TAIT, James D.
James D. Tait Called Away at the Age of 79 Years
Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock James D. Tait, died at his home on West Packard
street of a complication of diseases.
The deceased was born near Jackson, Lawrence county, Pa., July 15, 1817. He
came to Decatur in 1839, coming up the Illinois river from there walking across the country
to Decatur, sometimes wading sloughs in water up to his chin.
He was a saddler by trade and carried his tools with him to this state. He
started the first saddler's shop in Decatur. It stood where the east end of the present
Millikin bank building now stands. For several years he remained in this business and then
removed to Spangler's mill and took charge of that for two years. He then moved to his
farm two miles north of Decatur, which he owned at the time of his death.
In 1876 he retired from farm work and moved to Decatur, living first on Jefferson
street, and then at 645 West Packard street, where he died. He married Susan Spangler soon
after coming here. She died in 1882. Several years afterward he married Mrs. Samuel Read,
who survives him. Two sons also survive him. They are Joseph S. Tait of Macon and Felix B.
Tait of this city.
The deceased was a resident of this county from 1839 and saw Decatur grow from
a very small village to its present size. He was a firm believer in Universalism and died
in that faith. Sophie Gibb, formerly pastor of the Universalist church here, will preach the
funeral. Members of the family telegraphed to her yesterday at Boone, _ , and she stated
that she would come. She will arrive here at 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.
The funeral of the deceased will take place from the family residence at
1:30 p.m., Friday, April 10, Rev. Sophie Gibb officiating. The interment will be in the
Spangler cemetery.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 8 Apr 1896
The funeral of James Tait will be held from the family residence at 1:30 p.m.,
Friday. The services will be conducted by Rev. Sophie Gibb of Iowa and the burial will be
at the Spangler cemetery.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 9 Apr 1896
TAIT, Susan (Spangler)
Last evening at the family residence on West William street, at 7:40 o'clock, Mrs.
Susan Tait died suddenly of heart disease, in the 62d year of her age. The deceased had been
afflicted with heart disease about a year, but was not considered in a dangerous condition until
about a week ago, when the pain became more violent, but it decreased noticeably, and the lady
was considered in an improved condition during Sunday forenoon. The deceased was born in
York county, Pennsylvania, on August 29, 1816, and came tot his county in 1835, with her
father, the late Joseph Spangler, Sr., and the family. She was the wife of our fellow-townsman,
Mr. James D. Tait, and was the mother of five sons, two of whom, Joseph S. Tait and Felix B.
Tait, survive her. The deceased was a well-known christian lady, whose many friends in this
county, where she had lived for nearly half a century, will be pained to hear of her death.
The funeral of Mrs. Tait will take place from the Universalist Church to-morrow
at 2 p.m. The services will be conducted by Rev. D.P. Bunn and Rev. S.S. Hebberd.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 29 May 1882
The obsequies attending the burial of the late Mrs. James D. Tait took place this
afternoon at the Universalist church, in the presence of a large assembly of friends of the
deceased and family. The services were conducted by Rev. S.S. Hebberd and D.P. Bunn. The
remains were taken to the Spangler cemetery east of Decatur and laid at rest. Messrs. L.L.
Ferriss, H.W. Waggoner, Theo. A. Gehrmann, F.A. Leforgee, George W. Bright and Harl P.
Christie served as pall-bearers.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 30 May 1882
TAPSCOTT, Harry A. 55, formerly of
Born: in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 10 am Friday at Veterans Hospital in Danville
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George and Rebecca Jane Allen Tapscott
Profession: Decatur Signal Depot
Military: Army and Marines in WWII
Survivors: sons, Steven of Decatur and Lawrence of Jacksonville; Father of Decatur; Brothers,
John S, George W., William E., Howard D., Ray E., and Claude L., all of Decatur..Robert A. of
Kansas City, MO.; Sisters, Mrs. Paul(Jessie) Byers and Mrs. Robert (Helen) Ellison both of
TAPSCOTT, Mrs. Howard (Helen L.
Casey Pugh)age 78 of Decatur
Died: 9:48am Thursday, Jan. 11, 1990 at St. Mary's Hospital
Buried: Odd Fellow's Cemetery in Moweaqua
Parents: Charley and Ora Casey
Profession: Pharmacist's assistant at Walgreen's for 31 years, retiring in 1971
Member: Antioch Christian Church
Married: to Harold Pugh in 1929, he died in 1971; married to Howard Tapscott in 1976
Survivors: Husband; Stepson, David Tapscott of Decatur; Stepdaughters, Sally Pease of Tower
Hill and Karen Tapscott of Davenport, Iowa; One sister preceded her in death.
TAPSCOTT, Howard David, 86, of
Death: 8:53 am, Friendship Manor Nursing Home in Mt. Zion
Funeral: 1 pm, Friday at Brintlinger Funeral Home
Parents: George G. and Rebecca Allen Tapscott
Birth: in Taylorville 9/29/1911
Owner: Tapscott Mobile Service Station
Other: Guard at Caterpillar, served in National Guard
Member: Decatur Moose Lodge
Marriage: to Helen Casey Pugh..she died in 1990
Survivors: son David Tapscott of Decatur; daughters, Sally Pease and her husband Donald of
Tower Hill, Karen Sue Torian and husband Bill of Gruncia, Maryland; brothers, Everett Tapscott
of Decatur, Robert Tapscott of Kansas City, MO; sister, Helen Ellison of Decatur; 4 grandchildren,
3 great grandchildren; He was preceded in death by parents, wife, sister Jessie Byers, and
brothers Welby, John, Fred, Art, Ray, and Claude
TAPSCOTT, Mrs. George (Martha Marie), 71 of 2677 E. Main St.
Death: 3:30 pm Wednesday at St. Mary's Hospital
Funeral Service: 2 pm Saturday St. John's Lutheran Church
Birth: in Decatur
Parents: William and Caroline Salogga Schultz
Marriage: to George W. Tapscott 8/11/1929 in Decatur
Survivors: husband; daughter, Mrs. Richard (Betty) Lee of Decatur; sister, Mrs. Jewett (Esther)
Rice of Decatur; 6 granchildren, 1 great grand child; Five brothers and two sisters preceded
her in death
Decatur Review: Dec 5, 1974
TAPSCOTT, Ray Edward, 60, of 317 S.
23rd St.
Born: in Decatur
Died: 8am Thursday, April 15, 1982 in Decatur Memorial Hospital
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George G. and Rebecca Tapscott
Profession: Worked at Caterpillar
Military: WWII Coast Guard Vet
Married: to Pauline Smith in 1971
Survivors: Wife; Daughter, Mrs. Robert (Shirley) Carter of Springfield; Stepsons, R. William
and Rodney T. Christie, both of Decatur; Stepdaughters, Mrs. William (Donna) Lewis, Mrs. Joseph
(Beverly) Moews, Mrs. Keith (Nancy) Young, Mrs. Robert (Karen) Johnson, all of Decatur;
Brothers, Robert of Kansas City, Mo., Howard, George W. John S., William Everett, Claude A.,
all of Decatur; Sisters, Mrs. Paul (Jessie) Byers and Mrs. Robert (Helen) Ellison, both of
Decatur; 2 grandchildren, 11 step grandchildren; 1 stepson, 1 stepdaughter, and 2 brothers
preceded him in death
TAPSCOTT, Claude L., age 64, of
Born: in Decatur
Died: Monday, March 12, 1990, St. Mary's Hospital
Parents: George and Rebecca Tapscott
Profession: Worked at Borg Warner York Division 28 years
Military: Korean Conflict Army Vet
Member: of AMVETS
Survivors: Son, Randy Lee of Bettendorf, Iowa; brothers, George, John, Everett, Howard all of
Decatur and Robert A. of Kansas City, Mo.; Sister, Helen Ellison of Decatur; 4 brothers and 1
sister preceded him in death.
