JACK, Alice Roberts
Alice Roberts Jack, little daughter of mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Jack of Phoenix,
Ariz., died at noon Saturday in a hospital at Los Angeles, Cal. She was eight years old. She
had been ill for four months and had been taken to Los Angeles for treatment. Her parents and
her aunt, Miss Alice Roberts of Decatur, were with her at the time of her death. Her parents
formerly lived in Decatgur and she visited here a number of times during the life time of her
grandfather, the late S.S. Jack. She had a sunny disposition and made friends readily. She was
a niece of Attorney T.B. Jack, Dr. C.M. Jack and Richard C. Roberts, all of Decatur.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, Dec 13, 1909
JACK, Joseph 
He Passed Away at 10 O’clock Last Night at His Home on West Prairie Avenue
Col. Joseph Jack died of congestion of the lungs at his home on West
Prairie Avenue, Tuesday evening, April 19, at 10 o'clock, aged 86 years. Mr. Jack
was taken ill last Wednesday and his condition was considered serious from the start
owing to his advanced years. Col. Jack was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Feb. 9,
1808, He was one of a family of thirteen children, only one of which survives, Wm.
Jack, of Hollidaysburg, Pa. Mr, Jack was a farmer while a resident of Pennsylvania.
He leaves a widow and a family of six children as follows: Miss Libbie N. Jack, Mrs.
T.T. Roberts, ex-Postmaster S.S. Jack, of this city, William and Frank Jack, of Peoria,
and John Jack, of Chicago. All of his children were present at his bedside when the
end came. Col. Jack did not appear to suffer in the least. His death came gently and
easily and the transition was so natural that it was almost imperceptible. Up to the
beginning of his last illness Col. Jack scarcely knew what it was to be sick, being
a man of vigorous constitution and unusual health. Col. Jack's title was obtained by
his appointment to the position of colonel by Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, in
1863. He was commissioned colonel of the 168th Pennsylvania Regiment of nine months'
men, who did active service for the government in eastern Virginia and the Carolinas.
Col. Jack came to Decatur in 1869, and has since made this city his home.
In his native state he was active in the public affairs of his county, but since coming
to Decatur he has lived in retirement, quietly passing his last days with his family.
His strong constitution and well preserved health made it possible to be about at all
times, and his active mind enabled him to keep informed on all current events. He was
a constant reader of the daily papers, and consequently he was deep-rooted in his
convictions and at all times ready to defend his opinions when satisfied they were
right. During his residence in Decatur he made many friends by his open, earnest
manner. He was a man certain of his ground when right, and willing to defend himself
against adverse opinion, but at the same time was always honest enough to acknowledge
a misconception of a question if it was proved to him. He came of a sturdy long-lived
race, his mother having died about 35 years ago at the age of 101 years. About a
year ago Col. Jack and wife celebrated their golden wedding. His long and useful life
has invariably been directed in the interest of the right, and the end closes a career
upon which the family may look with pride. The time of the funeral has not been set.
Weekly Herald-Despatch, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 22 Apr 1893, pg. 2
JACK, Josephine S. (McKee)
Mrs. Josephine M. Jack, wife of Postmaster S.S. Jack, died at noon on Sunday, August 18,
at the family residence, No. 451 West Macon street. She had been in failing health for many months, but
in early July she seemed in as good health as usual. She began failing soon after the 4th and has
declined steadily. All that the physicians could do, all the nursing and tender care were unavailing.
Around her deathbed were her mother, Mrs. Joanne McKee, of Fayette county, Pa., her sister, Mrs. Annette
Harah, of Uniontown, Pa., her husband and her sons.
Josephine McKee was born in Fayette county, Pa., April 25, 1838. In her 30th year she was
married to S.S. Jack. Of this union four sons were born - Frank, Edgar E., Thomas B. and Cecil M. Jack.
All are living. The family removed to Decatur in 1870, and soon afterwards Mrs. Jack became a member of
the Presbyterian church. She has ever been an active worker in church affairs. She was a faithful wife
and a devoted mother. To those of her familiy the loss is irreparable. To those to whom she was bound
by no other ties than those of friendship, her death is a source of sorrow. For those most nearly
related there can be no consolation for the loss, and no philosophy to bear it save that which comes from
communion with her memory and in the faith which looks through death to the life everlasting.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 24 Aug 1889
The mortal remains of Mrs. Josephine Jack, beloved wife of Postmaster S.S. Jack, were
consigned to the narrow house of clay in Greenwood Cemetery last evening in the presence of a large
assembly of relatives and friends who gathered in the city of the dead to witness the last act of
loving hands and hearts - a sad duty that in time is to be performed to all of earth until the last
great day when time shall be no more.
The funeral services were held at the family residence, No. 451 West Macon street,
beginning at 4 o'clock. The dwelling was filled with friends and scores occupied the lawn, as they
were unable to find room in the house. Rev. W.H. Prestley conducted the obsequies. The choir
comprised Misses Lizzie Knieper and Clara Eyman, A.B. Alexander and Charles W. Montgomery, and the
selections were "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Some Sweet Day, Bye and Bye," and "Jesus as Thou Wilt."
There was a great profusion of beautiful floral offerings, many of costly and elaborate design, the
rich casket being almost hidden by the flowers. Rev. Prestley selected for his text the 11th
verse of the 16th Psalm: "Thou wilt show me the path of life, in thy presence is fullness of joy;
at the right hand there are pleasures forevermore." The conclusion of the thoughtful and beautiful
sermon was that the deceased, who had long been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, had
walked in the path of the true christian, and that she was in the full enjoyment of the blessing of
those who die in the Lord.
A long cortege followed the remains to the cemetery, comprising 41 carriages and
buggies filled with friends. The post office clerical and carrier force attended in a body,
serving as an escort, with Co. Geo. W. Patterson, deputy postmaster, in charge. The pallbearers were
D.H. Heilman, Charels A. Ewing, W.H. Starr, I.A. Buckingham, I.D. Walker and H.F. May.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 22 Aug 1889
Rev. J. W. H. Jackson Was Ill About a Year
Born In Slavery
Rev. J. W. H. Jackson died at his home in this city Wednesday morning
after a lingering sickness of about a year. Mr. Jackson was a former pastor of St.
Peter's A.M.E. church in this city. He was born in slavery in Staunton, Va., in 1827,
and celebrated his eightieth birthday anniversary July 18, 1907.
He for some years before the war loaded boats running between Georgetown,
S.C., and the West Indies. He served in the Civil war and then went to Springfield.
In 1869 he entered the ministry and since that time has been pastor of nearly every A.M.B.
church in Illinois.
No funeral services will be held in Decatur. The body will be taken to
Springfield for burial and the funeral will be held from St. Paul's A.M.E. church Friday.
