Died, at Petersburg, Menard county, Ills., on the 24th day of February,
Dr. Z.P. Cabanis, in the 41st. year of his age.
The deceased removed from Kentucky to Illinois, in 1830, and resided in
this city until 1850. Since that time he has resided in Petersburg, engaged in the practice
of his profession. In the death of Dr. C. the ruthless destroyer cast a dart at virtue
personified. In society he was bland, courteous refined, and by the suavity of his
deportment he became endeared to all who knew him. In his death the community at large
lost an influential and valuable member, and he has left numerous relatives and friends
to mourne his untimely death. - Springfield Register
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 5 Mar 1857
CAHILL, Goldie M.
Born: 4 Apr 1897 Dalton City, Il
Died: 2 Jan 1957
Buried: Bethany Cem, Bethany, IL
Parents: George Webb and Rhoda Adaline Lane
Married: J. Elmer Cahill
Children: Bernard Cahill
Many friends and relatives of James Cahill of Long Creek were in Decatur yesterday to attend
his funeral which was held at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The services were conducted by Rev. Father
Murphy and interment was in Calvary cemetery.
Mr. Cahill was for twenty years a prosperous farmer near Long Creek. He came to this county
in 1830 and lived here until the time of his death. He is survived by his wife and one son, Elmer Cahill,
of Long Creek.
The Daily Review, 14 Mar 1916
Miss Rose Cahill died on Sunday morning at the home of F.C. Myer, 169 West
Jefferson street. Her death occurred at 10 o'clock. Miss Cahill was one of the oldest and
best known members of St. Patrick's Catholic church. She was a native of Cumberland county,
Md., and came to Decatur in the early fifties and for many years conducted the little Catholic
bookstore on East North street, opposite St. Patrick's Catholic church. For a time she gave up
that store and lived in Chicago, but returned to this city to make her home with her nephew,
Mr. Myers, after the death of the latter's wife. Besides her nephew in this city Miss Cahill
leaves a nephew and niece at Ivesdale and a brother at Quincy. She was a cousin of Bishop
Elder of Cincinnati. Miss Cahill was sixty-eight years of age at the time of her death. The
funeral services will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic church this morning at 9 o'clock and
the services will be conducted by Dean Murphy.
Decatur Herald, 26 Jan 1904
CAIN, Andrew H.
Andrew Cain, an old resident of Illini township, died Friday of heart disease, aged
70 years. The funeral was held from the Illini Congregational church yesterday afternoon. Rev.
J.H. Runalls conducted the services.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Nov 1892
CAIN, Cort
Cort Cain, the youngest son of Lewis Cain, and well known to the sporting fraternity about town,
took morphine last night with suicidal intent and died in the central police station at 11:20.
The first knowledge of his deed was conveyed by women living in the Gallagher building on
North Water street, who reported at the undertaking establishment of Wikoff and Reeve on the first
floor about 10 o'clock that there was a man in the stairway who was drunk or ill. The police were
telephoned for and the patrol wagon came and took the man to the station and couty physician
Smith was telephoned for.
He arrived in a short time and gave Cain antidotes and the two men walked him about the
court house in an attempt to work off the influence of the drug. All efforts were of no avail, however,
and Cain died at 11:20 as stated.
The coroner was called and the body was removed to the undertaking establishment in the same
building from which the sick man had been removed only an hour before.
Cain leaves besides his father mentioned, a mother in Chicago, a wife, who has an application
for divorce pending in court, and two brothers.
Cain's troubles with his wife seems to have been his reason for taking his life, though it is said
that he has been in the habit of using morphine. When asked at the police station what he had taken he replied:
Asked what for, he said: "Because I wanted to."
The next inquiry was as to his reason and where he got the drug, but he would give no further answers.
Decatur Review, Wed., Oct. 7, 1896, p. 8
CAIN, Louis Reed
Louis R. (Daddy) Cain, one of Decatur's oldest residents, died early Saturday evening at
the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Mabel Heger, 1013 East Eldorado street. He was over
eighty-two years old and was known among the older residents of Decatur. He was born in
Herkimer county, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1834. He came to Decatur nearly sixty years ago. He was
in business on Merchant street for a nunber of years. Later he conducted a restaurant on
East Eldorado street and was also proprietor of
the Brunswick hotel for a number of years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Belle R.
Cain, and one daughter, Mrs. Mabel Heger.
The funeral will be held some time Monday morning.
Decatur Review, Sun., Jan. 21, 1917, p. 6
CAIN, Mrs. Lewis
Information was received in this city of the death of the former wife of
Lewis R. Cain in Chicago at 11 o'clock Friday night. She had been living for several
years with her son in Chicago. Her maiden name was Florey and she was a sister of Jasper
Florey, who lived in Decatur until recently.
Decatur Review, 20 Dec 1901
CALDWELL, Lucy Annette (White)
Mrs. Luch Caldwell, widow of Charles M. Caldwell, died Saturday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock
in her home, 160 North Edward street, aged 84 years. Mrs. Caldwell had been suffering for the last two
years of a chronic bronchial trouble. Funeral services will be Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Caldwell had been a resident of Decatur for more than 50 years and to those persons
active in community affairs during the last 30 years of the 19th century, she was well known.
Her maiden name was Lucy Annette White; she was born in Phillipston, Mass., 84 years ago.
When she was a girl her parents came west, first making their home in Quincy, later going to Griggsville,
where she was married to Charles M. Caldwell in 1866. They came to Decatur five years later and since
that year, Decatur had been her home. She leaves her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Bradley; a son died in
childhood. Charles M. Caldwell died in 1921, being the last survivor of his father's family as Mrs.
Caldwell lived to be the last of the family of her father.
Decatur Herald, 17 Jun 1928
CAMERON, Mrs. David
Mrs. David Cameron died of a complication of diseases at 2:30 p.m. Sunday,
at the family home at the corner of Woodfors and Condit streets, aged 68 years. She has
lived in Decatur for the past 25 years and was a highly respected old lady. The deceased
is survived by her husband and five children, Daniel Cameron of Pana and William, David,
Marguerite and Robert Cameron of Decatur.
Decatur Weekly Republican, 27 Jan 1898
Joseph Cameron, aged 78 years, died on Nov. 11 in Shelby county. Until
fourteen years ago the deceased resided in Blue Mound.
Daily Republican (Decatur), 17 Nov 1896
CAMERON, Maude (Cogdal)
Atwood, Jan. 26 - The funeral services of Mrs. Samuel Cameron, who passed
away Monday at St. Mary's hospital in Decatur, were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the First Christian church, Rev. G.W. Rippey officiating.
Maude Cogdal, daughter of Thomas and Laura Cogdal was born in Wichita,
Kan., Oct. 23, 1844 and died Jan. 23, 1911, aged 26 years, 3 months.
She united with the First Christian church in 1900 under the preaching of
Rev. G.D. Lawrence. On Nov. 18, 1900 she was married to Samuel Cameron and to this union
were born a daughter, Gladys and a son Ansel, who are left to mourn a mother's loss.
Besides the two children, those surviving are her husband, mother, Mrs. Laura Chambers,
two brothers, George and Joseph, besides many other relatives and friends. The interment
was at the Mackville cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 26 Jan 1911
NOTE: There is a date discrepancy in this obit.
CAMERON, Nellie B.
Nellie B., the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, died
Thursday evening at the family residence, 1420 North Clinton street of pneumonia. The
funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the familiy residence.
Decatur Herald, 6 Mar 1903
The Daily Review (Decatur), 6 Mar 1903
The funeral of Nellie Cameron occurred Saturday morning at 10 o'clock
from her home at 1420 North Clinton street, Rev. George V. Metzel officiated.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 8 Mar 1903
CAMERON, Richard
The body of Richard Cameron, who was murdered in the county jail Sunday
morning by Arthur Gordon, was buried in the potters field Tuesday afternoon. All
efforts to locate his relatives were in vain. The coroner and Undertaker Moran sent
telegrams to various places but could not locate anybody that even knew him.
Gordon seems indifferent. He sleeps well, eats well, and does not
appear to be worried about his case.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 Apr 1912
CAMERON, Robennie
Robennie Cameron (age, 4 mo.) died at 1:10 yesterday afternoon at the home of
her father, William Cameron, 1101 North Jordan street. The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning at the residence. The services will be conducted by Rev. Prestley.
Decatur Morning Review, 27 Aug 1889
CAMP, Samuel
Samuel Damp, who died eight miles east of Maroa, of Bright's disease on the 12th,
was aged 55 years. He was a son-in-law of the late Joseph Long, and at one time was the owner
of a farm of 120 acres, near Maroa. He leaves a widow and three children.
Decatur Republican, Decatur, IL, 21 Apr 1887
Sudden Death of Sir Knight James C. Campbell
From Thursday's Daily.
Sir Knight James C. Campbell died very suddenly this morning (15 Dec 1892) at 4 o'clock,
at his home at No. 538 West Macon street, of heart disease. Mr. Campbell was born February
9th, 1834, in Marion county, Illinois, and moved to Decatur in 1873. Since that time he
served a term as assessor and has always been held in the highest esteem by his fellow
citizens. He was a Knight Templar and an Odd Fellow. For years he has been a traveling
salesman and enjoyed the best of health until several years ago when he suffered from a
complication of heart disease and the grip. Since then he has been gradually failing in
strength until a short time ago when he became confined to his home. He rallied last
evening, But soon sank into a stupor, from which he did not awaken and at 4 o'clock this
morning he passed into the unseen beyond. He leaves a widow and four children, Chas. M.
Campbell of Harristown, Mrs. Frank Smith of Minneapolis, Miss Ida Campbell of Minneapolis
and Seymour Campbell of this city, bookkeeper at the Hatfield Milling company's office.
Telegrams have been sent to the relatives of the deceased and until return word has been
received, the time for the funeral cannot be fixed.
James C. Campbell died of heart disease yesterday morning, December 15th, at the family residence,
No. 538 West Macon street. His death occurred at 4 a.m. after an illness of only a few weeks,
although he had been in poor health for some months past. Mr. Campbell was born in Marion county,
February 9, 1834, and came to Decatur in 1873 and has since resided here. At one time he was
a school teacher, and was regarded as the best mathematician in this section of the state.
Of recent years he has followed the calling of a travelling salesman. His health began to
fail about a year ago. At one time he served as assessor of this township. Mr. Campbell was
a member of the Knights Templar and also of the Odd Fellows. A widow and four children survive
him. They are Chas. M. Campbell of Harristown, Mrs. Frank Smith of Minneapolis, Miss Ida
Campbell of Minneapolis and Seymour Campbell of this city, bookkeeper at the Hatfield
Milling Company's office. The funeral will be held at the residence Saturday afternoon at
3 o'clock.
Submitted by: Richard G. Oelkers
CANN, Peter H.
DIED, of hemorrhage of the lungs, near Harristown, Sunday, Sept. 12 1875,
Peter H.Cann. His funeral services took place at the Christian Church, 1 oclock p.m.,
Tuesday. They were conducted by Elder Waggoner, and attended by a large concourse of
friends and weeping relatives. Mr. Cann was a very highly esteemed gentleman, and for
many years a member of the church.
Decatur Republican, Decatur Illinois, 16 Sep 1875
CANTRALL, Mary J. (Lanham)
Mary J. Lanham was born January 10th, 1842, near Mechanicsburg, Illinois;
professed religion early in life and became a member of the Methodist church. She was married
to James Cantrall November 24th, 1870 in Decatur, Ill. She died of typhoid pneumonia near
Harristown, Ill., March 30, 1889, aged 46 years, 2 months and 20 days. The funeral took place
at Waynesville, Ill., on Monday, April 1. To those who witnessed Mrs. Cantrall's intense
sufferings during the last days and nights of her life, the motto "At Rest" inscribed on her
coffin lid seemed singularly appropriate. The smile of her face makes us feel that to-day she
clasps the little ones, who went before, in her arms and enjoys beyond our imagination the
meeting with friends gone before and the delight of beholding her Savior face to face. After
all it is only a little step over to Heaven, and we feel that ere long those of us who are
ready will meet her again with all the loved ones who have gone before. And praying that
those who have not made preparation for the great change will heed the warning. "Therefore be
ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh."
Daily Republican (Decatur), 3 Apr 1889
CANTRELL, Elizabeth
DIED - Mrs. Elizabeth Cantrell, wife of Wm. Cantrell, Esq., died on Tuesday
morning after a brief illness. Mrs. C. was 59 years of age. The funeral yesterday was
largely attended.
Decatur Republican, 6 Aug 1868
CARDER, Clarence Reynolds
Clarence Reynolds Carder died at 2:10 Tuesday afternoon in the home of his mother,
Mrs. Anna M. Carder, 1901 East William street, after a long illness lasting from November 1919
when he was injured while in the service of the U.S. army.
He was in Camp Sheridan, Ala. serving as an electrical engineer. One day he was
found in camp, injured and was only able to say that he had been hit on the head. Investigations
failed to disclose the nature of the accident. The injury to Mr. Carder’s head resulted in his
mental derangement which had continued since. Only at times was he rational. He was treated in
different hospitals and in his home and his mother was untiring in her efforts to get some relief
for her son. Only today she was to have started with him to a sanitarium in Marion, Ind.
Government transportation for the trip having reached her Monday.
Prior to his entry into the service in May 1918, Mr. Carder was in the employee of
the Illinois Traction Systems for eleven years, being a supervising electrical engineer. He had
attended Millikin University.
Clarence R. Carder was born on March 15, 1887, in Centralia, Ill., the son of Mr.
and Mrs. M.B. Carder. His father died a little more than a year ago. He leaves his mother, a
sister, Mrs. C.E. Coyle of Sanderson, Tex., who will be unable to attend the funeral, and six
brothers, Lester, Everett, Calvin, Powell, John and Howard, all of Decatur. He was a member of
the Knights of Pythias and also the Eagles. The body has been taken to Monson and Wilcox
undertaking rooms. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 23 Feb 1921
NOTE: A picture was published with the obituary.
Died, near Warrensburg, on Friday Feb. 6th, William Carlton, aged ?? years.
He leaves a wife and three children. The funeral services were held at the Warrensburg
M.E. church on Saturday, Rev. W. A. Reynolds officiating. He was a member of Dove Lodge,
N. 600 I.O.O. F., of Warrensburg. The Lodge had charge of the services and the procession
was a very large one.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur IL, 10 Feb 1880, pg. 1
CARMANY, William P.
The body of W.P. Carmany, who died at the Soldiers' home in Quincy, will arrive
in Decatur at 11:10 tonight. The funeral will probably not be held until Wednesday. Mrs.
Carmany, who has been visiting in Iowa, is expected home this evening. Mr. Carmany's home
was at 313 South Main street.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Dec 1909
The funeral of William P. Carmany was held at 2 oclock Wednesday afternoon
at Dodds chapel on North Main street. The services were conducted by Rev. J. C. Willis,
pastor of the First Methodist church. There was a large attendance. Members of Dunham
Post 141, G.A.R. , attended in a body and conducted their ritualistic services. The music
was furnished by the Misses Towie, Miss Simonds and Miss Clara Wise. Members of Dunham
Post acted as pallbearers. The interment was at Greenwood. Mrs. Carmany, who is at West
Liberty, Ind. is ill at the home of her sister and was unable to attend the services.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 16 Dec 1909
CARMEAN, George W.
Born: Feb 6, 1856 in Long Creek Township
Died: Tuesday, Sept 3, 1946 in Decatur
Buried: Long Creek Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Henry and Mary Carmean
Married: to Eliza Gott who died in May 1914 and then to Letha L. Davidson in 1916
Survivors: his wife
Children: four children...Mrs. Alva C. Davis, Mrs. W. R. Gustin, Mrs. Beatrice Bost, and John Carmean...all of Decatur
Sister: Mrs. H.C. Clark of Harrison, Arkansas
Grandchildren: 18 grandchildren and 27 great grandchildren and 6 gr gr grandchildren
CARPENTER, Col. William
We regret to announce the death of Col. William Carpenter, one of our oldest and
most esteemed citizens. His death occurred about 10 o'clock yesterday after a painful and
distressing illness.
Col. Carpenter came to this County in 1820, and he has grown up with it; having by
his careful habits and strict integrity, amassed a considerable fortune. He has been a member of
the legislature for Sangamon County, and has repeatedly occupied offices in the County and City
government. At his death he was in his seventy-third year. He leaves a large family and a host
of warm personal friends all through the Sangamon country to mourn his loss.
His funeral, as seen by the notice in another place, will take place today at ten
o'clock, from his late residence, under the direction of the Masons, of which body he was long an
acceptable and influential member.
Illinois State Chronicle, 1 Sep 1859
CARR, E.D., Dr.
The funeral of Dr. E.D. Carr will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from the
family residence in Argenta. The services will be under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.
The Daily Review, 12 Oct 1904
Born: 30 October 1952 in Havana
Died: Thursday, May 13, 1999 in Decatur Memorial Hospital
Buried: Mt. Gilead Cemetery
Parents: Robert and Patricia Chambers Martin
Married: to Michael Carriger Oct 1, 1994 in Decatur
Survivors: husband; mother, Patricia Clancy of Kilborne; brothers, Bob and Mike Martin,
both of Havana; sisters, Cheryl Drake of Atherns, Becky Silva and Angie Hodgeson, both of
Havana; she was preceded in death by her father
Children: Karl Bauer, Knut Bauer, and Kristopher Bauer all of Champaign, Samuel Carriger
of Decatur; step children, Brenna, Ethan and bethany Carriger all of Decatur
CARROL, Bessie (Ater)
Mrs. Bessie Carrol, 2275 East Wood street, died in the St. Mary's hospital at 6:30 o'clock
Thursday morning after an illness of two weeks. Complication of diseases caused her death. She was born
July 23, 1884, in Piatt county, and had lived in Decatur for the past five years. She married W.H.
Carrol, Bloomington, July 10, 1910.
She leaves her husband and the following brothers and sisters; Daniel Ater, Defiance, O.;
Mrs. Lillian Cole, Monroeville, Ind.; James Ater, Monticello; Newton Ater, Moweaqua; Mrs. Lola Coleman,
Decatur; Ray Ater, Macon; James Ater, Dalton City; David Ater, the father, Monroeville, Ind; also
survives Mrs.(?) Carrol. Mrs. Carrol was a member of the Methodist church. The body was taken to the
Moran funeral home and prepared for burial.
Decatur Evening Herald, 16 Feb 1928
Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Carrol were conducted at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon in
the chapel of J.J. Moran & Sons by Rev. Verne F. Oglesby. Burial was in Peck cemetery near Cerro
Gordo. Members of the Wabash Foreman's club attended in a body.
Decatur Evening Herald, 20 Feb 1928
CARSON, William E.
The funeral of W.W. Carson will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the
Monson & Wilcox chapel. The interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 2 May 1922
The funeral of William E. Carson was held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning at the Monson
& Wilcox chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. A.M. Wells, pastor of Grace Methodist church.
The pall bearers were John McAlister, Harry M. Wonders, John Warren and G.W. Waeckerle. The interment
was in Fairlawn cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 May 1922
CARTER, Alexander
The funeral of Alexander Carter was held at 10 oclock Wednesday morning
from C.E. Dawsons undertaking parlors on North Main street. The services were conducted
by Rev. A.T. Jackson. The pallbearers were Baker Nickens, Joe Dansby, Henry Hurgins,
Richard Bass, John Mason and H. Johnson. The interment was at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 8 Mar 1905
CARTER, James S.
Was Oldest Man Born in Decatur
Funeral Sunday Under Masonic Auspices
James S. Carter died at 11:45 oclock Thursday night at St. Marys hospital.
He would have been eighty-three years old June 13. His death was due to a general breakdown
following an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Carter had an attack of influenza last fall and he
had never been well since. He was able to be up and around the house most of the time, but
it was seldom that he was able to leave the house. He would feel all right for a few days
and then would be confined to his bed for two or three days. Six weeks ago Saturday he was
taken to St. Marys hospital. He had been in bad shape for a month before then. He had
another attack of influenza and bronchial pneumonia developed. He was helpless for some
time he was finally taken to the hospital. |
A year ago last winter, shortly after the death of his wife, Mr. Carter had
a serious illness and for several weeks was at the Decatur and Macon County hospital. He
returned to his home 152 West Prairie Ave. a little over a year ago. He was taken to St.
Marys hospital the later part of March. James S. Carter was born in Decatur June 13,
1839 in a house just north of the Review building on what is now North Main Street. His
father Elisha D. Carter was born in Lincoln County, Kentucky, Feb 2, 1814 coming to Illinois
in 1833 and settling in Springfield where he and Christina Schmick were married in 1837. They
moved to Decatur that same year.
Elisha D. Carter died July 16, 1881 at the age of sixty-seven years and he
left a fortune. From 1853 to 1863 while the Illinois Central railroad was being built
hundreds of laborers were brought in by the railroad company. Most of them were drinking
men. Elisha D. Carter opened a bar. He made money, but the business became distasteful and
he quit. He invested his money in real estate and his holdings were augmented when an old
man who had a lot of property and no relatives left his entire estate to Mr. Carter for
taking care of him during his last days.
James S. Carter was the last of his family and the nearest relatives are
some nieces. His brother E. D. Carter passed away Sunday night March 1, 1908 aged fifty-six
years. His sister Mrs. Starr Cool died Dec. 23, 1907 aged sixty-six. His mother Mrs. Elisha
D. Carter died Feb. 12, 1882. Mr. Carter and Mrs. Sarah E. Sponsler were married June 29,
1882 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I. Bear by Rev. W. H. Moore rector of St. Johns
church. It was one of the society events of the season. Mrs. Carter died Dec 8, 1920.
James S. Carter was prominent in Masonry and was also of the oldest members
of Durham post 141 G. A. R. At the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted in Company F. of
the One Hundred and Fifteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His commanding officer discovered
that Mr. Carter was an expert in accounting so he was relieved of carrying a musket and put
at clerical work at regimental headquarters serving in that capacity till the close of the
war. Mr. Carter became a member of the Macon lodge No. 8 A F and A M, May 14, 1870 being
the 478th member of the lodge. He was Junior Steward in 1872 and secretary of the lodge
from 1873 to 1879. He was a member of Macon chapter No 21. Royal Arch Masons Decatur council
No 18 Royal and Select Masters and Beaumanoir commandery No 9 Knights Templar.
As an expert accountant Mr. Carter was widely known. He had worked in
several of the county offices and in his younger days was often employed on the tax
books. When he began work in the assessors office all the taxable property in Macon
County was listed in one medium sized book Mr. Carters nearest surviving relative are
his nieces, Mrs Edith Bradshaw of Beaver, Pa. and Mrs Lucille Suppes of Johnston, Pa.
Their mother Mrs. L. D. Carter has been here during Mr. Carters last illness. The body
was removed to the Brintlinger & Sons undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at St. Johns Episcopal
Church and will be under the auspices of Mason lodge No 8. A F and A M and Beaumanoir
commandery No 9 K. T. will act as an escort which was Mr. Carters request. The member
of Dunham post 141 G. A. R. will also attend in a body and the internment will be in
Greenwood cemetery, with Masonic and military honors.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Friday, 28 April 1922, pg. 4
The funeral of James B. Carter will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
at the First Presbyterian church. The services will be conducted by Rev. D. C. Beatty,
under the auspices of Macon Lodge, No. 8, A. F. and A. M. Beaumanoir commandery No. _.
Knights Templar will act as an escort. Members of Dunham post, 141, G. A. R., will also
attend in a body. The commandery will meet at 11:30 o'clock at Eldorado temple; Macon
lodge will meet at 2 o'clock at the Masonic temple, and Dunham post will meet at 2 o'clock
at the G. A. R. hall and will march to the chapel of Brintlinger & Sons, where the body
will remain for the services. The interment will be in Greenwood cemetery. Conveyances
will be provided for the old soldiers.
Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 30 April 1922, pg. 11
CARTER, Louise E. (Tuttle)
Born: 1859
Died: 18 Jan 1932 in Beaver Co., PA
Buried: Fairlawn Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: Charles Alonzo & Henrietta (Florey) Tuttle
Married: Nov 13, 1879 in Macon Co. to Edwin D. Carter
CASNER, Lewis B.
General Debility and Heart Failure the Causes
Made and Lost a Fortune in Macon County
Lewis B. Casner, one of the best known men in Macon county, one of its oldest settlers,
and at one time one of its wealthiest citizens, died at 8 o'clock Tuesday monrning, Oct. 25, at the
family residence at Casner, a town which he founded. His death was due to general debility and heart
failure. he had been in failing health for over a year, and during the past few days, his condition
had been critical and his relatives knew that he had but a short time to live.
