton City for a Visit
Mrs. Mary Dunn died at 2:25 a.m., Wednesday, Jan. 6 of pneumonia at the residence
of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas McGowan, 942 East Eldorado Street. She was 60 years of age and
leaves seven children, Mrs. Patrick Nolan, Las Vegas, N.M.; Mrs. Thomas McGowan, Decatur, Mrs.
John Hennebery and John, William Louis and Nellie Dunn of Dalton City.
Mrs. Dunn was a native of Queen's county, Ireland. She came with her parents to
America in 1816 and settled in Massachusetts. After a short residence there the family moved
to Macon county and made their home near Dalton City. Mrs. Dunn's husband, Peter Dunn, died
in 1882.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from St. Patrick's Catholic
Church. Rev. Father Brady will charge of the services and the internment will be at Calvary
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, January 7, 1897, p. 8
Submitted by: Kay Robinson
DUNN, Peter
Dunn-At his residence, three miles north of Dalton City, at 4 am Saturday, July
15, 1883 , Mr. Peter Dunn, aged 49 years.
The deceased was one of the most prominent farmers in Milam township, and enjoyed
in an unusual degree the respect and confidence of his neighbors and acquaintances. He was a
through farmer and foremost in every work of progress and improvement in his neighborhood. He
was a loving husband, indulgent father and kind neighbor. His last sickness was of about three
weeks duration , and from the first his recovery was deemed doubtful. The remains were brought
to this city yesterday, accompanied by over two hundred of his former friends and neighbors of
Milam township. Here the funeral cortege was joined by numerous friends from Mt. Zion,
Warrensburg and Decatur. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Father Mackin in St. Patrick's
church which was filled to overflowing by the immense throng of people who had congregated to
participate in the last sad rites over the body of the deceased. After the sermon, the remains
were taken to the Catholic cemetery for internment, followed by people on foot and in carriages,
the line being three quarters of a mile in length.
The deceased was a brother of Mr. William Dunn and Mrs. Michael Dempsey of Mt.
Zion and a brother in law of Mrs. Nicholas Laux of this city, and Mrs. James Cochran of
Warrensburg. He was a man of considerable means, owning at the time of his death a fine farm of
over two hundred acres, fully improved and well stocked. He leaves a wife and several children.
Decatur Morning Herald, Monday, July 17, 1882
Submitted by: Kay Robinson
Peter J. Dunn was the submitter's great-great-grandfather.
DUNN, William P.
Dalton City: W. P. Dunn died at the St. Mary's hospital at Decatur Monday
evening at five o'clock. Death was caused by a complication of diseases that developed from
asthma with which he had suffered for the past ten years. He had been seriously ill at the
hospital for seven weeks. Mr. Dunn was active in the management of a large farm near this
place where he made his home. He was fifty years of age and was born and reared in Macon
Twelve years ago he was married to Ella Nolan. His wife died two years later.
He leaves the following brothers and sisters: J. J. Dunn of Dalton City, Mrs. P. F. Nolan of
East Las Vegas, New Mexico, Mrs. Thomas McGowan of Decatur, Mrs. John Henneberry of Dalton
City, and Mrs. Nellie McCarthy of Haskell, Oklahoma.
Mr. Dunn was a member of the Sacred Heart Church of this place and the Knights
of Columbus and the M.W.A. the body was taken to the Moran undertaking parlor and prepared
for burial and from there was taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Thomas McGowan of Decatur
and was then brought to Dalton City Wednesday at 11 o'clock and funeral services held at the
Sacred Heart Church. The burial was in St. Isidores, Bethany, Illinois.
Bethany Echo (IL), Friday April 9, 1915
W. P. Dunn dies in St. Mary's Hospital. Wealthy Land Owner of Dalton City
Suffered Asthma for the Last 10 Years. W. P. Dunn of Dalton City died in St. Mary's hospital
at 6 o'clock Monday after a long illness. His death was caused by a complication of diseases
that developed from asthma which he had suffered for the last 10 years. He had been seriously
ill and confined to the hospital for the last seven weeks.