Rev. P.O. Cooper of Mattoon, who has been associated with Mr. Jackson in the ministry for
about forty years, will preach the funeral service.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Wednesday, 12 Feb 1908, pg. 4
DIED, in this city at St. Mary's Hospital on Dec. 27, 1882, HENRY JACOBS,
aged 50 years. The deceased had been ill for a long time. He was an uncle of Mrs. John
Decatur Weekly Republican, 4 Jan 1883
JAMES, Clara
Clara James died at her home in Wheatland township yesterday, of old age. She had
passed her eighty-ninth year. The funeral will take place on Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock,
Rev. J.R. Locke officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Feb 1886
JAMES, George 
Identify Man Found In Subway
Was George James, Cambridge, O., Deserter
Fingerprints taken by Sergeant Steve Wood at the request of Coroner
Roy Dawson have proved the identity of the man whose dead body was found on the
sidewalk under the Franklin street subway on Friday, Oct 22.
The man was George James of Cambridge, Ohio. Sergeant Wood sent the
fingerprints of the dead man to the bureau of identification at Washington, D.C.,
and Monday morning he received a reply from Major General R.C. Davis, stating the
finger prints were identical with those of George James, who enlisted Oct. 19, 1920,
and deserted Nov. 2,1920, while a private in First Company, San Diego Coast Artillery
Corps at Fort Rosecrans, Cal. On enlistment he gave as the person to he notified in
case of emergency the name of his brother, John James, of Cambridge, Ohio.
Sergeant Wood notified Coroner Dawson and the latter sent a message to
the brother Monday morning and he is expected to coma after the body.
Note: I can finds no record of this man being buried in Macon County,
Illinois, although he's listed on the 1929 Honor Roll.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 1 Nov 1926, pg. 2
JAMES, Maridia
Maridia, wife of Charles James, died yesterday at the family residence in Wheatland
township of lung trouble. The funeral will take place to-day at one o’clock.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 3 Mar 1886
The funeral of the late Mrs. Charles James took place from the family residence in
Wheatland township yesterday afternoon.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Mar 1886
JAMES, Rowena
The funeral of Mrs. Rowena James was held at 1:30 Sunday afternoon from
the family residence, 1370 North Broadway. The services were conducted by Rev. E.H.
Shuey. Music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Conard, Miss Miller and the
Misses Shuey. The pallbearers were Al Hall, Lewis Hall, Richard Gitzpatrick, C. Miller,
Edward Connard and J. Hazelrigg. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 10 May 1909
JAMES, William Elliott
William E. James, a life long resident of Maroa and the community northwest of
there, died Monday evening at 10:15 following and illness of several months, death being due
to Bright's disease and other complications. The body was taken to the B.F. Caplinger
funeral home and prepared for burial.
Elliott James was born on a farm in Texas township, DeWitt county, Jan. 17,
1857. His father was William James, who was a native of Ohio and one of the pioneers of Texas
township. Oh Jan. 29, 1882, Mr. James was married to Miss Ada Prather, and the couple went
to housekeeping on a farm near where Mr. James was born. To them was born one daughter, Miss
Maud Jmaes, who died Sept. 30, 1915, leaving an only child, James Emery, who since her death
has made his home with his grandparents.
While still a resident of the farm, Mr. James engaged in the fire insurance
business and for a time had an implement store at Ospur. On Feb. 15, 1902, Mr. and Mrs.
James retired from the farm and moved to Maroa, a little later buying the present home where
they have since resided.
For more than 20 years Mr. James was engaged in the coal business in Maroa,
giving up this business a short time ago when on account of failing health he was unable
to give it his personal attention.
Mr. James is survived by one brother, Uriah James and one sister, Mrs. Mary
Wilcox, both of Clinton. He was a member of the Knights of Phthias order of Clinton.
Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church in Maroa at 2:30 o'clock Thursday
afternoon in charge of the order to which he belonged and Rev. Mr. Johnson of Clinton will
preach the funeral sermon. Burial will be in the Maroa cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, 5 Apr 1927
JANVRIN, Jennie (Brockway)
Mrs. William H. Janvrin died at 4 o'clock in 1531 North Monroe street after a long
illness with a complication. She had been bedfast six weeks.
Jennie Brockway, daughter of Theodore and Julia Brockway, was born in Decatur May
31, 1867. She married William H. Janvrin in 1887. For 32 years they resided on a farm near
Warrensburg, coming to Decatur 12 years ago.
Mrs. Janvrin leaves her husband and one suster, Mrs. Ida E. Sruger of Decatur. A
son Ralph, died at the Great Lakes naval training station while in the government service during
the World War.
Mrs. Janvrin was a member of the Warrensburg Methodist church, the W.R.C., Gold
Star Mothers, the Legion auxiliary and the Progress camp, Rebekahs.
The body was removed to Monson's funeral home. The funeral will be at 2 o'clock
Thursday in the Monson chapel, with burial in the Illini cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 5 May 1931
JANVRIN, Ralph Enos 
The funeral of Ralph E. Janvrin who died at the Great Lakes Naval
Hospital, was held at 2:15 o’clock Sunday afternoon, the services being held in
the Illini cemetery. There was no public funeral on account of the fact that the
young man died of scarlet fever. The services were conducted by Rev. W.S. Dando ?
pastor of the Illini Congregational church.
The members of Dave Lodge I.O.O.F. of Warrensburg, acted as an escort
to the cemetery and conducted their ritualistic exercise at the grave.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 30 Jul 1917, pg. 4
JANVRIN, Raymond R. 
Warrensburg Boy Expires At Camp Mills
Raymond Janvrin of Co. C. of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Infantry
regiment, died a Camp Mills, L.I., Tuesday. The news of his death came in a telegram
to his relatives at Warrensburg at 4 o’clock Tuesday afternoon just as his father
George Janvrin and others were ready to start for Camp Mills. Two other telegrams had
been received announcing the illness and the last previous one said that they could
see him if they would visit Camp Mills. When about ready to start, the message came
announcing his death. It stated that the body would be sent to Decatur under escort
if the family desired, and they wired back that this should be done.
Raymond Janvrin was thirty years old Sept. 13. He went to Camp Wheeler,
Macon Ga., last May with a contingent of drafted men from Macon County. He had recently
been transferred to Camp Mills, where the final preparations were made for the trip
overseas. On Oct 1st his father recieved a picture of him taken in his new overseas cap.
A brother Lynn Janvrin is in the training camp at Laredo, Texas and is in an infantry
regiment. Beside his parents and brother, one sister Mrs. Vonna Merry, of Warrensburg,
survives Raymond. It is expected that Lynn Janvrin will be home for the funeral.
Newspaper clipping no Date: Raymond Janvrin died October 18, 1918.
Camp Mills: Temporary camp to receive troops prior to their embarkation
on transports or after debarkation. Located in Nassau County, Long Island, N.Y., about
10 miles from eastern boundary of New York City.
JARRETT, Theron L. 