During most of the time he was interested in business enterprises in Decatur he made
this city his home, but last spring he moved back to the old home place. He is survived by a wife
and three children, Mrs. James Wykoff of Macon county, Mrs. John A. Dawson of Chicago, formerly of
Decatur, and Mrs. A.B. Chapman of Casner.
Mr. Casner was a man of sterling qualities. His integrity and honest methods in all
his dealings won him the esteem and confidence of all who came in contact with him. He was held in
highest esteem and the news of his death is received with sincerest regret.
L.B. Casner was born in Pickaway county, O., Aug. 30, 1830, and was the son of Peter
and Annie Casner. In 1841 Mr. Casner came with his parents to Macon county, Ills., and settled. He
was 16 years old when he came to Macon county. His father died at the age of 50 years and Mr. Casner
lived with his mother until she died. He then embarked in farming for himself on a part of the home
place where he lived until 1891, when he came to Decatur to reside. Mr. Casner was married Sept. 22,
1853, to Miss Mary Flannigan. Besides the children mentioned above, there was one son, Oliver
Casner, who died in 1890, at the age of 22. Mr. Casner was one of five children. Three are dead
and one sister, Mrs. Jacob Bear of New Boston, Ills., is living. Mrs. M.L. Deck of this city is a
Mr. Casner was at one time extensively engaged in raising fine stock, and was the first
to introduce Shorthorn cattle into the county. He at one time owned 2,000 acres of land, all in one
piece. He was influential in getting the L.D. & W. railroad, and laid out the town that bears
his name. This was and is a great shipping place for farmers at that section of the county. He
erected a store there and conducted it for several years at a profit. He was one of the largest
owners and one of the wealthiest men in this part of the state, when when reverses did come they
came sqiftly and caught him hard. His once vast estate is now being divided up in the county court.
In 1885 he engaged in banking business, being a member of the firm of Gorin, Dawson &
Co. However, he did not come to Decatur to live until six years later, when in 1891, the company was
incorporated as the Citizens' National bank. He was one of the incorporators and a director and vice
president, and in 1892 was elected president. He was one of the incorporators of the Decatur Brick
and Tile company. Mr. Casner was also at one time a director of the Leader Manufacturing company.
When the Farmers' bank opened in July, 1893, Mr. Casner was made president and was the
largest stockholder. When the bank failed a few years ago he was a proportionately heavy loser.
Decatur Review, 26 Oct 1898
CASNER, Mary Ellen (Flannigen)
Death of Mrs. L.B. Casner at the Home of Her Daughter
Had Lived in This County For Half a Century.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Flannigen Casner died Monday night at 8 o'clock at the residence of her
daughter in Casner, with whom she had been living for some time. Her death was unexpected and was
caused from cancer.
Mrs. Casner had been ill only a short time, her first compalint being made last April.
She was confined to her bed only a little over a month. An operation was performed about five weeks
ago and it was thought the cancer was entirely removed as she seemed to be growing well. A few days
ago she grew worse.
Mrs. Casner was born August 10, 1930, in Montgomery county, INd. She was married to the
late Lewis B. Casner on the 17th of September, 1853. She was mother of eight children. Four of whom
survive her. They are Mrs. J.W. Wikoff of Crowley, La.; Mrs. John A. Dawson of Chicago; John Casner
of Decatur and Mrs. A.B. Chapman of Casner, Ill. In addition are left eleven grand-children to mourn
her death.
Mrs. Casner was a kind hearted Christian woman; her life was one of self-sacrifice and
devotion to her family; she believed in her religion and manifested her faith by her good works.
Although dead, her superior qualities and her works of love will live long in the memory and affection
of all who knew her.
The greater part of her life was passed at Casner, where the beautiful old homestead was
built. For a time Mr. and Mrs. Casner lived in Decatur and built the mansion on West Main street now
owned by Dr. Will Barnes. At that time Mr. Casner was interested in the Citizens National bank and
other Decatur enterprises.
The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. E.B. Chapman. The burial will be in Long Creek cemetery. The train that leaves Decatur at 11:15
will stop at Casner. Those who wish to attend may return at 8:44 at night.
Decatur Herald, 10 Nov 1905
CASS, Eddie L.
DIED at the residence of D.L. Bunn in this city yesterday, Eddie L., son
of Lewis and Alida Cass, aged 3 years and 3 months.
Decatur Republican, 13 Feb 1868
CASSELL, Beatrice
Beatrice Cassell, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cassell,
died at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening of congestion of the brain, aged 7 months and one
day. The child was sick only five days. The loss is keenly felt by the parents, for
their attachment for the little one was very great. The heartfelt sympathy of their
friends is extended to them. The funeral will take place at 4 o'clock today from the
residence, 734 West Decatur street.
Review (Decatur), 9 Jan 1891
Our City's Most Interesting Old Settler Passes Away At Age 82 - His Life A Link
With Early History of Town
Berry H. Cassell died at 4 o'clock on Wednesday morning at Cassell's Castle at
the head of South Webster street. He was in the eighty-third year of his age.
The immediate cause of his death was gangrene of the left foot, which set in last
Friday, though he had been in failing health for years. He had been blind for the past twelve
years and his decline has been steady. Since last spring he had failed rapidly. He did not
suffer much pain until last Friday, when gangrene set in but from that time on he suffered
greatly. In spite of his blindness and his physical delcine, Mr. Cassell's mind remained
perfectly clear and bright, and he loved to converse with friends who called to see him. Up to
within a few hours of his death, he was able to talk with those about him, and even when no
longer able to talk he recognized those at his bedside.
A singular circumstance connected with his death is that his wife Louisa Ann
Cassell, died a year ago this month, and her death was caused by gangrene which affected the
same foot.
Mr. Cassell own extensive property interests in and near Decatur. Two years ago
on his birthday anniversary he gave considerable property to his children, and again when he
was 82 years old he gave them some property. Besides the home place on which Cassell's Castle
is situated, which containes fourteen acres right in the residence district of the city, he has
a farm of 400 acres a short distance northeast of the city. He owned the building on East Main
street where Dan Higgins' Saloon is located.
He was a member of Macon lodge No.8 A.F. and A.M., and also of Beaumanon
Commandery No. ? Knights Templar and was always prominent in the order until his health began
to fail.
He is survived by two sons, B. Hilton Cassell and Thomas A. Cassell and the
following grandchildren, L.B. Cassell, F.R. Cassell, O.D. Cassell, Perry H. Cassell, Ward?
Cassell and Miss Ray Cassell. He was a man of culture and refinement and was held in high
esteem by all who knew him.
The funeral which will be in charge of the Masonic fraternity, will be held frim
the residence at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. The interment will be at Greenwood.
BORN IN 1822
Came to Decatur in 1839 and Long a Most Prominent Citizen
Berry H. Cassell was born in Dauphin county, Pa., May 22, 1822. The family was
of old German stock and moved from Virginia to Pennsylvania early the settlement of that state.
At the age of 17 Mr. Cassell came to Illinois and being impressed with the appearance of the
country about Putnam county returned home and induced his parents to move to this state.
The family started in the fall of 1839, going down the Ohio river from Pittsburg
to Louisville. From the latter place they made the trip overland in two large wagons through
an unbroken wilderness. Across the prairies of waving grass there was no trail to guide the
travelers. The tall grass waved in front of them and on each side as far as the eye could
reach. In the timber, however, they were able to follow a trail left by emigrants who had gone
The party stopped in Decatur in November, 1839, and as the snow was deep they
decided to remain there during the winter. In the spring all except Berry Cassell went on to
Putnam county, but the latter decided to remain here.
Decatur was then located in the center of thirty acres, the center of which was
the old square. What is now Central park was then a timber and hazel brush patch, and Mr.
Cassell said: "It was the worst place for snakes in those days that I ever saw. I ran on to
one big snake in there one day that caused me to run and it was the only snake I ever ran from."
In 1840 Mr. Cassell opened a tinner's shop. He had but a dollar and a quarter at
that time and called on Captain Allen to go into partnership with him. Mr. Allen furnished the
capital for the enterprise and a shop was opened on Franklin street in the cellar of a building
close to the intersection of Park and Franklin streets. The business prospered so that in the
next spring the firm took the room on the first floor. In about a year Mr. Cassell bought a
lot at the corner of South Park and Franklin streets and erected a small building to be used as
his shop. Shortly afterward he sold the lot and moved the building to the lot at the corner of
Water and East Main streets, now occupied by Linn & Scruggs.
In the fall of 1862 he sold the Linn & Scruggs corner, 80 by 150 feet for
$800. About that time Mr. Cassell started in business with William Prather, opening a hardware
and furniture store in the Cantral building on East Main street. In about a year thr firm was
compelled to seek larger quarters and moved to a vuilding on the spot where the Morehouse &
Wells Co. building now stands.
At that time there was a great immigration to this part of the state and business
was flourishing. Most of the immigrants located on farms and there was an urgent demand for
farming implements which the firm handled. Money came fast and the firm prospered. Macon county
at that time embraced part of Christian, Piatt and Moultrie and Decatur drew trade from forty
miles around. In 1855 the firm sold out to J.R. Gorin.
Mr. Cassell early began to buy land in the new country. In 1852 he purchased 210
acres of land, the first 160 acres beginning at what is now the intersection of Wood and
Broadway streets and extending north to the Wabash railroad, thence east to Jasper street and
south to Wood and west to Broadway. There was no railroad at that time and the Wabash later
received its right of way from mr. Cassell.
Another piece of land was soon purchased lying southeast of the other and taking
in that territory where the brickyards are located southeast of the city. For the first piece
of land Mr. Cassell paid $12.50 an acre. He has since sold forty-foot lots off of it at $1,000
In 1856, Mr. Cassell purchased the Herald house, which stood on the lot now
occupied by the St. Nicholas hotel and conducted the hotel for several years, changing its name
to the Cassell house. Since giving it up he has devoted his time to looking after his real
During the time he was in the Herald house he had the opportunity to become
intimately acquainted with Lincoln and Douglas. That was in the period of the exciting
political campaigns in which both the men were taking such an active part. They spoke in this
vicinity many times and always stopped at the Herald house. Mr. Cassell could relate many of
the stroies told by Lincoln, many of which are not found in books.
When the people of Decatur were especially anxious for the Illinois Central to
build a passenger station here. Mr. Cassell gave the company five acres of land for depot
Mr. Cassell sold to Henry Prather and William Martin thirty acres of land between
Broadway and the railroad tracks and these two men with Mr. Cassell gave to the Wabash five
acres of land for depot purposes. It was stipulated that a station should be erected but the
Wabash did not build and a lawsuit to recover the property followed. There was a compromise
and Mr. Cassell got back land where part of the buildings on Front street now stand and the
Wabash got the land where the station is now located.
Mr. Cassell served as clerk of Decatur in 1850, as clerk and treasurer in 1851,
and clerk until 1856 when the city was incorporated. He also served as assessor several times.
He was the last recorder of Macon county. He was elected in 1846 and in 1848 the office of
recorder was merged into that of circuit clerk.
The education he acquired was pocked up after the time he began to work. He was
a fine penman and says he learned to write by scratching the letters on tin with a scratch awl
and in that way learned to write a good hand. Although having attended school but a short time
he managed to obtain a good education. He was an extensive reader and was well informed on
many subjects.
In his earlier days Mr. Cassell was very fond of music and spent much of his
spare time in that way. He played a clarinet in the first band of which Decatur ever boasted
and also played several other musical intruments.
He had a wonderful memory for dates and events and could give a clear description
of the location of every building of what is known as the original town of Decatur. His close
association with the business of the city and the active part he took in its growth probably
made his recollection more distinct than most of the older settlers. During recent years, Mr.
Cassell's eyesight had been affected and he did not go about much.
His beautiful home on Cassell's Hill was erected in 1887 and contains twenty-two
rooms. The hill is twelve feet higher than the pavement on Lincoln square and fifty feet higher
than the pavement at the corner of East Prairie and Broadway. It is only a few feet less in
elevation than John's Hill. The house is reached by a private approach that would be Webster
street if that were extended.
The interior of the house is finished in hard wood cut on Cassell's Hill and
seasoned and specially prepared for this purpose. The grounds about the building are platted
in a circle and contain about four acres. Outside the circle and immediately surrounding it on
the east and north are about fourteen acres of land retained by Mr. Cassell until his death.
Governor Oglesby made his first public speech on the spot where the house now
stands. It was on July 4, 1842 when a big celebration took place. The platform sood on the
grounds now covered by the west and of the front porch and from this platform Mr. Oglesby made
an old fashioned Fourth of July oration and Henry Elliott read the Declatration of Independence.
The Decatur Review, 12 October 1904
CASSELL, Charles Henry
Chas. H. Cassell, Aged 74, Is Dead
Was Life-long Resident of Decatur
Charles Henry Cassell, life-long resident of Decatur, died at 4:20 o'clock
Wednesday morning at his home in the 800 block South Third street. He was seventy-four
years old last November. His death was duw to a complication of diseases with which he
had suffered for the last year. Up to that time he had never known what it was to be ill.
Mr. Cassell was born in Decatur Nov. 30, 1853, and this has always been
his home. He was widely known, not only among the older generation, but to the youngsters
of the community as well, and was held in high esteem by all. In his younger days he was
a printer and was for many years foreman of the job department of the Decatur Republican.
Later, with his brother, J. Frank Cassell, he engaged in the job printing business for
himself, under the firm name of Cassell Printing company.
In his young manhood he was member of the Goodman band, playing flute
and piccolo under the direction of Captain A. Goodman. In later years he assited his
wife, Mrs. Kate L. Cassell, in conducting a dancing academy. Thus, during his long life
in Decatur, he was almost constantly in a position to make new acquaintances and friends.
He was kind and courteous and companionable. He was a member of Chevalier Bayard lodge,
Knights of Pythias. He is survived by his wife and one son, Dr. C. Leonard Cassell, and
a grand son, L.K. Cassell of Decatur. He also leaves one brother and two sisters, Major
J. Frank Cassell of Chicago, Mrs. Frank Andrews of Sanderson, Tex., and Mrs. Minnie
Linehan of Decatur.
The body was taken to L.A. Monson, funeral director, and prepared for
burial, and there the funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, conducted
by Rev. R.E. Henry. The body will be placed in the mausoleum in Fairlawn cemetery.
Decatur Review, 29 Feb 1928
Clara O. Cassell, daughter of Berry H. Cassell, died this morning at 8:15
o'clock at No. 913 East North street, resulting from liver complaint. She has been in
poor health for two years, but was confined to her bed only a week. Her age was 33
years. She was a sister of Hilton and Albert Cassell.
It was the last wish of the deceased that her body be cremated, and it will
be taken to Buffalo for that purpose. The funeral services will be held on Friday
afternoon. The remains will be placed in a vault at Greenwood temporarily or taken direct
to Buffalo, N.Y. for cremation.
Decatur Daily Republican, 23 Mar 1887
A large number of friends attended the funeral of the late Clara O.
Cassell which took place yesterday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Vosburgh officiating. The
remains were placed in the Bullard vault at Greenwood, from which they may be removed
to Buffalo for cremation.
Decatur Daily Republican, 26 Mar 1887
CASSELL, Fannie W. (Harrison)
Mrs. Fannie W. Cassell Ill Only Short Time
The death of Mrs. Fannie W. Cassell, wife of B. Hilton Cassell, which occurred
at 3:15 Friday afternoon at the family residence on Cassell hill, was the second death in
this family within a week. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Otto Cassell, having died in the same
house just a week ago Friday, and her funeral was held last Saturday.
Mrs. Fannie W. Cassell was taken ill the day before the death of her
daughter-in-law. The latter's death was caused by typhoid fever, while that of Mrs.
Fannie W. Cassell was caused by heart trouble.
Mrs. Cassell was sixty-nine years old. She was born in Ross county, O., Oct.
17, 1843. She was married to B. Hilton Cassell in 1873. The family home has been in
Decatur for many years. She was member of the First Methodist church and of the Order
of the Eastern Star.
Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Louis R. Cassell, Fred R.
Cassell and Otto D. Cassell, all of Decatur. She also leaves two brothers and three
sisters, Joseph Harrison of Muskogee, Okla., Matthew M. Harrison of Decatur, Mrs. Sarah
Wilt of Warrensburg, Mrs. Mary Lintner of Chitwood, Mo., and Mrs. Eliza Mount of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the family residence
on Cassell Hill. The interment will be in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Oct 1912
The funeral of Mrs. Fannie W. Cassell, wife of B. Hilton Cassell, was held at
2:30 Sunday afternoon at the family residence on Cassell Hill. The services were conducted by
Rev. J.F. Mills, pastor of the First Baptist church. The music was furnished by Miss Mabel
Ferre and Miss Hazel Risser. The flowers were in charge of Misses Grace Shimer, Erie Shimer,
Ada Wallace, Maude Stewart and Mrs. Goodman. The pallbearers were Joh Howard, George Hoeffer,
Ira Smith, Emmett Conrad, John Hamman and Robert Kellogg. The interment was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 7 Oct 1912
John Cassell, died Thursday morning at 9:15 in his home 528 West North
street. He was born Oct. 26, 1828 in Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Cassell was a retired baker.
He was a member of the G.A.R. and has lived in Decatur since 1839. Mr. Cassell is
survived by five children they are: Mrs. Ella Danley, Chicago; C.H. Cassell, Decatur;
Mrs. Erma Andrews, Sanderson, Tex.; J.F. Cassell, Chicago and Mrs. Minnie Linehan of
The body was removed to the Dawson and Wikoff funeral parlors to be
prepared for burial. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Decatur Review, 25 Feb 1926
Mrs. Mary Cassell died of dropsy at 6:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 22, at
her home 1153 East North street. She was born in Virginia and was 69 years of age.
She had been a resident of Decatur for twenty-nine years, but for some time previous
to coming to this city she resided in Ohio. She became a member of the United Bretheren
church for nineteen years ago and was loved and respected by all. She is survived by
five children, Mrs. Della Roberts, Mrs. Margaret Ray, Mrs. Ira M. Lobough, and C.H.
Cassell, all of Decatur, and Mrs. Myra Meisenhelter of Houston, Tex.
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the U.B.
church. The services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Sibole. The interment will
be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 23 Jul 1896
CASSELL, Michael L.
He Had Lived in Decatur Since 1865
Michael L. Cassell, a veteran of the civil war and an old resident of
Decatur, died at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov 11, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Delia
Roberts, 307 North Franklin street, aged 76 years.
Paralysis was the cause of death. For nine years Mr. Cassell has been
in poor health on account of a stroke of paralysis and last Tuesday he suffered
another stroke which proved fatal.
Michael Cassell was born in Harrisburg, Pa., and lated lived in Iowa.
He came to Decatur in 1865 and has resided in the city ever since. He was a veteran
of the Civil war having served as a member of Company K Fourth Iowa volunteers.
Mr. Cassell leaves five children, all of whom were here at the time
of his death excepting Charles H. Cassell, who lives in Missouri. The others are
Mrs. Ira Meisenhelter, Mrs. Della Roberts, Mrs. C.W. Ray and Mrs. Ida Lobaugh. Mrs.
Cassell died four years ago. Four brothers survive. They are Berry H. Cassell of
Decatur, Henry and Gus Cassell of Putnam county and Squire John Cassell of Niantic.
Mr. Cassell was a member of the United Brethren church and was
devoted in his Christian faith. He was also a member of Dunham post No. 141,
The funeral will be held Tuesday. There will be services at the house
at 2:30 o'clock and at the United Brethren church at 3 o'clock. Rev. M.B. Spayd will
officiate and the burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 12 Nov 1900
CASSELL, Olive (Kirkman)
Mrs. Olive Kirkman Cassell Succumbs After Illness of A Week
Mrs. Olive Kirkman Cassell, wife of Otto D. Cassell and youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Kirkman, died shortly after 10 o'clock Friday night at St. Mary's
hospital after a short illness of appendicitis.
Her death was a peculiarly sad one. She was married only seven weeks ago,
was then in robust health and her prospects of a long and happy life seemed of the
brightest. Her parents, Steward and Mrs. Kirkman of the Macon county poor farm, went
to Huntington, W.Va., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Kirkman's brother, who was murdered
and robbed there. He was slugged by highwaymen. Mr. and Mrs. Cassell were left at home
to gain their first experience in housekeeping.
Mrs. Cassell became ill last Saturday. At first it was thought that her
illness was only temporary, but she grew worse rapidly and her parents were telegraphed
for. They came home at once and Mrs. Cassell was then taken to St. Mary's hospital
where she could have the advantage of skillful nursing and the constant attention of
her physician. It was then too late to perform an operation with any assurance of success,
and her only chance was in her strong constitution. Up to Friday noon it was thought
possible that she might withstand the attack, but at that time her condition grew
alarming and it was known that her death was only a question of a few hours. Peritonitis
had set in and nothing could be done for her.
All during her illness her parents had remained at the Cassell castle so
that they might be near her, and they and her husband were present at her bedside
when death came.
Mrs. Cassell was 19 years old. She was a beautiful young woman and
widely known. She had a host of friends and her wedding, on Sept. 14 last, was one
of the events of the season. It was attended by friends from all parts of the county,
the members of the board of supervisors and the county officers were present and the
many handsome gifts showered upon the young bride attested her popularity.
Besides her parents and husband she is survived by a number of sisters
and brothers, three sisters and a brother, residing in Kansas, have been telegraphed
the sad news and are expected here to attend the funeral. They are Mrs. John Lewis,
Mrs. W.G. Logan, Mrs. Barnes Wheeler and Charles Kirkman.
The funeral will be held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon from Cassell's castle.
The services will be conducted by Rev. F.W. Burnham and the intermnet will be at
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Nov 1904
Arrangements for Funeral of Mrs. Olive Kirkman Cassell
The funeral of Mrs. Olive Kirkman Cassell, wife of Otto Cassell, will
be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Cassell castle. The services will be
conducted by Rev. F.W. Burnham, pastor of the Central Church of Christ.
Robed in her wedding gown, wearing upon her brow the garland she wore
as a bride, in her hands the same kind of roses she carried then, and upon her finger
the wedding ring, this bride of seven weeks will be laid to rest in Greenwood.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 6 Nov 1904
Large Attendance of Friends at Services at Cassell's Castle
The funeral of Olive Kirkman Cassell, wife of Otto D. Cassell, was held
at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the Cassell castle.
It was one of the biggest funerals ever held in or near Decatur and was
attended by hundreds of friends of the young lady and her family, attesting the high
esteem in which she was held by all. People came from all parts of the county and there
was a host of her young friends from the city. Many, perhaps a majority, of those who
attended her wedding seven weeks ago were present to take a last sad farewell. Two sisters
and a brother arrived from Kansas just in time to be present at the funeral. Their train
was delayed by a wreck in Missouri and the services, which were to have begun at 2:30, were
delayed an hour on this account.
The floral tributes were exceedingly beautiful and so numerous that one
whole room was almost completely filled with them. They came from county officials, members
of the board of supervisors, and from friends far and near. The body rested in a lavender
plush couch casket in the east parlor, with flowers all about it. The piano was banked high
with floral offerings, while at one end was a large quilt made of carnations. At the close
of the services this quilt was thrown over the casket, almost hiding it from view. Mrs.
Cassell was buried in her bridal robes, arrnaged just as she had worn them on her wedding
day a few weeks ago. In her hair she wore the same kind of roses, and in her hand she held
a bunch of the same roses she carried then. The wedding ring was not removed from her
finger. A handsome lyre with the name "Olive" stood at the head of the casket.
The services were conducted by Rev. F.W. Burnham, pastor of the Central
Church of Christ. The music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Noy Montgomery,
Mrs. Bert Gehr, D.L. Bunn, and Al lindamood. At the opening of the services the quartet
sang Nearer, My God, to Thee. Then Mr. Burnham offered a prayer and read from the
scriptures. The quartet then sang "The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." Rev. Mr. Burnham
preached a short funeral discourse and gave a sketch of the life of Mrs. Cassell.
At the close of the discourse, the quartet sang "Beloved, It Is Well." The
casket was then carried from the residence by Guy Harrison, Lewis Baugher, Cass Rowe,
Walter Rowe, Patterson Stroh and Frank Kohler. The interment was at Greenwood. As
the pall bearers approached the grave the quartet gave a selection. Mr. Burnham
conducted a brief committal service and the quartet sang as the people left the
The Daily Review (Decatur), 7 Nov 1904
CASSELL, Pearl F. (Leimbach)
Mrs. Otto Cassell died at 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon at her home on
Cassell hill. Her death was caused by typhoid fever after an illness of nine weeks.