Mr. Dunn was one of the wealthiest land owners of Macon county and was active in
the management of a large farm adjoining the city where he made his home. He was 50 years old
March 2 and was born and reared in Macon county. He married 12 years ago and his wife died
two years later. He leaves the following brothers and sisters: J. J. Dunn of Dalton City, Mrs.
P. F. Nolan of Las Vegas, New Mexico, Mrs. Thomas McGowan, 525 North Franklin street, Decatur,
Mrs. John Henneberry of Dalton City and Mrs. Nellie McCarthy of Haskell, Okla. Mrs. Nolan was
with him during his last illness.
Mr. Dunn was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic church of Dalton City, the Knights
of Columbus and M. W. A. The body was taken to the Moran undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial and will be removed to the home of Mrs. Thomas McGowan this morning. It
will be taken to Dalton City at 10:30 Wednesday morning and funeral services will be conducted
the the Sacred Heart church. Burial will be in St. Isidore's cemetery north of Dalton City.
Decatur Council No. 577, Knights of Columbus will meet at 7:30 this evening and make
arrangements to attend the funeral services.
Decatur Daily Herald, April 6, 1915
Large Funeral Party Goes to Dalton City. Funeral services conducted in Sacred
Heart Catholic Church there for William P. Dunn. Funeral services for William P. Dunn were
conducted at 11:30 Wednesday morning in the Sacred Heart Catholic church of Dalton City. The
funeral party left Decatur in a special attached to the Illinois Central train that leaves
Decatur at 10:40. The Knights of Columbus accompanied the body to the train and many of them
attended the services in Dalton City. It was one of the largest funerals ever held in that
The services were conducted by Rev. Father Curran. The music was furnished by
the regular church choir with Miss Anna Doran of Decatur as soloist. The bearers were Frank J.
Mooney, J. R. Fitzgerald, Thomas Ryan, George Goodman, Louis R. Ryan and Thomas Townsend.
Burial was in St. Isadore's cemetery.
Decatur Daily Herald, April 8, 1915
Submitted by: Kay Robinson
William P.Dunn was the submitter's great-grand uncle.
DURHAM, Rinda (Querry)
Born: Mar 31, 1882 in Macon Co.
Died: 23 Aug 1947 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Union Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Isaiah & Sarah (Strope) Querry
Married: Apr 20, 1905 in Macon Co. to William Durham
DURNING, Charles M.
Born: Feb 1860 in IL
Died: 1934
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
DURNING, Edward 
Edward Durning died at 6 oclock Friday evening at the home of Joseph
Edwards in Prospect alley. He was seventy-nine years old Dec. 10th. His death was
due to the infirmities of age. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of
Dunham Post 141 G.A.R.
He was born in Kentucky, but came to Macon county before the war and
this had been his home ever since. He had been in poor health for several years and
was bedfast for the past two weeks. His wife died thirteen years ago. He is survived
by the following children: Mrs. Mary Gilmore, Decatur; Mrs. William Pattee of Oklahoma,
and James Durning of Decatur. He also leaves a brother, D. P. Durning of Chanute, Kan.,
and two sisters, Mrs. Turpie of Kansas City and Mrs. Elizabeth Kincaid, who lives in
The body was removed to Dawsons undertaking establishment and prepared
for burial. The funeral will be held at 10 oclock Sunday morning at Salem church. The
interment will be in Salem cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 30 Dec 1911
Born: 20 Jun 1828 in KY
Died: 12 Jun 1910in Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
DURNING, Jerdenia
Died: 19 Jan 1873 in Macon Co.
DURNING, Lutitia A.
Born: 1860
Died: 1934
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery
DURNING, Mary Jane (Nicholson)
Mary Jane Durniing, widow of James Durning, died Monday (21 Apr 1924) evening
at her home in Mt. Zion. She would have been ninety-four years old in August. She
had been in failing health for some time. Her death was due to complications incident
to old age.
Mrs. Durning had lived in Macon county for seventy-two years, and for many years
was one of the best known women in the county. She was one of the charter members
of the First Presbyterian church, and she often told how she and her husband used to
ride horseback to church from their home in South Wheatland township.