Niantic, Feb 4 --- Theron J. Jarrett died at his home here 12:30 Friday
morning of complications of disease from which he suffered some time. He was born in
Niantic, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Jarrett, October 24, 1837. He is survived
by his wife and a daughter, Minnie and two sons Francis and Dennis Mr. Jarrett was a
member of the Christian Church here, of the Moose lodge in Decatur, the Masonic lodge
in Illiopolis and the Odd Fellow lodge of Niantic. He spent his life here.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 4 Feb 1927, pg. 3
JEROROWSKI, Maria Julia Martha
Maria Julia Martha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jerorowski, died yesterday
morning at nine o’clock, at the family residence on Railroad avenue. The little one was nine
months and eleven days old. The funeral will take place this afternoon at two o’clock, from
the German Lutheran church. The services will be conducted by Rev. George Landgraff.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 15 Apr 1886
JETT, Elijah 
Attempted Murder and Suicide in the Heart of the City
Elijah Jett a Corpse - Throat Cut from Ear to Ear
Jealousy the Cause of the Awful Deed – Desperate Efforts of the Wife to Escape
the Slash of the Razor - Chased Back and Forth in Narrow Hall – Death in the Kitchen -
A Little Boy in the Room – W. R. Clark’s Experience – The Inquest
“Police! Help! Help! Murder!” were the startling cries of fear and despair
heard early this morning on the third floor of the W. F. Busher building on East Main
Street over the Abel Carpet House, and from the upper front window, Mr Clark extended
the cries to the street in the hope of getting men to come up the narrow stairway and
prevent the butchery then consummated in the rear room on the top floor. The streets were
comparatively deserted. Four men standing on the opposite side of the street, heard the
appeal but they made no response.
Investigation brought out the fact that Elijah Jett, the well-known teamster
of the city street force, aged 47 years, had attempted to kill his wife and had then
committed suicide, while she lay upon the floor, blood gushing from the gaping gash in
her throat. Jett is a corpse, and the wife is still alive with some prospects of final
The third floor of the building is divided into living apartments, with a
narrow hall running along the west side from the stairway landing to the door of the
room at the front. The three rooms at the front are occupied by William R. Clark and
his invalid wife. Back of these four rooms are two others, one a bedroom and the other
a kitchen with independent entrance to the kitchen. these two rear rooms were occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Jett who took possession soon after their marriage about a month
ago. In the bedroom at the right is a large bed, and not four feet to the left is a small
cot, upon which Clandie Grindol, aged 7 years, son of Mrs. Jett by her first marriage,
slept last night, and where he lay trembling with fear while the horrible scenes were
being enacted in the adjoining kitchen – hearing the scuffling of feet the swish of his
mother’s garments, her piercing cries for help, her screams of agony as the razor cut her
throat, and the final fall of the bodice upon the floor, and then all was quiet.
The first person to open the kitchen door was Officer Ed Leech and closely
following came Officers Miller and Brockway. An awful sight greeted the eyes of Leech as
he opened the kitchen door. There upon the floor was Mrs. Jett with a horrible gash in her
throat from which the blood had gushed, making a pool of blood eighteen inches in diameter.
She lay quietly on her right side, her feet toward the store and her face toward the door.
She was apparently dead, but subsequently it developed that she had fainted from loss of
blood. Two feet away, near a table, was Elijah Jett, the husband, sitting in a recumbent
position, one hand on the floor, his right jugular vein severed, with the cut extending
around across "Adam’s apple" to the left ear. Blood was flowing from the wound, and as
Leech entered the room Jett fell over on the floor and expired in a few moments. The floor
where he sat and where he fell was bathed in blood. Two feet to the north and east upon
the floor lay the open razor, the long and deep blade smeared with human blood. It was
the weapon with which Jett attempted the life of his wife with which he had killed himself.
Leech picked up the razor, wrapped it in a piece of newspaper and put it in his pocket.
In the adjoining room was the small boy, still in his bed, too frightened to utter a cry
or let his presence be known. Under the bed on the floor where the couple slept, was the
case of the razor. It was found by Brockway.
When the Republican reporter arrived Dr. H.D. Heil, Dr. J.C. Hall and Dr. N.D.
Myers were in the kitchen and had placed Mrs. Jett upon a table. The gash in her throat
had been examined. The jugular vein had not been severed. The horrible stab was there,
extending from the left to the right, but the cut was too high. The woman was unable to
speak but she uttered groans continually. Her face was pale and her whole appearance showed
that she was greatly weakened by the loss of blood. Dr. Heil took the stitches to the throat
and with every puncture of the needle there was a cry of pain. It was the opinion of the
doctors at 7:30 o’clock that the woman might recover.
With the physicians came Coroner Bendure and Undertaker Ballard and his
assistant, Charley Dickson. They came to get the body of Jett, which was wrapped in a sheet,
just as found, and placed on a patient stretcher. It was borne to the rooms of Undertaker
Ballard, where the inquest will be held.
It is presumed that Jett and his wife, who had lived unhappily together, and had
had frequent quarrels in their apartments during the past two weeks, had been quarreling
during the night. The boy said they had been talking a good deal. On Wednesday they had
agreed that they would die together. They had written notes to that effect and their names
were signed to the declarations as given below. The manner and time of the death were not
stated. Both were jealous of each other, so it is stated. At daylight this morning Mr. Clark,
who was caring for his invalid wife in the front rooms, was disturbed by the quarrel in the
Jett apartments. The altercation was kept up for over and hour, and then there were cries
for help. The kitchen door was suddenly opened and Mrs. Jett rushed through the hall to the
door of the Clark apartments, asking in excited tones to be admitted. The door was locked
and bolted, and Mr. Clark opened it as quickly as possible. At first he forgot the bolt and
he was delayed for a few moments. The door was swung open, and in rushed Mrs. Jett closely
followed by Jett, who had a razor in his hand. The woman fled through the front room to the
sitting room back, and there was overtaken by Jett and dragged back through the hall to the
rear. Both husband and wife were greatly excited. The woman was trying to get away and Jett
chased her like a bloodthirsty demon. When the couple got out Clark locked the door. Again
did the woman escape to the hall making a desperate effort to open the door leading into the
room used by the Clarks as a kitchen. She was dragged back again into the kitchen by Jett,
and then it is supposed that Jett killed himself. It is evident from the amount of blood
smeared upon the floor of the hall that Jett had attacked his wife with the razor on her first
flight to the Clark rooms. Blood was then on her clothes and it smeared the Clark carpet. She
ran and cried for help until her strength left her and then she fell in a faint in the kitchen.
Possible Jett made two attempts to kill his wife, inflicting two cuts with the razor, but both
efforts failed. Jett saw his wife prostrate and then, he took his own life.
This forenoon F.M. Veech, son-in-law of the suicide, found a small black book
of the E.F. Foster Society Uniform and Costume company, in one of the pockets of Jett, and on
separate pages in pencil, were written two open messages. One was in Jett’s handwriting, and
the other in the handwriting of a woman. They reveal a state of jealousy and determination to
die. The notes are as follows:
NOVEMBER 18, 1891 – Trouble has caused this. I can’t live with a woman that is
untrue to me – a woman that has betrayed me. So we will end our troubles here on earth. My
best wishes to all my friends. E. Jett.