She was twenty-four years old. She was born in Logan county Jan 11, 1888. She is survived
by her husband and two small children, Harold, aged two years, and Everett, aged four months.
She is also survived by her father, W.H. Leimback, and two brothers, W.H. Lemibach, Jr. and
Hubert E. Leimbach, all of Latham. She was a member of the Lutheran church in Mt. Pulaski.
A short service will be held at Cassell's hill at 7:15 a.m. The funeral party will
go to Mt. Pulaski on the 9:05 train and the funeral services will be held at Mt. Pulaski.
Interment will be in the Mt. Pulaski cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 Sep 1912
CASSELL, Thomas Albert
Was Ill Only Since Monday
Thomas Albert Cassell died unexpectedly at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning at the family
residence, 1064 West Main street. He would have been sixty-six years old in June. His death was
caused by liver and stomach trouble. Mr. Cassell had been ailing for some time, but had been able
to be around about as usual. He was down town Saturday and went to the theater and Monday morning
he was around the yard. He became ill Monday evening.
Mr. Cassell was born in the St. Nicholas hotel June 30, 1856. He had lived in Decatur
all his life and was engaged in the real estate business. He was widely known and had many friends.
Few of his many acquaintances and had any idea that he was as old as he really was. He did not have
a gray hair in his head and was as spry and active as a man of forty, which he appeared to be.
Mr. Cassell was a member of Macon lodge No. 8, A.F. & A.M. and Macon chapter No.
21, R.A.M. He was also a member of Decatur lodge, B.P.O. Elks. He is survived by his wife and three
children - Mrs. R.L. Moore, Berry H. Cassell, Jr., and Ward Cassell, all of Decatur. He was a cousin
of Charles Cassell of Decatur and Major Frank Cassell of Chicago. He was a son of Berry H. Cassell,
who built the mansion on Cassell's hill, that was destroyed by fire in 1915, and who died in 1904.
The body was removed to the Monson & Wilcox undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence, 1064 West
Main street, and will be under the auspices of Macon lodge No. 8 A.F. & A.M. The interment will
be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 May 1922
CASSIDY, Pearl (Lane)
Mrs. Pearl Cassidy, widow of Charles Cassidy, died at 5:45 o'clock Sunday evening at the
family residence, 926 North Railroad avenue. She was thirty-seven years old. Her death was caused by
a complication of diseases with which she had suffered for a long time.
Mrs. Casidy was born at Effingham Jan 23, 1881. She was a member of the Christian church
at Lincoln. She is survived by five daughters and four sons, Mary Casidy, Anna Cassidy, Fern Cassidy,
Thelma Cassidy, Ruth Cassidy, William Cassidy, Elmer Cassidy, Charles Cassidy and Lewis Cassidy, all of
Decatur. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Lane of Decatur, and two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Cassidy
of Decatur and Mrs. Minnie Arthur of Lincoln. There are two brothers, Frank and George Lane of Decatur.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday, 2 Sep 1918
CATER, Goldie (West)
Mrs. Cater Buried
Funeral services for Mrs. Elza M. Cater were held at the graveside in Glenwood
cemetery Sunday afternoon, attended by many people. The service was conducted by the Rev. N.H.
Robertson of the Christian church and a quartette composed by Dr. J.H. Hito, S.B. Carr, Mrs.
Josephine Grider and Miss Dessie Downs sang. The casket bearers were Charles Venters, Palmer
Holland, Ray Cunningham, LeRoy Thompson, Ralph Krajefska and Frank Neal.
Among the persons who attended the funeral from out of town were Mrs. Cora Huber,
Mrs. Rhoda Minto and Wallace West and family of Decatur and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Parry and family
of Springfield.
Mrs. Cater died at 4:45 Friday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward West on South Washington street. She was nineteen years old. Her maiden name was Miss
Goldie West and she was a native of Shelbyville, born here December 29, 1900. She married
Elza H. Cater December 13, 1919. She is survived by her husband and a son, two weeks old, Elza
Cater, Jr. There are also surviving her parents and two sisters and five brothers. The sisters
are Hazel and Clotiel West and the brothers are Lloyd, Ralph, Vaughn, Earl and Elza West.
Decatur Daily Review, 7 September 1920
CATLIN, Joseph 
Joseph Catlin, a veteran of the war of 1812, died suddenly at 3:30 oclock
Sunday afternoon, at the residence of his son, A.D. Catlin, three miles east of the city.
The deceased was aged 94 years. Only a short time before his death, he called his son to
him, told him that he would soon die, and gave directions for his funeral. He died while
seated in a chair at the reside.
Saturday Herald, Decatur IL, 21 Feb 1885
The legal notice of final settlement of the estate is published in the Saturday
Herald on 5 Jun 1886. Names in the notice include Sarah A. Catlin, Jacob Catlin, Ellenor
Brown, Alva A. Catlin, James, Jeddish and Seymour Catlin, Ruth Ketchum, Benj. F. Catlin, Jane
A. Coleman, A.D. Catlin, Fannie Hall, Frank B. Catlin, and the unknown heirs of Lyman Catlin.
CATLIN, Mrs. Minnie F.
Mrs. Minnie F. Catlin died at 7 a.m. Friday, December 18 at the family home,
northwest of the city. She was 22 years of age and leaves a husband and two small children.
Her death was caused by consumption.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock this forenoon from the Boiling Springs
Church. Rev. Mr. Shanklin of Oreana will conduct the services. The interment will be at
Boiling Springs cemetery.
Decatur Review, 20 December 1896
The funeral of Mrs. O.M. Catlin was held at 11 o'clock Sunday afternoon from Boiling
Springs church and was very largely attended. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Shanklin
of Oreana, assisted by Mr. Huston. Appropriate music was rendered by the regular choir of the
church. Mrs. Catlin was a memeber of the Christian church of Oreana and held in high esteem by
all who knew her. The pall bearers were Charles Phipps, George Trimby, John Trimby, John Meyer,
Bert Barnes, and James Stephenson. The interment was at Boiling Springs church.
Daily Review, 22 December 1896
CHAMBERLAIN, Martha E. (Greenfield)
Born: 25 Nov 1851 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 28 Mar 1873
Buried: Florey Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Ambrose & Virginia (Florey) Greenfield
Married: Dec 14, 1871 to David P. Chamberlain
James Chambers died at his home a mile and a half north of Cerro Gordo on
Tuesday, Dec. 23 at 9 a.m. of typhoid fever. He had been ill but two weeks. His son,
John Chambers, had died of the same disease but two days before, and the funeral was held
on Monday. Four daughters of Mr. Chambers have been afflicted with the fever, and three
of them have nearly recovered. The eldest daughter was quite ill and is now at the turning
point of the disease.
Herald Despatch, Decatur Illinois, 27 Dec 1890
The Funeral of John Chambers, who died Friday night of typhoid fever, took place Monday
at 11 o'clock. His remains were interred in the Peck cemetery, and the procession that followed them
there was perhaps the longest ever witnessed in the township. Mr. Chambers was one of the most
highly respected young men in our county and was acquainted far and near. He left a very large circle
of near and dear friends to mourn his death. His father, who has had the same disease for several
weeks, is not expected to live very long.
Review (Decatur), 25 Dec 1890
CHAMBERS, Mary (Gates)
Mrs. Thomas N. Chambers, mother of Mrs. D.B. Folrath of this city, died
Saturday night at her home in Cerro Gordo, aged 68 years. She had been ill of stomach
trouble and heart disease for some time.
Mrs. Chambers is survived by four children. They are Mrs. Davis Folrath
of this city; Reed Chambers living in Cerro Gordo, and Mrs. Samuel Hizer and Mrs. J.K.
Wheeler, who live near Cerro Gordo.
The funeral was held this afternoon from the Cherry Grove church near
Cerro Gordo and the burial was at the Peck cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Folrath and the clerks of
the Folrath store attended the funeral from this city.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 6 Nov 1899
SINCE 1836
Thomas Chambers Had Lived in This County
Died Suddenly at His Farm Home
Thomas Chambers, a well known farmer, stock raiser and land owner of Macon
county, died at 2:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at his home in Oakley township, aged 75 years.
Dropsy was the cause of death.
Mr. Chambers was born in Pendleton county, Ky., May 15, 1826, and was the
son of James Chambers. The family is of Irish lineage. Thomas Chambers came to Illinois
with his parents in 1836 and the family settled on a farm in Macon county. He spent his
youth on his father's farm and at the age of 20 years began life for himself. He at that
time mattied Miss Mary Yates of Scott county, Ills. Mr. Chambers always followed the
business of a farmer and made a specialty of stock raising and always had fine horses
and cattle. His farm comprises over 400 acres and is one of the model stock farms of
the county.
Four children survive. They are William Reed Chambers, who lives at home,
Mrs. Samuel Hiser of Long Creek township, Mrs. J.K. Wheeler of Oakley township, Mrs.
D.B. Folrath of Decatur.
Mr. Chambers always identified himself with the Republican party and at
different times held the position of supervisor and also of school teacher.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence.
Rev. Mr. Cain of Cerro Gordo officiated and the burial was at the Peck cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 23 Sep 1901
The funeral of Thomas Chambers was held Monday afternoon from the
residence. Rev. Mr. Cain of Cerro Gordo officiated and was assisted by Rev. Mr.
Waterbury. The services were largely attended. The pall bearers were Charles
McCabe, Henry Bruan, Jeff Wimmer, Hiram Phillips, Joseph Dick, John Atter, L.
Booker and Cyrus Frantz.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 24 Sep 1901
Laban Chambers died on Sunday at his home in Cerro Gordo, age 79 years. The
deceased served in the Mexican War as a member of Co. C, 4th Illinois Regiment. He lost his
right arm at the battle of Cerro Gordo. His wife preceded him to the grave some years ago.
He leaves two or three grand children. This makes the fourth death in Company C, 4th Regiment,
since last August. Captain Usrey was the third.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur IL, 22 Jan 1894
Alfred Chandler was Old Contracting Carpenter
Alfred Chandler for many years a contracting carpenter died at his home 404 East
Bradford street early Sunday morning. He was found dead in his bed about 8 o'clock and had eveidently
been dead about half an hour. In spite of his eighty-one years Mr. Chandler was hale and hearty
and apparently in excellent health until last Friday morning when he suffered a severe attack
of stomach trouble. Though a physician was called to attend him then it was not thought that he
was in a very serious condition.
When Claude Chandler, who is a Wabash switchman, arose about 6:30 Sunday morning
he heard his father in his room. Mr. Chandler did not get up and when members of the family went
to his room about 8:30 they found him dead in bed. The body was moved to the Monson & Wilcox
undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.
Alfred Chandler was born at Dearborn, Ind. May 23, 1830. He was left an orphan at
the age of fifteen years and he came to Decatur. At the outbreak of the civil war Mr. Chandler
went to Indianapolis and enlisted as a volunteer, serving throughout the entire war. At the close
of the war he returned to Decatur and this has been his home ever since. He has been a good
citizen and was held in high regard by all. He was a member of the Dunham post 111 G.A.R.
Mr. Chandler married Miss Katherine Albert in Decatur April 14, 1856. He is
survived by his wife and the following children; Claude Chandler, William A. Chandler, Elmer E.
Chandler, Mrs. Maude Ware, Mrs. Charles Bobb and Mrs. Frank Graham, all of Decatur, Louis Chandler
of Wichita, Kan. and Mrs. George Sheets of North Fork. He also leaves ten grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the residence and will
be conducted by Rev. I.S. Richmond. The interment will be at Greenwood.
CHANDLER, Catherine
Mrs. Catherine Chandler, widow of Alfred Chandler, died at 2:30 in the morning at
her home 404 East King Street. Her death was caused by pneumonia, after an illness of six weeks.
She was about seventy-seven years old.
Mrs. Chandler was born near Harrisburg, Pa. June 24 1838. She came to Illinois when
she was eighteen years old. She and Alfred A. Chandler were married in Decatur on April 14, 1858,
and this has been her home ever since. Her husband died Nov 19, 1911. She was a niece of the
late Berry Cassell. She was a member of the Church of God and was well known among the old
residents of the city.
Mrs. Chandler is survived by the following seven children; William A. Chandler and
Elmer E. Chandler of Decatur, Louis G. Chandler of Cerro Gordo, Mrs. Esther Sheets of North Fork,
Mrs. Maude Ware, Mrs. Ella Bobb, and Mrs. Lillian Graham, all of Decatur. She also leaves a
brother, David Albert, who made his home with her, and eightenn grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren,
and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Lintler of Harrisburg, Pa.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 1 May 1915
CHANDLER, Louis Grant 
Louis Grant Chandler age fifty-seven, died at his home in Oakley township
Monday night at 7 oclock. Mr. Chandler was born in Decatur and had lived his entire
life in and around Decatur. Death was due to dropsy.
Mr. Chandler leaves his wife, a stepson, Fred Richardson, one brother, Elmer
of Decatur, and four sisters, Mrs. Esther Sheets, Mrs. Maude Ware and Mrs. Charles Bobb,
all of Decatur, and Mrs. Frank Graham, St. Louis.
Mr. Chandler was a Spanish-American war veteran, having served in Co. H.
fifth Volunteers, during the Spanish-American war. Funeral services will be held at the
home of his brother Elmer at 421 East Leafland street, Decatur, Thursday morning at 10
oclock. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 13 July 1926
CHAPMAN, Charles
In this city, at 10:30 o'clock Saturday, the 14th inst., of consumption, Charles
Chapman, in the 20th year of his age. The funeral took place yesterday at 2 o'clock from the
residence of deceased's mother, Mrs. N.H. Chapman, No. 80 East Eldorado street. Rev. Dr.
Musgrove officiated.
Decatur Review, 16 January 1882
CHAPMAN, Mrs. Helen
Mrs. Helen Chapman died at 6:30 Monday evening at her home, 659 South Broadyway.
Her death was caused by a complication of diseases. She was quite well known in Decatur, having
resided here since 1864. She was a professional nurse. She was born in Ohio in 1827, but lived
for many years near Terre Haute, Ind. She is survived by one son, five grandchildren and three
great-grandchildren. The son is L.P. Graham and the grandchildren are William Graham of Canton, IL
and Nora, Ina, Fay and Ralph Graham of Decatur. The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon from the residence of L.P. Graham, 705 South Broadway.
Decatur Daily Review, 12 September 1905
The funeral of Mrs. Helen Chapman was held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon from the residence
of her son, L.P. Graham, 705 South Broadway. There was a large attendance and many beautiful
floral tributes. The services were conducted by Rev. W.J. Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist
Music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Irene Wiefel, Mrs. Bert Gher, D.L.
Bunn and A. Lindamood. The pall bearers were Fred Kipp, Gus Ahrens, Joseph Suter, John Suter,
James Genung, and G.W. Martin. The interment was at Greenwood.
Decatur Daily Review, 14 September 1905
In the county court Levi P. Graham was appointed administrator of the estate of Mrs.
Helen Chapman, deceased, and filed his bond in the sum of $500, with E.S. McDonald and L.B. Cassell
as sureties.
Decatur Daily Review, 21 September 1905
Died, Dec. 27, at 8 o'clock p.m., at 1026 North Water street, of diptheria,
Beulah, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Chappell, aged 5 years and 3 months.
The funeral will occur to-day.
The funeral of Deborah Chappell, which was to have taken place yesterday
afternoon, was postponed until to-day at 3 o'clock, p.m., when the two sisters will be
buried together. The only remaining child is not expected to live, and the parents of
the dead children and the dying little one are the recipients of the sincerest sympathies
of the entire community in their awful affliction.
Decatur Review, 28 Dec 1889
P.P. Chappell, of 1026 North Water street, one of whose children died
yesterday, and two more very sick children whose lives are despaired of.
Decatur Morning Review, 27 Dec, 1889
P.P. Chappell and family desire to extend their thanks to the many friends
and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent affliction. The two
remaining children of Mr. Chappell that have diptheria are much better.
The Decatur Daily Despatch, 3 Jan 1890
CHAPPELOW, Lodemia (Souders)
Born: 16 July 1858 in Macon Co, IL
Died: Feb. 1942
Buried: Greenwood Cemetery, Decatur, Macon Co., IL
Parents: James G. Souders and Hetty A. Howell
Married: 31 Dec 1885 to David Chappelow
Mr. Samuel Chenoweth, residing six miles north-east of this city, died on
Monday last. Mr. C has long been a resident of this county, and his death is much deplored
by his neighbors and acquaintances.
Decatur Republican, 17 Oct 1867
Asbury Childers, founder of Knights Station, died at 10:10 Wednesday morning
at his home, two miles southwest of Decatur. He had been a sufferer from asthmatic trouble
for a year. For the past two months he had been confined to his home, and a good portion
of that time he was unable to leave his bed. He would have been seventy years old in October.
Mr. Childers was known to all the elder residents of Decatur, and was especially
well known to the people living southwest of this city. He was born in Decatur county Ind.
Oct. 10, 1844. He was reared on a farm and went to such schools as were then in the county.
He was not quite seventeen years old when the Civil war broke out, but on Aug. 25, 1861, he
enlisted in Company E of the Seventh Indiana infantry, and served for three years and seventeen
He was through the campaign in western Virginia and the Shenandoah valley under
General Reynolds. At Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, he was severely wounded. When he was able to
leave the field hospital, he was transferred to Washington City, where he served the balance
of his time. He spent three days and three nights in the rifle pits when the troops of General
Early bombarded the outskirts of the city.
Mr. Childers moved to Decatur in 1866. Here in July 1867, he and Miss Mary E.
Mason were married. Mrs. Childers died in September 1885. His second wife was Miss Lora E.
Wells, who survives him. He also leaves two sons and daughter by his first wife. Elmer
Childers who is an iron molder in Chicago; Mrs. Cora Martin of Decatur, and R. H. Childers
of Knights, and three sons and a daughter by his second wife, Asbury Childers, Jr., Theron
Childers, Sanford Warren Childers and Miss Dovie Childers, all residing at Knights. Three of
the boys are telegraph operators. A sister, Mrs. Mary Mason, lives at Kansas City, Mo.
About twenty-five years ago, Mr. Childers decided that Knights, then known as
Fletchers crossing would be a good place for a retail store, there being nine houses in
that vicinity, and it would be a great convenience for the people to that section as well
as for the traveling public. He accordingly opened a store there and called it the Last
Chance. It proved a paying investment and the store has always enjoyed a good patronage.
When the Wabash completed double-tracking the St. Louis branch, it changed the name of the
station from Knights to Allen, but practically everybody calls it Knights. It had always
been the hopes of Mr. Childers to see Decatur grow south across the river, and he insisted
that it would have grown rapidly in that direction but the farmers refused to sell their
lands in small tracts. Nearly everyday people who were impressed by the beauty of the country
in that section would try to by small tracts of land.
He used to say that in a few years there would be a coalmine in that
neighborhood and possibly factories. Sixteen years ago a post office was established
in his store and he was the postmaster, but it was discontinued when the rural free
delivery was established in Macon county Sept. 30, 1905. He was a school director in
that district twelve years.
Mr. Childers was a member of the First Christian church and of Dunham post
141 G.A.R. He had a great many friends in Decatur and vicinity. Arrangements for the
funeral have not been completed.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 5 Aug 1914
CHILDERS, Rutherford H.
Rutherford H. Childers died at 4:15 Monday morning at the state hospital at
He was born in Kokomo, Ind. October 6, 1877 but spent most of his life in Decatur.
He was a member of the First Christian Church. He was the son of the late Asbury Childers. He
leaves a brother, Elmer E. Childers of Chicago and a sister, Mrs. A.G. Martin, 729 North Monroe
street, Decatur. He also leaves three half brothers and a step-mother in North Dakota.
The body was brought to Decatur Monday morning and taken to Moran's Chapel. The
funeral will be held at 10:30 Wednesday morning at the Salem church, and burial will be in Salem
Decatur Review, 5 August 1918
CHRISTISON, Eliza Luella (Secrist)
Born: Nov 12, 1861 in Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Died: 1 Dec 1930 in Blue Mound, Macon Co.
Buried: Macon Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Frederick & Minerva (Querry) Secrist
Married: Aug 29, 1882 to John William Christison
David Churchman, an old resident of Warrensburg, died suddenly at
that place Saturday morning. He fell dead while reading a newspaper in the Schroeder
harness shop, where he was employed as a harness maker.
Mr. Churchman had heart trouble, but was in fairly good health excepting
that he had complained a little for a few days past. Saturday morning he arose as
usual and ate breakfast and went to the shop. Before stating the days work he sat
down to read a newspaper and was suddenly stricken and fell over and was dead.
Mr. Churchmens wife died about fifteen years ago. He leaves two children,
Otto Churchman of Dawson and Miss Cora Churchman, who is employed in Bradley Bros. Store
in this city. Mrs. M. Einstein of Decatur is his sister and he has a brother at Dawson.
He was about 56 years old and had lived at Warrensburg many years.
Mr. And Mrs. Einstein and Miss Churchman went to Warrensburg this morning.
Mr. Einstein returned, but the others will remain until after the funeral which will be
held Monday morning at 9 oclock from the Methodist church at Warrensburg. The body will
be brought to Decatur and buried at Greenwood cemetery.
Coroner Dawson was called to Warrensburg Saturday morning and held an inquest.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 9 Nov 1901
Another obituary was published in the Decatur Herald, Decatur IL, 12 Nov 1901
Henry Churchman died at 8 o'clock last night at his residence No. 952 North Morgan
street. He had been confined to his bed for several weeks and death came not unexpected. He was
aged 75 years, 9 months and 1 day.
The deceased was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1810, and there
grew to manhood. In 1830 he removed to Wayne county, Ohio, where he was married on Nov. 22, 1833,
to Elizabeth Shimmerman. He removed with his family to Decatur in 1851. In the following year he
was elected constable of Decatur township and held the office continuously for thirty-three years.
Mr. Churchman was a member of the Christian church and a member of the Masonic fraternity. He
leaves six children.
The funeral of the late Henry Churchman took place from the family residence, No. 952
North Morgan street, at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. T.W. Pinkerton.
The qualities of mind and heart which distinguished the dead in his life and won him the respect and
esteem of so many of his fellow men were told of in language appropriate to the occasion. At the
close of the sermon the choir sang "Asleep in Jesus," and then Elder J.W. Tyler offered prayer. There
were a number of beautiful floral gifts. At the conclusion of the services at the house Macon Lodge
No. 8, A.F. and A.M., too charge of the remains and the burial in Greenwood cemetery was conducted
in Greenwood cemetery was conducted according to the Masonic ritual. The obsequies were largely
attended. Judge Wm. E. Nelson, R.J. Roberts, W.H. Grindol, W.L. Hammer, J.Q.A. Oder and H.L. Gideon
acted as pall bearers.
Saturday Herald (Decatur), 26 Dec 1885
CHURCHMAN, Mrs. Nannie
Born: in Sangamon County on March 13, 1844
Died: Monday, Feb 2, 1920 in Decatur
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: to Thomas F. Churchman
Survivors: Husband; Sister, Mrs. Zilpha Cartmel of Springfield; Brothers, Dr. I.T.
Taylor and Dr. J.L. Taylor of Springfield, Roscoe Taylor of Dawson and W.C. Taylor of Decatur
CLARK, James Benjamin 
Benjamin Clark, an aged citizen of Blue Mound died at his home on Monday
evening at 7 o’clock. His death was due to the infirmities of old age. Mr. Clark
had lived in and near Blue Mound almost all of his life. He was residing on a farm
at the time of the Civil war and enlisted and served three years. After the war, he
returned and married Miss Sarah Hall, who also lived near Blue Mound. To this union
were born eleven children, Charles and Mrs. Crouch of Assumption; Fran and Chester
of Decatur; Jean of Warrensburg; Mrs. Tom Harbarger, Mrs. Arch Vermillion and Mrs.
Alice Johnston of Blue Mound and Alfred at home. Two children are dead.
Mr. Clark was eighty-nine years of age. He is survived by his wife and
the nine children.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 25 Aug 1925, pg. 3
NOTE: Date of death was 24 Aug 1925
CLARK, Frank Wm.
Born: 14 Jan 1893 in Newton
Died: May 1966 in Decatur
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
CLARK, Hazel Marie (Goodpasture)
Born: Oct 18, 1896 in Macon Co.