TAPSCOTT, George W., age 96,
Born: September 20, 1900, West Liberty, Kentucky
Died: 9:25 pm, Wednesday, April 2, 1997 in Lincoln Manor
Funeral: 1 pm, Saturday at J.J. Moran Funeral Home
Buried: Graceland Cemetery
Parents: George and Rebecca Allen Tapscott
Occupation: retired painter
Married: Martha Schultz, August 11, 1929...she died December 4, 1974..
Survivors: Daughter, Betty Lee and husband Richard of Decatur; Brothers, Edward and Howard,
both of Decatur, Robert of Kansas City, MO; Sister, Helen Ellison of Decatur; 6 granchildren,
17 great grandchildren; He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, one sister, Mrs. Paul
(Jessie) Byers and 5 brothers, John, Fred, Art, Ray, and Claude.
TAPSCOTT, William Everett, 93, of
Born: May 14, 1905 in Taylorville
Died: 3:45 pm Wednesday, March 17, 1999 in McKinley Court
Buried: Macon County Memorial Park, Harristown
Parents: George G. and Rebecca Jane Allen Tapscott
Funeral: 1 pm, Saturday at Brintlinger Funeral Home
Occupation: Sergeant with Decatur Police Dept. retiring in 1964 with 23 years of service
Affiliated: with St. Paul's Methodist Church
Served: as Republican Precinct Committeeman 1936-1941
Marriage: Gussie Gertrude Martin, July 3, 1929 Holt, Ala-she died Feb 19, 1984
Survivors: Son, Preston E. Tapscott of Decatur; Daughter, Mary Jane Cramer and husband Frank of
Champaign; 7 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren; brother, Robert A. Tapscott of Kansas City,
MO; Sister, Helen Ellison of Decatur; He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, 1 sister,
and 7 brothers
Obit: Herald and Review, Friday, March 19, 1999
TAPSCOTT, Mrs. W.E. (Gussie G.
Martin), 76, of 2306 E. Clay St.
Born: Blakely County, GA
Died: 8:08 pm Sunday, February 19, 1984 in St. Mary's Hospital
Funeral: Graveside services 1:30 pm, Wednesday Memorial Park.
Parents: John P. and Mary Ellen Martin
Occupation: former seamstress at Keating Garment Co.
Affiliated: with St. Paul's United Methodist Church
Marriage: to W.E. Tapscott in 1929
Survivors: Husband; son, Preston E. of Decatur; daughter, Mrs. Frank (MaryJane) Cramer of
Champaign; sisters, Eva Rankin of Jacksonville, FL, Beulah Crain of Cottonville, Ala.; 7
grandchilren, 4 great grand children; Three brothers and 1 sister preceded her in death.
Obit: Herald and Review, Tuesday, February 21, 1984
TAYLOR, Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Charles Taylor died Wednesday at her home in Argenta, aged 30 years. A
husband and two sons survive her. The funeral was held Friday.
Bulletin Sentinel (Decatur), 21 December 1895
Hugh Taylor, the little son of Mr and Mrs Frank Taylor, died last night at 11:30
o'clock at the family residence, 330 East Condit Street of consumption. The body will be taken
to Mt. Pulaski this afternoon at 3 o'clock and the funeral then Friday at the Christian church.
Decatur Daily Review, 18 August 1892
John Max Telford, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Telford of 1305 West Macon street,
died Sunday at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Wiklinson, at Kinmundy, Ill. His age
was three months and twelve days. His death was caused by complications following pneumonia. Beside
his parents he leaves two brothers, Joseph and Levi Telford. The funeral will be held at Kinmundy
Monday afternoon. The interment was in Evergreen cemetery.
Decatur Review, Tuesday, 20 Dec 1921
Joseph Telford of Bement died Saturday afternoon at 3:30 in the Decatur and Macon
County hospital, death being due to the infirmaties of old age. He has been in the hospital about
two weeks. He was 73 years of age. The body was taken to the Dawson and Wycoff chapel to await
funeral arrangements.
Decatur Review, Sunday, 16 Jul 1922
The body of Joseph Telford, who died at the Macon county hospital Saturday evening,
was taken to Bement Tuesday for burial. The body has been at the Dawson and Wykoff undertaking
Decatur Review, Tuesday, 18 Jul 1922
Bement, July 20 - The body of Joseph Telford, who died in the Decatur and Macon County
hospital Saturday afternoon, was brought here Tuesday afternoon for burial. Rev. W.E. Olmstead,
pastor of the Presbyterian church conducted a short service at the cemetery.
Joseph Telford was born in June, 1840. He had lived in Piatt county twenty-eight
years. He leaves his sons, Albert, Oscan, Benjamin, Richard, Raymond, all living in Minnesota,
and his daughters, Ada, Corna, and Ella, in California, also a granddaughter, Alice French.
Mr. Telford's sons, Albert and Oscar, of Wabassa, Minn., were here at the burial of
their father and left for their home Wednesday.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 20 Jul 1922
TELFORD, Mrs. Martha
Mrs. Martha Telford died at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning in Macon County hospital. Her
death was due to infirmities of age aggravated by a broken hip caused by a recent fall. Funeral will
be at 11 o'clock Saturday morning in Fairview church northwest of Oakley. Rev. D.J. Blickenstaff will
conduct the funeral services.
Mrs. Telford was born April 27, 1849, and had been a resident of Oakley township for
more than 50 years. She leaves the following named children: Mrs. John Reardon of Mansfield; Charles
and Robert Telford and Mrs. Edna Devon of Oakley; Mrs. Iva Murry of Redlands, Cal.; Fred Telford of
Washington, D.C., and Jesse Telford of Woodard, Ok. There are 18 grandchildren and six
Decatur Evening Herald, Friday, 12 Apr 1929
THATCHER, Charles Penrose
Interested in National Bank Thirty-five Years
Was Formerly in Lumber Business
Charles P. Thatcher died at 10:40 o'clock Monday night at his home, 1700 North
Union street. He was eighty-two years old last January. His death was cuased by acute
indigestion. He became ill Sunday afternoon and did not rally. While he had been in frail
health for a number of years, he had not been confined to his home in recent years.
Though Mr. Thatcher had led a retired life for nearly forty years, he was one of
the best known of the older generation. For thirty-five years continuously he had served as a
member of the board of directors of the National Bank of Decatur, and it was only two years ago
that he declined re-election to the board. At one time he was vice president of the bank. He
owned extensive property interests and in recent years his activities were devoted to looking
after his properties and making improvements.
Aside from his interest in the bank, his last active business was the lumber yard
at the intersection of North Water street and the Wabash railroad, an industry that he started
in 1867. F.M. Gaddis was his partner for six years. Before going into the lumber business Mr.
Thatcher had been interested with his father in farming and in the production of wool.
A defect in his hearing kept Mr. Thatcher from participating extensively in
social activities, but he was a courteous gentleman of the old school, and was greatly
interested in Decatur and its citizens. His great interest in his children never lessened. Up
to the last his mind was as alert as that of a youth.
Mr. Thatcher was born in Milford, Chester county, Pa., Jan. 16, 1841. Of Quaker
stock, he received his education in the Friends Central school of Philadelphia. In his youth
he served as a salesman in his father's store in St. Clair. When still a yound man he
accompanied his parents to Decatur, where his father purchased a tract of land. With his
father he engaged in farming and sheep raising for six years.
Mr. Thatcher was twice married. His first wife was Miss Neta Robinson of
Schuylkill, Pa. Her death occurred in 1895. Two of the four children born to them died in
infancy. The surviving daughters are Mrs. W.L. Shellabarger and Mrs. Rober U. Maffit, both of
Decatur. Mr. Thatcher's second marriage was to Miss Mary Hall, Oct. 6, 1898, who survives him.