NOVEMBER 18, 1891 - We are both willing to go; I have mistreated my dear husband,
and as we can’t be together on earth, we go together in another world. Molley Jett
Five weeks ago the couple were married. Elijah Jett had obtained a divorce from
his wife, and Mrs. Grindol, who was the wife of Joseph Grindol, was a divorced woman. They
had been acquainted several years. The first wife of Jett resides on Locust Street. She is the
mother of four children, Mrs. F.M. Veech, Joseph Jett, Robert Jett and John Jett, the latter
a resident of the State of Kansas. Mrs. Molley Jett is a daughter of Mr. Cole who resided at
Bethany, in Moultrie County. The father and mother are dead. The children of Mrs. Jett by
her first marriage are May Grindol, aged 16, and Claude Grindol, aged 7 years. May has not
lived with her mother since her last marriage, and was not anywhere near the scene of the
tragedy this morning. Mrs. Jett is about 33 years of age. She was the nurse for Mr. Clark’s
invalid wife and had the respect and esteem of the elderly couple. Mr. Clark says that
frequently Jett had driven his wife from her room and he had always admitted her and had locked
the door to keep Jett out. There had been trouble ever since Jett moved in, but after the
quarrels Jett would appear to behave himself. Jett was a native of Kentucky, and came to Macon
County years ago; at first he was a watchman for the old Rolling Mill company. Then he had
charge of the J.H. Myers farm. Lately he had been connected with the city street force as a
teamster. He was a veteran of the late war, having served as a member of the Federal Army in
the 40th Kentucky regiment. He was a member of Dunham Post, No. 141 G.A.R., but had been
dropped for non-payment of dues. He was a member of the Coeur de Leon Lodge No. 17, Knights
of Pythian, and was present at the meeting last night when he appeared to be usually talkative
and sociable.
It is evident that Mrs. Jett feared personal violence. If she wrote the note
quoted above she did it through fear, and with the hope that she might fool Jett in the end.
That is the conclusion of those who knew the couple and were familiar with their trouble.
Possibly Mrs. Jett thought when the time came poison would be taken. She was not prepared for
the assault with the razor, Jett attacked her first while she lay in the bed, reaching over
and making a slash at her throat. She struggled to get away and was cut on the right hand by
the razor. She got cut and escaped through the door before Jett could stop her. Mrs. Jett
did not want to die. She fought desperately for her life, and she lives but she will carry
to her grave an ugly scar under her chin.
The deed was committed at about six o’clock.
Jett was one of the trustees of E.P. Lodge No. 17, and had $2,000 life insurance in the order.
Mrs. Jett has a brother, Anthony Cole, who is at St. Louis. A telegram was sent him today
informing him of the tragedy.
Mrs. Ann Kershner, who resides over “The Fair” store, was the first woman to enter the kitchen
after the tragedy; she dressed the little boy, when Officer Brockway took him away.
Many believe that Jett must have been insane when he attacked his wife this morning. Certainly
no sane man would have attempted with such fierceness and set purpose to commit such a deed.
Coroner Bendure is holding the inquest on the body of Jett this afternoon. The jurymen are Dr.
Heil, C.M. Wagecsellar, Howard Schaub, A.T. Griet, Edward Leech and John Wilson.
From Saturday’s Daily - The tragedy on the third floor of the Busher building on
East Main Street, which occurred yesterday morning, is still the leading topic of conversation
in certain quarters. It is not an inviting subject to dwell upon. It is too hideous to recall
at further length. The Republican told the story of the attempted murder and suicide in last
evening’s edition – all which was fit for publication. But little more need be added in
reference to the case.
Mrs. Mollie Jett, the widow of the suicide, who made a desperate effort to take
her life, was decided to be out of danger this morning. She will recover. Last evening at
6 o’clock she was removed from the table upon which Dr. Heil placed her when he was giving
her surgical attention and was put in the bed in the sleeping room. Friends attended her
during the night, and her brother, Anthony Cole, arrived from St. Louis on a late train.
This morning Mrs. Jett was able to take tea and milk as nourishment, and also was able to
talk more freely than last evening. The physician’s advice is that she talk as little as
possible for a few days. She is much brighter this morning and there is more color in her
Coroner Bendure held the inquest on the body of Elijah Jett at the Bullard
undertaking rooms yesterday afternoon and a verdict of suicide was returned. The only
witnesses were Officer Ed Leech and Officer J.A. Brockway, who told of the condition of
the room and show Mr. and Mrs. Jett were found in the kitchen.
The funeral of the suicide will take place from the Bullard rooms this afternoon
at 3 o’clock. Rev. E.B. Cake, of the Christian Church, will officiate. The members of
Coeur de Leon Lodge, No. 17, K.P. of which the deceased was a member will not attend in a
body as a lodge. Jett was not a member in good standing, being in arrears for dues. Members
of the lodge as individuals will probably attend the services. Burial in Greenwood. The
pallbearers were L.V. Lyon, I.J. Chronister, Peter Hambacher, Archie Tuttle, J.H. Haws and
Charles Kincaid.
About two months ago, before his marriage, Jett was arrested for disorderly
conduct in his room over the old Senate saloon. Jett was intoxicated and he had a loaded
revolver on his person. It was taken away from him by the officers, and Jett pleaded
guilty to the disorderly charge in Justice Curtis’ court, and stood good for his fine and
that of the woman in the case. The revolver was placed under lock and key at police
headquarters by Marshal Mason. Less than two weeks ago Jett visited headquarters and asked
the officer in charge for his weapon. The revolver could not be found and Jett left without
it. He did not ask for it again. Possibly he then had the idea in his head that he would
use the revolver as the means of destruction, but he finally chose the razor.
The fact that Jett was wildly jealous of his wife is proven by stories told
of the close watch he kept on her movements. One story is related in support of this
feature of the case. As late as last Monday night a gentleman stepped out of the office
on the second floor under the Jett apartments, and had started down the stairway, when
his attention was attracted to the catlike movements of a man who was coming up from the
bottom. A few steps were taken by the gentlemen, who stopped and called: "Who are you?"
to which the silent man replied: "Who are you?" looking up at the same time. Then the
stranger was discovered to be Elijah Jett and nothing more was said, the gentleman passing
on down in the street, Jett going slowly up the steps. Jett was partly undressed and was
without shoes. He had on his stockings. The gentleman had business at J.G. Cloyd’s grocery
store across the street, and on entering that place he found Mrs. Jett there. Then the
strange conduct of Jett in the stairway was explained. He was watching his wife while she
went to the store on an errand.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 26 Nov 1891, pg. 7
Rev. Oake Drives a Strong Lesson
Real Life – Scenes At The Funeral - Mrs Jett Did Not What To See Him
The funeral of Elijah Jett, the suicide and the would be murderer, took place
yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Bullard’s undertaking establishment. It was a curious
funeral, too, according to the way people have been taught to view the last ______ of the
dead. The body rested in a plain walnut coffin, clad in a brown and checkered suit. A line
of curious people passed in and out, looked at the face of the dead man much as they would
a dead animal. There was no pity or sorrow stamped on their faces. There were probably a
dozen Knights of Pythias present when the hour of the services arrived, but they were there
merely as citizens to do an act of charity to a man with whom they had associated in a
fraternal spirit. The balance of the crowd was a mixed one of men and boys and a few women.