Died: 4 Mar 1981 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: North Fork Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: George Washington & Dora (Andrews) Goodpasture
Married: Oct 25, 1916 in St. Louis, MO to Frank William Clark
CLARK, Hugh 
Hugh Clark, an old and highly respected citizen died at his home Saturday
after a few weeks of illness having a stroke of apoplexy. Deceased was a retired B. &
O. employee. He was 77 years of age and had lived in Flora for more than half a century.
He is survived by five sons and three daughters. Requiem mass was held Monday morning at
St. Stephens church of which he was a devout member by Rev. Fr. Funke. Burial in the
Catholic cemetery.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur Illinois, 5 Jul 1929
CLARK, Julia I. (Turner)
Born: Apr 28, 1866 in Macon Co.
Died: 31 May 1943 in Effingham Co., IL
Buried: Macon Cem., Macon Co, IL
Parents: James H. & Mary (Stuart) Turner
Married: Apr 06, 1893 in Decatur, Macon Co. to John W. Clark
CLARK, Mrs. J.S.
Mrs. J.S. Clark died yesterday morning at the family residence on North Clayon
street, of acute dysentery. The deceased was thirty-five years old, and leaves a husband and
six children, the youngest being only five days old. The funeral will take place from the
United Brethren church this morning at eleven o’clock. Rev. A.C. Scott will conduct the
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 Mar 1886
NOTE: Maiden name may be Mary Flynn; husband James S.
The funeral of Mrs. J.S. Clark took place on Sunday morning at eleven o’clock, and
the services were conducted by Rev. A.C. Scott. The remains were interred at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Mar 1886
CLARK, Mrs. W.R.
Mrs. W.R. Clark died Tuesday morning, August 22, at her home No. 1413 East North
street, aged 73 years. She was born in Clairfield, Ohio and has been a resident of this state
for 27 years. Her husband died August 27, 1892 of injuries received from a fall. The funeral
took place Wednesday at __ o'clock from the First M.E. church, Rev. J.F. Finley officiating.
Weekly Herald Despatch, 26 August 1893
The funeral of Mrs. A.J.Clarkson, was preached at the Cherry Grove church, Monday, at
10:30 a.m. Rev. Martin officiated. The remains were taken to the Peck cemetery for interment.
Review (Decatur), 12 Feb 1891
CLARKSON, Christopher R. 
Christopher R. Clarkson probably the oldest man in Macon county, died at 11:15
Wednesday forenoon at the home of his son, William Clarkson, 823 North Monroe street. Several
weeks ago he suffered a severe attack of pneumonia. He recovered from that, but it left him
very weak and thin and the infirmities of age caused his death. He was ninety-five years old
born March.
He is survived by five children. Mrs. G.W. Ballard of Huntsville, Ala; Miss Minnie
Clarkson of Terre Haute; Mrs. Ida Ellrick of Terre Haute, Dimmitt Clarkson of Kansas City, Mo;
and William Clarkson of Decatur. He also leaves nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Mr. Clarkson was born in Sussex county, Del., March 2, 1817. He went to Ohio when
a young man, but since 1860 has claimed Macon county as his home. He was twice married, his
first wife being Miss Mary Ann Wilson. Her death occurred in 1862. His second wife was Mrs.
Martha Dover of Macon. Her death occurred in 1901. He lived in Macon for a number of years,
but for the last thirteen years has made his home in Decatur, spending his winters in Alabama.
Mr. Clarkson was a sailor in his early days and made frequent trips to the West
Indies. He did not like the life of a sailor and when he went to Ohio, he learned the trade of
wagonmaker. In 1862, he enlisted in the Second Illinois Artillery, serving fourteen months. He
contracted rheumatism and was discharged on account of a disability.
He knew Abraham Lincoln and was assigned to raising the flagpole at the Lincoln
convention here. The butt of that pole was dug up a few years ago and Mr. Clarkson secured a
piece of it as a souvenir.
Mr. Clarkson attributed his long life and good health to plenty of hard work.
After he retired from active work he always took lots of exercise in the open air.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 27 Mar 1912
CLEMENTS, Christina A. (Booker)
Born: 13 Feb 1878 near Boody, Macon Co, IL
Died: 28 Oct 1945 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: James J. & Virginia A. (Querry) Booker
Married: Sep 14, 1895 in Blue Mound, Macon Co, IL to David M. Clements
Children: Mrs. Charles Brumaster, Mrs. Loren Traxler, Mrs. Edward Morgan, Mrs.
Myrtle Norman, St. Louis; Mrs. C.J. Woodrow, Chicago, and Mark Clements of Peru, IN
CLEMENTS, Susan (Smith)
DECATUR - After a long courageous battle with Cancer, Susan Clements, 65 of
West Peoria, formerly of Decatur died at 11:19 p.m. Friday, March 30, 2007, in Decatur Memorial Hospital.
Visitation will be held Monday evening from 6-8 p.m. in the Graceland/Fairlawn Funeral Home.
Graveside services will be held on Tuesday Morning at 10 a.m. in Graceland Cemetery. Graceland/Fairlawn
Funeral Home and Cemeteries is assisting the family with the arrangements for their loved one. The
family requests casual attire for both the visitation and graveside service.
Susan was born in Decatur on June 7, 1941, the daughter of Donald and Marjorie Hunt
Smith. She worked for over 37 years as a Certified Nurses Aide on the OB/GYN Floor in Decatur
Memorial Hospital. She married Donnie Ray Clements on July 1, 1960; he preceded her in death on
November 10, 1990. Susan was a very caring person and always put other people before herself.
Susan was called "Superwoman" by her family members for being such a courageous woman during her
long battle of cancer.
Susan leaves behind her mother of Decatur, daughter; Debbie Hutton and husband
Bobby of Leroy, son; Mark Clements and wife Jessica of West Peoria, granddaughter Brittany Hutton,
brothers; David Smith and wife Gini of Decatur, Robert Smith, Jeff Smith and wife Nancy all of
Decatur; brothers - in law; Woody, Jerry, Robert and Cleatis Clements, sisters; Kathy Smith of
Decatur, Julie Schwent and husband Tom also of Decatur. Nieces and Nephews; Daniel Smith, Stephanie
Smith, Ryan Smith, Jonathan Smith, Mike Smith Andrea Clements, Dave Clements, Lisa Clements, Tiffany
Renee Gore, Rhonda Luther, Tana Lamb, Jared Schwent and Jacob Schwent, Aunt Fran Holmes and great
nephews and nieces; Owen, Alex, Noah, Dalton, Cole and Tess, her loving dog Abby, whom she loved dearly.
Susan was preceded in death by her father, husband, and sisters - in - law;
Judith A. Kearns-Clements and Judith A. Clements. The family of Susan would like to send out
a heartfelt thanks to Drs. Khan, Hasnain, Kris Patel, Esparaz, Holder and Sharkey for all of their
wonderful caring concern and help during Susans long battle. The family of Susan would also
like to send out a special thank you to the Nursing Staff of Decatur Memorial Hospital, especially
Peyton. Sue, your entire family is proud of the strength you had for fighting your long battle of
cancer, and you can now relax with your loving husband, Donnie Ray.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 30 Mar 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
O.A. Clendenen one of the old Wabash trainmen, died at 2 o'clock Thursday morning at his
home in Normal, IL. One week ago Mr. Clendenen suffered a stroke of apoplexy and partial
paralysis, and never regained consciousness. Mr. Clenedenen formerly lived in Decatur and was
one of the old Wabash men. He and two brothers, both of whom have ince died, were all in the
Wabash train service at the same time.
Mr. Clendenen and family moved to Normal about two years ago. He was known to all the old
railroad men in this vicinity and had many friends.
Mr. Clendenen is survivd by his wife and three daughters, Misses Ruth, Merle and Esther
Clendenen, and one son,Paul Clendenen, There are also many relatives in Decatur. His sister Mrs.
John Mildenberger of this city, had just returned from his bedside when the news of his death
reached the city.
The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon at Normal. The body will then be
brought to Decatur for burial in Greenwood. The internment will be at a4:30 o'clock and friends
will gather at the family lot and short services will be held at the grave.
Born: 27 Mar 1903 in Weldon
Died: 20 May 1993 in Decatur
Buried: Nixon Twp. Cem, Weldon
Parents: James Lee and Nancy Burger Swearingen
Married: Henry J. Clifton
D.R. Clifton, or "Dick" Clifton as he was most generally known, died Tuesday, at Kankakee.
The body was brought to Argenta yesterday and was burial had in Peck cemetery. Mr. Clifton, it will
be remembered, was taken to Kankakee some months ago on account of mind trouble. he was born in Ohio
in 1857 and his wife is yet living.
Decatur Daily Republican, 31 Aug 1894
CLIFTON, Delmar C.
Born: Gibson City
Died: 19 Jun 1987 in Decatur
Buried: Maroa Cem.
Parents: William R. and Elizabeth M. Clifton
Married: 1930 to Elsie Holland
Children: Francis E, Delbert C, Robert, Vernon L, Ardella, Wanda J,
CLIFTON, Elsie Agnes
Born: 30 Aug 1909 in Vanceburg, KY
Died: 6 Oct 1993 in Decatur
Buried: Maroa Cem.
Parents: William and Etta Elizabeth Kiagley Holland
Married: 1930 to Delmar C. Clifton
Children: Francis E, Delbert C, Vernon L, Ardella, Wanda J
Born: 24 Aug 1902 in Rowan Co, KY
Died: 30 Oct 1997 in Country Helalth Nursing Home
Buried: Maplewood Cem, Rantoul
Parents: John and America Johnson Moore
Married: 1919 to Claude Clifton in Rantoul
Children: William, John, Earl, Jerry, Jean
CLIFTON, Jackson 
Rev. F.A. Galiger, pastor of the Christian church here, conducted the funeral
services of Jackson Clifton in Argenta Monday morning.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 27 Sep 1911
Died: 17 Jun 1987 in Decatur
Buried: Monticello Cem.
Parents: Wayne and Patsy Swartz Clifton
Married: 18 May 1986 to Steven Howard
Died: 14 Aug 1913 in New Burgh
Buried: Friends Creek Cem.
Children: Robert, James, Tinc, John, Mrs. Mead Gogers, Mrs. Arthur Betz, Mrs. Sherman Hott
Born: @13y-22d
Died: 17 Nov 1899
Parents: M/M Charles Clifton
Born: in Brooklyn, IA
Died: 20 Apr 1972 in Decatur
Buried: Macon Co. Memorial Park
Parents: Andrew J. and Barbara J. Gyer Clifton
Married: 1924 to Edith M. Hott
Born: 19 Jul 1884
Died: 1 Oct 1966 near Decatur
Buried: Georgetown Cem.
Parents: Marion Isaac and Margaret E. Graves Richards
Married: 24 Jan 1912 in Danville to Alonzo C. Clifton
Children: Mary
Born: 4 Sep 1897 in Mt. Zion
Died: 26 Jul 1967 in Decatur
Buried: Mt. Zion Cem.
Parents: Orval and Etta Clark Clifton
CLIFTON, William 
William Clifton died near Argenta Saturday night. He had resided in Macon
county thirty years, and was a veteran of the Mexican war. He left a wife and six children.
They are Mrs. John Hanks, Rufus, V.D., J.C., W.H. and Marshal Clifton. The funeral was held
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 14 Aug 1894
NOTE: According to the article published in the 18 Aug 1894 Weekly Herald
Despatch, the funeral was held at the Christian church at 4 o’clock, Elder Brown of Wapella
officiated. Interment was in the Maroa cemetery. According to an article published in the
13 Aug 1894 Decatur Daily Republican, Mr. Clifton was a native of Kentucky and drew a
pension. Information about his estate was published in the 28 Aug 1894 Decatur Daily
CLIFTON, William
Born: 8 weeks old
Died: 16 Jan 1972 in Decatur
Burial: Maroa Cem.
Parents: Delbert and Gwen Ferrill Clifton
CLOKEY, Susan Carrie (Elson)
Prominent Woman Victim of Heart Disease
Gave Handsome Home "The Pines" for Community>
Mrs. J.M. Clokey, one of the most prominent women in social and philanthropic circles
in the city, died Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock in her home, "The Pines," just east of Decatur, on
the William street road. She had been ill with heart trouble for some time but has been confined to
her bed for only the past two weeks. Her death was sudden, but Mr. Clokey was with her when she
Mrs. Clokey was at one time regent of the D.A.R. and president of the Y.W.C.A. She was
one of the most generous doners to the latter organization, beisdies being a splendid worker, at the
time of its organization. In memory of her father, Michael Elson, Mrs. Clokey placed the cross on
the First Methodist church, although she was a member of the First Presbyterian church.
"The Pines," where the Clokeys have lived for some time, was long in the possession
of Mrs. Clokey's family though it has been her home for only the past seven years. Mr. and Mrs.
Clokey took a great interest in the Community Center plan, which came before Decatur people two years
ago, and they planned to at some time give their beautiful country place for this work.
Their daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Wise, was interested in philanthropic work in Nashville,
Tenn., where she lived and she was chairman of the boys'club in the settlement district of Nashville,
which was under the auspices of the D.A.R. After three years of work she died, and it was a s
memorial to her that Mr. and Mrs. Clokey offered their home.
Mrs. Clokey was born and reared in Decatur. She was married Oct. 8, 1837, to Mr.
CLokey, and both have always been prominent in this city in many ways.
The past two or three years have taken one of the Henton apartment in the winter,
moving out to The Pines in the summer. They have only been out a short time this season, and only
a few months ago they took a trip to Colorado to visit their son, Ira Clokey.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 30 May 1916, pg. 12
Body To Be Placed in Family Mausoleum The funeral of Mrs. J.M. Clokey will be held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
family home, "The Pines." The services will be conducted by Rev. C.E. Jenney, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church. The body will be placed in the Clokey mausoleum in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 31 May 1916, pg. 12
Railroad "Y" Lads Show Appreciation
As a mark of appreciation of the many fine things she has done for them and for
others, fifty or sixty boys, members of the Railroad Y.M.C.A. will march in her funeral cortege
late on Thursday afternoon.
The boys requested that they be allowed to do this to show their respect for Mrs.
Clokey and her many good deeds and the request was granted at 4 o'clock and will then join the
procession on its way to Greenwood cemetery.
Mrs. Clokey's funeral is expected to be a large one. Hundreds of friends in this
city are planning to attend.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 1 Jun 1916, pg. 14
Members of Boys' Club of R.R.Y.M.C.A. Act as Escort
As a token of their appreciation of the philanthropic work of Mrs. Susan C. Clokey,
wife of J.M. Clokey, in behalf of the association attended the funeral of Mrs. Clokey in a body
Thursday afternoon and acted as an escort to the cemetery.
The funeral of Mrs. Clokey was held at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the family
residence, "The Pines," on the East William street road. There was a large attendance, the house
being filled with friends. The services were conducted by Rev. C.E. Jenney, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, who was assisted by Rev. W.H. Penhallegon, the former pastor. There were
many beautiful floral tributes, in charge of Miss Eleanor Barnes and Mrs. John E. Patterson.
The pallbearers were W.M. Wood, R.S. Bohon, W.H. Black, J.A. Meriweather, J.F.
Roach and Dwight Stamper. The body was placed in the family mausoleum in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 2 Jun 1916, pg. 3
Samuel Clothier died Monday afternoon, March 20, at the home of his son,
Asa Clothier, 1504 North Broadway. His death was due to old age. He was aged 83 years
and was a member of Dunham Post, No. 141, G.A.R. in which organization he was held in
high respect.
The funeral was held at 2 oclock this afternoon from Asbury church at the
corner of Herkimer street and Broadway. Rev. W. A. Reynolds assisted by Rev. W. F. Gillmore
conducted the services and the burial was at Greenwood cemetery.
Daily Republican, Decatur Illinois, 21 Mar 1899
CLOUD, Anna (Rainey)
Mrs. Anna Rainey Cloud, wife of Elmer Cloud, died at her home, five miles northeast
of Cisco, Tuesday morning at 11:15. She had been suffering from Bright's disease for two years.
The funeral will be held at the Presbyterian church in Cisco Thursday morning at 10:30, Rev. H.D.
Trickey of Argenta officiating. Interment will be in the Croninger cemetery.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Cloud leaves one daughter, Mrs. Eva McCartney, and one son,
Earl Cloud of Cisco, two sisters, Mrs. Wilson of Hume and Mrs. Mary Parr of Decatur and four
brothers; James Rainey of Easterville, Ia., Cleve Rainey of Champaign, William Rainey of Cerro
Gordo and Elmer Rainey of Cisco.
The Decatur Review, Decatur, IL, 3 May 1922
Born: 17 Apr 1842 in Piatt Co, IL
Died: 4 Mar 1869 in Willow Branch Twp, Piatt Co, IL
Buried: Clover Cem., Piatt Co, IL
Parents: Emanuel & Rhoda (Florey) Clover
Married: Mar 11, 1867 in Macon Co. to Sarah Querry
Children: Florence Clover, David L. Clover
CLOVER, David L.
Born: 17 Oct 1869 in Argenta, Macon Co.
Died: 19 Jan 1934 in Argenta, Macon Co.
Buried: Friends Creek Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: David & Sarah (Querry) Clover
Married: 1895 to Eva Parsons
Children: Mrs. Ethel Brown & Homer Clover
CLOVER, Emanuel
Born: in VA
Died: 28 Dec 1852 in Piatt Co, IL
Buried: Clover Cem., Willow Branch Twp., Piatt Co.
Married: Jul 01, 1838 in Macon Co. to Rhoda Florey
#2 to Eliza Coon
CLOVER, Eva (Parsons)
Born: 1879
Died: 27 Oct 1961
Married: 1895 to David L. Clover
CLOVER, Israel
Born: 7 Sep 1847Piatt Co, IL
Died: 18 Apr 1915
Buried: Croninger Cem., Piatt Co, IL
Parents: Emanuel & Rhoda (Florey) Clover
Married: Feb 28, 1867 to Mary Jane Barton
Children: Lillie Ivens, John Elmer Clover, Samuel D. Clover
CLOVER, John Elmer
Born: 15 Mar 1872 in Piatt Co, IL
Died: 18 Sep 1962 in Piatt Co, IL
Parents: Israel & Mary J. (Barton) Clover
Married: Harriet Jimerson
CLOVER, Mary J. (Barton)
Born: 24 Mar 1851 in Adair Co, KY
Died: 3 Nov 1928 in Cisco, Piatt Co, IL
Buried: Croninger Cem., Piatt Co, IL
Parents: John & Jane (Campbell) Barton
Married: Feb 28, 1867 to Israel Clover
CLOVER, Rhoda (Florey)
Born: Wythe Co, VA
Died: c. 1848
Parents: John & Mary (Ott) Flora
Married: Jul 01, 1838 in Macon Co. to Emanuel Clover
Children: David & Israel
CLOVER, Samuel D.
Born: 28 Aug 1877 in Piatt Co, IL
Died: 2 Feb 1948 in Clinton, DeWitt Co, IL.
Buried: Croninger Cemetery, Piatt Co, IL
Parents: Israel & Mary Jane (Barton) Clover
Married: 28 Dec 1898 to Marilla Ayers
CLOVER, Sarah (Querry)
Born: 17 Jan 1844 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 22 Feb 1916 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Croninger Cem.
Parents: Elisha & Mary (Florey) Querry
Married: 11 Mar 1867 in Macon Co, IL to David Clover
Children: Florence & David L.
CLOYD, David J.
21 Mar 1886
David J. Cloyd died yesterday morning at half past eight o’clock at the family
residence on South Water street, after a long illness resulting from stricture of the bowels.
For five months past he has been bed-fast, and his death was not unexpected. The deceased
was born in August, 1817, at Garrard county, Ky. He lived in Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri,
coming from a point near Louisiana, that state, to Decatur in 1865, where he has since resided.
He leaves a widow and five children – three sons and two daughters – all grown. They are J.G.
Cloyd, D. Holmes Cloyd and Miss Maggie Cloyd, of this city, Judge W.G. Cloyd, of Bement, and
Mrs. Joseph Gates, of Orlando, Florida. The deceased was sixty-nine years old, and was a member
of the Christian church, from which he will be buried to-morrow morning at half past ten o’clock,
Rev. T.W. Pinketon officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 Mar 1886
Funeral services over the remains of the late David J. Cloyd, were held yesterday
morning at ten o’clock at the Christian church, which was filled with relatives and friends of
the deceased and his family. “Come unto me, ye that are weary and heavy laden” was sung by the
choir followed by prayer by Rev. John W. Tyler. The choir then sang, “Blessed are the dead who
die in the Lord.” The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. T.W. ?. He took for his text the _
14th chapter of Revelations _ I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me write, blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yes, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their
labors: and their works do follow them.” He referred to the many virtues of the deceased and
spoke words of consolation to the afflicted family. The church services closed with the singing
of the hymn “We’re Gathering Home.” The remains wee followed to their final resting place in
Greenwood cemetery by a long cortege of buggies and carriages. The pall bearers wee Messrs. W.L.
Hammer, Judge W.E. Nelson, L.B.C. Leffingwell, George R. Bacon, Wm. Cummings and Thomas W. McCann.
There were many beautiful floral offerings on and about the casket.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 23 Mar 1886
COCHRAN, Caroline (Lourash)
Born: 21 Jun 1869 in Macon Co.
Died: 22 Sep 1951 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Nicholas & Caroline (Florey) Lourash
Married: Dec 24, 1857 in Macon Co. to Walter Cochran
Children: Elmer, Edward, Willis, John, Walter, & Mae
COCHRAN, Florence E. (Barnett)
Born: Nov 12, 1894 in Macon Co.
Died: 12 Dec 1969 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Ulysses Grant & Bertha (Goodpasture) Barnett
Married: Dec 15, 1917 in Long Creek, Macon Co. to Hugh M. Cochran
COCHRAN, James Allen 
James A. Cochran, one of the oldest residents of Macon county and a veteran
of the Civil war died at 3:30 oclock Thursday afternoon at his home at 1362 East Main
street. He was ninety years old last February. His death was due to the infirmities of
age. He had been in failing health for several years but during the summer his condition
seemed to be greatly improved and he seemed reasonably well until a few weeks ago.
James Allen Cochran was born in Ross county, O. Feb 13, 1837. He was a son
of Alexander and Elizabeth Cochran. The family moved to Illinois in 1845. They came by
wagon and it took two weeks to make the trip. The father died in 1850. James A. remained
at home until he became of age. Then he moved to Long Creek. He and Ann Melinda Davis
were married there and lived on a farm near Long Creek until the second year of the Civil
Mr. Cochran enlisted in August 1862 as a member of Company C One Hundred
and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry. On July 22, 1862 while fighting with Shermans forces
before Atlanta, he was captured by the Confederates and placed in Andersonville prison,
the worst of the southern prisons, where he was confined for nine months.
The prisoners were without pure water until lightning stuck on a hillside
near by and opened a spring that sent a little stream of pure water down through the prison.
Mr. Cochran names it Providence Spring. When the Confederate forces were demobilized, the
prisoners were freed and Mr. Cochran returned to Illinois, his health greatly impaired by
his prison experience. He went to Springfield and there political friends secured for him
the appointment of flag sergeant at the state house.
Mr. Cochran held that position for eight years and then came to Decatur,
making his home here and in Long Creek township ever since. He was a member of Dunham
post 141, G.A.R. and the Old Settlers association and a member of the Methodist church
in Long Creek township.
He always attended the old settlers reunions and the meeting of Dunham
post when he was able. Mrs. Cochran died in 1923. Mr. Cochran is survived by six children,
three sons and three daughters. Charles Cochran of Long Creek, Walter Cochran of Lovington
and Slva Cochran of Springfield, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, Mrs. Eva Shumate and Mrs. Nellie
Green, all of Decatur. There are twenty-three grand-children and thirty-nine great
Decatur Review, Decatur Illinois, 14 Oct 1927
COCHRAN, Walter W.
Born: 10 Oct 1867 in Long Creek, Macon Co.
Died: 21 Jul 1941 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Point Pleasant Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: J.A. & Ann Cochran
Married: Jan 07, 1891 in Mt. Zion Twp, Macon Co. to Caroline Ella Lourash
COFFMAN, Ralph Benjamin 
Ralph Coffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Coffman, 1431 West Decatur
Street, died at 11:45 oclock Friday night the Wabash Employees hospital. He was
twenty-years old in February. His death was caused by a mastoid abscess. He has
been sick since last Saturday.