He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Mary T. Randall of Seattle, Wash. There are four grand-children
and two great grandchildren.
The family requests that no flowers be sent.
Decatur Review, 27 Nov 1923
THATCHER, Jane Neta (Robinson)
Died Suddenly Shortly Before Midnight
Nervous Shock Caused by Excitement at a Fire Hastened the End - Had Been an
Invalid for Several Years
Mrs. C.P. Thatcher died suddenly at 11:45 last night at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Will L. Shellabarger, 457 West Main street.
Mrs. Thatcher had been an invalid for four or five years, her trouble being
mainly caused by an affection(sic) of the heart. She was at the Bradley Bros' store at the
time of the fire yesterday afternoon, and the excitement and confusion of the moment was a
fatal shock to her delicate nervous system. On arriving home Mrs. Thatcher complained of not
feeling very well, but it was not until 10 o'clock that her condition was considered serious.
Dr. W.J. Chenoweth was called and did all that was possible for her, but his efforts were of
no avail.
Mr. Thatcher was not at the house when his wife died. He recently purchased
the property at the corner of North and Water streets and is having it remoldeled, and it
was hoped to have it ready for occupancy next week. He has been devoting all his own time
and attention to the work, and during the past few nights, as the work is nearing completion,
he has slept there. When it was known that Mrs. Thatcher's illness was of an alarming nature
a message was dispatched for Mr. Thatcher, but she died a few moment before his arrival.
No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 10 Mar 1895
THATCHER, Sarah (Mattson)
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah M. Thatcher took place last evening from the
residence of Dr. and Mrs. J.N. Randall on East Eldorado street, the impressive services being
conducted by Rev. W.H. Moore, of St. John's Church, in the presence of a large assemblage of
sympathizing friends of the bereaved relatives. The remains were laid at rest in Greenwood cemetery.
The following resolutions were adopted by the W.C.T.U., of which the deceased was a member:
WHEREAS, it hath pleased Almighty God, the controller of human events, to remove from our midst our
friend and sister, MRS. SARAH M. THATCHER, an exemplary member and generous supporter of our Union,
and in view of our loss and the still heavier bereavement to those more near and dear by ties of
blood; therefore be it
RESOLVED, It is a fitting tribute to say we bow in submission to Him "whose ways are not
our ways," and that we deplore our loss in the death of one in every respect worthy of our esteem
and love.
RESOLVED, That we condole with the bereaved family in this inscrutable dispensation of God's
providence, and earnestly commend them for consolation to Him "who doth not willingly afflict," and
whose chastisement is in mercy.
RESOLVED, That this testimony of our sympathy and sorrow be placed upon the minutes of our
Union, a copy sent to the bereaved family, and the same published in the city papers.
Signed by Mrs. Wm. J. Brown, Miss E.N. Jack and Mrs. A.M. Werner, Committee
Decatur Daily Republican, 5 Aug 1881
Mr. S.K. Thompson, formerly a well known resident of Decatur, died last
week of pneumonia, at his home near Cerro Gordo, at the age of 62. The remains were
brought to this city for interment, and the funeral attended by the Odd Fellows and
Masonic lodges, of which the deceased was a member.
Decatur Republican, 12 Mar 1868
THORNELL, Martha Ellen
Mrs. Martha E. Thornell, aged 93 years, widow of James W. Thornell, died Wednesday night at
8:10 o'clock in the home of her son Clyde Thornell, 255 East Waggoner street. She has been confined to
her bed only one week but had been in failing health for many months. The time of the funeral has not been
Martha Ellen Lewis was born March 18, 1835 in Hamilton, O., the daughter of James and Maria
Lewis; she was married to James W. Thornell Nov. 6, 1856, in Hamilton. They came to Illinois in 1865 and
for many years made their home near Boody. In the days of his greatest activity in business affairs, J.W.
Thornell probably was more wifely known as an auctioneer than any man engaged in that business in Macon
county. He liked the business and cried a sale when he was 88 years of age. His death occurred in Decatur
in 1915 where he had his home for 10 or more years after his retirement from active life. Mrs. Thornell
had been a member of the Presbyterian church for almost 60 years. She leaves her sons, J.E. Thornell of
Kansas City; Ollie Thornell of Blairsbur, Ia., and Clyde Thornell of Decatur; her sister, Mrs. Julia Cochran
of Rushville, Ind., her brother, James Lewis of Hamilton, O.; there are four grandchildren and three great-
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Thornell will be conducted in the residence, 255 East
Waggoner street at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. Burial will be in Salem cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 16 Aug 1928
Funeral services for Mrs. Martha E. Thornell in the home, 255 East Waggoner street, Friday
afternoon, were conducted by Rev. J.N. Elder. Burial was in Salem cemtery.
Decatur Herald, 18 Aug 1928
TIETZ, Mrs. O.H.
DIED, on Wednesday evening, July 27, 1881, in Blue Mound township, of consumption, Miss
Minnie Thornell, daughter of R.C.Thornell, aged 19 years. The funeral will occue to-morrow, Rev.
Bankson officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, 28 Jul 1881
TIETZ, Mrs. O.H.
Mrs. O.H. Tietz died at 1:15 p.m. Friday, December 18, of consumption, at the
family residence, nine and a half miles south of Decatur. She was 27 years of age and leaves a
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence. The
interment will be at Macon cemetery.
Decatur Review, 20 December 1896
TOLAND, Aquila 
Aquila Toland, of Austin, Shoots Himself
Scarcely had the community recovered from the shock occasioned by the suicide
of Joseph B. Bosworth when the startling news came of another silimar tragedy. - About
eleven o'clock this forenoon a telegram was received here from Latham, directed to Judge
Gallagher and signed by J.N. Fish, stating that Aquila Toland had shot himself this
morning. Details of the affair have not yet come to hand, and inquiry by telegraph
merely elicited the information that the act was suicidal, and not accidental, (as many
had hoped) that the unfortunate man died almost instantly, that no cause could be
assigned, and that he had left a letter for his wife. Beyond these meagre points
all is simple conjecture. Toland had been in Decatur much of the time for a week
past, and one man says he saw him leave here this morning on the 7 o'clock Pekin
train. Others say that this man must be mistaken, and that it was yesterday morning
he went home. It is most likely that he went home this morning, and committed the
rash act soon after reaching there.
The deceased was well known in Decatur, having made this place his
headquarters after coming to the State, and while making the first improvements on
his large farm in Austin township. This farm consists of 1400 acres of magnificent
land, all fenced and under cultivation. - It is not known that he was involved to
any extennt, and the cause of his desperate act is for the present a mystery. His
relatives, who reside in Madison county, Ohio, are all wealthy, and if he had been in
straightened circumstances it would have been easy for him to get relief.
Mrs. Toland is at present visiting her husband's mother and other relatives,
at London, Ohio, and the news of her terrible bereavement was telegraphed her this
afternoon. She will have the warmest sympathies of all our people in her great sorrow.
Mr. E.A. Jones and Col. P.W. Taylor, both of whom are old friends of the
family, went to Latham this afternoon to superintend the last sad rites of sepulture, and
Coroner Chenoweth also went on the same train, to hold the inquest on the remains.
The Coroner's Inquest - The Body taken to Ohio for Burial
When we went to press yesterday we gave all the particulars then obtainable
with reference to the Toland suicide. As stated yesterday the coroner went out to Latham
on the afternoon train, and an inquest was held. The following evidence of Isaac N. Fish,
who lived with Mr. Toland, gives about all the facts.