The solemn hush of death was not there. Men stood around in groups, talked of the crime, or
anything else they pleased until Rev. Oake faced them at 9 o’clock. Then hats were removed
and the speaker was awarded close attention. His address was forcible and eloquent. There
was but little reference to the dead man, and only one mention of the attempted murder. The
speaker preferred to let that go and draw a lesson for the living from the life of the dead.
There were no prayers for the dead or consolations for the living. Just as the speaker was
preparing to deliver his discourse, a party of curious women, evidently not understanding the
situation, passed in, looked at the dead and then went right out again. One woman when
leaving, said in a voice loud enough to be heard all over the room "Well I think it’s a good
thing that he is dead anyway." Immediately after this, Rev. Oake began his address, He said
Gentlemen; I have been requested by Mr. Bullard to make a brief address before this lifeless
body is removed to the cemetery. I presume that many of you were his comrade. As for myself,
I never met the man to know him. Mr. Bullard has told me that as a citizen he was decorous
and orderly. Those who knew him say h stood fair in the estimation of his fellowman. These
facts only make his self-destruction more violent and amazing. That a man with a crown of
reason and in possession of his normal faculties should take his own life is beyond my
comprehension. I can see how through passion, avarice and hate one man can kill another if he
be in the way of the accomplishment of some object, but how he can calmly, re__lectively and
deliberately raise his own hand, stop the beating of his own heart and release the life blood
from his veins is something I do not know. Therefore I feel disposed to be lenient in a case
like this and draw the veil of charity over this act. It is not for me to pass judgment on
him in life, upon his act or his death. I am incompetent. If the whole world would sit as a
jury on the man now it would be incompetent to judge him. It is out of our hands and we can
safely leave it in that scale that never turns a hairbreadth in the administration of
justice. There is a kind of Christian philanthropy, which says, love my brother. There is
another kind, which throws the veil of charity over such acts as this. In every act we find
a cause or a train of causes. If this train’s reason was dethroned when he sought his own
life and his wife’s life, there was a cause. The cause may be away behind, coming step by
step to the crowing act. There is another philanthropy, which teaches us to find these
causations and remedy them if we can, and to find out if we are responsible for them. We see
these crimes, pauperism, ect., in our midst. These are causes again. Can we stop them? We
are all interested alike.
(That’s So) said a voice. For instance we have intemperance. This man is said
to have been addicted to the use of liquor. There are different stages of this habit. It
begins with joviality and happiness. Then it comes to the maddening stage, frees the animal
that is in man and unchains the tiger. Then come the stupor, the helpless drunkard in the
gutter. There is a philanthropy growing which says we are the cause of this. If Intemperance
is one of these causes then those who hold it up become aiders and abettors to it’s results.
"That’s it" said someone approvingly. Only a week ago a young man was killed
in a saloon coming from a gaming room. It is had been a fine dog of some gamester or sportsman
the paper would probably have said more about it. If these things are causes, those who hold
them up become parties to the crimes. So as citizens and men we responsible for the weal and
woe. If men are happy it is because we help them to be so. If on the other hand crimes result
from these causes we are possibly aiders and abettors. Gladstone said that laws should be
made making it hard for people to do wrong and easy for them to do right. I talk not from the
higher pedestal of superiority, but standing as a man among men. In the presence of this dead
man we ask is there any blood on our hands. Over the dead we will drop the mantle of charity,
but to you we are pledged to ask can we stop th stream that brings about such acts as these.
I have nothing to do with the dead. He is beyond our help. I must deal with you and these
causes. My voice is raised against them. Pai____ be my ___ if ________ my voice does not cry
out against them. If we do not stop these causes which lead to acts like these, the tide will
be worse than the Johnstown flood to wash our houses from their foundations of peace and purity.
At the conclusion of the address, a brief pause was made while a messenger went
to Bradley Bros., where the first Mrs. Jett was shopping, to ask her if she cared to view the
body of her former husband. The messenger returned with the information that Mrs. Jett had
said she "had not seen her husband for a long time, that he was nothing to her and that she
did not want to and would not see him." The coffin was picked up by the pallbearers, Archie
Tuttle, P. Halmbacher, H.F. Dillehunt, Louis Lyons, and T.J. Chrenister and John Haws, and
placed in the hearse. The remains were laid away in Greenwood. Not a single carriage followed
the hearse, and outside of the pallbearers only a few men went to the cemetery. No services
were held at the grave and so Elijah Jett was laid to rest without a single tear to fall
upon his ____ and few to mourn his end.
Herald-Despatch, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 28 Nov 1891, pg. 3
JIMISON, George 
Was One of Oldest Residents of Macon County
Funeral services for the late George A. Jimison, a resident of Macon County for
eighty-seven years and among the oldest native-born citizens in central Illinois, will be held
at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church in Champaign. Rev. Mr. Cozard of
Champaign and Rev. Mr. Bond of Argenta will be in charge of the service.
Mr. Jimison was born in Friends Creek Township in 1841, the son of George and Hannah
Jimison. His father was a native of Scotland and had come to Illinois in 1818.
Practically all of the deceased life was spent in and around Macon County, and during
his eighty-seven years, he saw Decatur develop from a non descript pioneer hamlet with three
grocery stores and it’s ale house into a thriving industrial center. He saw the community with
its mud roads and scattered farm settlements change with the deer and wolves disappearing from
fields and timber that became valuable agricultural lands.
He knew the hardships incurred in the pioneer days that became the forerunner in
modern civilization. At the age of twelve he began earning his own livelihood as a farm hand,
working for fourteen dollars per month.
In 1861, he enlisted in Co. A. Forty-first Illinois Volunteers under Colonel Pugh,
and was in the battles of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Hatchies Run and other engagements. At the
close of the war, he returned home and began farming on forty acres willed him by his father.
He continued in this occupation until 1899 when he moved to Argenta, since that time living a
retired life.
In 1867, Mr. Jimison was united in marriage with Millie A. Underwood who died a
year later, leaving one son, Theodore of Auburn, Ill.
Mr. Jimison was again married in 1877 to Mrs. Elizabeth Mullinix. Nine children
were born to this union, six preceding him in death. He is survived by the following; Mrs.
Minnie Gould, Glendale, Calif.; George W. Jimison of Champaign; and Mrs. Ida Cooper of Argenta.