Mr. Coffman was born in Lincoln, Illinois February 17, 1901. The family
has lived in Decatur for the last seven years and he was a machinists at the Wabash
shops. He served a year in the Navy during the world war. Last February when Mr. Coffman
was laid off from work for a time he took up the study of the violin, not being content
being idle, and he became quite proficient in playing the violin. He was also much
interested in any activities that promoted physical culture.
He was a member of the Machinist Union and of the Castle Williams Post
American Legion. The post will be in charge of the funeral, which will be held Sunday
afternoon at 3:30 at the Monson & Wilcox chapel. Rev. W. A. Dando will officiate at
the funeral.
The death of Mr. Coffman is particularly bad, as he has been of as
much help to his father, who is crippled from the loss of a hand. He always tuned
over his earnings to his father and the two were such ____ as father and son often are.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Saturday, 22 Oct 1921, pg. 8
COLEMAN, Glen Edward
Born: 23 Jul 1937 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 23 Jul 1937 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Union Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Edward Glenn & Lydia Anna (Reed) Coleman
John Coleman died at his home in Oreana at 7:15 o’clock yesterday morning of
heart disease. He was in apparent good health five minutes previous to his sudden demise.
The deceased was seventy-six years and eleven months old. The funeral will take place on
Wednesday morning at eleven o’clock at the Union church.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 13 Apr 1886
The funeral of John Coleman will take place at the Union church at Oreana
this morning at eleven o’clock.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 14 Apr 1886
DIED ~ We learn that a Mr. Coleman and one of his children died of smallpox last
night, at Oreana.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 11 Jan 1875
COLEMAN, Mrs. George
Mrs. George Coleman died at her residence near Oreana, yesterday, of small-pox, at the
age of 40 years. Her death was sudden and unexpected, as it was though she had passed the worst stages
of the disease and would soon recover. Her husband and two of her children died but a short time ago
from the same disease. The remaining children of the family are now about recovered from the disease.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 30 Jan 1875
DECATUR - Rivers Coleman 83 of Decatur died Wednesday March 28, 2007 in
Lincoln Manor Nursing Home. Homegoing services will be 12:00 pm Tuesday April 3, 2007
in Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Edd Jackson officiating. Visitation will
be one prior to service in the church. Burial will be in Macon County Memorial Park.
Rivers was born on January 18, 1924 in Brownsville, TN the daughter of
Louis and Lula (Hawthorn) Estes. She was a member of Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church.
She was a Homemaker. She married Tillman Coleman in 1942 in Arkansas. He preceded her in
death on January 31, 2006. She leaves to not mourn but cherish fond memories her sons,
Roy Coleman and wife Darlene of Decatur; and Earl Coleman of Memphis, TN; sisters-in-law,
Versie Coleman of Decatur; Gladis Coleman of Ripley TN; Sally Coleman of Ripley, TN;
four grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren, several
nieces, and several nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, five
sisters, and four brothers. The family of Rivers Coleman has entrusted their care to
Moran & Goebel Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 2801 N. Monroe Street.
Herald & Review (Decatur), 28 Mar 2007
Submitted by: Kathy Ikeda
DIED ~ November 22, 1872, Mrs. Julia Ann, wife of Jacob W. Colladay. The funeral of
the deceased willt ake place from the residnece of her son-in-law, Henry Martin, to-morrow, at 11
o'clock, A.M. Intement at Greenwood Cemetery.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 23 Nov 1872
The funeral of Peter Collins was held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at Dawsons
chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. J. T. Finlay. There was a large attendance.
The music was furnished by Mrs. Corydon C. Nicholson, Miss Hazel Rloser, Arthur Van Cleve
and Ralph Wise. The pall bearers were Samuel Weifley, Thomas Sly, J. C. Walsh, J. D. Evans,
Frederick Schwab and Augustus Glatz, all members of Dunham Post 141, G.A.R. The interment
was in Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 25 Aug 1913
Seth Collins died at 6:30 oclock Sunday morning at the Post boarding house,
No 764 West Main street, aged 57 years. Death was caused by vascular heart disease. Mr.
Collins has been troubled with heart disease for the past two years, but has not been serious
until the last two months during which time he has been confined to the house and has been
under the care of a nurse. His death was not unexpected by his relatives and friends as he
has been in critical condition several times lately.
The deceased was born and raised near Columbus Ohio. He came in 1876 to Arcola,
Ill where he lived for 15 years. He was first engaged in farming and afterward to the real
estate business. Six years ago he came to Decatur to make his home and while residing in this
city, he has been dealing in real estate. He leaves three sons, Dr. O. G. Collins and William
Collins of this city and Rosco Collins of Ohio.
Mr. Collins was a veteran of the war and was four times wounded. At the beginning
of the war he enlisted in the 17th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was captain of Company E. and
served on General Stedmans staff. He was a member of the G.A.R. and also of the Masons of
Arcola, but never joined the local branches of the societies while living in Decatur.
Decatur Weekly Republican, Decatur Illinois, 21 Oct 1897
COMPTON, Warner Johnson
Born: in Morgan County, Indiana August 26, 1843
Died: Sunday, January 28, 1917 in Maroa
Buried: Maroa Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: Mary Alice Conover in Atlanta, IL on Oct 20, 1864
Children: daughters, Mrs. Frank Cooper of Tonica, IL and Mrs. P. or R. O. Crouch of Maroa
Death:Thursday, January 25, 1917 at Wabash Hospital in Decatur
Birth:in Kentucky, would have been 36 years old on May 9
Burial:Brush College Cemetery...now Spangler Cem.
Parents: not mentioned
Marriage: not mentioned
Survivors: wife, Nora; 4 children, Martha, Delbert, Ivan, and Dona Conder
Clell Conder died at 10:15 Thursday morning at the Wabash hospital. He would
have been thirty-six years old on May 9. His death was due to complication of diseases. His
home was at 2605 East Orchard street.
Mr. Condor was born in Kentucky but had lived in Decatur for the past eight
years, and was employed as a blacksmith at the Wabash locomotive shops. He is survived by his
wife, Nora Conder, and four children, Martha, Delbert, Ivan and Dena Conder.
The body was removed to the Moran undertaking establishment and prepared for
burial, and the funeral will be held there some time Friday. The funeral will be held there
some time Friday. The interment will be in the Brush college cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 25 Jan 1917
The funeral of Clell Conder will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the
new east side church near the Starch works. The services will be conducted by Rev. D.R. Taylor.
The interment will be in the Brush College cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 26 Jan 1917
The funeral of Clell Conder was held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the
Owen chapel on East Sangamon street. The services were conducted by Rev. D.R. Taylor. The
music was furnished by Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Miss Margaret Taylor and Miss Maude Roller.
There was a large attendance. The members of the Blacksmith's union were present in
a body. The pallbearers were W.C. Sager, Earl Kayser, Ed Anderson, W.H. Hackert, Albert Snyder and
Ed Gardner. The interment was in the Brush College cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 Jan 1917
CONDON, Edward
Edward Condon died at twenty-five minutes past four o'clock yesterday afternoon,
at his residence on East Eldorado street, of spinal meningitis. He was twenty-five years, ten
months and twenty days old. A few months ago the deceased's wife died and left him with twin
baby boys. In a few weeks they followed her, and the husband was left alone. His health has
been poor for some time past. He was a young man well acquainted, and his death will be mourned
by many friends. The funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock, from St.
Patrick's Catholic church.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 18 May 1886
The funeral of the late Edward Condon, who died on Monday, will take place this
afternoon from St. Patrick's Catholic church, at two o'clock.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 19 May 1886
Big Attendance At Funeral - Services Held for John A. Conely at Warrensburg Church
Warrensburg, Illis., Jan 23 - The funeral of John A. Conley [Conely] was held in the M. E.
church at Warrensburg at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning, Jan. 22. There was a large concourse of
people present, the house being filled to overflowing, and many were unable to get in. It was
the largest funeral ever seen here in many years.
The funeral services were conducted by the resident pastor, Rev. B. D. Wiley, who touchingly
referred to the past life of the deceased. There was a profusion of beautiful flowers, among
which was a broken wheel from the trustees and some other members of the church. The flower
girls were Misses Bertha Beauman and Anna Ingham.
Appropriate music was furnished for the occasion by a quartet composed of Mrs. D. C. Meyers,
Miss Blanch Binkly and C. C. H. Cowen and G. R. Bunker.
The pall bearers were Jesse Sibthorp, Ed White, D. F. Bear, A. Disbrow, D. C. Myers and A. C.
Ingham. Interment in Illini cemetery.
John A. Conley [Conely] was born in the city of New York Jan. 2, 1835. He died in Decatur,
Illis., Jan. 20, 1905, aged 70 years and 18 days.
When he was 2 years of age his parents removed to Livingston county, Mich., where he grew to
manhood. In 1858 he came to Illinois and in 1865 he settled in Macon county. The last few
years of his life were spent in Warrensburg, Illis.
He married Matilda Foreman Feb. 3, 1862. Four children were born of this union. His wife,
two sons, Charley and Frank, and a daughter, Mrs. Addie Barton, survive him. Mary died at 20.
There are eight grandchildren.
As a citizen Mr. Conley [Conely] possessed those qualities that led his neighbors to place
him in many positions of trust and honor, all of which he filled with dignity and efficiency.
He was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church under the pastorate of Rev.
John Slater at Farmingdale, Illis., in 1860. In his Christian like he was active, earnest and
He was fortunate in his choice of a companion. On the day of their marriage the family altar
was erected and it was sustained through all these years. In the home he was an ideal husband
and father. His children are all active Christian workers.
The local church recognized his loyalty and ability and honored him with every office in its
grift. He honored his church by faithfully attending to he work assigned. For quite half of
his Christian life he was superintendent of the Sunday school. For more than forty years he
held the office of both trustee and steward and always attended the quarterly conferences.
In his removal the church has lost one of its most loyal and active supporters and the
community one of its best citizens.
Decatur Review, Mon, Jan 23, 1905, P 5
CONKLIN, Abraham
Abram Conklin died yesterday morning at six o’clock, at his residence on North
College street. The deceased was seventy-five years old, and leaves a widow to mourn his
demise. The funeral services will be held at two o’clock this afternoon from the late residence
of the deceased, Rev. A.C. Scott, of the United Brethren church, officiating.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 20 Mar 1886
The funeral of Abraham Conklin took place yesterday forenoon from the late
residence of the deceased on North college street. The services were conducted by Rev. A.C.
Scott, of the United Brethren church and the remains were interred at Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 21 Mar 1886
CONKLIN, Margaret)
At the family residence, three miles east of Decatur, at 6 a.m., Jan 18, 1881, Mrs.
Margaret Conklin, wife of Robert H. Conklin, in the 40th year of her age. At the same place, on
Jan. 18, 1881, at 6 p.m., the infant child of R.H. Conklin.
The double funeral occurred from the residence at 10 o'clock this (Wednesday)
forenoon, Rev. Dr. Goodwin officiating. The mortal remains of mother and child were placed in
one coffin and were buired in Greenwood cemetery today. Deceased leaves five sons and a
husband who is a brother of Abram W., Amos and Charles Conklin, of this city.
Decatur Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 19 Jan 1881
CONLON, Julia A. (Joyce)
Mrs. Julia A. Conlon, 1952 East Prairie avenue, widow of Martin Conlin, died
at 9:45 o'clock Thursday night in Detroit, Mich., where she was visiting her children. The
message was received Thursday night by her son, W.W. Conlon.
Mrs. Conlon had gone to Detroit to attend the funeral of her son-in-law, D.C.
Bowers, who was buried last Saturday and remained for a visit. She was sixty-eight years old
last August. Her death was caused by heart failure.
Mrs. Conlon was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 14, 1859. She came with her
parents to Decatur when she was fifteen years old and this has been her home ever since.
Her husband, Martin Conlon, died here in 1906. She is survived by three children, W.W.
Conlon of Decatur, Mrs. D.C. Bowers and J.E. Conlon of Detroit. There are six grand-children.
The body will be brought to the Moran & Sons chapel Saturday morning to
await the completion of funeral arrangements.
Decatur Review, 7 Oct 1927
CONLON, Martin
Dies in Jacksonville After Two Years of Illness
J.J. Moran went to Jacksonville on Thursday afternoon to bring home the
body of Martin Conlon, who died there Thursday morning. His death was caused by softening
of the brain.
Mr. Conlon lived in Decatur for many years and was well known here. He went
to Jacksonville about two years ago. He is survived by his wife, who lives at 1236 East
Eldorado street, one son, Ed Conlon, who is now in Kentucky; a daughter, Mrs. Bowers of
Danville. He was a brother of Mrs. Ed Skelley and an uncle of Mrs. M. Fahay, both of
The body will arrive in Decatur at 11:30 tonight and will be taken to the
Conlon residence.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 28 May 1908
The funeral of Martin Conlon was held at 9 o'clock Saturday morning from
St. Patrick's Catholic church. High mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Murphy. Music
was furnished by the regular choir. There was a large attendance of old friends. The
pallbearers were Frank Skelly, Louis Skelly, Thomas McDermott, Henry McDermott, George
Gouker and John Reinhart. The interment was at Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 May 1908
CONLON, Mary Julia
Mary Julia Conlon, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conlon, died at
2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 1002 East Eldorado street. She was
three months old. The funeral was held at 10 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patrick's
Catholic church. The services were conducted by Rev. Father Murphy. The interment was
in Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 6 Oct 1913
CONN, Alexander M.
The funeral of Alexander Conn was held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the residence of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Conn in Mt. Zion. It was a simple funeral and only a few relatives and friends were
present at the services. Rev. Mr. Piper, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian church of Mt. Zion, officiated.
The pall bearers wer G.C. Outten, Ben Readhead, O.J. Readhead, Charles Hugh, M.J. Hines and
Clyde Scott.
Decatur Review, Mon., May 9, 1904, p. 10
(Alexander was born 21 Jan 1862 in Macon Co, and died 7 May 1904. Buried Mt. Zion Cem.)
CONN, John William
John William Conn, a well known merchant of Hervey City, died at the family
residence in that place at 3:30 Monday morning(Dec 14, 1913). He was fifty-five years old, and was
a brother of Ollie Conn, the baseball umpire who was killed by a street car in Decatur
several years ago. He was born in Mt. Zion township Aug. 14, 1858, and had lived
there most all his life. He is survived by his aged mother, Mrs. Mary Conn and two
Decatur Review, Mon., Dec 15, 1913
(Buried, Mt. Zion Cem.)
CONN, Kemp W.
Kemp W. Conn, father of Ollie Conn, died at 5 o'clock Friday (15 May) evening at
the family residence in Mt. Zion. His age was 63 years and 4 months and he is
survived by a wife and three sons. The latter are J.W. Conn, A.M. Conn and O.L. Conn.
Mr. Conn's death was caused by cancer.
The funeral will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from the residence and the interment
will be at Mt. Zion cemetery.
Decatur Review, Sat., May 16, 1903, p. 8
(Born 21 Jan 1840 in Garrard Co, KY.)
CONN, Mary F. (Nicholson)
Born: 9 Aug 1844 in Garrard Co, KY
Died: 28 Sep 1927 in Mt. Zion, Macon Co.
Buried: Mt. Zion Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Jeremiah J. & Lucinda (Logan) Nicholson
Married: 16 Sep 1858 in Garrard Co, KY to Kemp W. Conn
Grandchildren: Horace Fredericks of Paxton, Wayne Conn of Hammond, IN,
Mrs. J.C. Keffrey of Madison, Wis., and Mrs. Frank Curran of Decatur
CONN, Oliver L.
O. M. Conn, umpire in the Three-I league, met with an accident shortly before
3 o'clock Sunday afternoon (13 Sep) and died from his wounds at 11 o'clock that night.
He was run over by a street car on North Water street and was badly mangled.
The car that ran over him was the first trailer attached to motor car No 34. The motor car was in
of Motorman W.F. Rainier and Conductor George Neyhard. The first trailer was in charge of Conductor
L.H. Borchert and the second trailer was in charge of Conductor Pete Brilley.
This train was going south on Water street and was being followed by another motor car without
any trailers attached. The rule that has always prvailed her when cars are run in relays is for the first
section to go straight through without stopping, leaving the second section to pick up any passengers,
the object being to prevent the possibility of accident by reason of the second section bumping
into the first.
Mr. Conn was on the west side of Water street a short distance south of the Eldorado street
crossing. It was evident that he wanted on the car, but Motorman Bainter motioned to him to take the
second section, which was coming but a short distance behind. From the nature of the accident it
seems evident that he tried to catch the rear of the first car and fell between it and the first trailer.
The only persons on the first section besides the employes of the street railway company were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bachl of 242 West William street. Not one person on the train saw just how
the accident occurred. It was all done like a flash. Conductor Neyhard could only say that he saw two
hands thrown up and then there was the shock of the trailer leaving the track.
Motorman Bainter had turned to the right to motion Conn to take the second section and didn't see
Conn make a jump for the car. Bainter had swung his body around to the left and glanced back
over his shoulder just as the trailer left the track, and his own conductor at the same instant gave
him the signal to stop. Neither of the other street car men on board saw the accident.
Motorman Bainter stopped the cars as quickly as possible probably within sixty feet.
The street car men uncoupled the motor car and the rear trailer from the one that left the track
and with the assistance of several men who happened to be near they tipped the trailer up on its
side and removed the unfortunate man. While they were getting him out someone telephoned for
the patrol wagon and it arrived about five minutes after Mr. Conn was taken from the car.
The position of the body showed that Conn had made a heroic effort to save himself by
grabbing the axle of the car. His left arm was wrapped around the front axle and his head
and shoulders were wedged in between the end of the axle and the bottom of the car and between
the outside of the wheel and the journal box, so that he was under the edge of the car and not
between the rails. The ends of the axles stick out a foot or more past the sheels before entering the
journals, so that there is a space about a foot square between the bed of the car and the axle. The
body was wedged in so tight that it was with considerable difficulty that he could be removed. The car
was tilted till the outside was three or four feet above the rail and was held there until the namgled form
could be removed.
Mr. Conn was carried to the lawn in front of the St. John's flats. He talked wildly, but without
reason. He thought some one was trying to kill him, and he shouted "Murder!" and "Police!" The
patrol wagon arrived almost immediately and he was placed on a stretcher and taken to St. Mary's
hospital, where Drs. F.M. Anderson and Will Chenoweth attended him.
Conn's injuries were frightful and it was almost a certainty that he would die. The right arm was
crushed to a pulp at the elbow and the bone and flesh were ground together, making it necessary that
the arm should be amputated at once. This was done and the arm was removed just below the
shoulder. The left leg was also frightfully crushed at the knee and it would also doubtless have been
necessary to amputate it sooner or later. The left arm, which was wrapped around the axle of the car,
was badly bruised and the skin was ground off the side of his neck and from one shoulder, and his nose
and the lower part of his face were also badly bruised and scratched.
Teletrams were sent to his relatives and his brother, Alexander Conn accompanied by his mother
arrived from Mt. Zion last night and were with him from that time on till 11 o'clock, when he died.
The body was later removed from the hospital to Dawson's undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial.
Coroner Dawson held an inquest this afternoon and the body will be taken to Mt. Zion for interment.
Ollie Conn was about 32 years old and was one of the best known men in the county, not only
among ball players, but in other circles. He had played ball practically all his life, but he had two
other professions at either of which he would work when not playing ball. He was a telegraph operator
and a member of the Order of Railway Conductors, and it was his intention to go to Iowa in a couple of
weeks to take a position as operator.
He was also a baker and an exceptionally good cook. He would have taken charge of the
kitchen at Bryan's restaurant carnival week. He had traveled all over the county, working in one capacity
or another, and always seemed prosperous. He dressed well and looked neat all the time. He had
few bad habits. He never drank to excess, did not chew tobacco and smoked but little. He conducted
himself like a gentleman and had a host of friends.
He began playing baseball when a boy and played with a number of amateur teams, including
Mt. Zion, Kenny, Macon, Clinton, and other small towns. He was manager of the Clinton team one season.
He played with Decatur and then wil Springfield in the old Central league, then with Fonsy Connolly
went to Canada. There he played with the London and Guelph teams of the Canadian league and the
next season played in the Texas league.
Last year President Sexton was having a hard time securing umpires for the Three-I league and he
made Conn a member of his staff of umpires as soon as the latter returned from Texas. Conn served
the remainder of the season and made such a good record as an umpire that President Sexton engaged
him for the season just closed. Conn during this season has been the most popular umpire in the league.
There have been no protests and no trouble in any game he has umpired. He was fair and the players
as well as the fans in every city in the league held him in high regard.
He leaves one child living with its grandparents at Fairbury.
It is somewhat strange that with so many people on the street no one saw Conn just at the time of
the accident. Frank J. Hodgins, who was one of the first to run to the assistance of Conn and helped
remove him from under the car, saw him just a moment before the accident, but had turned around and
did not see him fall. He saw Conn motion the motorman to stop, and saw him start for the car. A
moment later he heard the noise made by the trailer as it left the track and he ran out when it was
known some one was under the car. Afterward Mr. Hodgins measured the distance the trailer had
run after leaving the track, and found it to be just sixteen yards.
Decatur Review, Mon., Sept. 14, 1903, p. 3
(He was born, 6 Sep 1870 in Macon Co. Burial Mt. Zion Cem.)
Died, on February 4, Mrs. Mary Connelly, widow of the late Patrick Connelly, aged 74
years. Deceased leaves two children, Kate and Patrick Connelly. She was a native of County Sligo,
Ireland, and came to America in 1853. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Catholic
Daily Republican (Decatur), 5 Feb 1895
CONNELLY, Michael C.
Michael C. Connelly, one of the old residents of Decatur, died at 7:45 o’clock
Sunday morning in the family residence, 440 South Broadway. He would have been seventy-seven
years old in May. His death was caused by a complication of diseases. He had been in failing
health for the last three years, suffering from Bright’s disease and asthma. Always of a
robust constitution, Mr. Connelly had never been ill a day until three years ago. He seemed
to recover from that disease, but he never fully regained his strength, and last November he
suffered an attack of influenza and complications developed making his recovery impossible.
He was only able to be down town once since November.
Mr. Connelly was born in County Clara, Ireland, May 1, 1841. He came with his
parents to America when he was a boy. The family settled in New Jersey, later moving to Chicago.
Mr. Connelly came to Decatur in 1856.
Mr. Connelly was a veteran of the Civil war. He enlisted in 1862 and served until
the close of the war. He participated in most of the famous battles of that war, including
Gettysburg and Chickamanga Valley, and he was with General Sherman on his famous march to the
sea. After the war he returned to Decatur, which has been his home for sixty-three years.
He was engaged in teaming most of his life and was one of the oldest teamsters in the city.
He was a member of Dunham post 141, G.A.R. and of St. Patrick’s Catholic church. He had many
friends in Decatur and vicinity.
Mr. Connelly and Miss Katie Maher were married forty-nine years ago. She died
in Decatur in 1895. He is survived by two children, Mrs. H.D. Greider and Charles A. Connelly,
both of Decatur. He also leaves his second wife, who was formerly Mrs. Margaret Williams, and
a step-son, Charles Williams of Indianapolis. There are ten grand-children, the oldest of whom
is Charles E. Connelly, who is now with the United State forces in France. He is also an uncle
of Mrs. Dan Dinneen.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morning. The members of Dunham post 141, G.A.R.
will conduct their ritualistic exercises at the residence at 8 o’clock and this will be followed
at 9 o’clock by services in St. Patrick’s church, conducted by Rev. Father J. Murphy. Burial
will be in Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Review, Decatur IL, 21 Apr 1919, pg. 11
NOTE: Listed as Michael C. Canley in the 1929 Honor Roll
CONOVER, Albert 
Albert Conover died of cancer Friday morning at his home in Bearsdale, aged
49 years and 10 months. The deceased was a native of Cass county and came here in 1856.
He was the station agent of the P. D. & E., and has for several years past been the postmaster
of Bearsdale. About thirty years ago he was married to Adeline Gauge, of Harristown township,
and the widow and seven children survive him. They are A. J. Conover, and Mrs. Amanda Evans
of Bearsdale, Mrs. Ed Wheeler of California, Mrs. Anna Boland of Maroa, Mrs. Lillie Eyman of
Harristown and Misses Mattie and Fayette Conover, of Bearsdale. The deceased was a veteran
of the late war and a member of Dunham Post 141 of this city. The funeral will take place
Sunday morning at 11 oclock from the Christian church at Harristown. Rev. Ogle will officiate
and members of the Masonic and Grand Army organizations will attend.