"Mr. Toland left home last Friday, for Decatur, and returned this morning,
Feb. 15, 1878. At about ten o'clock this morning he called me. He was in the barn. At the
first shot I was about ten paces from the barn door, and just as I stepped in at the door he
said to me, 'Good-by, old fellow,' and fired the second shot. He had prepared himself a bed,
and was lying down, resting on his elbow. As he fired the second shot he fell back upon his
back. I then went to town and called Dr. Benson."
The examination showed that both shots took effect in the left side, in the
region of the heart. One of the bullets came out near the right hip, and the other lodged
in the spine. Near by his body were two letters - one sealed, and directed to his wife, and
the other an open one, to Mr. Fish, which reads as follows:
Home, Feb. 15, 1878
My Friend Fish - You will please telegraph to my wife and brother, Hartford Toland, as soon
as you find my body. - Mrs. Toland will show you what I have written her. If they fail to
get here before Monday you will not have me buried until they come. There is cash on my
person to pay for the message. Farewell to you and "Flo." QUILL
The verdict of the jury was in accordance with th facts as above stated.
The body was taken to Ohio for interment, passing through here on the noon train.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 21 Feb 1878
MRS. A. TOLAND AT HOME - This morning Col. P.W. Taylor, who went to Ohio with
the remains of Mr. A. Toland, returned by the five o'clock train, accompanied by Mrs. Toland,
her daughter, and two brothers of Mr. Toland, from Ohio, and the party proceeded at once to
Latham. The letter left by Mr. Toland for his wife gave as a reason for killing himself
the fact that he had violated a pledge which he had made to her to quit drinking, and
preferred death to the humiliation of meeting her. The letter also gave some directions
about his business affairs, and directed that all his property should go to the benefit
of his wife and daughter, and expressed satisfaction in being able to feel that there was
enough to carry them through life comfortably. The letter makes so allusion whatever to
any financial embarrassment, and so far as is now known there was none. Col. Taylor
informed our reporter that the tidings of the sad affair overwhelmed Mrs. Toland and
her daughter with grief, and that the scene on the arrival of the body was heart-rending.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 28 Feb 1878
Written in His Last Moments to His Wife and Daughter
The following extracts from the last letter of Mr. Aquilla Toland, who
committed suicide by shooting, will be read with much interest by the many friends
and acquaintances of the deceased.
Some weeks since Mr. Toland signed the temperance pledge, and presented
the same to his wife, on Christmas, saying that he was determined to keep it at all
hazards. He kept it well until recently, when, during the absence of his wife and
child on a visit to his family, at London, Ohio, he yielded to temptation, and well
remembering his last words to his wife prior to her departure for London, and believing
it beyond his power to make a proper recompense, and again meet his wife and child as
one entitled to their love and confidence, and feeling that he was covered with dishonor,
he sought death at his own hands. When about to leave her home for Ohio, Mrs. Toland
asked him to remember and keep his pledge during his absence. The following is the
Home, 15th Feb., 1878
My dear Lydia and Bessie:
Notwithstanding it is very humiliating, I have to make this acknowledgement - That I
have failed to keep my pledge; and Oh! you don't how hard I have tried. And
now I have concluded to not disgrace you any further, and the horrible way I rid you
and dear Bessie is very repulsive to me, as I know it is to you and all my relatives;
but my conclusion is final - so farewell.
While I was in town this week and a part of the last I was very drunk every day, and
although it is a fearfully humiliating acknowledgement to make, I consider it the
most manly way.
--- will help you to attend to the management of the farm, and all other matters
pertaining to our joint business - matters which Iwish you and Bessie to have and
to hold as your own. And my dear wife, take care of Bessie; educate her and bring
her up as I know you are more capable of doing than I. Please keep -- and -- in
your employ as long as possible; don't hire --. Don't pay -- $190.00 that he won
from me at pool, for he got me drunk in order to do it; but do pay Mr. -- $100 that
I owe him and a bar bill besides, and pay Mess. -- and -- $50.oo of school money
that I owe the district. Now, my dear, dear wife, there may be other communications
in relation to my business that I ought to make, but I am not in condition to do so -
but I died knowing that you and Bessie have enough, and I know also that -- and all
at home will help you with anything you may ask of them. Give my dear mother and all
my dying love and please believe me to have always been as true to you in every respect,
except drunkenness, as 'twas possible for any one to have been.
The farm is all rented. Fish can tell you of all the tenants. I will tell Fish to
telegraph you and -- , and you must believe me when I say that I am sorry for you
and Bessie for the disgraceful manner of my death, but I am so heartily ashamed of
myself that I really cannot help doing so. Now, farewell forever, for you and Bessie
are too good and true.
Your loving Husband and Father, A. Toland
Decatur Weekly Republican, 28 Feb 1878
TOLAND, Bessie
The sad news of the death of Bessie Toland, daughter of Mrs. L.A. Toland,
of Latham, Ill., was received by telegraph in Decatur this forenoon. Miss Toland, who
was in the 13th year of her age, died last night of pneumonia, at St. Mary's Seminary,
near Terre Haute, Ind., which institution she entered last fall. The deceased was a
bright and promising young girl, and during her brief illness of about two weeks, was
attended by her mother who is now bereft of her only child.
The body will arrive in Decatur from St. Mary's this (Thursday) evening.
The arrangement is that the funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. D.S.
Shellabarger, at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
Decatur Daily Republican, 22 Mar 1883
TOMLINSON, Ellen (Bradley)
Mrs. Ellen Tomlinson, widow of T.W. Tomlinson died in her home one mile south of Macon
at 7 o'clock Saturday morning after suffering from pneumonia for about a week.
Ellen Bradley was born in St. Clair county on July 3, 1855 and came to Macon county
with her parents while she was still a small child. She married T.W. Tomlinson in 1877. She leaves
the following children: Mrs. William Riley of Assumption; Miss Rachel Tomlinson, Huntsville, Ala.,
Mrs. Charles Hogan, Mt. Zion; Mrs. John Riley, J.B. Tomlinson, F.J. Tomlinson and Tommy Tomlinson
of Macon. She also leaves one brother in Huntsville, Ala., and 40 grandchildren.
She was a member of the St. Stanislaus Catholic church of Macon and also a member of
the Macon Court C.D. of A.
Funeral services will be conducted in the St. Stanislaus Catholic church of Macon
at 9:30 on Monday morning.
Decatur Evening Herald, 16 Mar 1929
Well Known Resident Dies; Services Sunday Morning
Thomas (Tommy) Tomlinson, died at his home a half mile south of Macon Friday
morning at 10 oclock, following a protracted illness. Death resulted from a complication
of diseases. Mr. Tomlinson was sixty-eight years of age.
He was born in St. Clair county and moved to Macon with his parents when
about 12 years old. He had lived in and near Macon all his life and was widely known in
this vicinity.
He is survived by his wife and seven children: Mrs. William Riley of Assumption,
Miss Rachel Tomlinson, Huntsville, Ala., John Tomlinson of Macon, Mrs. John Riley, of
Macon, Mrs. Charles Hogan, Mr. Zion, Frank and Thomas Jr., Tomlinson of Macon. He is
also survived by four sisters and one brother. They are, Miss Agnes and Miss Mary Tomlinson,
of Macon, Frank Tomlinson of near Macon, Mr. J.J. Bradley, of Huntsville, Ala, and Mrs.
John Carroll of Decatur.
Funeral services will be held Sunday morning at 10 oclock from St. Stanislaus
Catholic church at Macon, Father Lyons officiating. Burial will be made in the Macon
The Daily Review (Decatur), 19 May 1917
DECATUR - Ann Marie Tortorice, 34 of Decatur passed away at 5:15 A.M., March 30,
2007 in Our Lady of the Lakes Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, LA. Graveside services
will be at 11:00 A.M. Thursday, April 5, 2007 in Macon County Memorial Park Cemetery,
Harristown. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday evening at Dawson & Wikoff West
Wood Street Funeral Home. The family requests casual attire for the services.