Two-step sons, Ord Mullinix of Bethany and John Mullinix of Argenta, and fifteen grand children
also survive.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 22 Dec 1928, Pg. 5
Note: Mr. George A. Jimison is buried at Friends Creek cemetery in Friends Creek
Township, Macon County, Illinois
JIMISON, Martha C.
Martha C. Jimison died at 7:15 o'clock, Friday November 1, at her late home,
aged 73 years, one months and twenty-eight days. The four children surviving her are Wesley,
William, Homer and Harvey Jamison, Mrs. Tillman Enlow of this city and Mrs. J. Grounds of
Dalton city. The funeral will take place from Grace church, of which she was a devoted member,
on Sunday, Nov 3 at 10:30 a.m.
Evening Bulletin (Decatur), 1 Nov 1895
Read about Martha Jimison's will - HERE
JOHNSON, Charles J.
Charles J. Johnson, 81, died Saturday at 4:50 PM in the home of his daughter [in law], Mrs.
C.O. Johnson, 1575 North Warren Street, after a lingering illness. His death was due to
complications. Born in Sweden, Sept. 13, 1852 [1853], Mr. Johnson came to America in 1881,
settling at Bloomington where he became a farmer. Nineteen years later, in 1900, he moved
to Macon Co.[IL], continuing his farm work, & in 1916 retired, moving to Decatur to make
his home. He was married to Clara Carlson in Bloomington before giving up his farm there. She
preceded him in death Oct 22, 1915. He is survived by the following children: Alvin Johnson,
Oreana, Mrs. Jennie Knisley, Algot Johnson, & Ora Johnson all of Decatur, & Leonard
Johnson of Chicago. Elmer Johnson, a son, died Dec. 23 1933. He also leaves 21 grandchildren
& one great grandchild. He was the last of his immediate family.
The body was taken to the Monson funeral home where friends may call. Services will be
conducted by Rev. J.T. Myers Tuesday at 2 PM. Burial will be in Union Cemetery.
Decatur Review 11 Feb 1934
Submitted by: Lesley Hager
JOHNSON, Mrs. Charles J.
Mrs. Charles Johnson died at Lakeside hospital in Chicago Friday night. On Wednesday
evening she underwent an operation for goitre from which she had been a sufferer for a number
of years. The body arrived in Oreana Sunday morning & was taken to the Christian Church where
the services were held at 10:30 o'clock conducted by Rev. C.C. Hill.
Mrs. Johnson was born in Sweden in 1861, she came to this country in 1878. She was married
to Charles Johnson three years later. They have lived near Oreana for 15 years. She was a member
of the Christian Woman's Missionary Society. Besides her husband she she leaves six children.
They are Albin Johnson, & Mrs. Jennie Knisley of Decatur, Elmer, & Algot of Dalton City
& Ora & Lennard [Leonard] who reside at home.
Many floral tributes were sent, many being sent from Chicago & Bloomington. The flowers
were in charge of Mrs. J.H. Burgess & Mrs. W.C. Turpin. The pall bearers were J.J. Babcock,
M.F. Taylor, Lee Gossett, C. Pierson, P. Magnuson, & G McDaniel. Burial was in the Union
Mrs. Hannar [Hannah] Albertsterm [Alverstrom], a sister & Mrs. Anderson, a cousin from
Chicago accompanied the body here. A brother, Andrew Peterson & his son, Arthur Peterson
from Bloomington attended the funeral.
The Decatur Review 26 Oct 1915
Submitted by: Lesley Hager
Miss Lillie Johnson died at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles A. Johnson, 569 North Witt street. She was 16 years old. Her death was caused by
typhoid fever, with which she had suffered for several weeks. She is survived by her parents and
four sisters.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 9 Dec 1909
The funeral of Lillie Johnson was held at 10 o'clock today from the United Brethren
church, Rev. E.H. Shuey having charge of the service. There were a large attendance and many
flowers. The members of her Sunday school class attended in a body and all of the pallbearers were
classmates. The music was furnished by the Misses Alice Shuey, Mary Campbell, Ada DeHart, and Mrs.
W. Johnson. The pallbearers were: Helen Johnson, Myrtle Barnes, Lota Spayd, Edith Montgomery,
Goldie Wallett and Vionda Schuler. The interment was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, 10 Dec 1909
Blue Mound: The funeral of Morton Johnson was held at the family home
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
(Note: I am unable to read the rest of this obituary.)
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 14 Jul 1916, pg. 10
JOHNSON, Richard F. 
Richard F. Johnson, Aged 80 Victim of Paralysis
Richard H Johnson, veteran of the Civil war and for thirty years a member
of Dunham Post. 141, G.A.R., died at 9:30 o’clock Thursday night at the family residence,
1260 West Green Street He was eighty years old last March. His death was caused by paralysis
after an illness of five months.
Mr. Johnson was born at Leesburg, Ohio on March 24 1836. He served through the
Civil war in company G of the Eleventh Ohio Cavalry. At the close of the war he came to
Decatur in 1866, and has made his home here ever since.
He is survived by his wife; Angelire Johnson He also leaves a brother Alva
Johnson, whose present address is unknown. He was the grandfather of Homer Stecher of Decatur.
The body was removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 14 Jul 1916, pg. 10
The funeral of Richard H. Johnson was held at 2-30 o'clock Sunday afternoon
at Moran's chapel. There was a large attendance. The services were conducted by Rev. T.
Harley Marsh pastor of the First Baptist church, and were under the auspices of Dunham
Post. 141, G. A. R, members of which were present in a body and conducted their ritualistic
exercises. The pallbearers were J.T. Belden, William P. Butts. J.A. Cochran, Henry Fruit.
Louis Siegman and W.H. Walley. The interment was In Greenwood.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 17 Jul 1916, pg. 6
Samuel Johnson, aged 63 years; died of stomach trouble yesterday noon at
his home north of he collar pad factory. The deceased was a native of Pennsylvania and
had lived in Illinois upwards of fifty years. The remains were taken to Grove City yesterday
afternoon and the interment will be at that place.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 29 Oct 1892
JOHNSON, Vesta M. nee WEBB
Born: 23 Nov 1905, Hamilton Co, IL
Died: 13 Nov 2002, Hamilton Mem. Hosp, McLeansboro, Hamilton Co, IL
Buried: I.O.O.F. Cemetery in McLeansboro
Parents: John Webb and Mary Webb (nee Brown)
Married: Benjamin F. "Doodle" Johnson (deceased)
Mrs. C.B. Johnston, mother of Dr. C. Roy Johnston, died at her home in Remington, Ind., Monday morning.
Dr. Johnston left Decatur early Monday morning for Remington to see his mother, and probably reached
there before she died.
Mrs. C.R. Johnston is also in Remington now, having gone there from Saybrook, where she had
been for a short time.
Decatur Review, 8 May 1917
Died: 18 Mar 1937 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 14 Mar 1922 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
JONES, Elpha Fern
Born: 1 May 1909 in IL
Died: 17 Jun 1984 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: James Edward Lane and Mary Lecora Sullivan
Married: Arnie Jones, Sr.