Herald Despatch, Decatur Illinois, 20 Dec 1890
Another short obit was published in the Review, Decatur Illinois, 13 Dec 1890
which said that Mr. Conover was also survived by brothers-in-laws W. J. Cameron of Decatur
and L. F. Houck of Harristown.
Mrs. Susan CONOVER died at her home in Maroa early Wednesday morning, aged
nearly 86 years, of old age. She was born near Pittsburg, Pa., June 25, 1828, and had lived
in Maroa thirty-eight years. She had been a member of the Presbyterian church most of her
life. Her husband, Tylee CONOVER, died several years ago.
Clinton Register, DeWitt Co., IL, Friday, 17 Apr 1914
Uncle Tylee CONOVER died on Saturday night at 10 oclock, after a long illness
of paralysis, aged 81 years. He leaves a wife and four children William, in Yuma, Colo.,
George, Governor and Mrs. Alice COMPTON, of this city. Uncle Tylee, as he was familiarly
known, died without an enemy. No higher tribute could be paid. By his honest business
dealings, his kindness to rich and poor alike, he was known and loved by all. The funeral
will be held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the Christian church and conducted by an old friend,
Elder L. M. Robinson, of Mt. Pulaski. Interment at Maroa cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), Tuesday, 30 Jul 1895
CONWAY, Edith Lucile
The funeral of Edith Lucile Conway was held at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the
home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hughes, 1351 North Edward street. The services were
conducted by Rev. Frank Fox, pastor of the First Congregational church.
The music was furnished by Mrs. W.C. Gillespie and Miss Helen Bean. The flowers were
in charge of Mr. W.G. Payne, Mrs. Ralph Muzzy, Miss Erma Muzzy and Miss Hazel Petry. The
pallbearers were Mrs. Corwin Guard, Miss Anna McNamara, Miss Pearl Warren and Miss Nita Walton.
Interment was in Fairlawn cemetery. Edith Lucile Conway was the little caughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur E. Conway of Pana.
Decatur Review, Thursday, 26 Jul 1917
DEAD - Mr. Conway, of Bement (the drover who was so badly stabbed by the
villan who attempted to rob him some time since) we regret to learn he died of his wounds,
this week.
Illinois State Chronicle (Decatur), 28 Apr 1859
COOMBE, Elijah 
Elijah Coombe, one of the old residents of Macon county, died at 9:30
Sunday morning at the family residence, four miles southeast of the city. His death
was caused by organic heart trouble and was rather sudden. He had been in bad health
for about ten weeks, but his condition was not regarded as critical until Sunday morning.
At that time he began sinking rapidly, and it was seen that his hours were numbered.
Mr. Coombe had lived many years in Macon county and was highly respected.
He is survived by his wife and one son, William E. Coombe, who is now engaged in the real
estate business in Decatur. He is also survived by one sister, who lives in Oklahoma, and
one brother, Joseph Coombe, whose home is Arcola.
The funeral will be held at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon from the residence.
The Daily Review, Decatur IL, 13 May 1907
COOK, Mrs. J. H. (Annie)
Mrs. J.H. Cook of Warrensburg is Badly Burned
Mrs. J.H. Cook of Warrensburg poured coal oil in the stove yesterday morning and
is laid up with her face and body badly burned. The fire would not burn well and picking up the
oil can she started to pour in some oil. There was an explosion, the woman's clothes caughter
fire, and before her husband could tear her clothes off, she was severely burned. Dr. Allen of
Warrensburg was called and relieved her suffering. She may recover.
Daily Review (Decatur), Sunday, 4 Dec 1892
Mrs. J.H. Cook of Warrensburg Died From Her Wounds
Mrs. J.H. Cook, who was so badly burned Saturday morning by the explosion of a coal
oil can, died at 9 o'clock Saturday night. The funeral was held from the M.E. church at 11 o'clock
Monday forenoon. The funeral was in charge of the W.C.T.U., of which Mrs. Cook was an honored
member. Rev. Rose preached an impressive funeral sermon. The burial was at Illini cemetery.
Deceased leaves a husband and three children.
Decatur Review, Tuesday, 6 Dec 1892
COOK, James H.
Warrensburg, Oct 26 - The funeral of James H. Cook will be held at the home Thursday
morning at 10:30 conducted by Rev. Mr. Waggoner of the Methodist church. Burial will be in Illini
Decatur Daily Review, 26 Oct 1921
COOL, L. Starr
Old Resident Dies Without Warning
Son Thought L. Starr Cool Was Sleeping - Long In Ill Health
L. Starr Cool died about 2 o'clock Monday morning at his home, 148 West Prairie
avenue. His death was caused by kidney trouble, with which he had suffered for a long time. He
had been in poor health for a year or more, suffering greatly with his feet. A week ago last
Wednesday night he suffered what appeared to be a slight stroke of paralysis, his right side being
affected. He was never able to leave his bed afterward.
Death Came in Sleep
While his death was sudden, it was not wholly unexpected. He had been failing
rapidly, though he did not suffer a great deal of pain in his last illness. His son Trav Cool,
was in the room with him at the time of his death, but the approach of the grim messenger was so
stealthy that the son did not know. Mr. Cool asked his son to place a stand and lamp near the bed
so he could read. This was done and then Trav Cool lay down on a sofa about six feet away. The
attending physician called in the night, but there was no alarming symptoms and after leaving
some medicine, he went away. It was after this that Mr. Cool said he wished to read awhile before
going to sleep. Trav Cool, who had been dozing on the sofa, roused up some time later and looked
at his father, who was lying with his left hand under his cheek, apparently peacefully sleeping. A while
later Trav put his hand on his father's face and found he was dead. The physician was called, but
nothing could be done and he gave his opinion that Mr. Cool had been dead for some time. His
death had apparently been as peaceful as falling asleep.
Worked in Old Stores
Mr. Cool was about 69 years old. He was an old resident of Decatur. His wife died
December 26, two weeks ago last Thursday. Mr. Cool was born in Fairfield county, Ohio. He came
to Decatur forty-five years ago and worked as a salesman in the store of Stamps and Condee, where
the Cheap Charley store is now located. Later he worked for Linn and Scruggs, F.L. Hays and
other merchants, and about nine years ago he went into the grocery business for himself, which
he continued for four years. During the past five years he has done little, his feet causing him
so much pain he could not get around very well. He was selected constable but had to give it up
on account of ill health. He was a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Modern
He is survived by two sons, Trav Cool of Decatur, and S.S. Cool whose address is
not known. The latter was in San Francisco before the earthquake, but nothing has been heard
from his since then. Mr. Cool also leaves two brothers and one sister, Newton Cool of Decatur
and Peter R. Cool and Mrs. Mary E. Miller of Millersport, Ohio.
Newton Cool has been visiting in Ohio for several days and arrangements for the
funeral will not be made until his return.
Decatur Daily Review, 13 January 1908
Adam Coolman died Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock at his home, 1806 East
William street, aged 56 years. He was born in Onio in 1844 and came to this city
from Andrews, Ind., during the month of February, 1887. He was a member of Antioch
lodge, No. 410, A.F. and A.M., of Andrews, and was also a member of the G.A.R. He
leaves a wife and four children, Mrs. C.T. Yarnell, Mrs. C.H. Young and F. Cooman of
Decatur, and Mrs. L.G. Monroe of Ft. Wayne. He also is survived by an aged mother,
Mrs. Leah Arnold of Cedarville, Ind.
The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, from the residence. The
Masons will attend.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 27 Nov 1900
COOPER, Alice A. (Sellers)
Mrs. Alice Cooper, widow of the late W T J Cooper, a pioneer resident of Macon
county, died at 8:30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H H Eyman, in Urbana. Mrs.
Cooper had been in poor health for some time, although her condition had not been considered
Alice A Sellers was born near Indianapolis, Ind. (Morgan Co IN) July 26, 1860 and
was the daughter of Robert Young and Amy Hadley Sellers. She came to Illinois with her parents
when nine years of age and lived on a farm north of Argenta. On July 22, 1880 she was married
to W T J Cooper of Argenta. They made their home here until 1907 when they moved to Decatur.
Her husband preceded her in death in 1908. For the past fifteen years she made her home with
her daughter and family, living in Decatur and Bloomington until three years ago when they
moved to Urbana.
Mrs. Cooper was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, Decatur, and a
charter member of the Oriental lodge of Argenta.
Besides Mrs. Eyman, the following children survive: Mrs. H C Graves, Rock
Island; Mrs. T W Wachob, Delevan IL, Miss Flossie Cooper, Ft. Wayne, Ind.' Miss Florence
Cooper, Evanston; and R Merris (Maris) Cooper of St Louis and two sisters, Mrs. H C Towers,
Drexel, MO, and Mrs. J B Evans of Argenta. Six grandchildren also survive.*
Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at the M E Church, by Rev. L B
Jones, pastor of the United Brethren church and assisted by Rev. G H Bonds of the M E Church.
Oriental Rebekah lodge, of which Mrs. Cooper was a member, attended in a body. Mrs. Frank Dent
and Harry Parr sang, "In the Garden," "The Old Rugged Cross" and "Abide with me" with Miss
Stella Beckham at the piano. A profusion of lovely flowers were in charge of Mrs. Melvin
Manecke, Mrs. Clarence Miller, Mrs. O Risk, Mrs. Merle West, Miss Mattie Swick and Miss
Nellie Sprague, all members of the Rebekah Lodge. Interment was in Friends Creek cemetery.
From unknown Argenta newspaper, submitted by Jane Lincicome
*Submittor notes that two of the grandchildren are still living, so all names have
been ommitted for purposes of privacy.
COOPER, Mrs. Eliza
Born: not mentioned..but age 66 years old
Died: Tuesday, October 24, 1911 in Maroa
Buried: Arrangements pending
Children: Daughters, Mrs. G.W. Weyl of Decatur, R. Frank Cooper of Katy, TX (relationship not given, probably a son)
COOPER, James Stanley
J.S. Cooper Funeral
Funeral services over the body of J.S. Cooper, who died at his home four miles
from Argenta, Wednesday, were held at Argenta Thursday and the body was buried in the Argenta
Mr. Cooper was 64 years of age and is survived by eight children: Mrs. Charles
L. Barber of Springfield, W.T.J. Cooper and Mrs. William Dunbar of Argenta, Mrs. Ellis Kingston
of near Cisco, Ills., and James, Sadie, Oper and David Cooper, residing at the home near
The Daily Review (Decatur), 30 Aug 1901
Mrs. Charles Simmons received word Monday of the death of Mrs. Cooper (Mary Estelle
Barber b. 26 Mar 1946 - d. 13 Mar 1911, James Cooper's third wife) at Danville on Sunday. Mrs.
Cooper died of cancer. The funeral was in Leroy.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 16 Mar 1911
NOTE: In a letter written by James S. Stanley to his son Wm. T.J., he mentioned that
Margaret (Little), his first wife and mother of Wm., died (in 1862) of typhoid. This information was
submitted by Jane Lincicome.
COOPER, Ralph Emerson
Son of County Treasurer Passes Away--High School Student
After an illness of nearly two weeks with a complication of measles and pneumonia,
Ralph Emerson Cooper, son of County Treasurer and Mrs. W. T. J. Cooper, 825 West North Street,
died at 3 o'clock Thursday morning at the family residence. About three weeks ago, Mr. Cooper
went to Argenta for a few days visit with relatives. While there, he was exposed to measles.
He returned home but did not become ill until about a week later. His condition did not become
serious until he was stricken with a slight attack of pneumonia. The complication of the two
diseases caused him to grow worse and little hope had been entertained for his recovery during
the last few days. His father, who has been confined to his home for several weeks suffering
from pneumonia, is slightly better, though his condition is still serious.
Ralph Emerson Cooper was born in Argenta June 7, 1890, and lived there until last
fall, when the family moved to Decatur. He was graduated from the Argenta high school in 1905
and later became a student at the Decatur High School and would have been graduated from that
institution in June.
He was an enthusiastic athelete and a member of the high school baseball team.
He ranked high in both his studies and athletics and was considered on of the best men on the
ball team. Recently he became a member of the First Methodist church. He was also a member of
the Young Men's Christian association and took great interest in its Bible class work.
Mr. Cooper was recognized as a young man with a promising future by a large
circle of friends. During the short time he resided in Decatur he became widely known and very
popular. The news of the young man's death was received with much sorry by his fellow members
of the high school senior class.
The deceased is survived by his parents; one brother, Maris Cooper, and five
sisters, Mrs. H H Eyman, and Misses Velma, Flossie, Esther and Florence Cooper, all of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning from the residence on West
North street. Owing to the serious illness of the father the services will be private. Rev.
W J Davidson, pastor of the First Methodist church, will officiate. The senior class,
numbering 100 members, will attend the services in a body. They will gather at the high school
at 8:30 o'clock in the morning and march to the residence. After the services the class will
escort the remains to the depot, whence they will be shipped to Argenta on the 10 o'clock
interurban train. There will be no services at Argenta and the burial will immediately follow
the arrival of the party there."
From an unknown (probably Decatur, IL) newspaper, date 1908.
Submitted by Jane Lincicome
This next obituary also comes from an unknown paper.
County Treasurer's Son Succumbs to Complication
He Was a Promising Athlete
Ralph Cooper, son of County Treasurer W T J Cooper and wife, died at 3 o'clock
Thursday morning at the family residence, 825 West North street. His death was caused by
pneumonia, complicated with measles. He was taken ill a little over a week ago, and at that
time his father was also critically ill with pneumonia. The latter has been steadily improving
for several days.
High School Student
Ralph Cooper was born at Argenta and lived there most of his life. He was 18
years old and was an exceptionally bright young man. He attended the schools at Argenta and
later became a student at the Decatur high school, from which he would have graduated in June.
He stood high in his classes and was a promising athete. He had a host of friends here and at
Besides his parents he is surved by one brother, Maris Cooper, and five sisters,
Mrs. H H Eyman of 1177 West Main street, and Misses Velma, Flossie, Esther and Florence Cooper,
all of Decatur.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning from the residence. The
services will be private owing to the serious illness of the father. The body will be taken
to Argenta on the 10 p'clock interuban car, but no services will be held there.
On Baseball Team
Ralph Cooper was a member of the high school baseball team having played second
base up until two weeks ago. Cooper was recognized as one of the fastest players in the
infield and his position on the team was practically assured. The crimson ball squad will send
a floral offering. The young man was also a member of the high school senior class. The
class will send flowers and may accompany the body to the station Friday morning.
W T J Cooper is still very ill with peneumonia, though he is now out of danger.
Submitted by Jane Lincicome
Born: not mentioned, but 60 years old
Died: in Maroa on Jan 19, 1902
Buried: Maroa Cemetery, Macon Co.
Married: wife survives him
Children: one son, one daughter
COOPER, William T.J.
County Treasurer Dies After Extended Illness
Uraemic Poisoning Followed Pneumonia Attack
William T J Cooper, county treasurer, died at 5:35 Monday morning at the family
residence, 825 West North street. Mr. Cooper contracted a severe cold during the Sunday
revival meetings and he hovered between life and death and then a change for the better was
noted. He improved steadily for a short time and it was thought he would eventually recover,
but while he was able to sit up a little each day he never had his clothing on after he was
first taken sick and never was able to leave the house. His condition remained stationary for
weeks. Finally ureaemic poisoning developed and that was the immediate cause of his death.
Mr. Cooper is survived by his wife and six children, Mrs. Harry Eyman, Maris Cooper,
Miss Velma Cooper, Miss Flossie Cooper, Miss Esther Cooper and Miss Florence Cooper, all of
Decatur. A son, Ralph Cooper, died of pneumonia, April 23. He also leaves two grandchildren,
Dorothy Eyman and William Edwin Cooper. He is also surved by his stepmother, Mrs. Mary Cooper,
two sisters Misses Otie (Oka Leora) and Sadie (Sarah) Cooper (actually half-sisters). two
brothers (half-brothers) David and Jones (James), all of Argenta, and two half sisters--Mrs.
Abbie Dunbar of Fredonia, Kan., and Mrs. Ida Kingston of Cisco.
Mr. Cooper was for years prominent in politics in Macon county. He served as
collector of Friends Creek township and also represented that township on the board of
supervisors for four years term. Two years ago he was elected county treasurer, which position
he held at the time of his death. He was a man of sterling qualities and was held in the
highest regard. Shortly after he was taken ill and while his condition was still critical his
son Ralph was stricken with the same disease and died. This was a severe blow to Mr. Cooper.
W T J Cooper was born in Macoupin county in 1857, and in 1864 he moved to Macon
county with his father who died seven years ago. He lived on the farm till he was 21 years of
age. Later he taught school for a long time, and about nineteen years ago, he started in
business for himself at Argenta, where he conducted a general store for a long time. He was
also a member of the firm of Barbey (Barber) & Cooper, whose place of business is on Prairie
street, Decatur. Mr. Cooper retained his residence in Argenta till a few years ago, when he
moved his family to Decatur.
Mr. Cooper was a prominent member of the Odd Fellows. He belonged to the Decatur
encampment, I.O.O.F, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. He was converted during
the Sunday revival meetings (Billy Sunday) and it was his intention to have united with the
First Baptist church, but he was taken ill before he had the opportunity, though he had signed
the preference card.
The funeral will be half at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning from the family
residence, 825 West North street. Friends may call at the residence from 2 to 6 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon."
From an unknown newspaper - probably Decatur IL, date 1908
Submitted by Jane Lincicome
COPE, Madge A.
Mrs. Francis [Madge A.] COPE, 64, of Elwin, died 9:20 am Sunday [24 Oct 1971]
in St. Mary's Hospital; born in Boody; married Francis M. Cope on July 8, 1932
in Lincoln; lived in Elwin eight years. She was a house wife and a member of
the Methodist Church. She leaves her husband; son, Stanley of Decatur; sister,
Dot Schenck of Boody; services at 1:30 pm Wednesday in JJ Moran & Sons Chapel;
call from 4-9 pm Tuesday in the funeral home; burial in Macon County Memorial
Park Cemetary.
Contributed by Helen in Texas
COPELAND, Helen (Haynes)
Born: 1 Aug 1903 in Macon Co.
Died: 15 Jun 1950 in Decatur
Buried: Steenbergen Cemetery, Mt. Pulaski Township, Logan Co, IL
Parents: William Jonas & Ethel Florence (Kirkman) Haynes
Married: 31 Jan 1924 in Decatur, Macon Co. to Donald Curtis Copeland
CORBETT, Alta G. (Stuart)
Born: Apr 07, 1868 in Argenta, Macon Co, IL
Died: 20 Feb 1932 in Hereford, Deaf Smith Co., TX.
Parents: Oliver L. & Elizabeth (Kile) Stuart
Married: Jan 03, 1900 in Macon Co. to Martin Corbett
Mrs. Dorcas Corbett, aged 43 years, died of cancer at 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 18,
at the poor farm. She was sent to the poor farm about three weeks ago from Whitmore township.
She had been an inmate several times before. The burial was held this afternoon.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 19 Mar 1896
A yound colored child of Mr. and Mrs. Cottenham died on Wednesday (3 March) and was
buried yesterday afternoon from the Antioch church. The services were conducted by Elder
Gray and the remains were interred in Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 5 Mar 1886
J. Bert Coulter was about thirty years old, and was one of the most popular conductors
on the street car lines of the city. He was the son of W.F. Coulter, founder of Coulter's mill,
northeast of the cityl. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Fannie Coulter, and three children, the
oldest five years and the youngest four months old. He is also survived by his father, W.F. Coulter,
who now lives at Guymon, Okla., five sisters, Mrs. Della De Long of 556 East Herkimer street, Mrs.
Emma Jennings of Casner, Mrs. Lillie Golden of Guymon, Okla., Mrs. Anna Mayberry of Coulter's Mill,
and, Mrs. Minnie Bell of Ivesdale.
Mr. Coulter was seriously ill with typhoid fever last summer. For several weeks he
was confined to St. Mary's hospital, only leaving that insistution last September. He carried no
life insurance, except in the behefit association of the employes of the street car company, and
that is only $100 in case of death.
The inquest over the body of Conductor Coulter was set for 1 o'clock Saturday
The time of the funeral can not be definitely announced. It may not be held until
Tuesday, as relatvies are coming from a distance.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 5 Nov 1910
The funeral of J. Bart Coulter will be held at 1:30 Monday afternoon at the residence,
516 East Waggoner street. The interment will be at the cemetery near Coulter's Mill. A message
was received Saturday from his father, W.P. Coulter of Guymon, Okla., saying he would start for
Decatur at once.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 6 Nov 1910
Special Car Takes Body and Party To Church - Inquest Postponed
The funeral of J. Bart Coulter, street car conductor who was killed last Friday night,
was held Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence. The body and funeral party were taken
on a special Illinois Traction system car to the Oakley church, where services were held. The
interment took place in the Cross cemetery, two miles southwest of Oakley.
W.P. Coulter, father of J. Bart Coulter, arrived Monday forenoon from Guyman, Okla.,
to attend the funeral. About fifty of the local street car men were in the funeral party, and
they sent a handsome floral design.
Owing to the sickness of Motorman William Cullen, the coroner's jury holding the
inquest over the body of Conductor Coulter was adjourned at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon until 1
o'clock next Friday afternoon.
Attorney's for the Illinois Central declare that nothing so far in the evidence
before the coroner's jury indicates that the Illinois Central switch crew or the railroad company
should be held liable for the accident that caused the death of J. Bart Coulter of the Decatur
Railway and Light company; that the evidence of the switchmen was that Conductor Coulter did not
go across all of the tracks before signalling for his car to cross; that had he done so he could
not only have seen that brakemen with his lantern, but two other brakemen as well and that the
accident could easily have then been avoided; that by not crossing the tracks Conductor Coulter
was negligent, and that he lost his life by his own carelessness or negligence, and that while
there was no light on the coal car, Conductor Coulter would have been as able to have seen the
light in the hand of the brakeman walking in front of or at the side of the coal car as rapidly
as though the light had been on the car.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Nov 1910
Read more about this tragic accident!
COULTER, William F.
W.F. Coulter, former owner of the old Coulter mill northeast of Decatur on the Sangamon
river, is dead at his home near Guymon, Okla. Word to this effect was received Wednesday morning by
his daughter, Mrs. Elmer Delong, ()56 East Herkimer street. His death was sudden and rather
unexpected, although he was subject to sudden illness.
Mr. Coulter was known of all over the county, principally on account of his old water
power corn mill, now run by his son-in-law with gasoline power. He was an early settler in that
vicinity and had many friends.
The body is to be brought here for burial, but owing to snow troubles of the railroads
between here and Guymon, the body will not be sent yet.
HERE IN 1873
Mr. Coulter was born about sixty-four years ago in St. Clair county, Illinois, and came
here in 1873, buying the old mill. He also acquired a small farm of about eighty acres out there. The
mill ground all sorts of grain and was known a long distance around. About four years ago Mr. Coulter
sold the place to his son and moved to Guymon, where he bought three-quarters of a section of land.
He is survived by a wife and the following children: Mrs. Lillie Golden of Guymon,
Mrs. Minnie Bell of Ivesdale, Mrs. Della Delong of Decatur, Mrs. Emma Jenkins of Casner, and Etta,
Norma, and Pearl, all of Guymon.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 28 Feb 1912
COURTNEY, Herschel E.
Born: in Beulah, KY, he was 62 years old
Died: Wednesday, June 21, 1989 in Memorial Medical Center, Springfield
Buried: Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery
Parents: Lee K. and May Courtney
Married: to Lola Rodgers in 1948, still living
Children: son, Allan L. of Decatur; daughters, Mrs. Terry (Patricia) Wyrembelski of Warren, Michigan
Survivors: brothers, Elton of Beulah Rudy of Porter, Ind.; sisters, Mrs. Marshall (Roberta)
Munsell of Cunningham, KY, Mrs. Elton (Rachael) Wilson of Beulah.; 4 grandchildren; one
daughter and 4 brothers preceded him in death
Death: Saturday, Sep 2, 2000 in Aspen Ridge Care Center
Birth: March 26, 1904 in Danville
Burial: Holy Cross Lutheran Cemetery
Parents: George and Leona (Sommers) Kelley
Marriage: to William "Will" Courtney, who preceded her in death
Survivors: daughter, Ernestine Fox of Decatur; 7 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren,
and 15 gr gr grandchildren; She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, William,
son Laymoine Courtney, daughter, Virginia Adcock and 8 brothers.