Ann was born June 28, 1972, in Decatur the daughter of Joe and Wilma (Richards)
Tortorice. She was a avid marathon runner. Surviving are her parents of Decatur, her
daughter Maria Tortorice of Decatur, son Louis Alfaro of Wichita, KS, Brothers Joe Tortorice
and his wife Laura and Dennis Tortorice all of Decatur, Paternal grandmother Betty Renken
and Maternal grandmother Pearl Richards, both of Decatur. Many aunts, uncles and cousins
also survive. She was preceded in death by both her paternal and maternal grandfathers.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 1 Apr 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
Dora, wife of George Traughber, died at 10 o'clock Thursday April 9 at the home of
3 miles southwest of Mt. Zion aged 25 years, her death occurring just five years to the day after
her marriage. The deceased had been for several years afflicted with catarrh of the stomach and
for the past three months has been considered in a precarious condition. Yesterday she grew
suddenly worse and passed away as above stated. The funeral will take place at 11 o'clock
Saturday from the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Mt. Zion. The services will be conducted by
Rev. W.L. Bankson of Blue Mound.
Bulletin Sentinel(Decatur), 18 April 1896
Henry Traughber died at the residence of his son Charles Traughber near Mt. Zion
yesterday. Mr. Traughber was probably the oldest man in the county and the oldest resident of
the county. He was born in Logan county January 9, 1803. He removed to Illinois in 1825 and to
Macon county in 1829.
Daily Review(Decatur), 4 October 1892
Will Probated
The will of Henry Traughber was filed for probate. It names Chapman Traughber as
his executor. His bond was filed at $2400. The will gives to Chapman Traughber, Mary Dunning and
Henry A. Traughber $1 each; to William S. Traughber, $400; to G.W. Cox the household furniture;
to Noy Hunt Draper, $3; to Della L. Hunt, $1; to Virginia C. Traughber, Judson Traughber and
Albert Traughber, $100 each.
Daily Review(Decatur), 4 October 1892
B.F. Travis, aged 66 years, died at his home at 643 East Leafland avenue on Wednesday morning,
December 6. His death was due to paralysis from which he had suffered for two years. He was
a native of Macon County and was born near Mt.Zion. He spent his lifetime in Macon County the
last seven years being a resident of Decatur. He is survived by his wife and five children Isaac
Travis, of Chicago; F.A. Travis, of Montana; Mrs. Frank Phillips, of Decatur. He is also survived
by two step-children, H. Glazebrook and Mr. J. Foster, of Decatur. The funeral will occur Friday
morning, the services being at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Mt. Zion. The burial will
be in the Cumberland Presbyterian cemetery there.
Decatur Morning News, December 7, 1899
The burial of B.F. Travis occurred at Mt. Zion Friday forenoon. The services at the M.E.
Church were conducted by Rev. Bankson of Blue Mound and Rev. Hawkins of Decatur. The pall
bearers were six nephews of the deceased, O.J., M.W., and C.E. Readhead and R.L., R.S., and
Clayton Travis. A number of Decatur persons attended the funeral.
Decatur Morning News, December 9, 1899
TRAVIS, Elizabeth
Mrs. Elizabeth Travis, aged 67 years, died at 1:10 a.m. Tuesday April 1, at her home, 1119
East Cerro Gordo street. Mrs. Travis was born in Ohio and lived in Decatur almost all her life.
She is survived by the following sons and daughters: George, William D., Fred and Charles, of
Decatur; Mrs. Emma Brush of Peoria; Mrs. Edith Garrison of Chicago, and Mrs. Jennie Bickes of
The funeral will be held from the residence at 1 p.m. Wednesday and the burial will be held
at Mt. Zion cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), April 1, 1902
Submitted by: Becci Powers
TRAVIS, William Allen
Oldest Man Born in Macon County
Parents came to Mt. Zion About 1829
William Allen Travis, born in Mt. Zion eighty-nine years ago and a resident of this county
all his life, died at 7:30 Friday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Edith Garrison, 1404
East Main street, after an illness of ten days with asthma. He was eighty-nine years old on
Feb. 22. He was the oldest man born in Macon county. His parents settled near Mt. Zion in 1829.
Mr. Travis was employed for a long time by the Haworth check rower factory when it was in
business here. For the last twenty-five years he had made his home in the east end of Decatur
and was widely known. His wife died about twenty years ago.
He leaves six children, eighteen grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. The children
are George I. Travis, Mrs. Jennie Bickus, Mrs. Edith Garrison, Fred and Charles Travis of
Decatur, and W. T. Travis of Granite City. He also leaves a brother, Bart, of Mt. Zion.
The body was removed to Moran's to be prepared for burial.
The Decatur Review, April 30, 1920
TRIMBY, George
Born: 4 September 1867 Killmington, England
Died: Wednesday, 20 April 1927 at his home, 944 West Grand Avenue, Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Cause of Death: Heart failure
Profession: Contractor
Married: 18 February 1896 Decatur, Macon Co., IL to Rose Mae Diss
Member: Church of England
Survivors: Wife, Rose; mother, Mrs. Sarah Jane Trimby, Decatur and eight children, all of Decatur -
Mrs. F. Glenn Riley, Mrs. Harry Cole, Mrs. Glenn Fortner, Miss Charlotte Trimby, Miss Maxine
Trimby, George Trimby, Jr., Kenneth and Lloyd Trimby; two brothers, James Trimby of Decatur and
John A. Trimby of Danville; one sister, Mrs. Kate Stephenson of Decatur and 3 granchildren.
Heart Failure Causes Sudden Death of Longtime Decatur Resident
George Trimby, 944 West Grand avenue, for 50 years a resident of Decatur, died
in his home at 10 o'clock Wednesday evening. Death, which was caused by heart failure, came
suddenly, although Mr. Trimby had been under the care of a physician for three years.
George Trimby was born at Killmington, England, September 4, 1867. He married
Rose Mae Diss in Decatur, Feb. 18, 1896. He was in business as a contractor. He was a
member of the Church of England.
He leaves the following relatives besides his wife: his mother, Mrs. Sarah
Jane Trimby, Decatur; eight children, all of Decatur, Mrs. F. Glenn Riley, Mrs. Harry Cole,
Mrs. Glenn Fortner, Miss Charlotte Trimby, Miss Masine Trimby, George Trimby, Jr., Kenneth
and Lloyd Trimby. Two brothers, James Trimby of Decatur and John A. Trimby of Danville, one
sister, Mrs. Kate Stephenson of Decatur and three grandchildren also survive.
The body was taken to Dawson & Wikoff's funeral home and prepared for
burial. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Decatur Evening Herald, 21 April 1927
Burial of An Aged Man at Monticello on Wednesday
The funeral of Henry Trimby was held Wednesday at one o'clock. Mr. Trimby
was ninety-two years old and died at the home of his son, James Trimby. The interment
was in the Morain cemetery. Rev. H.G. Gleier officiated.
Decatur Herald, 29 Dec 1905
Hugh Trimby 88, Dies Thursday
Was Formerly Custodian of Parks
Hugh Trimby, an old resident of Macon county and who at one time was custodian of
the city parks and planted many of the trees in Fairview park before Frank Forrence became
superintendant, died at 4 o'clock Thursday morning at his home 1060 West Harrison avenue. He was
88 years old last February. His death was caused by a complication of diseases after an illness
of six weeks.