Children: Charlie, Earl, Dean, Wanda, Verna, James, Nita
JONES, Jacob H.W. 
Jacob H.W. Jones, aged seventy-three years, died at 7 o'clock Friday
morning at the family residence, 1031 North Calhoun Street. He had been ill or two
months, suffering from a complication of diseases. He was a native of Maryland, but
had been here for the past fifty-five years. He was a veteran of the Civil war and
was well known.
He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Carrie McGowan, Decatur
Tilden Jones, who lives in Kansas, Louis Jones, whose home is in Indiana Mrs. Kate
Ehrhart of Bearsdale, Daisy Turner, Martin Jones and Alice Boulton of Decatur.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 7 Apr 1911, pg. 14
JONES, James
Death of James Jones at the Age of Eighty-seven Years
Old Soldier, Recruiting Officer, Cabinet Maker and Farmer - A Man of Strict Integrity
James Jones, one of the oldest residents of Macon County, died at his home in
Long Creek Township Wednesday afternoon, February 19, at two o'clock aged 87 years. Death was
due to old age and paralysis. He leaves three children, John S. Jones of Decatur, James M.
Jones and Mrs. Clara Clanahan, of Long Creek township. He was an uncle of Mrs. B. S. Tyler,
of Decatur.
The deceased was a son of Josiah Jones, who was reared near Richmond, VA, and
whose uncle served in the Revolutionary War. Mr. Jones was born in Madison county, Ohio, in
August 1809 and moved with his parents to Kentucky, next to Arkansas, then to Madison County,
finally to Illinois when the deceased was but 8 years old. They settled in Sangamon County.
The deceased was early enured to hard labor, such as swinging the axe and cradle, and the
industrious habits he then formed characterized his entire life. In Sangamon County he married
Miss Jane Snyder, of Kentucky. He followed farming and worked in a furniture shop until 1851,
when he came to Macon County, locating on the home of place in Long Creek township. He was the
owner of a splendid farm of 800 acres and possessed considerable personal property. His wife
died in 1865.
Mr. Jones was a soldier in the Black Hawk war and was also a recruiting officer
in the late war. He cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson in 1828 and was then in Whig until
the organization of the Republican party and has always been a supporter of its principles. He
was a man of the stoutest integrity, and was held in the highest esteem by all of his neighbors
and acquaintances.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 27 Feb 1896
JONES, James H. 
James H. Jones died at 3:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept 16, of cancer, at St.
Mary’s hospital. He was 38 (58) years of age and his home was in Mt. Zion. He was
the first member of the One Hundred and Sixteenth to be wounded. He was shot in the
arm while on picket duty at Memphis, Tenn. He leaves a widow and several grown
The body was taken to Mt. Zion and the funeral will be held there today
at 2:30 and not on Friday, as was first intended. Dunham post members will attend.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Thursday, 17 Sep 1896, pg. 3
JONES, James M. 
James M. Jones died suddenly at 9:10 o'clock Friday night at his room
at the St. James hotel. His death was caused by heart failure. He was well known in
Decatur and was familiarly known as "Uncle Jimmy" Jones.
He was a veteran of the civil war, serving in the Second Illinois cavalry.
He was a member of Dunham post, 141 G.A.R. He was born March 19, 1839 in Sangamon
county, but had lived in Macon county since 1853. He lived in Long Creek Township,
seven miles east of Decatur. He moved to Decatur twelve years ago. He is survived by
a niece, May Whitehurst, and two nephews, James M. Jones of Davenport, Ia., Claude
Jones of Peoria. He was unmarried.
The funeral will be held at 1 o’clock. Sunday afternoon from Dodd’s
chapel on North Main street, and will be in charge of Dunham, post, G.A.R. The
internment will be at Long Creek cemetery and there will be a short service also at
the grave at 2:45.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at Dodd's chapel.
Interment will be in Long Creek cemetery at 2:45.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Saturday, 17 Apr 1909, pg. 8
JONES, Joseph 
Joseph Jones died on Sunday at his home near Casner station, of Brights
disease. He was thirty-five years old and was a son-in-law of John N. Fuller, of this
city. A wife and two children survive him.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Tuesday, 26 Oct 1886, pg. 4
JONES, Norma (Montgomery)
Norma M. Jones, 85, of Decatur, died 8:15 a.m. Thursday (Dec. 3, 1998) in Lincoln
Manor. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday in Dawson & Wikoff West Wood Street Funeral Home with
visitation 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Burial will be in Boiling Springs Cemetery. Family suggest
memorials to First Presbyterian Church, Macon County Historical Society, The Governor Oglesby
Mansion or Lincoln Manor.
Mrs. Jones was born Sept. 18, 1913, in Austin Townshiop, a daughter of William Norton
and Grace Albert Montgomery. She graduated from Decatur High School in 1932, attended Illinois
State University, Normal, and later the University of Illinois where she received her master's
degree. Her Illinois teaching career covered rural Macon County, Dixon High School, Kenney High
School and as a math teacher at Warrensburg-Latham High School. She was a member of the First
Presbyterian Church and a life member of Macon County and Illinois State Historical societies.
Mrs. Jones was also a life member of State and Decatur Macon County Genealogical societies. She
was a past board member of the Governor Oglesby Mansion and a member of the Harmony Homemakers
Extension Association - Lady Land Owners. She was chairman of the Menders Group for Lincoln
Manor Nursing Home. She married William B. Jones on June 15, 1942. |
Surviving are two nephews, Charles F. Montgomery and William P. Montgomery of
Philadelphia, Pa.; sisters-in-law, Mrs. Hazel Bloye of Tuscola and Mrs. Robert Wilson of Montrose,
Colo.; many nieces and nephews, cousins and friends, also survive.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, brother, Charles and sister,
Martha. Mrs. Jones will be long remembered for her manner of life, her many accomplishments and
the true sincerity in what she did.