COVEY, Birdie Howell
Death: Monday, November 13, 1933 near Forsyth
Birth:May 22, 1885 in Gatchell, Indiana
Burial: in Gatchell, Indiana
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Howell
Marriage: to Roy Covey in Gatchell on March 18, 1909
Survivors: son, Doris (sic); daughter, Nellie Covey; parents; 10 brothers & 2 sisters,
Theron Howell of Gatchell, Asa Howell of Kenny, Kirby and William Howell of Galt, Iowa,
John, Charles, and Sherry Howell of Decatur, Paul Howell of Lexington, IL, Dwight Howell
of Detroit, Jake Howell of Wellington, Kansas, Mrs. Etta Martin of Bloomington, Mrs.
Jennie Kellems of Gatchell, IND.
COWGILL, Curtis J.
Curtis J. Cowgill Sr. Theater Doorman, Dies
Curtis James Cowgill Sr., 75, of 1722 N. Edward St., died at 10 a.m.
yesterday in Decatur and Macon County Hospital after an illness of one year. He was
a doorman at the Lincoln Theater and had formerly worked for the Chicago and
Northwestern Railroad in Chicago. He was a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church and
had been affiliated with Machinist Union Local 478 for 50 years.
He was born in Warrensburg November 8, 1881, the son of Jesse and
Frances Fletcher Cowgill. He came to Decatur eight years ago from Chicago. His first
wife, the former Margaret Delahunty died in 1918. He married Edith Herbison, who died
in 1948. He then married Mary D. Matthew, Dec 29, 1949 in Decatur. He is survived by
his wife, one son Curtis Jr. of Beaver, Oklahoma, three daughters, Mrs S. L. Kellogg,
of Portland, Ore., Mrs John Temper and Mrs Frederick Havorka, of Chicago. 25
grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. Requiem High Mass will be at 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday in St. Thomas Catholic Church and burial in Calvary Cemetery. Friends may
call at the J.J. Moran & Sons Funeral Home after 7 p.m. today and Rosary will be
resifted there at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday.
Decatur Review, 1 Dec 1958, pg. 16
DeWitt C. Cowgill, one of the night police officers, died at his home
at No. 1246 North Main street, this morning at 4 oclock, aged 49 years, leaving a
widow and several children. The announcement of the death of Mr. Cowgill will occasion
general surprise. He had been ill but two days, and few knew of his sickness, which
was caused by a chronic stomach trouble contracted while in the service. He was in the
army 19 months as a member of Co.G, 41st Illinois regiment, participating in the battles
of Ft. Donelson, Ft. Henry and Corinth. He drew a pension of $18 a month for his
disability. Mr. Cowgill was a member of Dunham post 141, G.A.R. He was put on the
force last spring by Mayor Kanan, and has since been one of the most efficient members
of the police department.
Two brothers of the deceased, one at Pana, another at Rosemond, will arrive
this evening, when arrangements for the interment will be perfected.
Decatur Republican, Decatur IL, 1 Dec 1887
A description of the funeral was published in the Decatur Daily Republican,
Decatur IL, 1 Dec 1887. Mr. Cowgill died leaving a mortgage. You can read about his
brother officers helping the widow and children in an article published in the Saturday
Herald, Decatur IL, 24 Dec 1887.
COWGILL, Fayne Inez (Reed)
Born: 23 Jul 1900 in Whitmore Twp, Macon Co, IL
Died: 2 Apr 1991 in Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: John William & Dora E. (Forbes) Reed
Married: 6 Nov 1918 in St. Louis, MO to Ralph O. Cowgill
Children: Lois, Ralph, John, D'Arlene
COWGILL, Grace (Sammons)
Died: 13 May 1976 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Parents: Thomas R. & Melissa J. (Florey) Sammons
Jesse Cowgill, well known in Macon county, died Thursday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Sarah Wicklein, near Blue Mound. He was eighty-one years old last September.
His death was caused by neuritis.
Mr. Cowgill was born in Ohio in September, 1842. He was a veteran of the
Civil War and a member of Dunham Post 141, G. A. R. He had resided in or near Decatur for
many years. For the last nine months he had been making his home with his daughter near
Blue Mound. He is survived by the following children: Clarence Cowgill of Decatur, Ernest
Cowgill of Detroit, William Cowgill of Niantic, Mrs. Sarah E. Wicklein near Blue Mound,
Curtis J. Cowgill of Pierce, N. D., Robert Cowgill of Turpin Station and Mrs. Julia Rozzell
of Decatur.
The body was removed to the Dawson & Wikoff undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial.
Members of Dunham Post G. A. R. will meet in their hall at 1:30 o'clock
tomorrow to attend the funeral services of comrade Jesse Cowgill.
Submitted by:Claiborne W. Cowgill
COWGILL, John Dale
Born: 15 Jul 1927 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 16 Dec 1931 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Ralph Orestes & Faye Inez (Reed) Cowgill
COWGILL, Margaret (Delahunty)
Word of the death of Mrs. Curtis J. Cowgill of Falls City, Neb., has come in a
message to her sister, Miss Mary Delahunty. No particulars of the death were given and the news
came as a surprise to her relatives here. Her death occurred at 4:10 on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs Cowgill was formerly Miss Margaret Delahunty. She had made her home in Nebraska
since about 1912. She is survived by two children, Katherine and Curtis James Jr., her father P.
Delahunty, and two brothers and a sister, Lawrence Jr., Arthur O., and Miss Mary Delahunty all
of this city.
Miss Delahunty first recieved a message to come to Falls City, and it was followed
by a message announcing the death. The body will be brought to Decatur for burial.
Decatur Review, 14 Jan 1918, pg. 10
COWGILL, Ralph Dean
Born: 11 Jun 1922 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Died: 24 Mar 1938 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Decatur, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Ralph Orestes & Faye Inez (Reed) Cowgill
Born: 24 Aug 1898 in Macon Co, IL
Died: 28 Oct 1980
Buried: Fairlawn Cem, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Clarence O. & Bertha Cowgill
Married: 6 Nov 1918 in St. Louis, MO to Fayne Inez Reed
Children: Lois, Ralph, John, D'Arlene
COYLE, Curtis 
Accident occurred at 3:15 This Morning, When He Fell Off Platform of I.C. Switch Engine
Under Wheels of Car
Curtis St. Elmo Coyle, 1242 East Willard street, well known as a railroad man and
captain of the passenger boat Admiral Moore, on Lake Decatur, died in St. Mary's hospital Tuesday
morning shortly after 6:30 of injuried received when he fell under a moving freight car at the
Leafland street crossing of the Illinois Central railroad.
The accident occurred at 3:15 when Coyle fell off the platform of a switch engine
under the wheels of a rolling car. He had just released the coupling lever of the car to cut it
loose from the engine. Fenton Gogerty, foreman of the crew, was on the same platform and cannot
account for the fall unless Coyle had lost his balance. Both engine and car were moving with Coyle
dropping onto the track in front of the oncoming car.
He was badly mangled, losing both legs and being internally injured. His hands were
mashed and he was cut about the face. He was taken to the hospital in Moran's ambulance and did
not lose consciousness until a few minutes before he died.
Son of S.E. Coyle
Coyle has been with the Pennsylvania railroad for the last three months and before that
time worked for the same company and with a branch of the Southern Pacific in Texas. Curtis is the
son of S.E. Coyle, who for a great many years was agent for the Pennsylvaina lines at Mt. Zion and
Hindsboro, and later in Decatur. A few years ago S.E. Coyle moved to California to make his home.
Curtis Coyle was also well known in Decatur through his work to better boating conditions
on Lake Decatur. He was one of the first to enter the commercial field at the lake and started a
passenger service with his boat, the "Rah-Roy." He later outfitted the "Admiral Moore" and during the
summer months made regular trips.
He was also interested in having the Park Board build a boat house for the owners to
house their craft during the winter. He was instrumental in establishing the boat yard at the foot
of Seventh street and had done considerable work in repairing boats.
Served Two Enlistments
Coyle served two enlistments in the Navy, the first from 1908 to 1912 and later during the
war when he was with the battle fleet doing convoy duty for the army transports.
He was born July 31, 1890, in Dennison, Ill. He was married to Helen Carder, June 13,
1914, and is survived by his wife and five children, Louise, Imogene, Curtis Edward, Howard and Myrl
Kathryn. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Coyle, of San Francisco; three sisters, Mrs. Edna Moody, of
Decatur; Mrs. C.W. Husher, of Milwaukee; and Mrs. Gladys Hancock, of San Francisco, and one brother,
Harry E. Coyle, of San Francisco, also survive him.
He was a member of the Methodist church. The body was removed to the Moran funeral home
and prepared for burial. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Decatur Evening Herald, 5 Apr 1927
Swithman Falls Beneath Cars in I.C. Yards
Hopeful for Recovery Until the Last
Curtis E. Coyle, 1242 Willard avnue, switchman for the Illinois street, switchman for the
Illinois Central in the Decatur yards, was so badly cut up when ran over by car wheels at an early hour,
Tuesday morning that he died in a short time at St. Mary's hospital. The accident happened near the
Leafland avenue crossing of the I.C. Coyle and his foreman, F.E. Gogerty, were riding the rear footboard
of their switch engine, which was moving forward with some cars. The only explanation that can be
offered is that he became over balanced and fell down under the wheels of the car directly behind the
engine. Both legs and both arms were said to have been practically amputated.
Curtis St. Elmo Coyle was born in Dennison, Ill., July 31, 1890, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
F.S. Coyle of San Francisco, formerly of Decatur. He had served as a brakeman for the Pennsylvania
system, later for the Southern Pacific in Texas, and still later in the Staley yards in Decatur. He
had been employed by the Illinois Central only about ninety days before met his death.
He was a member of the Methodist church and was also well known as the owner of the
passenger boat, Admiral Moore, on Lake Decatur. He served in the United States navy from 1908 to 1912,
and also during the world war. He and Miss Helen Carder were married June 13, 1914. He is survived
by his wife and five small children: Louise, aged eleven, Imogene, aged nine; Curtis Edward, aged six;
Howard, aged four, and Myrl Kathryn, aged two years. He also leaves his parents in California, three
sisters and a brother, Mrs. B.J. Moddy of Decatur, Mrs. C.W. Husher, of Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. Gladys
Hancock and Harry E. Coyle, both of San Francisco, Cal.
Mr. Coyle was conscious almost to the very last and talked hopefully with his wife and
other members of his family, telling them that he would be all right and not to worry.
The members of the crew with whom he was working at the time of the accident were F.E.
Gogerty, B.P. Littleton and C.J. Miller. The body was removed to Moran & Sons, funeral
directors, and prepared for burial.
Decatur Review, 5 Apr 1927
WE wish to express our appreciation to friends and relatives for their sympathy, help and
floral tributes extended to us during our bereavement, the loss of husband, father, son and brother. Mrs.
Curtis E. Coyle and children, Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Coyle and family.
Decatur Evening Herlad, 12 Apr 1927
CRAIG, Lena (Querry)
Born: Aug 1887 in Oreana, Macon Co.
Died: 17 Oct 1969 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Friends Creek Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: Isaiah & Sarah J. (Strope) Querry
Married: 1 Jan 1907 to Harry Craig
CRAIG, Mrs. Mary
Mrs. Mary Craig, wife of D.W. Craig, died Thursday at her home in Maroa. The
funeral was held at the residence yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. H.S. Mavity of Kenney
preached the sermon. Mrs. Craig was one of the oldest residents of Maroa. A husband and several
grown children are left.
Daily Review (Decatur), 26 June 1892
CRAIN, Mrs. Virgil (Jennie Bishop)
Death: Wednesday, January 4, 1967 in Decatur & Macon County Hospital
Birth: May 24, 1877
Burial: Atwood Cemetery, Atwood, IL
Parents: Alban A. and Adelia Nelson Bishop
Marriage: to Virgil Crain, Sept 15, 1917 in Decatur...he died in 1944
Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Robert (Madolyn) Leake of Decatur; son, Norville of Florida;
Sister, Miss Adelia Bishop of Decatur; 2 grandchildren; two sons and a brother and sister
preceded her in death.
CRANDALL, Christopher C.
C.C. Crandall Dies in Home Early Today
Maroa, Oct. 21 - C.C. Crandall, for forty-eight years a resident of Maroa,
died at his home here this morning at 5:45 o'clock after a lingering illness of uraemic
Mr. Crandall was born near Chillicothe, O., Aug. 23, 1841, and came to
Illinois at the age of eleven years, settling in this vicinity, being a resident of Maroa
township since the civil war in 1862.
The deceased has been police magistrate for the past six years and was
justice of the peace for twenty-five years prior to that.
He was a prominent member of the G.A.R., was well known in this community
and had a brilliant memory of the war times upon which he conversed freely. He had a wide
acquaintance throughout the part of Macon county.
Besides a wife he leaves two sons, Claude of Waterloo, Ia., and Paul of
Scales Mound. He also leaves the following sisters and brothers, Mrs. Albert Gesseman of
Decatur, Mrs. Susan Bowden of Maroa, Washington Crandall of Lisbon, N.D., and Perry Crandall
of Merced, Cal.
The funeral probably will be held Friday forenoon. Burial will be at the
Chandler cemetery ten miles east of Maroa. Justice Crandall was well read and often times
when he was given to talk, he would demonstrate that he had read far more than the average
man. He was something of a philosopher by nature and many times surprised his auditors by
his remarks showing knowledge about ancient characters in history and fiction.
During the long period that Mr. Crandall served Maroa as justice of the peace,
he acquired a good understanding of law. He also supplemented his experience in legal
matters by reading so that he had a thorough understanding of the principles on which the
law rests.
Mr. Crandall was a veteran of the civil war and served in the company of
which the late M.F. Kanan was captain. He was taken a prisoner and suffered the inhuman
treatment that many others suffered in the terrible Libby and Andersonville prisons.
A student of nature, Mr. Crandall gained a reputation as a horticulturalist
in Maroa. He had several hotbeds at his home and kept the village well supplied with
potted plants and other flowers. He had a varied collection and made a study of plant life.
Thirteen or fourteen years ago Mr. Crandall was summoned as a witness in the
circuit court in Decatur. On cross examination the attorneys tried for hours to confuse
the Maroa justice, and to get him to tell something he either did not know or did not care
to divulge. Judge Vail was on the bench and Attorney I.A. Buckingham was one of the attorneys
in the case who was trying to get the answer out of Crandall. After Judge Vail had questioned
Mr. Crandall without procuring the answer he remarked to Attorney Buckingham, "Buckingham,
you can do nothing with him and I do not seem to be able to do as well as you have; I guess
we will have to give him up."
The Decatur Review, 21 Oct 1914
CRAW, Lucy R.
Sadorus Woman Had Been in Hospital Over Eight Weeks
Mrs. Lucy R. Craw of Sadorus died at 7:30 Sunday morning at St. Mary's
hospital. Her death was caused by disease resulting in dropsy, with wich she had suffered
for some time. She had been at the hospital for over eight weeks. Her age was seventy-one
years and eight months. She was an old resident of Sadorus, having made her home there
from 1864 till about a year ago, when she went to Cerro Gordo. Her husband, Charles W.
Craw, died twenty years ago.
She is survived by three daughters and four sons, Mrs. D.W. Smith of Muskogee,
Okla., Mrs. Nellie Gelser of Hot Springs, Ark., Mrs. Leda J. Dilling of Alvin, Tex., James
W. Craw of Sadorus, John W. Craw of Champaign, Elmer Craw of Sidell and Sylvester Craw of
Cerro Gordo.
The body was taken to the Dawson & Co. undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial and will be sent to Sadorus Tuesday. The funeral will probably be held
there at 10:30 Wednesday morning.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 9 Aug 1909
Jessie, the youngest daughter of W.B. Craycroft, died at the family residence
in Mt. Zion on Wednesday, Nov. 2. She had been ill of the grippe last March and never
recovered from the effects of the disease. The funeral will be held at Shady Grove Friday,
Nov. 4 at 11 o'clock a.m. Rev. Auer will conduct the services and the remains will be
interred at Mr. Gilead.
The Weekly Herald Despatch (Decatur), 5 Nov 1892
An Old and Wealthy Citizen Passed Away This Afternoon
William B. Craycroft, one of the oldest and best known farmers of Macon county,
died today of heart failure at his home in Riverside Place, aged 68 years. Mr. Craycroft had
been suffering with an attack of the grip and this morning at 3 o'clock his heart became seriously
affected. He became unconscious and remained in that state until he died at 1:30 p.m.
The deceased was born in the south and came to Macon county when a boy. He spent
most of his life in Wheatland township where before his last second marriage he was the owner of
600 acres of land. He leaves a widow and five children by his first wife, two daughters and
three sons. He had deeded to each of his children 40 acres. He also owned a farm in Moultrie
Decatur Republican, 16 Feb 1897
The funeral of William E. Craycroft was held at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon from
the family residence in Riverside Place and was largely attended. The services were conducted by
Rev. D.F. Howe of the First M.E. church and were under Masonic auspices. Ionic lodge, No. 312,
A.F. and A.M., attended in a body. The interment was at Mt. Gilead cemetery.
The Daily Review, 19 Feb 1897
CREWES, Christopher
Christopher Crewse, an inmate of the poor house, who has been insane for six
or seven years, died last night rather suddenly. He will be buried this afternoon without
any ceremony.
Decatur Daily Republican, Tuesday, 20 Apr 1875
CRISSEY, Mattie A.
Mrs. Mattie A. Crissey, wife of Samuel B. Crissey, was born in Terre Haute,
Ind., Feb 12, 1850, was married in St. Louis, Mo., March 5, 1868, died Dec. 3, 1878, at
8 a.m., aged 23 years, 9 months and 21 days. She was ever a loving and affectionate
wife, a kind and loving mother and true and sincere friend to all with whom she was
Decatur Republican, 11 Dec 1873
W.S. Crissey, an old and well known resident of this township, died at his home
on West Prairie street at about nine o’clock last evening. The deceased was seventy-five years
old and leaves three sons and several daughters.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 3 Apr 1886
The news of the death of Rev. W.S. Crissey was received too late on Friday
evening to give more than brief mention of the fact in yesterday morning’s paper. The deceased
was born in Salisbury, Connecticut, April 21st, 1811. In 1815 his parents, who were
Presbyterians, moved to Cincinnati, where at the age of ten years the deceased was converted to
the Methodist faith. His parents died three years after removing to Cincinnati and in 1823 Rev.
Crissey went with his uncle to Louisville and two years later to Bloomington, Indiana. Upon
removing to Paris, Ill., in 1829 he was licensed to preach and a year later was received into
the conference. Rev. Crissey preached the first Methodist sermon ever delivered in Decatur in
1831 and removed here about 1834. In 1843 he quit preaching and five years later opened a drug,
grocery and book store in an old frame building located on the site now occupied by Quinn & Seeforth.
He followed the business until 1860 when he transferred the business to his sons. At the breaking
out of the war he became the chaplin of the 115th Ill. Regiment of which the late J.H. Moore was
colonel. The history of the different appointments he filled in his early days is a long one.
They were the days in Illinois that tried men’s souls but Rev. Crissey was always found ready and
faithful in the discharge of his duties, and as a preacher will be remembered by many old settlers
throughout the state. At the time of his death he was in his seventy-fifth year. His health has
been feeble for several years, and on Tuesday last he was taken with a severe chill. On Thursday
his condition was improved and it was hoped he would recover, but on Friday he became weaker and at
four o’clock was unconscious, remaining so until death ended his well-spent and eventful life. His
wife died in 1869, but five children are left to revere the memory of their beloved father. They are
W.E. Crissey, of Windsor, Missouri, Samuel B. Crissey, of Cerro Gordo, Illinois, Truman S. Crissey
and Maggie Crissey, of Decatur, and Mrs. Ruth Cornell, of Chicago. The funeral will take place this
afternoon at half past three o’clock from the First Methodist church, and the services will be
conducted by Rev. T.I. Coultas, Rev. J.P. Dimmitt and others.
The funeral of Rev. W.S. Crissey will take place this afternoon at three o’clock
from the First Methodist church.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 4 Apr 1886
Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at three o’clock at the First Methodist
church, over the remains of the late W.S. Crissey. The attendance was very large, many aged people
being present to pay the last sad tribute to the departed pioneer minister. The funeral sermon
was preached by Rev. T.I. Coultas, who chose for his text, "For Me to Live is Christ, and to Die is
Gain," – Phillipians I:xxi. The pastor paid a fitting tribute eulogy to the life and services of
the deceased, closing by reading a biographical sketch of his life and services in the Methodist
church. Rev. J.R. Locke and Rev. F.W. Neidermeyer also made short addresses. The choir, composed
of Messrs. J.A. Dawson, Milton Johnson, Mrs. J.P. Boyd and Miss Ruth Hammer, furnished music. There
were many beautiful floral offerings. The pall bearers were Messrs. Michael Elson, J.R. Gorin, E.S.
Roe, Henry Lunn, George W. Bright and R.W. Shull. The remains were interred at Greenwood cemetery,
and were followed thither by many people, including members of Dunham Post, No. 141, G.A.R.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sunday, 6 Apr 1886
CRIST, Conrad
At his late residence, in the northeastern part of this city, on the morning of the
28th inst., Mr. Conrad Crist, aged about 55 years. Mr. Crist was an honest, generous, upright man,
and his friends and acquaintances will sadly miss him. He leaves a wife and one child.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 28 Jan 1875
The funeral obsequies of Samuel Christen was largely attended yesterday. The
body was taken in charge by the members of the Turner organization - deceased being one of its
honored members. The band was in full uniform, and led the procession, playing a solemn dirge.
The Turner's society was out in full numbers and in full regalia, preceding the remains as they
were borne to their last resting place. The hearse containing the body was flanked on either side
by a body guard with drawn swords. Following the hearse was a long procession of friends and
citizens, the entire cortege making an imposing appearance.
The remains were taken to Greenwood cemetery, where they were deposited according
to the rites and usages of the Turner society. After the coffin was lowered into the grave, an
eloquent eulogy was pronounced in honor of deceased by Mr. H. Metz, after which the large audience
separated, and the procession returned to Turner Hall in Opera block.
Daily Republican, Decatur, IL, 18 Jan 1875
Yesterday afternoon, a telegram came to Rufus C. Crocker, announcing the death of
his venerable father, who has been in very feeble health, at Maroa, for some months past.
John Crocker was born in Derry, New Hampshire, August 2, 1804. In 1839 he moved to
Jacksonville, this state, where he resided until the fall of 1853, when he moved to Maroa, and took
charge of the Illinois Central railway station there as agent, and has resided in that place ever
since. When he settled there, that part of Macon County was an unbroken prairie, there being no
house within many miles of the station, and the wolves often howled around the house at night.
In a few years, families began to settle around him, and being a very zealous
Chrisitian and devoted member of the Presbyterian church, he soon succeeded in having a society
organized, and a church built, and was its first ruling elder.
In his day, he has been one of the most active, energetic, successful, prudent and
honest business men of the county, and has contributed more to build up and advance the interests
of Maroa than all the rest of its citizens, so much so that he is looked upon as the father of the
town, and is loved, honored and revered by all who knew him.
At an early day, he entered a great deal of land in this section, engaged in the
lumber, grain, hardware and banking business, in connection with his son in later years, and by
prudence, economy and honesty, amassed a large fortune.
In 1874, his wife died, and is buried __roa, at Jacksonville.
There survive him two sons - John H. Crocker, of Maroa and Rufus C. Crocker, of this city, and one
daughter - Mrs. Abbie W. Percy of Chatham, New York.
The time of the funeral is not yet fixed, nor the place of interment.
He was an honest, upright and true man, a consistent christian, a good citizen, a
loving and faithful husband, and will be sadly missed. As had lived right, he died peacefully
and well.
Decatur Review, 7 April 1879
CROCKER, William R. 
William R. Crocker died at 3 oclock Monday morning at the family residence,
1837 North Church Street. He was 58 years of age and leaves a wife and five children.
The children are W. F.; C.M.; I.F.; A.C.; and Sarah A. Crocker, all of Decatur. The funeral
will be held from the residence at 10 oclock this forenoon under the auspices of the G.A.R.
Rev. J. D. Jordan will officiate. The interment will be at Greenwood.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 19 Mar 1895
CRONK, Frank 
Frank Cronk a young farmer of near Rowell, died at his home at 10:05
oclock Saturday night, aged twenty-nine years. He was a retuned soldier and was
with the American forces in France for thirteen months. While in France he was gassed,
and also suffered a severe attack of influenza. He has been in poor health ever since
his return to America.