Mr. Trimby was born in England Februay 27, 1832. He came to America in 1870 and
settled in Piatt county. There he was engaged in farming for six years. He then moved to near
Decatur where he has made his home for the last 44 years. Besides his wife, Mrs. Sarah J. Trimby,
who he married 56 years ago, he is survived by the following children; James and George Trimby,
who live on the Mt. Pulaski road; John A. Trimby of Danville and Mrs. Kate Stephenson of Decatur.
He also leaves 19 granchildren. For six years Mr. Trimby was custodian of the city parks. He was
well known among the old residents of the city and county and had many friends. The body was
removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 22 July 1920
TRIMMER, Abraham
The funeral of Abraham Trimmer was held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Boiling
Springs church. The services were concluded by Rev. Frank Hanley. The music was furnished by Miss
Edna Benton, Miss Grace Butts, Clifford McKay and Jessie Weltmer. Miss Gladys Glossner was the
The flowers were in charge of Miss Pearl Trimmer, Miss Katie Trimmer, Miss Florence
Trimmer and Miss Ora Trimmer. The pallbearers were William Huston, H. Hayes, H.H. Pharis, W.P.
Burrs and J.Haines. The interment was in the Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Review, 8 May 1917
In our issue of yesterday we mentioned the fact that Stephen Trowbridge, formerly of
this city, had shot himself, near Terre Haute, and mentioned the cause of his suicide - unrequited
love - as we learned it from what we believed to be a reliable source. We have since heard this
story dented by some of the friends, in this city, who say the statement has no foundation in
fact, or they would have known it.
It seems that a second dispatch was received yesterday stating that young Trowbridge
had died from the effects of his wound, at Eugene, Ind., a little village about 80 miles from
Terre Haute, and asking some one of his relatives to come for his remains. Mr. Wm. Trowbridge
left yesterday for Eugene in obedience to the summons.
The remains were brought to this city this noon, and taken to the residence of the
parents on West Prairie street. The deceased was a warm-hearted, generous young man, who had
made many friends while in this city, and his sad and untimely death will bring sorrow to
Decatur Daily Republican, Wednesday, 23 Jun 1875
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Troesch died Thursday, Nov. 3,
at the family residence, No. 964 South Colfax street. Funeral at the Episcopal church
at 3 p.m.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 5 Nov 1892
TROTTER, Hanora (O'Keafe)
>Death of Mrs Trotter
Last night at 8 o'clock at her residence at 964 North Broadway, Mrs. Milton Trotter died of
Lung fever, after an illness of only five days. She was 71 years old last April. A husband,
Milton Trotter, two daughters, and two sons mourn the lose of an affectionate wife and mother.
Six other children have gone before her to the beyond the dark river. The arrangements for the
funeral have not been made.
Decatur Review, Wed., Oct. 3, 1888, p.4
The funeral of Mrs Milton Trotter was not held yesterday afternoon on account of the weather.
It will be held next Sunday at Stapp's Chapel. At the time for holding the regular morning
service, 10:30. Rev. Scrimger will preach the sermon and have charge of the service.
Decatur Review, Fri. Oct. 6, 1888, p.3
Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery, Macon Co. IL
March 06, 1891 - Milton Trotter died at 5:30 yesterday morning at his home, 954 North
Broadway. He has been sick for years, but his illness has been serious only the last three
weeks. He suffered with chronic bronchitis complicated by an attack of la grippe.
Milton was born at Pique, O., April 20, 1808. He came to Illinois in 1833. Settling first
near Jacksonville. He was married there in 1835 by Rev. William Crow. In 1836 he moved to
Virginia, Cass County. Twenty-two years ago he came to Decatur, living on a farm northeast of
the city. His wife died about three years ago. Ten children were born to them, but only three
surviving, Mrs James Bergan, Milton, and Samuel, all residents of Decatur. Mr Trotter owns
considerable property in Decatur and several farms in the county. He was one of our best
citizens, and was respected for his many fine qualities. Hew was a member of the Methodist
church for 25 years.
The funeral will be held at 11 a. m. Sunday from Stapp's chapel.
At the home of her father, Milton Trotter No 954 North Broadway, on Thursday September 5 of
cancer, Miss Nannie Trotter, aged 29 years.
The deceased was a woman faithful to all her duties in life. During the several months of
last illness she has suffered the most intense pain. but has borne it with Christian
resignation. for she was sustained by a sublime faith which enabled her to look beyond all
the earthly to a haven of rest in heaven. She was a faithful member of the church and an
ardent devotee to her religious principles.
The funeral will be held at Stapp's Chapel on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. George
E Sceinger officiating. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery, Macon Co. IL.
Samuel Trotter Succumbs to Consumption
Was Well Know to Most Decatur People - Body will come Here Today -- Funeral Friday
Samuel Trotter died at his home in Peoria at 4 o'clock Wednesday Morning Nov. 30. of
consumption, with which he had suffered for a long time. He was well known in Decatur and Macon
county, he having been born and reared on a farm 2 miles north of the city.
His father, Milton Trotter, was one of the oldest and most substantial citizens of Macon
county. For many years he resided on the home farm north of the city. and afterward moved to
town, occupying the residence at 954 North Broadway, where he died eight years ago.
Samuel Trotter continued to reside on the home farm until after his father's death, when he
moved to the city and purchased the residence at 1551 North Water street. He was for two years
associated with Attorney E S McDonald in the real estate business. He move to Peoria in the
fall of 1894 and made that city his home ever since.
He visited different parts of the country in the hope of regaining his health. He went to
Arizona last winter, but failed to receive any permanent benefit and since his return to Peoria
it has been known that his days were numbered. He was good hearted and generous, and those who
knew Him best held him the highest esteem.
Mr Trotter leaves a wife and two children, Stella aged 16 years and Winfield, age 14. He
also leaves a brother and a sister, Milton Trotter and Mrs. David M. Barnett, both of Decatur.
Mr Trotter married Miss Leonore Terrell in Decatur seventeen years ago. She is the daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Terrell of Mackinaw Ills. and a sister of Mrs. J. C. Walker of Decatur.
The body will arrive in Decatur at 3 o'clock this afternoon and will be taken to the
residence of J. C. Walker, 1018 North Main Street, where the funeral will be held at 10 o'clock
Friday Morning. The service will be conducted by Dr. Pehallegon of the First Presbyterian
Church. The interment will be at Greenwood.
Decatur Morning Review, Thurs., Dec. 1, 1898, P2
Michael Troutman's Death - He Passed Away At 11 O'Clock Last Night
The Autopsy - An Epitome of His Life
Michael Troutman has for some months been sick died at 11 o'clock last night at his
home, No. 531 West Main street. His death was not unexpected as his sickness was of that character
as to preclude his chances of recovery, and especially so during the past three weeks, when he was
unable to leave his home. A diagnosis of his case revealed the fact that at least one of the
troubles existed in a cancer of the lower bowels, and it was decided that an operation was the
only chance of prolonging his life. His physician, Dr. R.L. Walston, decided this chance of
prolonging his life should be adopted and Sunday, Jan. 3, Dr. Walston assisted by Drs. Ira N.
Barnes and William Barnes successfully removed the cancer. The wound healed kindly and the patient
became much better. Notwithstanding the fact that the wound continued to heal, the favorable
symptoms noted after the operation passed away, and he gradually became worse until death
resulted. During his sickness it became evident that Mr. Troutman was also suffering from brain
trouble, and this morning by consent of the family, Dr. Walston and Dr. Will Barnes made a post
mortem of the brain. The autopsy revealed a general disease condition of the brain, the right
side being the worst. Springing from the duramater, one and one-half inches in front and above
the right ear, the surgeons found a fibrous tumor, spherical in form, about one and one-half
inches in diameter. This tumor, which it was impossible to remove during treatment, together
with the general disease of the brain, cause his death.