Unknown Newspaper
Submitted by: Sally Hursh
We regret to learn of the death of Col. W.O. Jones, which took place
at his residence near the fair grounds this afternoon, Col. Jones had been in feeble
health for some ten years, but had recently revived somewhat, and was in town only a
week ago, when he took a severe cold, which resulted fatality. The funeral will take
place at 10 o’clock Sabbath morning, at the Presbyterian Church, Rev. F. N. Ewing
The deceased was, we believe a native of Alabama, but had resided in
Illinois nearly all his life. He came to Decatur from Springfield some fifteen years
ago and began the practice of law. He entered the army in the fall of 1861 as Lieutenant
Colonel of the 46th Illinois Infantry, but his health compelled him to resign after a
few months service. Returning home he moved to his farm near the fair grounds and
continued to reside there up to the time of his death. He was a man of an exceedingly
kind and generous nature and won many friends by his cheerful disposition and
companionable ways. He leaves a widow and several children to mourn his death.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, Friday, 5 Dec 1873, pg. 5
JOSTES, William (Josses) 
William Josses, a well-known German citizen living near Boody, died yesterday
of erysipelas. The funeral will be held today at Macon. at 2 p.m.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 4 Apr 1886, pg. 3
The funeral of Louis Joubert was held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning at the residence
of his daughter, Mrs. Charles McCormick, 1042 West Decatur Street. The services were conducted
by Rev. Elisha Safford, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church. There was a large attendance,
members of Dunham post, 141, G. A. R., being present in a body and conducting their ritualistic
exercises. The music was furnished by Mrs. Corydon C. Nicholson and Mrs. Homer Bateman. The
active pallbearers were J. B. Stocks, Roy Phillips, Samuel Phillips, C. E. Hildreth, W. Linhurst
and T. J. Wright. The honorary pallbearers were Jacob Hanes, Henry Barnhart, L. W. Nichols,
J.T. Beldon, Samuel S. Welfley and J. T. Francis. The interment was in Greenwood cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Saturday Evening, 20 December 1919, p.8
JOYCE, Bridget
Mrs. Walter Joyce died Monday at her home at the corner of Calhoun and Orchard
streets, aged 81 years. She was born in County Mayo, Ireland, and came to Decatur over 30
years ago. She is survived by two children, Mrs. Martin Conlon and William Joyce. She was
a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church and had many friends in the city. The funeral will
be held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afteroon from St. Patrick's church and the burial will be
at the Catholic cemetery.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 13 Sep 1898
JOYCE, John 
John Joyce died Monday morning at 11:40 o’clock at the home of his step-daughter, Mrs.
Joseph McKeown, 1224 South Walnut street. His death was due to old age. Besides Mrs.
McKeown, he leaves another step-daughter Mrs. M. McGinntty, of Springfield, and a step-son,
Henry Hughes, of Boody.
Mr. Joyce was born in Louisborough, Mayo county, Ireland in July 18?2. He
came to the United States in 1850. He enlisted in company F, Seventh Kansas, in April 1861,
and was in the army until June, 1866. He was a railroad employee for many years and lived
most of the time at 533 South Water street. He had made his home with Mrs. McKeown the
past five or six years. His wife died in 1899.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 28 Oct 1907
A description of the funeral was published in The Daily Review, Decatur
IL, 31 Oct 1907.
JOYCE, Nellie (Clark)
Born Near Warrensburg; Here 22 Years
Mrs. Nellis Clark Joyce, aged forty-four years, died at the family residence,
1504 North Calhoun street, at 12:30 p.m. today, from complication of diseases. She had been
ill for seven months.
Mrs. Joyce was born near Warrensburg and she has lived in Decatur for twenty-two
years. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church. Her husband, William Joyce and two
children, Marie and Walter survive her. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 4 Aug 1914
The funeral of Mrs. Nellie Clark Joyce, wife of William Joyce, will be held at 9
o'clock Thursday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The interment will be in Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Aug 1914
The funeral of Mrs. William Joyce was held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning at St.
Patrick's Catholic church. The services were conducted by Father J. Murphy. The music was
furnished by Miss Irene Wiefel and Miss Margaret Muleady. The pallbearers were Robert Hartnett,
Patrick McCue, M. Haher, Edward Kane, John Ryan and John Dunn. The interment was in Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 6 Aug 1914
JOYCE, Walter
End Came To Old Citizen as Result of Age and Paralysis
Walter Joyce, one of the best known men in Decatur, died at the family residence,
1004 North Calhoun street, Tuesday morning at 7:10 o'clock. His death was due to old age and
paralysis. He suffered a stroke of paralysis about two years ago and never rallied from the
He has perhaps attended more funerals in the capacity of pall bearer than any
other man in Decatur. He was a retired farmer and whenever called on to assist in burying an
acquaintance he never refused. He came to Macon county about fifty years ago. For twenty-five
years he was engaged in farming, and a fine farm is a part of the estate that is left. Twenty-five
years ago he retired and moved to this city, where he has been living ever since. He was a
prominent member of the Catholic church and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He
is survived by two children, Mrs. Julia Conlon and William Joyce.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning from St. Patrick's Catholic
church. The services will be conducted by Father Murphy. The burial will be at Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Herald, Friday, 6 Apr 1906
JOYNT, Marie R. (McClure)
Mrs. Marie R. Joynt, wife of Russell O. Joynt of near Elwin, died at 5 o'clock
Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McClure, near Harristown. She
would have been twenty-three years old in September. Her death was caused by a complication
of diseases. Mrs. Joynt had been in failing health for two years and for the last six months
had been confined to her bed.
Mrs. Joynt's maiden name was Marie R. McClure. She was born in Sunset, Ky.,
Sept. 12, 1899. With her parents she came to Harristown township when she was only five
years old. Her home has been in Macon county ever since. For the last two years the family
has lived near Elwin. She and Russell O. Joynt were married on her birthday, Sept. 12, 1914.
Beside her husband and her parents she is survived by two daughters, Viola Grace Joynt, aged
seven years, and Nora Lucile Joynt, aged five years. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Walter
Garriott, of Harristown, and a brother, C.O. McClure of Clinton. She was a member of the
Harristown Christian church and had many friends.
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Christian
church in Harristown. The services will be conducted by Rev. Charles Adams, assisted by
Rev. J.L. McGiffin of the Methodist church. The interment will be in the Harristown cemetery.
Decatur Review, 3 Jul 1922
JUDD, George
George Judd, 71 years old, died yesterday at 12 o'clock at his residence, 1547 East
Marietta street, of old age. The funeral will be held from the U.B. church at 2:30 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Rev. J.A.F. King will conduct the services.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Nov 1892
JUDSON, Charles O. 
The funeral of Charles O. Judson will probably be held Monday afternoon but
the time will not be definitely decided upon until the daughters arrive Sunday. Mr. Judson
was 78 years old at the time of his death. Besides his children and wife who survive are
two brothers, W.C. Judson of Elgin and Horace Judson of Correctionville, Ia.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 31 Jan 1909
JUMP, Henry 
Unusual Circumstance Connected With Death of a Maroa Man
(Requires Special Service)
Maroa, Ill. – March 3
Thursday morning between 2 and 3 o’clock occurred the death of Henry Jump. Mr.
Jump had been sick for almost three months and for the past month death had been expected at
any time. He was born in Ross County, Ohio. He went in the army in 18__, enlisting in Company
H, Eighty-ninth regiment.
He was married the 31st of March 1867 to Miss R. _. Liston. To them five children
were born, three of them living. John and ___ in Maroa and Mrs. Effie B___ue of Canton, ___.
Three brothers and two sisters survive, _____ Jump, B. T. Jump, George Jump, Mrs. Lanna Whittink
and Mrs. Mary Al____.
Mr. Jump would have been 62 years old the 13th of this month. He belonged to no
lodge but the G. A. R. About the same hour of Mr. Jumps death _____ was born to John and wife
_________. Funeral arrangements will be made later.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 3 Mar 1905, Pg. 12
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548