Mrs. Durning's maiden name was Mary Jane Nicholson. She was a sister of the
late Jerry P. Nicholson, for a number of years sheriff of Macon county. She was born
in Garrard county, Ky., Aug. 28, 1830. She came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Nicholson, to Macon county in 1852, the family settling in Long Creek township.
She and James Durning were married Sept. 5, 1855. They moved to South Wheatland
township, where they resided in a log cabin for a number of years. Later they resided
near Mt. Zion, where Mr. Durning was engaged in farming for many years. On his
retirement from active farm work Mr. and Mrs. Durning moved into Mt. Zion. He died
there Jan. 14, 1910, and Mrs. Durning continued to reside there until her death
Monday. She had many friends in the community and was held in high regard by all
who knew her.
She is survived by two children, Charles M. Durning of Boulder, Colo., and Miss
Stell Durning, who always made her home with her mother. There are five grandchildren.
Orville B. Durning, Nina Mae Durning, Helen Durning and Mrs. Lee Glover of Decatur
and Arthur C. Durning of Portland, Ore. There are two great grandchildren,
Richard Ford Durning and Gloria Ann Glover of Decatur.
Decatur Review, Tues., Apr. 22, 1924, p. 3
Born: 1871
Died: 1938
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
DUTTON, Father
We are in receipt of a letter from Mechanicsburg, Illinois, announcing the
death of Father Dutton, long a resident of that Village.
Mr. Dutton was 89 years of age a minister of the Gospel, and is known
throughout this section of the State by nearly all of the old citizens. He died on
Saturday, the 21st of February. - The account says he had ate his dinner, and remarked,
"I will prepare some wood for Sabath and soon after entered the house with an armful of
wood, opened the door of the room in which his wife was sitting, sit down in a chair and
called his wife, she immediately went to him, summoning a gentleman in the next room, in
three minutes more he was dead. He left this world calmly and without a struggle.
Thus passed from this eath, a true christian having done his work on
earth a kind providence relieved him of the cares and trials of this earh and called
him to his "home in Heaven." In an acquaintance of over fifteen years with this
venerable old man, we have known few men possessed with the same Christian qualities,
true to his creator, earth had no suitable reward for him, to God alone could he look
for a just recompense, for trials endorsed and labor performed as one of Christs
ministers. We sympathize with the bereaved widow and his numerous relatives and
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 5 Mar 1857
DYER, Hattie
Death: Thursday, Feb 3, 1955 at Decatur and Macon County Hospital
Birth: Jan 1, 1877 in Flippin, KY
Burial: Point Pleasant Cemetery near Long Creek
Parents: John and Susan Propes Dyer
Marriage: never married
Survivors: brothers, Ophe and Homer Dyer, both of Decatur; sisters, Mrs. Sarah Cropper of
Tomkinsville, KY and Mrs. Lue Sadler of Lafayette, Tennessee.
DYER, Homer E.
Death: Tuesday, July 9, 1968 in Decatur and Macon County Hospital
Birth: May 1, 1886 in Monroe County Kentucky
Burial: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Long Creek
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: to Rosie Blankenship..she died in 1925
Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Joseph (Ethel) Wing of Decatur and Mrs. Stanley (Edna) Mills of
Rockford; son, Lewis Dyer of Benson, Ariz.; 8 granchildren; 7 great grand children; four
sisters and two brothers preceded him in death
DYER, Mrs. Raymond O. (Edna Jewell Abbott)
Death: Wednesday, Sept 10, 1986 in St. Mary's Hospital
Birth: in Macon county...she was 86 years old at death
Burial: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Long Creek
Parents: James Lawrence and Georgianna Albert
Marriage: to Raymond O. Dyer Sr. in 1938
Survivors: husband; son, Raymond O. Dyer Jr. of Lovington; daughters, Mrs. Michael (Charlene)
Mauer and Mrs. Fred (Julia) Brosend, both of Decatur; brothers, Plato Albert of Dalton City,
James Albert of Cerro Gordo; sister, Mrs. Raymond (Ruby) Anderson of Golden, Colorado; 9
grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; one brother and 3 sisters preceded her in death
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548
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