Michael Troutman was born in Bavaria May3, 1835, and at a very early age came with
his parents to this country. His family settled in Columbus, Ohio, where Michael grew to manhood.
After attaining his majority he came to Decatur in 1857. He remained but a short time, going
South, but after a year's absence returned, and since that time has made Decatur his home. He
was married to Sophia Volk, who survives him, in 1860. The result of this union was six children,
four of whom are still living, Elmer, Nora and Clara of Decatur and Mrs. P.K. Albert of Guthrie,
Michael Troutman was a man controlled by an exceptionally strong will which held
him up under physical suffering and adversities under which other men with less tenacity would
have gone down. In 1860 the year of his marriage in an accident of the Illinois Central railroad
he lost a leg. At the time of the accident he was in the employ of that corporation.
He was a brick mason by trade and after securing an artificial limb he began working
at his trade. The was difficult at first, on account of his crippled condition, but he persevered
until he became able to make a full hand. He soon became a contractor, and was financially
successful. Some years ago he left his business to his son Elmer, F.H. Converse and Julius
Randall, who had been in his employ, and retired from active business, settling down to enjoy
The funeral will take place from the late residence of the deceased at 10:30 o'clock
tomorrow, Rev. W.H. Penhallegon officiating.
Decatur Daily Republican, 22 January 1892
The Remains of Michael Troutman Placed in The Tomb - The Funeral
The funeral of Michael Troutman took place from his late residence at 10:30 o'clock
this morning. The body reposed in an elegant casket in the room into which the friends entered
who attended the funeral, and as each one arrived opportunity was given to look at the remains.
The funeral services were commence promptly at 10:30 o'clock and consisted of a beautiful service
conducted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon of the Presbyterian church. The choir consisting of Miss Lucy
T. Keeler, Miss Addie Ebert, Professor Glover and Charles Montgomery sang, "Cast Thy Burden on
the Lord," and after prayer and a reading of a portion of the scriptures they sang, "Nearer My
God to Thee". The Rev. W.H. Penhallegon took no text but spoke in a general way of the frailties
of human life the promises to those who are bereaved and of the life to come. He said:
"A man who does his whole duty as he understands it, and keeps doing it, following
it up year after year, with nothing to hold him to it but the moral sense on his part that it is
the thing for him to do like a clock that runs, ticks, strikes and keeps time at the swing of its
own pendulum and the pull of its own weights is an enrichment to the community where he belongs.
His death or removal is an impovrishment and loss. Such a man has recently gone out from us and
we are here this morning to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory. He was a man of deep
convictions, strong will power, earnest purpose, fine sense of honor, in short a man in whose
character was compacted the cardinal issues. Living, to him, was serious business. It was not
a game of fast and loose, but a field of opportunity where the best powers were called into play.
His religion was very largely that set forth by James, the religion of good works. His heart
went out to the week, the poor and unfortunate. Bur as the horizon of his life narrowed to a
close, he began to think of the future life of immortality, of God, and the soul's relation to
Him. No such life is lived in vain, its influence for good will live."
When Mr. Penhallegon had concluded his remarks the singers sang "Abide With Me".
The pallbearers were W.H. Starr, T.T. Roberts, Albert Morgan, Davis May, John Ulrich and W.L.
Dumont. There was a large attendance at the services and notwithstanding the chilliness of the
atmosphere a large number followed the remains to the cemetery where they saw all that was mortal
of Michael Troutman placed in the tomb.
Decatur Daily Republican, 23 January 1892
Wm. W. Trueblood was born in Guilford County, North Carolina December 13,
1839 and departed this life at Decatur, Ill., May 27, 1912, aged 72 years, 5 months and
14 days. Born and raised of Quaker parents, he early in life became a member of the
original Wm. Penn Quaker church of North Carolina with which he remained identified
until death. He was a member of the Society of Friends an opposed to slavery.
He was united in marriage to Sarah Durham of North Carolina in 1859, to
this union was born one child; Thomas L. Trueblood of Decatur. He left his native state
and moved to the Quaker settlement of Greensboro, Ind., where this wife preceded him to
the grave in 1862. In 1864 he enlisted in Company F 17th Indiana Volunteers and served
until the close of the war. He was again married in 1866, to Lucy E. Paschal, to this
union eight children were born, two dying in infancy. Six survive, Charley A. Trueblood
of Decatur, R.B. Trueblood of Carson Township, Lena R. Crotser of Decatur, Earl W.
Trueblood of Oklahoma, Ocie R. Trueblood and J.A. Trueblood both of Decatur. Also 24
His life was simple and industrious. Honesty and integrity were strong
characteristics of his life and the world was a better place for his having lived in
it. In 1883, he helped to organize the George W. Bolt, Post of the G.A.R. of Carson,
and became a charter member of the chapter consisting of twenty members, of which only
three are now living, namely; G.A. Henderson, and Albert Jesse of Carson and John A.
Cothern of Ramsey, all of whom are very feeble and are only waiting for their Commander
Supreme to give orders.
That warfare of life, like that of Comrade Trueblood, is over. The Stars
and Stripes float over a free and undivided nation a monument to immortalize the lives
of such men as these to the Sons and Daughters of America. Though they die their work
lives on. One great characteristic of hi life that we wish to mention is that he was
never known to tell a falsehood or speak evil of anyone and was always ready to chide
those who did. He was a patient sufferer; and though for two or three months prior to
his death he was unable to lie down but had to be propped in a chair. He leaves, besides
his aged wife, six sons, one daughter, one sister, several half-brothers and sisters
and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his death.
The remains were laid to rest in the Welch Cemetery in Carson, where he
lived for many years and had endeared himself to so many of Carsons people.
Unknown Newspaper
TUCKER, Jack Malcolm
Born: 22 Aug 1935 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 7 Feb 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Forrest Albert & Mildred Ione (Reed) Tucker
The funeral of Mrs. W.H. Tucker will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the
residence, 1095 South Poil street. The services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Strickland of Muncie,
Ill. Interment will be in Mt. Gilead cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Oct 1907
The funeral of Mrs. W.H. Tucker was held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the
residence, 1095 South Polk street. The services were conducted by Rev. William Strickland of Muncie,
Ill. There was a large attendance and many beautiful floral tributes. The following women acted as
pallbearers. Mrs. Ella Cook, Mrs. Rose Cooper, Mrs. Justine Ray, Mrs. Susie Dougherty, Mrs. Lucy
Banner and Mrs. Martha Hayes. The interment was at Mt. Gilead cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 6 Oct 1907
Of inflammation of the bowels and stomach, at the home of the parents, on East
Prairie St., on the evening of Saturday, January 29th, 1887, Dee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Tudor, aged 14 months.
Decatur Daily Republican, 31 Jan 1887
TURNER, Frances Jane
Born: 22 Oct 1855 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 15 Mar 1942 in Piatt Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: James & Mary (Stuart) Turner
TURNER, James H.
Born: Oct 14, 1821 in GA
Died: 29 Aug 1893 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: 10 Jan 1848 in Macon Co, IL to Mary Stuart
Children: Martha, Robert, Sarah, Frances, Wm., Mary & Julia
TURNEY, Daniel Braxton, dies at 78
Born: Shawneetown, IL, April 17, 1848
Died: 18 Jan 1926, Sunday evening or Monday Morning
Buried: Graveside services at Graceland Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL, Wednesday afternoon
Accomplishments: Presidential candidate in 1908; 50 years a pastor; Suthor of several books
and pamphlets
Profession: Became a minister in 1870
Marriage: to Emma Virginia Oglesby in 1875, married 50 years last year
Survivors: Wife; 2 children, george J. Turney and Margaret V. Turney, both of Decatur; Brother,
Rev. Leanders Turney of California.