Mr. Cronk was born Jan 17, 1891. Most of his life had been spent near
Decatur and Maroa. He served twenty months in the world war. He and Miss Sophia Ke__ker
of Wapelia were married March 15, 1920. He leaves a wife, two brothers and a sister.
The funeral is being held at the Christian Church in Maroa this afternoon under the
auspices of the American Legion.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Monday, 20 Sep 1920, pg. 11
CROSS, George L. 
Was 91 Yean Old, Married 65 Years
Argenta, July 8George J. Cross, aged 91 'died at 4:30 Thursday afternoon,
after a lingering illness. He was born in Dewitt County and has been a life long resident
of Macon and Dewitt counties. On July 24, 1856, Georges J. Cross and Miss Sarah Roberts
were united in marriage. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1906 and
have held family reunions every succeeding year since on the same date.
Besides his wife, Mr. Cross leaves five children, A. J. Cross of Weldon,
Mrs. Myrtle Bell of Decatur. Mrs. E. P. Nelson, Mrs. Nicholas Berkler and J. A. Cross of
Argenta; three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett of Lane, Ill, Mrs, Nancy Haffinger of
Clinton and Mrs. Iva Bennett of Maroa. There are also twenty-two grandchildren and seventeen
great grandchildren.
Mr. Cross was a veteran of the Civil war and was in the 117 Illinois Infantry.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the United Brethren church in
Argenta, Rev. O.C. Taylor officiating. Burial will be in Friends Creek cemetery.
Decatur Daily Review, Decatur, Illinois, Friday, 8 Jul 1921, pg. 3
CROSS, Solomon 
Solomon Cross died of smallpox at Maroa early Friday morning. Cross was a
neighbor of Dan Knight who died there recently and when that death occurred he assisted the
undertaker in caring for the remains. Both of the men contracted what is said to be the
smallpox. The disease with which Knight died is said to have been diagnosed as scurvy.
The Maroa people now say that it was smallpox and that the disease was contracted in
Cross was a veteran of the Civil War and a man nearly seventy years old.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 24 May 1904
CROWDER, Marshall Marion
Born: Mar 12, 1850
Died: 12 Sep 1914
Buried: Bethany Cem., Moultrie Co, IL
Married: Aug 17, 1887 in Dalton City, Moultrie Co, IL to Mary E. "Molly" Black
CROWDER, Mary "Mollie" (Black)
Born: May 26, 1867 in Mt. Zion Twp., Macon Co.
Died: 27 Oct 1926 in Bethany, Moultrie Co, IL
Buried: Bethany Cem., Moultrie Co, IL
Parents: Jacob F. & Margaret Jane (Scott) Black
Married: Aug 17, 1887 in Dalton City, Moultrie Co, IL to Marshall Marion Crowder
CROWELL, Colonel Seth E. 
Colonel S. E. Crowell (Seth) dropped dead in the wholesale grocery house of
Mueller, Platt and Wheatland Thursday morning shortly after 10 oclock. The summons came
without warning.
Mr. Crowell walked into the store, talked with one of the firm, accepted a
cigar and stood in front of the radiator for a few moments and then dropped dead. Mr. Crowell
was an old and highly respected citizen of Maroa. He had been in the grocery business at
different times for a number of years and lately had been manager of W. R. Caries store at
Maroa. He came to Decatur to buy goods.
When Mr. Crowell entered the grocery house on North Water street, Mr. Mueller
greeted him and offered him a cigar. Mr. Crowell accepted the cigar and said he would stand
by the radiator for a moment and Mr. Mueller told him to get warm and he would finish some
work at his desk.
In a few moments, Mr. Mueller looked up from his desk and saw that Mr. Crowell
was leaning forward with his hand on the desk. Mr. Mueller asked if he was ill, but there
was no answer and Mr. Crowell fell over and was dead in a few moments. Dr. J. B. King was
called at once, but there was no hope of reviving the man. Heart disease was the cause of
Mr. Crowell was nearly 80 years old and lately has not been in the best of
health, but a few moments before his death he did not show any signs of feeling indisposed.
The body was removed to the Wikoff & Moran undertaking rooms and Coroner Dawson was notified
and held an inquest at 1:30 oclock in the afternoon. A message was at once sent to the
relatives at Maroa and some of the family came to Decatur on the first train. The body will
be taken to Maroa.
Colonel Crowell was a veteran of the Civil War. He was a native of Ohio and
is survived by a son, Loyal Crowell and a daughter Lottie who is married and lives at Clinton.
He also leaves three sisters Mrs. Peter M. Wikoff, Mrs. T. N. Leartt and Mrs. Elizabeth
Crowell, all of Maroa.
The Daily Review, Decatur Illinois, 18 Dec 1902
Opal Crubaugh, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Crubaugh, dieda t 6:40 Friday
morning at the family residence, 12 North Clinton street, aged 8 weeks. The funeral will be held
at 10:30 Saturday morning from the residence. Interment will be in Greenwood cemetery.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 4 Oct 1907
CRUM, Jonas L.
The death of Jonas L. Crum occurred Monday morning at 4 o'clock at his residence, 837
West Decatur street. Old age was the cause, Mr. Crum being 80 years old. Beside his wife, he leaves
five daughters, Mrs. Mary Levan, Miss Sarah Crum, Mrs. Amanda Hocker, Mrs. Lovina Kater and Mrs.
Emma Kater.
Mr. Crum was born in Pennsylvania, where he lived on a farm. In 1895 he came to Decatur
and resided on a farm four miles south of Decatur, and later moved to Decatur, where he lead a retired
Funeral services will be held at the Crum home on West Decatur street at noon, Wednesday.
The interment will be at the Mt. Gilead cemetery near Elwin at 2 o'clock. Members of the family ask
that no flowers be sent.
The Daily Review, Decatur, IL, 7 Oct 1907
CULLEN, Robert
Robert Cullen, aged 35 years, was found dead in his bed Sunday morning at his
home four miles east of Decatur. He was a farmed and with his brother, William Cullen, lived
on a farm. The brother got up Sunday morning and found the man dead in bed. The coroner was
notified and Deputy Coroner Fred Perry went to the place and held an inquest. It developed in
the evidence that Cullen had been ailing for the past week and had heart trouble. The jury
returned a verdict that he came to his death from natural causes, probably rheumatism of the
Cullen had lived on the farm nearly all of his life and since his parents died he
and his brother have been living alone on the place. The funeral will be held Wednesday
morning from St. Patrick's Catholic church and the burial will be at Calvary cemetery.
Decatur Herald, 26 Jan 1904
CULP, Nellie (Sharpe)
The funeral of Mrs. Wilmer E. Culp of Warrensburg was held at the Illini
church at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W.C. Dando officiated, assisted by Rev. Mr.
The death of Mrs. Culp occurred Sunday noon in Dr. Norbury's sanitarium in
Jacksonville. The body was brought to her home in Warrensburg Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Culp was born in Maysville, Ill., June 11, 1891. She had lived in or
near Warrensburg the greater part of her life, and was well known in that community. She
had a beautiful voice and was often called on to sing. She is survived by her husband,
Wilmer E. Culp, a four year old son, Preston; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Sharpe;
two sisters, Mrs. Howard R. Culp and Leane Sharpe; and one brother, Charles E. Sharpe, who
is in the service in France.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 12 Mar 1919
CULVER, Jane Louisa (Williams)
Suffered a Stroke of Paralysis
Mrs. Jane Culver is dying at her home, 221 West William street. Last night about 8
o'clock she suffered a stroke of paralysis and has been growing weaker steadily. It is believed she
cannot last through the night. Her grandson, Dr. Leslie Schwab, of Chicago, was telegraphed for
and arrived this morning.
Mrs. Culver is the mother of E.R. Culver and Mrs. F.J. Blaine.
The Decatur Review, 13 Jan 1903
Mrs. Jane Culver, One of the Oldest Residents of Decatur, Succumbs to Stroke of Apoplexy
Funeral Services This Afternoon at Central Church of Christ
Mrs. Jane L. Culver, one of the oldest and best known residents of Decatur, died Sunday
morning, at 5:30 o'clock at the Culver homestead, 221 West William street, where she had lived for
nearly half a century. She was in her seventy-ninty year.
Mrs. Culver suffered a stroke of apoplexy on the night of Monday, January 12. The
following day she rallied somewhat and continued to improve until Thursday when another stroke
supervened and she became unconscious about 6 o'clock Friday evening and never revived.
Mrs. Culver's maiden name was Jane Louisa Williams and she was born April 24, 1921
in Spottsylvania county, Virginia. With her parents she came to Illinois in 1826, and they
settled in Macon county, where they resided on the old Spangler farm east of this city. Her
father, P.D. Williams, was a contractor and built the first house in Decatur. It stood on the
corner now occupoed by the Burnett hardware store. The children attended school in Decatur and
R.J. Oglesby, E.O. Smith, Jasper Peddecord and many others have long since departed this life,
were their schoolmates.
Mrs. Culver was married when she was 16 years old on May 12, 1849, to Isaac Watts
Culver and for a time they resided at the home farm, moving later to another farm east of there.
About eight years later they came to Decatur and resided on East Main street. In the fall of
1852 Mr. Culver commenced building the residence at 221 West William street which the family
occupied while it was still partly unfinished in the spring of 1853. Mr. Culver died the
following summer. He was a contractor and built many of the first houses of this city. The old
house which still stands in the pasture back of Millikin place was built by him and was one
of the fine houses of the city. He also built many of the larger bridges of that day.
After the death of her husband, Mrs. Culver devoted herself to rearing her
children who grew up here and several of whom reside here.
She had lived for fifty years in the house where she died and had shared the
place with her daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Blaine.
The other children were Mrs. Fred Schwab who died in 1873; Silas Culver, who
died in 1879; and Mrs. Lizzie Moore, and Elmer Culver all of whom reside in this city. Seven
grandchildren also survive her. Dr. Leslie Schwab of Chicago; Daniel Moore of Peoria; Mrs.
Ruth Sigmon of Auburn; and Mrs. Raymond Snyder, Miss Annette Moore and Roy Moore, who reside
in Decatur.
She was a member of the Central Church of Christ, which she joined when a
young girl. Throughout her long life she was an enthusiastic Sunday school worker and
never missed a service if possible for her to get out.
Among some old papers which Mrs. Culver had preserved for a number of years was
found some invitations to social events when she was a young girl. These social events
occurred nearly seventy years ago. One invitation was printed. At that time no doubt it
was looked upon as strictly up to date, but even at a glance at it now brings a
reminiscent mood. The function was known as the "Union Ball" and it was held at the home
of J.H. Elliott on the night of December 26, 1837. Printed at the bottom as the managers
of the dance were the names of W.G. Reddick, Richard Oglesby, J.P. Hickox, S.B. Dewees,
J.S. Adamson, H. Prather, Henry Snyder, Robert Barnett, E.O. Smith, J. Williams, and
H.M. Gorin.
Afternoon and evening parties were then in vogue and in other invitations
either 3 o'clock or 5 o'clock p.m. were named as the hour. One of the dances was held
at the Decatur house on the night of December 25, 1839. Another was at the Decatur
Hotel on the evening of July 6, 1837. Still another was at the home of Jesse Butler on
the afternoon of the Friday following, December 29, 1836.
The deceased had two sons, one of whom served in the Union army as a
member of the 63rd Volunteers. In the four years of his service he did not have a
furlough to come home.
The funeral will be held at the Edward street Chrsitian church on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Marion Stevenson of Chicago, formerly pastor of that
church, will conduct the services.
Decatur Herald, Tuesday, 20 Jan 1903
CULVER, Silas 
The funeral of Silas Culver occurred from his late residence in this city,
yesterday afternoon, at four o'clock. He was about forty years of age, and was a faithful
soldier in an Illinois regiment during the war of the rebellion.
Decatur Review, 7 April 1879
CUNDIFF, Harold Wayne
Born: 26 Jan 1899 in Coffeen
Died: 8 Oct 1954 in Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery, Macon Co.
Parents: Charles & Zulah Cundiff
Married: Dec 15, 1920 in Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL to Ruth Lichtenberger
CUNDIFF, Ruth (Lichtenberger)
Born: Oct 30, 1900in Oakley, Macon Co.
Died: 3 Mar 1980 in Lakeshore Manor, Decatur, Macon Co.
Buried: Fairlawn Cemetery, Macon Co, IL
Parents: George Warren & Lenora (Goodpasture) Lichtenberger
Married: Dec 15, 1920 in Springfield, Sangamon Co, IL to Harold Wayne Cundiff
CURRAN, Aldyth Jane
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. William Curran, of 912 North Edward
street, died Wednesday, April 15, aged 10 months. Bronchial pneumonia was the cause of
death. The funeral will be held today.
Decatur Herald, 16 Apr 1903
CURRAN, Elizabaeth
Mrs. Elizabeth Curran a Remarkable Woman - Born in Ireland in 1818
Mrs. Elizabeth Curran died at 6:15 Monday morning at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. C.M. Barnett, 745 North Edward street. The death of Mrs. Curran marks
the passing of a remarkable old woman. She was over 91 years old, she never suffered a
day in her life from disease, and she never took a single dose of medicine. She simply
ran down like a piece of machinery.
Ten years ago she fell and injured her hip and she was never able to walk
after that, but she got around in an invalid chair. Before she was injured she was remarkably
spry and active. When she finally took to her bed seventeen weeks ago it was because she
was weak, not because she had any specific disease. She retained possession of all her
faculties, but her physical system just ran down. She would not take any medicine, and it
would not have done any good had she taken it. She knew that and her relatives knew it.
It was her time to go.
She was born Dec. 10, 1818, in County Monahan, Ireland, the year Illinois was
admitted to the union. She came to America in 1836 and later moved to Niantic. She came
to Decatur forty-three years ago. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom are
living. They are Mrs. Eddie Coyle of San Jose, Cal., Mrs. Melvin of St. Louis, Frank
Curran of Decatur, Mrs. W.R. Best of Kansas City, Henry Curran of Decatur, Mrs. C.M. Barnett
of Decatur, and Mrs. Nellie Carroll of Decatur. All the children were with her when she
died except Mrs. Coyle. She also leaves seventeen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Her husband, Patrick Curran, died in 1870.
Mrs. Curran was known to all the older residents of Decatur as "Grandma"
Curran. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church. For seventeen years she
resided with Mrs. Nellie Carroll, and for the past two years she made her home with
Mrs. Barnett.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 9 Aug 1909
Old Commercial Traveler Was Street Superintendant Two Years
Frank Curran, at one time street superintendant of Decatur, died at 9:10
Tuesday night at the hospital in Jacksonville. The body was brought back to Decatur
Frank Curran was a commerical traveler for many years. In 1905 and 1906
he served as superintendant of streets for the city of Decatur under Mayor George W.
Lehman. He has been in poor healthy for a long time, and in April, 1908, he was taken
to the sanitarium at Jacksonville. For a while he showed rapid improvement and was able
to come back to Decatur. He remained here about three months but at the end of that
time his condition was such that he had to be taken back. He never got any better after
Mr. Curran was born in New York, about fifty-four years ago. He is survived
by his wife, Mrs. Bridget Curran of 897 West Leafland avenue, and the following children:
Charlie Curran, Miss Jlia Curran, Harry Curran, Miss Nellie Curran and Frank Curran, Jr.
He also leaves five sisters and one brother, Mrs. E.J. Coyle of San Jose, Cal., Mrs. Melvin
of St. Louis, Mrs. W.R. Best of Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Charles M. Barnett, Mrs. Nellie
Carroll and Henry Curran, all of Decatur.
For many years Mr. Curran traveled by wagon, selling staples to the farmers.
He traveled all over the state in this way and he became widely known.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Mar 1910
The funeral of Frank Curran will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning at St.
Patrick's Catholic church. The interment will be at Calvary.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Mar 1910
The time of the funeral of Frank Curran, who died Tuesday, has been changed
from 9 o'clock Friday morning to 8 o'clock.
The Daily Review (Decatur), 2 Mar 1910
CURRIER, Sylvester M.
Born: Abt. 1822, NH
Died: 30 August 1894 Macon Co., IL
Married: 15 November 1846 Grafton Co., NH to Phylura Cox. Married 2)Louisa --.
Children: Clarence, Charles, Georgiana
The will of the late Sylvester M. Currier, of Argenta, was presented in the county
court today for probate. After the payment of all debts and funeral expenses it is directed the
property be given to the widow to Clarence B. Currier, Charles M. Currier and Georgiana W. Deaton.
The testator's watch and chain are given to Charles Currier. The executor is Clarence H. Currier
without bail.
Decatur Daily Republican, 4 September 1894
CURRY, William 
William Curry, 55, 1214 East Eldorado street, for eleven years night watchman
at Staley’s company and known to many of the employee as “Scotty” died in the Decatur Macon
county hospital Monday evening at 10:30 o’clock after an illness of nearly three years duration.
He had been in the hospital for the past two months and his death resulted from complications.
Mr. curry was born in Scotland, March 17, 1872, and came to Decatur about 2 years
ago. He was married to Mrs. Margaret Munster Jan 11, 1923. Besides his wife he leaves one
stepson, T.P. Munster of Decatur. He was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic church, and of
the Holy Name society of that church.
The body was removed to the Moran funeral home and prepared for burial. Funeral
arrangements will be announced later.
Decatur Evening Herald, Decatur IL, 16 Aug 1927
NOTE: According to an article published in the Decatur Evening Herald on 18 Aug
1927, the funeral was held at 9 o’clock at the St. Patrick’s Catholic church and officiated
by Rev. J. Murphy. The burial was in Calvary cemetery.
CURTIS, Clenna
DIED - At the family residence in Bement, Aug. 12, of congestion of the lungs, Clenna,
infant daughter of C.P. and Lona Curtis, aged 8 months and 16 days. The funeral occurred Thursday.
Decatur Herald, 15 Aug 1885
CURTIS, Dr. Ira B. 
Dr. Ira B. Curtis died this morning at 1:36 oclock at his room in the Brunswick
hotel. He has been ill for the past ten days. His illness being the result of a paralytic
stroke received years ago. In past years he has passed safely through attacks of illness
similar to the one that has just ended in death, and this fact led many of his friends to
hope that he would be spared. But a few days ago his family and attendants realized that
such was not to the case. The sufferer became unconscious and it was only at brief intervals
that he could see and recognize those about him. All day yesterday and up till his death
he was unconscious. The end came peacefully and closed a life of patient suffering such as
seldom witnessed. Few men could have borne what Dr. Curtis did. It was the indomitable
willpower alone that extended his life so long. For nearly thirty years his lower extremities
have been paralyzed and the nature of his disease was such as entailed periods of most intense
suffering, but he never lost courage. Dr. Curtis was one of the best known men in the city.
Socially he was kindly and pleasant. He loved his family and cherished the friendship of his
acquaintances. The stroke of paralysis which left him a cripple for life necessitated the
use of a rolling chair and in it the doctor was a familiar figure. In the office of justice
of the peace, which he held for some many years, he was considered the best this township
ever had. The lawyers unite in saying that. His long experience gave him an understanding
of the law which few men in his position attain.
Dr. Ira B. Curtis was among the oldest residents of Decatur. He was born in
Delaware County, Ohio Oct. 18, 1823 and was therefore in the 68th year of his age. His early
education was received in that county. At the age of 12 years he came to Illinois with his
parents who settled at Round Prairie, near Springfield. In 1836 the family removed to Coles
county, settling near Oakland. At the age of 17 years, Dr. Curtis left home with a cash
capital of twenty-five cents to make his own way in the world. He came at once to Decatur
and for a time made his home with his sister, Mrs. Kirby Benedict, and attended school here.
In 1842, he went back to Coles county and for a time taught school, but in 1848 he came back
to Decatur and entered the office of Dr. Joseph King to study medicine for which profession
he had conceived a great liking. In 1846 he entered the University of Missouri at St. Louis.
After one course of lectures he came to Decatur and formed a partnership with Dr. King, but
in 1848 he returned to college for his final course of lectures and graduated in 1849. Dr.
Curtis made his own way through college. After graduating, he settled at Taylorsville which
was then considered a town with better prospects than Decatur. On July 10, 1849, he was
married to Jane Butler, of this city and to the couple five children were born. Dr. Curtis
practiced medicine at Taylorsville for seven years. In 1856, he returned to Decatur and for
a year he was associated with Dr. W. J. Chenoweth in the practice of medicine. At the breaking
out of the war he was in active practice in February 1862, he went to the front at the request
of Governor Yates to assist in the care of soldiers who had been wounded at the storming of
Fort Donelson. He was afterwards at Cairo doing similar work to Mound City to help care for
the wounded brought from Shiloh. At this point he was in charge of a large hospital with 1000
wounded soldiers under his care. There were days and nights at a time that he scarcely slept
at all owing to the lack of sufficient surgical assistance. The exertion was beyond human
endurance. Dr. Curtis was stricken with paralysis and for a week was lying helpless in his
bed, his life in the balance, he directed the affairs of the hospital. He was brought home
and the mistake of a druggist in giving him corrosive sublimate instead of a harmless drug
farther endangered his life. Five physicians told him he would die in a few hours, but Dr.
Curtis protested that he would recover and he did, but his physical condition prevented his
resuming his practice. In 1863, he was elected county treasurer by the republicans in the
face of a big democratic majority. He held that office for six years or three successive
terms. Afterwards he made a special study of the eye and ear and for a time practiced that
specialty in medicine. In 1877 he was elected justice of the peace to which office he has
been repeatedly re-elected since and was holding at the time of his death. In politics, Dr.
Curtis was republican and his first vote being cast for Wm. Henry Harrison in 1840.
Dr. Curtis made his way through life by reason of his own energy and despite
his infirmity which beset him in his early life he amassed a competence. Of the five
children born to Dr. Curtis and wife, two with their mother survive him. They are Otto E.
and Frank Curtis. His life has been a remarkable one. He was a man with positive convictions
and he never failed to express his opinion, no matter whether he was on the popular side or
not. Not with standing his physical disability, he found much in life to enjoy and he made
the most of it.
Herald Despatch, Decatur Illinois, 16 Dec 1891
Member Board of Supervisors Cancer Victim
At Niantic; Well Known Throughout County
John A. Cussins of Niantic, veteran member of the Macon county board of supervisors
and member of the Niantic Telephone comapny, died at 10 o'clock Saturday afternoon at St. Mary's
hospital in Decatur. His death was caused by cancer of the stomach. He had been in failing
health for a year, but was able to get around until a few weeks ago. Since that time he failed
A week or two ago he was overcome by weakness while on the streets of Niantic and
had to be taken home. He was not able to walk about much after that. A few days ago he was
brought to St. Mary's hospital, but it was known that his days were numbered.
Mr. Cussins was born near Zanesville, O., about sixty-five years ago. The family
moved to Macon county when he was a small boy. For many years he has lived at Niantic. He was
progressive and public spirited and a man of strong character. He was a member of the board
of supervisors as far back as twenty-two years ago, serving at various times, and for the
past twelve years he had served on the board continuously. He was a member of the abstract
committee ever since the tract index was started by the county, and was often on fees and
salaries committee. He was known all over the county and was one of the most influential
members of the board.
At Niantic Mr. Cussins was postmaster for a number of years and also conducted
the general store in which the postoffice was located.
He is survived by three brothers, Attorney W.T. Cussins and Dr. J.S.C. Cussins,
both of Decatur, and Samuel E. Cussins of Owaneco. He also leaves five children, Mrs. Walter
Graves and Miss Pearl Cussins, of Dakota, Hervey Cussins and Miss Ruth Cussins of Niantic,
and Mrs. Laura Dilley, who lives in Indiana.
The body was removed to the Brintlinger & Son undertaking establishment and
prepared for burial.
No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral of Mr. Cussins, but it will
not be held before Tuesday.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Sasturday Evening, 18 Oct 1913, pg. 1
Mr. Cussins died at 2:50 Sunday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Laura
A. Perry, 826 North Water street. His death was due to the infirmities of age. He resided here
for fifty years or more. He is survived by his wife and four children, two sons, Eugene and
Grant Cussins, and two daughters, Mrs. Laura A. Perry, at whose home he died, and Mrs. I.W. Wikoff,
all of Decatur. He also leaves twelve grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the residence. The
interment will be at Mt. Gilead cemetery.
Daily Review, Decatur, IL, Monday Evening, 7 Feb 1910
P.O. BOX 1548
DECATUR, IL 62525-1548
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