Author: The Mode of Baptism
Candidate/Nominee: for President for United Christians in 1908
TURNER, Mary (Stuart)
Mrs. Mary Turner died at the family residence in Mt. Zion. She was 75 years old.
She was the widow of James Turner, who died Aug 28, 1893. She was a native of
Virginia, but came to Illinois when 5 years old and has resided in Moultrie and Macon
Counties. Her husband was a veteran of the Mexican War. She was a member of the
M.E. church at Mt. Zion and was held in high esteem by all. She is survived by five
children, R.L., W.H., and Jane Turner, Mrs. Lewis Elliott, all of Mt. Zion, and
Mrs. J.W. Clark of Blue Mound.
Decatur Review, Apr 8, 1899, p.5
(Born: 17 Feb 1824 in Wythe Co, VA; died: 6 Apr 1899 in Macon Co, IL; buried: Mt. Zion
Cem., Macon Co, IL; parents: Robert & Catharine C. Florey.)
TURNER, Verna Sidney (Lichtenberger) Maleska
Born: 24 Nov. 1898 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 30 Sep 1973 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Mount Gilead Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George W. & LaNora (Goodpasture) Lichtenberger
Married: #1 1917 in Macon Co, IL to Max J. Maleska
#2 23 Feb. 1968 at Shelbyville, Shelby Co, IL to Walter L. Turner
Children: Mary Maleska
TURNER, William H.
William H. Turner of Macon died at 4:35 Saturday (Feb 19, 1921) afternoon in the
home of his
sister, Mrs. J.W. Clark 1019 North Broadway, from a complication of diseases with
which he has been suffering for several months. He was brought from his home in
Macon to the Decatur and Macon County hospital several weeks ago and later removed
to the home of his sister.
Mr. Turner was born near Long Creek (Jul 16, 1858, son of James H. & Mary
Stuart Turner) and has lived in Macon county all his life,
having been a farmer until the last several years when he retired. He would have been
sixty-three years old on July 16 had he lived. He leaves two other sisters besides
Mrs. Clark. They are Mrs. Adell Elliott of Shumway and Miss Turner of Macon.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed but the funeral will be held
sometime Monday. (Burial in Macon Cemetery, Macon Co, IL)
Decatur Review, Feb 20, 1921, p.26
TURPIN, William
Death of An Old Settler
William Turpin, who was past 81 years of age, died last night at the home of his
nephew, Edward Turpin, in Mt. Zion township. The deceased was a bachelor and one of the old
settlers of the county. His brothers were Mat and Ed Turpin. He had two sisters who are dead.
He owned considerable property which he some time ago gave to Chauncey Turpin, son of Scott
The deceased served as a member of the first grand jury drawn in Macon county.
That was in 1831, and court was held at old man Ward's place, four miles from Decatur. The
grand jury heard evidence while sitting on a log under a tree.
Decatur Daily Republican, 9 Aug 1890
TURPIN, William S. 
Had Store on North Union Many Years
William Scott Turpin for many years a retail grocer in Decatur, died at 9:25 Thursday
night in the Soldiers Home in Danville. He was seventy years old and had lived in Macon county most of
his life. Mr. Turpin was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of Dunham Post. No. 141 G.A.R. He
was a member of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His early life was devoted
to farming near Dalton City.
At the close of the war he resumed his agricultural pursuits until about twenty years
ago, when he moved to Decatur. He and Miss Jennie Lacoslin were married April 4, 1867, at Clinton. Her
death occurred in Decatur twelve years ago. For ten years after coming to Decatur Mr. Turpin was engaged
in the retail grocery business. His store was at 1410 North Union Street. Five years ago he sold out
and retired. At one time he owned a large farm near Dalton City, but this he sold. He also had extensive
land interests in Ohio. Six months ago he went to the home in Danville to spend his declining years
among comrades with whom he fought.
Mr. Turpin is survived by two sons, Chauncey E. Turpin, 2232 North Edward Street, and
Fred O. Turpin of Bryan, Ohio. He also leaves two half brothers and a half sister. Abraham Turpin and
Robert Turpin of Mt. Zion Township, and Mrs. Amanda Kinser also living near Mt. Zion. He was the
grandfather of Wilbur S. Turpin of Decatur and Waller Turpin and Fred Turpin Jr.; of Bryan, Ohio.
The body was brought to Decatur Friday morning and taken to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking
establishment to await arrangements for the funeral.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 2 Feb 1917, pg. 9
TUTTLE, Alonzo H.
Born: 30 Aug 1872 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 23 Nov 1940 in Franklin Co, OH
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
TUTTLE, Charles Alonzo
Born: 20 Nov 1829 in Prospect, New Haven, CN
Died: 2 Mar 1889 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Macon Co, IL
Married: 4 Apr 1854 in Macon Co, IL to Henrietta A. Florey
Children: Frank, Louise, Sheridan, Charles W., Fredric, George, Alonzo & Homer
TUTTLE, Charles Warren
Born: 1866 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 11 Apr 1911 in St. Louis, MO
Buried: Greenwood Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
Married: 27 Mar 1883 in Macon Co, IL to Fannie Kepley
TUTTLE, Frank H.
Born: 29 Apr 1858 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 20 Feb 1928 in Sangamon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
Married: to Mary A. Phinney
TUTTLE, Fredric A.
Born: 25 Aug 1868 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 27 Sep 1939 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
Married: 17 Oct 1894 in Macon Co, IL to Willetta Johnson
TUTTLE, George 
Fred Spooner and George Tuttle, the latter a brother of Charles Tuttle, were among
the Macon county soldiers killed at Shiloh 22 years ago.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 4 Apr 1884, pg. 3
Muster and Descriptive Roll:
Pvt. George Tuttle
Company A. 41st Illinois Infantry
Residence: Decatur, Macon County, Illinois
Age: 25 – Height: 5’9” – Hair: Dark – Eyes: Hazel – Complexion: Light – Martial Status: Single – Occupation: Engineer
Service Record:
Joined: August 5, 1861 at Decatur, Illinois
Mustered in at Decatur, Illinois on August 5, 1861
TUTTLE, George B.
Born: Nov 1871 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 8 Mar 1932 in Davison Co., SD
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
Married: 31 Aug 1907 in Macon Co, IL to Anastasia Steele
TUTTLE, Henrietta A. (Florey)
Mrs. Henrietta A. Tuttle, one of the oldest resedents of Decatur, died at 1:30
Thursday afternoon (14 Jul 1910) at her home, 157 West William street.
Mrs. Tuttle had been ill for four months or over, but she never complained, even
when her condition became critical. She was devoted to her family and to spare her
children from worry she refrained from speaking of her illness oftener than was
necessary. She realized last Sunday that she could not get well, and then she talked
about her condition to her children and told them that she was ready to go.
Mrs. Tuttle was born May 24, 1834, on the old Florey farm east of Decatur, (the daughter
of Charles A. & Henrietta Florey Tuttle). She
was Henrietta A. Florey before her marriage to Charles A. Tuttle in April, 1855. All her
life was spent in Decatur since she left the home farm, and she never lived outside of
Macon county. She was widely known among the old residents of the county. She
was one of the old members of the First Presbyterian church.
She leaves one sister, Mrs. Margaret Culver of Portland, Ore., and is survived by
the following eight children: F.H. Tuttle, Mrs. Edwin D. Carter and S.A. Tuttle of Decatur,
C.W. Tuttle of St. Louis and George Tuttle and Fred A. Tuttle of Decatur, Hon. Alonzo
H. Tuttle of Columbus, O., and Homer C. Tuttle of Kansas City.
The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.
Decatur Review, July 14, 1910, p.14
TUTTLE, Sheridan A.
Born: 23 Jul 1861 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 1 Aug 1918 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles A. & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle